Nummer 3/2011 (.pdf) - FOD Sociale Zekerheid

Nummer 3/2011 (.pdf) - FOD Sociale Zekerheid

Nummer 3/2011 (.pdf) - FOD Sociale Zekerheid

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BELGISCH TIJDSCHRIFT VOOR SOCIALE ZEKERHEID - 3e TRIMESTER <strong>2011</strong>Häusermann, S., Reform Opportunities in a Bismarckian Latecomer: Restructuringthe Swiss Welfare State, in B. Palier (Ed.), A long Goodbye to Bismarck? The Politicsof Welfare Reforms in Continental Europe, Amsterdam University Press, Amsterdam,pp. 207-232, 2010.Hemerijck, A. en Eichhorst, W., Whatever Happened to the Bismarckian WelfareState? From Labor Shedding to Employment-Friendly Reforms, in B. Palier (Ed.), Along Goodbye to Bismarck? The Politics of Welfare Reforms in ContinentalEurope, Amsterdam University Press, Amsterdam, pp. 301-332, 2010.Hemerijck, A. en Marx, I., Continental Welfare at a Crossroads: The Choice betweenActivation and Minimum Income Protection in Belgium and the Netherlands, in B.Palier (Ed.), A Long Goodbye to Bismarck?, The Politics of Welfare Reforms in ContinentalEurope, Amsterdam University Press, Amsterdam, pp.129-156, 2010.Henninger, A., Wimbauer, C. en Dombrowski, R., Demography as a Push towardGender Equality? Current Reforms of German Family Policy, Social Politics, 15 (3),pp. 287-314, 2008.Hinrichs, K., A Social Insurance State Withers Away. Welfare State Reforms in Germany– Or: Attempts to Turn Around in a Cul-de-Sac, in B. Palier, (Ed.), A longGoodbye to Bismarck? The Politics of Welfare Reforms in Continental Europe,Amsterdam University Press, Amsterdam, pp. 45-72, 2010.Jessoula, M. en Alti, T., Italy: An Uncompleted Departure from Bismarck, in B.Palier, (Ed.), A long Goodbye to Bismarck? The Politics of Welfare Reforms in ContinentalEurope, Amsterdam University Press, Amsterdam, pp.157-182, 2010.Leisering, L., Germany: A Centrist Welfare State at the Crossroads, in P. Alcock en G.Craig (Eds.), International Social Policy. Welfare Regimes in the Developed World,Palgrave, Basingstoke, (2e editie), 2009.Lewis, J., Gender and the Development of Welfare Regimes, Journal of EuropeanSocial Policy, 2 (2), pp. 159-173, 1992.Leibfried, S. en Tennstedt, F., Armenpolitik un Arbeiterpolitik, in S. Leibfried en F.Tennstedt (Eds.), Politik der Armutund die Spaltung des Sozialstaats, Suhrkamp,Frankfurt, pp. 64-93, 1985.Manow, P., Trajectories of Fiscal Adjustment in Bismarckian Welfare Systems, in B.Palier, (Ed.), A long Goodbye to Bismarck? The Politics of Welfare Reforms in ContinentalEurope, Amsterdam University Press, Amsterdam, pp. 279-300, 2010.334Morel, N., From Subsidiarity to “Free Choice”: Child- and Elder-care Policy Reformsin France, Belgium, Germany and the Netherlands, Social Policy and Administration,41 (6), pp. 618-637, 2007.

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