Vanderpiete-Vandewalle - Familiekunde Westkust

Vanderpiete-Vandewalle - Familiekunde Westkust

Vanderpiete-Vandewalle - Familiekunde Westkust


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Naam Overledene Datum Overlijden Overlijdensplaats CollectieVandevyvere Joseph Flor 1Vandevyvere Joseph Flor 1Vandevyvere Joseph 1950-1960 Flor 2Vandevyvere Josephus (1880-1890) Flor 1Vandevyvere Jozef Christiaan 1940-1950 Flor 2Vandevyvere Jules 1960-1970 Flor 2Vandevyvere Juliana (1880-1890) Flor 1Vandevyvere Juliana (1900-1910) Flor 1Vandevyvere Karel (1920-1930) Flor 1Vandevyvere Karel Flor 1Vandevyvere Karel Jan Silvinus (1920-1930) Flor 1Vandevyvere Karel Lodewijk (1870-1880) Flor 1Vandevyvere Karel Lodewijk (1880-1890) Flor 1Vandevyvere Karel Louis (1880-1890) Flor 1Vandevyvere Karel Louis (1890-1900) Flor 1Vandevyvere Karel Louis (1920-1930) Flor 1Vandevyvere Leonaard (1920-1930) Flor 1Vandevyvere Leonard (1900-1910) Flor 1Vandevyvere Leonard (1910-1920) Flor 1Vandevyvere Leonie 1930-1940 Flor 2Vandevyvere Leonie Virginie 1930-1940 Flor 2Vandevyvere Lia Maria 1950-1960 Flor 2Vandevyver Elisa 1960-1970 Flor 2Vandevyver Elodie 1930-1940 Flor 2Vandevyvere Lucy 1950-1960 Flor 2Vandevyvere Marguerite (1910-1920) Flor 1Vandevyvere Marhilde 1940-1950 Flor 2

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