Sterna, bind 13 nr 1 (PDF-fil) - Museum Stavanger

Sterna, bind 13 nr 1 (PDF-fil) - Museum Stavanger

Sterna, bind 13 nr 1 (PDF-fil) - Museum Stavanger


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Anfinnsen, hl. T. 1962. Fugleobscrvasjoncr fra Jaren somrene 1960 og 1961.<br />

Fauna 15: 92-100, Oslo.<br />

Barth, E. K. 1963. Flere ornitologiske observasjoner. Fautia 16: 109-125, Oslo.<br />

Bernhoft-Osa, A. 1956. Fuglenotiser fra BjBen i Setesdal og Norefjell i Buskerud.<br />

Stav. Mirs. Arb. 1956: 159-164.<br />

Fabricius, O. & Hald-Mortensen, P. 1969. Hjeilen (Plurialis apricaria) som ynglefugl<br />

i Danmark 1963-1966, med bemsrkninger om artens raceforhold, udbrcdelse og<br />

antal. Datask Orri. Foren. Tidsslir. 63: <strong>13</strong>7-160.<br />

Haftorn, S. 1971. Norges jugler. Oslo. 862 s.<br />

Lgvcnskiold, H. L. 1947: Hdndbok over Norges Fugler. Oslo. 887 s.<br />

Olsen, K. & Holgcrsen, H. 1970. Heilo p(i Lista sommeren 1970. Slerria 9: 219.<br />

Steiniger, F. 1959. Die grosset1 Regetipfeifer. Die neue Brehm-Buchcrei, hft. 240.<br />

Wittenbcrg/Luthentadt. 90 s.<br />



According to Norwegian Iiandbooks the Golden Plover bred fairly numerously in<br />

the costal arcas of South Norway at the end of the Inst century. The most important<br />

brecding grounds were on Jaren, Co. Rogaland, ancl Lista, Co. Vest-Agder. At the<br />

turn of the century thesc populations declincd severely, and the spccics finally disappeared<br />

from Lita and the lo\ver parts of Jaren (LEig-Jæren). In the inner parts of<br />

Jæren (Hos-Jaren) the specics continued to breed, but the population size and<br />

distribution \vcre unknown.<br />

In the years of 1968-72 this population \\'as censused by memben of NOF-Rogaland.<br />

The census \vas based on counting birds apparently holding territories. In thc<br />

first yean, before the distribution had been determined, different parts of the population<br />

were counted cach year. Only in 1972 did we succeed in censusing almost the<br />

total population, the result bcing 2<strong>13</strong> pain. As seen from Table I, the figures may<br />

vary from ycar to ycar. This may be diie to the censusing technique or to population<br />

fluctuations or both. but 1 do not think that the population to any extent excceds<br />

250 pain. Most of the counts were made in Junc. At the time, whcn most of the<br />

chicks are hatchcd (but still not fledged), the parent birds show vcry conspicuous<br />

bchaviour and are easily observed.<br />

Rrccding on islands in Rogaland has not been reported since the end of the last<br />

century. In 1971 Golden Plovers wcre found to be breeding on K<strong>nr</strong>mØy Island.<br />

Censuscs \vere carricd out in 1972 and 1973, but the potential breeding arcas were<br />

insufficiently covercd. In 1972 only 5 pain wcre found and in 1973 7 pain (Fig. 3).<br />

The spccies is probably morc numerous, cspecially on the southern part of the island.<br />

In the northwestern part of the county two possiblc breeding locnlities have been<br />

discovcred on the mainland. At Grindenes, Tysvar. Golden Ploven have stayed<br />

throughout the breeding season on suitable habitat for at least 14 years. Howcvcr, in<br />

1972 the spccies did not appear. In 1972 2-3 pain stayed at a suitable locality at<br />

Saltveit, Haugesund.

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