EMNEKATALOG - Det teologiske Menighetsfakultetet

EMNEKATALOG - Det teologiske Menighetsfakultetet

EMNEKATALOG - Det teologiske Menighetsfakultetet


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Emnekatalog: NT655<br />

NT655 - First Epistle of Peter<br />

Emneansvarlig:<br />

Ingen faglærer, spør studieresepsjonen@mf.no<br />

Studiepoeng: 5<br />

Undervisningstermin:<br />

Høst<br />

Avdelingstilhørighet:<br />

Avdelingsråd for teologi<br />

Generell informasjon<br />

The first Epistle of Peter is written to Christians in Asia Minor who found themselves marginalized and ostracized in their milieu. On this<br />

background the letter depicts what it means for the people of God to live the life of strangers in the world. The letter describes their<br />

situation, gives a theological interpretation of it, and presents what a Christ-like life is in this context. The course is an exegetical<br />

exercise in some key texts and ideas of this letter. The Greek texts to be covered are 1 Pet 1:1-4:6.<br />

Studiepoengreduksjon<br />

No reduction of credits applies.<br />

Studiekrav<br />

To be allowed to go up to the final exam, the student must<br />

- participate in an evaluation of the course or learning environment, if the course has been selected for special evaluation in the given<br />

semester<br />

Avsluttende vurdering<br />

NT655 is evaluated with a 4-hour written exam. If the course is chosen as an elective as part of NT512/NT521, the final evaluation will<br />

be connected to the final exam in NT512/NT521. For more details, please see our homepage, under "Eksamensplan høst 2008".<br />

The student must fulfill all obligatory activities for the course within the given due date in order to be allowed to write the final exam.<br />

The final exam is graded A-F.<br />

Mål og innhold<br />

The student must<br />

- have good good knowledge of the situation which brought 1 Peter into being, and also the rhetorical and theological strategies by<br />

which this situation is adressed in the letter<br />

- be able to interpret 1 Pet 1:1-4:6 on the basis of the Greek text<br />

Litteratur<br />


- Feldmeier, Reinhard, "Et utvalg" i:/in:/from: The first letter of Peter Waco, Tex.: Baylor University Press, 2008, s./p. 1-216,<br />

ISBN/ISSN: 9781602580244

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