de jaarverslagen van 2010 en 2009 - KWR Watercycle Research ...

de jaarverslagen van 2010 en 2009 - KWR Watercycle Research ...

de jaarverslagen van 2010 en 2009 - KWR Watercycle Research ...


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Jaarverslag | Annual Report <strong>2010</strong><br />

Bridging Sci<strong>en</strong>ce<br />

to Practice

Jaarverslag | Annual Report <strong>2010</strong><br />

Bridging Sci<strong>en</strong>ce<br />

to Practice

Bridging Sci<strong>en</strong>ce to Practice<br />


Jaarverslag | Annual report <strong>2010</strong><br />

Inhoud | Cont<strong>en</strong>ts<br />

Op <strong>de</strong> cover: Granulaatkorrels <strong>van</strong> P.E. (Polyethe<strong>en</strong>) die<br />

gebruikt wor<strong>de</strong>n voor <strong>de</strong> productie <strong>van</strong> buiz<strong>en</strong> voor <strong>de</strong><br />

drinkwatersector. Het chemisch laboratorium <strong>van</strong> <strong>KWR</strong><br />

test <strong>de</strong> granulaatkorrels via migratie in water op geur<br />

<strong>en</strong> smaak. Door zowel <strong>de</strong> korrels als <strong>de</strong> uitein<strong>de</strong>lijke<br />

buiz<strong>en</strong> te test<strong>en</strong>, is <strong>de</strong> invloed <strong>van</strong> het productieproces<br />

op water na te gaan.<br />

Granular polyeth<strong>en</strong>e can be used in the production<br />

of drinking water pipes. The chemical laboratory at<br />

<strong>KWR</strong> carries out migration tests on granular polyeth<strong>en</strong>e<br />

to <strong>de</strong>termine the effect on the taste and odour of water.<br />

Using the results of these tests in combination with<br />

the results from similar tests on the actual pipes,<br />

the influ<strong>en</strong>ce of the pipe manufacture process on<br />

drinking water can be <strong>de</strong>termined.<br />

4<br />

7<br />

88<br />

90<br />

91<br />

92<br />

93<br />

104<br />

104<br />

94<br />

98<br />

99<br />

99<br />

100<br />

102<br />

20<br />

21<br />

22<br />

23<br />

23<br />

24<br />

25<br />

26<br />

27<br />

28<br />

Voorwoord | Foreword<br />

RvC-gegev<strong>en</strong>s <strong>2010</strong> | Supervisory<br />

Board information, <strong>2010</strong><br />

Geconsoli<strong>de</strong>er<strong>de</strong> balans voor winstbestemming<br />

per 31-12-<strong>2010</strong> | Consolidated balance sheet<br />

before appropriations for profit 31-12-<strong>2010</strong><br />

Geconsoli<strong>de</strong>er<strong>de</strong> winst- <strong>en</strong> verliesrek<strong>en</strong>ing <strong>2010</strong><br />

Consolidated profit and loss account <strong>2010</strong><br />

Geconsoli<strong>de</strong>erd kasstroomoverzicht <strong>2010</strong> | Cash<br />

flow statem<strong>en</strong>t <strong>2010</strong><br />

Aan<strong>de</strong>elhou<strong>de</strong>rs | Sharehol<strong>de</strong>rs<br />

Contact<br />

Colofon | Colophon<br />

Publicaties | Publications<br />

BTO Rapport<strong>en</strong> | Reports <strong>2010</strong><br />

De Bosatlas <strong>van</strong> Ne<strong>de</strong>rland Waterland | Atlas<br />

Boek<strong>en</strong> | Books<br />

Artikel<strong>en</strong> in boek<strong>en</strong> | Book sections<br />

Artikel<strong>en</strong> | Publications in peer-reviewed<br />

journals <strong>2010</strong><br />

Artikel<strong>en</strong> in vakbla<strong>de</strong>n | Publications in<br />

professional journals <strong>2010</strong><br />

Internationaal | International<br />


TRUST<br />

WssTP<br />


GWRC<br />

ARC<br />

CEO-confer<strong>en</strong>tie | CEO confer<strong>en</strong>ce<br />

<strong>KWR</strong>’s expertise onmisbaar voor internationalisering<br />

| <strong>KWR</strong>’s expertise is vital for<br />

internationalisation<br />

<strong>KWR</strong> helpt bij drinkwater besmetting België<br />

Belgian drinking water contamination<br />

inci<strong>de</strong>nt<br />

IWA Montréal <strong>2010</strong><br />

Sam<strong>en</strong>werking in k<strong>en</strong>nisnetwerk<strong>en</strong><br />

Collaboration in knowledge<br />

networks<br />

8 Netwerk<strong>en</strong> in k<strong>en</strong>nis, k<strong>en</strong>nis in netwerk<strong>en</strong><br />

Networks of knowledge, and knowledge<br />

of networks<br />

10 Sam<strong>en</strong>werking over gr<strong>en</strong>z<strong>en</strong> he<strong>en</strong> | Collaboration<br />

beyond bor<strong>de</strong>rs<br />

68 K<strong>en</strong>nis voor klimaat | Knowledge for Climate<br />

78 Sam<strong>en</strong>werking met TTI-W Wetsus | Collaboration<br />

with Wetsus, C<strong>en</strong>tre of Excell<strong>en</strong>ce for<br />

Sustainable Water Technology<br />

79 <strong>KWR</strong>-vestiging in Leeuwar<strong>de</strong>n | <strong>KWR</strong> location in<br />

Leeuwar<strong>de</strong>n<br />

81 UCAD<br />

82 Asellus<br />

83 HeliXeR<br />

Teams | Teams<br />

32 Team Microbiologie | Microbiology<br />

36 Laboratorium voor Material<strong>en</strong>on<strong>de</strong>rzoek <strong>en</strong><br />

Chemische analyse | Materials <strong>Research</strong> and<br />

Chemical Analysis Laboratory<br />

40 Team Chemische Waterkwaliteit <strong>en</strong><br />

Gezondheid | Chemistry<br />

44 Laboratorium voor Microbiologie | Microbiology<br />

Laboratory<br />

47 Team Waterinfrastructuur | Water Infrastructure<br />

56 Team Industrie, Afvalwater & Hergebruik<br />

Industry, Wastewater & Reuse<br />

59 Team Drinkwaterbehan<strong>de</strong>ling | Drinking Water<br />

Treatm<strong>en</strong>t<br />

62 Team Geohydrologie | Geohydrology<br />

66 Team Integraal Waterbeheer | Integrated Water<br />

Managem<strong>en</strong>t<br />

70 Team Ecologie | Ecology<br />

75 Team K<strong>en</strong>nis- <strong>en</strong> Programma Managem<strong>en</strong>t<br />

Knowledge- and Programme Managem<strong>en</strong>t<br />

85 Team Human Resources<br />

96 Team Docum<strong>en</strong>t<strong>en</strong>c<strong>en</strong>trum | Docum<strong>en</strong>t c<strong>en</strong>ter

Bridging Sci<strong>en</strong>ce to Practice<br />

Dit pictogram wordt gebruikt voor <strong>de</strong><br />

aanduiding <strong>van</strong> contactgegev<strong>en</strong>s.<br />

This pictorgram will be used to indicate<br />

contact information.<br />

Dit pictogram wordt gebruikt voor<br />

<strong>de</strong> aanduiding <strong>van</strong> partners in<br />

sam<strong>en</strong>werkingsverban<strong>de</strong>n.<br />

This pictogram will be used to indicate<br />

partners in collaboration.<br />

32<br />

34<br />

38<br />

48<br />

60<br />

62<br />

64<br />

72<br />

42<br />

57<br />

58<br />

Thema’s | Themes<br />

Gezond | Healthy water<br />

Risicobeheersing in <strong>de</strong> waterket<strong>en</strong> | Risk<br />

managem<strong>en</strong>t in the water cycle<br />

Kans op Q-koorts via drinkwater is miniem<br />

Chance of getting Q fever via drinking water<br />

is minimal<br />

Rioolwater weerspiegelt drugsgebruik | Sewage<br />

water reflects illegal drug use<br />

Bitum<strong>en</strong> coatings verg<strong>en</strong> oplett<strong>en</strong>dheid<br />

Bitum<strong>en</strong> coatings call for caution<br />

Duurzaam | Sustainable water<br />

Slimme bedrijfsvoering voorkomt mechanische<br />

putverstopping | Intellig<strong>en</strong>t operational<br />

managem<strong>en</strong>t prev<strong>en</strong>ts mechanical well<br />

clogging<br />

Innovatieve techniek voor horizontale putt<strong>en</strong><br />

Innovative technique for horizontal wells<br />

Nooit meer gietwatertekort | Solving irrigation<br />

water shortages<br />

Vegetatietyp<strong>en</strong> snel in beeld met remote s<strong>en</strong>sing<br />

Vegetation types quickly i<strong>de</strong>ntified using<br />

remote s<strong>en</strong>sing<br />

Vooruitstrev<strong>en</strong>d | Ad<strong>van</strong>ced water<br />

Toxische stoff<strong>en</strong> <strong>de</strong>tecter<strong>en</strong> met bacteriën<br />

Using bacteria to <strong>de</strong>tect toxic compounds<br />

On<strong>de</strong>rzoeksprogramma Industrie & Water<br />

(OPIW) | Industry & Water <strong>Research</strong><br />

Programme<br />

Zeewater slim ontzout<strong>en</strong> | Intellig<strong>en</strong>t seawater<br />

