28e Antwerp 10 Miles - 21 april 2013 - Runners Maarkedal

28e Antwerp 10 Miles - 21 april 2013 - Runners Maarkedal

28e Antwerp 10 Miles - 21 april 2013 - Runners Maarkedal

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PL NR Naam Woonplaats Age CAT P/CAT Tijd GEM KM-Tijd<strong>10</strong>258 7370 FURR Michael KAPELLEN (ANTW. 30 SEH 4693 1:31:41 <strong>10</strong>,53 5:42<strong>10</strong>259 4346 BERTELS Sven PERK 47 M45 906 1:31:41 <strong>10</strong>,53 5:42<strong>10</strong>260 16753 GENYN Luk KALMTHOUT 38 M35 1137 1:31:41 <strong>10</strong>,53 5:42<strong>10</strong>261 22838 ERPELS Johan MOL 54 M50 635 1:31:41 <strong>10</strong>,53 5:42<strong>10</strong>262 1768 DHONDT Maarten WAREGEM 29 SEH 4694 1:31:41 <strong>10</strong>,53 5:42<strong>10</strong>263 12627 PRESENT Yves ASSENEDE 34 SEH 4695 1:31:41 <strong>10</strong>,53 5:42<strong>10</strong>264 13375 OOSTERLINCK Erna DEURNE (ANTWERP 54 F50 78 1:31:42 <strong>10</strong>,53 5:42<strong>10</strong>265 19804 ACKX Steven SINT-KRUIS (BRU 39 M35 1138 1:31:42 <strong>10</strong>,53 5:42<strong>10</strong>266 12064 SNOECK Francis BEVEREN 49 M45 907 1:31:42 <strong>10</strong>,53 5:42<strong>10</strong>267 19786 BERGMANN Johannes ANTWERPEN 1 28 SEH 4696 1:31:42 <strong>10</strong>,53 5:42<strong>10</strong>268 16999 WILLEMS Raf HASSELT 37 M35 1139 1:31:42 <strong>10</strong>,53 5:42<strong>10</strong>269 19584 MEEUSEN Kristin BRECHT 42 F40 205 1:31:42 <strong>10</strong>,53 5:42<strong>10</strong>270 7484 VANDERWEGEN Philippe SINT-KATELIJNE- 59 M55 302 1:31:42 <strong>10</strong>,53 5:42<strong>10</strong>271 40135 MERTENS Rudy 46 M45 908 1:31:42 <strong>10</strong>,53 5:42<strong>10</strong>272 15374 VERHILLE Didier BOOM 47 M45 909 1:31:42 <strong>10</strong>,53 5:42<strong>10</strong>273 17853 DIAS Tom KALMTHOUT 36 M35 1140 1:31:43 <strong>10</strong>,53 5:42<strong>10</strong>274 2303 VELTER Kris MERKSEM 36 M35 1141 1:31:43 <strong>10</strong>,53 5:42<strong>10</strong>275 20559 VAN HEUVERSWIN David 40 M40 <strong>10</strong>57 1:31:43 <strong>10</strong>,53 5:42<strong>10</strong>276 17114 VAN HEETVELDE Julie SEF 701 1:31:43 <strong>10</strong>,53 5:42<strong>10</strong>277 15373 VERHILLE Cedric BOOM 17 SEH 4697 1:31:43 <strong>10</strong>,53 5:42<strong>10</strong>278 16142 ANCKAERT Stephane DILBEEK 45 M45 9<strong>10</strong> 1:31:43 <strong>10</strong>,53 5:42<strong>10</strong>279 22483 D'HAESELEER Danny TERNAT 53 M50 636 1:31:43 <strong>10</strong>,53 5:42<strong>10</strong>280 13479 VANDERHEYDEN Bart WILRIJK 29 SEH 4698 1:31:43 <strong>10</strong>,53 5:42<strong>10</strong>281 7888 DEMEYERE Pieterjan GENT 31 SEH 4699 1:31:43 <strong>10</strong>,53 5:42<strong>10</strong>282 <strong>21</strong>759 DENISSEN Michael 25 SEH 