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171<br />

[Muscat et al. (2002)] Muscat, J.E., Malk<strong>in</strong>, M.G., Shore, R.G., Thompson, S.,<br />

Neugut, A.J., Stellman, S.D. & Bruce, J., 2002, Handheld cellular telephones and the<br />

risk of acoustic neuroma. Neurology, 58, 1304-1306.<br />

[National Research Council (1997)] National Research Council (NRC), 1997,<br />

Committee on the Possible Effects of Electromagnetic Fields on Biological Systems.<br />

Possible health effects of exposure to residential electric and magnetic fields,<br />

National Academy Press, Wash<strong>in</strong>gton DC.<br />

[Navarro et al. (2003)] Navarro, E.A., Segura, J., Portoles, M. & Gomez-Perretta de<br />

Mateo, C., 2003, The microwave syndrome: a prel<strong>in</strong>imary study <strong>in</strong> Spa<strong>in</strong>.<br />

Electromagnetic Biology and Medic<strong>in</strong>e, 22(2), 161-169.<br />

[Neubauer et al. (2005)] G., Röösli, M., Feycht<strong>in</strong>g, M., Hamnerius, Y., Kheifets, L.,<br />

Kuster, N., Ruiz, I., Schüz, J., Überbacher, R., Wiart, J., 2005, Study on the<br />

Feasibility of Epidemiological Studies on Health Effects of Mobile Telephone Base<br />

Stations – F<strong>in</strong>al Report Neubauer.<br />

[NIEHS (1999)] National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) (1999)<br />

Health effects from exposure of power-l<strong>in</strong>e frequency electric and magnetic fields,<br />

National Institutes of Health (NIH 99-4493), Research Triangle Park, NC National<br />

Institute of Environmental Health Sciences.<br />

[NIS (2005)] Nationaal <strong>Instituut</strong> voor de Statistiek (NIS),<br /><br />

[NRPB (2004)] National Radiological Protection Board (NRPB), A review of scientific<br />

evidence for limit<strong>in</strong>g exposure to electromagnetic fields (0 – 300 GHz), 2004, NRPB<br />

volume 15, no. 3, 2004.<br />

[Nylund et al. (2004)] Nylund R. et al, 2004, Proteomics 2004, 4 : 1359-65.<br />

[Oftedal et al. (2000)] Oftedal G., Wclen J., Sandström M., Mild K.H., 2000,<br />

Symptoms experiences <strong>in</strong> connection with mobile phone use., Occup Med, 50, 237-<br />

245.<br />

[Park et al. (2002)] Park, W.Y., Kim, N. pr<strong>in</strong>cipal <strong>in</strong>vestigators (2002): Cell phone<br />

exposure and analysis of transformation. Korean Meet<strong>in</strong>g on EMF Bioeffects 2002<br />

(as cited <strong>in</strong> WHO EMF Studies Database: http://www.who.<strong>in</strong>t/pehemf/research/database/en/<strong>in</strong>dex.html,<br />

URL current as of 19.10.2005).<br />

[Perry et al. (1988)] Perry S., Pearl L., 1988, Power frequency magnetic field and<br />

illness <strong>in</strong> multistorey blocks., Public Health, 102,11-18.<br />

[Poole et al. (1993)] Poole C., Kavet R., Funch D.P., Donelan K., Charry J.M., Dreyer<br />

N., 1993, Depressive symptoms and headaches <strong>in</strong> relation to proximity of residence<br />

to an alternat<strong>in</strong>g current transmission l<strong>in</strong>e right of way, Am J Epidemiol, 137, 318-<br />

330.<br />

[Preece et al. (1997)] Preece AW, Kaune W, Gra<strong>in</strong>ger P, Preece S, Gold<strong>in</strong>g J., 1997,<br />

Magnetic fields from domestic appliances <strong>in</strong> the UK. Phys. Med. Biol. 1997; 42(1):67-<br />


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