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Braud, I., Dantas-Antonino, A.C., Vauclin, M., Thony, J.L., Ruelle, P., 1995. A simple soilplant-atmospheretransfer model (SiSPAT) development and field verification. JHydrol, 166(3-4): 213-250.Breuer, L., Eckhardt, K., Frede, H.-G., 2003. Plant parameter values for models in temperateclimates. Ecol Model, 169(2–3): 237-293.Brolsma, R.J., Karssenberg, D., Bierkens, M.F.P., 2010. Vegetation competition model forwater and light limitation. I: Model description, one-dimensional competition and theinfluence of groundwater. Ecol Model, 221(10): 1348-1363.Brooks, P.D., Troch, P.A., Durcik, M., Gallo, E., Schlegel, M., 2011. Quantifying regional scaleecosystem response to changes in precipitation: Not all rain is created equal. WaterResour. Res., 47(7): W00J08.Carlyle-Moses, D.E., Gash, J.H.C., 2011. Rainfall Interception Loss by Forest CanopiesForest Hydrology and Biogeochemistry. In: Levia, D.F., Carlyle-Moses, D., Tanaka, T. (Eds.).Ecological Studies. Springer Netherlands, pp. 407-423.Cox, P.M. et al., 1999. The impact of new land surface physics on the GCM simulation ofclimate and climate sensitivity. Climate Dynamics, 15(3): 183-203.Daly, E., Porporato, A., Rodriguez-Iturbe, I., 2004. Coupled Dynamics of Photosynthesis,Transpiration, and Soil Water Balance. Part I: Upscaling from Hourly to Daily Level.Journal of Hydrometeorology, 5(3): 546-558.De Boer, H.J. et al., 2011. Climate forcing due to optimization of maximal leaf conductance insubtropical vegetation under rising CO2. PNAS.De Bruin, H.A.R., Keijman, J.Q., 1979. The Priestley-Taylor Evaporation Model Applied to aLarge, Shallow Lake in the Netherlands. Journal of Applied Meteorology, 18(7): 898-903.de Jong van Lier, Q., van Dam, J.C., Metselaar, K., de Jong, R., Duijnisveld, W.H.M., 2008.Macroscopic Root Water Uptake Distribution Using a Matric Flux PotentialApproach. Vadose Zone Journal, 7(3): 1065-1078.Dickson, R.E. et al., 1998. Growth of five hybrid poplar genotypes exposed to interactingelevated CO2 and O3. Can J For Res, 28(11): 1706-1716.Doorenbos, J., Pruitt, W.O., 1977. Crop water requirements; Irrigation and drainage paper No.24, FAO, Rome.Doussan, C., Pagès, L., Vercambre, G., 1998. Modelling of the Hydraulic Architecture of RootSystems: An Integrated Approach to Water Absorption - Model Description. Ann Bot,81(2): 213-223.Droogers, P., 2009. Verbetering bepaling actuele verdamping voor het strategischwaterbeheer; Definitiestudie. STOWA 2009-11, STOWA, Utrecht.Droogers, P., Allen, R.G., 2002. Estimating Reference Evapotranspiration Under InaccurateData Conditions. Irrigation and Drainage Systems, 16(1): 33-45.Droogers, P., Immerzeel, W.W., 2010. Wat is het beste model? H2O Tijdschrift voorwatervoorziening en waterbeheer, 4: 38-41.Droogers, P., Perry, C., 2008. Scenario Based Water Resources Model to Support PolicyMaking. FutureWater report 79.Droogers, P., Van Loon, A., Immerzeel, W., 2008. Quantifying the impact of model inaccuracyin climate change impact assessment studies using an agro-hydrological model.Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 12: 1-10.Entekhabi, D. et al., 1999. An Agenda for Land Surface Hydrology Research and a Call for theSecond International Hydrological Decade. Bull Am met Soc, 80(10): 2043-2058.Farahani, H.J., Howell, T.A., Shuttleworth, W.J., Bausch, W.C., 2007. Evapotranspiration:Progress in Measurement and Modeling in Agriculture. Transactions of the ASABE,50(5): 1627-1638.Feddes, R.A., 1987. Crop factors in relation to Makkink reference-crop evapotranspiration. In:Hooghart, C. (Ed.), Evaporation and weather. Proceedings and Information. Comm.Hydrological Research TNO, The Hague, pp. 33-47.Feddes, R.A., Kowalik, P., Kolinska-Malinka, K., Zaradny, H., 1976. Simulation of field wateruptake by plants using a soil water dependent root extraction function. J Hydrol, 31:13-26.Actuele verdamping in hydrologische modellen; CONCEPT, TBV Review 2013Bartholomeus, Heijkers, Droogers, Van Dam, Van Walsum33

