Nieuwsbrief nummer 13 - Hollandse School Singapore

Nieuwsbrief nummer 13 - Hollandse School Singapore

Nieuwsbrief nummer 13 - Hollandse School Singapore


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Dear HSL parents,Next week is an important week, the schoolreports are going to be handed out to thechildren and you are invited to join our HSL Annual General Meeting (AGM). This year wedivided the evening of the AGM in two events: from 7:30 to 8:15 pm you are welcome tojoin one of the several organized workshops (see more details below). Afterwards, you areinvited to join the AGM at 8:30 pm in the Music Room. We hope to inform you about theeducational content and developments at our school and to present the futureeducational and administrative spearheads of our school. Below you will find anexplanation of the various workshops offered by the coordinators. These workshops willadd an extra dimension to the AGM and we hope to welcome you at the AGM in largenumbers.With kind regards,Nelleke Deelen-GeuzeHSL principalTitle:Structural Cooperative Learning at HSLObjective: I know what Structural Cooperative Learning means and what the addedvalue is for my child.Content:‘The children are having so much fun, but are they playing games yetagain? Isn’t all that game playing at the expense of effective learningtime?'This ‘game’ is actually a work form from Cooperative Learning, wherebywe are teaching our HSL students to structurally work together.HSL students learn from and with each other. Our students structurally worktogether in teams of four. All of them are simultaneously actively involvedin class and discuss the material, giving the content more meaning tothem. Through this cooperation with their classmates the students developsocial skills. Cooperating is an essential skill for well-functioning in ourcurrent society. In this workshop you will learn about the effects ofStructural Cooperative Learning on your child, but also on the pedagogicclimate at HSL.8

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