Laboratorium 1990 - Universitetet i Oslo

Laboratorium 1990 - Universitetet i Oslo Laboratorium 1990 - Universitetet i Oslo


Karl Helllik Fly1da 1990 Christie, Erling: "Poesien og det virkelige•, Vuzduet 2, Oslo 1955. [Cicero]: Ad C. Herennium, Loeb aassical Library, London 1954. Croce, Benedetto: "Di.ktning og intuisjon•, i Teorier om diktekunsten fra Platon til Goldman, Universitetsforlaget, Oslo 1970. Culler, Jonathan: Structuralist Poetics, Routledge and Kegan Paul, London 1975. Dixon, Peter: Rhetoric, Methuen, London 1971. Eliot, Thomas Stearns: "Tradition and the Individual Talent", i David Lodge (red.): 20th Century Literary CriJicism, Longman, UK 1972. Empson, William: Seven Types of Ambiguity, Chatto, UK 1953 [1. utgave 1930]. Encyclopædia Britannica Endresen, RolfTheil Sprtlkviunskap- en elementær innføring, Universitetsforlaget, Oslo 1988. Fafner, Jørgen: Digt og form, e.A Reitzel, Danmark 1989. Fish, Stanley: "Interpreting the Variorum•, i Jane P. Tompkins (red.): Reader Response CriJicism, Johns Hopkins 1980. Freud, Sigmund: •creative Writers and Day-dreaming• i The Pelican Freud Library, voL 14: Art and Linerature, Pelican 1985. Psykoanalyse, Gyldendal, Oslo 1961. Frye, Northrop: Alwtomy of CriJicism, Penguin, UK 1990 (PUP, USA 1957]. Genette, Gtrard: "Structuralism and litera.ry criticism" (Paris 1964], i David Lodge (red.): Modem Criticism and Theory, Longman, UK 1988. Narrative Discourse, Comell, USA 1980. 148

Karl Helllik Fly1da <strong>1990</strong><br />

<br />

Christie, Erling: "Poesien og det virkelige•, Vuzduet 2, <strong>Oslo</strong> 1955.<br />

[Cicero]: Ad C. Herennium, Loeb aassical Library, London 1954.<br />

Croce, Benedetto: "Di.ktning og intuisjon•, i Teorier om diktekunsten fra Platon til Goldman,<br />

Universitetsforlaget, <strong>Oslo</strong> 1970.<br />

Culler, Jonathan: Structuralist Poetics, Routledge and Kegan Paul, London 1975.<br />

Dixon, Peter: Rhetoric, Methuen, London 1971.<br />

Eliot, Thomas Stearns: "Tradition and the Individual Talent", i David Lodge (red.): 20th<br />

Century Literary CriJicism, Longman, UK 1972.<br />

Empson, William: Seven Types of Ambiguity, Chatto, UK 1953 [1. utgave 1930].<br />

Encyclopædia Britannica<br />

Endresen, RolfTheil Sprtlkviunskap- en elementær innføring, Universitetsforlaget, <strong>Oslo</strong><br />

1988.<br />

Fafner, Jørgen: Digt og form, e.A Reitzel, Danmark 1989.<br />

Fish, Stanley: "Interpreting the Variorum•, i Jane P. Tompkins (red.): Reader Response<br />

CriJicism, Johns Hopkins 1980.<br />

Freud, Sigmund: •creative Writers and Day-dreaming• i The Pelican Freud Library, voL 14:<br />

Art and Linerature, Pelican 1985.<br />

Psykoanalyse, Gyldendal, <strong>Oslo</strong> 1961.<br />

Frye, Northrop: Alwtomy of CriJicism, Penguin, UK <strong>1990</strong> (PUP, USA 1957].<br />

Genette, Gtrard: "Structuralism and litera.ry criticism" (Paris 1964], i David Lodge (red.):<br />

Modem Criticism and Theory, Longman, UK 1988.<br />

Narrative Discourse, Comell, USA 1980.<br />


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