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168 electromagnetic pulses: lack of effects on mammary tumors. Radiat Res, 155(2), 369-377. [Johansen et al. (2001)] Johansen, C., Boice, J.D., McLaughlin, J.K. & Olsen, J.H., 2001, Cellular telephones and cancer--a nationwide cohort study in Denmark. J Natl Cancer Inst. Feb 7, 93(3), 203-207. [W. Joseph and L. Martens (2003)] “Safety Factor for the Determination of Occupational Exposure by SAR in Phantom Model, 2003, ” IEE Electronics Letters, vol 39, no. 23, pp. 1663 – 1664. [W. Joseph and L. Martens (2005)] “General Correction factor to be applied to the SAR for occupational electromagnetic exposure in phantom models,” Bioelectromagnetics 2005, Dublin, Ireland, pp. 358 - 360. [Karipidis (2002)] K.K. Karipidis, Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency, March 2002, Measurement of Residential Power Frequency Magnetic Fields. [Karipidis and Martin (2005)] K. K. Karipidis and J. Martin, 2005 Pilot Study of Residential Power Frequency Magnetic Fields in Melbourne, technical report series No . 142. [Kemp et al. (2003)] R. Kemp, L. Kheifets, M. Repacholi, J. Sahl, E. van Deventer, E. Vogel, 2003, Riskhandbook: Precautionary framework for Public Health Protection, Een dialoog over de risico's van elektromagnetische velden tot stand brengen. [Kheifets and Shimkhada (2005)] L. Kheifets and R. Shimkhada, 2005, Childhood Leukemia and EMF: Review of the Epidemiologic Evidence, Bioelectromagnetics Supplement 7:S51-S59 (2005). [Koivisto et al. (2000)] Koivisto, M., Revonsuo, A., Krause, C., Haarala, C., Sillanmäki, L., Laine, M., Hämäläinen, H., 2000, Effects of 902 MHz electromagnetic field emitted by cellular telephones on response times in humans, Neuro-Report 2000, 11, 413 - 415 [Koyama et al. (2003)] Koyama, S., Nakahara, T., Wake, K., Taki, M., Isozumi, Y. & Miyakoshi, J., 2003, Effects of high frequency electromagnetic fields on micronucleus formation in HO-K1 cells. Mutat Res, 541(1-2), 81-89. [Kuster et al. (1997)] Kuster N, Bolzano Q, Lin J.C. (1997) Mobile Communications Safety, Chapman & Hall, London. [La Regina et al. (2003)] La Regina, M., Moros, E.G., Pickard, W.F., Straube, W.L., Baty, J. & Roti Roti, J.L., 2003, The effect of chronic exposure to 835.62 MHz FDMA or 847.74 MHz CDMA radiofrequency radiation on the incidence of spontaneous tumors in rats. Radiat Res, 160(2), 143-151. [Lai (2004)] H. Lai, 2004, Cell Phone Biological Studies, Bioelectromagnetics Lab, University of Washington, School of medicine, Seattle, WA, USA. [Lagroye (2004)] Lagroye, I., Hook, G.J., Wettring, B.A., Baty, J.D., Moros, E.G., Straube, W.L. & Roti Roti, J.L., 2004, Measurements of alkali-labile DNA damage and protein-DNA crosslinks after 2450 MHz microwave and low-dose gamma irradiation in vitro. Radiat Res, 161(2), 201-214.

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168<br />

electromagnetic pulses: lack of effects on mammary tumors. Radiat Res, 155(2),<br />

369-377.<br />

[Johansen et al. (2001)] Johansen, C., Boice, J.D., McLaughl<strong>in</strong>, J.K. & Olsen, J.H.,<br />

2001, Cellular telephones and cancer--a nationwide cohort study <strong>in</strong> Denmark. J Natl<br />

Cancer Inst. Feb 7, 93(3), 203-207.<br />

[W. Joseph and L. Martens (2003)] “Safety Factor for the Determ<strong>in</strong>ation of<br />

Occupational Exposure by SAR <strong>in</strong> Phantom Model, 2003, ” IEE Electronics Letters,<br />

vol 39, no. 23, pp. 1663 – 1664.<br />

[W. Joseph and L. Martens (2005)] “General Correction factor to be applied to the<br />

SAR for occupational electromagnetic exposure <strong>in</strong> phantom models,”<br />

Bioelectromagnetics 2005, Dubl<strong>in</strong>, Ireland, pp. 358 - 360.<br />

[Karipidis (2002)] K.K. Karipidis, Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety<br />

Agency, March 2002, Measurement of Residential Power Frequency Magnetic<br />

Fields.<br />

[Karipidis and Mart<strong>in</strong> (2005)] K. K. Karipidis and J. Mart<strong>in</strong>, 2005 Pilot Study of<br />

Residential Power Frequency Magnetic Fields <strong>in</strong> Melbourne, technical report series<br />

No . 142.<br />

[Kemp et al. (2003)] R. Kemp, L. Kheifets, M. Repacholi, J. Sahl, E. van Deventer, E.<br />

Vogel, 2003, Riskhandbook: Precautionary framework for Public Health Protection,<br />

Een dialoog over de risico's van elektromagnetische velden tot stand brengen.<br />

[Kheifets and Shimkhada (2005)] L. Kheifets and R. Shimkhada, 2005, Childhood<br />

Leukemia and EMF: Review of the Epidemiologic Evidence, Bioelectromagnetics<br />

Supplement 7:S51-S59 (2005).<br />

[Koivisto et al. (2000)] Koivisto, M., Revonsuo, A., Krause, C., Haarala, C.,<br />

Sillanmäki, L., La<strong>in</strong>e, M., Hämälä<strong>in</strong>en, H., 2000, Effects of 902 MHz electromagnetic<br />

field emitted by cellular telephones on response times <strong>in</strong> humans, Neuro-Report<br />

2000, 11, 413 - 415<br />

[Koyama et al. (2003)] Koyama, S., Nakahara, T., Wake, K., Taki, M., Isozumi, Y. &<br />

Miyakoshi, J., 2003, Effects of high frequency electromagnetic fields on micronucleus<br />

formation <strong>in</strong> HO-K1 cells. Mutat Res, 541(1-2), 81-89.<br />

[Kuster et al. (1997)] Kuster N, Bolzano Q, L<strong>in</strong> J.C. (1997) Mobile Communications<br />

Safety, Chapman & Hall, London.<br />

[La Reg<strong>in</strong>a et al. (2003)] La Reg<strong>in</strong>a, M., Moros, E.G., Pickard, W.F., Straube, W.L.,<br />

Baty, J. & Roti Roti, J.L., 2003, The effect of chronic exposure to 835.62 MHz FDMA<br />

or 847.74 MHz CDMA radiofrequency radiation on the <strong>in</strong>cidence of spontaneous<br />

tumors <strong>in</strong> rats. Radiat Res, 160(2), 143-151.<br />

[Lai (2004)] H. Lai, 2004, Cell Phone Biological Studies, Bioelectromagnetics Lab,<br />

University of Wash<strong>in</strong>gton, School of medic<strong>in</strong>e, Seattle, WA, USA.<br />

[Lagroye (2004)] Lagroye, I., Hook, G.J., Wettr<strong>in</strong>g, B.A., Baty, J.D., Moros, E.G.,<br />

Straube, W.L. & Roti Roti, J.L., 2004, Measurements of alkali-labile DNA damage<br />

and prote<strong>in</strong>-DNA crossl<strong>in</strong>ks after 2450 MHz microwave and low-dose gamma<br />

irradiation <strong>in</strong> vitro. Radiat Res, 161(2), 201-214.

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