<strong>de</strong>salination<br />

42<br />

46<br />

46<br />

52<br />

53<br />

53<br />

53<br />

59<br />

61<br />

69<br />

69<br />

70<br />

101<br />

Promoties, prijz<strong>en</strong>, aanstelling<strong>en</strong><br />

Doctorates, prizes, appointm<strong>en</strong>ts<br />

Poster prijs | Poster Prize Marjolijn Wouters<strong>en</strong><br />

Oratie | inaugural lecture Gertjan Me<strong>de</strong>ma<br />

Promotie | Doctorate Mirjam Blokker<br />

AGV-prijs | Water innovation award sewer mining<br />

Promotie | Doctorate Marthe <strong>de</strong> Graaff<br />

Eredoctoraat | Honorary doctorate<br />

Mark <strong>van</strong> Loosdrecht<br />

Promotie | Doctorate Bas Wols<br />

V<strong>en</strong>i-beurs | V<strong>en</strong>i grant Jan Post<br />

Promotie | Doctorate Kees <strong>van</strong> Beek<br />

Promotie | Doctorate Ruud Bartolomeus<br />

Promotie | Doctorate Yuki Fujita<br />

Hydrologieprijs | Hydrology award<br />

Ruud Bartholomeus<br />

Willem Koerselmanprijs<br />

On<strong>de</strong>rzoek | <strong>Research</strong><br />

15 On<strong>de</strong>rzoeksthema’s | <strong>Research</strong> themes<br />

18 Verdiep<strong>en</strong> <strong>en</strong> verbre<strong>de</strong>n in on<strong>de</strong>rzoek | Deep<strong>en</strong><br />

and broa<strong>de</strong>n research<br />

54 On<strong>de</strong>rzoek voor <strong>de</strong> industrie | <strong>Research</strong> for<br />

industry<br />

76 Bedrijfstakon<strong>de</strong>rzoek voor <strong>de</strong> drinkwater -<br />

bedrijv<strong>en</strong> | Joint research for drinking water<br />

companies<br />

77 DPW — On<strong>de</strong>rzoek voor <strong>de</strong> duinwaterbedrijv<strong>en</strong><br />

<strong>Research</strong> for the dune water companies<br />

80 Waterschapp<strong>en</strong> <strong>en</strong> overhe<strong>de</strong>n | Waterboards and<br />

governm<strong>en</strong>ts<br />

5<br />

20<br />

50<br />

74<br />

75<br />

Efficiënt | Effici<strong>en</strong>t water<br />

TECHNEAU groot succes in Europa | TECHNEAU:<br />

a great European success<br />

Hoogwaardig water terugwinn<strong>en</strong> uit afvalwater<br />

Recovering valuable water from wastewater<br />

Met ‘sociaal ler<strong>en</strong>’ <strong>de</strong> toekomst verk<strong>en</strong>n<strong>en</strong><br />

Exploring the future through ‘social learning’<br />

DWSI<br />

84<br />

96<br />

<strong>KWR</strong> organisatie | Organisation<br />

Flexibiliteit voor werknemer steeds belangrijker<br />

Flexibility for staff increasingly important<br />

Het docum<strong>en</strong>t<strong>en</strong>c<strong>en</strong>trum: e<strong>en</strong> schaap met vijf<br />

pot<strong>en</strong> | The docum<strong>en</strong>t c<strong>en</strong>tre: <strong>de</strong>manding the<br />


Voorwoord | Foreword<br />

<strong>2010</strong>: Bridging sci<strong>en</strong>ce<br />

to practice<br />

Het jaar <strong>2010</strong> heeft in het tek<strong>en</strong> gestaan <strong>van</strong> <strong>de</strong> groei <strong>van</strong> <strong>KWR</strong><br />

<strong>Watercycle</strong> <strong>Research</strong> Institute als toegepast on<strong>de</strong>rzoeksinstituut <strong>en</strong><br />

verbin<strong>de</strong>n<strong>de</strong> kracht in <strong>de</strong> Europese waterket<strong>en</strong>. Wij vin<strong>de</strong>n <strong>de</strong> titel<br />

<strong>van</strong> dit jaarverslag — Bridging Sci<strong>en</strong>ce to Practice — dan ook goed aansluit<strong>en</strong><br />

bij onze activiteit<strong>en</strong> <strong>van</strong> het afgelop<strong>en</strong> jaar. Naast veel tijd<br />

aan ons wet<strong>en</strong>schappelijk werk hebb<strong>en</strong> we ook veel tijd besteed aan<br />

het bij elkaar br<strong>en</strong>g<strong>en</strong> <strong>van</strong> partij<strong>en</strong> die nodig zijn om ons wet<strong>en</strong>schappelijk<br />

werk stevig in <strong>de</strong> praktijk te lat<strong>en</strong> lan<strong>de</strong>n. We begrijp<strong>en</strong><br />

daarbij steeds beter hoe partij<strong>en</strong> in <strong>de</strong> kleinschalige <strong>en</strong> complexe<br />

omgeving <strong>van</strong> <strong>de</strong> watersector sam<strong>en</strong> sterker staan.<br />

Op bei<strong>de</strong> front<strong>en</strong>, ons wet<strong>en</strong>schappelijk werk <strong>en</strong> het aspect <strong>van</strong><br />

organiser<strong>en</strong> <strong>en</strong> verbin<strong>de</strong>n, hebb<strong>en</strong> we e<strong>en</strong> zeer productief jaar achter<br />

<strong>de</strong> rug. Onze wet<strong>en</strong>schappelijke output laat e<strong>en</strong> steile groeicurve<br />

zi<strong>en</strong>; hetzelf<strong>de</strong> geldt voor het aantal partnerships waarmee we<br />

die k<strong>en</strong>nis in <strong>de</strong> waterket<strong>en</strong> tot bloei lat<strong>en</strong> kom<strong>en</strong>. Dat is te dank<strong>en</strong><br />

aan <strong>de</strong> zeer gemotiveer<strong>de</strong> <strong>en</strong> ambitieuze me<strong>de</strong>werkers <strong>van</strong> <strong>KWR</strong>.<br />

Wet<strong>en</strong>schappers <strong>en</strong> on<strong>de</strong>rsteun<strong>en</strong><strong>de</strong> staf trekk<strong>en</strong> daarbij in grote<br />

saamhorigheid op.<br />

Het was e<strong>en</strong> zeer inspirer<strong>en</strong>d jaar waarin ook gewerkt is aan e<strong>en</strong><br />

nieuw on<strong>de</strong>rnemingsplan. We gaan vorm gev<strong>en</strong> aan <strong>KWR</strong> als echte<br />

Europese k<strong>en</strong>nison<strong>de</strong>rneming met Ne<strong>de</strong>rland als basis <strong>en</strong> Europa<br />

als thuismarkt. Vandaar <strong>van</strong>af dit jaar e<strong>en</strong> tweetalig jaarverslag.<br />

U hoort weer <strong>van</strong> ons!<br />

Ik w<strong>en</strong>s u veel leesplezier.<br />

Wim <strong>van</strong> Vierss<strong>en</strong><br />

Directeur | Managing Director,<br />

<strong>KWR</strong> <strong>Watercycle</strong> <strong>Research</strong> Institute<br />

The year <strong>2010</strong> was marked by the growth of<br />

<strong>KWR</strong> <strong>Watercycle</strong> <strong>Research</strong> Institute both as<br />

an institute of applied research and as binding<br />

force in the European water cycle. This is<br />

why we think that the title of our annual<br />

report —‘Bridging Sci<strong>en</strong>ce to Practice’— is an<br />

accurate reflection of our activities last year.<br />

Not only did we <strong>de</strong>dicate a lot of time<br />

to our sci<strong>en</strong>tific work, we also invested great<br />

effort in bringing together those parties<br />

nee<strong>de</strong>d to anchor our sci<strong>en</strong>tific work in water<br />

sector practice. We moreover have a better<br />

and better un<strong>de</strong>rstanding of how the parties<br />

in the water sector’s small-scale and complex<br />

<strong>en</strong>vironm<strong>en</strong>t become stronger wh<strong>en</strong> they<br />

work together.<br />

On both fronts — that is, our sci<strong>en</strong>tific work<br />

and our organising and networking activities<br />

— <strong>2010</strong> was very productive for us. Our sci<strong>en</strong>tific<br />

output showed a steep growth curve,<br />

as did the number of partnerships through<br />

which we promote the flourishing of our<br />

knowledge in the water cycle. This is only<br />

possible thanks to our highly motivated and<br />

ambitious staff at <strong>KWR</strong> — our sci<strong>en</strong>tists and<br />

support staff work closely together toward<br />

our shared goal.<br />

In this extremely inspirational year we<br />

also began to <strong>de</strong>velop a new business plan.<br />

We are going to transform <strong>KWR</strong> into a truly<br />

European knowledge <strong>en</strong>terprise, with the<br />

Netherlands as its base and Europe as its<br />

home-market. That is why, beginning this<br />

year, our annual report will be bilingual.<br />

You will be hearing from us!<br />

7<br />

I wish you a lot of reading pleasure.

Internationale k<strong>en</strong>nisnetwerk<strong>en</strong> | International networks of knowledge<br />

Contact<br />

Mariëlle <strong>van</strong> <strong>de</strong>r Zouw<strong>en</strong><br />

marielle.<strong>van</strong>.<strong>de</strong>r.zouw<strong>en</strong>@kwrwater.nl<br />

Netwerk<strong>en</strong> in k<strong>en</strong>nis,<br />

k<strong>en</strong>nis in netwerk<strong>en</strong><br />

8<br />

Wet<strong>en</strong>schappers, overheid, drinkwater- <strong>en</strong><br />

commer ciële bedrijv<strong>en</strong>: het zijn verschill<strong>en</strong><strong>de</strong><br />

werel<strong>de</strong>n, die sam<strong>en</strong>werking zoek<strong>en</strong>. Gaat dat goed?<br />

Ja <strong>en</strong> nee. Mariëlle <strong>van</strong> <strong>de</strong>r Zouw<strong>en</strong> <strong>van</strong> <strong>KWR</strong> on<strong>de</strong>rzoekt<br />

met Peter <strong>van</strong> <strong>de</strong>n Besselaar <strong>van</strong> <strong>de</strong> Vrije Universiteit<br />

Amsterdam hoe je het <strong>de</strong>l<strong>en</strong> <strong>van</strong> k<strong>en</strong>nis het best<br />

kunt organiser<strong>en</strong>.<br />

Networks of knowledge,<br />

and knowledge of networks<br />

Sci<strong>en</strong>tists, governm<strong>en</strong>t, drinking water and<br />

commercial <strong>en</strong>terprises: they all repres<strong>en</strong>t<br />

distinct worlds, but worlds that are seeking<br />

to collaborate. Is it going well? Yes and no.<br />

<strong>KWR</strong>’s Mariëlle <strong>van</strong> <strong>de</strong>r Zouw<strong>en</strong> and Peter <strong>van</strong><br />

<strong>de</strong>n Besselaar, of VU University Amsterdam,<br />

are studying how the sharing of knowledge<br />

can best be organised.<br />

Het lijkt zo simpel: je ontwikkelt k<strong>en</strong>nis <strong>en</strong> die geef je door. Maar<br />

in <strong>de</strong> praktijk zit daar e<strong>en</strong> hele wereld achter. Waarom verdwijn<strong>en</strong><br />

goe<strong>de</strong> rapport<strong>en</strong> in e<strong>en</strong> la <strong>en</strong> zie je soms onverwachte sam<strong>en</strong>werkingsverban<strong>de</strong>n<br />

opbloei<strong>en</strong>? Mariëlle <strong>van</strong> <strong>de</strong>r Zouw<strong>en</strong> (<strong>KWR</strong>) vertelt<br />

over <strong>de</strong> fasciner<strong>en</strong><strong>de</strong> wereld <strong>van</strong> k<strong>en</strong>nisnetwerk<strong>en</strong>: “We legg<strong>en</strong> plaatjes<br />

