Gay&Night December 2015

Met interviews met Mister Gay Netherlands Tom van den Nieuwenhuijzen, actrice Rooney Mara over haar nieuwe film Carol, alles over de Hivtestweek en nog veel meer!

Met interviews met Mister Gay Netherlands Tom van den Nieuwenhuijzen, actrice Rooney Mara over haar nieuwe film Carol, alles over de Hivtestweek en nog veel meer!


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213<br />

Interview / Rooney Mara<br />

‘I’VE BEEN<br />

CALLED<br />



‘THE WORD<br />



Do you think the lm also comments<br />

on the situation of gay and lesbian<br />

people around the world today?<br />

‘No, I don’t think the lm reects on that.<br />

It’s a lm about the 50s, seen from our<br />

perspective in the 21st century. The lm<br />

couldn’t have been made in the fties,<br />

because now we know how far we have<br />

come concerning the gay subject and how<br />

far we still have to go. But the story doesn’t<br />

comment on that knowledge. It’s just a love<br />

story.’<br />

The word lesbian is never<br />

used in the story.<br />

‘Because nobody knew the word back<br />

then, it didn’t exist yet. We take all the gay<br />

and lesbian communities we have now for<br />

granted. But sixty years ago, they didn’t<br />

exist. It was so hard to nd people with the<br />

same feelings.’<br />

The period of the fties is crucial for<br />

the story. How do you incorporate<br />

that background into your acting?<br />

‘The time period formed everything in the<br />

lm: the costumes, the make-up, the way<br />

we talked, the way we walked, the way we<br />

interacted. The way I speak now doesn’t<br />

represent the way people spoke in the<br />

fties. I worked with a dialogue coach to try<br />

and nd Therese’s voice. It was a different<br />

018<br />

way of using your breath. And I watched<br />

a lot of lms from that time period to nd<br />

the right connection. We didn’t want to<br />

make too big a deal out of it, because then<br />

it could have been a distraction for the<br />

audience. We had to nd a middle ground.’<br />

Therese is trying to nd what kind<br />

of woman she wants to be. You are<br />

30 now. Have you realized yourself<br />

what kind of woman you want to<br />

be?<br />

‘I have found out more than Therese. But<br />

I am still guring that out. And hopefully<br />

I never will – I want to continue to grow<br />

as a human for all my life. I never asked<br />

myself “what kind of woman do I want to<br />

become”. But I often ask myself: “what kind<br />

of life do I want to have?” That question<br />

comes with every decision you make.’<br />

You mentioned The Girl with the<br />

Dragon Tattoo. Are you going to<br />

appear in the sequel?<br />

‘I really don’t know, it’s not up to me. I<br />

would love to return to Lisbeth, I love her so<br />

much. But no one has approached me yet.<br />

When we were shooting Dragon Tattoo my<br />

mind was set on three lms, because I didn’t<br />

want to say goodbye to her yet. There is still<br />

so much to discover about her.’<br />

Even with director David Fincher<br />

and his sometimes difcult working<br />

methods?<br />

‘Who said he was difcult? Yes, sometimes<br />

he wants to do a scene a hundred different<br />

times. But that’s your job: I would do<br />

two hundred takes if he asked for it, he’s<br />

the director. What does that even mean,<br />

“difcult”? It is a word people often use<br />

for people who have a strong opinion, who<br />

have a unique point of view. My experience<br />

is that the word is more often used for<br />

women than for men. In most cases it just<br />

describes a person who knows what he or<br />

she wants. I have been called difcult many<br />

times. I don’t think I am. And if you have<br />

any doubts, ask Todd, ask David, ask Cate.<br />

I have an opinion and I am not afraid to<br />

give it when opportunity knocks. But that’s<br />

because I am highly devoted to the work I<br />

do.’<br />

Is it hard to be a woman in<br />

Hollywood?<br />

‘There a lot of places in the world where<br />

it’s hard to be a woman. But Hollywood<br />

isn’t one of those places. Yes, I suppose<br />

it is easier to be a man in Hollywood. But<br />

that’s not the same issue. It’s hard to be<br />

a woman in a country where women are<br />

not allowed to get education, are not<br />

allowed to vote, are not allowed to decide<br />

who to get married to. That’s not the case<br />

in Hollywood. It’s just a little bit more<br />

challenging to be a woman than being a<br />

man.’<br />

You have a very privileged<br />

background. What kind of role did<br />

that play in building a career in<br />

Hollywood?<br />

‘It’s like in sports: it doesn’t really matter<br />

where you come from, nobody is going to<br />

hire you unless you’re a good athlete. At the<br />

end of the day, Todd Haynes is not going to<br />

ask me to play a part because of my wealthy<br />

family.’<br />

You are naked a lot in lms. Do you<br />

ever have any doubts about that<br />

kind of scenes?<br />

‘I don’t ask for those scenes in particular.<br />

And I would never consider doing it for no<br />

reason. But I have no issue or problem if it<br />

is part of the story. For example, the love<br />

scene in Carol is simply beautiful. And that’s<br />

the way people behave while making love:<br />

they take their clothes off and get naked.<br />

It’s your job as an actor to imitate life. I<br />

never really understand all the fuss about<br />

nudity. What’s so exciting or interesting<br />

about it? Every single person in the world<br />

has the same body parts underneath their<br />

clothes. After all, it’s just skin.’<br />


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