Nummer 3/2011 (.pdf) - FOD Sociale Zekerheid

Nummer 3/2011 (.pdf) - FOD Sociale Zekerheid

Nummer 3/2011 (.pdf) - FOD Sociale Zekerheid

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BELGISCH TIJDSCHRIFT VOOR SOCIALE ZEKERHEID - 3e TRIMESTER <strong>2011</strong>BIBLIOGRAFIEBichot, Jacques, Les politiques sociales en France au 20 ème siècle, Parijs, ArmandColin, 1997.Bonoli, Giuliano en Palier, Bruno, Reclaiming Welfare. The Politics of Social ProtectionReform in France, in Southern European Society and Politics, vol. 1, nr. 3, pp.240-259, 1996.Bonoli, Giuliano, Pension Politics in France: Patterns of Co-operation and Conflict inTwo Recent Reforms, West European Politics, volume 20, nr. 4, pp. 160-181, 1997.Bonoli, Giuliano en Palier, Bruno, Changing the Politics of Social Programmes. InnovativeChange in British and French Welfare Reforms, Journal of European SocialPolicy, vol. 8, nr. 4, pp. 317-330, 1998.Castel, Robert, Les métamorphoses de la question sociale, Parijs, Fayard, 1995.Catrice-Lorey, Antoinette, La sécurité sociale et la démocratie sociale: impasse ourefondation?, in Prévenir, nr. 29, 2e semester, pp. 61-79, 1995.Clegg, D., Continental Drift: on Unemployment Policy Change in Bismarckian WelfareStates, in Palier, B. en Martin, C. (eds.), Reforming The Bismarck- Welfare Systems,Blackwells, pp. 597-617, 2008.Daniel, Christine en Tuchszirer, Carole, L’Etat face aux chômeurs, l’indemnisationdu chômage de 1884 à nos jours, Parijs, Flammarion, 1999.DARES, 40 ans de politiques d’emploi, La documentation française, 1996.DREES, L’épargne retraite en 2005, studies en resultaten, nr. 585, juli 2007, 2007.Duclos, Laurent en Mériaux, Olivier, Pour une économie du paritarisme, La revuede l’IRES, nr. 24, lente-zomer, pp. 43-60, 1997.Esping-Andersen, G., Welfare States without Work: the Impasse of Labour Sheddingand Familialism in Continental European Social Policy, in Esping-Andersen, G. (ed.),Welfare State in Transition. National Adaptations in Global Economies, Londen,Sage, 1996.Hall, Peter A., Governing the Economy: the Politics of State Intervention in Britainand France, New York, Oxford University Press, 1986.400

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