
sizes-wear patterns and deformities of the feet. -. Shoes in art and literature pictorial and literary parallels - status women's and children's shoes. 155 páginas sizes-wear patterns and deformities of the feet.
-. Shoes in art and literature pictorial and literary parallels - status women's and children's shoes.
155 páginas

from carlosharo20005 More from this publisher



]largrethe de Neersadd, Fn Hr

Virye$e de Neelqad dred n ,^@i 19s7, d

tbe hd.:iy ear\ 4e or 34, ju* as $s bo.k



il ror sev.ral yeds, and n h r dbde

i. her bnvery, dekhiidloi rd sheer

4ihusi$m lor the sbjEd thd dApire pati,r

dr$birity she Ms,ble ro bhns $ose sections

for {hi.h she sas ctue0y respons'ble -

shamtiw ard Cat,ttn4

ai Shu: in An atu Lit rdLutu -





Francis Grew and Mar$ethe de Neergaard

lllustrations bI Susan Mitford


@ rt33,200r urcurolLondon

,1/ R(r' -erdl.r. ff,dp, r P.rmiticd ddd flff. l.gillanon

no p of rhn work nrl be phoo@picn, noRd in a ttijeval tdcE

ptr6LL5hcd, pdlomrd i'rpubli. rdaFtd, brcad@i

msmiftcd, (did€d or (Pioduced in uv rdm or bv nf nsnq

{irhotr, ilrpriorPcmrsion of thc !oP)iigbI ow!&

Fn$ puunhed lt33

Hd Maie5.I s Sbdon.ry Ofll<

Nsv <dnion 2001

Repin(d 2002, 2004

Th. Bolde[ r(s, Voodbridse

rsBN o 35rr53332

A Nlu$uD ofL o! rubln on

NtuRum of London, I ondor Vtll.


w.mNunoflondon olg uk

'r]t Bovdcll lre$ n in iDpi'n ol Boldrll & Brew{ Ltd

PO Bo\ 9, \Uoodbidgq Sullolk lP r 2 3DF. UK

,t oiBoldcll & Bre$fht

PO Box 41026, Ro.hen(, NY 14604-4126, USA

wwboticll.o uk

AdRloguc rt.od aorrh; 6ook i anil,hle

aron dr Brni5h Lihflry

Libdry of Corgr.$ Crhlog card NuDbo, 20010i2'r20

Ths pubkrtioo ir princdon liee PiP.f

lrinad in Ct{ BiGin by

Sr Edmundstu4 P'e!5 Lihnrd. Btr.ySt Edmund5, Sufiolk


i'3 netho&, archiv€ and conEntions

&!n Lo.don sites, 1100_1450

..'t lzhtdtlry - kbr 12k dntua 'a t/n1d lsh dnt@ - ldt. 13k ond .ub l,lh

e'i: flid t4k drtn4

*Lott, .h@,oL 4c litlsd am airadn dttnc l1u?a d

b-br.n' a atiFtd tF d.a4nH.havd"^ b'r'a14Pirho'd

;n* i,,-'dr10'w.d to' lurts tb) rtdn Edd\ ' '$ai'ond4u'

att'rtot,4 . t'lt t. r.. ,r^ h"hq Nr'| ,lJtt-trth 'atu'.

and w€r prkems: so.irlinler€n.eB

aa wa'ttu. onn a4anira ol thr kd

and lit'fta t nlkts lata - tuh,t : t"d .hlvtd\ sh6

of tu!.€s a.d.dn.oidance

o) c,agn ri,, (by Kdhdine sbniq)

Darie 'n French rd Geman




{rrrd f.rd.s Ren:dr aio.i!'rID'


r:.1, ii '1,. ro

d, I nim hsuime C'ouP

:: ! :1..t trord{,lJdEc lrlmJoniidrl'e

\i.,:,, i,. sdrLrts Conitrsor llrLLh$4r!''

:i r' ltsL!tr Cmirn

i i.{\trD L:bor,t.rr: b tL liddf (Brir\[

,id lirir,lL{L.l'e ilron{r1trprolidirgnLmrrii'

n ll'eid, mi C.rmD r+edi!.lv to Brle!

T*for rl!6r and Jii sdrier of 1rr. IIU+um s

!, Jol 'lui! tm'

lhrk. ro$ ri,!i. CeoJi Esrn oLlr Corrirz

\nlm \lrcr!o,.

PIi,l,rtd llksrh Jum S{xir

Ro, lrrrL;$ lLr \nr. rnd11ilv Cnr'n'n

md rontnldbi\ t, tltr kn 1rd. iirllr r' fild


second edition

dLEnLalc.{ud!Poide]cqn.!....]tqjlj{5ioruLobt(rt. f u{i.riq ur q {

.ji!tu{rqlabrr.u L ptrn !f *! o{ 500,ha!

(rili n! ronj Gfrrt, Po L,f(oNF94r r0$rc

<trucr rod GliLdhrLiclle:, hc Lh rc i21h

an r!f ru,| n! ! odi ! +! sbi.. d i

. ir r ri51foudrLJud:p,!.;..oa,h!

@ras i rrir;i. i,{urd rin! Llqi iin(k

Tl\ti*$( FqLPs{ft &k<d lTibLcrri ms,

.: ]qq r! itf iqri ir(, !h !F qq {


rq lfd Lr$,hq(

d.irrrnid r4(h (NrrorbLc t.+p.s,i d!

lEi Dtr!( &c4b a l'!0,72,,lJb l. o?$ 1'7)'

rc\ ufnillrL r,! 4 ' n' i |lcrc rpr ns bca$.


r51N* 6L1u.r,LJi !d !r {sertnt) rtriodd


&qk, nr{ $rih. vi,h r,hd'qhi. ircud

iraNto' .oi,hc cos dissed 4 PP



Fi{& h1E6ef prctccl'Lc, rod br dde

oi c roi (Fhi f..r."qn, 14.+ . ftrl'


fie a6coid. qqhod Jectcd i! Fk' I t. iod Fis5


tbft $.daoidrotri(iall, h rh.clo$!riP r25),

bodon 6id! \'rhin , , &r rcdor d bo' ir

ibou nqdiq! iho.6\hiD, bu . va {rnGi oo

-.;*-,r E***'.b.r"" md.d*hutr," resG

md eos (fd{rl;r $rk, {c srL .k re!r. '1 r7)

,- -,i-"; 6',h

s*;6-s rc;-^- *' vi*.i)sc re$)

kncc (c&swo

En vinahsc r%a tG nhm+

oL;ciDs,lt dn(ibuioi or knovD dDJ!, cknriin.

i.r,-.i h. l'.|..d.h" i.trjg.hs 'r.-rt*.h*

ont no,Ly sed *6nsdi n I iJui 5 frr cN s

\oirqod bi B(\ qi or \.hl.vtg 6chm.[

leer, r11l) b! ( ma/hr! ud 6e.

diffG"a! i dntjbdn!

takc sliP o, sh4s. -_{'

dro, ! (Trb. :r 'hfl r norfrom(h. nh

-;*, Gi6rr.w&r$hcqFdryduhq,h! n!

r4rh ;d inh <doia 'Lip-4s-q! high E5hio!

$oe, dh u do!!s( hfl rnd EoP 6rr<k

r994,20i FDqqLir r99t r6r 4) o!?nll. oo.i{irL

c, idx. rc" p3nE u rc {!lrkrh.;disribuio

,orurtdraookn' [! Gosoiscd thc lhoid

v4r4e %! ni

roDsRr? 1s(boi.k r994) iid ror tbr N<hd0odr

Ol1f 6oubLE! d.f ie qorr $rr rPPdr soo

(crcennin u, vh*<irg., qn D&lMuqr &


roosq tr ,L{ hnr dtlv b{s ilun $ tu in bino

depqi6 Pr&ul r


sho.mrtr5 q.6 T q

onun<!i 4.h fn,l irde m Lordi h m" )'lh

crary 6i,,h rsj4, !r5xi rc- jn.lE Britkh

r,{Ln4o), for the q(od &NidQbLrrhc drg! o}

BAA\(ASsER, \{ &COLTBITZ. O,1990 Ledo llor en rexiele lbndsrcD, i! H dfln & Ivl 5n4

vn$aLr k rtil: ntt'tukgtrtb un&t tu Kl\Pd t37t )925 YrnP'r io'"

EGAN C& PruTCri$D,F,1991 Drs,4rs'r;{

Mcdila'l Finds 'rcD h'xv

on5 i! t'ndon'

IINGERjrN, r. rggt Der hdenhAll, r M UntlEmr (.di Di' Ltn "/'t


Kkn?s j, Fribrr! i,t B4gn!, ae irlh.lic zuf tu hiologn h BrdclvinEDb$g, 3 1 (stutrgxn)

GROENldAr.i VAN vAATENNGE, V t 3! Di Lkl.tfae u' Hr'('! Bei'hre iib( dr€

Auig b(ne.n!, Hanhebu. zl (NqDtste4

GROENI{AN !A\ \1,A,:!IF.RINCL,.$I'1E L 'tufad M.'lttt/ sa'l"{. Thc Arlhiolog)

oiMcJn!,I S\€ndbdig.{k, 5 (Odensunreriq PruJ


rLA cr.,L.\\.\'\\Do.t v pt,t, au.Bit/,O.nrr


3. L, o -- ,,./or,.,h,.rs,,o.,,,r

I r\lBErfr, F, rtzr

Sometr.or Fxardonsin L.DJon. Axtr4rtrSi4Tt,5i \12


.nT tMpD I l" I tooa." ,' \. ..o .o-h, .,ha . t,.,j


f,a .eooB i oP^ !..L1" .:. tr 0

.,:r{NAC.C,1192 Di nrnktttih,, Sthi. ta sitrb,uig A,,snb!,U S.ttjtA j 97t 197r, Aan

:::btrnBen !' schlsNig, Bdnhr und Sndi.n. l0 (Neu,itr(;

rf i;oroer.m srder witrrmbss lc/t!trarrr

..:lTH,CR, r35,t C4 c!1r 'ftlE M$an af bnbn Artir,ri,


i{)\'L{S, C, 5t OANE B & PHILTPOTTS. C, l9t7 Eaura$ i,ttt, tritll ont H^rifut,}.Sl

.!:. stid! r.and'\ MaL\s \Ionac(fh sri.s, I (Mu$um oi London)

: r!!J,r rd hm ben pcdtrtc io Nrnr thi5 tnrcdudo, *nLout lhe gricrcus r!$n.e ofohi

L O...\'outJ

- . 1-, - ,D. j.. ". 5 Rrd..,d/o. ...ov,,T"

: . irdo inaonudon ,6ou rhc5ire5trndlhcnd ng, se Egtrr & prir.hxJd 1991,l-12 The t6!e


" roup ariri ,T.bk. ".no,o.".ed,Do s. *r onr ,rd,o( otro

. d 5e, d,-, o o"p". n ro, BtrBo.d";,.c.rc..,.o:

, ... ,po ,.q o pF . d..". it, -. ". rolto . .., -

l rhe coNo(la(<, pp 129 r0 *trh Egin & rlnchrid 199r,6 s)

: :,r( bu.kls. $c at$ EFn & prndDa r9,l,66_/ s67


Fe nnld spleadon of d. cc

wd e clNry, pp. r2].5

Grain/flesh stitching

Edge/flesh stitchirg




r.ndu?r mr.mL (for

: r\lde^ e iri d 'he cvoLution or dlrter!'r { fle:

l-.dhff dn!ni*

riJ iiru.'obn.ondL.oDi

nerrrod. Sixo \omnfidrer.

trl, trm,r,.

.. :Ls dr pr!dudoiinun,rr rh,llLo.oponri


rird. rr lhn d!! lrnr.lrfd fotl'.oitrtrsi {lji.


rLL\ bd$e.n rlre q, dll]LL rid rltr Lordon

abloqEs lCuiLdhiLLpFLensi!.

rni e[|1o hi]eni

'lr.r 191)3; l-.ddor \lusdm l93a: re10) n


bLr i' hi! blsl

pmisrnorniior r,ndiorsrM dd:ilr rbef m

pErd ,irm the b.eillig d.Ni .i 11[

:ildr lf,e


ruturaseie.rioN ltrthrfirt.bsoter.slAt,i

-. q, r,c tuilj, brnrt oJ the lrime\ (rar.

@ c o


t ōo







i o





o a






o ooCL








+ I


It t'



h $ *rii.rLsaNe tu rc.hDque or !wtn*i

tr0r I inerubl! to r0..rhnt s$r(.!. btrl

(l) rlr. heighr or tl'. quncn +o.i beDg

rhoserbdm:da:hoesnorerde4niof ;.n r

(ould te y\i inh the Arisimq ro*:lrlie

drrrer or lrctng k.

(3) rh. fd r nrp,tdl rr. tu iniD.e.


rrrL6L ry nl(in

brmfr irn, i iii ! r! drdl ig rhe upDer rrom i

or dr b!*L! r., {ef51i n!riin! +r: f.on

ihnugh the r.ltb .cffuc

nu\t hi!e heei iLm,n

rodi!. The Lrrer nrLes \rcrt qft!i rlr! nds riar

vrLk donffiDs dtr slft l+drLr,,3er ot1h.n

r'rtrli eiiolld I brer losue

lhith \.re popu f d di. b.ghms or rlp rrli

.em'ry :|d trstrh. p*bi0! fd mo seientions d

d! nde lred boor.

cDmpai!. ndsed, h:d ..,& into beiis rry t2i? ir

rh? cred Fire !rtdude: rnr d&r!d .r!nigx.

or de.ontion s.r


r sone is$ mrde plsLbLe b! th. r.rrnriL

drrdDrrnrs thrt re d'$trsad ii rhe se.ond

.bipter. srr,,!,l,{.r/ ,rrri,r (rr 11 90).

eignred rdrte morfs ts.r blLdr $ tqi6)

id, ,s :hofn n ihe loLLo iN .hrpr. Parotr



Tl]!|]d fol|l[pi'trtrmdd$tn


:. .m rro0 lk d'Pt{ d si/i 0rr df &r


r4iL d thp ,. !r.. d



!.;;. {i s -, i': .Qr{

rhi.{ Ddidl d'd+t id's ir moDrrndmd

ift nlLri+Likd.r rNsibrelrdminn'

.ji,i. r Ldsif dirla\ rh6 ri b


rehjY. rhtrs n) m! ind f'r m trtr

,:i.A lhi ) ti

,.:,i { 2 013!&T?rrb:2)

1!r trlren ue

:, rhe\ Dl! IIQ rfrd$ I'on sDoi iid.r


:!!! rrri Ei? ft +!dd mtLlo: om$ids

'il,! &hfolo4(nrttu.d Fsq\ ne m6'

-rn 0i $r,.h i.e ltreb Lods md lrkns

'!Do{r l !{nfds

uhlitrm ?r ro(5, \hd' Pre\firbtr Nde nor

rrly ii the lms tr vilass vhm they

weE sold .rd !sed, ; r idther indistid of s.

hl!fuiioBl cll'mtd oJ mrtLwest Europ. h


at€venthe hnhlestlcv.lvas hcljued lry Fide,

s$dbiE snd @ass !wel. h thir f.r, d€

srudy otfoo!{€d in L\e lre&nt olldidn 6 b.

resarrled 6 a snhluiim nd b ilE iistory

ofLndd bur b tne bi*ory olEnrope s a whole.

Recording methods, archive and

conventions used in thereport

r,,rtrds c*lLr ui Trig Lrie *4e eilo:cd n

]ibe]hd {j$ trr mn|,* ,,1 'ht iidnsben;


Ra(i*{.d Frds : ue

rt I ' \. irh ii utT! LliFrr n B ms_-ni

irs? F..Jr n. F.. pi .t olJ ir r.rifllril! {trrixnr. Th. {,rb{ oa


{herc. s nih$ thev mav l'c e\:mred bv pnor



s,'@r dri Pd'ta_



;:jir ii,,i.'.;rrk,i ;""'"

ff*ffi:; slrlt i,;n *;lli[l



Shoes from London sites, 1100-1450

I rrtrs d'iprer n,oe h$jo^s jn i_o on Dytr a


1 J' d'. d.posns ! rlhjfh the! \ere jou and

Egi*otion iu,bG {d;dividnLddes, aie to

6e ian\dnnhe L tnI/t$q odn,ard'"attp.

12630) iod.,"\pLoded dn\unesotn yshoes,

frrNnB.h.prripp. 51 71).

lhe eaitinid 121h.elrury ([ig 3)

rb. Lzth .enn'n rnd rlert lound ln jui ts!

drpor6. { Scr Ho$e xnd tsilljngsgde Tlre

respedLvPl' ) bf !i

id Ln ihe jnu*Etions ro d.mre hn ind nshl

kom rhe $yles ?nd t.hiiquei of the Dre&ding


oi rhe one h?nd G.c

r.{hdDins) 10 those ol the hter 12th

oDe ot lbe sboes trom Billi.gsFte is r in*nc

indii'on mcoaoDting man] or the.hr4tenstic

rcdurcs or London rootsetr or rhe rxh .enlury

(rig. 4). rt \€s :r,io{ cetuidt ?n anue shoe,

onri:llr rulju$.boye the ankLe bone, ed the

r refr tmt.r Irn,tu

shoeGeeberow p 47) and

lo$iblr usins {ool n(her

noh,L ? q-mz4in on the eper aid , ro{ ol

ruiner $jr.hes on rhe sole, nset srishdy fron the

edge Gee also FE.3, e p. s1).'fhe s.le n

irrghr sided s yet wirho4 the ruif rhar

rypilies m/Ly :l r:rer nediev, ?nd noder.


shaped cm-om Ln tlrl qurde^. Trre upper is .r

, sroup ot seven dosety

deposib $se$ Norld have.ontaned: paf ol

shod inteNoyen thones (Parhed forh.oniq)

These rhongs wert prGun:bry onuneibr - or

d no* helped to hold rhe loper in +ape rt the

qftteG - :id ii h tr r kD.$n hos rhe shoe itselt

All the other items in the e t lzi]]reiturt

respeds. The nod obviors is rhd the sotes,

aL$ough sr qdte suaigr,r,sided fe invaroblt

rlar dd rouided a! the heel. The qnden $ere


'r,eer $iffen8r'

{hose rom my id tad hare

sole (F. Pnthad, pns. .omm.). At rhe srme

tina the bsic .onsh.tion of shoes *A

t?.slomed by dis.eding

$nps or oids ware fomd in rhe presenr deposirs

no0e oI these ath.hed to a shoe - rnd the fact


doselyapaced eithes Gee belov o. ,13) is a

Edly l2th.centdry shoes sen either to haye

been poft .s slip.ons or to haye been hiened

{ilhaleatherthoq- dnwnriq' suppofredin

heisht betveei $ose cut di.bht on the lne ofthe

,nlde la g Ft. 6) .id those nsing t oi 2 inches

(25-50 m) abore it (e{. Fus. 5 & 3), w{e by

rar the mon pop'nr s$le. Th8re ee ody $o

he shoes (FiF. 7 & l1), and only oie booi: &is

h of a distincrie type ro be described i, rhe n,axt

se.rion (pp. r!r5&Fi$. t5-16) $hereby the

Ilo{ shoes {er poinr.d rhe roe, bu1 nieLr Ior the r? i aid early l3rh.enruncs, {hei ve!.'

{n rhF hzre been so essse red .s on ls! low slth ioob:.ds have suflved, olner exp]?fr

a.ue sho4 ron sear Hruse (Fts 5 6). The

rt .ortd hrE been osed ro

serre a fabn. tr tur rhins shi.h is nov misine or

tr4mlr hile been *ufed to Eiain thcn sMpe, it may bp &t tbe edge s:s meieh boDd {irh

dnsr,.o $jde^.e ror rhn suniyes This {as a tbread The,tu4emen6 d th. froar oI the sr,oe

nle sblrh fldier Londor 6nds md hinondl m uideu, but rbe posiron or $e sifubiljl (Fi3

$urcs sho{ !, ru! o.rdod D ihe hr rxh 33) sqsens thd d'c i'isi's i.sen an nsht

rd(! (Parclrrd ronh.ominsr, Lu! \'hi.h is fr$ lbe in$ep dd mtry elen h?!r orertapped

tund od, nrery in dep.sirs Do{.ddi0s.ll50 rhe siun fl:p oa lje olhs side. ln this ':y the


dros esyLnrdnolthe ao.i aid rhei.losed ro

niudiod {nh i i14,.:t main seam otr rlE iin4 rolm a snug doubleahnkies se,l. The kcond

5de One G.omplcr. bui lor a sdlLi.5e( d rhe iikre shoe requned io insers ?nd zppem ro

lunp ihro* aDd {s rareied b! quire r brord bzrt beei ., sriFn IFe Mh .o adduioial

dnrEtrne ({id$ oa rqtre$jd 6 mm) pasing lzneut OB 0) ln ilns ssc, th. ,bsei.e ol

rhtuughasinsrarovotslor(Ft 5) As on mtr) niidios Gis. 34)

lhocs or d'is 'he (ql Figs. 7, 3) :.d larer, ibeie openq d lbe ump trmar, add, A oi n.$ shoes

d rhn dde, $e leainer hrs been.urand se?med

edle From the lar8 13$ .eitufy o.eads rhi: rms ,r idcp t, p(ryide fleibitih * the point

i mon inva.ablr sc. b n{k rhe lomer pre {hfte ir baids slrarpry ftom the hoazonbro irE

sen.e or? ledher ed!ru $np. or topbmd , bd

Mey of the fedurts des.nhed re.ur on o$cr

3hoes { thi\ pcnod, thoud the toes de odl

sliEhtLy pninted A r:rge nmber, hostver F

de.onted vlrh eFbrdide.) iormally {ith a

dnpcrmingdomthe.e re ofihe vamp, btrin

oie iiid.e also uth ? b?nd oi rle qndcA Gc.

helos, i ?5 9. nns is a lom ol orabeii

$b.h r 6r* re.oided in Loidon deposiis oI ihe

Lre 11th cenrury - thoush dsawl'u. pcrhaps


popuh Ior .bo!t , .eitury, brely odlrws the

12thanttrq.Shoes di vanp {npcs*ere mrde

ii . rrso ofsizcs (tbe lour thd are 'io* .omprete

ne*Ure ..177(Fig. 3)

(Fis 7), .orcspoMing to the moded stes l0

(.hiro r1 Gbird) I (aduu) ad. probably, 3 (xdtrLt)

respedllely) and as

ixunntiom Gee belo{ p. l13l mun bave been

lon by both mei lnd woner, droueh thet

re{aded to those o( high {,ixlshr$ li'.om'

Frisoi *iri rho larscr boo6 ind ankk r,oes lcr.