<strong>van</strong> m<strong>en</strong>s<strong>en</strong> die sam<strong>en</strong>werk<strong>en</strong> op plaatjes <strong>van</strong> on<strong>de</strong>rwerp<strong>en</strong><br />

waarover k<strong>en</strong>nis wordt ontwikkeld. Dan zie je soms dat e<strong>en</strong> on<strong>de</strong>rzoeksgroep<br />

heel geïsoleerd ligt, waardoor <strong>de</strong> k<strong>en</strong>nis niet ver<strong>de</strong>r verspreid<br />

dreigt te wor<strong>de</strong>n.” Peter <strong>van</strong> <strong>de</strong>n Besselaar (VU Amsterdam)<br />

haakt daarop in: “In zo’n geval wil je wet<strong>en</strong> welke prikkels er nodig<br />

zijn om die k<strong>en</strong>nis wel te lat<strong>en</strong> strom<strong>en</strong>, zodat ze toegankelijker<br />

wordt voor e<strong>en</strong> bre<strong>de</strong>r publiek.”<br />

Van <strong>de</strong>r Zouw<strong>en</strong> <strong>en</strong> Van <strong>de</strong>n Besselaar on<strong>de</strong>rzoek<strong>en</strong> <strong>de</strong> waterket<strong>en</strong>:<br />

drinkwaterbedrijv<strong>en</strong>, geme<strong>en</strong>t<strong>en</strong> <strong>en</strong> waterschapp<strong>en</strong> <strong>en</strong> hun sam<strong>en</strong>werkingspartners.<br />

Daarnaast richt<strong>en</strong> ze zich op netwerk<strong>en</strong> die<br />

zich bezighou<strong>de</strong>n met het klimaat. Van <strong>de</strong>r Zouw<strong>en</strong>: “Klimaat is e<strong>en</strong><br />

relatief jong thema <strong>en</strong> het on<strong>de</strong>rzoek is georganiseerd in grote<br />

programma’s, an<strong>de</strong>rs dan in <strong>de</strong> waterket<strong>en</strong>.” Van <strong>de</strong>n Besselaar:<br />

“Voor ons is <strong>de</strong> kernvraag: welke vorm <strong>van</strong> organiser<strong>en</strong>, <strong>en</strong> welke<br />

vorm <strong>van</strong> financiering <strong>van</strong> on<strong>de</strong>rzoek is het best in <strong>de</strong>ze situatie?”<br />

Brugg<strong>en</strong> bouw<strong>en</strong><br />

Van <strong>de</strong>r Zouw<strong>en</strong>: “In <strong>de</strong> waterket<strong>en</strong> vind je scherpe gr<strong>en</strong>z<strong>en</strong>.<br />

Dat zag<strong>en</strong> we bijvoorbeeld bij <strong>de</strong> jaarlijkse vakantiecursus voor<br />

waterprofessionals. Daar war<strong>en</strong> twee parallelsessies: e<strong>en</strong> over drinkwater,<br />

e<strong>en</strong> over afvalwater. Wij vroeg<strong>en</strong> wie uit <strong>de</strong> drinkwatersector<br />

naar <strong>de</strong> sessie over afvalwater was geweest <strong>en</strong> an<strong>de</strong>rsom. Dat blek<strong>en</strong><br />

er bijna ti<strong>en</strong> <strong>van</strong> <strong>de</strong> ruim vierhon<strong>de</strong>rd te zijn, nog ge<strong>en</strong> 5% dus.”<br />

Dat roept nieuwe vrag<strong>en</strong> op. Wat zijn dat voor m<strong>en</strong>s<strong>en</strong> die wel <strong>de</strong><br />

It seems so simple: you <strong>de</strong>velop the knowledge<br />

and th<strong>en</strong> you pass it on. But in practice the<br />

reality is very differ<strong>en</strong>t. Why do good reports<br />

gather dust on shelves, while sometimes<br />

unexpected collaborations flourish? Mariëlle<br />

<strong>van</strong> <strong>de</strong>r Zouw<strong>en</strong> of <strong>KWR</strong> discusses the<br />

fascinating world of knowledge networks:<br />

“We superimpose images of people who work<br />

together over images of the subjects about which<br />

knowledge is being <strong>de</strong>veloped. This sometimes<br />

reveals that a research group is really very<br />

isolated, with the risk that the knowledge it<br />

produces will not be disseminated.” Peter <strong>van</strong><br />

<strong>de</strong>n Besselaar of VU University Amsterdam adds:<br />

“In such a case you want to discover what<br />

stimulants allow this knowledge to flow out and<br />

thus become more accessible to a broa<strong>de</strong>r public.”<br />

The researchers study the water cycle: drinking<br />

water companies, municipalities and waterboards,<br />

and their collaborating partners. They<br />

also direct their att<strong>en</strong>tion to climate issues.<br />

“Climate is a relatively new theme,” says Van <strong>de</strong>r<br />

Zouw<strong>en</strong>, “and research on it is organised within<br />

big programmes — which is not the case of<br />

water cycle research.” “The key question for us is:<br />

What is the best organisational form, and<br />

what is the best approach to research financing,<br />

for this situation?” says Van <strong>de</strong>n Besselaar.

Rath<strong>en</strong>au Instituut,<br />

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam,<br />

TU Delft<br />

an<strong>de</strong>re wereld opzoek<strong>en</strong>? Welke eig<strong>en</strong>schapp<strong>en</strong> hebb<strong>en</strong> ze?<br />

Slag<strong>en</strong> zij erin om brugg<strong>en</strong> te bouw<strong>en</strong>? Het hoev<strong>en</strong> er ook niet veel<br />

te zijn volg<strong>en</strong>s <strong>de</strong> theorie: e<strong>en</strong> paar m<strong>en</strong>s<strong>en</strong> op cruciale plekk<strong>en</strong> is<br />

g<strong>en</strong>oeg. Van <strong>de</strong>n Besselaar: “We bestu<strong>de</strong>r<strong>en</strong> ook hoe het internationale<br />

netwerk eruit ziet <strong>en</strong> hoe <strong>de</strong> Ne<strong>de</strong>rlandse spelers daarin zitt<strong>en</strong>.<br />

Internationaal doet Ne<strong>de</strong>rland het trouw<strong>en</strong>s niet slecht op het<br />

gebied <strong>van</strong> water. De on<strong>de</strong>rzoekssector is groter dan je zou verwacht<strong>en</strong>,<br />

<strong>de</strong> groei <strong>van</strong> publicaties is iets bov<strong>en</strong>gemid<strong>de</strong>ld.”<br />

Toepasbaar<br />

“We legg<strong>en</strong> plaatjes<br />

<strong>van</strong> m<strong>en</strong>s<strong>en</strong> die sam<strong>en</strong>werk<strong>en</strong><br />

op plaatjes <strong>van</strong><br />

on<strong>de</strong>r werp<strong>en</strong> waarover<br />

k<strong>en</strong>nis wordt ontwikkeld.<br />

Dan zie je soms dat e<strong>en</strong><br />

on<strong>de</strong>rzoeks groep<br />

heel geïsoleerd ligt.”<br />

— Mariëlle <strong>van</strong> <strong>de</strong>r Zouw<strong>en</strong><br />

Het on<strong>de</strong>rzoek startte in <strong>2010</strong>, als e<strong>en</strong> sam<strong>en</strong>werkingsverband<br />

tuss<strong>en</strong> <strong>de</strong> Vrije Universiteit, <strong>KWR</strong>, het Rath<strong>en</strong>au Instituut <strong>en</strong> <strong>de</strong><br />

Technische Universiteit Delft. Voorlopig heeft het team g<strong>en</strong>oeg boei<strong>en</strong><strong>de</strong><br />

vrag<strong>en</strong> om te on<strong>de</strong>rzoek<strong>en</strong>: als je on<strong>de</strong>rzoeksvrag<strong>en</strong> formuleert<br />

in sam<strong>en</strong>werking met <strong>de</strong> gebruiker, levert dat dan e<strong>en</strong> beter toepasbare<br />

k<strong>en</strong>nis op? Helpt het <strong>de</strong> sam<strong>en</strong>werking als je fysiek dicht bij<br />

elkaar zit, maar ook: hoe belangrijk is het dat je elkaar vertrouwt,<br />

<strong>de</strong>zelf<strong>de</strong> visie <strong>en</strong> i<strong>de</strong>eën hebt, <strong>en</strong> e<strong>en</strong> vergelijkbare werkomgeving?<br />

Do<strong>en</strong> we in Ne<strong>de</strong>rland <strong>de</strong> juiste ding<strong>en</strong> als wij internationaal<br />

toonaan gev<strong>en</strong>d will<strong>en</strong> zijn?<br />

“Dat alles”, besluit Van <strong>de</strong>r Zouw<strong>en</strong>, “helpt onze partners in <strong>de</strong><br />

waterket<strong>en</strong> keuzes te mak<strong>en</strong> in alliantie- <strong>en</strong> k<strong>en</strong>nisontwikkeling<br />

<strong>en</strong> in het beter b<strong>en</strong>utt<strong>en</strong> <strong>van</strong> k<strong>en</strong>nis.”<br />

Building bridges<br />

“There are clear boundaries within the water<br />

cycle,” notes Van <strong>de</strong>r Zouw<strong>en</strong>. “We observed this,<br />

for instance, in the context of the annual<br />

summer course for Dutch water professionals.<br />

There were two parallel sessions: one on drinking<br />

water and one on waste water. We were interested<br />

in how many people from the drinking<br />

water sector att<strong>en</strong><strong>de</strong>d sessions on waste water,<br />

and vice-versa. It turned out that less than t<strong>en</strong><br />

of the over four hundred participants did<br />

so — that’s not ev<strong>en</strong> 5%.” This raises some new<br />

questions: What characterised the people who<br />

actually att<strong>en</strong><strong>de</strong>d the other course? Did they<br />

succeed in building any bridges? The theory says<br />

that this doesn’t take too many: a couple of<br />

individuals at crucial spots is suffici<strong>en</strong>t. “We also<br />

study what the international network looked<br />

like, and the position that the Dutch players<br />

occupy in it,” adds Van <strong>de</strong>n Besselaar. “As a<br />

matter of fact, the Netherlands doesn’t do too<br />

badly in the field of water internationally. The<br />

research sector is larger than you might expect,<br />

and the growth rate of its publications is<br />

slightly above-average.”<br />

Applicable in pratice<br />

The research started in <strong>2010</strong> as a collaboration<br />

betwe<strong>en</strong> VU University Amsterdam, <strong>KWR</strong>,<br />

the Rath<strong>en</strong>au Institute and Delft University of<br />

Technology. At the mom<strong>en</strong>t, the research team<br />

has <strong>en</strong>ough exciting questions on its plate.<br />

For instance: If you formulate research questions<br />

jointly with <strong>en</strong>d-users, does this result in<br />

knowledge that is more applicable in practice?<br />

Does the collaboration b<strong>en</strong>efit if you are located<br />

physically close to each other? In addition:<br />

How important is it that you trust each other,<br />

share the same vision and i<strong>de</strong>as, and work in<br />

comparable <strong>en</strong>vironm<strong>en</strong>ts? and: Are we, in the<br />

