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During the latest years porometers which combine measurements of both<br />

stornatal resistance and photosynthesis have become commercially available<br />

(e.g. "LI 6200 Portable Photosynthesis System", LiCor Inc., Lincoln 68504,<br />

Nebraska, USA; "C0 2 - H 2 0 - Porometer" Heinz Walz, Mess- und<br />

Regeltechnik, D - 8521 Effeltrich, West Germany; "Field Analysing System",<br />

ADC Ltd. Haddesdon, Herts. ENllOAQ, England). In these CO 2 and<br />

H 2 0 porometers the CO 2 assimilation determination is based on infrared<br />

gas analysis. They also have the facilities to register light intensity, humidity<br />

and temperature. Information on theory, calibration and use of porometers<br />

are given elsewhere (e.g. Schultze et al., 1982; Jones, 1983; Beadle et al.,<br />

1985; Bannister, 1986).<br />


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