Fis.5) sboes ol rlis knd seem q relsht!!ndE

rnd jt is po$ible thd ilq rer. inrended mriDly

o'rly one ol rbe embrojdered in th.

presed groups r cedai'nr troD a d'oe ntl'.r tha

an an*le shoe (F,g. 7). In mrny ftspecG it is rery


a shU d;! insen (Do{ ni$ing) toig lbe dpper

edse on the inner side - ind h i.s r smal vediul

tened *lrh drapsrid8s vhich Dds tkoush a

siisle, or in one cAe i double. tus oI slot

usuany o.e sLot on eitber side ol the rrep. The

illu*Eted exmpb (r,g. s) hd a *npe made up oI

:irt. nr$ rr e'iLr.ldefl, rarher rlun : rqle

:\rAo,il,e +oe

'tssered,<hr$). As rn th.6r$ hall ol the.en

..i{ diotr. bd tr'.i oi rhe iLes rme ol

lhe rll]; sho,"rotlh 5d,e.xnle i'mmrised

uJe : $:ll

rnaqulaL i$str ("o'y trrsiig) r rhe

-iBju m rhe iiier sida ([( 9) rbjsrs 'he jlai


lifrlr lse [!Ldr, duiebi.rdsijlhl po,r6 i./

Frs r2), Frn uy rrri kb rrhi eerequitebtu:d

md tumded (liss.13.16)

rnie\ d Seil lloule. $ggeiln! Ibd iher h?d


teredh on,"ndr uliiredrhida

trbsaft lro.i nnre,ipodfl irruri:riois (see

belo\. ! r,r)iil 1lr mfre nqa:ln! - bnr rhe,e

.-imr t) lrve lr.,d ., ile tii^{!lu rtir(o(.

fu d!t.e]r!r} ceelelo{ p 13) :'dfud:;ad

i! u\e rrr.tun!r !nir rhe lerl ed '( ihe medLeyrl

lenod AF D! ,e iri$$rnD! +ori rlremelres.

rhr rin shoe n, be dlsru*ed i\ qrne d ieieit

rrt \iDp, h{e(d

b! i dn\diD! rni.h rNed

slot (rI FE J) 'flr{e m d LeFr Iir eii DL.s

. rri thnil\?srr{flred[]rdirnni!ormf


lnrc beei N),, Lf; Fr! !.uns.hiLi Il is

', edmvhrr Geereror, |)0 r6-r7?ndFi!:

iin+ md lord rr't uo! jm b! joiiiag 'rr


sl[4, oie tom IIlk streer (3 re{is

frq! ser House o0

r. dre sme de!.sirs, bo*eyer, ft ar teAt

twelve lrasnen$ ot . ftther diterent siyle, a bx

'Dkle{hoe or tun boot The mo{ compreie (fi8

13) is a nn\ boot, ecry romded d i[e im, qhilh

orisin:ny smd ro a heishi of . 200 nn ind thus

rcached nea y ro uid olt rr G oI,{np{rcund


sboes nd booc of ihh pe,iod - .nd rso more

iisens $e top ind.bove rhe indep. rhere sa

to $ilchiq doq the DFr edse, lor binding or a


sti.bnu ms ashi acro* $e insrer. .lmod ce.

biilytheress a torsle 6oush rbs itselihm not

sudlved and ns fom is un.enain. The boot hA

susivtug fragneft wheiner &is was a stnste

stiq sound .ortinmusly rouid $e l* or seren

sepute srints lied tosether at the liont On a

s.ond, sbdler .id mu.h more iragmenbl_r boot

remins in prz.. (Fig. 11). irere re &ree ri.s of

har been delrtsately ivlsred, perhaps for

de.ontve ared, is kioned d the rd{en sbt on

the outer side; this s@eis thd n wA then

{ound ontinuousiy uprrds i. concenric cides

on $e exmpres :lready dennbed rhe dw-

*dngs pAsed droush slob cut in the upper but


upvrds. -fhes $ongs nere themsehes

L\readed l@*ly 6rou$ paiF or slob, ud erh

had a spad.shzped lemin:l {hi.h vas mchorcd

againn tne bve{ slot on the jislde T}e mo$

complet! booi ol il'is rypa co@s lron a deposn oI

the 13th cenrury but is bes .onsidered here in rhe

$ieal dh.6sion ol the sb'le (F,s. r5). ft is ol

heel, io suppon $e dia{striig, The slring itseuis

zo'dal insen on $e im{ side, a ropbod add a loig oily Dafrly in ph.e, but n seems posible thd it

tmrqxh edsinc $np $hi.h w6 se{n to the str se.ured by a knotied 4ainn the inside oithe

rdp thro.t at the and lorned m overlapping

a.! ro! opening. The boot hs only one veni.:l o.iirudslyupwaldsdtrdgljth€sldshdtbdg

thoq on (he outer sde over inc anlde, vhere ii

'nre purpose of the snalL sudivins knot ii the

rd &ree senes oI ot[er end oi the dfts$nns is uncleai.

) \i." tflt'4 r',rtt) urn

oder exanphs ol lnis !'pe bad nore !b& one

reni.?l thons. Tne moi .omprele of these hm

rhree remaining one on either side and the thnd in

$. middle or $e in{ep (Fis 16). Ii n an:nue

.hoe.nd robibly sFivas io ih oridMr height,

dthough eren this is not .ediii becadse n h6


0I tle sida tlonss hG lor. L@ps bul rhe .edtrJ

h..s oily Lliee it h likelr thd 6i boot rlso s^

hled.onunuously with r jde dn{fing

Th€ erlr/nid r3.h cenrq (Fig l7)

h is b the 6rd h? oIthe13thcentu4rbattlre

r Sd flo$e (t{o strresive deposiis.oirainins

r1 dd s redsbied sho$ respe.liveL, ,id

sillligsgac (hree deposits, 3, ti, and 24 rc&$

rred shoes) These ue smmadsed in Tables

dlrerei.e ii rrie ryDes topleseded.

li k lmmediately obrious thd the Sel House

{d B iqscare asemblages m very sinil,r

lables t 2). flic

b3en d$,nbred {Ir @ds, rd rhe sotes haye

quiie. prond!rced s?isted shipe geneElly {ith

i tuund or oul sh?ped toe Gee, ror ex,mplc,

nLss 21,24) As w.s;lindly the pncti.e n the

r2th .entuo, the upp*s m mostiy oronc pie.e

'vcp.areund .onsddion, uth insers dded

*hcrc nc.cs4 but incr m ror rle fi6r time

sever:r exafpks ol shoes rode in rro main

se.riods - vrD ai{i qude^ - {ith seznx on

both sides ol the foo( (r'ts. 25, ?3). This B a typ!



be.ome ,i&spread und rhe se.ond hatf ot rhe

1,1$.eniuryG3ebelos, pp 3r-3). De.ontion is

passd otrt or fashioi though shotrtd iot be

lor$trei rhd the concendc l,.ing .irdes on otL

may have had some

otumenhl, N *ellas tundional !:he

@ by lir the no{

.onmon ro.n or foorwer, :..o!iting ior over h:tf

ine tobl iumber of i0diliduany regi*ered 6nds

rTxbras r-2)'fbere aft !d sn shoes.ur betow

0re ankre, ?nd three or i]jese nay h:ve been a

spehl type oI ndoor slrpper siellar to rhd found

in one of the eady r?th.enry lrodps (F!qs.

13) The t{o vlnch are

mos comprete wer. bdh irde f.D singte pnces

or r€r) thin, soit rearher \ith ? 6nely nitch.d b&

seam joining 'he sdLa td the upper, 3t'nos .erir,ny

{ithour ftnds. There sas bndiis or x rorb,id

(noL strrtjling) bd no ree ot dJl fa{ening

one (Ft. 13) n conve.iionaly {yred, hjsh ar ihc

in*ep. {hereA tho odpr (Fis 19) G .ul rery lo$




rJ:l in thd it h.s . lois $rip iisen round th. pd ot rhe quafrers, lo$lblt destDed ror

$sy rcpla.ement in ihe event ol selere wetr io

as in d'e 12ii c.nrury thc mo{ comon sii.

rs the low boot or:nue sl'oe f,*emd wnn a

ia{sting vound onc. or t{j.e rtuDd t$ leg,

:.imallyju( below ihe rnlle fl.bles 1-2; Fts.

10 23). lrpre$'oc md the sue olthe sloG sho{

roro r 5 nnaro$ T[e 13$.enIu4 eianples

:.ndtonsemu.hhuherur 6e h3th,ithe[ 12r]!

:Jdtrded at th. toe, but again then ?pperan.e

:he imrft$jor $ar rlris was a style lavored

:ii. tun booG and side li.ed shoes (descabed

?low) :Inoi al rem Io h?!e been {om by nc..


di,,!!eD.e frdo ertei erdpres js lne absen.e of

e olen?pping firp optnjns (4 Figs 5, 3) ln

but mat retuined oped at the top. This



'}ose id Figs, 21-23

ftpb.nds and other de not

.hird\ shft illu*Eted (Fig. 23), rhe presen.e or a

The tull boot ldamd wiil' a drtrsstrids sound

mt tines roudd rhe les h tr lurher *yle Fhlch

codinuedinuse inio 6e edly r3th.enhry. The

elab.nte tFe, in rhi.h the $tug pNsed Lbroush

(.1 Fiss. 15 1O, n


bool (Ft 24) h very si'iil:. ro ore found li the

edlier srolps (Ft t3) - eeei to the extent ol

dnrub$$d2 6marcs l! h,lso refr(kable

Ior the iumbn ,n,i compbrny ol lhe iisens on

the nner side, a ledure +ded {iih one oI the

anue shoes desnbed bero{ (Fu. 27) and

of suff.ienr sDe rd quariiy d ds be


ft those laed d $e side. This style oI lasten-

Asenblases od, .o eftelt, has beer found o'ny

spoddi.all! iD litr ones belor enelqi.s as the

lsu cc.tury Gee

belo{, o. 43).There m slx eMnples ii all, of

vlnch LLyee afe shoes cui belos the anl]e dd rvo

ee,nue{boes (T.bles I 2). All saeh !o h.!e

been h.ed on the mer sde. Anois the shoes,

ue .v0 *hi.h m mo* complere de ahon idenlicar

in rom, beins qune high d rhe innep bui verr

lo{ at L\e heeli bo$ roy orytrxy hale had rop.

buds(./.Fiss.27&e0) thoush irese io loiler

strruive - rnd ftinforcnenrpie.o oyer the lace

boles on the mde. om €t 25) h?s elaborde

open{ork de.orarioi b:*d on tun*e, cnc'rtd,

rectag d dd cfrdlom moliis. ed n or ivoinbd

but . smzll infni whi.h loned rre vanp on

lie hrer side ed .mied oia ser of lace.holes, is

iow mising rhe o$er shoe (Ft. 26) is mde

entnely in one piece, aid on the yrmp ihrod h ,

rough k,,ire .dt wilh I pan ot holes on erher side,

vhich po$iblr was made by the vee.r to relieve

one ol thr r le-+oas

tbre spmt inseis (Fi! ,t) o.e L:4e p'e.e

..ideds ii to tu h.el4d.onhiis jtr{ tr si"sl.

l:.e roh, rd a d'ird (.'isrd n.p pe ips m

,ory $e ep dse 1o iorn a lap ope@ !m]I ro

thGe setr on some rzdi.e u4:hos (d Fis.

t) ln this sse (he lr.e irselr ramiix in postjon. It

rA knot.d tuhind otre d rhe Lonon hoLes. $6

dmadcd upwds od pres mrbLr, eas knod.d d

held the shoa v.ry tidd! on the ldi Th. sc.ond

.omdete aDhe shre n ndi.:ny didered i" mn

mh joined by jdeDli., sds n the $me posilon

oi bod, sidc ol the loot o.jg 231 There {as i

topbdd, a he.l stilieier ?Dd. rtinrorcmcnLp'ece


'1he hoLes de ueven n number (lblec on one

sde, iou oi the o$d) rd scn io have been r

hEt palily de.ofttive, ror inpresions shos 6d

diey h,ve b.en puled od or b! a snrll romd



The lere renaniig sho.s n Lhs soup de aLL or

types disdsed ekevhere rd meni odt bnei

onglmlly l:r.ned *irb a buckle. bd h seneDl

3 ;

; ,



; ;




:ppeu?n.e?ni unuri{D I n ..nrhbl!,rto r.ommonedy l5th.enlury trle (./,

ioi esnpla Fis 63) z alnion.enajnly shourd

nriejhoes $nh a rossle fanems. , iobllr..{

nrLe vhi.h reff k)hiFoniMrd iltrm.l

13$ .cntury ad beume in reNi.slt hshioi.ble

,i ns s.ond h3lr Tbe nion .omplete oI rhese


rpinNu,thedilNnaisr:{eiiis totl'oscol

rh.late medrrl. croups kofr r.f *es, s{:r

Lane (10


regin.Fd shoes; 3). Rlliosssr.

16 shoct Trig Lane (rTshoen rnd,-udgre (26

:bocs: Table'1) ilrnrare rrrese derdf 0med5

---4 L

<=-- ..-'

nyb n sertr kr, ror

ilimrle Ft :I) rh! rrll boot ..iiinfd to b.

T!du.ed, bur it seems thd $e l.v b.or or bn

rkl. shoe $brb{rsooooulreelier. ne.dl y

.lioeor![oe. Thn lad E .ot immedirtelr obriots

r shouLd be rtn€dLered rln E a'lJr:ho.s

iuntd in the former & xLhcr iLL or llie lo{

rggLe ranened type uia(ed jn Fjts :l-3

rb.reas rhose in the lrrq tre miinry ol lhe hlf

r4vsrins rype dennb.d abor€ (pp. 17 13 &

rrrE {s me mijor m dion in nmurador

rs ecbnique h the

e^rua., $cuseol?$out.ordsathedDsinside

: r{ ed3e ,o reiiorce ole ig nros add oihft ol pdeitial{c,knes (seetuther, pp 22,

n,. ,\hon \liihod e\.eption shles ol lk;ds

;nh i irn scam on the iider rde. but t aooeirs

:id no* ilEs {m murh sreds unifo.mjr! ir

:trdruhr, by iie avodmce of iresrhny sbaped

r+ns d Ihe sjdes :.d iniep 3nd ibar u.


This .oin.ided anrL a srat.r nse oi

.L15 f the l2rhrd edy 13th redqn.: rndn


nErkd were ieorsdsed .onsidenbly d thn iime

& Tibles 3 nnd a sho'v fasl'ionsind'elate13$

ind.a y l4th.edones sere doniided by il'e

rosgle hnenjng (Fts ,9 3r) Ii is rena*rble

thd this $a &e ody Iype or tuneniu definirelt

33 ie&neied shoes. r'd the rgures ror Bilinss

3{e re broadLr.oF!n?[le (9 slioes *irl' lo]qrlcs

ind rEt 4 .ciaiDl! Ii{ened in.iotha 'va}, .{t

Tft Lue $ere is a

seakr mge or hdedis. but roggtas $in

accout ror vel .!er hril rhe ttpes e.orded.

Ther {ae trsd oi booh ud sboes rude in ?

vmeiy ol $yles. The simple*, hv.ri.bty a shoe

or mue+hoe .ut klow or oi the line oiih3 anlle.

hG a Dan oi identi€l raps, e(h *ih a 'buroi.

hole' foi to a silsle los1e in $e cefte

The &st inu*nied exampte

(Fu. 29) is nde anurely in one pie.e - 6oud

rery oft€n (r'. ril. 31 and F1g. 36 nom a

subsequeii sioupl one of the fl,ps w6 made as a

sep,nre iised - md ihere n a Lois seni.ncuhr

ion&e {hi.h nG nght acro$ rhe vamp $rod io

provide ne$ iiy over ihe inieD *hite d $e

sme hme covems be op€i rcm b€hiM rhe

fl?ps. The rroii ot rhe shoe is atmo{ .onpletety

lod, ed onshany dere Ms a topbad sriiched to

alllne uppnetues exceor irle toigle rreroggte,

dso iov brsry. MUtd h,ve been tomed lion a

reather k.e {hose end *x tuled back on itse[

p66ed though a slr rd pulled righr; dre oder

end rA then thrsd-ad lnrolsh ihe p.rroraiioi in

the vamp rhroat dd ifuhed down otr rhe

l55i lolosiis svm) h.s tE.ed this pn.ti.e

werr dGned n edry noden times b4! into the

rTrh ceDbry bd io! deinirety inb $e medieEl

aj'ue sho6 nsi4 sltndy Nsher over the:.ue

(Fiss. 32-3). They reE very simih in stie;nd

.onshdiod to the shoes xlftad! desnbed, e\.

.ept trrar on the im.r side Fs m insen which

dmedasjnsle bftoiliole and ei$er one or rHo

iosres pasins $rorgh sloh ad sdched doM

oi the m'de. To dose rhe sho., ihe ltaps *ere

6rn ssred iidependen y to die rode on ihe

ts,r be tush{ Fns of dre i\hD (Fii 32r In

some .a*s $e etues ot &e laos yeE sre.s1h.

med w'u. .od; nomly uis ian aton! the iiside

sd(e and {m h3ld in pla.e bv a se.otrd. 6ner

dread stjrched doss ir kee ftniner p 5r dd

Fie 31r, bd oi one of,he 'nu.hred e$mDles

|Fls.IJJ nqemi lhd th€.ordnalr !x shhhci

lbroqh &e redher, b{ause tnere n ? rov or

shod bui brdad $irh impresiois tumiq in $e

on ai ha{ ode sh@ ol this iype ine lahp hA

been llashed rh{ugh viih a knife. -fhe toe oi ihe

illu*frtd exrmple hA b.etr sli.ed o( and r]]e

sl6hes, {hi.h hks $e lom oI etongated

lozeqes, seem onsbd] ro have been rmsed

rousHy D t{o brds doss the foot (Fia. 30).

This {A prob:bry done toi decontive or pra.ti.d

purposes, ro (ede r tum of opa sidd, but it

mighr posib! be .ompmd $iih &e proce$ or

ntuar deh.ement {hereby shoes are phed as a offerins in the .hinney or dtic oI a nc{

bundiq. rn her discssidn of . simitarlr-stAbed

Itom rhe ^usiin Fna(,

l-ci.end, clare Allln (Menor& Fede 193t,


an emmple rom Inero su.din?!i?n York) Here

.i.dy up rhe mer sider on ihe.der:'dc $tr r

r.spodins sct of sloted uss {l'i.h '

.:{rudolerthctogg|esdihe|roiLollljoboot' arlea{200ra*,'*or.o*lderblesisiijidi.e

. :. mo{ .ohpleie eimple ol ttus rtDe (Ft 3,1) ' $e derelopmenr rl medje{l sho. hshion

.\r.ndLngtoihe tuLLheisl'rarih. &ont. lt ropeds shoe eros the iniep by meam 0l tso oovable

, I'ychdnotonee,bulvhereih.yn'eetdthe

rlp $c sides {ere ed3ed {ith Lirq naps. one

..n iLbeit id much Les exaggeuted tishioi l'4eidrtrn$iredtor,*e#g $i{ia*$.i^g.r

: : boot fom,D erkr dcpcr (Fig. l3J ?n1l mal Nilh lrces d tie side. Tossk hnened shoes ind

'.,. b.en rtnnded to bods oI L\s genecl rom i*Lejhoes appear to hare beer mrde in a cnge

drndren T[e sm:le* ii irF co]recrioi (Fis. 31) E

r?ni slarciis, not kan beause iL +ems to

:'. been iFlosible ro adjun the Lensth oi rhe ror$e and bpbind ?n insen {hj.h.anled the

. {lehgslo6ltheitrd'!'du,lroot.lnmoncAas rco0d bdtonhole is also mj$ing from the liner

.:.k ir susiye! c! bs n !o big thd the flxrs


:uns of fas@nirg shoes ihe roggle hffi r

-: srr iirelmjtkd I'isto4, d lca* in London clild s ste 3 The orher 6!ee !,F!ler solcs

' ,: i6r ?ppem on a hre sdotr :nue shoe in $e

?10?nd?46 mm (noden

::.le?l ukun coLLe,lidi (PritclHd lodh

_iis ,f lkccr*or 1982, Fig 72No.62710r





lroD Tac La. (6 r.rqi*c'.d shmt. the se.ond r

lron Dorsra (9 regsteied shoes) ad ue Lbnd r

truD cu{oF House (1r.$l.rod sr'o.s)

Th.,!!. Asenl]L4eisolespe.h|

neier, Le-ur il sbo$ i tudh* n?ce inthe

delerq,Fed oi rhe reDdr fiFr d ni.prbed in

Flinsio.bersei.ontheoneh d,belordie

i:. :M .oihdin 10 those mrde in rhe edt

:lthtedu.y (./ Fts.20-23) b ir seems rhat

.,d urrDi,se,bre. The oiry akh.rrroe ot rhG

:ble l) ue ol similr drm.nsioN. The Ludgda

lrr booh.r xike{hoes Nnh dh€inns lrs

:rg5: n possible tht rhese {ere yeq old

,Dd, on $e od,er rtrLLbooc asi.g to ieftr mid

.:rriershi $hi.r, a:(rud for i ri(h Gee Table t.

Lor boos rhindi.s jun aboye the :nuc, so

!oLe! $rr nom r30 r!

245nn io leu1h. md ihe fou.omprere boor

lni! beisht {orLd b! $ibbre roflro* and oddoor


rlcd irLes laned srjdnL) rrom one !1aa ro

rd, id n.o.d.n.e $i.h $e dem?nds ?od

':r/jrs ollhe ( inhdi(mG.

fte mid l.lrh cenrury (Fig 35)

_:: p$oJ i5 Fony rtpresenred b! 6nds fiom

:roo 'rhere is i0rr one rarse grotrp llom

: .i D. 5 cmfle , but iorlundel! ii n .x.epron

-; \et r.s.acd t4l

-rD' rldll siD.e rhe! tome ftum three qdo

. r:lisqDntdsiiesunbeeipeded to orovida

:iJ erl! 13rh enrurl rre

de.erdA Neurt rr lbe rhoes we f:*ened

id. Eoors *irh loggle lanemss ol ihe type

|i!e been glrn no loiger, lrcept b! yer:/ sn'

$tdren (.r: Fis. 33i, r'd d€sinlsr rqD 10

haF dieppe red codDLe,etr

Th6e ; itum rhe B?tnads Cmtle


bei{eetr toggk.fsrening lor shoes and side

lacing for bmG tu ioi so prt.Ge: lmni borh

cusom H.'sc ud Dowaate, lor ex?Dpre, bcre

de lragnenury renrins 'i sidc laced shoes A

at .ll tliee sites, as d

'B?t!rds C?sde. tlE bAi. Jodns rc sinnld

rond neih.dofcoi*ndion vth.mdsean

oi rhc imer side ad Irom rhe soles i! s chd ihd

the oval roe shapc rehned io lashion.lier ih.

bner vope ol a nor. poi.ted siyLe d the end or

the 13th .enluci some ol the tossle rasered

shoes. in odnuLd,

roMded ioes but quite pronou.ed \r:idJ d llre

Table 5 sho$s Lrrat, d BaYruds CGde d

lea$. tr.d! rlliltr togsleJAcned shoes re ol

$e lwe sith r siigL. togg|e ni lha in(ep .,


'[ftonbo]e' oi &e [rp d erh side (he


one oI the laps had avidlndt pssad Mion

.ofplelelt od ol lashion br thn dde. The sl'oes

an.a to ihoseofihe lare l3(h.eiiury, but one d

ihe inuinred evnples lFis 3ri) G mmu:l n thd

abole tbe oder {irb. saa at the heel A ropband

Hi,lmg $e rPFr ed*\ rd q?;nde m '".

