Ecotoerisme - Universiteit Utrecht

Ecotoerisme - Universiteit Utrecht Ecotoerisme - Universiteit Utrecht


Appendix D1) De natuur is om van te genieten:“A hat and sun protection is a must to ensure your enjoyment.”“Trek back to Golden Buddha Beach Resort, enjoying the early evening sounds and sites oflocal birds and animals.”“Enjoy one of our Andaman safaris”2) De natuur is een plek voor rust en ontspanning:“Our tropical island resort has only 25 private beachfront and sea view houses; thus, crowdsare nonexistent while peace, privacy, and tranquility are guaranteed.”“Even guides from Chiang Mai, Thailand 's trekking and adventure epicenter, come to GoldenBuddha to experience being alone with nature.”3) De natuur kan ontdekt worden, biedt prikkels:“Our fearless guides will take you through mangrove forests, across deserted tracks of land,and up and over Monkey Mountain to reach secret unexplored beaches.”“Our Safaris have been designed to create a sense of adventure, optimise your appreciationof the natural world and provide memorable moments of your vacation.”“Trek to the east of the island, while exploring the mangrove forests and wooded estuariesthat line our route.”“The tropical island's unique ecosystems are also perfect for land based safaris and some ofthe best bird watching in Thailand.”“Island Exploration Safari”4) De natuur is bewonderenswaardig:“No specialist equipment is required, but guests are advised to bring their own binoculars ifavailable and certainly your camera.”“The vast savannah makes fantastic viewing for both keen bird watchers and those who justlike to admire beautiful fauna. Many of the birds boast striking plumage and can becommonly seen both at the resort and its surrounds, including a large variety of bee eatersand kingfishers.”28

“This is the only resort located on a spectacular uninhabited 10km beach and private bay onthe island of Koh Phra Thong (Golden Buddha Island).”“Golden Buddha Beach Resort extends for along the Andaman Sea facing the setting sun.”“Both exotic and rare wildlife can often be viewed from the comfort of your own veranda.Hornbills, monkeys and deer are all commonly seen.”“Golden Buddha Beach Resort benefits by our close affliation with Blue GuruDiving's education team as well as by being the closest landfall to both the stunning SurinIslands and Richelieu Rock, where whale sharks can be spotted.”“Our Safaris have been designed to create a sense of adventure, optimise your appreciationof the natural world and provide memorable moments of your vacation.”“Indeed an island resident has reported seeing the magnificent adjutant quite frequently oflate. ““Trek to our night hide, to watch and listen for the creatures of the night.”5) Dicht bij de natuur zijn is belangrijk:“Our island maintains one of the last unspoiled coastal areas in Thailand affording guests anexperience that is both unique and completely in touch with nature.”“Our tropical island resort has only 25 private beachfront and sea view houses; thus, crowdsare nonexistent while peace, privacy, and tranquility are guaranteed.”“Even guides from Chiang Mai, Thailand 's trekking and adventure epicenter, come to GoldenBuddha to experience being alone with nature.”6) De natuur is aangetast (ergens anders):“Our island maintains one of the last unspoiled coastal areas in Thailand affording guests anexperience that is both unique and completely in touch with nature.”“The pristine beach remains one of the few nesting sites left in Thailand for giant leatherbackturtles.”7) De mens hoort niet in de natuur:“Our tropical island resort has only 25 private beachfront and sea view houses; thus, crowdsare nonexistent while peace, privacy, and tranquility are guaranteed.”“This is the only resort located on a spectacular uninhabited 10km beach and private bay onthe island of Koh Phra Thong (Golden Buddha Island).”29

Appendix D1) De natuur is om van te genieten:“A hat and sun protection is a must to ensure your enjoyment.”“Trek back to Golden Buddha Beach Resort, enjoying the early evening sounds and sites oflocal birds and animals.”“Enjoy one of our Andaman safaris”2) De natuur is een plek voor rust en ontspanning:“Our tropical island resort has only 25 private beachfront and sea view houses; thus, crowdsare nonexistent while peace, privacy, and tranquility are guaranteed.”“Even guides from Chiang Mai, Thailand 's trekking and adventure epicenter, come to GoldenBuddha to experience being alone with nature.”3) De natuur kan ontdekt worden, biedt prikkels:“Our fearless guides will take you through mangrove forests, across deserted tracks of land,and up and over Monkey Mountain to reach secret unexplored beaches.”“Our Safaris have been designed to create a sense of adventure, optimise your appreciationof the natural world and provide memorable moments of your vacation.”“Trek to the east of the island, while exploring the mangrove forests and wooded estuariesthat line our route.”“The tropical island's unique ecosystems are also perfect for land based safaris and some ofthe best bird watching in Thailand.”“Island Exploration Safari”4) De natuur is bewonderenswaardig:“No specialist equipment is required, but guests are advised to bring their own binoculars ifavailable and certainly your camera.”“The vast savannah makes fantastic viewing for both keen bird watchers and those who justlike to admire beautiful fauna. Many of the birds boast striking plumage and can becommonly seen both at the resort and its surrounds, including a large variety of bee eatersand kingfishers.”28

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