Richtlijn 'Antistolling bij tandheelkundige ingrepen' - PAOT

Richtlijn 'Antistolling bij tandheelkundige ingrepen' - PAOT Richtlijn 'Antistolling bij tandheelkundige ingrepen' - PAOT


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Richtlijn ‘Antistolling bij tandheelkundige ingrepen’(55) Little JW et al, Antithrombotic agents: Implications in dentistry, Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, OralPathology, Oral Radiology & Endodontics, Volume 93 Issue 5 May 2002 Pages 544-551(56) Purkavastha S et al,Does clopidogrel affect outcome after coronary artery bypass grafting? A metaanalysis,Heart. 2006 Apr;92(4):531-2.(57) Ho PM et al, Incidence of death and acute myocardial infarction associated with stopping clopidogrelafter acute coronary syndrome., Journal of the American Medical Association, yr:2008 vol:299 iss:5pg:532 -9(58) Chassot PG et al, Perioperative use of anti-platelet drugs., Best practice & research. Clinicalanaesthesiology [1753-3740] Chassot yr:2007 vol:21 iss:2 pg:241 -56- 48 -

<strong>Richtlijn</strong> ‘Antistolling <strong>bij</strong> <strong>tandheelkundige</strong> ingrepen’(55) Little JW et al, Antithrombotic agents: Implications in dentistry, Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, OralPathology, Oral Radiology & Endodontics, Volume 93 Issue 5 May 2002 Pages 544-551(56) Purkavastha S et al,Does clopidogrel affect outcome after coronary artery bypass grafting? A metaanalysis,Heart. 2006 Apr;92(4):531-2.(57) Ho PM et al, Incidence of death and acute myocardial infarction associated with stopping clopidogrelafter acute coronary syndrome., Journal of the American Medical Association, yr:2008 vol:299 iss:5pg:532 -9(58) Chassot PG et al, Perioperative use of anti-platelet drugs., Best practice & research. Clinicalanaesthesiology [1753-3740] Chassot yr:2007 vol:21 iss:2 pg:241 -56- 48 -

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