A siFi6..nt deklopmert in the dsign or

r!!!le fan.i.J \ 4c;s;ho\nbJ trotu nles

b; Dowr*e rnd i{o hom E!/'r d' cstLe

1he fo* .omDlere ol thce is ilLtrstded (Fu.

37) odL) inc mer side n lhollr 0cseflcd, but

neds on borh sides ol the sboe {cre veo smlLd

Th€ im{ side ihell .onhins n iiseted sedioi

'md. up of three sran ol harhcr, one oI

{1tr.h hs ? 'bnonhole , .d and slthed io

ledrer in such ? n(y rhd the krge* p€ct [es

pitlr bebId the other tvo (Fig. 37; ./, Fig s5)

The purpose or thjs Ns to provide a vdenrght

diulea(hef oldedolbe to si\€ i roob

edse wheretr the {ront sedion is or sotrl sinde

si.knEs leather {l'i.h olfered. mu.h rougher

anish, irdisriisishrble rrom &e mderial !l rhe sei hehind , novable buto"ole'fla!. ed il

ulDcrifll Ttu. slro? \^ rppFn rJ m!!hu' d eiabLd the Jlap ihelJ ro be t.nsleiied lrom the

br Losna ror: ruuph.ewr iir hBl to ' top edse or the shoe to a position loser do*n ihe

side This in ttrm {ouLd probably have proyLded ,

mrjor grotrps oI incisions krt made n rhe um!, mu.n dshrer and nore .onronable 61. snce !'e

flaps Nould have acted 6 a continuous b.nd,

i..ome badry slo en or d.fomed cee belov. excndins lrod rhc mh ol de loot md '3h1

lhiLd lri.*mr$*r09ni'dd'esole equ,u

lenr h the iodar chird s i* 2 lalLo{Lng lor

shiik?se rr r0 pft.cn0. ?nd s i r0$ boothd

sh@\ Itun Lrn10, sits ||aa utu



ryles iornally lon by adulh (FE. 33) ln.on

dn{{nng ankLe shoe, hanns r horizonkl sean

!i de innep and : tianslar in*d ier &e bse

o dr. inn{ side Gl FiF. 2r & 23l but it {*

nnlded by rhree logsLes The bu&iholeJ rc

or diredlv in the llao on &e outer !de, rather

$an beiig on sepdde uss and the edge or ihe

rrao wd reiiJored either iith d appled band or,

more orobabLy. {ith plain dit.bins.

rhe nde hled booE m all ol sinihr relaave

Ilre! aie roqNy A klLr thel ft lons, ind plob

abLv re.ched about a third or the dnhn.e .. the

kn;e (Fiss. 39 .40). The upper were invan?b! or

trrap round rype (./ Fig 97), and on the 'nner

r.fl i]]esoletothebodompanolh.e holes this

*aE, shi.b held the vhole boot in, fld

J$x s h,!e beei: pdeid:lpoini or weaki$5,

rd serer u i,s! !r orkn be +ei h€re lFia5

39 ,10) The onLy rddrtionalpje.e {A mrdt a

loig recbnsh insen $hnb exteidad the tull

heiqhr from the in$epi the honzonbl *am which

loinid it to the vamp *ould h,vs pmvided len

bllity d m abnpt chanse or ansle, snce most

b.os ol $k ryp. sem b have litted the loot quE

doselv and $e staighr vedM! se,n nav tuve


esDe.ialy sin.e tle bmi {s gene4lly a ltde

klier d $e liont th.i d $e brk. 0n ved l2rse

hoos a dip wA olten used to mse &e tdp ed8e,

ju* tr on b.o6 ol the lzth ard l3in cenrunes (./

Fig. 131, and oi one ekmple thcre s r ennre

$Er sedion shi.b en.nded the qu.nere ud

heishtened the boot by A nrh as 30 mn (Fis

40).T opbadsseenbhavebeenprovidedns.'

?bh, md lhe suniving ex.nplas re Lrir stips 0,

leather lolded double over the edge. Tl]e lace'

holes rcre Einlorced urh ledher fa.iigs on &e

inside (.1 Fig e7), bur rhe.e sere no eisnei

elei tlnrqh the holes leached dno* !o ih!

rund; resretably, the dcmselves have

not remained ii place on ay of $e b..h in rhe

Th. 'Bayn.rds c*tle

0, ,Jr ro:. r srs.( r

d;de]!iih rrr B mrds ciiL! ririds

1: {n b. r.i ir.d Tirr ri 8,r\n.ds


rkr: drrre:h!!: rNUn niun riEr

rrt.e rnNtl! bnaNd xturr rre iin.r

! rlr.r

5:r 1) bft Jtirns rP

. l r

il: 'il, L.l' .,"




't:].I" ,"',. ',illl,, '*


.r,nf vm r Drnrrr cdL! lr: ligs ;f

26) N nrld b'.rd

,0.n.,.r '\,e d:ru lr r hrr slrghrLt

].nnr!1.| TiLl!! 5 md ll]

'lr drt.D en,,rt,:r,.d trdd, ofi.r Lon(oi!lF\

8i,i,wd, rtrtre s.Le,,\ r,rnN. ri,h ir

rniFr ri bDb o! r'liLe rxt' D N U Dr

1,. d(!n.i\e Dr deorll,!F{nrhl?scl: aq,r,l

. !J{LLLru'|trrrrvrlt nd drr vrflleNotrhe

. r!!h,'r b*irp:fti

: il,. Lonion !n)u|x tr

LeJtl)!th! haso l,rl.rrlr iod rhent.ntabu

rtd rirn.,n(4 nirthrbef.rnsDrsrlp6

Ioot L!iqrl,s ..ilenei h 1r,et ncdcn srrt !2

ide ri.ed bob {d rronr li.rd :hr* o' aMe

lftl d,. LDsen (Trb ! sr)

:i rl[ iorth fl thr 'Dr!n,,nr Ci{le \itr

]n{.iur.ajd LLL[tdifis (see bllN pp ll;


nL,nLe:. rorLd h:f. been ?r(trdeJ qrLr L! (h. shos hll(ur oronofic.d o.d: (.1

F,!, 3l ,. n ,ough. h Di(l'r bee$eded, tb.














1 l







. rli 'Tibe 3t oc.sioia|| lhe Douih. L,i

,idtrrruuem JDdMs $rhA,+d;bisrb






Front -


side -












ShN: t d ?ttu":

rioiai ,{,p.uoud

ad qudm sm sprdc

Fdhqr r, he ?b?idoned ror

mic joii.d bI !mone

prte. md thd n for ? very sni,n chird (!iq.

53) AnkLe shoes and booc, horerer, c.niiued

('fabGs 6 7) .id lere yery sinllr in {y!ng

{Figs.1217: i9,5r).',rhet were inydrbrr ol

exFpr ror one oI $. Larchct rypcs (the side.

alegadt .urre belo$ lhe rdkle o. rhe outer rde

hdlefihonbnt on the intr{. Fo'&nyenieile

rdioi {* the idditioi ol r tonee sin rtothd

']j|dt. rhs \us Nurry ${, rLoil jd{ me eds

(., Fig 93),,,dd uourd (r oL' hive m?de rtre

u00er nore $hrrroot bur $ourd h?!e prereDrd

the la.e IFm .hafing on tlre Lnnep. As d :ll

p.riods, dcmntion n a!. ntrre n t!{ me

errnple or opetr{ork demmiod - rb. quinen of

a ditu GlE ricro{, F 30-r ind Fig

115.) - L{ Irofr BirDdds Ch e there m

(FLgs s0 slr below

so * io prored shoes LLr! rhey thd \Dden

&nnndio.rl deuis ,so th.y {de vntu:llt

iden..:l ihe! hzd no topband or heel.rtlnforce.


ledher from skt.hing md chdng d the weake$

poinc kt Fis. 10? l0'1). As TabLe 9 sho{s.

order d'irdren ard aduh. nnd b,udse rroo rhe

ud tu meirremeil. it saefrs rhI lMkhd sboes

senen oseceeberor!. pp 91 6)


Lr.liershoes ilirLir4eridulrs?$ Fron rhf il

L r abre 3r) xnd tlj. jid5r e\rmDles oi deonrioi

F;$ 50 5l) }e r5o aso.iardlrlit sbo.! ot

The adulr b!.kted sh.os \+i.h r. rtLun(rd


r.Ld D pt?ce by tuldjng or.r ilr tedrr{ $np .i

ifh.b pAser oy{ rh. iinqr ir a s.rrr.

oi. srrc (Flg.12) tn oiLf: n.d!\j r{



Lrr orher. hs bEen dr do*i

lerh:os N l

b?reLy.ore( the ro.r i] Frgs ,t9 r)

one or

r onrt u sdon lrulanc_ (Fr! la) th. bjturded

ir d' rhe n desoondrrq Fir ot troL.s tr ,hide D oa!

( is 0a siste rhi.kiesr but


:dtrh rmr laidPr shG (r'is 16J n dt


'riou n. umJj I ihuesi

rirr md r ioin ihe yrnp ind qkr.n oi rhr

r fL , d.d dorrk lnLr ktrn ro!rLh.. rr dr!

r!e- Th€ eiLl i


r reD?n: lllssen\r!! d h?!ebeen


the hoLe iD iljg n'nf


.on[.son 'rth d]e.y{?llsn. olr|t +re The

the i]lnnkd sd. h[h.l +oer eDml$ise

+i hsli f:s|ion *so.i,kd }nh $s nr[ iFj^

rs n) Al]redr {d!loi {rcs dr r;s m;d

!r Tric Lrrlhd snp nrlt\m mari:Ll! m:d.

rFnrery. rnd br:u\e ol tlje leigrh or rhe shoe

.:ie ( c9)r,is oneotrhe o0Fr.oolLrin.a Ln

one (F f.:0)is slighdr dnlFddrtre qm'lfls rd

:rdrhee.dorrre lu xine hs bc$.uloti Both

rnd zrc.( \h{c tu sf(r! hr rrc.n smp.d

lie,4reds re lrry difiird or {Fig 50J ir

en oped rhe \hoe ot th! lidedde ro the

dher rFLg n) i: dnided LJ jurdr'trnd\nba

*aes or dirl iedrsu.{ pine 5 retieEd oilr bf

upper. Thn rc.ounb lo. rhe nth{


ri.rydthelmd proviiingrfimer6tof{rlresh?pl.solthe quii{s

h thl5 ase belo{ bo$

Mr r.rlhe hr! h iefrrii li\ed.i..e sid!.rlhe

yrmpDpe0inFmd ro be rhrtaded rhroqh rrores n

torhose\om bidoeleihxdd


hdE b!5 pr.!rd.,r (d bero" ,id F,s 3n bd;

the ri.e ras I sinqrc nrroN *np ot Gith.r

rd!d, : toque \€: seNn edge to edse:lois d'e

ei,ggnde d poulaincJ l.t Table sb). Or re 19


eniFded n hs dai t70 nn (miomlr equn!

belongtobeLowihe{nkleshoes,6to,ikle dioes

:M ? to inddeniinde iyFs Eur 6 is eideir

diieied 10 the ere'r t|a alnos i"varobh lney


\ere lanened bt l,.ios d rr'e ltu is,

thd /, dto,dM it, u00 har

single rront lithet shoe (Fi!. 47) {hi.h apperre

io h:ve been repaned d thc qudreG arrer it hrd

been {om bt r.brrd {ho wA plsed.hed md

pbose ioot ptrshed n abnomdl! outrurds Gee

107-3) - and: sqle shoe

tu$ened*ithabu.kle (Fig. 11). Thebuckie, now

nostl] ro$, h or re.d aloy rarher rra noi, bur in

!(e 0f rhe adrft lersiotrs. The nonrta.ed shfts

shoes discused above (.1 Figs. 5?-,1), althotrs[

none or lne suflrv;s e'imples seem ro hava bad

loi$es. one ol those ituinred (Fig 53) h

hL'iue Ln lrre Eesent cofe.bon n $ar ir is of on.

pie.e.on{rudiotr. The La.e, which G knoned at

erh end, pases froh ibole rhrcush rhe hotes on

r]le side wr,efe it h L*ened, not hom betow as


rhe ie.oid illu$rtrred ex,i'ph lFig. i,ll hA a titry

Douhine {uffed Niih hi;

hi thn in*a..e the li.e is or the bild.ted

[.ds \rlrli re : sm:lkr d ud' L.s dn

lindile 0e1 d lcAl oI ie Balmds cArlr'

verysmallnmb*s (TibLe6)?0daredernrred jn

dftnbebr{p. 41),sin.etbeyanh.ipde?Lshion

0r ibe other t{o o,in

mdhods or ri+eiiis sde La.iig appean io h:!e

bes negii.rr! rls .otrtrioi ('f,bles 6 l) rid

ibe exrmples ol rhi: d& ue 50 slmllir ln cofr

htd tiiB

ei.ept i.sof:. d they may bzre

rlrd frcnth. ru *ens to hale deveLoped is

:. nponani method ror l6tnios rkle+hoes

:M A wiib h.nt laced shoes, a modifiution oi rbe

li that prii.ipla {A :dopied.

'fhe illu*rtd ,ikLeilioe (Fis. 5s) rd rhc lo\r

bool (Fig 53) shde i slmllrr one rece \*aD

siound'con$ndion, \!irh r dglrd mrin seio on

rbe sr,oe had beei ^sembL?d bul rhe orhq n

mu.b 'nore s$*addr ,id n :D inreFiLDdt oithe

biturcded laichet rype hgs \r bl.h remrin ii kd 0.

tl'e md side: rhe bq!!, $hj.h ro\e i0lhe fun

[e4ht orllre 5hoe, {s seM edee ro edge:]o.s

rhis ide ilyi (Flg. 55). The fas?ms :nrye

the h.e hohs 0i the boor ths €i Le sean odLl

erenry soard. Tr,. s.:Id,jrd's nkh.shoe (Ft.

56) ad rhe .hLLd r [oor(Ft 57)rcrrmo$idetr


oadnLLy suflilt

in ph.e kl !jg.


,m hEd iks bom the tmdoi qderemr

Ercig rc h€ 0r blr or L\e Lrh csr6 and

lerc rcbd r


bre€ dlFsnr odrdon ot rhe

sm. ur bqe re r& rels mnprete ,hF. ihar


sefliq dr m,ny at,e:d) r pi{slnough

rct ap,'endJ deltqde]J atuJ whe' 'n.;

iw,) uie d dre srouF ,om (vr Lde r

5Bm'y eekr hj th. ode^ and ^ bfn ^.

sds€d rp:Ekh I' r lts br rr i,\e snrl*t

,€rr hae udd md roar,ry oi,ehDnt.-.


be obq, LomTrBLim rsg trs*e*d

lhse ' tiltle perc€pdh djqsa n.oo

p.\ lor b€L$c€i rhe err,er ot rh€ ssd lde

qtui pftcded tr Gs "bde @.2B %) Tie


Fer rrt hd bdbn id. qai&d,r dE+






{ilh quite ex,sgeEtod pnulams I lo\r cu shoes

ou.'unb( akr. shols .Dd h(ns; a^d hrrheb

and bckles re lhe oilr linenins types derDit.Ly

a rarce ankre sboe $itr, , b:sgr" no$ $uned

pouraii. (Fq. 60) rr has m hpbiDd or heet-

,rhough mo$ {uf6'B w?s somerjmes

sin nsed r, gie ? mok eyen pn,ii e ,nd i o

md SNm LrDe brk ed orlarhe!finenql nres

'tr*op tu di ode side $ thr dher 'frrG lotrr ol

$as {onj as: s|jp otr ,||'e nd,] fit;gs' one of

ron, rbe orher .r r.dr a)o!, Nhi.h rc nlered

ttuougl' the rerher, re b?dtr .orcded brt fen

ro hlve beei omimenld

Dunq &e iseny or dMl Ien rh ahp*d

deporiloi or lhe hEr Ss?n Lde rnd '1 .ie hne

every kiid









; ;





::,- i.ed in pd bv a neN rlpe or:ll r.dher paren

.inrh.rEsugg.(cdkl bdo*. p. 101 x Figs.

:r3 10) {{e mr ron A ora^boes bui sifrpLf

I nirce js m?de lor the rzrge numb.r of uncff

oie, the side ]]ced

.:lkls srrr.rLoi (h({s re!.hiDs ?bonr i $nd ot

an.esty' :]bei| ii a les sbD{j,trdised |0F rDd

{iL\ slighr dileieoces ir con*rudio.. Tbe other.

i]]e fron!qHlns buckled ankre shoe or ro{ boo(.

$s an eniirel! neq slle

shouLd be resd.d A a repLa.eDEd lor dE ftonr

*hi.h n sh&d nii! Iedures ol deslsn iid cod

Bur it {m the re.bni.aL deleropmenb oi ihe

,onoo hshion) {m a nrk {hih hd a lons

Front -




Fronl -














(rrher so rhar the quae^

{ere hide n tro

the nroden seNe - ,id joined {ith a rrlcal

fanat rhc r,eeL(F35 67 ind 107) Thjs:dded

impona.. of tlf heer-

{ilietr{, F?kiis ( ?n ntesnl .onsh.tionaL

eremeni, ind mti.rpdcs 'I. (Dhisiiftted .on

nndion or ]?th cenu!- and hr{ shoes rt r

nobc.abl. rhd vheD &mpred nth 13rh aid

rr f.*u eady lsrh.

,!duw upen have be.n .ut up Ior subsequenr

reuse (..10 p.r.ent,.otriprld {ilh 20-45 per

.entinedieisroupsr.l, beroN, Table 16). z.d


elrends np{ads of.r lne in{ep (Fis 61). nn

ge*s rhat tr'e d'r'ses Nare hriq DLa.e d jus orh{ !?np has b! roys of tonBirudLmt iuiml

beiq deposiied. oae dv?n.e. *eoptifi.d b!

od}5ollbe359legl*{edsho.sfron'T4l-ne from S*an Lane,

sepmte nsob to ttu mrn,r "F run trra trddir,.i

sboe sore The

Dt a

i6oLelarsnin lidewN,idsrodmuih:Eadded

mNideiblyblhe.omlonolrheshoe Th.orlF.

adlaice {s the introduction 0I &e tlrn Nelr

melhod ot co.*nchoD (for ru[.r dr$us].D, see

74) ThG invoLved the

ove^aiLed the edse ol the shoe ad could b. swd

sedry rbe durabrrity or ire shore shoe aid irs

ms'ng be enp ro ftare z :lrghdy*epped,

rarher lrn nNided. pror'te (Fig 6e ResrerhbLr

liltle orlhG shoe suFres. but rlieie de kods

or i (np pAlng llrough i pe.fonrion d ibe


I so ir NouLd be rhe .Dr!

.oiillr lo$ndiis

iun {ch r[oes ,nonl rhe jndividu?\ relrsered

[nds :] iorsh*lrialrnpsortum weLi t,rJ

ersiry ru..snned b! the doubte row ot nilch.

bores. Nere ro.a(ed in the bulk ndani $.hen

round'. $e iower sohs m?r be di6.uu

ro drsrjnpish fton ren,nnde ,dumps it drey are

tuiie L s tjt.hed and Itom the boton conp..eis

or murllr?yer pattens Gee below, ras r3q-10Jjl


Deconiion is spme oi London shoes of rhs

le.rfe ,D{i merLt*o* ot $e dna ([ig ]trid

Too Liure or rhe upp..sunrves ror.eruin re.on

shd'on, bur it see4s r ery rh il {n ? lor .ur

sr,o. wi j btr kLe or L{.ber tajeoine Disurlle

rou.hes eere somehoes added ro x shor It

!..n $orn bul rtrfar) ii th! fint hrLJ ot dr lsrtr

.amy (T.Lres r0-rr). r rhen odr by v4y

.o rr .hirdren t,t lrbk rr

Lupres dr$us.d abov. (!. 36 rflr F,s. 56).

\u.h oo,t popuh, :id d,{enD8 sisni[mndr o'ny


aikLe.+oe rTibl* l0 11) r\! T,i|e 12

This srsgers rh{ il

iune.brldren pfthaps be-se orits esea.allr

sofaud,.s. si4te !te.e

ri hader ws suriLiedr (Fig 63), but moie olien

. ni,ll ins.d vrs requned b nise the inner side

L (s lun heuht (Figs 6.15) Therc s6 rqcncr:Iy

topband. The tonses

tudy strivile, ld rrr6e rhd do (.1 Fig n{) seen

to hale been rit.hed io one side ody or thc m)p

q*D;s; on the other lde {s probablr a ren

Iotement cord Th. bu.klc, whid, vas li{ed ti x

ledher tho.s, dd iis .oirespotrdrt nnp p6sed

dnoush sLo6 di lir,er sjde d rhe openjng

aid $ee se.urtd nsde Gee tunbcr, p. ?5) In

rheLile l4rh.e ury bu.kres had mady an beei of

rmed mn bd m$ rhcy *ort ts,r ,f

Lead ad noie otuneiut. sone {ere de.onted

wi$ baading r rhe etue. rnd spedrle,bu.ktes

tude thetr 6rn ?pperece G.. bcro{, pp. 7s 6

nrFt L r 0). rvhertas the chrrtuen s sdne shoes


lt6ion IA oIt.n prorided wn|': pair (Fig (jo

i\n unusuar i.arur. oa iltr R'led eximDle rs

rhd r dd nd liarr a ddrn'l1di3!e, bur inierd, to

edges or tu vanp .pe ! (q/ Fig.106), thert

vas e insen se{i iru+ h m,rke the shoe enrrely

eidosed aid {deoroof

oD, rre courd gather r iishdy over rrf [,nep wnh




8rt rsrh{nbry bob, Ssb 1,3 Dd.



shk: tnh Loda, :it5, tLn


4 n,nher tJ F of b! rded fodqer, rtu rne :

o{ 000r hs 50 rrrblen tomd onlr h rhe dddf

:tr4 o h. aruiviq e. impr6 has d !,m

pere $F dr |re qppts dll.4n rr h:\e bem

rtro qu:dec ioiicd d rhe h{rhd Mdr 5\n

ftrnd 0n n3 $,ms m 4dre !d. LF{.;71

rie€ h€€r.{tflsqrd d i4b4d.

evrtuuy.oibued "a: dostr fllh ?dpc ^f th€frlnt "Mb

opems n 3i d dre innlp {d rhseafts o,J!

dong MP dge d irrr olkr de d Fp rmi

rddbrhe mssd.,:.hofrd {mc m;de rhe

..{ hmdbe bpofrhebod 4i srulrrke

nt dod 0rh\ sne E 'he prc\,.bnoIo,J! uie

nerrodrions ror ra{cmp

ni:ps d rr poini lh€re ,he rrm0 L

snrp I hm rh€ honrcd: bderedatrh.e\ "ndci

r.f quF to4 anlJe +c\ G!. 6rr h M, k

n''ng l . ,, ' mh - nd.:l h.uht but .;;

rmea.Fjotuqs \ mrarb,hordij€rllu.

tra.! Dmr tr q r0r 5arm hlrlebeei dF Do{


hnud n3 mora thr r0 pjFm die blh4r


rr q,he) u+,aneied

mflbd ss: a rr. ii+n d dre m{s (f !.63r

,umondh.remiidcrsh4_: I ns r;ral

th rtrree pr. _ rno

o,e p€( qu?ners ed jnsen d rF tmit {E;


oF{ ! de,idn u, inj!!. \ h€F iireier",:

" 3 ib I h_F L' m bip. b.",{ rha .

ene( or ,.8n4 se b.or ,tsh!! r ure inkte

byEse mo.rtunrnin form.rrod\nrr Lrr?


