Nummer 3/2011 (.pdf) - FOD Sociale Zekerheid

Nummer 3/2011 (.pdf) - FOD Sociale Zekerheid

Nummer 3/2011 (.pdf) - FOD Sociale Zekerheid

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DE HERVORMINGEN VAN DE WERKLOOSHEIDSUITKERING IN CONTINENTAAL EUROPAEbbinghaus, B. en Hassel, A., Striking deals: concertation in the reform of continentalEuropean welfare states, European Journal of Public Policy, 7, 1, pp. 44-62, 1999.Eichhorst, W., Kaufmann, O. en Kohnle-Seidl, R. (éds.), Bringing the Jobless Backinto Work? Experiences with Activation Schemes in Europe and the US, Springer,Berlin, 2008.Eichhorst, W. en Marx, P., Reforming German labour Market Institutions: A DualPath to Flexibility, IZA Discussion Paper no. IZA DP no. 4100, 2009.Enjorlas, B., Laville, J.-L., Fraisse, H. en Trickey, L., Between subsidiarity and socialassistance – the French republican route to activation, in I. Lødemel en H. Trickey(eds.), An Offer You Can’t Refuse: Workfare in International Perspective, PolicyPress, Bristol, pp. 41-70, 2001.Esping-Andersen, G. (ed.), Welfare States in Transition, Sage, Londen, 1996a.Esping-Andersen, G., Welfare states without work: the impasse of labour sheddingand familialism in continental European social policy, in Esping-Andersen, G. (ed.),Welfare States in Transition, Sage, Londen, pp. 66-87, 1996b.Faniel, J., Réactions syndicales et associatives face au ‘contrôle de la disponibilitédes chômeurs’, in L’Année sociale 2004, ULB, Brussel, pp. 133-148, 2005.Faniel, J., Belgique: le système d’assurance chômage: un particularisme en sursis?Chronique Internationale de l’IRES, 108, pp. 15-24, 2007.Gilson, S. en Glorieux, M., Le droit à l’intégration sociale figure comme premièreemblématique de l’Etat social actif: quelques commentaires de la loi du 26 mai 2002,in P. Vielle, P. Pochet en I. Cassiers (eds), L’Etat social actif: vers un changementde paradigme?, PIE–Peter Lang, Brussel, pp. 233-255, 2005.Green-Pedersen, C., The Politics of Justification: Party Competition and WelfareState Retrenchment in Denmark and the Netherlands from 1982 to 1998, AmsterdamUniversity Press, Amsterdam, 2002.Hacker, J., Privatizing risk without privatizing the welfare state: the hidden politicsof social policy retrenchment in the United States, American Political ScienceReview, 98, 2, pp. 243-260, 2004.Hemerijck, A., A paradoxical miracle: the politics of coalition government and socialconcertation in Dutch welfare reform, in S. Jochen en N. Siegel (eds), Konzertierung,Verhandlungsdemokratie und Reformpolitik in Wohlfahrstaat, Leske enBudrich, Opladen, pp. 232-270, 2003.503

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