EMNEKATALOG - Det teologiske Menighetsfakultetet

EMNEKATALOG - Det teologiske Menighetsfakultetet

EMNEKATALOG - Det teologiske Menighetsfakultetet


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Emnekatalog: SAM5120<br />

SAM5120 - Religion, Culture and Global Issues<br />

Emneansvarlig:<br />

Tormod Engelsviken (Tormod.Engelsviken@mf.no)<br />

Studiepoeng: 10<br />

Undervisningstermin:<br />

Høst<br />

Studieprogramtilhørighet: Master in Religion, Society and Global Issues<br />

Avdelingstilhørighet:<br />

Avdelingsråd for religion og samfunn<br />

Tillatte hjelpemidler ved eksamen: Ingen<br />

Generell informasjon<br />

This is a required core course in the degree programme Master of Religion, Society and Global Issues. It deals with some of the basic<br />

aspects of global society both in a historical and contemporary perspective. It will especially describe and discuss the role of the<br />

religions in today´s world in relation to different forms of globalization, cultural identities and global issues such as human rights,<br />

economic injustice and cultural and religious conflicts.<br />

Studiekrav<br />

A book report of approximately 2000 words<br />

Avsluttende vurdering<br />

To gain credit for the course the student must pass all the course work/assignments, and then sit for a written examination (6 hours).<br />

The written examination is assessed with a grade (A-F).<br />

Mål og innhold<br />

The students are expected to have:<br />

- knowledge of the processes of globalization<br />

- knowledge of the status and roles of the major religions in the multicultural, global society<br />

- knowledge of the various ways religion, culture and society interact, and how religions are shaped both by history and by the<br />

contemporary global, regional and local cultural and social contexts.<br />

- knowledge of the most important global issues that are raised or addressed by encounters between various religions and cultures.<br />

- ability to discuss how religions impact and are impacted by their cultural and social contexts<br />

Litteratur<br />


- Beyer, Peter, Religions in global society London: Routledge, 2006, ISBN/ISSN:<br />

0-415-39318-3/0-415-39319-1/978-0-415-39318-8/978-0-415-39319-5 , hentet fra/cited from<br />

https://proxy.mf.no/login?url=http://www.dawsonera.com/depp/reader/protected/external/AbstractView/S9780203087879<br />

- Eriksen, Thomas Hylland, Globalization : the key concepts Oxford: Berg, 2007, ISBN/ISSN:<br />

1-84520-523-5/1-84520-524-3/978-1-84520-523-2/978-1-84520-524-9 , hentet fra/cited from<br />

https://proxy.mf.no/login?url=http://www.dawsonera.com/depp/reader/protected/external/AbstractView/S9781847883384<br />

- Eriksen, Thomas Hylland, "Chapter 1, 14 - 19" i:/in:/from: Small places, large issues : an introduction to social and cultural<br />

anthropology 2. utg./ed. London: Pluto Press, 2001, s./p. ikke oppgitt, ISBN/ISSN: 0-7453-1773-1/0-7453-1772-3<br />

- Hiebert, Paul G., "An excerpt" i:/in:/from: Anthropological insights for missionaries Grand Rapids, Mich.: Baker Book House, 1985,<br />

s./p. 30-52, ISBN/ISSN: 0-8010-4291-7 (Kompendium/Compendium)<br />

- Kim, Sebastian C. H. og Kirsteen Kim, Christianity as a world religion London: Continuum, 2008, ISBN/ISSN:<br />

978-0-8264-9840-3/978-0-8264-9841-0<br />

- Ramachandra, Vinoth, "Religious globalization and world Christianity" i:/in:/from: Mission and the next Christendom : papers read at<br />

the biennial conference of the British and Irish Association for Mission Studies at the Belfast Bible College, Northern Ireland, June<br />

28-July 1, 2005 / Timothy Yates red./ed. Sheffield: Cliff College Publishing, 2005, s./p. 27-46, ISBN/ISSN: 1-898362-38-6<br />

(Kompendium/Compendium)<br />

- Ramachandra, Vinoth, "Globalization, nationalism, and religious resurgence" i:/in:/from: Globalizing theology : belief and practice in<br />

an era of world Christianity / Craig Ott et al. red./ed. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Baker Academic, 2006, s./p. 213-230, ISBN/ISSN:<br />

0-8010-3112-5/978-0-8010-3112-0 (Kompendium/Compendium)<br />

- Robertson, Roland, "Global millennialism : a postmortem on secularization" i:/in:/from: Religion, globalization and culture / Peter<br />

Beyer et al. red./ed. Leiden: Brill, 2007, s./p. 9-34, ISBN/ISSN: 978-90-04-15407-0 (Kompendium/Compendium), hentet fra/cited from<br />


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