Netherlands, doing what we have to do to<br />

reach international promin<strong>en</strong>ce?<br />

“All this,” conclu<strong>de</strong>s Van <strong>de</strong>r Zouw<strong>en</strong>, “assists<br />

our partners in the water cycle in making<br />

choices regarding alliances and knowledge<br />

<strong>de</strong>velopm<strong>en</strong>t, and in making better use of<br />


Jaarverslag | Annual report <strong>2010</strong><br />

Atlas <strong>van</strong> <strong>de</strong><br />

wet<strong>en</strong>schap (2)<br />

De figuur laat het aan<strong>de</strong>el <strong>van</strong> <strong>de</strong> top 5<br />

lan<strong>de</strong>n <strong>en</strong> Ne<strong>de</strong>rland zi<strong>en</strong> binn<strong>en</strong> <strong>de</strong> ti<strong>en</strong><br />

on<strong>de</strong>rzoeksgeme<strong>en</strong>schapp<strong>en</strong> in 2008.<br />

De Ver<strong>en</strong>ig<strong>de</strong> Stat<strong>en</strong> <strong>en</strong> China nem<strong>en</strong> over<br />

het algeme<strong>en</strong> e<strong>en</strong> dominante positie in.<br />

De bijdrage <strong>van</strong> Ne<strong>de</strong>rland is gemid<strong>de</strong>ld<br />

2,5%. Binn<strong>en</strong> het cluster ‘water<br />

managem<strong>en</strong>t’ is <strong>de</strong> Ne<strong>de</strong>rlandse bijdrage<br />

in <strong>de</strong> meeste on<strong>de</strong>rzoeksgeme<strong>en</strong>schapp<strong>en</strong><br />

hoger dan 2,5%. In het cluster ‘water<br />

technology’ is het Ne<strong>de</strong>rlandse aan<strong>de</strong>el<br />

voor <strong>de</strong> specialisatie ‘<strong>de</strong>salination’<br />

ook bov<strong>en</strong>gemid<strong>de</strong>ld (bijvoorbeeld<br />

‘membrane separation processes for use<br />

in wastewater treatm<strong>en</strong>t’ <strong>en</strong> ‘seawater<br />

<strong>de</strong>salination’).<br />

Atlas of sci<strong>en</strong>ce (2)<br />

The figure shows the position of the<br />

top 5 countries and the Netherlands in<br />

the 10 water research communities in<br />

2008. G<strong>en</strong>erally, USA and China have<br />

dominant positions with the highest<br />

shares in these fields. The contribution<br />

of the Netherlands is on average 2.5%.<br />

Within the water managem<strong>en</strong>t cluster<br />

the Dutch contribution exceeds 2.5% in<br />

most communities. Within the water<br />

technology cluster the specialisation<br />

‘<strong>de</strong>salination’ (e.g. membrane separation<br />

processes for use in wastewater<br />

treatm<strong>en</strong>t and seawater <strong>de</strong>salination)<br />

also exceeds the average.<br />

remediation surface water runoff<br />

global change<br />

hydrogeology<br />

precipitation<br />

water-balance<br />

manganese<br />

contamination<br />

reuse carbon agriculture<br />

ground water pestici<strong>de</strong>s monitoring phosphorous<br />

catchm<strong>en</strong>t<br />

iron phytoremediationphosphorus<br />

nitrog<strong>en</strong><br />

fluorosis<br />

organic matter<br />

nitrate<br />

river<br />

bioavailability<br />

vegetation<br />

nitrite<br />

sedim<strong>en</strong>ts<br />

sedim<strong>en</strong>t<br />

acid mine drainage soil<br />

carbon dioxi<strong>de</strong><br />

metals<br />

fluori<strong>de</strong><br />

ammonium mo<strong>de</strong>lling<br />

bangla<strong>de</strong>sh heavy-metals<br />

drinking-water<br />

pollution mo<strong>de</strong>ling absorption system<br />

clinoptilolite<br />

refrigeration system<br />

zeolite<br />

zinc phosphate bioaccumulation<br />

performance<br />

water-lithium bromi<strong>de</strong><br />

mri cobalt ion-exchange<br />

nickel copper waste-water <strong>de</strong>nitrification simulation<br />

diffusion cu(ii)<br />

lead toxicity<br />

preconc<strong>en</strong>tration<br />

sorption<br />

biofilm sequ<strong>en</strong>cing batch reactor<br />

activated carbons<br />

experim<strong>en</strong>t<br />

crystallization<br />

ars<strong>en</strong>ic cadmium<br />

fish struvite<br />

kinetic<br />

nitrous-oxi<strong>de</strong><br />

leaching fly-ash removal<br />

dyes adsorption dye<br />

nitrification<br />

treatm<strong>en</strong>t nitrog<strong>en</strong> removal<br />

methane<br />

sel<strong>en</strong>ium montmorillonite <strong>de</strong>sorption<br />

biogas<br />

reg<strong>en</strong>eration<br />

heavy metal<br />

<strong>en</strong>vironm<strong>en</strong>t<br />

sludge<br />

pharmaceuticals<br />

speciation<br />

water<br />

anammox<br />

chromiumbiosorption<br />

recycling<br />

isotherm<br />

optimization<br />

anaerobic digestion<br />

methyl<strong>en</strong>e-blue<br />

biomass<br />

inhibition<br />

isotherms<br />

adsorb<strong>en</strong>t<br />

liquid-liquid equilibriasustainable <strong>de</strong>velopm<strong>en</strong>t<br />

equilibriumkineticsbio<strong>de</strong>gradation<br />

refer<strong>en</strong>ce values<br />

heat-transfer<br />

rat<br />

chitosan<br />

langmuir<br />

water reuse<br />

chromium(vi) disinfection<br />

critical evaluation<br />

activated-sludge solubility<br />

air<br />

<strong>en</strong>ergy<br />

antioxidant<br />

thermodynamics<br />

response surface methodology<br />

oxidative stress<br />

activated carbonwastewater treatm<strong>en</strong>t<br />

hydrog<strong>en</strong><br />

saccharomyces cerevisiae<br />

sustainability pcr<br />

ph<strong>en</strong>ol<br />

g<strong>en</strong>etic algorithm<br />

antioxidant <strong>en</strong>zymes<br />

methanol<br />

thermophilic<br />

mass transfer<br />

chlorine<br />

glutathione<br />

adsorption isotherm ozone<br />

freundlich<br />

coagulation<br />

water splitting<br />

phase-change<br />

uv<br />

ph<strong>en</strong>ol removal constructed wetland<br />

ethanol<br />

solar<br />

oxidation constructed wetlands<br />

mass-spectrometry<br />

exergy<br />

antioxidants<br />

water-treatm<strong>en</strong>t<br />

catalase lipid peroxidation hydrog<strong>en</strong>-peroxi<strong>de</strong><br />