Dveb@n: piii' if .4trc {etna_5 belrlf


fe deotr p. it3& F,s t5cr To udpe b, rh.

d:md€. n re prt.qr ote{rn rhi\ tre.

noh mry dJom bJ reo )u!ic lhrtdrei bu


tra< {:be 12) The he'sh'!v,D.oild€nbj,

rrr riir hrdD rnf .ide {ed bods f rr"

yres.hdip.uM\ed roirpr?re &d mry n.o hn€

rh bcr Lsrhrd r6rh4dh_s. r $eLrri:;;.

meir!. m, as. $hlhftp^u j relA{reLt;l


Shoemaking andcobbling


tn n6t utbps .liht ph k4. n stu eaq { w^s4 t4tu,

bdk ttu srtg rl'ut 6 bw Nt, tb.

624 k 't rf Md it N4 sdttu^

'D,eE {ere seveiaLlong prdesks {hi.h had to

bc sonc thrcush bcrorc a shoeiEker .ou!d besin

buicher wlh hooves Id h.ns sln ilk.hgd, ,rhe

sklis were ihetr $Ahed, rin@d, hid lhe h?n

remoy.d .dd, lintly. {ere kDned (or tull

e.ounh oI the

$lzman l9z3). lf,ather identf.ation lby tjlyN

Edweds of ir,e An.eii MoimeiG L,borabry),

whhh h,s bee dom m N6 si{y sh€s spimiq

the tull dde Rnse of the .ole.tion (Table 13), as

{e[ ?s le$ paise visua] rnd Iactile ffirion,


hides ukd for d,e upprs prob:hry d sore tift

rtrscrd .t .:rite hide. the

biised tvdds sheep/god

(.ord*ain) - alihouh ii should be nored tlut

Ed{rlds ndes in h* rcpon (1936) rhd tone .l

rhose de{nbed as sh€elgod nay h,ve beeu

de!, bui {e ae not yet atuii ol L\e dhsiosii.

pdien ol $e lafrel (.1 Reen 1972, 235 Lr

simibrnjes beiween sheep/gct ud deet. C.lJ



n{p d Meq rn &nddd a nirdr G N|LE




rFen '& M.iderHq*bd (Nueeed, '5'h

I t



; i










eAi\' predon'inds amoic$ lne saopled uppec

oaNloit exanohs oI sheep/soat vere lound in

arr soups. Tosre rnd ra(het thoA+ *i ui

coftan4 {jth Goubitz s sqse$ion rhr lhese

verc norc rikery ro be sr,eep/god beftuse oI rhe

srensrh ,id fleribiriry or lhd tedh{ (o. coubrz,

pers. .omm.) Heel- ffenen kre both dll and

sheep/go*, the latel not ortUrring afier lhe nid

lrth cenrury. ^t lea{ t{o s[oes (Ft 13, t.te

mid 1,lrh..eirury) my

hrve had dllskii upp.6 md sheep or sodskitr

heel.stlffenen - rn indsin! .ommenb!- on a

.kuse in some ordimnces or i]je r-otrdo.

cordvaine^ conipany (dded 1303 Maider

1931 33 4) ihd eipre$ry torbade shoerokec

One theory thd hm been advanced lor the

change in the 6'!es or Intus trred is ihd rhe &lLds, btri, otr ihe other, nay have been the res'it

method of tuse had been chansed: bu! Roy oiade(e6e inthermuitolin'ponedcodsbn,

Tho,npsoi, hinslrabiier. betieyeslhdhnningor.ordMin from Spaln lollowiry.hexpulsion

re@ined hrsely un.h.ised tdm the Sdon thevoois'Iiglish

penod b the r6rh o.rith.entunes. dth bmes

n nny usnu Gr (thourqh srrppnu n vbarever eLse (he impoded.ord\ai. $th.:lfhide $hih ilFy

fl,e) thotrshr they ourd ser trwl) wi.h). The in dr€d a reddish coLour dlie S{ain, pec cofrn)

deased use oI calf may, on the one hand hr€

ductioi in rhe late l4&.entq olorsmsd dnves

of cdde !o rl'e London rolk.b rhis Mll hr€

ensEd a con$.nt sllply ol cadLe hides in ihe

city vhereas preiouslt the Loidoi shoem.kes


(PhilipAinitaga, Thelsrh{entq

ma@n ii the preseii .olledion shows , de

ftaf both in the tumber oI uppers th:t have

been repaned Oabb r5) and h tbe nufrbei rhd

h,ve been deribeEtely cut op lor rcuf fl rble 16),

rads th* night be dhbutable to bete.qualjt

able 10 shoetukere rd mbbles.

The tmed hides oI pd, deer or call shjch hid

b-"en puchAed by the shoemakq sould be laid

number {ith the njllmuf {Abse. fhere r

eridence fom Ssedei dit dtring patens wefa

uscd to pide the knile thrcush the thi.knes of

ihe lea$er oune Swm, peB com) :lthough it

pedom rhe hsk teehand certniily rhe quotjty

.r rong mro$ tri,.lliig pieles thd hzre been

shoertmaied:ehrivdl.rn:istenr {iib dr. m: I

Leaving:ide ihe eden !lio. (Fir 3l). Nhjfh

.br a Nooded r.rm rtu fncdr: i qle ,Jrhe

:coi 1.r Fig rlt: for dlo.rmrte\ rron yo*.

+e IJ,.Ckeor 1932 114 5.nd Fjg il) Ttr

saLaft!r!fro. r,11 t nrrcr ituldtn! rnd iirch


rrrn!ho. Irrho,3h

l:*lis mgin $d fto! he nre edge Gee tur

trr{, Parl'rd tudh.rmins)

rr'ri riw +ri hd 'hr ir. rd upperjo;ed

nrdiiis a snrLL tnr nsk otrr ot t.dtr, ! a

buaei the rvo main eL.'nem (fis i3). ti rbe

d'ddre or ihe 15rh .. ! llt mdh ol .Dn

nnr.on {A irered \nh the i.rodudion or rh.

nD 'ydr rr ji F$rhre thd rhE onginftd rirr

;o1., 0. . uqi Gee

rid 20) rideedrrdi0:m* F$.dr r:i: rr.

bddrrs .onr$,itneE ohnLr .rrd nDDers to

drke $oes npry itu frie ,rrb{s ot itre .{t

k]no{edthe$holepr..l$Ihl eblrombmiig

rhe lndc r.nariisini sLingrbe nroerMrider

1931, ls-30). Desorc a setrrt, iheRi.e ro

eirs Ln t..hriquas rrl Fdres bei{ om

Throush.trl rhe pen.d

th. r,me kompae r0r

rhluBh. bffr n NouLd be L( x rrlt de

'dui'p to d,js. nrr rbe sboe h:d boer rumld.

ndi.r'6m rorhe soreor!pp.f(Fis i{J rD ihi!

kDin,onal*as. tuimr*(riirs mjlhr nL hrye

beei Ned 0i rl'e oulr sola (showi in fE. i.1) as

inde.d sflispfi rerb!dterr one 1'th.eniuq

afoh the Cjrv or Londor Bo]J SdriLlne (er

r/vired Ln 1936. ro. hre ior olb (rion h.'e)

FULLy dcrcroped rtrh.,y.rshoes ho*ey( sem

sradflesh nrt.hes, ln the n:iier or thc boron

unirs ol conportc soled pdrens Gee, tor

1930, 3 ad Fif 2 No

t7rr13/9, orobabty e'l! r6th.ertufy).

Tl'e ro$ impotr,ii *,m $s that ot rhe t.$ins

nesii. Fmc rhe sole to thc !p!.r Du6 (FiF.

72 3) The n le $?s arrhed r. lbe k*.d uppe

usns a etue/ slrh (F]$ 2 3), whi.h

o(er sain s|lr. or irre sole. subjed ro rhe mo{

ner.'l*o tkeirls {ere rob,bv Ned. fioles

sourd b€ made {ith ,n atr1 lFts 7rb) &d $ei the

thrsds, dosc end seem ro have been 4h.hed

h i bndk s drq Jr bd,. hF pi. €d



F3.7r :nd: +!rm,ks . \ tdrhel:nokrer

olth! r51h.enrury Gvrtrtr re36 5) vhi;hlns

bnslesc@1ofhnkD Il hA.ot beei po$tble

ro dentify thl $n.hiu md{i,t oi ihe ealier

shoes. butoi rhe lare l4rh{edr!^ shoes r vA

iound to be plied, *ded itix (F p;rh,rd. Deij.

.onh ). The {,xing.l rhe tkead 'nade!h; ioin


and sore herd ro&ther, erci r oi[ bne0y, Nh€r

Thc hsd,s,n4in

atso seied to echor

smrrer pieres t. pbce. Tnanqutar

p,cc( or ierrrer sere *nn inio rlf rreer se.iror

p/ticlrady i. dE hisher toins oI too$ed. b

.ra-; rl *e.r Ih€!:add DpP i,h4e

n .nen ymed rlhendousty Gonrmt ror

cramrle, Figs. 93

lorer edg. or rlie rrirngte *?s serr inro ihe h$

,ns.magtr Mh FD/IEb (ii.lres dr .rher t{o

edcs lere ?icrrred to rhe fiesh rde of rhe uDDer

Nnn a sh:ltov bindins.jirch {hi.h dtd nor pene.

ra@ rhe full thi.kde* ot rhe tedher (ne 75).

rbe use or diis on the heel*ifiei;. md

reDror.emeirs. E evidedr ftom the f$en.e ot:

slighdy $aloped edxe where the r]riead hA beeD

puned !e4 tighr L{e hole reintorenetu are

on de ealier side.Lmed

shoes oig! 39 90), and .lmon imli,btv on tha

ber vnFs Frg. 103r {! n rh€ lEe ;d Fr{

5r(hFd rtoihc 6i nsnrgn:id thei itnhed

n pb.e otr the uDer {irh bindiry{tilch:loig borh

a 6ne, sh:Ios ldse/flesh biidiig $itdr is

pr$eni on mtr:/ shoes riom $e eaLy/.id t2!b

(flun onkrdsrlongdreopeds?o'h€lopFr

]n.on e qVs lb' nly \ m!l\ h}r beei l! rein

iorce lbe edge (Nhcc.*or 1932 140) steras

ii oth{s it sefied io se.ur. ,{ nir



t ih" !o@r \L\ rclhed rt5o sfc sm;Ll rerher of ropband,. Tbese toDba.ds. {trhh $ert

drolr sdse/flesh *ir.bes ! mn xpafr ?nJ 2 nn some.mesingle thi.kne$ 0.i9. 97) bui more

ft om rhe edqe of rhe learher The sh?norles oa o kr of rrr i $,her futdedolbe (Fss s9 90

the seam .onpled*idi rha eirem..loseie$ oi o1j*r|rJ\€cive'lmore[n+.rrTDsniler

the stircnes, nakes I untikety ihar rhese

.onhined a rand (!e) This trpe of se,.r

o(uE oi onlt a res e*nples, aid. since ii

o-m in the same Broups 6 shoes $ith ihe n re

conl€ntionar Frn/resh ri$ing mgin (.1 Fis. 6e i,r 6*rts d de sd$ ed $ {e ; sibh d

33), shourd prob.bLr be reFded s ransirioml

betveen rhe earrier $onged.'d the later sesi

hdnjons. Ar this time , gari/flesh lastu! haqi.

alsotendedro be on the sh:xow sida -.2 5 mm

rron rhe edge ot the teather with sman .ncular

.!trh€s r\eEging 6 nm !p!d 4 gfune\h

n rh on rhe upper medni thr 'h..€,m lortd be

deeper and $e ihreds thi.keri lado4 Nhi.h ?tso

facirihred rhe indusion or nids bet*een L\e

uppe Dd the the llrh{enrury smtrps.

ex.mDres $ere norcd or sdrch.holes 3 nm :&Fs

rhe sboe. A third oprl.i, sugseied by tudndsoi

r19t9.l0t) |rhr 'h rit l, os 'ay luv! besl

sl'o. otr. .I dr r3'llrdtrn dr{rnq boo6

bItr rc.oded a .onhini^s lbe iemaiis.l$1[r

irv posibl! be 3 Linmg (Che Thorrs rrr

r.d', re md eloh.d 'do roiser co lnuor

$.5 r$ered ,!md rb.

emne .f.ufrreiefu. rr th! Lhiing mrp.

The lie

\ns r'0.11!


rnd mr b:!e t{l itld repa;s Gee LeloN. p

39i..oiried of r heerx^d i' r\(.

j,ftdarttu Nrisr $rb ar edger0erh bu! se,h

:nd ihrn lfrhed olr (nor tb. sni:rr dlref o,

n r.hei oD .irher!de]. It ryA rhei runed nshr

sid. our rnd Ih. {{rqr irlqr Fr\t1- (rom

'fhe slde *amsjolnln!rhe +0e q{,er otei[(

eere*ose{nrNetbeshoeusinsideoul The

m:ii so:ms, nd iddo.d r Io{ Njor shoc

l l

i l

nrei r$ i one-ple.e t;r r.uid wii[ io

addrtjons or major m0di6.ition: io t.onfr.dtrre

the faieoie. and me mjor fam d rhe lde


.diiq ldrem5 beaoe nLghd! i'ofe co'nplrcrcd

\rrh ihe jnrodudlo. ff (he to(gl. IidaiLig


(p 43r , rhes. slde jolis {ers rulrcrablc, :nd I her

(Fs rr As 'vtrb i[e


ovenapped seam {Fig. 73) ed a b t sem sx


ansre (ric. 7e) ro obt,in a .roser fi 'rhesa sems

{k mff,ly sed bioin the ni; Pds.r ce

4per, bu. snaller, su.h 6 Ia.ings tl

Fi33 37,93) ortonses (,' Figs.91, r07) {ere

oJten {h.hed fith a binding seam (Fig 30) This

pos,bly trsiu a ieedra ,rher rhd .! awr ind

ALdoqh n {6 @sibre to make a drawsring

sboe kom one p'ece oI learher {Fig. 33) there


roon anrde shoe or lo{ booi (.t Fiss 23aid40).

The eianple sho{i ii Fig. 23 olleis 3 possible

expladiioi lor rhe suonslru .bsen.e of hner

bods Gee below. pp. ll3-9), additoml pieces,

ud.ould have beed e6ilr reused Fig 40 shox

a lo{ boo. b6ed round . one pie.e .uiq


ee n o.! tuc edrqe/lesl' but sam joiin'c

Figs 39 :id 90 rep6ent some oI the edies

leisiom ol the side-lmed foot{er *hich, drh

edy/mid l5th.ertry sroes ar r.s L,m (4

Ft. 103) one ot them G u'usu?ly.u1. qirh both

seG .l lrce.holes in the quafteE (Iig. 39). Thera

hNins the lacins on a sepante inset (., Iis. e0),

srensrhei iha deas or ue shoe mo$ subjed io

{e&,id {e,kne$ Ms i' oblious impturemeni.

whikt some of the Lrler shoes *ir shov eviden.e

0r beng bmed on sinsre p'e.e ottins parens ({.

!is.9D, Fis. ros hA: septrma vafrp and q!.i.

res, urh a hrle re.Lisular imen covenq the

rrod oI rhe root and hking moi or the la.e hoks

down one side. The ra€ hores have fiirore.

ment pie.3s :rong ther tun kn&h, a iecessiry

pci ineir doseias ,id $e righhe$ wirh sb.h

rhe boot Ms evidenuy hced to 6t the werers

;hoes dDt oie sees shoemkeis besrnnins to

deliLest (as ooposed ro raidon) $eds to bk.

enhrt rossles or'bunodoles (F€5 9t 2) Th.


rcns 10 beed a re$JoremeDt cord !l

nr.gihen the edser 'fhis i\ irrkcd b! a brord

desp dunncl *nddled b! liiel stithes, and a

!h.etom'B,ynds CFiLe. on {hif}' ihe ilirad

ra$ened shoes i rr'i.k iltraad or .ord ol rlns tlpe

{A oltm nrhedju( jiside iie dcr edrqe orthe

ieribillN A ihe shoe s?s beins pd o, (Fig 92) It

one pie.e .utiis p en {A zbandon.d ii r.wu

ol a t{o.ple.e shoe

rprdc qrde6. These bad rso min lo$ fli

bdt krN on.ith{ sde o,lhe r..r {nh th.

n,lDeDb e Latli.i or brtJc inps beld E phft

Nirh a but *an aid reLntorme .ord (Fjss


33 oGt@ dnrelns slic,fth Fid b

(dd/qdd r?rh4Nry, TlF be sds. d rhe qts.


edlexrBr bub dbn. a sdl Ed4uL. id.rl,

.fu ri6 a e4e/&!r hd @, wddir6

tued de lnrui @ 1h 3ol! 0oG, 4hr! ade,

,rt !F, 0e,b !td. 4idr) E ynbrlr d4hr{id.d;

G{Yod r2rlr{.iuryr oie rictu vrp



eni4) vi'h u e4de$ hr s'n d rhe

(rusiad frd { edse/nsh bu( lam

snio slde (,., $o's sdth8 6! u

16 Nlah Fl or I eBd4,ir]}she (.a:t/nid

uib€tod, ritl' a bi'd4.dbh &is d. rF




iN.d d th. tk€t held h rLe V d €d!e/04h bln


Hjddr kbdllin tiiKiq), Th! sli !;de

(rrt) Bbo% r enb@dded @ *i!. seb r:3.










33 Dcesd3 a&r shoe Gnry u6 edqt

39 Sn .bed ur. d@ (at l3s-@bry).




Eibleldl oit ! r.2l sd@ ortu dDbd

(Ede 6@ di! stio, loldld dabk 3!d *.md dG

. bhdnedbi) t ltuhnld. sek 13,

eo sid.-la.e de she Gdv l3s mtql

adoush m&oFno dn tu. 3e d ot d'e eft







sr i4lAh@d lor drd*ne Gtd r3s

c6tur). nD dh rie is -M.n d m. tube rft'

r hiidiiFd, 3!d r riaubr dw, (!.tritr M


: rnbhoL dd M bsd€ (d. Fa. 12) h di.!i.3


9:! Tordea.idd LT rfl!{ne oft $d'

tu), Ie !h. d.b,te*d @td!!'r.hd dq

th. .d& or 6. @&!tet!,nd tr. Vd b th! lab


oyn" ue lnp ed,. rrc @osdom;6

:r. rq 3r reF herdh pr&. qria bud;s 5u(;




9,t Tqde.€*!d lhe Gnd Ln{.dql fiis

i !t[ h|sd o . litrd. dEitr rice. but fid k r

,ddidodal.o@od ( q!ft4 e6dia frm fi.

3@ d dE h..l i! a !@/!dh hd @ ndr'.r


rn .d3Bifl. h.a eulib rbi"dia{bbn and

rlED, rNiua tr d (o!ry' 3d *did ihshd).


*ndodg e tublsrhof 6e €4 ft d (d.

Fi4 el) ie d3r;q8. Nd rE EF pi@ 6rdE sh




o@o turoor d bbkehoru€ M';|x.

u!@sfubi d dE dtl de pI ift &;

DE hh @eEddd qi,i s rld4.dd. h;hb

or l 'oDbd' rhe bs H, nade 'n th;!

'o FnoiD 3wit4) rr{h uRi@du$:


l! :)

\ i

t 1






e6 cdds bsd. bn mdb6t(fnl4rh+dis).


.&e/ bu @ Tnh B I rd $r'if

hd 4 tne hdqr@hbn se p bardE

6 !d. Tb€ boot l'ld r sidepin *. NoG


e? sd'bad bmi (nid r1d{ob4). rb ntu


toied Eddy , rhe btep, FrA {i$ ai

ed3e/re,h bdt $u dd ea{r ffi a bbdb8*am.

rk r2c bh vde oriqiiany sftqered Ms a

niiJdcnor pise (Dissind, vhich ts dhdd



m4b n Dv nistu. sere li.




s Frerhed sie (bid llrldns), d h


e d adu ddae &\o8,{.i s riq. es, ddr

9E d !u?i4br'@s d! hid ot fi. i.el hh

rhq ft {dr d e hdr 6d d0 ts 4 dds sid..

rn shc had ' shdc bc d a r4r auci.d drl


0 U

99 Frdt-rdd 6pic trc &E l!rh{4br),





F€wrs r4ia do. (Irs. s6). &:j. 1:3.


10 Frcdhd:nldeshe 0n! 14nie!bd).

T!€ @tsr B oisii'ny iad! j! m liF (fo

sin'tu eriig-Ftu se nq, 16), hur die rhe tu



mi rave b.!n 'dded 4/t rr. erFc m3 b€ed ('| e

ftd{,!.34Dr d !h. o@ side @b.dr rr5) bur



@tird .dhcd' d s r mjdr &prn. Ile due

ffi !tr d3! Gd3e 'irh hiidqFdb! otr rh.


1o1 rrc hed &Hrsh@ (|ab !16.edq).

ntre i oe @h pke, ht a s@[ i*fr (oo]

mrsid q"s *wn in, Fnt vih bjnd 4{rithes



14s.eiinry). TYlpd


lhd io4 s" "d3e,dde

'tuu' .+














r04 s,bo. vid sdernchd i^bids &r 1{iL

etu4' Tre hd6 & rLn by e c@6 ad

niirord srt! i ard rtu tdrd w siqiDie d

h pLe ffi n c&e/r!si bfti€n oirheii@


.&e, d,. -diM or l biidnq*4n vhich d drc


{@ @b'bt dded aEg'iE 'nd, h€@!. rh4


bu. b e oricn'd pd oI dE e,T hq @



1os oiepiec dh*hc

(ary sd.etrhryl



t6 o!!.pi!4 zln$be G'nt $$€bry)


ns. ms, derr d'n a.&elf!i hus @ nrha


id, td rboYe nE bsEq @h, 3ro' tur E



!@r (e!ny bd.e^ruB)




t /






103 sile.Led td (edr rtudtry). Th



qlfu joiled ritr' 4 c&erlsh bdt *e. rlr

bel'ob (dsily losD w *vD ii



June s!a0n 09$rl ti.ei the inponri.e oldE

Dut 00 bu.kl* hmrsho!i lz2DdJiDuiq. r00i);

rd Ldhim & vdther$ rcTi)-33, i2rir The


Comnrn\exrlh. bd rhis s i.r ro strJ lbr he'll

.d rhoe bLrkle\

d..omnk tr the bu.kles Lnris.ll0 espenrllt

ahemral $d tens (rry

Irb. r.n) Lndrmt. rl*t allrbe ht. l1th.eiiu[

'- -./


snply not detded bI rlre m llflLre.hnlqF:

Naie arso ioud r rb.lsd, rdr{

groQs (6n

rhl5penod L! rar tli! rrio.rr/ *em to l':ve bpe.

or kid illr \irh noo iDs 12: c\r^|,Les) 1l'n!n

rlrough a sln r he[ to ftde : se.uF loop (ILg

edr,nd lsrh{rdu^ lu.lild nrc\ Thcy dc

ves similir The oDe iiru{nki io Fis r j

dnsn6 oI rn und{onled iediis'h p{e ol

end o, rhe nnp 'rrll I'r€ pased thmurqh : slir (.i

Z,Jri,id,a rbr Fnn s Pnt.hrdl

Tli. .ol!.iLm .onbins nedl! :10 dri {cre

h*on! /nd Sroii:1, A 'vel s a.lftoLoF.,i

somesoirhelruhnrf or.i'broid(cdshles oJ

\l:rr lboes do merted $ b.iis enblLlthcd

eirmoe5 iDois vbrb m those ol n!, iir

bnhops oI crndlrlrti, llub.n \rrlter(d lr0t)

zid hdmlid Ri.h tl r:11) rcMni.1933. Cd

Nos 16 ad 29) frt{rl!.tembiord.nsilrd

ten d rtr: n,lL.nrrd Nnh lj'ds bart

ivishLf enl,eln$d oi ft ronhneir )u1 ns

@ @ @

- .



