Liste«°22 - Se Souvenir des PG et STALAGS de la seconde guerre ...

Liste«°22 - Se Souvenir des PG et STALAGS de la seconde guerre ...

Liste«°22 - Se Souvenir des PG et STALAGS de la seconde guerre ...


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_ 6tP^<br />

Thiollere (Pierre), 26-.;i0ti2,',.Çhadôu6ire^<br />

Thiqux, (Robert),, .;7?4-ifl":;jB.régy'(Ôisè),'m,' p.,-23*/R.A.F,' "'.'" ';..'' ' -.,'/.' '-",.j<br />

TÏuïïéC"(Albert)/'2i:3-'oi,/Piçrrepoiil .(Vosges),' 2*cl;,/207* R:R;P. '' "';-.- ;<br />

Thiri<strong>et</strong>(Edmond),, 12^.67.1960, .Ercnufpnll'iné, 2' cî./2G8*, R.A.L.'' :."" .';//<br />

TH'irion (Robert),' 'Îï-ïi-i4',Pans-g'/'iiïé'd. lient.,82*R.I.F.' '<br />

/ ."'.'.. 1<br />

Thiry(Jean),6-5-o4:, .Bourgallrof,. 2*..cl., .'206*D...I-, . ,:....<br />

'' Thocaven .(Elpj), 476-'ô8,/Sl-Çha.inàran.d/ 2.'d.,'2i4^R.I,./ ' ."•'. -"".' '/.',',\', j<br />

Thomatin (Hé1vrï],'/-87,g-&i,,'''5t^ ''"''.. '' ""'"/> Treyt(Jean),1-1-6G, Rions, -2°cl./:r,2»G.R.Dil.--: ' "'<br />

; "/"'' ..;<br />

: TriaRamoulAmor,1916,Tifache; 2' cl.,"23*R.T.A.'•'":-'<br />

: Triba<strong>la</strong>t(Robert), 3-12-07, Monlii<strong>la</strong>ire (Ôise)/: 2*."cl., 2*S'.C.O.'M.A.' ' ''<br />

; Triboul<strong>et</strong> (Albert), 6-3-o6, Givar<strong>la</strong>is'(Allier); 2' cl.,'56'G.R.D.L- •'':'<br />

-: Tribout (René), 4-3-iG,Nancy, cap.,.17/1°-R.M-.I.F. . . - -<br />

: Tricault (Pierre), 17-6-1/1,- Comblersac (I.-<strong>et</strong>-V.), ,1cl.,43'R.A.D.-"'-'<br />

: Trichard(Robert.), 2/1-2-12, Paris,'cap.,' 29/1* :R';I. '-' ';.' :: ".<br />

Tricheur (Gaston), 2-7-03,-Naives-Devànt-Bar/serg., 160»R;i, . ' ";<br />

: Triclot(Charles), 28-10-11, Mpntmiraiï;' 2'-'cl.',' 1G1'R.I.F;' " '<br />

7'<br />

Tricot."'(Côhs'<strong>la</strong>nl.in), 2/1-.9-12, "Wavrahs/ 2'-cl.-,iGo*R.A.F. ' '•.-.<<br />

Tricot(René), :4-4-og, Paris(i4'),'i^ cl.,2'23'R.A.C ;: '-"'-''"-'<br />

: Trinel(Marins), 31-7-10, Goiméhem (P^<strong>de</strong>-G.)/ 2°-cl.-,164'R.I.F,- ;--:<br />

; Troccard (Francis); 4-2-12, Sl-Georges-<strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong>-Hurtières, 2°cl.,-214' R.I. ' ';'-'<br />

Trochèrë(Henri);1/1-4-69,-Buxières-les-Mines'; serg.,98"R.I/ ;•':':;-'<br />

i Troch<strong>et</strong>-(Ernésl), 18-2-07, Carenloir (Mm'liilian),: 2*-cl.;'6°:G/- : -' *'-'-••'<br />

l-Troch<strong>et</strong>(Henri); i-3-io,Carenloir, 2*'ck',-' 'icr"R;T.C -"-'-*'!•"'• -' "''-<br />

I Trochu(Francis), 24-3-o5/Brie '(T.-<strong>et</strong>-V.),.-r.ro"y.;"-2o6' R,À.'/ :<br />

:':)':';<br />

I Trochu(.ibsèp'h); 4-ii-P4,''Gi'ïinfl-AuvçVri'e"' (L.-L), "cap,înf.,' :?|23* R/Pion,<br />

; Trohay(Chaiies)/23^11-07,'Sl-Aubin-Ëpînày'fS.-I.)';''2°<br />

cl'.,239°R.I. "','"r<br />

; Troil<strong>la</strong>rd(André), iu-j^/'Sl-Dëiiis,-^* clZ/'qoB* RivPi'bh/''/';-''':-<br />

!•Tromberd (C<strong>la</strong>u<strong>de</strong>)/'26-8-12, Paris/sergichv, -5"G../-,'"'-.-' -" --^'-7<br />

! Tronch<strong>et</strong> (Léopold)'; 23-5-b5, 0<br />

Bort-iés.-Oi'gu'es,-'-iî 'el;, '112'!R.A.L/.--'-"'-/'<br />

'<br />

Trotel(Gabriel), i'-2-3-ï6, 'HénahbiKèn"(é:-du-'N.);: lieut.;169''R/AiLV '''/'<br />

! Trottereau(Octave), 17-3-n;Lunay-(L.-el-Ç;),'-i" cl.,ii3"'R,Li,v"":i'.;<br />

; Troltier(Emile), ;-2:iî-o6,Sl-Rëmy-<strong>la</strong>-Viîfeniiie '(M^'el^L;)/'" 2°cl,.:;"'jj*,-t)<br />

' "<br />

Remonid". :...:..; .-_;_; - _-.__

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