flocculation ad<strong>van</strong>ced oxidation processes<br />

superoxi<strong>de</strong>-dismutase<br />

photocatalysis membrane bioreactor<br />

alcohols hydroxyl radical<br />

effici<strong>en</strong>cy<br />

peroxidase<br />

liquid-chromatography<br />

malondial<strong>de</strong>hy<strong>de</strong><br />

ascorbate peroxidase<br />

glutathione-reductase<br />

chlorophyll fluoresc<strong>en</strong>ce respiration<br />

survival<br />

stomatal conductance<br />

transpiration<br />

fuel cell<br />

light<br />

flooding<br />

emerg<strong>en</strong>ce<br />

pem fuel-cell<br />

ph<br />

germination<br />

soil temperature<br />

gas-diffusion layer<br />

cod<br />

photosynthesis<br />

growth<br />

modis<br />

land-cover data assimilation crop coeffici<strong>en</strong>t<br />

water managem<strong>en</strong>t<br />

sodicity<br />

water-use effici<strong>en</strong>cy<br />

factor analysis p<strong>en</strong>man-monteith<br />

<strong>de</strong>m<br />

temperature<br />

eddy covariance<br />

soil moisture<br />

yield<br />

bod<br />

paleoclimate remote s<strong>en</strong>sing drought<br />

land use<br />

snow climate<br />

water-stress<br />

chlorophyll<br />

wetland<br />

urbanization cluster analysis<br />

swat e. coli<br />

salinity<br />

evapotranspiration<br />

principal compon<strong>en</strong>t analysis<br />

sea-ice<br />

forest holoc<strong>en</strong>e<br />

best managem<strong>en</strong>t practicewatershed<br />

erosion<br />

wetlands<br />

biodiversity<br />

arctic<br />

gis<br />

water supply<br />

stormwater managem<strong>en</strong>t<br />

adaptation<br />

water resources<br />

recharge karst stable isotopes<br />

global warming<br />

nutri<strong>en</strong>ts hydrology<br />

turbidity<br />

infiltration<br />

hydrochemistry<br />

irrigation<br />

land-use change<br />

sanitation<br />

surface-water relations<br />

aquifer<br />

btex<br />

<strong>de</strong>gradation<br />

titania<br />

titanium-dioxi<strong>de</strong><br />

tio2<br />

greywater<br />

photocatalytic <strong>de</strong>gradation<br />

photocatalyst<br />

sap flow<br />

water quality<br />

gas-chromatography<br />

solid-phase microextraction<br />

leaf water pot<strong>en</strong>tial<br />

membrane fouling<br />

nanofiltration<br />

fouling<br />

ultrafiltration<br />

membrane<br />

microfiltration<br />

reverse-osmosis<br />

climate change<br />

critical flux<br />

pretreatm<strong>en</strong>t sea-water<br />

membranes<br />

mbr<br />

<strong>de</strong>salination<br />

membrane distillation<br />

solar <strong>en</strong>ergy<br />

soil respiration<br />

conservation<br />

Water managem<strong>en</strong>t<br />

& water-use effici<strong>en</strong>cy<br />

Sustainable <strong>de</strong>velopm<strong>en</strong>t<br />

of <strong>en</strong>vironm<strong>en</strong>t & <strong>en</strong>ergy<br />

Wastewater treatm<strong>en</strong>t<br />

adsorption & biosorption<br />

Water quality & nutri<strong>en</strong>ts<br />

Watewater treatm<strong>en</strong>t<br />

bio<strong>de</strong>gradation & <strong>de</strong>nitrification<br />

USA<br />

22,3%<br />

USA<br />

20,5%<br />

USA<br />

13,9%<br />

USA<br />

25,0%<br />

China<br />

15%<br />

China<br />

9,1%<br />

China<br />

8,9%<br />

China<br />

12,4%<br />

China<br />

9,2%<br />

USA<br />

14,4%<br />

Australia<br />

7,6%<br />

Spain<br />

7,5%<br />

India<br />

8,8%<br />

UK<br />

5,9%<br />

Spain<br />

6,4%<br />

Canada<br />

6,6%<br />

Germany<br />

5,7%<br />

Spain<br />

6,0%<br />

India<br />

5,8%<br />

Canada<br />

6,2%<br />

Germany<br />

5,9%<br />

Canada<br />

5,5%<br />

Turkey<br />

5,0%<br />

Canada<br />

4,9%<br />

France<br />

5,8%<br />

The Netherlands<br />

3,0%<br />

The Netherlands<br />

2,4%<br />

The Netherlands<br />

1,4%<br />

The Netherlands<br />

2,2%<br />

The Netherlands<br />

1,9%<br />

Climate change<br />

on water stress<br />

Desalination<br />

Mo<strong>de</strong>ling & simulation<br />

of hydrological processes<br />

Wastewater treatm<strong>en</strong>t<br />

photocatalytic <strong>de</strong>gradation<br />

Oxidative stress<br />

USA<br />

25,9%<br />

USA<br />

16,5%<br />

USA<br />

27,1%<br />

USA<br />

18,0%<br />

USA<br />

14,1%<br />

China<br />

9,5%<br />

China<br />

12,1%<br />

China<br />

12,9%<br />

China<br />

15,0%<br />

China<br />

13,7%<br />

UK<br />

8,3%<br />

Spain<br />

6,6%<br />

Germany<br />

6,9%<br />

Japan<br />

7,5%<br />

India<br />

12,8%<br />

Germany<br />

7,0%<br />

France<br />

5,3%<br />

Canada<br />

6,7%<br />

Spain<br />

6,0%<br />

Japan<br />

8,9%<br />

Canada<br />

6,0%<br />

Germany<br />

5,3%<br />

France<br />

6,5%<br />

France<br />

5,6%<br />

Turkey<br />

5,6%<br />

The Netherlands<br />

2,8%<br />

The Netherlands<br />

2,4%<br />

The Netherlands<br />

3,3%<br />

The Netherlands<br />

1,2%<br />

The Netherlands<br />


Bridging Sci<strong>en</strong>ce to Practice<br />

Contact<br />

Bei W<strong>en</strong><br />

bei.w<strong>en</strong>@kwrwater.nl<br />

Atlas <strong>van</strong> <strong>de</strong> wet<strong>en</strong>schap (1)<br />

Water managem<strong>en</strong>t & water-use effici<strong>en</strong>cy<br />

Sustainable <strong>de</strong>velopm<strong>en</strong>t of <strong>en</strong>vironm<strong>en</strong>t & <strong>en</strong>ergy<br />

Water quality & nutri<strong>en</strong>ts<br />

De figuur laat <strong>de</strong> atlas <strong>van</strong> waterwet<strong>en</strong>schap<br />

two main clusters in the water sci<strong>en</strong>ce<br />

Watewater treatm<strong>en</strong>t bio<strong>de</strong>gradation & <strong>de</strong>nitrification<br />

<strong>en</strong> –technologie zi<strong>en</strong>. Deze is<br />

atlas: ‘water technology’ in the lower half<br />

Climate change on water stress<br />

ontwikkeld door het bestu<strong>de</strong>r<strong>en</strong> <strong>van</strong><br />

of the figure (waste water treatm<strong>en</strong>t,<br />

patron<strong>en</strong> <strong>van</strong> sleutelwoordpar<strong>en</strong> in 52.826 <strong>de</strong>salination) and ‘water managem<strong>en</strong>t<br />

Desalination<br />

watergerelateer<strong>de</strong> wet<strong>en</strong>schappelijke and sustainability’ in the upper half<br />

Mo<strong>de</strong>ling & simulation of hydrological processes<br />

publicaties in het jaar 2008. Het betreft (water quality, climate change,<br />

Wastewater treatm<strong>en</strong>t photocatalytic <strong>de</strong>gradation<br />

publicaties <strong>van</strong> het Web of Sci<strong>en</strong>ce. De sustainable <strong>de</strong>velopm<strong>en</strong>t, etc).<br />

figuur laat <strong>de</strong> relaties zi<strong>en</strong> binn<strong>en</strong> <strong>en</strong> tuss<strong>en</strong><br />

Oxidative stress<br />

<strong>de</strong> top 10 on<strong>de</strong>rzoeksgeme<strong>en</strong>schapp<strong>en</strong>. Each no<strong>de</strong> repres<strong>en</strong>ts a keyword; the lines<br />

Er is sprake <strong>van</strong> twee grote clusters<br />

repres<strong>en</strong>t the co-occurr<strong>en</strong>ce betwe<strong>en</strong><br />

leaf water pot<strong>en</strong>tial<br />

sap flow<br />

in <strong>de</strong> waterwet<strong>en</strong>schapsatlas: ‘water<br />

keyword pairs; the colours repres<strong>en</strong>t the<br />

technology’ in <strong>de</strong> on<strong>de</strong>rste helft (waste various research communities.<br />

water treatm<strong>en</strong>t, <strong>de</strong>salination) <strong>en</strong> ‘water<br />

chlorophyll fluoresc<strong>en</strong>ce respiration<br />

managem<strong>en</strong>t and sustainability’ in <strong>de</strong><br />

survival<br />

stomatal conductance<br />

bov<strong>en</strong>ste helft (water quality, climate<br />

transpiration<br />

fuel cell<br />

change, sustainable <strong>de</strong>velopm<strong>en</strong>t, etc).<br />

light<br />

flooding<br />

emerg<strong>en</strong>ce<br />

pem fuel-cell<br />

ph<br />

germination<br />

soil temperature<br />

gas-diffusion layer<br />

cod<br />

Ie<strong>de</strong>r knooppunt in <strong>de</strong> figuur<br />

photosynthesis<br />

growth<br />

modis<br />

land-cover<br />

verteg<strong>en</strong>woordigt e<strong>en</strong> sleutelwoord.<br />

data assimilation<br />

crop coeffici<strong>en</strong>t<br />

water managem<strong>en</strong>t<br />

sodicity<br />

water-use effici<strong>en</strong>cy<br />

factor analysis p<strong>en</strong>man-monteith<br />

De lijn<strong>en</strong> gev<strong>en</strong> het gezam<strong>en</strong>lijk<br />

<strong>de</strong>m<br />

temperature<br />

eddy covariance<br />

voorkom<strong>en</strong> <strong>van</strong> sleutelwoor<strong>de</strong>n<br />

soil moisture<br />

yield<br />

bod<br />

paleoclimate<br />

drought<br />

weer (e<strong>en</strong> sleutelwoordpaar) <strong>en</strong> <strong>de</strong><br />

remote s<strong>en</strong>sing<br />

land use<br />

snow climate<br />

water-stress<br />

sanitation<br />

chlorophyll<br />

wetland<br />

kleur<strong>en</strong> repres<strong>en</strong>ter<strong>en</strong> <strong>de</strong> verschill<strong>en</strong><strong>de</strong><br />

urbanization cluster analysis<br />

conservation<br />

swat e. coli<br />

evapotranspiration<br />

on<strong>de</strong>rzoeksgeme<strong>en</strong>schapp<strong>en</strong>.<br />

salinity principal compon<strong>en</strong>t analysis<br />

forest holoc<strong>en</strong>e<br />

sea-ice<br />

best managem<strong>en</strong>t practicewatershed<br />

erosion<br />

wetlands<br />

biodiversity<br />

arctic<br />

gis<br />

water supply<br />

stormwater managem<strong>en</strong>t<br />

adaptation<br />

Atlas of sci<strong>en</strong>ce (1)<br />

water resources<br />

recharge karst stable isotopes<br />

global warming<br />

nutri<strong>en</strong>ts hydrology<br />

turbidity<br />

infiltration<br />

hydrochemistry<br />

greywater<br />

irrigation<br />

land-use change<br />

The figure shows the atlas of water<br />

aquifer<br />

surface-water relations btex<br />

soil respiration<br />

water quality climate change<br />

sci<strong>en</strong>ce and technology. It was created<br />

remediation surface water runoff<br />

global change<br />

by studying patterns of co-occurr<strong>en</strong>ce<br />

hydrogeology<br />

precipitation<br />

water-balance<br />

manganese<br />

contamination<br />

reuse carbon agriculture<br />

of keyword pairs in 52,826 water-related<br />

ground water pestici<strong>de</strong>s monitoring phosphorous<br />

sci<strong>en</strong>tific publications from the year 2008.<br />

catchm<strong>en</strong>t<br />

iron phytoremediationphosphorus<br />

nitrog<strong>en</strong><br />

The publications were extracted from<br />

fluorosis<br />

organic matter<br />

nitrate<br />

river<br />

bioavailability<br />

vegetation<br />

nitrite<br />

the Web of Sci<strong>en</strong>ce. This figure visualizes<br />

sedim<strong>en</strong>ts<br />

sedim<strong>en</strong>t<br />

acid mine drainage soil<br />

carbon dioxi<strong>de</strong><br />

metals<br />

the interrelationships among the top 10<br />

fluori<strong>de</strong><br />

ammonium mo<strong>de</strong>lling<br />

research communities. They reveal<br />

bangla<strong>de</strong>sh heavy-metals<br />

drinking-water<br />

pollution mo<strong>de</strong>ling absorption system<br />

clinoptilolite<br />

refrigeration system<br />

zeolite<br />

zinc phosphate bioaccumulation<br />

performance<br />

water-lithium bromi<strong>de</strong><br />

ion-exchange<br />

mri cobalt<br />

nickel copper waste-water <strong>de</strong>nitrification simulation<br />

diffusion cu(ii)<br />

lead toxicity<br />

preconc<strong>en</strong>tration activated carbons sorption<br />

biofilm sequ<strong>en</strong>cing batch reactor experim<strong>en</strong>t<br />

crystallization<br />

ars<strong>en</strong>ic cadmium<br />

fish struvite<br />

kinetic<br />

nitrous-oxi<strong>de</strong><br />

leaching fly-ash removal<br />

dyes adsorption dye<br />

nitrification<br />

treatm<strong>en</strong>t nitrog<strong>en</strong> removal<br />

methane<br />

sel<strong>en</strong>ium montmorillonite <strong>de</strong>sorption<br />

biogas<br />

reg<strong>en</strong>eration<br />

heavy metal<br />

<strong>en</strong>vironm<strong>en</strong>t<br />

sludge<br />

pharmaceuticals<br />

speciation chromiumbiosorption<br />

water<br />

anammox<br />

methyl<strong>en</strong>e-blue<br />

recycling<br />

isotherm<br />

biomass<br />

optimization<br />

anaerobic digestion<br />

inhibition<br />

isotherms<br />

adsorb<strong>en</strong>t<br />

liquid-liquid equilibriasustainable <strong>de</strong>velopm<strong>en</strong>t<br />

