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Ansvaret for manglende evaluering kan plasseres hos ledelsen og underbygger hvor viktig det er å ha en ledelse<br />

som er bevisst og fokusert for å klare å opprettholde likestillingsarbeid i en organisasjon. Når de hierarkiske<br />

nedadgående kravene og forventningene ikke følges opp, kan det se ut som om det også blir nedprioritert. Ved<br />

at ledelsen får tilgang på nødvendig kunnskap og kjennskap til sosiale prosesser som bidrar til barrierer for<br />

kvinners karrieremuligheter, vil det kunne skape et godt fundament for at kunnskapen videreføres og implementeres<br />

på alle nivåer i hele etaten, slik som den opprinnelige hensikten med likestillings- og mangfoldspolitikk<br />

har vært intendert.<br />

Da det virker som om det ikke er samsvar mellom policydokumentenes intensjon og praksis i etaten, kan det<br />

tyde på manglende oppfølging og evaluering av interne inkluderingstiltak. Med dette som utgangspunkt mener<br />

jeg det er grunn til å påstå av vi fortsatt trenger forskning på karrieremuligheter med et kjønnsperspektiv, i<br />

tillegg til og ikke bare som en del av mangfoldsperspektivet.<br />

7.4 Sammendrag Benedicte Beccer Brandvolds masteroppgave 16 om andre lands forsvar<br />


The objective for the Norwegian Armed Forces was 15 percent women of all soldiers by 2008. Five years later,<br />

women only make up between 8 and 9 percent while the new goal is to reach a level of 20 percent women by<br />

2020. This goal currently seems difficult to reach due to the minimal increase of women over the past years.<br />

This thesis is a comparative study between Canada, Sweden and Norway, as the two first both have a higher<br />

percentage of women serving in their armed forces. The thesis looks at measures taken to recruit and retain<br />

women. It also looks at whether the measures have had the desired effect as well as whether any of the<br />

measures deals with masculinity cultures that exists within the military organizations. By using a mixture of<br />

document analysis and semi-structured interviews, it becomes possible to get insights into the work of these<br />

countries’ on reaching the same goal of adopting an international resolution and increase gender equality within<br />

the military organization. I use theoretical perspectives to guide the analysis and to explain the empirical<br />

findings. Gender research has highlighted how masculinity cultures are persuaded in the military, as well as<br />

how women are being discriminated in male dominated occupations. Perspectives on policy implementation<br />

explain necessary tools in order to achieve a set objective and by this, why it seems difficult to increase the<br />

female participation. The empirical findings show similar measures in many areas within all three countries.<br />

These measures seem to vary in terms of width and depth however. Whether the military practice conscription<br />

or all-professional forces where men and women apply equally, also seem to contribute to the military’s ability<br />

to attract women. Findings further indicate that societal factors like the military organizations’ position in the<br />

labor market matters, as well as the time elapsed since action was first taken. To increase the percentage of<br />

women and to be able to make these women stay depends on a long- term perspective and deep commitment<br />

from politicians and military leaders.<br />


5.4.1 HIGHLIGHTS<br />

As the chapter so far has constituted an overview of the policies created as well as measures set in place, these<br />

have not increased the female participation in Norway appreciable and it is necessary to go further into all<br />

countries to look at where the emphasis has been during the implementation process. The categorizing of the<br />

empirical findings have shown that all three countries have in some way taken action in the same areas, but<br />

however with different approaches. As previously stated, action plans are developed in order to meet obliga-<br />

16 Brandvold, Benedicte Beccer (2013). “Recruiting and Retaining Women in Armed Forces – The Cases of Canada, Sweden and Norway.” Masteroppgave,<br />

Norwegian University of Life Sciences, dept of International Environment and Development Studies.<br />

© Oxford Research AS 95

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