1 | rate BrOCHUre 2010 - Landelijke Media

1 | rate BrOCHUre 2010 - Landelijke Media

1 | rate BrOCHUre 2010 - Landelijke Media


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ehavioural targeting.<br />

behavioural targeting<br />

Advertising using Behavioural Targeting lets you<br />

leverage the visitor’s surf, search and click behaviour<br />

history to present advertisements and/or promotions<br />

that are tailored more specifically to groups of<br />

consumers with similar interests, requirements<br />

or characteristics. Behavioural Targeting variants<br />

include: Segment Targeting, IP Targeting, Content/<br />

Keyword Targeting, Tailored Targeting and Re-targeting.<br />

The Behavioural Targeting variants are deployed<br />

throughout the entire network (Run of Network).<br />

1. segment targeting<br />

Segment Targeting focuses on specific interests. These<br />

interests can be combined.<br />

52 | <strong>rate</strong> <strong>BrOCHUre</strong> <strong>2010</strong><br />

Segments:<br />

Recruitment<br />

Cars<br />

Entertainment<br />

Finance Professional<br />

Family<br />

Men/sport<br />

Personal Finance<br />

Travel<br />

Women<br />

Living<br />

2. ip targeting<br />

IP Targeting focuses on the domain, country, province<br />

or type of Internet connection. The more selective the<br />

number of available IP addresses, the more unique and<br />

relevant the target group.<br />

3. content anD keyWorD targeting<br />

Content and Keyword Targeting zero in on subjects<br />

contained in articles that are being viewed or search<br />

queries entered on our websites.<br />

4. tailor-maDe targeting<br />

Tailor-made Targeting enables you, for example, to<br />

combine the various targeting options. The segments<br />

are adjusted to suit the situation.<br />

5. re-targeting<br />

Retargeting is a form of Behavioural Targeting<br />

whereby the advertisement on our sites is intelligently<br />

displayed to visitors that have previously surfed to the<br />

advertiser’s website. For example, a visitor who ended<br />

the session on the advertiser’s website during the<br />

ordering or search process can be shown an improved<br />

offer for the same product on one of our websites. This<br />

is an excellent targeting devise to stimulate consumer<br />

loyalty and to entice wavering customers to purchase<br />

the product after all.<br />

<strong>rate</strong>s<br />

Cpm <strong>rate</strong> is calculated on the basis of RON (Run of<br />

Network) or ROS (Run of Site) <strong>rate</strong> + 25% surcharge.

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