Pijnbestrijding, postoperatief - Nederlandse Vereniging voor ...

Pijnbestrijding, postoperatief - Nederlandse Vereniging voor ... Pijnbestrijding, postoperatief - Nederlandse Vereniging voor ...


POSTOPERATIEVE PIJNBEHANDELINGAANHANGSEL – POSTOPERATIEVE MISSELIJKHEID EN BRAKEN (POMB)AanbevelingenVoor de behandeling van POMB worden metoclopramide en 5-HT3-antagonisten geadviseerd.Metoclopramide is het minst effectief. Gebalanceerde anti-emetische therapie is het meesteffectief.N.B.: metoclopramide niet toepassen bij kinderen onder de 30kg.17. Fujii Y, Saitoh Y, Tanaka H, Toyooka H. Prophylactic oral antiemetics for preventing postoperative nausea and vomiting:granisetron versus domperidone. Anesth Analg 1998;87(6):1404-7.18. Paech MJ, Pavy TJ, Kristensen JH, Wojnar-Horton RE. Postoperative nausea and vomiting: development of amanagement protocol. Anaesth Intensive Care 1998;26(2):152-5.Het invoeren van een protocol voor POMB, zowel profylactisch als therapeutisch, wordt aangeraden.Een stappenplan voor de toediening van de medicatie is hierbij nodig.Literatuur1. Royal College of Anaesthetists. Raising the standard. London: The Royal College;2000.2. Kovac AL. Prevention and treatment of postoperative nausea and vomiting. Drugs 2000;59:213-43.3. Bountra C, Gale JD, Gardner CJ, Jordan CC, Kilpatrick GJ, Twissel DJ, et al. Towards understanding the aetiologyand pathophysiology of the emetic reflex: novel approaches to antiemetic drugs. Oncology 1996;53(suppl 1):102-9.4. Pueyo FJ, Carrascosa F, Lopez L, Iribarren MJ, Garcia-Pedrajas F, Saez A. Combination of ondansetron and droperidolin the prophylaxis of postoperative nausea and vomiting. Anesth Analg 1996;83:117-22.5. Rose JB, Watcha MF. Postoperative nausea and vomiting in paediatric patients. Br J Anaesth 1999;83:104-17.6. Henzi I, Walder B, Tramer MR. Dexamethasone for the prevention of postoperative nausea and vomiting: a quantativesystematic review. Anesth Analg 2000;90:186-94.7. Domino KB, Anderzon EA, Polissar NL, Posner LL. Comparative efficacy and safety of ondansetron, droperidol andmetoclopramide for preventing postoperative nausea and vomiting: a meta-analysis. Anaesth Analg 1999;88:1370-9.8. Sinclair DR, Chung F, Mezei G. Can postoperative nausea and vomiting be predicted? Anesthesiology 1999;91:109-18.9. Tramer MR, Moore RA, Reynolds DJ, McQuay HJ. A quantitative systematic review of ondansetron in treatment ofestablished postoperative nausea and vomiting. BMJ 1997;12;314(7087):1088-92.10. Henzi I, Walder B, Tramer MR. Metoclopramide in the prevention of postoperative nausea and vomiting: a quantitativesystematic review of randomized, placebo-controlled studies. Brit J Anaesthesia 1999;83:761-71.11. Janknegt R, Helmers H, Meijler WJ, Pinckaers JWM, Brouwers JRBJ. 5-HT3 receptor antagonists in the prophylaxis ofpostoperative nausea and vomiting . Drug selection by means of the soja method. Ned Tijdschr Anesth 2000;13:51-6.12. Tang J, Wang B, White PF, Watcha MF, Qi J, Wender RH. The effect of timing of ondansetron administration on itsefficacy, cost-effectiveness and cost-benefit as a prophylactic antiemetic in the ambulatory setting. Anesth Analg1998;86:274-82.13. Sung Y-F. Risks and benefits of drugs used in the management of postoperative nausea and vomiting. Drug Safety1996;14:181-97.14. Tramer MR. A rational approach to the control of postoperative nausea and vomiting: evidence from systematicreviews. Part II. Recommendations for prevention and treatment, and research agenda. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand2001;45(1):14-9.15. Tramer MR. A rational approach to the control of postoperative nausea and vomiting: evidence from systematicreviews. Part I. Efficacy and harm of antiemetic interventions, and methodological issues. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand2001;45(1):4-13.16. Stienstra R, Samhan YM, El-Mofty M, Bout LEA de, Bovill JG. Double-blind comparison of alizapride, droperidoland ondansetron in the treatment of post-operative nausea. Eur J Anaesthsiol 1997;14:290-4.162163


