Sterna, bind 13 nr 1 (PDF-fil) - Museum Stavanger

Sterna, bind 13 nr 1 (PDF-fil) - Museum Stavanger Sterna, bind 13 nr 1 (PDF-fil) - Museum Stavanger
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Fig. 5. Heiloen p4 Jsren iilviser stor draktvariasjori. Dcttc er en aliifrorts-farget hann Totogrilfert i iisrlictcn av reiret (len Il. mai 1972 pi Engelsvoll, Klepp. Foto: Aadnc Stangeland. - Tlie Golhr ori Ja3rett sltotv grrar ilarialiott in pluntage parierns. Tltis rtltifrorts-coloirred niale tvas pliotograplted rtcar ilte nesl, Il May 1972 ut Etigelsvoll. Klepl).

LITTERATUR Anfinnsen, hl. T. 1962. Fugleobscrvasjoncr fra Jaren somrene 1960 og 1961. Fauna 15: 92-100, Oslo. Barth, E. K. 1963. Flere ornitologiske observasjoner. Fautia 16: 109-125, Oslo. Bernhoft-Osa, A. 1956. Fuglenotiser fra BjBen i Setesdal og Norefjell i Buskerud. Stav. Mirs. Arb. 1956: 159-164. Fabricius, O. & Hald-Mortensen, P. 1969. Hjeilen (Plurialis apricaria) som ynglefugl i Danmark 1963-1966, med bemsrkninger om artens raceforhold, udbrcdelse og antal. Datask Orri. Foren. Tidsslir. 63: 137-160. Haftorn, S. 1971. Norges jugler. Oslo. 862 s. Lgvcnskiold, H. L. 1947: Hdndbok over Norges Fugler. Oslo. 887 s. Olsen, K. & Holgcrsen, H. 1970. Heilo p(i Lista sommeren 1970. Slerria 9: 219. Steiniger, F. 1959. Die grosset1 Regetipfeifer. Die neue Brehm-Buchcrei, hft. 240. Wittenbcrg/Luthentadt. 90 s. SULIMARY: THE GOLDEN PLOVER, PLUVIALIS APRICARIA, AS A BREEDING BIRD IN CO. ROGALAND. SW-NORWAY According to Norwegian Iiandbooks the Golden Plover bred fairly numerously in the costal arcas of South Norway at the end of the Inst century. The most important brecding grounds were on Jaren, Co. Rogaland, ancl Lista, Co. Vest-Agder. At the turn of the century thesc populations declincd severely, and the spccics finally disappeared from Lita and the lo\ver parts of Jaren (LEig-Jæren). In the inner parts of Jæren (Hos-Jaren) the specics continued to breed, but the population size and distribution \vcre unknown. In the years of 1968-72 this population \\'as censused by memben of NOF-Rogaland. The census \vas based on counting birds apparently holding territories. In thc first yean, before the distribution had been determined, different parts of the population were counted cach year. Only in 1972 did we succeed in censusing almost the total population, the result bcing 213 pain. As seen from Table I, the figures may vary from ycar to ycar. This may be diie to the censusing technique or to population fluctuations or both. but 1 do not think that the population to any extent excceds 250 pain. Most of the counts were made in Junc. At the time, whcn most of the chicks are hatchcd (but still not fledged), the parent birds show vcry conspicuous bchaviour and are easily observed. Rrccding on islands in Rogaland has not been reported since the end of the last century. In 1971 Golden Plovers wcre found to be breeding on KnrmØy Island. Censuscs \vere carricd out in 1972 and 1973, but the potential breeding arcas were insufficiently covercd. In 1972 only 5 pain wcre found and in 1973 7 pain (Fig. 3). The spccies is probably morc numerous, cspecially on the southern part of the island. In the northwestern part of the county two possiblc breeding locnlities have been discovcred on the mainland. At Grindenes, Tysvar. Golden Ploven have stayed throughout the breeding season on suitable habitat for at least 14 years. Howcvcr, in 1972 the spccies did not appear. In 1972 2-3 pain stayed at a suitable locality at Saltveit, Haugesund.

Fig. 5. Heiloen p4 Jsren iilviser stor draktvariasjori. Dcttc er en aliifrorts-farget hann<br />

Totogrilfert i iisrlictcn av reiret (len Il. mai 1972 pi Engelsvoll, Klepp. Foto: Aadnc<br />

Stangeland. - Tlie Golhr ori Ja3rett sltotv grrar ilarialiott in pluntage parierns.<br />

Tltis rtltifrorts-coloirred niale tvas pliotograplted rtcar ilte nesl, Il May 1972<br />

ut Etigelsvoll. Klepl).

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