.-:- d

@ @ m





dd6k brdtr q ft @deG ju{ betow L\e :itb.!i-, trr fn !d


,,enb,! ,nkle!ho. Ln Li. nlh or e.nrf r$

i,or F m u<d h, dntr rh. srJ?d 0;,mdr bero{hede.orrh.rhnrr f.iry nor v{e sub

nr, Lh. 'hr!p .hr, hrflLJjs



.\Fid4 rcdflr!tii


t jh"'In

l; mj\ ! hcrr Llred;.0

dltr jt



hr or flre



mI 'h{

! tu^ T a

amD L!6 |oll @;

!d\ ollLq


-;. rh! G;r


6 7q ndeor Th.

nq ! 'n pdr.n rt'- \hoe Dnrb

nrir rm!'t hN tron Lvndd \r. b rq rLf

rrnd dr r i

d:!A ,!um,h. ftrrolg 'hr q!i

r0rlr 4 !rrj

or rts,r4

Id {t!. +u

Iz ) ie.lmek |rfrqleqA ^|btrldM?|i; Jl!..Jbiuq]r.lrdm!.Ju!(Urvn]||10!rd

mrp.nr4berrm Biting.sre Fs rl, An .edrB depos$ (Fis rLz. sr As : conse

rn. sfM hc uL hets{trerr,her{hl€ ihe,hoe

ho",h€ e Jk tuoro$! ! ie nbd rhre.t dsn rhsydprrr,rt;.

rieh sohe olrhe stir.ries



3 nr





F*edo. rhe shoe frcn s,qn Lrne.I de.ob

Lre rtu€d rqs ne( swi lrom side ro stde 0;*

irihrclrh heh $ bu






calrng uirue {hin:M $outd h.!e rlibmered

hf. rurrcL\,,rr{



r$^ r{dnpr \hoe. tmm Lhe ihbe\ atrlrddF


or rhe



he \tiid





m i& $rJ,c




. agoid inpes 3lo{ thc siis A ven A d4n


[ine rrrrs

o h" ,"

Th€ ! iHendnr.rerjr



\irk. rh. be* re.en.d


a.d !'e

o' \eitr{of!

F.s.i.e of rooi{.} qdr h.\najhr...hD6ol

simihr {..)p



oar & corn*ei lri Gl es: yaip nnps


l14)i ro$er, ton Swan Line, lras red and white

M I =-

:.q+ =

'B Ph..h,h.

shoes from Be4e0. Nosay has : iurber oI

nore elabociely embroidered shoes and rhese

show rhd dirfernr bro.ks or.orour veie some

tines preseit dong a single nripe (Inge. R.

Pedenei hd Ane L.Gen, pers. com.). The

reFdotre oI nitches ,]so emb€.ed$jt.h

and *tu sbrch. Irus &e tul nnge of pdrems on

the Lddon shoe sn odr be .oijeduftd in iev

or the decay of ho$ ot rhe embrcidery rhread.

The iechniqF ofdrii-$irh i:lls inro a dtesory

ol enbmidery knoM ffi onym work, sonetims

.aned,r'a 4r,rz,r' in rhe 13th cenrury be

ase I wtu a FNlar nsm ol desndns

cushions (chn{te 1933, 33). a.ushjoi rrom rhe

gove oI d.hbishop Nauer de Gny (d [t5),

who wx! r re&nt or Engrad dunry rne minonry

ol Henq u, *tr couched in cord dread on a

sround {orked n plaii sotch iid tros{tirch

(King 1971, 129), {hire the p4tefr of rhe dshion

lion the sped&ulir bmb ot Femando de la

cerda (d. 1275), in 6e mausoreum oiihe cdrirm

roy:l famiLy d the mmeni or Las HFIgA in

entnely in ptiit{rikh

(c6me7[Ioreno 1946, 36, Ph. d.iii-.rxiv). The

d.le of u.nbishop Hubed walter is an edier

embroidery n praii,siihh btri rike rhe de Gny

.ushion it n in a fr.snenkiy .ondjtion since ihe

.av*rlike hdenal used lor rhe roundation h:s

(ctuistie 1933, 50, Cat. No. 1&. Tne L.ndon

shoes mde rron redher, a nore res ied mtenal

L5!n.dEs, tnus ei,bre a Fp ro be 6led in $e re.ord of this foh or embroidery, iidi.

stins thai ir vtr nounshing on a coNide{bte

sde 'n be lzth century a *€ll as in su(eeding The lide exrd or rha pacrice cm per

broidered shoes, ,rbeit matnlr ta.L4r in any

sewing thread have been eravated in Encl,nd in

Durham York, Lin.oln, coEitry, OxJord,

wo(e*er, cro&asrer .nd wincheder.

AJter embroideed yamp fipes, rhis is rhe hon

connon rom of de.ontion on the sbo6 in rhe

.olle.tion. Al 6e upF^ virh this son or de.ora

il.i tuy be seen in Iirqs. 115 11? The de.oE

rion seems to have b.en sfieded afiei rh3 shoe

p' had been cul out aid tdore &e sh@ *xs

$itd'ed rocether 'fhe {ork s*ms ro have be.n

doie fleehand, {ithout the ssisbn.e ol gllde

fith some sod ol .uttiq


.ombined $rr sed skil dd efed, mosdy tne

shmos {ere i,npressd in $r4hi tines, cdetuly

spmed ro miiinj* the possibility ol reas be.

The edtst evmple, Ft. l1sa, dares ro the

ft* baLI of rhe r3th .entnrr. conpded pirh lakr

eximpres, the {o.k *cm vary &trijous,*.irh a

v,nett or 4 snd roffs ,ven8id8 3 by 2 mm














lhe !,rrme or Ft

rlbp i!, ir,€ lluseun.r Loddoi .oLL.diiJn(r\lor_

1674) *hi.h afu/Lly !0mbin6 opeNork snh

cnsaecd hrice {ork)

Frsio viftor mvLrcsLlar.dFs Trp dFniqs

eeLyimid L3d, tdu!.. sroe i i.ding ihd $e

rnestr:rlhtLynoi.dE\dqedi l

ur rr,c sr,oadkeD rr.e mort tanJrrt sntr die

limihrj.Ds lmFrd br thn iyo. otdelondon

dosery spred The snitkr moirs $Li.h re

mor {idet !,,ft{i, bord rhe shao. ot rltr ii.

b\rured(he {rhqro*rerchrddsrorthffe

Tlre shoe r Fre. n5. r* $drsr ,6 lbe

qn?rten oiry ths rine de.oiled \i1b elongdcd



w r&

b€en plred d 6e lwow eqes to u]

tbe spre fore evedy. As in $e oiner exanrDles,

theie is no iidietion ollhe use orsudelnes. The

shoes ii Fu!. 117, b oiiy opeo{ort

deoErion einmins $en bw.4r vmp L\r@ts.

Fis. ii7: h:sRooi.enrri. to*sof o!,tpdon.

ho6, vhisr 11?b ha fou prns ot lons iam,

The hs exmpre b $is sedion (Fis. x6d is

:lso rhe 6nen, ad is refiiisent oitbe fne open.

work ,tecomrioi oi lhe sh@s depicted h a paiit.

ing bon sr. sbphei\ chaFl, wesl,Thster (FL.

ns). The p.tten k both .ompfsbd od liasit€.

T],e strrt ce ot ihe v,mp n divided ine ,zm{d

dd pjder panels by the ditreent rotiG dd con

biiatioft oI mbls The widest ro{s ft 6lmd

by semred lozenses edsed {ior plain riusuta!

sraps. Besids dlese aft naaof rmverse ross

of snall dosesL $ well as *ids pmeh of dte.-

mrios ri:nstes. The sbmps h,rc been @e6rly

md.rosely spa@d -4 m apd buritnprcb

able that $e ?Ieaating nmow b*s of smans

sbmps heb fte {jds pdels then shap..

sde hftd $tr Garry 13d cetu$ for

$e Fig. ,9. Fhsh sid. (iisideJ $oh. rhe isd b



cnb sid. (dcder. r aurt{s dbrrde dhri€r

ra$4cd shoe (]ft !$.adury). cai Me. $&




F4ord n.h $oe d !tumu ryF cdrdd



Tbe fngiri!.f nrch {ork is dtei.d t,, rhe:tr

wd or rhis !"mp in sc$ t $irh sone,J

the rcauPr iom b{\reen o.c opentng rhe "d

rig rtga, drkble to rhe lah r.tih.eituo r

r\eEd qrh shaLLowLf r'ld. clo$Lf sD:.ed

rfti.c No.k. rhe p.ners or io. sd deordj;i {e

s4e4ed by phjD nrips edsed b! o?m$ ines

' rhe r(rrer surhe hs been $rap€d bak


^rlhe d\s un in.d" th! ., ru n{e^

.rrc.d ro rbe cryined de.onrjon (Mrh a bh,nr

rNnftdr 'rirr tr,rs so pop*ron orher forms

or Lerrenork (cN&ll. d. Nrdqerd & cnfltrlB

1937, 40 and 13) Thc ji.jjed \ork Nh;h h!

b.ei .e.orded 0n ledtE srrrbrd\ ot rhe enr

peno'r is fam! .nd. f re dron b rhe NOiL od rhis

shoe dlNdr it {iI be not.d rhd rhe lDes $ed





sdbtud ard rhN req#ed a sfar. de*4 of

colL..ri.D s hcli de de.on r-ad tn this vi y;r d,p

d ihe rqnh side oa rha redber b rac

: dffert*

n:bLltrds rr.,i ,Baytrrds cfnk. or I sligtrdr

srrjer dac ie.0,Ao@$dbha ilit,

cedrry (c.\rgin, de Neeqard & cd6ths 1937

4r) tu ir {A tror Dosibteb rhose rr,rrs h

der.n.De {hdher rhe toaat difterei.e vd i. rad

rh. rttuLr oa $rpiis brk ihe sd:e. or otb

s(nqabolimpL.m. bnefl! or rhe learhor 11


trhFr d! te,Lrr.! h:. b.ei oleLt L^r

osor, Dnor o rhc dr.ler jnosoi ol rhe htrrt

ArF IhE.llk mder edst0s yns N{e or btk



Ll.r,isbeeid$rt{edN$"rsdu,q The nes

pre$ r on * qrher':rl'crdn L! the shzrp

nor : rrii\ i5 etucd by rs! 0 dh rins and b), rltree

dshhei fbol.. Th! {rres d .rh side have

rD4i?rcd dors ihe sLoo'trs hms. \irh linet! ?r

8'red pm e tnes $ ,i uler tor thr

r.D rgemprrsp:.e(s?.Fig t2L.ddrlt,fhe


Fig l2ld h?s been de.onted aith a.oi$in

on slmmetn.dh.prr.ed rhrterealdesigns qhi.h

niii ee6 ot de.oiation

bsedonade{gnorsrfrrrehn.eohieterts the

muling our oI de.oDtive mas in advan.e is

outidr bire tlblei

deLideted Nnb eigrljig,


Tbe shoc in Frs.

gnled, i. $ould hir been po$ibLe to rdjun rhe

liia.I dre birder b fir rhe leaftip, nther thzD

:ltrio{ geooetniN


l1o$ rrom lnnl al difleEni stras {A ex

nmned. :id n is .Gr rhd one spr.ias, ?rdifu,r


ibtrds or rrre nmpl.s 123 er:o et tr n : pio,

'!ry5mir FprnG! krve. $ hnh n at€ r!pnis

rd dezl ror !.e ,.: r,r lFs t22 ld I r

rour,r have, besrdes. :bs.beot pro

pen'cs tr poleirnny duabre dinbure ror rlE

nu6is of i shoe ody ts. oiher noses,

Rhliniu&bhf tnqtdn5

n^rrot, o(uf ii :i!- DunbeE (rj:M 7 eimples

iesp{bfln. rhey hde Ethc'$jfi, si.r rems

rooscry b rh. soil, and genenny soN in .onsider,

eten$r or rued NoodLand

don.dcd oo neurrtto bsn soG ln oedicvrl





1 ; i:i:::i;;,#r; :i:;,1;








Sha: uut Pdtt^

ihe fttreoad orrt..r^, k Hmpo$rble h deF

tit eith .aitairr' a! shoes h rr'c .oLlc.ton thd

.Lsrcn or iiLhes:lotrg the linios'trrsiN ol

soLes 0f the irp. ibat shoLrld 4!ded:i be tun

bded odr t! .obbler. These thLmDs '. rtrrk

inesula y shrped ieles oI hr$er rnd rere

dM.hed vtrL tunneLjtilchins (Iig 123) NoF

srflxltogeiher(FLss 91,93)bulmo&otetrr'c

,ir evdeme rhir a dn has been douled s

prolidld by nith mdks. a$er on rhe soLe (Fl3

33i or Lo{ dou on the uDDer (fla\. s,l 106). As


irrt orviers l,elorc tlry rtre 6n:lh disardcd

Equxiry *.king rr rha kry ro,! !4oirion 1l4s

rad 10 ler.en() in tlie latc l4llte ury stir,ls

cisd.'qrouD sji.e, theoreiiftl\ at lcmi


n6h+ dn.nhd Ln ihe iile!.ouid xttud r.{

Derhxrs,bdd,eyhidrlienr.panedbf rdediied

.ord{;ds. rlm agrid Gee above. r 23) k


seeh to l,ave been r.p,n.d 0rb1e 15) o(d'on'

ally, addiri.ial *ii.h ii$resions s,gs€s dDt a

tvoe ofteDiir is : Dd.h seNn in on the 'nside or ntr

5i;e {i&bi iisjrii.h (i. the 'idmer olr heel

stitientr or lr.e lmle ianloi.ened) to corer I

Nornneaorbole. o.e orthecleuer 4amplesol

rlns is sboM n Fig. 10r, here 610 su-e$"e

iltr side ;fr, Fd@s dtr die slrce b?d srlir

4:n Reoans or rltrs |rd seen iot ro ba'e been

siLLhire \rorn ihroqgh lois betort the Dpp.n

-i ;r \qe dri r ddw{d dd rresh \ft '



'flil',;:..i 1 :' l:"ili::* i:,JlJl:,"i,.::: ;"; i


x",i+::liii:,i;'i,jl l,1l

, P l ! D q l g s ] ! . 3 9 ! ! j I J L h e s

::-iJr,lrr rl'lr':l*llT:fi:



r-riillr l




ms, mdo trom t{o p r€s or Gdhefj#ed d rhe

citie aid dc.o'r,"d {irli idnpal itortb. bur

ioo. D eN or rhb dd! rer pr.lidcdr h ro.

Bnds thd {rte iijL j:bL! rFrs: 123 13rr.TlN


' !hm ro i,r Th_",rrph,;

Jsl'e|J t rhe'Jc\rrrnn^]' iJ


rded D Fr3s. 126 i br ro&in! rrori on. radle

,r ro^s r!aFs m;r

Nrs rreb:Ll! s rbd ther srtd b. \sn bde

ur s.3 r?drd.Lan.LTih, rr ll, !,.\

$e nhrd €FT.'s4 H!u_e-\fLpr! hiu

J. 'e;lpeJfromorehlo4! str!d!$ i ,.,

tr hrch oir rhe grouid diE rri. yd ir is trrh

mor di!(rLf ritrhed r ro jldre n m lhe


ro!.d,ar ThE ]!i hzrr rltoftdihe od,qL roaoi

d fh var .p

w,ri$,poDhr. nar h:* h?d a c.opleta ledhcf

sdem@! rsrs lb. tFetmdroFFn hd * '

tunse md r lbe eme tinr, b n:ke r bqe



123 Pzb t-4ldr (bjdr'r. r4i'+dq). Tn



(mrr.n N h dd.d lh*): !'.F vr robrbry D

bidiis d ii! .deJ, haup i\. 'Eils ck:rt Fg

@! dr srldida (l])4M It. 1zr. Ttu

hsbt4 *s eft*d si@t lirl a Lon ia[. soL

u7 1/.rO er@den Frh! (ddrte !6 .sb4r.

oon s! 5lnfrebaj pisrs toid , 6c c(e (ore

sm]x {ere oroded fo. rhe tu* tim. Th. rr4.

d redber one oI $ln.h is no{ n0nl! b$

sevn ioscder ions rhe .dges Lrilh : bDdi4

To protcd rlr ledh{ from duftr! uid{ thc .ar

Dicp a.d rlm ta*ened \rnh: bu.h., as o, i

BoyJ Schoolsite litr rs36 roo larc ro be;dudei

Hiryed {oodei D.trens $rh 1l,r !o es.oniinued

robe {on' the6i{hrtofttf151h.e ury Trje

rype Dred .i wedsG is vo,isingty able.t trom

borh r.3 Lme and swa Lae, thd]lh ns en

porary 'nun Etions and { Niying llahrles in ihe

e*abr(hed .onedions 0Irtre }rusam.r t_oiiii

(& belov, p. nO Eadr lsitr &nbry pdr..s

hd exrlr.el! Misted sotas ind nthor btu^1









lrrerree mirheroe(!igs

Nlr rlre broad brds.onmoi r llD r4rh anrun

n r:l siniLd b thr:e lsei $ith the contem

pd;dlerhd niredpdtensGe.bdo{r.adi[e

0a flE r.or xid rt hre dufd les iE$ oyer


rdge orth.:oh behiid rh. ixirh?,ds 0de(ed


t.d r! Ro\em(nlc. vhorc.mlllons k {,.

miNd m Tabb ri T[sshoNslli]r i|!r liom

the b.dr i:4tun detrioNd.rhde. jun N,

Foupr rP definile r Feseir dd{ (.r,6 s )

:id (o,,r! orrhr i.rrilt srrnrftl TLr hrn ir

r Mer rrorlr rLoq rj,rn {.) ind p.d' O,l(llJ


sp r bul th. ceiem oDnot be diirflhhed an

aron.iny Ahe. n sofr ed tishr, *1,i a smoorh

F! tht s easity sorked Resitienrnd c!_

rehdy duuble whe. wr, it h6 bccn rhe

h\olrEma.rrforlros mikfs I F4t:id rirhr

up,orcrFsei,dI 0rleonlqr :).rimodem

soe\ rclstor rhln ih, {md n sbll sFfl ro


dj ;init shrinkre

o!.u red A 'mrrr meiloLl ! as probib !;sed rn

'.tred trdm rhe duiErjn ii rhe MendejHo!y

m8h tr $ ' rbre rorpr Fn m!Mc.srr a/ia4d

,,r! 'uer,i re igrr,{ergj rd riush, hrh l

re!n,n!e ro sprirenr]t. \/rtr0uah nor seier:x!

an rnd€ $q uil hi:lndr dehtuFlj tr

mor. re.endy to nake paddtes ror rdeRheel\

ed {eaneft. P't,r6 'id, now fai.t, rre bur



red eitensirelr by medievd r,|trnetr is hrd

bd penshibLe Yet mther

rhe |reseii iieds rc ol asp.r, ,,r ,J iu,,ra

In moden Fiai& n hd Leetr usad lor sabds, bui

Ln medield Englind il \6 !H 6{ aLly r.r,iLiiad

Law ol 1416 (,!,'l, , ...1. The puDose or ihrs

lor nd{a arc{s add to lreen (be pnce or,rows

doM, sin.e l*l the bundred-slrir|;s jire lelied .i


roker $ho dained !tu Asp tinb{ be i[e ben

and lthti Tjmber, rh{eor h Pdie :id

is iot:p! sufi.ient, ior codreilento be mide

j^h (rFoNshilb)(r t.l! t.9

hlde ind on m.t kte r4tb .entury pat.ns mr

ofdoubreihi.\nes(Figs.123 9) The two pFcA

resh togdhe id sonedhes, i rhtn teilher

edris tr sive 3 re\s D3sed ipF{ince rn the

tor embellishned Nerl!:ll.rdri some decoc

rior r,otr4erJ3r,1. one (Fi3123)hA,nrm{

\ertj.rl *noe. on.e piin(ed in bdlliint Ed. fh.

p,@ed n:ed \A lermnrn Gentified by s.

Dmar. Britsh ilu:eum) nlnch {s v.l kioLvtr


i liirdri!fu'


pnndoaLoLe orrhe Nblnerury

othes hiye

(frs r2l :nd .B:!iids c$de (nor iihncrd),


rnidenij.:r,l.oyerfiomlpdren Themotitibex,

.onssMt or tour r4cr pdets beseer pj6 or

sdh. peids, vas :pp& ty nadc wiill x siryle

pun hdrnp!dr rin,i m for4!eprnrhredpcs

bm,; o!d,!

The third,omped tl@ert (Fa

or wxvredsed squres, btrr it is roo mrn rd dis.

fte mon &,nmon mees ot de.oftion s4 by

sbkhine, bn sii.e ler ot rhe drreds h?!e su!

nved tr is i.r.enain ho$ the motd h've

looked o4in:nv. it is p.$ibte rbd 3 sinple

nmig.sbrh {A used bu. nore Drobabb 6d ir

{A a type or bak*ii!.hing (Fig. 133), Ior ttus

vodd h?!e Drodu.-ad a.ontinuous raitrer rhai {

nrem .ft rne 'fhe $itch hotes .ie reety cir.

ric P6E ons, r d e'y naN G. Fis rljn,

re drtE ed turod{'thd du qrcdir s

cur&r norn:rry .het m st,nri!. redansurai stjls

;o rDr be rhre:d sould ' h?je &i,n! 5rlistrr

bc blr { trtd h}€ beei " pulled npht r d dqre

il,e nexl - a lom oI semi or.deitaL serm com

ionr! used today b! hames make 6 ind saddle4

(saran,otr 1936, ?734 ud nis 9.61) v:nos

rmpre pfums $eE devned to ft inro rhe d!k.

{trd shape ol the inrs: Enidl or honzonbl

llies (Fis:.12330), enher singl) or:nrcssad

p?rhap.oi!ehshrshiedb] rhreld!otronGsMr

.oro!E, ro$+ Fg. jrTbr {d tori.€! oi

Ieaves {irhn arcaded ni.hes (Fjgs. 137c d)

More .ohpl.ared sries oI nfth holes tFiss.

