Sterna, bind 14 nr 3 (PDF-fil) - Museum Stavanger

Sterna, bind 14 nr 3 (PDF-fil) - Museum Stavanger

Sterna, bind 14 nr 3 (PDF-fil) - Museum Stavanger


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Fiskemåke, Larirs canirs. Flere par hekket rundt Halsvbgen.<br />

Terne, Slerna sp. Ble f~rste gang sett 23. mai.<br />

Linerle, Mo~acilla dba.<br />

Staer, Slirrnits vtrlgaris. Enkelte o\w-vintret og kunne ses regelmessig ved<br />

minkfarmen hele vinteren igjennom.<br />

Krake, Corvits corone.<br />

Ravn, Corvus corax.<br />

Sndspurv, Plectrophenax nivalis. Flokker p& flere hundre individer ble sett<br />

sporadisk ved pollen i IØpet av april.<br />

Summary: The avilauna in a brackish land-locked pond<br />

'The hird fauna of a brackish land-locked pond on the island of Vestviiggy<br />

in Lofoten, Northern Norway, was studied during the year 1974.<br />

The main results are presented in Figs. 3 and 4.<br />

Three of the species have not previously been observed on Vestviigøy: Bartailed<br />

Godwit, Limosa lapponica, Greenshank, Tringa nebirlaria, and Gadwall,<br />

Anus slrepera. The observation of the Gadwall is the northernmost record<br />

of the spccies in Norway.<br />

Forfatternes adresse: Johan Sirnes, VestvBggiy gymnas,<br />

Rolf S. Svendsen, Leknes skole,<br />

8370 Leknes i Lofoten.<br />

Litteratur<br />

Gjerde, 0. 1973: Hekkende svarthalespover i Vesterglen. - Slerna 12:<br />

295-300.<br />

Haftorn, S. 197 1 : Norges jirgler. Universitetsforlaget, Oslo. 862 pp.<br />

Shtvedt, 0. 1971: Hekkende svarthalespover i Lofoten. - Slerna 10: 90-96.<br />

Siitvedt, 0. 1972: Vestviigoys fuglefauna. - Slerna 11: 109-130.<br />

Ytreberg. N. J. 1967: Snadderand stadfestet som rugende art i Norge.<br />

- Slerna 6: 223-237.

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