Nummer 3/2011 (.pdf) - FOD Sociale Zekerheid

Nummer 3/2011 (.pdf) - FOD Sociale Zekerheid

Nummer 3/2011 (.pdf) - FOD Sociale Zekerheid

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BELGISCH TIJDSCHRIFT VOOR SOCIALE ZEKERHEID - 3e TRIMESTER <strong>2011</strong>Boyer, R., Changement d’époque… mais diversité persistante des systèmes de protectionsociale, in Vielle, P., Pochet, P. en Cassiers, I. (dir.), L’Etat social actif. Versun changement de paradigme?, P.I.E.-Peter Lang, Brussel, pp. 33-59, 2005.Bulmer, S. J. en Radaelli, C. M., The Europeanisation of National Policy?, Queen’sUniversity Belfast on-line paper on Europeanisation, nr. 1/2004, 2004,(http://www.qub.ac.uk/pais/Research/PaperSeries/EuropeanisationPapers/).Cardani, A. M., The Monetary Union and the Single Market: Challenges and Oppportunities,in Pochet, P. en Vanhercke, B. (eds.), Social Challenges of Economic andMonetary Union, European Interuniversity Press, Brussel, pp. 117-134, 1998.Cazenave, M.C., Europe continentale et politique de “Making Work Pay”: les expériencesbelge et française, in Dang, A.T., Outin, J.L. en Zajdela, H. (dir.), Travaillerpour être intégré? Mutations des relations entre emploi et protection sociale,CNRS éditions, 2006.Cowles, M., Caporaso, J., en Risse, T., Transforming Europe: Europeanization andDomestic Change, Cornell University Press, Ithaca en Londen, 2001.de la Porte, C. en Pochet, P., Building Social Europe through the Open Method ofCo-ordination, P.I.E.-Peter Lang, Brussel, 2002.de la Porte, C., Pochet, P. en Room, G., Social Benchmarking, Policy-Making and theInstruments of New Governance, Journal of European Social Policy, Vol. 11, nr. 4,november 2001, pp. 291-308, 2001.Dehousse, R., La méthode ouverte de coordination. Quand l’instrument tient lieu depolitique, in Lascoumes, P. en Le Galès, P. (dir.), Gouverner par les instruments,Presses de la Fondation nationale des Sciences politiques, Parijs, pp. 331-356, 2004.Dudek, C. en Omtzigt, P., The role of Brussels in National Pension Reforms, EUIworking Papers, nr. 47, Firenze, 2001.Duval, R. en Elmeskov, J., The Effects of EMU on Structural Reforms in Labor andProduct Markets, OECD Economics Department Working Papers, No. 438, OECDEconomics, 2005.Dyson, K., European States and the Euro – Europeanization, Variation, and Convergence,Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2002.Dyson, K., Binding Hands as a Strategy for Economic Reform: Government by Commission,German Politics, Vol. 14, nr. 2, juni 2005, pp. 224-247, 2005.532

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