137e-0 roy be in€ refrianr or rcry elabor;i."

dessns, nov hcaoabG of reconsrrtlon.



sortucs or ibe 14, rflr bdrim r,iters resFdlrelt

(!iss 139 40). ]\tr :ddiiiomL lald $I 'JkD

:. r ro aie ir hklrd oft

{ri. srouid. rhe {aD! wie mrre rior siide

pGcs ol plxin Ledher. 5ometimes biturded rt

'he!frFis 110J xni {ere ind{i.h.d be$er

and a rlthlLr Fi ed roe.

been rry litlle rcom u.dq rhe roe *mps, vould

e\psed !o drmp on rhe unde^ide oI the soLe ?nd

!.r.r:l o(a!.'s. om llig 112), { h e!

ri:!e h.d ,, uflhclie n,irei o! rs r riid rcFir.

llir afflh * oi,!(oDr{eldrro. Tlre soles

rr,e'isahr!eernrdeitumLry{ .

togerber {iih, patr 0trhfads lfig r4L), ehirh



L ,

Sizesand wear patterns: social inferences

Fmhrer G$mbtagEs m ltuse A lhof &on

rblur 'rtr iri !( medifldl .hu6 and lni?ns

Thn dr,. d rlm !r ' ir, n Do., be n !.:{

som! .oict0sions abod lhe nse of ro.rNer tn rhe

ciiy hd, ro so'ne erenr, ?bout rhe dD.

4&nnics oI $e poDddroD. TtE prernr *ud! n,

fesetably, .orlined 10 &e .onseFed resisiered

sboes. The unconsesed bulk araem€m *ould

dinoned jor m.urare

appmiiy be.ause liey bad stnik d diiteEri

.T:ble t9, vrncr ern dE

toli tirsst smps

Ldt th,A mrnum oyeran bi31h of the shoe sores

Eqll hShlnsuesole.(Table lsr lD'heo-.d

shoes $rh 'po'raines , rhe ,podaine re

dsouded and d'a &ehureneir hken ro a poi.t

otr or !s beyodd rhe estinr@d exrenity o( rhe

ba roe Gee ibove pp ?9-313nd T:bre 3).

Ntodern shoe stcs eDreseit lhe i,s,i,r,

meAurenenr ot 'e shoe $ithin r]tr !,Der. ra$er

L\d ihe teqrh or rtre sole ba sinc;ium dft

Irom neAuremenb b*e. .(oss rhe (orepd,

*rn iid heel ol shors ir.,i S$?n t-mo rd Tir

L:ie, does it seen rhd shos kre 'mde ii;

nnse or {idrh 1i!t4s: rhe $drh ot rhe shoe

nornr:lly la.ied in dned pmpoftion ro irs tensrh,

a[boug[ s obsesed *ith ih? shoes trcm ]rngs

rym (clde & cder19??,3ra) r aDDers itut

beNeenihe 12$adirre rsrh.entunei$e\uisr

le(me qoglesirery 4ros.r.


'.ug[ arronroton to ilie orisinrt size of an

been diiodld by rhe tons peaod ot buril]. blr ir

m?t :rso have sh4ik sin.e r..oy!ry, borh dunng

ed drer rhe pm.e$es ot cotr*nition. Snc!

ft e n s. hr kno*n about i€ |olenrialchaqes n

rdNime h$ been nDde for rhis, bur shn k3ge

doq beimed hA beei qriftiied ad c& n)

some e$enr. be prednied: keezedned terhd

esFa:lly at rlre heel, meAlreme.t or itp soje is

kely to prodtr.e rn onder. qrher rh,i in oyer

e$'mab .i


lhe equfttent sne.

pu@f or lbe .onvesion to modcnj

tudiry inierisl[h ed pd]t io ta.itiiaG ..mran

(Fsp.Ne) or, rortss:t *Gk wirh!* $tfi.

cdomer to sared a s&bte pajr by tn.r ?;d

e&r. Th4e is no re*on to suppose rhd rhey

ohened sPe.if. sDe $mdrds, ,id the ft:s

neda.y ft.ords or rhe Loidon cordsaiE6

LonDiny make io menhoi or {ch Nor, io jud.e

:ier trt tn, tunn:: !.dr nthr\ $

nejirrednilhstesri 9 a.d. 60 @r.efi of aduLr

* soLleDl.dryiq - rhe otder method Gi

dNatrredrdionorupto..t0pcr.c.i(pp. 133 I Tabreaux 1 5: rJorn,tion rrom chra s) honds).

and'fal,Le 22) To predu.e Table 19, rhererore, ,\I these ftiisti.s, b.rr, imdrc,ir iDd moden.

*ourd thus be comhreit in iididlidt . di(ere..e

or2or3srosbeiwe.dirr oireandfemitepeaks.

ff this E so, it na] be possibte to Foeed tur

oerhod used tor erh bddr Gee Trbre rl) ili!.;.dt,usehisronslddrtoslibEiemediev,l

lu remrins quii! inoo$ibLe ho!e!er. io

{.ouni ror atrr sbri,,k4r rhi.h m?! hav.

onred6t aIonfmlioi. Ntren ihe objed $3s ducred by clarks Ltd oyerrho9a{r,o redre?rs

sbl buned J.lii rbofrron bes:n a cxpemeri nr

1959, irNhi.hhebnnedin{ersoil:sene!oroakEte orone sre eve.t20 re,s or so (iitormarion

biied lenh{ srips rhd.ourd b! tuboyed ntr from NeiL M:cD..lrd)

20rh .enknes 5tes 2-7

md 123 ycm Gee Rhodrs 1030, r0r-r. Thn

rap'dly d firn bul1hd the nte decres.s tbcrc

:tui (l'e n;ps sh nk by ..7 @r .cd sler 1

.ed:ftr 16teas), pdhaps lmt xi.!ed re.

dudion ol .10 p.r

re.endr, ho{ev4, crot lin DneL.illurny h?s

'.!.h less dun4 burirr lban tter re.orcry Lot|t cto|t Nuttun, 2

winrer 193617). : hypotbesis rhn seens 10 be

iecenins rqepr:r trceohi(e od rhd rcrtd

the 6sres ilreadr adjNed for po$ ercrvd'on

s brinkage n ri'uLd laad r. rlF ne\pedad m'tr|u

son thd medieval shoes $eie litlle dirtereii li

Yer lr*clcr muclrbe sh.s mry hrve sbrunk

in /rrrlt rms, tr pems dMt thctr /dd'y stes

ciden€l thd the three Larsen tfoups sl'oM n

Table 19 (froo 'E.yirds cArla . sMi L e md

Tne Lane) shre a disinbuio0 of stes thd tu {

Lo$rr d ddli ste\ I

mon popuh sizes or:drLr nei's:rd $orai s

male popuLrrion vem shoes rmsins lrom sDes lj

ro I l and me tentlrs ol rh. xdurl remxre !h.

rid shoes m.FDg lrom 4 to 3 (Clarks Ltd 1972,

rits 12 131. Fisures fron' moden Im.e m

wrdrh or rhe lod h?s inneakd in proporiotr. so

F Lvere no$ immon in

s,s B r itr 1929 (Chrk Lrd 1972 Tabte D,

{itr' addtrioit rliese figues rom hle vdonan

Eislrd nrrespo btudy h ihose imm nedi

ev,l Loidon as {ded in TabLe 19. and represent

ejLmate :s :ny ol d'. *fula ol lhl nediev,

popuraloi dd or r o.igiiit ste ol lhe shoes

sd4, ol omboRdle evidence. ir is ioposrbre to

ordrook the infom{io. eom rhe late lstied!

3rd-.edun Roman rods and drirn s.tlenatrs

d s,rbuiq, zusnnnel ad Kreiner retdburs

(Table l9r ,ftd cmrm,i'v ludennge t974.

FiA. rr; li$res.onyened h modem stes byM.

Rhodrs ,id ;djunad L! r0 per .eni ror presumed

soLqed.dsing). nhe.e r yery simirrr nnge or

Ar'housh ii ma! be posibre ro idedi! die

!,trral r:4qe or sr6 befirDs nedGaL men 3nd

dlldratr s n !e Gee [?loN) mrkes n mu.h more

dirfi.uh r0 ddeloiDe rlherhd .n uril idlal shoe


rhe sida la.ed shoe !?s

$,n s rikre sh.e $trs rrie otren \ om by somen

dd'iLdreiGeexbore. D. r7) burihesroup:m

ddr nies {h,.h.m retromblr ba de ifi?d is







.l 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 910 lr 12'3.1 2 3 4v5 6 7 O

rti 1r, tar 1)\ rt 1r1 t :

!r -fh!se, tr sbrurd be nored,3eFnlf bN: th.

d b judge bl

:durlt, 'ylFru the:dJt nr dirnblrjd^ orrr

nuddd m,Lle ud lemLe peaks. ? miro6 rh.

!ur dcspir. r pr)rtleFs oriire@f EtiotrdE:e

'rrr roe!

0r (be 210 sbo.s iro'n rrrird!

2e Frred or rh. 65 ton Tng Lrie lTibte t9).


13ln &dGer m.! ir*lJ, it.onobor

\ur i, e I'n.hidrei 'ydp baiig dereLoped In ihe

rlrbLe 12) soo?r hd06 codd b. b.rd ar ha{

\eri, id rM' n r .il! anoit lhe shoe5 ol lbe


orhdr, hoNers, $eE to{ r.uc shors

l h &en : shoes

rl'ougl' tro{ f:Jaied \ri.h i

rhildren s shoer ft:

siliLiihr ..r,potr.d oi


! afrrrle l2)a0d:o

lidlrd. (fur|o ns rd rh. oodem .lr dren s

izer I -3 l'f ,Le

io moDly nrd. todrr & or dtrLdrer s sne 5 and

6r rlildtn ?!ed?bour

L nortis (cLllls.Lrd

1972 ['g ]4) Ih,i d,nrpx^q oj aLod { iz.s

Elen so ib! soanai dr lb! dimFlire soted ,..:\rie5 rn r'8 mm (nLghty equiva

$r mn Lo.s(.rjirdr.i sr! rr PnGs\u.h,j5

iul.n ndrul sho.: see simih r qrm tr

Doin' {ber. h jnur b} nmlln, {rn'nr, d.

rinire5 rhe ll[.lih.od or c'oe; b.Ds h:nded

doNn Ni(hin rie ruoiLl

110 / ?14 Dn Lol'g. noddl]d!Ll \k '), Nlri.h

rrur the nmpLe (lun :.1

'.gsttud &(ros Nth tompLete sol.t is io. panems and deldmitics ofrbe fccr

'fhe poibirlr' dr reint4 rhour the lrefLrh ot

L..d.r \ oelierr ojiul?ron ltuo rhe *!ar pd


CAle :rsem




Moden Child Snes

Modem adtrll snes

th! shocs rouM srt\equently hr€ beei !u{6

oenrr' sen prtfdtd to provid. der,ted el ar tsrn oi pdhologicl$iditions; bui ir

Ii iohil Nrfins ih. drn p.d t ((h


ide, inrbe stDdu.orrli.rre.{dresjoliris

vef sorn not odLl t! ?dtr s bur b! luhs.tritd

ie0. voden reseu.h $8cens dd of rb.

dnordcr Nhi.h! .di.e:bte oit! m oLd or

j!!r s nor runy roi,rcd betor rhe rge lJ ibonr

q rhod caNiig ohilus dr$ohturt (cta*s Ltd

The Get * c.frrlei teyns, mide up ot nmr

sndr mNis rrds $hrli :fa subrded 10 hfl$

rmds For di]s reEon Diryr.:.oisiDFnee

lnsre of ?boui 5 dsstues b rhe diFdion or q:lk

mg d tbe besin trc.l ach nep (fl]l. 1.13r. Fr.rL

'r!rsln vpiel! rros rr. n.iab6t heads rlre

Li!r| d rhe r0d: :.d.

mu:desrrltrcrLildiilhe roor (sellpmpehilil

ointsn rre Lr- Irhr,o.- rd p e.! ia,he r

oI tde loes .d. llre Found, Thf !\]| is the

N-.r @otrns lnrbb on Dur:/ sores (Fic. 141i



\ /



1 i ^ r

[i i] ,

i l .li r) {






5t4 dtut 4 ?.t tut h:: :tddt it.tu :



:,a:an utl,tr,r\ tr\ii itr,h,

lon is a sri in th. umo rbrort t!_,gs.25.50).In

o(ur ndurary {i$ ace .r be the rcsun ot ftuiu

,rpcd.d*ubb[( dihe r]e, tor exmple a!

ji{ep\ $ou|d ljtr'l nbLad ujdil.4ibL' esF.i

Oth{ delibei te nirs ii the ,mp f0d ib0omrl

is rb. butrion turJrr L?n ThE.od'riotr ofrl'e

Fd !,! (,',rr:i) o(trs sb.i 11i. iddrJ jr

.{p.rjojrl h rrL* .,rqr,rs r,,rirr se.i !r

vrD,4rmererenoy{r.urjDs'her (Fl! llri) The

joint irsLfnay bEd,e !i nled aid I svdLn*

rrqn rr,j\ uirjon, bemNe rh.! lnp I i.ll

lie ini Dosir,oD ro.orspoM,rnh rhe rb !frbc

Fext to. (Fis 1J?]. Orlltr itlrrtrd eMftples

onLr bliuse then lld ft

rvhrrh oroyLd* nsunddn d{r [o dri!'s


on the nier side oI uDri !,.h b rhd jnnrmed

14 !is. !{e) \'ere

Onc rtrre n.n.Niitrs rrsuL\.Irr,e drnrd{r5

IFif ii,dd rr,.,.+dnk4r] {9./ j,in'

(mes imFiLlln , !{.,1r thtush I iirm oi

6Qoflind\ rrerru n$rls)

'fhi! o,ry eilber

Shoesin art andliterature

n feN

uilikt|| rhd r\er rhe poo'a! oeillr

ro {af th!. shlri rt|po iltr nilt h ns trd sone

Ir !r nrs {.re Nom tlrdu{h (Fq rr0r

r{'0e i{e!q,tr nsht go b?reri ur 0 LsiDr

m.dpfr ni0rF{rDr\ f. {ays+d The 13d,.

}riuif Frendr po4 crnfuncdeLdis. r*ose

or i.ei, rook i ilDn

]rn\r' 'rtat4arettc\

tr L!!r 4 ltnt i,rtu tirtr4 ja

clrlter hinE.Ur!\ i \ido{e $ithoLr sti!\,rs

r$ Iadtu t l.rb. Bihk,exr xtnknn)

\trn rJlrre rrLrr.edL.! r.xilsip$


rLLd.F r nrlL rzrh..itrr\ Dri dg.rjrLnrhe

ri drs i,trsrir! tdrp o1rhr unp. n.u


! rh. dtedim Gpe

o.trloirL .rF

oi e.d.sianidl Lf*!5 lnriL




I uinritr

r^r LLI !],:cLirrnd g?i \ii

fnerims srrtr r!!*. Lo\r btuL.

r. ;diid on |r!

\\ ..cfciit'rrI d

o z.tron.r 1ia r98{, iiN. i\o.llriJ


Th. \trsn 11,^ :o \err s)o.: \irlr

hingJorrb onaNi ,$n



This! b..r \da rr

tu tr.ri b the oursid! or|l]! rree dd li..r.d or

Lurk[ddolnr]brorJ6d'ftre !drl,riiD ?rr

cor. rx4 rdr. i! Jen.rr.d s tn$r rrJ r,r, j

a(td ,nh 4i ttt:i i!t!!rnr') (.d skert

rLrrilsh rb! rrc!

Lllunrrd A Nfined are

n .ut bd nrher n

:.d n s Fiirbr! m roiriden.. rhd br d rh.



D s0 i) Theerisf

n!d r0ldn ri Li tr,n

rii r33i). jhds Ni. of t]L rv!!p*s \ih Nhrr

ri,qJlh f,{i,, p,ilio\ tid. (.!mi.!h &



i : r



;', ,


Ft ,

ir rlf d,JdL nln,r

lr I

n{rd q,,l,n!!!(,L !t: uLi,r,.i,ire !.r

l- -:.1'- l-'

, - \

I1r..h^a\ hotu h,,s \ r nn: !i 0? ;,: l {.

i n!r?r 11.,e dare

163 Nos 6:l-1). Thomron rc.on{tuded i +op fion LoDdon, but rsxin


it f ftnher a

nor eyen poiiad (Thornton


]e{i I !.8.


, sone elabonteh

doswiverromcoleds (ThoDsr$0). bdre



Dor by mkxi

fhroDid?r y,ho .ompiled the ,rr,4r,,

altt.! dtrdu46, ! tu tut :ia h. lttl al

Rih-dtu2 tek, h. be. b d, ass doqhbl

'/ r^dots K;4 't h6) tr hq unrh tul

LEkr ErrI i,lld tM !!tu6, n d b tltn

r,€s uth rkq k4', t .rw t:ttt 4.t


oJ th. cLn,nr: lt E4b^1 trsB)

But siice ihe tarcr

resardins the iyitra oI rikes io rhe knees urh

.besorla.cs istnoscetui'Jyiditio'sceo

Lelo{), t n,y be rhd dre tr{;ad shoLld be


spe.ijlftu! dtnbukd rh. fist rDreaF

ad !f some orhar equaur

souce bll more tjkety, rhar ii $s 3n

educted sues, nade tn rhe knowledce rhd the

npon{r,dru rledraorKnto$ !h4$e


a hundred 6lles


to@ir\t: tutr; ltrarv


6d. alttu trytnrnhb\4n @eh iad'


tu e trt 446 t &'rs Eh- rtu tu ,qrri4\ ll

'fhee*kritude{ith$hnh$lsddeissiven mmedErer!

a.olses s$phror, especislty sin.e ii rhe

$me )ads EngLmd Qs shake. 4 a sdrns

re.ureme df rhe Bla.k rearh Deademe a.d

in the cbronidors friid, iu( A ii Frace ti 1374

tueled by the feeling thar

demon. sere ponoiiig s..teiy Noth

ns po'nbd nore surelv to $e Devtt hrdi*ork

the pourriet vrricb aI h:d beed denomced so

ofien by de crers lTuchhan 1979, 260).

sro$, on tbe othe' h,id, in his dh.usloi .t the

cordw#en Han h Rrcad st.d *ard, traes

n'e nrftdudion ol pouhjnet to 1332, $.tiry ihd

whdever rhe pre.jsc


dde ot rhe intodudm or

, irch?eolosict :id hi*on.:r sources

ft .ois$enr r denoinrahng thd popllanry

@$iblr rhe 1370s. Then

hret ro. an)oF or sober b{€s $th rn de ro

lnnd ad in the yees arohi ihe PeAaG'

Revoh theie werendyofrhese. wini:n L:i!.

l d, Ior innaa, us ierer more rh,i r Do;r

.hanrry pne* itr rh! cir! oflondor Here he mun

monAt.nA {ee


bekr!re. r]]rre + trdde..nbe prold!nr{s r

be .ompa.r' or se xnr chrd s neiingrr*d

:ra e{ Ptourhna,

r33rj, i590)r dd. even if h! did nor sriic rr,e

DA sase himsetf he vould tro d.ubt h?!e agreed in

.ond.rnDs rhe Fnn.isons in rbe toltowin!

Fe4x4 tu tu btkt4.tund b utlht

!r( i1ttht!i{d&ntu k,bb,yr.,lj!{rtus

tanan, Itoq Phrttnu adt 24 3nr

'Ponra.cJ rhiayed su.h$, ind $.f

the bur or so much ddi.utc, rhd ir i5 otren diti.trLr

rhd drcy rrad kr be red to rG rnee tor *aj{) s ri

s..itr k, hrye beome poputar B! the middlc of

lne I trh .enrufl ho*ocr. tr,.y asxin reruned ro


r.rod b srnrt 1312 jj236 nore 3) aDDdenrLf

0rrerr ! fJim4 rnd (o .otr.irira rhe lniom.', d a lrft rlher

rh. kiig ndralr rv, no* needed rhen suppon

r6lrrierl! r7ib..enrury ari@dins. stow Gee Inn, rhen i. t403 itHs.irFd rh{,r{,ktt

?rroyc) ad aanden o614,23? 3). sto*sjyesDo tn,ttth, sftkal. La Lsttlrrt,G,nk,tah

lr.ri.dtf arnb&t tus


Rd: h.n4 !1ra tdswt th L'"e1h at ru)

the Eutosith Htbntfl,t evei rhough {h.rj /,./trs (3 rrir n. r r, the use oa .p.uhtneJ

o.p:r Gn (reproducd

rbole)tus inDsldlon oithesrhepE c. mtr lp rh.i. r$s. eyrn rhnlrbeny{A $irhdn{n so

rhd r[ lnrdrnin{s rnd.obblon !nhin rhe c r! of

inrcrp.hriors. lr m:! be rhd hjs c.s 0r rhe Loidf tr rs sufoundLqs l,ere io$iddcn ro

bdditilthctaudrnrrai be.o t.ned ir s.m\

'pouhriei Ircm di. sho4lhemselvcs tioi. d

tbe shoes jn rbe pfAed.onedion a*.nd mDre

rhai3-1mhes l?5-r00 mm) beroid rhe bq toe

Gee aboye -r:Lre 3). brt evai rht \!uld aopaf.

rite llin.eriu4 bn$er or afllu!d dienheE ot

nnpped - either inp,id brkre or larchct

Thjs imFssion

h$. ntr'oitn rhe 1,1d' cedury shoes poi ed

roes re commoi, il ior !ni!en3l butlhe rme

mtud be srid lor rhe rryer renior .r


!hi5 n!L.

hid pEsed our or fishjon r' 1100 rf

Gee aboy. T:Lre6andpo.23 9), butr.onra$s

raced sboer a is! p:ns oI holes. :id lrcnt

h.ed .nue{hoes wirh fi: paA 0r hotes

lcroenoa yan lY?denq. pe6 .om.)

orhod ra.ed shoes is siniLxr kt FEs. s6 Tsirb

& rcit 1975, t03

Abb 5 4 a). fhe frod .nd side hced shoes in $e

London .on.diotr ex.ept $hore there is .or

onuous radis hlve p?ired holes $hib .oujd[e

cLofd b! rtrrhes (.t Frs. 5t); rhen tre feN

cianpras \rh uneyen Dben ortz.e tDe5 kt

F,s 53 withi6id, rbb.5 3) Fir.27 dded to rbe

eurt r3rh .edu!-., doflf resebbtes ? lc$

.e ur rurh shoe (r,t . Abb. s 2) boihueot

o0e pie.e aiapirou.d' .otr{tudlon, v(h tii

r. rlfD$ Jd !chrdr rhqrc [.d He

By iie eady rrdj cedud, ho$6er r s ov

sde-Lrced inkre boor lbd doDintu boih rhe

nbieolog.:l ^reotlases a.d rhe bra$es. In

ddrndLng exanpre of lsthced!ry too$r&

r.!m o. rhebo$ot\icbohsc:ders (d 143rJ

n Nrargd!. cr eys {eac lo* inkie-booh wiilj tr

ioobmd, embroideredecomioi i .onlnlous up dE srde rbrour+ sae4 pins othe.holes

lFig 159) Di.eor Io. rhe de.raroi, the silte is

1rr) sfrLLd to rhe \boes ircn Tng L:ie jnus

tr&d in Fjgs.69 70, rhe doruair-pe in soups

t h 1tu dare. The bns 0r Thon* EokeihiD

(d r,i60) ,trsr sreDhen s ctrmch, Nonrnh,:lso

{ddseehsrobeapatrof siiltu.kles (Fjq. 100:

.l Fls 66J The sfred nvl.! is sifriLr.

drho!8b the:ho.s orrhe bras, pod dding the

Finred and relred rhe Etun io frshto. ot ibe

Pour,De ii rhe mid l5rh.e.tury

xe[] rid s.b]€be o9?2, 32) $4e$ dd n

$as dthistime ibar b.orlripi (aded io b! .ut

rrP boor rtnfu



oon unrrr the lrrrrnk r5th cenrur! sroups rrom

L:ie There rre .cnaiiry numbes or toN

booG a elen boo$ raehins lldr $?! bdveen

rhe nnkle,id rhe knee, pnofto rhe t5th.ertury,

bnt rbe iobr ,hsen.e of deiliiabte trrgmcft ol

hEh.r boo( ts norable, .ver fhenthefteq!er.,

orreabe!rur n bkei inlo rcou.t. P.otuslr

Groeihin-ve Warnige hA sussesred (pec.

