Hans Petter Schjønsby - Helsetilsynet

Hans Petter Schjønsby - Helsetilsynet Hans Petter Schjønsby - Helsetilsynet

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Hans Petter Schjønsby: Health Board (Sundhedscollegiet) 1809-1815 The fi rst central administrative body for supervision of health services in Norway Short summary of Report from the Norwegian Board of Health Supervision 1/2009 For a long time, Copenhagen was the only centre of events in the Danish- Norwegian state. But from 1809 and for some years later something happened that would have an impact on national administration of the health service: the Royal Norwegian Health Board was established in Christiania. This was the fi rst national Norwegian administrative body with specifi c tasks related to the health services, or to be more precise, medical and pharmacy services. The Board’s remit was particularly clear and precise, both in relation to the nature of the tasks and the requirements for administrative procedures. The work of the Board was to have a clear supervisory perspective. For example, according to Section 19, fi rst sentence: The Board shall monitor that legislation currently in force relating to medical services in Norway, and other legislation coming into force in the future, is upheld and acted in accordance with. If necessary, the Board was required to address the need for extra measures with the appropriate responsible bodies. The work of the Board was to be directed both at the bodies and the personnel, though the military health service was not included in the task of supervision. The requirements for administrative procedures are also noteworthy. The importance of effectiveness was stressed. In addition, it was required that there should be openness both about the assessments that were made and about any doubt or disagreement. This still represents good administrative practice up to the present day. This report provides an overview of the administrative work of the Board, based on material available from the archives. HANS PETTER SCHJØNSBY: SUNDHEDSCOLLEGIET 1809-1815. DET FØRSTE SENTRALE ADMINISTRASJONS- OG TILSYNSORGAN FOR HELSEVESENET I NORGE / RAPPORT FRA HELSETILSYNET / 1/2009 / 80

Rapport fra Helsetilsynet Utgivelser 2008 1/2008 Meldesentralen – årsrapport 2006 2/2008 ”Mens vi venter …” – forsvarlig pasientbehandling i akuttmottakene? Oppsummering av landsomfattende tilsyn i 2007 med forsvarlighet og kvalitet i akuttmottak i somatisk spesialisthelsetjeneste 3/2008 Oppsummering av landsomfattende tilsyn i 2007 med kommunale helse- og sosialtjenester til voksne med psykiske lidelser 4/2008 Avlastning og støttekontakt – tjenester med betydning for et bedre liv! Oppsummering av landsomfattende tilsyn i 2007 med avlastnings- og støttekontakttjenester etter sosialtjenesteloven 5/2008 Meldesentralen – oppsummeringsrapport 2001–2007 6/2008 Oppsummeringsrapport etter tilsyn med smitteisolering ved 10 helseforetak i 2006. Statens helsetilsyn og Arbeidstilsynet 7/2008 Nødvendig tvang? Ein gjennomgang av data hos fylkesmennene om bruk av tvang og makt overfor menneske med psykisk utviklingshemming for perioden 2000–2007 Alle utgivelsene i serien fi nnes i fulltekst på Helsetilsynets nettsted www.helsetilsynet.no. Enkelte utgivelser fi nnes i tillegg i trykt utgave som kan bestill es fra Statens helsetilsyn, Postboks 8128 Dep, 0032 Oslo, tlf. 21 52 99 00, faks 21 52 99 99, e-post postmottak@helsetilsynet.no. Tilsynsmeldinger Utgivelser 2009 1/2009 Hans Petter Schjønsby: Sundhedscollegiet 1809-1815. Det første sentrale administrasjons- og tilsynsorgan for helse vesenet i Norge Tilsynsmelding er en årlig publikasjon fra Statens helsetilsyn. Den benyttes til å orientere om verdenen om saker som er sentrale for sosial- og helse tjenestene og for offentlig debatt om tjenesten e. Tilsynsmeldinger fra og med 1997 fi nnes i fulltekst på www.helsetilsynet.no. De nyeste kan også bestilles i trykt utgave. HANS PETTER SCHJØNSBY: SUNDHEDSCOLLEGIET 1809-1815. DET FØRSTE SENTRALE ADMINISTRASJONS- OG TILSYNSORGAN FOR HELSEVESENET I NORGE / RAPPORT FRA HELSETILSYNET / 1/2009 / 81

<strong>Hans</strong> <strong>Petter</strong> <strong>Schjønsby</strong>:<br />

Health Board (Sundhedscollegiet) 1809-1815<br />

The fi rst central administrative body for supervision of<br />

health services in Norway<br />

Short summary of Report from the Norwegian Board of Health Supervision 1/2009<br />

For a long time, Copenhagen was the<br />

only centre of events in the Danish-<br />

Norwegian state. But from 1809 and for<br />

some years later something happened<br />

that would have an impact on national<br />

administration of the health service: the<br />

Royal Norwegian Health Board was<br />

established in Christiania. This was the<br />

fi rst national Norwegian administrative<br />

body with specifi c tasks related to the<br />

health services, or to be more precise,<br />

medical and pharmacy services.<br />

The Board’s remit was particularly<br />

clear and precise, both in relation to the<br />

nature of the tasks and the requirements<br />

for administrative procedures. The work<br />

of the Board was to have a clear supervisory<br />

perspective. For example, according<br />

to Section 19, fi rst sentence:<br />

The Board shall monitor that legislation<br />

currently in force relating to medical<br />

services in Norway, and other legislation<br />

coming into force in the future, is<br />

upheld and acted in accordance with.<br />

If necessary, the Board was required to<br />

address the need for extra measures<br />

with the appropriate responsible bodies.<br />

The work of the Board was to be directed<br />

both at the bodies and the personnel,<br />

though the military health<br />

service was not included in the task of<br />

supervision.<br />

The requirements for administrative<br />

procedures are also noteworthy. The<br />

importance of effectiveness was<br />

stressed. In addition, it was required<br />

that there should be openness both<br />

about the assessments that were made<br />

and about any doubt or disagreement.<br />

This still represents good administrative<br />

practice up to the present day.<br />

This report provides an overview of the<br />

administrative work of the Board, based<br />

on material available from the archives.<br />



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