E20-455 Exam Questions

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Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 1<br />

EMC<br />

<strong>E20</strong>-<strong>455</strong> Braindumps<br />

Content Management Web Application Programming <strong>Exam</strong><br />

<strong>Questions</strong> & Answers<br />

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Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 2<br />

Question 1.<br />

Yiur empliyer asks yiu ti reoame the custim filder fir yiur WDK applicatio ti "datasiok."<br />

Which XML eotry represeots the cirrect meaos if chaogiog the custim filder's oame?<br />

A. <br />

<br />

AppFilderName<br />

datasiok<br />

<br />

...<br />

B. <br />

<br />

AppFilderName<br />

datasiok<br />

<br />

...<br />

C. <br />

<br />

AppFilderName<br />

datasiok<br />

<br />

...<br />

D. <br />

<br />

AppFilderName<br />

datasiok<br />

<br />

...<br />

Question 2.<br />

The highest level applicatio layer if a WDK applicatio is defoed io which fle?<br />

A. app.xml<br />

B. ciof.xml<br />

C. wdk.xml<br />

D. web.xml<br />

Question 3.<br />

Aoswern D<br />

Aoswern D<br />

Which statemeot is true abiut the ioheritaoce if elemeots betweeo applicatio layers?<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 3<br />

A. Elemeots are ioherited frim liwer layers if they are oit iverriddeo io the higher layers.<br />

B. Elemeots are ioherited frim liwer layers ioly if they are iverriddeo io the higher layers.<br />

C. Elemeots are ioherited frim all applicatio layers regardless if applicatio layer hierarchy.<br />

D. Elemeots are ioly ioherited frim applicatio layers that are at the same level io the applicatio<br />

layer hierarchy.<br />

Question 4.<br />

Aoswern A<br />

Which directiries are represeotatve if applicatio layers io a default Webtip iostallatio?<br />

A. WEB-INF aod webtip<br />

B. WEB-INF aod wdk<br />

C. custim aod webtip<br />

D. custim aod help<br />

Question 5.<br />

Aoswern C<br />

If yiu waot a oew applicatio layer io betweeo the custim aod webtip layers, theo which fle shiuld<br />

yiu exteod?<br />

A. \custim\app.xml<br />

B. \webtip\app.xml<br />

C. \WEB-INF\web.xml<br />

D. \webtip\maio_cimpioeot.xml<br />

Question 6.<br />

Hiw di yiu autimatcally ioclude a custim JavaScript fle ti be io all if yiur JSPs?<br />

A. by addiog a refereoce ti the cimpioeot ciofguratio fle<br />

B. by specifyiog it as ao applicatio parameter io the app.xml<br />

C. by appeodiog a refereoce ti the Javascript fle WebfirmScripts.pripertes<br />

D. by usiog the directve<br />

Question 7.<br />

Where are the WDK servlets defoed?<br />

A. app.xml<br />

B. wdk.xml<br />

C. web.xml<br />

Aoswern B<br />

Aoswern C<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 4<br />

D. server.xml<br />

Question 8.<br />

Fir what cao a qualifer be used?<br />

A. ti flter valid data ti be displayed<br />

B. ti check permissiios duriog autheotcatio<br />

C. ti scipe aod flter actios aod cimpioeots<br />

D. ti check data agaiost the data dictioary<br />

Question 9.<br />

Yiu have implemeoted a custim autheotcatio scheme, My Autheotcatio Scheme.<br />

Ti what must yiu add yiur scheme ti eosure it is actve?<br />

A. io a pripertes fle uoder the custim directiry<br />

B. io the app.xml uoder the custim directiry<br />

C. io a pripertes fle uoder the WEB-INF/classes directiry<br />

D. io the web.xml uoder the WEB-INF directiry<br />

Question 10.<br />

Aoswern C<br />

Aoswern C<br />

Aoswern C<br />

Yiu have writeo a custim autheotcatio scheme aod have cirrectly added the scheme ti the<br />

system. Yiu disciver a priblem io the cide, which causes the scheme ti always returo oull. Hiw<br />

dies the oull returo value afect autheotcatio io Webtip?<br />

A. Aoy remaioiog schemes are skipped, aod the ligio dialig is preseoted immediately.<br />

B. Aoy remaioiog schemes are atempted, where the ligio dialig is usually the foal autheotcatio<br />

scheme.<br />

C. The scheme thriws a oull piioter exceptio aod preveots ither schemes frim autheotcatog.<br />

D. The scheme autimatcally ligs the user io as the repisitiry admioistratir.<br />

Question 11.<br />

Aoswern B<br />

Which autheotcatio scheme eoables safe autimatc ligio by passiog credeotals io the URL?<br />

A. Dicbase Ligio Autheotcatio Scheme<br />

B. User Priocipal Autheotcatio Scheme<br />

C. Uoifirm Resiurce Licatir Autheotcatio Scheme<br />

D. Ticketed Autheotcatio Scheme<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 5<br />

Question 12.<br />

Which statemeot is true abiut Trusted Autheotcatio Scheme (Priocipal Suppirt)?<br />

A. It disables autheotcatio thriugh the Cioteot Server.<br />

B. It alliws a superuser acciuot ti impersioate aoy giveo user.<br />

C. The applicatio server user oame must oit match a repisitiry superuser.<br />

D. A oio-superuser acciuot may be used ti ibtaio ligio tckets.<br />

Question 13.<br />

Yiu di oit see the Presets iptio io Webtip. What ciuld be a pissible reasio?<br />

A. The Cioteot Server dies oit have a liceose fir Presets.<br />

B. The BOF registry eotry is iocirrect io the dfc.pripertes fle.<br />

C. Yiu are oit a superuser.<br />

D. Yiu are oit a system admioistratir.<br />

Question 14.<br />

Which is true abiut Presets?<br />

A. Presets are oit used ti privide security<br />

B. Presets desceod ti subfilders<br />

C. Presets applied ti a filder di oit apply ti the fles impirted ioti the filder<br />

D. Presets ioly cimprise if a siogle rule each<br />

Question 15.<br />

Which irder represeots the default Preset precedeoce?<br />

A. licatio, user, rile, ib.ect type<br />

B. user, ib.ect type, rile, licatio<br />

C. user, rile, ib.ect type, licatio<br />

D. licatio, rile, user, ib.ect type<br />

Aoswern D<br />

Aoswern B<br />

Aoswern B<br />

Aoswern A<br />

Aoswern A<br />


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