3.3 Inndeling av det kontralaterale bryst - Ous-research.no

3.3 Inndeling av det kontralaterale bryst - Ous-research.no 3.3 Inndeling av det kontralaterale bryst - Ous-research.no

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Litteraturliste: Alberts B, Johnson A, Lewis J, Raff M, Roberts K, Walter P. 2002 Molecular Biology of the Cell, 4. edition. Ahnesjö A, Aspradakis M. 1999 Dose Calculations for External Photon Beams in Radiotherapy: Physics Medical Biology 44: R99-R155. Art Phantom, Radioterapy phantoms. Hentet online; se: http://www.scanrad.no/radioterapy.htm Attix F.H. 1986 Introduction to radiological physics and radiation dosimetry. Bentel G. C. 1996 Radiation Therapy Planning, 2. edition. Berg W. J., Hutter V. P. R. 1995 Breast Cancer: CANCER Supplement 75, No.1. Boice D. J. Jr., Harvey B.E., Blettner M., Stovall M., Flannery T. J. 1992 Cancer in the Contralateral Breast after Radiotherapy for Breast Cancer: The New England Journal of Medical 326, No. 12. Carlton R. R., Adler A. M. 2001 Principles of Radiographic Imaging, 3. edition. Chang S. X., Deschesne K. M., Cullip T. J., Parker S. A., Earnhart J. 1999 A Comparison of Different Intensity Modulation Treatment Techniques for Tangential Breast Irradiation: Int. J. Radiat. Oncol. Biol. Phys. 45, No. 5: 1305-1314. Cherry P., Duxbury A. 1998 Practical Radiotherapy Physics and Equipment, 1. edition. Dam J. V., Marinello G. 1994 Methods for In Vivo Dosimetry in External Radiotherapy, 1. edition. 63

de La Torre N., Figueroa T. C., Martinez K., Riley R. S., Chapman J. 2004 A Comparative Study of Surface Dose and Dose Distribution for Intact Breast following Irradiation with Field-In-Field Technique vs the use of Conventional Wedges: Medical Dosimetry 29, No. 2: 109-114. Dörr W., Herrmann T. 2002 Second Primary Tumors after Radiotherapy for Malignancies, Treatment-related parameters: Strahlentherapie und Onkologie, No. 7: 357-362. Gao X., Fisher G. S.., Emami B. 2003 Risk of Second Primary Cancer in the Contralateral Breast in women treated for early-stage Breast Cancer: Int. J. Radiat. Oncol. Biol. Phys. 56, No. 4: 1038-1045. Hall E. J. 2000 Radiobiology for the Radiologist, 5. edition. Isaksson M. 2002, Grundläggende Strålningsfysik. Kelly A. C., Wang X.Y., Chu C. H. J., Hartsell F. W. 1996 Dose to Contralateral Breast: A Comparison of four Primary Breast Irridiation Thechniques: Int. J. Radiat. Oncol. Biol. Phys. 34, No. 3: 727-732. Khan F. M. 1993 The Physics of Radiation Therapy, 2. edition Kliukiene J., Andersen A. 1998 Survival of Breast Cancer Patients in Lithuania and Norway, 1988-1992: Eur. J. Cancer 34, No. 3: 373-377. Kreftregisteret, kreft i Norge, hyppigste kreftformer 1997-2001. Hentet online se: http://www.kreftregisteret.no/ramme.htm?http://www.kreftregisteret.no/forekomst_og_overle velse_2001/oversikt.htm Lomax J. A., Cella L., Weber D., Kurtiz M. J., Miralbell R. 2003 Potential Role of intensity- Modulated Photons and Protons in the Treatment of the Breast and regional Nodes: Int. J. Radiat. Oncol. Biol. Phys. 55, No. 3: 785-792. 64

de La Torre N., Figueroa T. C., Martinez K., Riley R. S., Chapman J. 2004 A Comparative<br />

Study of Surface Dose and Dose Distribution for Intact Breast following Irradiation with<br />

Field-In-Field Technique vs the use of Conventional Wedges: Medical Dosimetry 29, No. 2:<br />

109-114.<br />

Dörr W., Herrmann T. 2002 Second Primary Tumors after Radiotherapy for Malignancies,<br />

Treatment-related parameters: Strahlentherapie und Onkologie, No. 7: 357-362.<br />

Gao X., Fisher G. S.., Emami B. 2003 Risk of Second Primary Cancer in the Contralateral<br />

Breast in women treated for early-stage Breast Cancer: Int. J. Radiat. Oncol. Biol. Phys. 56,<br />

No. 4: 1038-1045.<br />

Hall E. J. 2000 Radiobiology for the Radiologist, 5. edition.<br />

Isaksson M. 2002, Grundläggende Strålningsfysik.<br />

Kelly A. C., Wang X.Y., Chu C. H. J., Hartsell F. W. 1996 Dose to Contralateral Breast: A<br />

Comparison of four Primary Breast Irridiation Thechniques: Int. J. Radiat. Oncol. Biol. Phys.<br />

34, No. 3: 727-732.<br />

Khan F. M. 1993 The Physics of Radiation Therapy, 2. edition<br />

Kliukiene J., Andersen A. 1998 Survival of Breast Cancer Patients in Lithuania and Norway,<br />

1988-1992: Eur. J. Cancer 34, No. 3: 373-377.<br />

Kreftregisteret, kreft i Norge, hyppigste kreftformer 1997-2001. Hentet online se:<br />

http://www.kreftregisteret.<strong>no</strong>/ramme.htm?http://www.kreftregisteret.<strong>no</strong>/forekomst_og_overle<br />

velse_2001/oversikt.htm<br />

Lomax J. A., Cella L., Weber D., Kurtiz M. J., Miralbell R. 2003 Potential Role of intensity-<br />

Modulated Photons and Protons in the Treatment of the Breast and regional Nodes: Int. J.<br />

Radiat. Oncol. Biol. Phys. 55, No. 3: 785-792.<br />


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