4700 1:31:43 <strong>10</strong>,53 5:42<strong>10</strong>283 9612 BARREZEELE Gijs ANTWERPEN 31 SEH 4701 1:31:44 <strong>10</strong>,53 5:42<strong>10</strong>284 3515 VAEL Thomas MECHELEN 31 SEH 4702 1:31:44 <strong>10</strong>,53 5:42<strong>10</strong>285 20915 ROGIERS Danny DEURNE (ANTWERP 53 M50 637 1:31:44 <strong>10</strong>,53 5:42<strong>10</strong>286 13370 DE LANGHE Els ANTWERPEN 5 36 M35 1142 1:31:44 <strong>10</strong>,53 5:42<strong>10</strong>287 534 KEUSTERS Anthony EDEGEM 27 SEH 4703 1:31:44 <strong>10</strong>,53 5:42<strong>10</strong>288 11717 STORME Stefaan ZELLIK 45 M45 911 1:31:44 <strong>10</strong>,53 5:42<strong>10</strong>289 4773 DEVOS Jan HALEN 44 M40 <strong>10</strong>58 1:31:44 <strong>10</strong>,53 5:42<strong>10</strong>290 40809 FIERS Bob 50 M50 638 1:31:44 <strong>10</strong>,53 5:42<strong>10</strong>291 <strong>10</strong>026 VAN KOETSVELD Jasmijn BERGEN OP ZOOM 44 F40 206 1:31:45 <strong>10</strong>,52 5:42<strong>10</strong>292 <strong>10</strong>076 VAN HULLEBUSCH Luc SINT-JOB-IN-'T- 47 M45 912 1:31:45 <strong>10</strong>,52 5:42<strong>10</strong>293 17680 VAN HAMME Sandra SINT-NIKLAAS 40 F40 207 1:31:45 <strong>10</strong>,52 5:42<strong>10</strong>294 4765 CELIS Nadine HALEN 42 F40 208 1:31:45 <strong>10</strong>,52 5:42<strong>10</strong>295 67 DE BEER Guy TEMSE 57 M55 303 1:31:45 <strong>10</strong>,52 5:42<strong>10</strong>296 5818 SONCK Christian LOKEREN 46 M45 913 1:31:45 <strong>10</strong>,52 5:42<strong>10</strong>297 2<strong>2013</strong> DE SAEGHER Francois MORTSEL 30 SEH 4704 1:31:45 <strong>10</strong>,52 5:42<strong>10</strong>298 <strong>21</strong>764 CYPERS Tanya 41 F40 209 1:31:45 <strong>10</strong>,52 5:42<strong>10</strong>299 32843 DELVA Kyra 19 SEF 702 1:31:45 <strong>10</strong>,52 5:42<strong>10</strong>300 17060 WATERSCHOOT Bart MERELBEKE 27 SEH 4705 1:31:45 <strong>10</strong>,52 5:42<strong>10</strong>301 9977 DE SUTTER Niels NIVELLES 29 SEH 4706 1:31:45 <strong>10</strong>,52 5:42<strong>10</strong>302 <strong>10</strong>968 VAN NIEUWENBORGH Bart HUMBEEK 43 M40 <strong>10</strong>59 1:31:46 <strong>10</strong>,52 5:42<strong>10</strong>303 32014 DE MEY Brecht OOSTAKKER 27 SEH 4707 1:31:46 <strong>10</strong>,52 5:42<strong>10</strong>304 728 VERYSER Franky BONHEIDEN 48 M45 914 1:31:46 <strong>10</strong>,52 5:42<strong>10</strong>305 5000 STURKENBOOM Inge HAARLEM 38 F35 227 1:31:46 <strong>10</strong>,52 5:42<strong>10</strong>306 17322 SERTKAYA Yassin BERCHEM (ANTWER 15 SEH 4708 1:31:46 <strong>10</strong>,52 5:42<strong>10</strong>307 17475 VAN DROOGENBROECK Luc EDEGEM 56 M55 304 1:31:47 <strong>10</strong>,52 5:42<strong>10</strong>308 17848 DE DONDER Alex HOBOKEN 44 M40 <strong>10</strong>60 1:31:47 <strong>10</strong>,52 