Rapport Patiëntveiligheid, de rol van de bestuurder - Veilige zorg ...

Rapport Patiëntveiligheid, de rol van de bestuurder - Veilige zorg ... Rapport Patiëntveiligheid, de rol van de bestuurder - Veilige zorg ...


- Inbreng;(alle betrokkenen moeten inbreng kunnen geven)- Veiligheid;(deelname moet voor alle betrokkenen veilig zijn)- Druk;(er moet een juiste hoeveelheid druk worden georganiseerd om de voortgangte bewaken)- Ratio;(de uitkomsten moeten inhoudelijk verdedigbaar zijn)- Aansluiting op professionele waarden;(professionals moeten intrinsiek gemotiveerd kunnen worden voor deelname)- Procesondersteuning.(het initiatief en de ondersteuning moeten door het bestuur georganiseerdworden)De bestuurder speelt hierin zelf een essentiële rol en deze is vierledig:- bovengenoemde omstandigheden scheppen waardoor processen kunnenopstarten;- processen bewaken;- uitkomsten van processen beoordelen;- geaccepteerde uitkomsten bekrachtigen en inbedden in de organisatie.Als het bestuur op deze manier leiding geeft aan het verbeteren van depatiëntveiligheid, leveren de zorgprofessionals de inhoudelijke kennis terwijlhet bestuur steeds beter invulling kan geven aan zijn eindverantwoordelijkheidvoor het verbeteren van de patiëntveiligheid.Patiëntveiligheid, de rol van de bestuurder 379

summary in englishPatient safety – the role of the boardIntroduction – patient safety is a problem, boards have responsibility,there is no known solutionAround the globe patient safety has become a major issue in the health care.There is however a discrepancy between the gravity of the problem and thefrailty of the solutions. On one hand there is an incremental attention for theproblems regarding patient safety and ditto pressure on healthcare professionals,organizations and regulators to curtail the extent of unintendedharm to patients. On the other hand the pace at which solutions are appliedis frustratingly slow and the results of research on implemented solutionsare often ambiguous at best. Patient safety is proving to be a problem that isparticularly challenging to solve. In many western countries society andauthorities are increasingly holding healthcare managers and board membersresponsible for unsafety within their institutions. There is however noknown strategy for effective board-level leadership on patient safety improvement.This research focuses on how healthcare board members and managerscan lead sustainable patient safety improvements.The research question – patient safety, the role of the boardThe central question of this study is:- Did the board of the UMC Utrecht lead patient safety improvements effectively?There are several sub-questions, divided over three clusters:1 Theoretical- Which traits of the patient safety problem are relevant from a boardperspective?- Which problems impede boards in leading professionals and professionalorganizations?- Which strategies have been described to cope with these problems?2 Empirical- What kind of problems surfaced during the three studied cases?- Which strategies were applied to cope with these problems?- How have these strategies helped improve patient safety?380summary

summary in englishPatient safety – the <strong>rol</strong>e of the boardIntroduction – patient safety is a problem, boards have responsibility,there is no known solutionAround the globe patient safety has become a major issue in the health care.There is however a discrepancy between the gravity of the problem and thefrailty of the solutions. On one hand there is an incremental attention for theproblems regarding patient safety and ditto pressure on healthcare professionals,organizations and regulators to curtail the extent of uninten<strong>de</strong>dharm to patients. On the other hand the pace at which solutions are appliedis frustratingly slow and the results of research on implemented solutionsare often ambiguous at best. Patient safety is proving to be a problem that isparticularly challenging to solve. In many western countries society andauthorities are increasingly holding healthcare managers and board membersresponsible for unsafety within their institutions. There is however noknown strategy for effective board-level lea<strong>de</strong>rship on patient safety improvement.This research focuses on how healthcare board members and managerscan lead sustainable patient safety improvements.The research question – patient safety, the <strong>rol</strong>e of the boardThe central question of this study is:- Did the board of the UMC Utrecht lead patient safety improvements effectively?There are several sub-questions, divi<strong>de</strong>d over three clusters:1 Theoretical- Which traits of the patient safety problem are rele<strong>van</strong>t from a boardperspective?- Which problems impe<strong>de</strong> boards in leading professionals and professionalorganizations?- Which strategies have been <strong>de</strong>scribed to cope with these problems?2 Empirical- What kind of problems surfaced during the three studied cases?- Which strategies were applied to cope with these problems?- How have these strategies helped improve patient safety?380summary

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