POSTOPERATIEVE PIJNBEHANDELINGAANHANGSEL – POSTOPERATIEVE MISSELIJKHEID EN BRAKEN (POMB)AanbevelingenVoor de behandeling van POMB worden metoclopramide en 5-HT3-antagonisten geadviseerd.Metoclopramide is het minst effectief. Gebalanceerde anti-emetische therapie is het meesteffectief.N.B.: metoclopramide niet toepassen bij kinderen onder de 30kg.17. Fujii Y, Saitoh Y, Tanaka H, Toyooka H. Prophylactic oral antiemetics for preventing postoperative nausea and vomiting:granisetron versus domperidone. Anesth Analg 1998;87(6):1404-7.18. Paech MJ, Pavy TJ, Kristensen JH, Wojnar-Horton RE. Postoperative nausea and vomiting: development of amanagement protocol. Anaesth Intensive Care 1998;26(2):152-5.Het invoeren van een protocol <strong>voor</strong> POMB, zowel profylactisch als therapeutisch, wordt aangeraden.Een stappenplan <strong>voor</strong> de toediening van de medicatie is hierbij nodig.Literatuur1. Royal College of Anaesthetists. Raising the standard. London: The Royal College;2000.2. Kovac AL. Prevention and treatment of postoperative nausea and vomiting. Drugs 2000;59:213-43.3. Bountra C, Gale JD, Gardner CJ, Jordan CC, Kilpatrick GJ, Twissel DJ, et al. Towards understanding the aetiologyand pathophysiology of the emetic reflex: novel approaches to antiemetic drugs. Oncology 1996;53(suppl 1):102-9.4. Pueyo FJ, Carrascosa F, Lopez L, Iribarren MJ, Garcia-Pedrajas F, Saez A. Combination of ondansetron and droperidolin the prophylaxis of postoperative nausea and vomiting. Anesth Analg 1996;83:117-22.5. Rose JB, Watcha MF. Postoperative nausea and vomiting in paediatric patients. Br J Anaesth 1999;83:104-17.6. Henzi I, Walder B, Tramer MR. Dexamethasone for the prevention of postoperative nausea and vomiting: a quantativesystematic review. Anesth Analg 2000;90:186-94.7. Domino KB, Anderzon EA, Polissar NL, Posner LL. Comparative efficacy and safety of ondansetron, droperidol andmetoclopramide for preventing postoperative nausea and vomiting: a meta-analysis. Anaesth Analg 1999;88:1370-9.8. Sinclair DR, Chung F, Mezei G. Can postoperative nausea and vomiting be predicted? Anesthesiology 1999;91:109-18.9. Tramer MR, Moore RA, Reynolds DJ, McQuay HJ. A quantitative systematic review of ondansetron in treatment ofestablished postoperative nausea and vomiting. BMJ 1997;12;314(7087):1088-92.10. Henzi I, Walder B, Tramer MR. Metoclopramide in the prevention of postoperative nausea and vomiting: a quantitativesystematic review of randomized, placebo-controlled studies. Brit J Anaesthesia 1999;83:761-71.11. Janknegt R, Helmers H, Meijler WJ, Pinckaers JWM, Brouwers JRBJ. 5-HT3 receptor antagonists in the prophylaxis ofpostoperative nausea and vomiting . Drug selection by means of the soja method. Ned Tijdschr Anesth 2000;13:51-6.12. Tang J, Wang B, White PF, Watcha MF, Qi J, Wender RH. The effect of timing of ondansetron administration on itsefficacy, cost-effectiveness and cost-benefit as a prophylactic antiemetic in the ambulatory setting. Anesth Analg1998;86:274-82.13. Sung Y-F. Risks and benefits of drugs used in the management of postoperative nausea and vomiting. Drug Safety1996;14:181-97.14. Tramer MR. A rational approach to the control of postoperative nausea and vomiting: evidence from systematicreviews. Part II. Recommendations for prevention and treatment, and research agenda. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand2001;45(1):14-9.15. Tramer MR. A rational approach to the control of postoperative nausea and vomiting: evidence from systematicreviews. Part I. Efficacy and harm of antiemetic interventions, and methodological issues. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand2001;45(1):4-13.16. Stienstra R, Samhan YM, El-Mofty M, Bout LEA de, Bovill JG. Double-blind comparison of alizapride, droperidoland ondansetron in the treatment of post-operative nausea. Eur J Anaesthsiol 1997;14:290-4.162163

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