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[Stigler 99] James W. Stigler og James Hiebert: The Teaching Gap: Best Ideas from the<br />

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[Sullivan 96] Michael C. Sullivan: A Mathematician Reads Social Text (American Mathematical<br />

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[Svinterud 05] Aril Svinterud, John-Arild Hanssen & Einar Solberg: Utredningsrapport:<br />

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[Søgaard 65] Anders Søgaard og Ralph Tambs Lyche: <strong>Matematikk</strong> for gymnaset III For<br />

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[Sørgaard 73] Nils-Aage Sørgaard: Fire forfattere og norsk fascisme (Forlaget Ny Dag, Oslo<br />

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[Tall 91] David Tall (red): Advanced Mathematical Thinking (Kluwer Academic Publishers,<br />

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[TCD: Fermat] Trinity College Dublin Server<br />

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[Telhaug 05]<br />

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Alfred Oftedal Telhaug: Alvoret som ble borte (Klassekampen, 1. oktober 2005)<br />

[Thompson 82] Alba Gonzales Thompson: The relationship of teachers’ conceptions of<br />

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[Thompson 97] Jan Thompson & Thomas Martinsson: Kunnskapsforlagets matematikkleksikon<br />

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[Tiller 03] Rita & Tom Tiller: Den andre dagen (Høgskoleforlaget 2003)<br />

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