5:42<strong>10</strong>309 19987 MAAS Kurt ESSEN 37 M35 1143 1:31:47 <strong>10</strong>,52 5:42<strong>10</strong>3<strong>10</strong> 20891 ANTHONISSEN Brigitte BORSBEEK (ANTW. 48 F45 147 1:31:47 <strong>10</strong>,52 5:42<strong>10</strong>311 <strong>21</strong>400 DE CLERCQ Lieven EDEGEM 40 M40 <strong>10</strong>61 1:31:47 <strong>10</strong>,52 5:42<strong>10</strong>312 22485 DE RUYSSCHER Stefan KALMTHOUT 20 SEH 4709 1:31:47 <strong>10</strong>,52 5:42<strong>10</strong>313 4824 SEGERS Ann MERCHTEM 44 F40 2<strong>10</strong> 1:31:47 <strong>10</strong>,52 5:42<strong>10</strong>314 9268 STEYAERT Kenny BERLAAR 34 SEH 47<strong>10</strong> 1:31:47 <strong>10</strong>,52 5:42<strong>10</strong>315 9237 ROELANT Dries ANTWERPEN 29 SEH 4711 1:31:47 <strong>10</strong>,52 5:42<strong>10</strong>316 3<strong>21</strong>87 BORGS Martine SINT-TRUIDEN 29 SEH 4712 1:31:47 <strong>10</strong>,52 5:42<strong>10</strong>317 4696 WERREBROUCK Donald ADEGEM 40 M40 <strong>10</strong>62 1:31:47 <strong>10</strong>,52 5:42<strong>10</strong>318 15960 HAJOLLI Mustafa ANTWERPEN 1 SEH 4713 1:31:47 <strong>10</strong>,52 5:42<strong>10</strong>319 <strong>10</strong>290 VAN DER STRATEN Bruno WILRIJK 31 SEH 4714 1:31:47 <strong>10</strong>,52 5:42<strong>10</strong>320 40835 VAN DEN BOSCH Erik 42 M40 <strong>10</strong>63 1:31:47 <strong>10</strong>,52 5:42<strong>10</strong>3<strong>21</strong> 14342 DE WINNE Peter SINT-MARTENS-LA 51 M50 639 1:31:47 <strong>10</strong>,52 5:42<strong>10</strong>322 6649 DEPREZ Christa DEERLIJK 47 F45 148 1:31:47 <strong>10</strong>,52 5:42<strong>10</strong>323 5568 MARTENS Omaira MECHELEN 28 SEF 703 1:31:48 <strong>10</strong>,52 5:42<strong>10</strong>324 7127 VANDENDRIESSCHE Els DEERLIJK 39 F35 228 1:31:48 <strong>10</strong>,52 5:42<strong>10</strong>325 2811 HERMANS Annelies WILRIJK 30 SEF 704 1:31:48 <strong>10</strong>,52 5:42<strong>10</strong>326 32429 VERWAEST Gregory 27 SEH 4715 1:31:48 <strong>10</strong>,52 5:42<strong>10</strong>327 13873 CELIS Sven HEUSDEN (LIMB.) 23 SEH 4716 1:31:49 <strong>10</strong>,52 5:42<strong>10</strong>328 3140 GOOSSENAERTS Lieselore KALMTHOUT 17 SEF 705 1:31:49 <strong>10</strong>,52 5:42<strong>10</strong>329 12895 KARAMEHMEDOVIC Mirza ANTWERPEN SEH 4717 1:31:49 <strong>10</strong>,52 5:42<strong>10</strong>330 8063 VAN WOENSEL Diederik BERCHEM 52 M50 640 1:31:49 <strong>10</strong>,52 5:42<strong>10</strong>331 18935 VAN LATHEM Karl ANTWERPEN 1 52 M50 641 1:31:49 <strong>10</strong>,52 5:42<strong>10</strong>332 3225 JEAN Francis MANSLE 71 M70 5 1:31:49 <strong>10</strong>,52 5:42<strong>10</strong>333 7925 JANSSEN Monique OUD-TURNHOUT 58 F55 25 1:31:49 <strong>10</strong>,52 5:42

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