equilibriumkineticsbio<strong>de</strong>gradation<br />

refer<strong>en</strong>ce values<br />

heat-transfer<br />

rat<br />

chitosan<br />

langmuir<br />

water reuse<br />

chromium(vi) disinfection<br />

critical evaluation<br />

activated-sludge solubility<br />

air<br />

<strong>en</strong>ergy<br />

antioxidant<br />

thermodynamics<br />

response surface methodology<br />

oxidative stress<br />

activated carbonwastewater treatm<strong>en</strong>t<br />

hydrog<strong>en</strong><br />

saccharomyces cerevisiae<br />

sustainability pcr<br />

ph<strong>en</strong>ol<br />

g<strong>en</strong>etic algorithm<br />

antioxidant <strong>en</strong>zymes<br />

methanol<br />

thermophilic<br />

mass transfer<br />

chlorine<br />

glutathione<br />

adsorption isotherm ozone<br />

freundlich<br />

coagulation<br />

water splitting<br />

phase-change<br />

uv<br />

ph<strong>en</strong>ol removal constructed wetland<br />

ethanol<br />

solar<br />

oxidation constructed wetlands<br />

mass-spectrometry<br />

exergy<br />

antioxidants<br />

water-treatm<strong>en</strong>t<br />

catalase lipid peroxidation hydrog<strong>en</strong>-peroxi<strong>de</strong><br />

flocculation ad<strong>van</strong>ced oxidation processes<br />

superoxi<strong>de</strong>-dismutase<br />

photocatalysis membrane bioreactor<br />

alcohols hydroxyl radical<br />

effici<strong>en</strong>cy<br />

malondial<strong>de</strong>hy<strong>de</strong><br />

peroxidase<br />

liquid-chromatography<br />

ascorbate peroxidase<br />

glutathione-reductase<br />

<strong>de</strong>gradation<br />

titania<br />

titanium-dioxi<strong>de</strong><br />

tio2<br />

photocatalytic <strong>de</strong>gradation<br />

photocatalyst<br />

gas-chromatography<br />

solid-phase microextraction<br />

membrane fouling<br />

nanofiltration<br />

Wastewater treatm<strong>en</strong>t adsorption & biosorption<br />

fouling<br />

membranes<br />

mbr<br />

ultrafiltration<br />

critical flux<br />

membrane<br />

microfiltration<br />

<strong>de</strong>salination<br />

reverse-osmosis<br />

pretreatm<strong>en</strong>t sea-water<br />

membrane distillation<br />

solar <strong>en</strong>ergy

Internationale k<strong>en</strong>nisnetwerk<strong>en</strong> | International networks of knowledge<br />

Contact<br />

Wim <strong>van</strong> Vierss<strong>en</strong><br />

wim.<strong>van</strong>.vierss<strong>en</strong>@kwrwater.nl<br />

Sam<strong>en</strong>werking over<br />

gr<strong>en</strong>z<strong>en</strong> he<strong>en</strong><br />

<strong>KWR</strong>-directeur Wim <strong>van</strong> Vierss<strong>en</strong> zoekt sam<strong>en</strong>werking<br />

in Europa. Hij g<strong>en</strong>iet zichtbaar <strong>van</strong> het vooruitzicht.<br />

“We zijn ambitieus <strong>en</strong> will<strong>en</strong> graag internationaal<br />

sam<strong>en</strong>werk<strong>en</strong>. Maar het is ook nodig.”<br />

In september <strong>2009</strong> publiceer<strong>de</strong> het wet<strong>en</strong>schappelijke tijdschrift<br />

Nature het artikel ‘A safe operating space for humanity’ <strong>van</strong> Johan<br />

Rockström. Daarin staan neg<strong>en</strong> ziektebeel<strong>de</strong>n, syndrom<strong>en</strong><br />

g<strong>en</strong>oemd, waar <strong>de</strong> aar<strong>de</strong> aan lijdt: on<strong>de</strong>r meer klimaatveran<strong>de</strong>ring,<br />

overmatig zoetwatergebruik, <strong>de</strong> grote hoeveelhe<strong>de</strong>n stikstof <strong>en</strong><br />

fosfaat in <strong>de</strong> landbouw <strong>en</strong> biodiversiteitsverlies. “Water is e<strong>en</strong> <strong>van</strong><br />

<strong>de</strong> verbin<strong>de</strong>n<strong>de</strong> elem<strong>en</strong>t<strong>en</strong> in al die syndrom<strong>en</strong>.”<br />

De watersector kan, aldus Van Vierss<strong>en</strong>, e<strong>en</strong> belangrijke rol spel<strong>en</strong> in<br />

het bestrij<strong>de</strong>n <strong>van</strong> <strong>de</strong> neg<strong>en</strong> syndrom<strong>en</strong> uit Rockströms artikel. Als<br />

voorbeeld noemt hij het biodiversiteitsverlies. “Internationaal<br />

klag<strong>en</strong> veel m<strong>en</strong>s<strong>en</strong> over <strong>de</strong> waterkwaliteit in hun omgeving: ze<br />

hebb<strong>en</strong> ge<strong>en</strong> water, of te weinig. Het gaat niet alle<strong>en</strong> om kraanwater<br />

maar ook om oppervlaktewater. Op veel plaats<strong>en</strong> wordt nog steeds<br />

ongezuiverd afvalwater in het oppervlaktewater geloosd. De uitdaging<br />

is om e<strong>en</strong> goe<strong>de</strong> kwaliteit <strong>van</strong> het oppervlaktewater te verkrijg<strong>en</strong>,<br />

zodat ie<strong>de</strong>re<strong>en</strong> veilig in <strong>de</strong> buurt <strong>van</strong> zijn huis kan rondlop<strong>en</strong>. In<br />

West-Europa voldo<strong>en</strong> we aan e<strong>en</strong> minimale norm, in Zuid- <strong>en</strong> Oost-<br />

Europa is het dieptepunt nog niet bereikt.”<br />

Uitdaging<br />

Daar ligt e<strong>en</strong> mooie uitdaging voor <strong>KWR</strong>. “De watersector is technologisch<br />

goed georganiseerd, maar versnipperd, doordat <strong>de</strong> waterwinning,<br />

-distributie <strong>en</strong> –zuivering lokaal, of hooguit regionaal,<br />

georganiseerd is. In Europa zijn er naar schatting <strong>de</strong>rtig- tot veertigduiz<strong>en</strong>d(!)<br />

<strong>en</strong>titeit<strong>en</strong> die zich bedrijfsmatig bezighou<strong>de</strong>n met water.<br />

In zo’n versnipper<strong>de</strong> wereld moet je gr<strong>en</strong>z<strong>en</strong> doorbrek<strong>en</strong>. Als k<strong>en</strong>nisinstelling<br />

help<strong>en</strong> wij bestaan<strong>de</strong> k<strong>en</strong>nis te versprei<strong>de</strong>n, ervaring<strong>en</strong> te<br />

<strong>de</strong>l<strong>en</strong> <strong>en</strong> te bepal<strong>en</strong> waar nieuwe k<strong>en</strong>nis nodig is.”<br />

Collaboration beyond<br />

bor<strong>de</strong>rs<br />

<strong>KWR</strong> Managing Director Wim <strong>van</strong> Vierss<strong>en</strong> is<br />

seeking collaborations in Europe. The prospect<br />

clearly pleases him: “We are ambitious and<br />

eager to collaborate internationally. But it is<br />

also something that is necessary.”<br />

In September <strong>2009</strong>, the sci<strong>en</strong>ce journal Nature<br />

published an article by Johan Rockström <strong>en</strong>titled<br />

‘A safe operating space for humanity.’ Rockström<br />

writes of nine planetary boundaries which,<br />

if transgressed, can threat<strong>en</strong> our planet. They<br />

inclu<strong>de</strong> climate change, overusing fresh water,<br />

the employm<strong>en</strong>t of large quantities of nitrog<strong>en</strong><br />

and phosphate in agriculture, and the loss of<br />

biodiversity. “Water is one of the elem<strong>en</strong>ts that<br />

is common to all these boundaries”.<br />

According to Van Vierss<strong>en</strong>, the water sector<br />

can play an important role in <strong>en</strong>suring that we<br />

manage the boundaries m<strong>en</strong>tioned in Rockström’s<br />

article. He points to the loss of biodiversity<br />

as an example: “People the world over are<br />

concerned about the insuffici<strong>en</strong>cy, or ev<strong>en</strong> the<br />

abs<strong>en</strong>ce, of water. They also worry about the<br />

quality of the water in their <strong>en</strong>vironm<strong>en</strong>t — and<br />

they mean not only tap water but also surface<br />

water. In many areas, untreated waste water is

Bridging Sci<strong>en</strong>ce to Practice<br />

Mariëlle <strong>van</strong> <strong>de</strong>r Zouw<strong>en</strong><br />

on<strong>de</strong>rzoeker | sci<strong>en</strong>tific researcher<br />

Wim <strong>van</strong> Vierss<strong>en</strong><br />

directeur | managing director<br />

11<br />

Andrew Segrave<br />

aio | PhD stu<strong>de</strong>nt<br />

Bei W<strong>en</strong><br />

aio | PhD stu<strong>de</strong>nt<br />

“In West-Europa voldo<strong>en</strong> we aan<br />

e<strong>en</strong> minimale norm, in Zuid- <strong>en</strong> Oost-Europa<br />

is het dieptepunt nog niet bereikt.”<br />

— Wim <strong>van</strong> Vierss<strong>en</strong><br />

still being discharged into the surface water. The<br />

chall<strong>en</strong>ge is to have surface water of good quality,<br />

so that we can all walk around in the vicinity<br />

of our homes in safety. In Northern Europe we<br />

meet a minimum standard, but in Southern and<br />

Eastern Europe this is not yet the case.”<br />

Maar ook in West-Europa zijn we niet waar we zijn will<strong>en</strong>.<br />

“Het milieu is grijs gewor<strong>de</strong>n: <strong>de</strong> kwaliteit <strong>van</strong> het oppervlaktewater<br />

voldoet aan minimale veiligheidseis<strong>en</strong>, zodat niemand er ziek <strong>van</strong><br />

wordt, maar <strong>de</strong> biodiversiteit in <strong>en</strong> rond het water is veel min<strong>de</strong>r<br />

groot dan ze was. E<strong>en</strong> goe<strong>de</strong> ecologische kwaliteit is niet hetzelf<strong>de</strong><br />

als <strong>de</strong> beste biodiversiteit: gaan we voor smerig, grijs, of prachtig?”<br />