.aydion m! be fr.o booc n !hi.h the vrv


the boot lec $crc seprde Dieces. Ho*everL the

mdea,r fton ,Baymrds crd. , lnere ll,e.e

quaran, conrndrcb ns th.ory, ifte on rhh sire

Tter remains $e

F$LbrL[t lrrd brod rear]E $rips {tu.h h:F

been ro* of re'sed

heishten ankre.shes rhd oth.Nhe appear ro be

.ofplete(.1 Fis 23 and dirusroi, p. r0), bur,

ths isie, the absei.e .r ruu boo6 reroins

Pttens $oodetr

f?*ened ro rhe rooi wnh redher cm${inps

ro dis.trs if the +oes de ,$ocided rvilh specii.

d$ellngs Yet.ontmponrl inunntionseem to both n idus aid .ole. F.equently on

undecomied, uidyed Yer ihe hish

prcpotion ol shms $ith srcb de.onrior in the

preseit .oLledloi niks n nnllkelt thd mu.b

signilidnce shourd be rkched (o rhe prcsen.e or

rrrese shoes ii rhe Loidon soups Manusnp6

becme ldu:ry i daDLe etemenl in lsrb .eni4

Engrand Gee aboR. pp.91 101).Ni A ontha simpleshp onsl'oes.utenheriior ju$beLo$ rhe

cotrbeii nifteenlh{enluryirhnmtiotrs,su.branlde. Giei lne l4rh{edrury re&tion ro rhe

rhr hek {!is. 161) or rhe ran '5 pre$hpllous rlito ot rhe middte d?s it is vie

paintiis br qi E .k celebDtins dF Aidol[i]

m:ia:ce (iov D ih. \atjon,r c:rrerr London) li Fis 43 {r ?n indicdio. of some natus. $ith

'vetues (./ F!q. 127), i $yte ihsent trcm ?ll rh.

L,.don Foups or riis perjod The panens n rhe

van Eyck D.inliry. dted 1,131, drady h:ve loig

pikes, ailher be.ause tne Low coundes

in.lciFred Engrand r its rcadoprroi or trris *yle in

de rfth.enruryor, perh,ps, besuse in turope

po'JaineJ rfon the end oi rlre lrth cenrury

ex.ard,ons in baE rounded toas, ro fn.h rhe

bui sevenl in rbe

e$rbrished nusum 0f Loidon .onedion n,v

belons to rhe tihe of the piket reium io raror ii

E.ehndiidier:!er450sor1460s. oiahA.iiIledher

com@site sole lcuildhaLlMuseun 1s03,

Fl lxivi?;.L ligs.139 40), b!! anorhq hasr

hiised Eoden sole whi.h sho{s ,n ihprovenHt

n rrre prain buradjoiil rour d .Brynds cA e

and Trig 1,.. (Fis. 133) ri !hd one se.hon ot ihe

sole E lapped oy{ the oth{ to .Bke dre joiir

morc sdenighr (;iid, Pl Ldri.s).

tefl A pan of uide.onted side-h.ed shoes

eiovded in $e Lcm sble churh in Noraf and

dftd ro rhe hte 12rh or edy r3th .enrq hav.

been identiied b! S.lna (1977, lls) as the

sr,oes m vea" srfrihr o ihof show0 tn Figs.

27 23 $hi.h, simDLr oi the b6G or sr]le ed

ensid{ed obFds of pdcurft *ds

'flie hsue of natus B d iiing ngone,?nd.ould

inu*mions hd the pdren sho*i bv mren:l


i, rlre C rj d Londo' de!,ite er"F\" nudy.

Inm'ces ind inknionca !i!e !,me idea or {lh

ihe v erLth'er n'-.mbes.I so.ieiy scrc No,n.c 6

NeLl r {hd tlE} sere payi4lor then shoes. lor

T! Robn h Fwt rNb.ttu at Fbbtr!, tt,

r, tar al bh rtt b\d' ot 5& @td r/D: tl

,hvEin, bP at dd ,n, j|| :rtrq: h4nt


0310 r)i !rr@?r44 sri o83dj s-51

The shoes oithe .ommon peopt! do nor seem to

hrc beei expensre r.nB ro nile. $lzmrr

h$ed ,he lor pFcerolk l. Bnnd in 1364 rs

dreepence ror nukiis a p.n ot booh i' their

entuety: $d n, i penny lor .utiis :id nvopence

wA rhe Drymenr Ior

uppe6 .nd a pen'y fof the soles , Nlh : tufher

penn! Ior hnDs 6rr2tun1923, ?s6). ri ihe r3rh

add l4rh.e uries rhe ayeDge pa.e or i rxn ot

$oes, su.h A hrtbt be disribuied dinhb|y by

the kqq to rhe poor, seem! ro have been ?boui

ilEpei.e or si\pen.e (yand{ 1931, 5-7) -

rotrgdr equi$leni to a day\ wages lor I skjled

The Roy:r wdrobe rcolrG .onrai0 a number

or sho.n,nes, 4ch presm.bty ideDtifabte ro

prolde an ider ol the vaidion thd s:s posstble.

A requisition br Ed{Id Ivn 1130 Io!lns.n.e,

ra Pttt nnd ad\\nt 6, 4 pan ri :t!4

rtuut.drt !td6 hd( rd tid tn( | r: . hl

t tiM lttu" lt stqltr L&t dd. lkt ! d 4.r

!rn: /!' \j tatr iatlq

k^rd b4 , ta^ ttr ,!nj d h

rhur Hdtt. kt tur ut,^tbr{s rn4 at fin

ujt .(.PesHenaa\ 1$ lj tt, fir,t tl

tdt, tntt ih. tun \jd ht a tw./ Raft$ lj

b!n4 st ys:r hht ht 'rt k' ln Ed

Rd.4 ald@ n& at I h rnQ b4 th||r Nn

brd rry sin d b ftems in rhe F6d one.-

&( hrt othei\ - r p?d'cuh,


rhe ![ ard

trre id so rcadity ientjfied rrn*odb

norDg rhd by lrre end oa$e r5th..ilury it *A

pcsbk .douLte

!o sodn sote. plesunzblr


noad mh.B,toe.:t

Asenb .ge

.Lr!..iri ror trljltr.h !db. iDrdered,n re

n!d! oI m.dioyal lodrlea lrca(ms n rhe

ro{ns orDordfechr ind s fieflosenbonh ti th.


{are de.orated and b&l! {om Ntri dis.alded,

{hLLe in th.larrt les iifluem to{n rhef {ere

piinzndhe:d! r.m (0 Gotrbirz Dec..ond.)

cdbiiz ii44F6lhe enis6 ofa e$ oir n

!er. er 4 repreyrtiig ihe footwer or an

*e& tound ii sizes

dong $rhother shoes ii the rme sres $ith tbe

q'iden rur otr \0 rhd rher .outd be eon 6

ftu:?d b\ the rinLr '?rajid\ (0. coubrz Fc.

rhe 5ho* in rhe oresetri

medon ue lrear r Mh md di trp for ieNe

at a lree pmpodbi erhrbn rps ol reDan

espea:n! i0 the $hs Gee abor?. po 39 90,id

Trbles ls 16) The d.$nprjoi gEn b! rhe

roe ,id heel Nih e\tu rhi.knssas ot ledh.r

(crhlnglon & cuininsron 1973 Il) ac.ords

$el $nh sho.s su.r is rhese Nhirhhzreiepan

r! E Rrel! po$Lbh \hen eraniiinq shoes !o

difieEniid. be.rlei tho* wom r\ romei and

those$onbrmenexceprbrsne Geedstusbn

,bove, rip r03 5). \romen are genrt,lt! shoryn D

ontmpon( rllunniois either {nh rhen so*is

vmp{err !o'enig 'her f€rof \nh nse! rhe

ds.abes ihe \Iiie ol Brh in ?r. cdn tln

Armon .efraiJy sone of rhef. such s itE

\hoon ine botewJ (btr. no( the boob rea.hiis

aboE the kiee) iid the ledher'pdyns , will hxve

h7 t6u wtr tt I," {hht tt t.

Fd!/eb!qtt q'd 4' ulth hd Nt!

Trre cn4enrer's r! e itr The illiller s Tat. trb.e

shoes radd "

,,t i s. ]ir led. sked 1912,

Irom the corii.ed, {.h s the ilusdion ro.

Febdaq i L^ r,i: RihA H'xfls t! t?a,, Dt.

./, r,4 Hetr i shephedes Lvfmjng hcr tccr

rt sems lkely rhd in the 12i[ aid r31h.en anu.s and feei d:d ii frodenh shao.d Lti.k

tu..s*ont!dkDruebooGperb:FtheIngb (pre$mibl! und!.d) r,kts.*oes her mte,id

akle shoes Iound so fr.qu.iiL! t, &:lrieotosml lcndeQmpanions*erbuskDs. rb.;ili.rr21h.


Iour pin: olbooh for lii\ !jfe, oDe olvlnch sA to

b. rjnetrn\ {ey tu le|utw t 4itl btta4u,, dcnlcar i. each orh.r (coiiin 1976 t 1)

ai lenin iqotunl u,., b0ltrl,4u, de Do.umeikrysourc\ ndimrhd yotrtrs.hild.

si:: Lit,nb Rrtk,2loha cd H;idr1344,9)

'id x FEn.h {nrr oI simird dre ${es thd iie wo|elbemdsoefr!4ageas$ee.h:eo|ogi.zl

Duns t Ilontmaftrc *.r. illdrlel bods lined wirb !o& rmpry Gee:bove, Do 101 s) 'fhe hoNe

I'tr is i coicesion io lne $Ld (sind 13,12,19) bold a(ounE 0rPdn.e H.nn,30r or Ed{ard t.

rmood 0979 32) r,,is n,ssene dBr $.oen listthesh@s induding ino!. vJn d rhe nDs s

fienryhimf Lr torhf \ nerEreanor, atrdror$en

huMlo.s rhd lbis *as ind..d {r The rrns of n!!n lohn or Bflrxny 0ohn{om rq22_3




peekre I' on uidar her dres (ch{or

106r. PL 7), rr r!!r, r]€ J,r,rrtems ot wlrtrs Ld dennbld as r44r (odtups used herc as a

rhem oun h:ve d{rlioLGd *hcn oie I'd rr gen{,r reh nth.r dm srllin.dt tor beto{

m.?s. a irLLr.Dsih sktd 6 {en. T[e vrlprure rbe .ikre \ho* ) r'd exceDr for th. iifonidi(r

from rhe hht oi liin.h! d! ta Torr td 1310) lnn some races N4e Frchased sepmrel| ior

$bdi shos mr! rhe radyt bs r.(ndi4 trd) Et anot s \rne: tL n ttr dmt i trt nttta|:

der h{ skds (F,g. 162). js lrpi.itot rotry ot brtu Atidv. j

soures, tr be.on!! o{$$q

h look d lvidei.e

run or* rro .edu..s hr!!. rn t473 I, sn

s rtri sldoor {r seila h Lbf brs shoa.:ke!

.tr b n\ ka) attd4t.44 rae. rft 4 dl

The Lq. N er!tshocs rhr ry{e pmhasod

on a lqqre o(nri ror jun ror .hirdrc. ,4

sortrom Lrdy El?r[4h ! 6rn lltrr& rems

Ja- IerinoD Lolh r rhe f:rrN daiedievaffoot

rv{r :d io di! r{djr $rh \rrit.h.hildEr gro$

our or i,oas ArchreoLogLcat e!,ydio.s hrre

lErdcd d,irdri ! sLoes ii .r, sidenbk nutr$lA

rre abore. lable t9

Dven vbe. tu

s '.:de ro. th.dtrbnionuNedbytrhlth nte or

nrd mo'lalii) rhere m ma.! oo*ibte Dn.timl

rbout btr.ehor csp..:lty ;r the suDnei: thd

undesad ledh( thi.r, w,uld EieL), otr

mh;edosiulsitA dan Lrarfr Dcrs &nm.) dnr


to rhe lounger; or s'q, I Ihat rhe dj]]d

nandad foollttu otrh.l,re t4rh Fdrrt bur E

tro, Iednrc ir trrru!.ft and Ie ih{.t0..

u4d! orcnooked b! cmtun. r,jnl;?is o(f

exiensiycLy id i_ond ff

?ere rt&frty hsucd Nirh shoe! alld. orhine. ti

{ere ftcor.rd. no de.orred shoes tud hrdty

0y pdre's Hol$.r cunirtun ard tucir

o965 23) r)d;ey. dui clltd.en drd $eaf r,ireis


I" hJp. Lmdom,. $e- mq" 1! eprl- rh;

d r \ ' haner i, 5lor lilhLon rhe i's

nrins seems ro rrie teen ab:idoied herc soir

rhe dose ddjns sequ.ft.s l]f rhe Londor vrer

M,nnrn rlsfdions ad L'55es dier.on

odrtidy ririe ristshi or $n subr.r. r r ,.

b:crNred clytrr.htds

poprLtjrn E r Nli.l!. l

oneol e i!* titetjk.

rlth c.itu{ i-(trelt Psltor rFi! 163r d.f1

'B:yrtrdr C?nk (Figs 53 1) x mebs ltket!

rd sere {6 n p. ( oldrtsiq rhe.hid s l

abs(f oI sho.s ri rhe rmltd \tes rirtr ex

mg! rl hieh booG nrM

jn nunurn$s ir robltr

relred upor lrr I(Fr.y {nh $hjth thcy {eie

{om.,nd upo, rhosenbo 'yo.e rhem. The Erpe

o.d{trrd,kr*mcd rlie&rkdmisnl;e

srsren ihotd be dE dse, md this i!:iD rrnigs


tonr Tli.o\e oiolnor.sla.jrlrtcs E$

$ or nshr rre p

i[ nn tjons ol d'iuren $eai4 rdrinei s..rB

h iDdid. ilil .hildren $ef !\.mDrd r0'. rhe

!drrbcage.f reD(oNrlr. td!NeeE:ard1935)

Pr$uiubry, \hen MoNr.ler qrorc r{67 r

bol5 'poura;e! ,, .r/ , r,ri' (l..anh.ll

r335. r.r31). be ,ss kter.ins ro olderhtdrei or

laslrioN r.?.rred ovr rrk D6t hudrei lcais

llw rrcen btr.d oi 4idei.3 fio oinm;ipc

q&nunit! to.dorm ihis sdli rirb suftrtnr


rooLed The e!iden..0fitr sho$ Ln rbe rr*eni

srcdioi !{e{s dui hin, orib. d{i!!ms

nrurd bc inldi6ed, or


IreD or rodtrer Nhid erlends to jtr{ itrk



orF*r,i". rde rdi -dc i;"

leruLrrrDF (rrq r'


ntLd qlmLLf bma,q fe

I-q,s uoo! nn!. nonDll! ol lerlpr, ilraadad rbrollh @irs ot hok

N ert'jshj rir rbriirg

sri0 or srher nirhed onto th.llesh sde ol rlp lpper Ir nrtn!1hei

die hehores (., !iF.100, r03)

d mu.d ttu tr$. rxoodEibrr.{

Tb. p:{ .r rre uDo{ Nhi.h N pulled

I rt'.ulirer,rrre !re 'rhe *?m

nru?lr! lnd|des a md, drousri.o! iiq;tr[Lr b!fort rbe ]3th.cnrury

d !, dlnote. tnrnslrr sphthons

{h.h is iltroush a pa; !r hi,re\ lltrhnenry.

Iifi h{e E ? gen.r:r rem ior ri it

.. ur!.s ! rorm ol open sidrl

rroh i sdpooledty Polishongin,| .

Eitoi'aly trrrdf 0, ded be sdled Nith nor or han ro hold rlr

ltth.eiiury ad in rhe mtddre oI

hc.r. bur n rhe,edie Pnod mor

hiriroir rh. ffD on eilher sjde or

R€i.for.€,eDr .ord

zDd the sor. r '.ake rhe hnin!.mdgin moE {denishi

cord k.ured by Liidii(,{L

prot.dLotr. ror ertrhrre on Lnenings ?nd ?lors th. yrnp ituod (FLs

r,r!/, Joh nade br bunin! roge

len Fr:id dojBthem q(h m edse/aesh seaD lFie.7?).

o,jn,tu.d au tnr nadeb\ aE

rh srai res[ s!rh6 (FLg 7ii)

Itan ofr0o$?d$hi.h does mt exie

f.derpan olsr'oe usurrrr rrihi.k{ledher rhm rhe upper. r!mo*

Ntrnbly hxde rir h rhe sn Ln sid. do{n{3rd:

lred con(rudom lq.y ). Usuall!

.a,r,,i,k r mph d! sl! ped pj!.e {, I rhjlr hdher iit.hed by ioo!

rumel *irchtru ro dE mLn sol! tFt. u3). somctim.s kno{n A :

cLrmp solc, whi.hisFn,05 r, te pretened, sin.e ii dp 15rh .eniury

su.h soles o.ctrsiotuLllr seem 10 hrv. b.e. an onsii:lrrt1.r rhe shoe

,(.r.{dttu'g Sd.hing dorc lnh a !ryr. rhiear rhrr

r0trsrd5 h!r hdes rnd brk oF, !o rhd i tonrinuou:

Er.i the roD surrec l!'s.133)

,irllrs-n dr4 arsled nil.hiq:rl

usedrorpthria (fr! 75), rff rjningrqo oe.n cdae h edF (!.is 30)


srhd hs,?n\ rlk nrsr, sjdo

tre q, , r ;!ide lFrlr ir :,r)

\r 'l' '1,! *i;!!d'u\u!r J{Ed i

rrrt rr{r

c.rhr orrhe r


'ht trr,.{ b j0itr ,rF dJPr

orroNnd0i (q.r I is rl dr

Lrst ol lrsures ano concoroance

[x..pirorr]|krsrrds*N.inris 1r6 :]l1he

illunnrd !ho$ m nlii rcun c\ iri ioi. Ar

thd ihrcc ii.l.r oa iirirFdion a.e requned r.

Ldf,tit a Frei.Ljed rhe 5ir.,r, (TL ?4. Blrl

r\ppo ix 11, the

a I r d r I y I t a,t 6 t,t tt t t t.n\ qr/r e \nt keis)

erh !(.) Tr'e d d e: ! p e n d e d t o. a b. tu l jr. i

cfry.a\!. rrad,ier qhr.h rb. tayei roieini0s

$n .Ljed is thotrgbt to h?f. hen deDosired

r\r,e i\r) l hDse nod Nr,nh $rrt rrbnft.d

rlr Nooi or Ledher are

i63rl rrli

Pqod vlr r .1tr5

rlft i!44) Pentrrnr? .!N;

ss r lr$l is8). 0l

mr or '! turrr Funher inrormrrlr rbld rhe

l[dvrds 1936). Nhtrh s peiai!(]!

n{.d Ln

Iric i? liorr 1118.)

5hf!,a,r Brcy rirll5i3r P!d( \ru 3,

ieprar !! ru l5fl i4i). trr'rrurr r.

lrliru) rf,(rqi r .1!0

Adul ; +i( L:lA.: J4dt@ EIG 3, 4&jl

rel(s0) o( \'aknut nr oe. ur

M!n\ irktr$4. Brr r, I616t 1r?0t

l1rllori) lvr..tror ni . rlo

lrulcos) s;!rtorr rr . r2r0

aeeplo, srr $6)i*r) rrde{ilir!.

Jr(fsr' BrCulred

li..ri&d EJC!ti$r crft ).Pdodtx,

tr6n (]r),\riretro^rfir r.[D

s! z l4!t or3)

sH ir lr&l cs)

lrde6o^t nJ . rr0.

tr ^di' s h!. Brc r ft271 (|sr)


!@pk4' sH i,li&lc16). $nenffrrlt.


sL\ s c!$


olj l,dlhd sors: d[ Bc 2 Ii5]

.io Adi' snp! sde:Qne lp*ca[


rq( 'f !!1e 12011(r$e). rrl e.

18c ar sH z 1316l

ar ^ddfs $oe !m.i

!rehbLa nLr Bc 2 tzl

!c 2 ptol (4Ge). d{k.orslrucrN r3! 50.

r5 J.ft rrd!{b ldr tutru^ +fs \,-; ris:

s{.drefr:.{. !c 2l!11 (3rti r). (in

$4prsnr r.fu.;Q[ Bc2lLstc$t


lr:01 (3303) i'd

ntr ilri :5h!+r!'r B. 2 erlt c[3),do.r

Lc s[ DC 2 ttg

BC z tat (r!!)

tllt i3!i) Gi!!pc1r..r3{


2 rrslr36e3) dod-rj)rdotr L3o i

l!$l i3rir) d!.( nd.

mtr tsc7:J]jo l3jqt odDi!

4 D ror \[h r] p' !c 2 Fn (rr!r)

2@i !e0) bur tu Lhe rse se fj! m.

n[. s\r.l & lr]!n {c0) .r@

l34ti*rn c@4cri,r lit

a tr5r iFro) cro@cr5.rj&.

!xH. 4ir I rLr ndi rn pb rL ir [r6t

uo{i .dr TL a a68l

l!31 1.r0!D d.[ntu 13ii rro

sorqli Fs6Lr a I BC 2 soli3i0).6{

Ladr6 i (! rh

u rb j\rA & cu2l

f chLdt rh

Bc z ffiJ orn). d{( trl

t3FJ ir23)..r41r5 r lr4l

'tL 7! 275) <!i)

a et5l cmt

!i TL ru ],75]

]k4e[rq ht lrbnd.6hnas 4t Niftb{l.


2 nsl ir66e). dotkfir, [?5-!00

BC 2 ni011372),&*nd. r3?i Lio


ir r.xdrri !!{irr'ir(r!ir.TLaLr[l (16:3).