Braud, I., Dantas-Antonino, A.C., Vauclin, M., Thony, J.L., Ruelle, P., 1995. A simple soilplant-atmospheretransfer model (SiSPAT) development and field verification. JHydrol, 166(3-4): 213-250.Breuer, L., Eckhardt, K., Frede, H.-G., 2003. Plant parame<strong>te</strong>r values for models in <strong>te</strong>mpera<strong>te</strong>clima<strong>te</strong>s. Ecol Model, 169(2–3): 237-293.Brolsma, R.J., Karssenberg, D., Bierkens, M.F.P., 2010. Vegetation competition model forwa<strong>te</strong>r and light limitation. I: Model description, one-dimensional competition and theinfluence of groundwa<strong>te</strong>r. Ecol Model, 221(10): 1348-1363.Brooks, P.D., Troch, P.A., Durcik, M., Gallo, E., Schlegel, M., 2011. Quantifying regional scaleecosys<strong>te</strong>m response to changes in precipitation: Not all rain is crea<strong>te</strong>d equal. Wa<strong>te</strong>rResour. Res., 47(7): W00J08.Carlyle-Moses, D.E., Gash, J.H.C., 2011. Rainfall In<strong>te</strong>rception Loss by Forest CanopiesForest Hydrology and Biogeochemistry. In: Levia, D.F., Carlyle-Moses, D., Tanaka, T. (Eds.).Ecological Studies. Springer Netherlands, pp. 407-423.Cox, P.M. et al., 1999. The impact of new land surface physics on the GCM simulation ofclima<strong>te</strong> and clima<strong>te</strong> sensitivity. Clima<strong>te</strong> Dynamics, 15(3): 183-203.Daly, E., Porporato, A., Rodriguez-Iturbe, I., 2004. Coupled Dynamics of Photosynthesis,Transpiration, and Soil Wa<strong>te</strong>r Balance. Part I: Upscaling from Hourly to Daily Level.Journal of Hydrome<strong>te</strong>orology, 5(3): 546-558.De Boer, H.J. et al., 2011. Clima<strong>te</strong> forcing due to optimization of maximal leaf conductance insubtropical vegetation under rising CO2. PNAS.De Bruin, H.A.R., Keijman, J.Q., 1979. The Priestley-Taylor Evaporation Model Applied to aLarge, Shallow Lake in the Netherlands. Journal of Applied Me<strong>te</strong>orology, 18(7): 898-903.de Jong van Lier, Q., van Dam, J.C., Metselaar, K., de Jong, R., Duijnisveld, W.H.M., 2008.Macroscopic Root Wa<strong>te</strong>r Uptake Distribution Using a Matric Flux Po<strong>te</strong>ntialApproach. Vadose Zone Journal, 7(3): 1065-1078.Dickson, R.E. et al., 1998. Growth of five hybrid poplar genotypes exposed to in<strong>te</strong>ractingeleva<strong>te</strong>d CO2 and O3. Can J For Res, 28(11): 1706-1716.Doorenbos, J., Pruitt, W.O., 1977. Crop wa<strong>te</strong>r requirements; Irrigation and drainage paper No.24, FAO, Rome.Doussan, C., Pagès, L., Vercambre, G., 1998. Modelling of the Hydraulic Archi<strong>te</strong>cture of RootSys<strong>te</strong>ms: An In<strong>te</strong>gra<strong>te</strong>d Approach to Wa<strong>te</strong>r Absorption - Model Description. Ann Bot,81(2): 213-223.Droogers, P., 2009. Verbe<strong>te</strong>ring bepaling actuele verdamping voor het stra<strong>te</strong>gischwa<strong>te</strong>rbeheer; Definitiestudie. STOWA 2009-11, STOWA, Utrecht.Droogers, P., Allen, R.G., 2002. Estimating Reference Evapotranspiration Under Inaccura<strong>te</strong>Data Conditions. Irrigation and Drainage Sys<strong>te</strong>ms, 16(1): 33-45.Droogers, P., Immerzeel, W.W., 2010. Wat is het bes<strong>te</strong> model? H2O Tijdschrift voorwa<strong>te</strong>rvoorziening en wa<strong>te</strong>rbeheer, 4: 38-41.Droogers, P., Perry, C., 2008. Scenario Based Wa<strong>te</strong>r Resources Model to Support PolicyMaking. FutureWa<strong>te</strong>r report 79.Droogers, P., Van Loon, A., Immerzeel, W., 2008. Quantifying the impact of model inaccuracyin clima<strong>te</strong> change impact assessment studies using an agro-hydrological model.Hydrology and Earth Sys<strong>te</strong>m Sciences, 12: 1-10.En<strong>te</strong>khabi, D. et al., 1999. An Agenda for Land Surface Hydrology Research and a Call for theSecond In<strong>te</strong>rnational Hydrological Decade. Bull Am met Soc, 80(10): 2043-2058.Farahani, H.J., Howell, T.A., Shuttleworth, W.J., Bausch, W.C., 2007. Evapotranspiration:Progress in Measurement and Modeling in Agriculture. Transactions of the ASABE,50(5): 1627-1638.Feddes, R.A., 1987. Crop factors in relation to Makkink reference-crop evapotranspiration. In:Hooghart, C. (Ed.), Evaporation and weather. Proceedings and Information. Comm.Hydrological Research TNO, The Hague, pp. 33-47.Feddes, R.A., Kowalik, P., Kolinska-Malinka, K., Zaradny, H., 1976. Simulation of field wa<strong>te</strong>ruptake by plants using a soil wa<strong>te</strong>r dependent root extraction function. J Hydrol, 31:13-26.Actuele verdamping in hydrologische modellen; CONCEPT, TBV Review 2013Bartholomeus, Heijkers, Droogers, Van Dam, Van Walsum33

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