Jaarboek no. 89. 2010/2011 - Koninklijke Maatschappij voor ...

Jaarboek no. 89. 2010/2011 - Koninklijke Maatschappij voor ... Jaarboek no. 89. 2010/2011 - Koninklijke Maatschappij voor ...

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Natuurkundige voordrachten I Nieuwe reeks 89 Quantum Information 58 Figure 3 The CHSH nonlocal game. probability greater than ¾ (and they obviously can win it with probability equal to ¾). Hence, one can safely conclude that Alice and Bob win the CHSH game with probability at most ¾. Or not?! As a matter of fact, Alice and Bob can do better. The ΄flaw΄ in the above reasoning is that it implicitly assumes classical physics. By the laws of quantum mechanics, Alice and Bob can do the following. Before the game starts, when Alice and Bob can still communicate and agree on a strategy, they prepare an EPR pair (|0>⊗|0>+|1>⊗|1>)/√2, and Alice keeps the first qubit of the pair and Bob keeps the second. Then, when Alice gets her question x, she measures her qubit in the computational basis if x=0 and she measures it in the Hadamard basis if x=1, and the bit she observes as measurement outcome is her answer a. Bob measures his qubit in basis {|є0>=cos(π/8)|0>+sin(π/8)|1, |є1>=-sin (π/8)|0> +cos (π/8)|1>} if y=0 and he measures it in basis {|δ0>=cos (π/8)|0>-sin(π/8)|1>, |δ1>= sin(π/8)|0> + cos(π/8 )|1> }if y=1, and the bit he observes as measurement outcome is his answer b. Doing the maths shows that with this strategy: a⊕b=x^y with probability cos2 (π/8)≈0.85. Other examples of nonlocal games are even such that by pre-sharing a suitable quantum state, Alice and Bob’s winning probability goes up to 1. Understanding how large the gap can be between the classical and the quantum winning probability is an active research area. The framework of nonlocal

games not only nicely demonstrates the nonlocal behavior of quantum mechanics, but it also suggests concrete experiments that enable to ΄prove΄ the nonlocal behavior of Nature. Quantum Cryptography The aim of quantum cryptography is to make use of the quantum mechanical behavior of Nature for the design of cryptographic schemes. The most wellknown example is quantum key distribution (QKD). QKD enables two parties, Alice and Bob, who do not share any secret information, to agree on a secret key K, such that an eavesdropper Eve, who can listen into the whole conversation, learns (nearly) no information on K. The secret key K can then for instance be used as an encryption key to encrypt a message that Alice wants to securely communicate to Bob. Without quantum mechanics, the above task of key distribution is known to be impossible, unless Eve’s capabilities are restricted (like her computing power). QKD works as follows. Alice chooses two sequences x1,...,xn and θ1,...,θn of random bits. For every i, she then prepares a qubit in state Hθi |xi> (i.e. |xi> if θi=0 and H θi |xi> if θi=1) and sends that qubit to Figure 4 The BB84 quantum key distribution scheme. Natuurkundige voordrachten I Nieuwe reeks 89 Quantum Information Bob. Bob chooses a sequence θi’,...,θn’ of random bits and measures (for every i) the i-th qubit in the computational basis if θi’=0 and in the Hadamard basis if θi’=1. Let x1’,...,xn’ be the resulting bits that Bob observes. From the elementary properties of the computational and Hadamard bases, as discussed earlier, it follows that xi=xi’ whenever θi=θi’ (and xi and xi’ are independent otherwise). Furthermore, the intuition is that if Eve tries to gain information on xi by measuring H θ i | x i> (when it is communicated to Bob), then, because she does not know θi, it is likely that she uses the wrong basis and that way destroys information on xi; this may then be noticed by Bob (in case θi=θi’). The scheme proceeds as follows. Alice and Bob exchange their choices of θ1,...,θn and θ1’,...,θn’, and they dismiss all positions i with θi≈θi’. Therefore, for all the remaining i-s, xi is supposed to coincide with xi’ (but may not be so due to interference by Eve). Next, Alice and Bob exchange xi and xi’ for a random subset of the i-s, and verify that xi=xi ’ for these i-s. If there are too many errors, then Alice and Bob conclude that an eavesdropper Eve has been interfering with the communicated qubits, and they abort. Otherwise, they conclude 59

Natuurkundige <strong>voor</strong>drachten I Nieuwe reeks 89<br />

Quantum Information<br />

58<br />

Figure 3<br />

The CHSH <strong>no</strong>nlocal game.<br />

probability greater than ¾ (and they obviously can<br />

win it with probability equal to ¾). Hence, one can<br />

safely conclude that Alice and Bob win the CHSH<br />

game with probability at most ¾. Or <strong>no</strong>t?!<br />

As a matter of fact, Alice and Bob can do better.<br />

The ΄flaw΄ in the above reasoning is that it implicitly<br />

assumes classical physics. By the laws of quantum<br />

mechanics, Alice and Bob can do the following.<br />

Before the game starts, when Alice and Bob<br />

can still communicate and agree on a strategy,<br />

they prepare an EPR pair (|0>⊗|0>+|1>⊗|1>)/√2, and<br />

Alice keeps the first qubit of the pair and Bob keeps<br />

the second. Then, when Alice gets her question x,<br />

she measures her qubit in the computational basis<br />

if x=0 and she measures it in the Hadamard basis<br />

if x=1, and the bit she observes as measurement<br />

outcome is her answer a. Bob measures his qubit<br />

in basis {|є0>=cos(π/8)|0>+sin(π/8)|1, |є1>=-sin (π/8)|0><br />

+cos (π/8)|1>} if y=0 and he measures it in basis<br />

{|δ0>=cos (π/8)|0>-sin(π/8)|1>, |δ1>= sin(π/8)|0> + cos(π/8<br />

)|1> }if y=1, and the bit he observes as measurement<br />

outcome is his answer b. Doing the maths shows<br />

that with this strategy: a⊕b=x^y with probability<br />

cos2 (π/8)≈0.85.<br />

Other examples of <strong>no</strong>nlocal games are even<br />

such that by pre-sharing a suitable quantum state,<br />

Alice and Bob’s winning probability goes up to 1.<br />

Understanding how large the gap can be between<br />

the classical and the quantum winning probability is<br />

an active research area. The framework of <strong>no</strong>nlocal

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