L: radrio JLr \ n(tu rr-r 13631(r60t

. I nd .qn s\\r3t tr, c!0).1 !00


,: tsadrsd6rq6@rpu rLr lrin lrur),

!; Lair'hrbr {irlL i^pr

TL r 13$ (3ar),

6 bdlndL,-{tr6,q!h siv:3i trDlislD

&rPi h,- lir rr I I r.r


i: vl4 Bc ', 33]

I ri4

3c 2 rsl

t301t G36s). mdiire rnh rfun

.! osd{\ .i r Bc 7r lre ca3i) d!*fir

1r a nrts cjr Bc7179€$r).M&irrl

d BG M Ltoftt l$r9) Peni Jri. rl.

ri R(i e rTmrt (si) Pend r!,. h€

Dr: '4rieh h thldd{tu z(nolia{

gi sqns l3o1t G32) @d]re12ftrru^

sHt4 rlsrtcor r;'qionr J , rll

1: !ar![d]e^tu($G s< Fiq ,i

'. aui(ds cri Bc rr rrur(I33), d* ni

sp s! n lrel (sr)

,r Pn€n sirDdJurl (3i) 160 !00.

3rR 33 l15ut ct

l3il cu6t e& M,

l30l rror)

d,!k iit

D P'ier 31vB$ lolls).r.6! !!!

.!: vaor cdJ rLa e75li[!). crcupcrs

r: vi D crr Ec ? l33l (r55;) iel 0i

B.2 rietc$3) &rl


Bc 2l5t imor) & cde) &r


shA dnn Palkns

Pz6. S4ri&e. TL 71 E53l €m6), C@e


P,na &rizu.

rL 7r Basl {2M), crcut

Bc ?2 lrsl G2a), dd hf[, 13?+l,r0o.

Tr 74 Ela (1O9), CGs mr, ..rs0,

BIyB $ t10€t (s), 1360 uno.

TL 7r 806l (w), C@ c[, ,13s0.

aqrB B I@l {25$), 136.-140.

BWB $ eet €0r), BG1{0o.

Prb. rL 74 t?r16t (979), crdp e2, arz?o.

Ped. swa e Pr0rt (168), Fe.1{3n.

Prtu. rL 71 ts3t o2r3), c@ c1s, ar4o.




$6 Dd non bnh of',oln otErde. wsdsb



se Delr f64 ees of rrdEts cokF. st Jorn 3


ftr Deei sho"iisDdc6 hd,pootaimJ. BL Msjut

D.ii3e b lhe @€d by [,/& 'ttdr&'.

Add Ms 4130 fl96b. (D.M rdh Mnh! 1932,


165 PLoof rhsOrrdktrdotr, lh@tusd!bdmof


The excavations


^ r'tri r.srDtion or

lidnld rYat.hriB b.ieJ.


otr i,{!d ilre 5te or ?rd' s'.trp t'

ir ernDie tlui tlk. ro ,.L '!L\ L" rtrLr

rs.rnt.d dd:b r .br$G (.oms pdrerf 0 Lsii'

summinsad belo{, bur lor i, Ldarih d'.{ s




_ .


rereiied ro vince 0935). Funher L.Jorhation

:boui de siles rhensetves is ?latable f rtre DLrrl

rl{tid c'aial,4. (Mrseum or lo|doi, r$6] or

n the sepa*e publiilrions as lsred Tne site

rode. appendcd ii !. renrheses :aer .he tun mne

{ eeh n., r r*d in th. ,ai o/ a@zr ,d

t 6 otd Bdilq/12-6 Lunsak Hi , Ec1, t932

(LH 7{rl|r 32; Fis. l6s 1)

sevei;L sedions {ere .r ridss rhe ciiy dtr.h

d Ltrdl{e, shosing r ro liale been E.ut svenl

rnes in llre Late $xor nd nedle!?l peiods. The

,6 reenered shoes. r€ether N h a very l:rse

or rhe drrhes, *hich h?d ?pparendy beei hveued

wlrh nbbnh h a s;ste opeotion .ert?tntv b!

1340, shen 2 ro$ oIhouses *A btriLr onrop,,id

*A L* $hei treshry nified

Ba)tui, Auy, akb, vnbno srx!, Ec!,

The ex.avarioi .onmonl! knovn as Bamads

caire .olercd an enonous aea over rm n

{ide to ine sodh oi upper ,fb.mes stie-4

ovebscr& chefyrgft,162 3&Fig 60) Thts

n .oisldenbLf to the !oud, ol the onginat B?v.

mrds cx{re, shi.h vas buitl bv wini:n r .Dd

,ppeen0y deiroyed in the hte r3th.eitury. No

lft.e ol thI or aiy olher royal srtrdure *€s

round. The pai.ip, su.iying reniins vere of

r{rh.enturrd?c: on lbe $e$, asens orlmLer

dock leading 10 a publi Mre4de and, oi rhe

eAr. the {:n5 or.m ddioinms p reprEd\.

1931 Gee belos) $"s sub{anti:lly rtblih in the

l5$ centu!-, aM i*li kio{n ton thr

hme oiwdds 6 .Brynrds &sde.

The rootrlef de{ribed ti this volunc wA arl

fouid ii lhe li.inity or rhe tlrh-.enruq varercte

iilet.nd may be divLded hyo sroups

(i) A sm:rL group or 4t reeieed shoes w3s

round n dunps deposited rhe iine s,hsn lne

inlei rsell NG .onnnded Tlis is dded bv

porery and jerons Fob:Lr! 10 the $dl

(r) a lery k4e group (4r7 resi*eied sboes and

r2 pdtens) *A round aong dE enomous

quatiles otrubbjsh \lnnh{ere used to rtill

the dock b Dreprnrion Ior lne southwd

pot.ry, lnree coins lourretoA atrd seEnl

pirsam s.ulenin sugge* $:r llh {m donc in

rhe b$ q!.ner ot thc l,!it' lrdury Tre pre

smdioi of redheNork $A beser herc n,f

oi deporG in th€ do.k and rhe Dresei.e of

ex.eptomlly hrl]e quanriries orpurelr orsani.

mdenar. Differert p:ns ot rhe litLiis Nere

eianined ii ditferent *,!s, bui id rhose ecs

{r,i.h ser mo* neti.uLorny ersvded

pedaPs A mucb * h:[ $e tokl r is tikelr

thit very .edr/ all rhe shoes on4n:lly Dre.

Rntmd: cnthlcit aJ r,rdo, Ba$ srlhot,

r]tkt ThdDcs shat Ec1, t93t tB\D 31: F)!.

I1-urlon erposed seyer:t su.tesile hmber

A !e4 .m,ris;!p d it

reanered shoes and 5 pdreis Ms tound jn hre4

derosited rlhen rhe

HGtonftl and do.umei kd somes sr spes the

llns *?s Drcbab|v bedreo 14,3 trd !h

2-3 TtiE 1,,t, Urrtt Thrrs s*x, Ec1. 1974

Tbe er.rdion eiteided oy* a ver- larce ma

or..430{mrdrereredammd* ;N;aor

Evelients (cl cl5) nnging rrofr rhe nrd 13rh

Io the nd lsth.edunes| bebj]qs a $lies .'

as.ciaied buirdinss (MiLn!& r{itne 1932) Four

n€d dtrhps rhar {de pai o( ihs tou nain n4e

(') Ille edie* Foup. .sso.iated dh rhe C2lc3

revelmenb .onhins jrn 17 registared

!"red qu(e exrmtre\, hd lalqe qu,ntiries

3ithe.he drnps wee.onposed ot soil Nhnh

.onuhed tev tedher obieds or rhd th. coi

dLlons otpresrudlo. rere so poor rhar reN

nen6 *ere erecred soon arrer..1270.

(ii) The ardup Aso.i:rad with the main

rev4menr (c7) is sihtady snau and @on!

praenrd 16 rerinered stra) In rhe ab

sence oI d.ndichronolosi:l eiden.. atrd .l




nt.mnll! drhble objcds a iid.oI..1310

1,000 sq 0. dunD{

ri) Ih. .xdiei.onsis6 ofru! lile 'tan.r.d

. sr o|er{$

(jn Tlt [NdhsrnDsbyhrrhebe*preser-.d.

forunaaxdked 'rn plilibr\ tr er!r rdre

rrrloirr! lJ'he Fe.edlis d'ns ? iob oi

the *me depor 6?r$rfkii:




l 6Jfiasfi r, rcz J9r6(uLK i6r Fig 16 5)


(rr Tli. s.rord soe (r0 'tFi.'td sho.t crnl

rhen Nse od l,rr re.rrnr The shoes

ds \r Lk sreernsen(Rosk1ms * s.ho[eld ]9i3)

Theonry6idsd$mbed iih s\oruncr.xeroup

otrr (rtsl) hcdded br p.rtfl t rr,e *.o.d

Ptrtit ctb^nq, LVpt rh,t^ sttxj.

L setul o kmN I rllt honqenery on(jnrr\

11r Lbrook nrouih nerrhenedle\ii srerirdui

lubrt rlrrloll)ow*te. r di! n!er b,ik. Drorl

dunp5 behind ihe rr[e.]Qs re.o\ekd in rLqge

rhe Dddre or(he 1{rh ftntr[ (..13J06o.

Su, Ltn{ tilttr 1h,Dr\

l smrLl codrclled evrvdlo. erorsed i Lrl!

iron lnrh'se (l2ii1 r. Lrt.) ?nd seremL

riry or ThoDA Be.kd\ nny oD (i

I70) brng tu i',,,rs tdr q,r,, .oi,vrr,

lr )Theth;d g'pi!isiii*rl {.iL06.agi!.

t.Ed shos) rnd tom red.mdon

been dded [r da'drodroiologv

r:ra or

rder. F,!jd;Lg i rdrglL &,rtlr !^i 4?4


( rrt JitriL snir tr br tu lt, L{en r1rr9


EC], t932.81C

E\.arroi ordnns 550 so n shov.d rrnr il,e

sf.: I i,r[r: r'!,xh i ]rP rr Laise

rrnr! $nh th. buidiry ii x \rdetoded


NE fiurbfltrlr freor trrr\ Th{.atr.f h.d

dln!(r(d [e l2th.nd L3rb.rrun6. lur the

nc d orosre$ so'..iirtrs ytrr.d iotrronhirt

J uirennrfr ii(r rhe rlub

ot ! Borotrih r^d


11\lniofund. rb.rior! llnrNnhi


rhet vnr p.o.LL rerned

md se.D

riit |h. rbrd grotrli i:.ia 1)r'he mon mponin

'tr...ertsif er i r2errtArrnotrif


drld.d ,.rsr,rr i^h (ou souF

it Ti,r !traj.n(Penoi

v|) run 13 fegrft.ed

nr!\. Foblrrt! ddcs to . nai dr,r tite

hPr reidm{hron.L.$ I's+drDlhdrbree

Inob{s nlD dr ss..nred relerme.r {.r

brd:dr! rl rhe midrht. l2ihcPdrn

(iir Tha:etond smup (r.riod!nl !Di*5'fr

krgm..rary ,\ dre uf. ns5tssoggenedby

the 6ndDs.ri( n otHenq n {11309r rd

b! tri. dlk orlhe roLLo$rg rcrerNd (q y J

(rr The rhtd srcnp, b.ordLy dd:blc b llr 6rn

hiilrrf rhe L3tb Eru4...o ii0s. robl ot33

I sens ot tlrce

lnh jl5.onnrudion (Penods f,\, x, xr) A

dde oi. 1210 .r bc proposed ror rh! brjldjDs

ol rhe revetn'en rseil ,id tor the pnmiry * devribe d 'tr rhis volu'ne (pp 93 100), bn lne

dcposirs (Penqjs x, xJ; dendrc.hmmlosy

\iere re.ov*ed $hen Nndq s?s ilieadr hr

iinLe^ md this seems.onsntent nth a.oii

issueorJohn (120i 11j) A.oin of Heq- Ill

0223 a3), holger, sires r slighdy larer

dde 1t the deposibollcnodxl, p.obably in

(iv)1h. 6ml gr.trp {16 rsi$ered shoen

.ro$ Fnns Flt a tfl,rr &s 4!d of

or rriere we

94 examples in rhe

c,!a- Iate, nhrtQ/q, Ltu-1hd ^stt{t,

lcl ?r7JlCLIS i3; Fjg. 165.10)

Dxftlation in 6frce. sm:I dispeised beatH

14rh en.lry rimber

.cvdneft a,d. behiid them,lhe lounddions ot

rhe hr ]4th.€ tr,,a cu$om lonse (Tdron

BroNn r9.4 rgit The sboes haF be.n pub

lsbed lreiously Uons lgis) and iosdher $nh

non or the oth{ 6.ds, cane rrom red.bitioi

du,nps aso.iard hili!ieletmenr ont! one

During subsequld {ork br buitdtn! .onrndon res{ered shoes Nhi.h

rfter rhe fomarerallioi hid been.ompLered


ro .ome rrom depcns (croDps c11c2) $hich

{er. .oi&hp.nry rlnh a relelme.t dded by

aM g.o!05 ot finds

r.isienl .hronoroF.dry $eft srnsld ,i s"! m



Tmning hee ?rrof. p


som. pi.c.s



;odiu' oli'dplilill pb.d. (.0fl) mcpsar.r

brg rrur \irh onLf . smrr inrounr ot er { ind no

pros.ri some ii lli. ririir$ ad fic v Lhile

b!s, d dr;r! bL,'i , orh{s maf li:fe


Free,ln{dtr5 ndipo{r

rLs.bnr irrod s rsendh.objedr rorcd {.i


aos.nnirn ( mide m(ed,rin

rr! di. s.s

methois shcr, re&

tu.snG oI dni@ ii 1,,

r fl.rLh e. nrcns ard noi

The m€dlods cbos.o iTi])le,I)

!:rir ind finishes 1.hc

rolo,yiq rido^ ra8 coisidertd nh.r ev rd

(L) sr,/0i 14,{ (Redor97J)

thev m:ke {udr rnd hrndhir ou.h eiier


sunft rlDnrD (i..tone or rl.ohol) {hi.h M!

ind rrl'elbd llF !\iyrled !r {A :5 \hen

buacd or \* enh{ $lollen or sltruikei s;e:


'he5e dlmensions as dGEl\ r oosibL.

dyes and iitrsr,A sj\e dr(ere

Dhntrises ba.khs

efieds ot bolh

coisDiig The;ili nlirrtoud?! \Hs snaltbri

too rqS0 freeTe-d ng rs ritrrAiryLv trld.

12) F{u. d4,,! rDayid 1$rr n:6.D re31)

ThLis? ge hhAbeaiiisrDde^.

usLf n manrabon.nA i. ltu rin 12 lem lts

h rrso pu6 njnjmrl

nnitrotrdeLdr obirdi. Trirts sho$.d drr rhe

dunos sollenr dnis rlabLe 22) li rhis rdhod


au$s i[e ne aomed 10 subtime , rhd is, the

{dd n rtdorad 'iihoui goi.e ttuough a L([d

phAe The iiiliiLeoit.r odrar ro' treez. dryLnq

ndhod sin.e 1933 rl'e vuseun o{Loidon h6

rt$Lr D a slde nige ofr0 0E


L'rher reated b! rtmoul orv&r itoie un

{ LLbe nth.,rifsid lbrr':id rheieDx! ijn be

ror{ ire. 5h?0. .o10tr rid ile bm .lso i.r

slriir,ge rr0 ro.1930 idrsirg {A:ririli.d ro

\hie:pntr(RedorleTn ].hl5ksrLt.d 0lieiLbLe


scli.r , r si


ridDlnril ind rj,drr ,:jjDh rrr;.l]ii

r" L rqi' orLl ne

rrsze Dr ed -rA*bm




BrAir, J, d ar, r97 Owdng., k aMn

B^ca,I l, rsdt Lit kwtid EEM

BMs, J, 1399 Dtr Pameibser a cskrs.

sia Die Pon'if,dsdei !!d Mi@o, z'ad"ia

tucra d.E 8t,1o,2eL3a



steiatt Et4ttu, od f. i1h'hNbtu t!'.Eat,

cmNd, M (€o, 1969-30



cu6bD, re12 Et .dtM cMs L6 h tu

Mw cMiittu,6!e, tuitud

csr+oN, M, D63 cddrzu ol d:F ,l,',gJ

cMN, M P, le76 .ar,rMla6, Loiddi

cosc4 J, DF NrDrcdb, M, & Cflmrs, N,

l3a? Mdnvtrelh wtudtut:

1em EahdtNr ol tebh aed @tu,2 eit'

ztyd, Mtw


l./8, 3r, rB4


a/ dB b tQ dd alrq ,4M Mtu4,3 ena.2

Etrbickl,q der scrur,mde h 9500 Jaini, ,t


Abbitusen, zrd;, ,it Mriorqi' d$

ctutqwolth.d di.,

qlLtuaMt yr6 ktu cdidr'n MeM N.B.

Ddsbad$ drneG in 2 .dr r9$)


t'4dtt @d, htar,,, 1^d6

BRR'S, J, 1937 ',Tr'js*, Irfbr

ud sdr*nq

r^Ybr, F s (d), 1a E!@ n E*bnN ,3


rrjdderbua, ii J A rric Bry, Een

ddreidludg draet in de Ah4 h Middt b4


atudtlodb boc. Md.tu, 11, n2-r6

E8$LD, J, r9Sr iM;se? tu' a /&t

J@ms, H,1922 3

atE.q,saa.t wtdt, Btn J&r Rtttu Ib,1,

roNB, J, reh Med

ha$.r, i,, Tdroi Btuw

reLry, F M, 6! scm B!, R, le31 I enriturol


M.6 @ ta,hd6,2tu

,rs7r l.+rstu, A tu@ ol Lo'dd

hrr^M' R, & MA]rrEm, w, 1970 33 I/e,!rry,1





s!ts.rrr' J !fi


Nli t h (,ut lt coeai.^ n r, cilt li


fb uDd r&:,r cqlt).i'Kw.

sra$ q/l,r ruu r: !r5 r3r! $!

sri,n. J, rs, I !,4ri


r' ri 5h{r u ,rhl. : d^ ke! J R Prirr.

Eti4bh lt fqr qtu nlttar: 4 u\r ,1i Etoi



rdk i^r(d/.116 I xr

J. !tu \ik sr*r

Rtrs{". J r*e Jisr I


&J 1B{!ir

r,.ttnr ,6tn$ Ith. rttuh

rtdt{ru zaltrrd ^tilr4.4 \vrtu\ zyr -



wB@r, L E, & OaR, J, rsB idild

Pattt s


naw,l,1w En'tih4bt d|g.d a979) rl

te.dryke k.hniqa b tu|bgtd tdt*tu'

Y^R{000, D, r97S tdnt.ntorc,

s ed, Lo'doi



r50 L: pLlprli eirr..n.: Nu !


rr,i..r,rrirtdlirr rr, Jidolf,r rofl ur a

lar r. q! trnarnr . rrnF. r{ ^ I

oranr\.e rmr.t d. d|rns{

daN ..nitns rr

.s nrLlr de

rn.s. rir L$ dii.niita:d.: p

Ure des plus importates.omlu ns dtrdedier.h.pite, Crl$yuid,,s

illu$fttions de mmu{nG

m,iditiv x, ie sdd Fs roujouG un pide sr t.qrl d ped mnprd o e qui

coiceme res .hausures mddiivres. Parfoh, come pa exemple das tc os

de h node des b.uh poinhs a h 6n dc

dh6orogiqu.s ct brsbriqres do tes utunmrions .on.odent ms t. ptus

sur h .ontinent et cn crudc Biebsne, roi Fd fri. que des modes d-A

.hausurc senbl,bbs Jarrteni ftp?Ddues da: lrmope dtr iofd.o!e$. La

mle.ti.D londmieme e{ $s d:t

coi*irue ue des prus impotunre\ ..nedlons

Toures reschisarsd€.riresdz.s.evolune sod au nus6e de Londres.

.i dres peuven( itre eEmies sf dem.nde €.nre.


{uden kiir[.h beinahe 1500 Schub. und Lb.n.huhe zus der Zen von

ungeEltr 1100 1450 leluiden Die freisten hgei io schichtn. die zur

Ledgesimutrg a Nordde der Th

lultdlchte, {dsetomrlioseie L4enq hd die Funde ru$*oidenfu.h pl

D* e6t Kapilel. S.rrr.Z,d,,?r An:Enb{uu, u, Ilaa-u,1 e\t\

e tmls dae eig datiene, breite Eidfihdis ii die le6.hiedeied Aned

Bkher w kein verglenhbues Niai

Schuhe in GroBblihnniei lorhanden (T?iel l) Der se$mte Zeihum ht

mbnelt n seben Phapn m. F{eirs uiserahr 5oJrven nr die die jeveilisen

Modete der ren bes.hrieben itrden. Die am be*en erh:uenen Beispiele sind

ihre Gruppe abgebildd, d* Re* ci Ln T,belei

DN u{eite xapltel, s.rilrtu.r,, rrl s.t!r&tu', satr shh fli den

we $ofien auseinander: dem l-ed{, dem ;uebl dfl s.lrnanen und

Riehmeneidei, dem Moos ,um Au$t?f6eren. Konshktionsmelhoden und die

Haupden dd N:il e siid nii debllli

wddei sii.keElen Lo.homente trnd Ccrienngetr gezetl. Seit der Mtte

de3 1,!. Jdlhhdeds *lrden s.huhe ii Nla*trprodu]|oi unter vaN-enduns

eiief rel.tiv kreinen Auzm von shdr

I m driten K:pneL Ur^rrlrir, nird gerej31, dajl in r 2 J,hnimJen, weitr

r{oda kmei. rn rrdhen 15. Jatuhunded

vude eine gai, neue An S.huh mt einer zusmme4esetlei Lede(ohh

ijb.Hhuhesehi lordhi, sie Nurder [be, den St.iimrreo rL5 ortutr sddden

Dm riere K4)ikr. c,&n od ?'q.rrtrt, e.i(h Rthvhliise,zeigl.

nidgli.h iJ, die sen&a, oasiMl.n s.huhgrdBei

leszu$enen, dxll dle arr'rrn crdrle

u lEuennilen uitesd'i.den wden

Iucffdemeb-iesi.h, d?ium iie N{irft des 15 J:Irhmdens eine besoidere

In S$uh fir l{LeinkLidrt e

la$en "rkrLt auf Deloffijefliser von Fiillen, !'sE

Entiinduosder sojls,{ads eca.btete Zehei $}ljeile..

lm dd {nhtignen S.hlu$olgenngen ir\ leurei Kaotch. Sr,,,r ,

truni !,tt Lit hn ist, daB figulrclF

musknpdlu{ndoiei, dre !:drtioFLreF

seH :ls Quelen mitelrllerLirher I(1

sind in Bezus alr Schrbz$s

BeGpieLrre J{ Mode dd Latrg.trSd

l:hrlMdcns. drter hingegei

Kun(ler no.h \Ldei

drFteulen, die im ( d raba, Latrse $crholt vtrei \ eqLei.ha d( Fmde

'" l" rpJT"'nuoori.

da( :ihih.he S.hrhmoden sich iLer srz Nord*!s Etrropa rusdebnretr, sodar

die Loidon* cole.iion nt ihr.n genaoen Daten md l|ren Erh:ltungvushid

:i cnc der repriisenhriv*en und bede aid$ei Samnrluqen enclrei

Ale bief b.nhriebeneD S.hohe $erde

nd kiime. n&h *hnftLicher nimeld

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