De watersector kan bijvoorbeeld stur<strong>en</strong> met haar prijsbeleid. “Het<br />

principe ‘<strong>de</strong> vervuiler betaalt’ is e<strong>en</strong> prima uitgangspunt, maar het<br />

is ook zaak om inzichtelijker te mak<strong>en</strong> hoe het goedkoper kan.”<br />

Succesfactor<strong>en</strong><br />

Van Vierss<strong>en</strong> noemt <strong>en</strong>kele succesfactor<strong>en</strong> <strong>van</strong> <strong>KWR</strong> voor e<strong>en</strong> goe<strong>de</strong><br />

internationale sam<strong>en</strong>werking. “T<strong>en</strong> eerste werk<strong>en</strong> we als projectorganisatie<br />

financieel transparant. In elk project ligg<strong>en</strong> doel<strong>en</strong>, mid<strong>de</strong>l<strong>en</strong>,<br />

resultat<strong>en</strong> <strong>en</strong> <strong>de</strong> bandbreedte waarbinn<strong>en</strong> we operer<strong>en</strong>, vast.<br />

Chall<strong>en</strong>ge<br />

This pres<strong>en</strong>ts an attractive chall<strong>en</strong>ge for <strong>KWR</strong>.<br />

“The water sector is technically well organised,”<br />

says Van Vierss<strong>en</strong>, “but it’s fragm<strong>en</strong>ted, because<br />

water extraction, distribution and treatm<strong>en</strong>t<br />

are organised at the local — or, at most, the<br />

regional — level. It is estimated that Europe has<br />

thirty to forty thousand (!) organisations involved<br />

commercially in water. In such a fragm<strong>en</strong>ted<br />

world, bor<strong>de</strong>rs must be brok<strong>en</strong>. As a knowledge<br />

institute, we assist in disseminating existing<br />

knowledge, sharing experi<strong>en</strong>ce and <strong>de</strong>fining<br />

where new knowledge is nee<strong>de</strong>d.”<br />

But in Western Europe we are not where we<br />

would like to be either. “The <strong>en</strong>vironm<strong>en</strong>t has<br />

become grey: surface water meets minimum<br />

safety standards, so that it doesn’t make anybody

Internationale k<strong>en</strong>nisnetwerk<strong>en</strong> | International networks of knowledge<br />

Daarop kunn<strong>en</strong> we afgerek<strong>en</strong>d wor<strong>de</strong>n. T<strong>en</strong> twee<strong>de</strong> gev<strong>en</strong> we an<strong>de</strong>r<strong>en</strong><br />

<strong>de</strong> ruimte. We hebb<strong>en</strong> ons verdiept in interculturele communicatie.<br />

En tot slot prober<strong>en</strong> we gr<strong>en</strong>z<strong>en</strong> te slecht<strong>en</strong>, tuss<strong>en</strong> disciplines,<br />

maar ook tuss<strong>en</strong> cultur<strong>en</strong> <strong>en</strong> lan<strong>de</strong>n. E<strong>en</strong> voorbeeld daar<strong>van</strong> is ons<br />

on<strong>de</strong>rzoek naar k<strong>en</strong>nisnetwerk<strong>en</strong>.” <strong>KWR</strong> heeft wat te bie<strong>de</strong>n, maar<br />

ook te hal<strong>en</strong>: “We kijk<strong>en</strong> uit naar <strong>de</strong> sam<strong>en</strong>werking met <strong>de</strong>g<strong>en</strong><strong>en</strong> die<br />

voor e<strong>en</strong> nog grotere uitdaging staan dan wij, m<strong>en</strong>s<strong>en</strong> die misschi<strong>en</strong><br />

nog slimmere oplossing<strong>en</strong> be<strong>de</strong>nk<strong>en</strong> dan wij, <strong>en</strong> misschi<strong>en</strong> zelfs<br />

nog creatiever zijn doordat ze voor grotere opgav<strong>en</strong> staan. “Durf<br />

jezelf te lat<strong>en</strong> verrass<strong>en</strong>’ is daarbij ons motto.”<br />

ill, but the biodiversity in and around the water<br />

is a lot less ext<strong>en</strong>sive than it used to be. Good<br />

ecological quality is not the same as the best<br />

levels of biodiversity. Is it dirty and grey that we<br />

want, or do we want magnific<strong>en</strong>t?” The water<br />

sector can lead through its pricing policy for<br />

example. “The ‘polluter pays’ principle is an<br />

excell<strong>en</strong>t starting point, but it is also a matter<br />

of making it clearer how it can be done more<br />

cheaply.”<br />

12<br />

“We kijk<strong>en</strong> uit naar <strong>de</strong> sam<strong>en</strong>werking met<br />

<strong>de</strong>g<strong>en</strong><strong>en</strong> die voor e<strong>en</strong> nog grotere uitdaging<br />

staan dan wij, m<strong>en</strong>s<strong>en</strong> die misschi<strong>en</strong> nog<br />

slimmere oplossing<strong>en</strong> be<strong>de</strong>nk<strong>en</strong> dan wij.”<br />

— Wim <strong>van</strong> Vierss<strong>en</strong><br />

Success factors<br />

Van Vierss<strong>en</strong> <strong>en</strong>umerates some of <strong>KWR</strong>’s<br />

success factors for a good international collaboration:<br />

“First of all, as a project organisation,<br />

we operate with financial transpar<strong>en</strong>cy. For<br />

every project, the objectives, resources, results<br />

and our operational boundaries are fixed – and<br />

we can be held to account for these. Secondly,<br />

we allow our collaborators room — we have built<br />

up an in-<strong>de</strong>pth un<strong>de</strong>rstanding of intercultural<br />

communication. And, lastly, we try to erase<br />

boundaries — betwe<strong>en</strong> fields of specialisation,<br />

but also betwe<strong>en</strong> cultures and countries. An<br />

example of this is our research into knowledge<br />

networks.” <strong>KWR</strong> has something to offer, but also<br />

something to gain: “We seek out collaborations<br />

with those who confront ev<strong>en</strong> greater chall<strong>en</strong>ges<br />

than we do; people who perhaps come up with<br />

ev<strong>en</strong> smarter solutions than we do, and are<br />

perhaps ev<strong>en</strong> more creative because they face<br />

more formidable tasks. Dare to let yourself be<br />

surprised, is therefore our motto.”

Bridging Sci<strong>en</strong>ce to Practice<br />


Jaarverslag | Annual report <strong>2010</strong><br />

14<br />

Gezond | Healthy water<br />

Duurzaam | Sustainable water<br />

Vooruitstrev<strong>en</strong>d | Ad<strong>van</strong>ced water<br />

Efficiënt | Effici<strong>en</strong>t water

Bridging Sci<strong>en</strong>ce to Practice<br />

On<strong>de</strong>rzoeksthema’s<br />

In zijn langetermijnon<strong>de</strong>rzoeksbeleid <strong>de</strong>finieert <strong>KWR</strong> vier kernthema’s<br />

die richting gev<strong>en</strong> aan het on<strong>de</strong>rzoek: Gezond, Duurzaam,<br />

Vooruitstrev<strong>en</strong>d <strong>en</strong> Efficiënt Water.<br />

Gezond water focust op <strong>de</strong> relatie tuss<strong>en</strong> <strong>de</strong> gezondheid <strong>van</strong> <strong>de</strong><br />

m<strong>en</strong>s <strong>en</strong> <strong>de</strong> waterkwaliteit: <strong>van</strong> (drink)waterbronn<strong>en</strong>, tij<strong>de</strong>ns zuiveringsprocess<strong>en</strong>,<br />

in het distributi<strong>en</strong>et, aan <strong>de</strong> kraan of in natuurlijk<br />

zwemwater. Veel aandacht gaat daarbij uit naar ziekteverwekkers <strong>en</strong><br />

naar emerging contaminants in het waterige milieu, zoals g<strong>en</strong>eesmid<strong>de</strong>l<strong>en</strong><br />

<strong>en</strong> industriële vervuiling<strong>en</strong>. On<strong>de</strong>rzoek richt zich bijvoorbeeld<br />

op <strong>de</strong> effectiviteit <strong>van</strong> barrières teg<strong>en</strong> <strong>de</strong>rgelijke vervuiling<strong>en</strong><br />

in <strong>de</strong> watercyclus.<br />

Duurzaam water richt zich op productie-, distributie- <strong>en</strong> afvalverwerkingsmetho<strong>de</strong>n<br />

die zuinig omgaan met grondstoff<strong>en</strong> <strong>en</strong> <strong>en</strong>ergie,<br />

als antwoord op klimaatveran<strong>de</strong>ring, to<strong>en</strong>em<strong>en</strong>d <strong>en</strong>ergiegebruik <strong>en</strong><br />

verste<strong>de</strong>lijking. Hieron<strong>de</strong>r valt on<strong>de</strong>rzoek naar het gebruik <strong>van</strong> brak<br />

grondwater of zeewater als alternatieve drinkwaterbronn<strong>en</strong>, waterhergebruik<br />

of e<strong>en</strong> meer <strong>de</strong>c<strong>en</strong>trale waterket<strong>en</strong>, kou<strong>de</strong>-warmteopslag<br />

<strong>en</strong> <strong>de</strong> omgang met extreem lage waterstan<strong>de</strong>n in <strong>de</strong> grote<br />

rivier<strong>en</strong>.<br />

Vooruitstrev<strong>en</strong>d water conc<strong>en</strong>treert zich op veelbelov<strong>en</strong><strong>de</strong> ontwikkeling<strong>en</strong><br />

in <strong>de</strong> technologie om die toepasbaar te mak<strong>en</strong> voor <strong>de</strong><br />

watersector. Hieron<strong>de</strong>r valt on<strong>de</strong>rzoek naar <strong>de</strong> ontwikkeling <strong>van</strong><br />

nieuwe material<strong>en</strong> in <strong>de</strong> fijnchemie <strong>en</strong> nanotechnologie, keramische<br />

membran<strong>en</strong>, hars<strong>en</strong> voor ion<strong>en</strong>wisseling, adsorptiemid<strong>de</strong>l<strong>en</strong>, antiscalants<br />

<strong>en</strong> ontwikkeling<strong>en</strong> in <strong>de</strong> vloeistofdynamica, -chemie <strong>en</strong><br />

–fysica, plus meettechniek<strong>en</strong> <strong>en</strong> s<strong>en</strong>soring (bijvoorbeeld voor<br />

water kwaliteit of <strong>de</strong> conditie <strong>van</strong> infrastructuur).<br />

Efficiënt water draait om doelmatige inrichting <strong>van</strong> <strong>de</strong> water ket<strong>en</strong>,<br />

water & <strong>en</strong>ergie <strong>en</strong> <strong>de</strong> effectiviteit <strong>van</strong> k<strong>en</strong>nisproductiviteit. Daaron<strong>de</strong>r<br />

valt bijvoorbeeld doelmatige drinkwaterwinning, -productie<br />

<strong>en</strong> –distributie <strong>en</strong> maximale efficiëntie bij <strong>de</strong> productie <strong>en</strong> inzet<br />

<strong>van</strong> alle mid<strong>de</strong>l<strong>en</strong>, <strong>van</strong> <strong>en</strong>ergie tot k<strong>en</strong>nis.<br />

<strong>Research</strong> themes<br />

<strong>KWR</strong>’s long-term research policy is governed by four core themes:<br />

Healthy, Sustainable, Ad<strong>van</strong>ced and Effici<strong>en</strong>t Water.<br />

Healthy Water<br />

The Healthy Water theme c<strong>en</strong>tres on the relationship betwe<strong>en</strong> human<br />

health and water quality; in (drinking) water sources, in treatm<strong>en</strong>t<br />

processes, in the distribution network, at the customer’s tap, or in natural<br />

bathing water. This involves paying close att<strong>en</strong>tion to pathog<strong>en</strong>s and to<br />

emerging contaminants such as pharmaceuticals and industrial pollution<br />

in the aqueous <strong>en</strong>vironm<strong>en</strong>t. The research conc<strong>en</strong>trates on studying the<br />

effectiv<strong>en</strong>ess of barriers against such contamination in the water cycle.<br />

Sustainable Water<br />

The Sustainable Water theme conc<strong>en</strong>trates on production, distribution and<br />

waste treatm<strong>en</strong>t processes which are <strong>de</strong>veloped to use raw materials and<br />

<strong>en</strong>ergy more sustainably, as a response to climate change, growing <strong>en</strong>ergy<br />

use and urbanisation. This <strong>en</strong>compasses research into the use of brackish<br />

groundwater or seawater as alternative drinking water sources, water reuse<br />

or a more <strong>de</strong>c<strong>en</strong>tralised water cycle, cold-heat storage and ways of <strong>de</strong>aling<br />

with extremely low water levels in large rivers.<br />

Ad<strong>van</strong>ced Water<br />

The Ad<strong>van</strong>ced Water theme focuses on promising technological <strong>de</strong>velopm<strong>en</strong>ts,<br />

with a view to making them usable for the water sector. This<br />

inclu<strong>de</strong>s research into the <strong>de</strong>velopm<strong>en</strong>t of new materials in fine chemicals<br />

and nanotechnology, ceramic membranes, resins for ion exchange, adsorption<br />

products, antiscalants, and <strong>de</strong>velopm<strong>en</strong>ts in fluid dynamics, chemistry<br />

and physics, in addition to measurem<strong>en</strong>t techniques and the use of s<strong>en</strong>sors<br />

(for example, for water quality or the condition of the infrastructure).<br />

Effici<strong>en</strong>t Water<br />

The Effici<strong>en</strong>t Water theme is concerned with the effici<strong>en</strong>t <strong>de</strong>sign of<br />

the water cycle, water & <strong>en</strong>ergy, and the effectiv<strong>en</strong>ess of knowledge<br />

productivity. This involves effective drinking water abstraction, production<br />

and distribution, and maximising effici<strong>en</strong>cy in the production and<br />

application of all resources, from <strong>en</strong>ergy to knowledge.<br />


Bridging Sci<strong>en</strong>ce to Practice<br />


Fun<strong>de</strong>r<strong>en</strong>d on<strong>de</strong>rzoeksprogramma | Basic research programme<br />

Verdiep<strong>en</strong> <strong>en</strong> verbre<strong>de</strong>n<br />

in on<strong>de</strong>rzoek<br />

18<br />

<strong>KWR</strong> heeft sinds <strong>2009</strong> e<strong>en</strong> fun<strong>de</strong>r<strong>en</strong>d on<strong>de</strong>rzoeksprogramma.<br />

In dit programma, dat inmid<strong>de</strong>ls acht<br />

innovatieve on<strong>de</strong>rzoeks project<strong>en</strong> omvat, investeert<br />

het instituut e<strong>en</strong> substantieel <strong>de</strong>el <strong>van</strong> haar financieel<br />

resultaat. Chief Sci<strong>en</strong>ce Officer Gertjan Me<strong>de</strong>ma kijkt<br />

terug op <strong>de</strong> eerste twee jaar <strong>van</strong> het programma.

Bridging Sci<strong>en</strong>ce to Practice<br />

Contact<br />

Gertjan Me<strong>de</strong>ma<br />

gertjan.me<strong>de</strong>ma@kwrwater.nl<br />

TU Delft, Wag<strong>en</strong>ing<strong>en</strong> University & <strong>Research</strong><br />

C<strong>en</strong>tre, Universiteit <strong>van</strong> Amsterdam,<br />

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Universiteit Utrecht<br />

Deep<strong>en</strong> and broa<strong>de</strong>n<br />

research<br />

“De on<strong>de</strong>rzoek<strong>en</strong> lever<strong>en</strong> al mooie resultat<strong>en</strong><br />

op <strong>en</strong> we zi<strong>en</strong> dat het programma zorgt voor<br />

e<strong>en</strong> ver<strong>de</strong>re versterking <strong>van</strong> <strong>de</strong> band tuss<strong>en</strong><br />

<strong>KWR</strong> <strong>en</strong> <strong>de</strong> universiteit<strong>en</strong>”<br />

— Gertjan Me<strong>de</strong>ma<br />

“Met het fun<strong>de</strong>r<strong>en</strong>d on<strong>de</strong>rzoeksprogramma”, zegt Me<strong>de</strong>ma,<br />

“streeft <strong>KWR</strong> twee doel<strong>en</strong> na. T<strong>en</strong> eerste verdieping <strong>van</strong> <strong>de</strong> k<strong>en</strong>nisbasis;<br />

zorg<strong>en</strong> dat het instituut over bepaal<strong>de</strong> k<strong>en</strong>nisgebie<strong>de</strong>n meer<br />

te wet<strong>en</strong> komt. T<strong>en</strong> twee<strong>de</strong> verbreding <strong>van</strong> <strong>de</strong> k<strong>en</strong>nisbasis. Dus ook<br />

k<strong>en</strong>nis ontwikkel<strong>en</strong> op an<strong>de</strong>re <strong>de</strong>elgebie<strong>de</strong>n <strong>van</strong> <strong>de</strong> waterket<strong>en</strong><br />

dan alle<strong>en</strong> drinkwater. Dit doel draagt bij aan <strong>de</strong> ambitie <strong>van</strong> <strong>KWR</strong><br />

om k<strong>en</strong>nisleverancier te wor<strong>de</strong>n voor <strong>de</strong> héle waterket<strong>en</strong>.”<br />

Voorbeel<strong>de</strong>n<br />

Me<strong>de</strong>ma somt voorbeel<strong>de</strong>n op <strong>van</strong> fun<strong>de</strong>r<strong>en</strong>d on<strong>de</strong>rzoek. “Postdoc<br />

on<strong>de</strong>rzoeker Patrick Bäuerlein doet on<strong>de</strong>rzoek naar material<strong>en</strong> die<br />

polaire verontreiniging<strong>en</strong> — zoals g<strong>en</strong>eesmid<strong>de</strong>l<strong>en</strong> <strong>en</strong> hormoonverstor<strong>en</strong><strong>de</strong><br />

stoff<strong>en</strong> — kunn<strong>en</strong> adsorber<strong>en</strong>. Doel is meer inzicht te<br />

krijg<strong>en</strong> in adsorptieprocess<strong>en</strong> <strong>en</strong> vervolg<strong>en</strong>s adsorptiematerial<strong>en</strong><br />

te selecter<strong>en</strong> voor zowel het monitor<strong>en</strong> als het verwij<strong>de</strong>r<strong>en</strong> <strong>van</strong><br />

ongew<strong>en</strong>ste polaire stoff<strong>en</strong> in <strong>de</strong> zuivering.”<br />

“On<strong>de</strong>rzoek<strong>en</strong> die bijdrag<strong>en</strong> aan <strong>de</strong> verbreding <strong>van</strong> <strong>de</strong> k<strong>en</strong>nis -<br />

basis zijn bijvoorbeeld ‘Sewer Mining’ <strong>van</strong> promov<strong>en</strong>da Kerusha<br />

Lutchmiah (on<strong>de</strong>r leiding <strong>van</strong> Kees Roest, zie pagina 50) <strong>en</strong><br />

‘Vegetatiekartering via remote s<strong>en</strong>sing’ <strong>van</strong> promov<strong>en</strong>dus Hans<br />

Roelofs<strong>en</strong> (on<strong>de</strong>r leiding <strong>van</strong> Flip Witte, zie pagina 72).”<br />

<strong>KWR</strong> has had a basic research programme since<br />

<strong>2009</strong>. The institute invests a substantial part<br />

of its own profits into this programme, which<br />

now has eight innovative research projects.<br />

Chief Sci<strong>en</strong>ce Officer, Gertjan Me<strong>de</strong>ma, looks<br />

back on the programme’s first two years.<br />

“<strong>KWR</strong> pursues two objectives with its basic<br />

research programme,” says Me<strong>de</strong>ma. “First of all,<br />

it seeks to <strong>de</strong>ep<strong>en</strong> its knowledge base — that is,<br />

to make sure that the institute acquires more<br />

profound knowledge in specific fields of research.<br />

And, secondly, it wants to broa<strong>de</strong>n its knowledge<br />

base, which means <strong>de</strong>veloping knowledge in<br />

other parts of the water cycle, and not only its<br />

drinking water compon<strong>en</strong>t. This latter objective<br />

supports <strong>KWR</strong>’s ambition to be a knowledge<br />

provi<strong>de</strong>r for the <strong>en</strong>tire water cycle.”<br />

Examples<br />

Me<strong>de</strong>ma m<strong>en</strong>tions some examples of basic<br />

research projects. “Postdoc researcher, Patrick<br />

Bäuerlein, is conducting research into materials<br />

that can adsorb polar pollutants such as pharmaceuticals<br />

and hormone disruptors. The goal is to<br />

better un<strong>de</strong>rstand into adsorption processes,<br />

and th<strong>en</strong> to select adsorption materials for both<br />

the monitoring and removal of un<strong>de</strong>sired polar<br />

substances during the treatm<strong>en</strong>t.”<br />

“Examples of research that contributes to broa<strong>de</strong>ning<br />

the knowledge basis,” continues Me<strong>de</strong>ma,<br />

“would inclu<strong>de</strong> the work on ‘Sewer mining’<br />

by doctoral stu<strong>de</strong>nt Kerusha Lutchmiah un<strong>de</strong>r<br />

the supervision of Kees Roest (see page 50), and<br />

on ‘Vegetation mapping via remote s<strong>en</strong>sing’<br />

by doctoral stu<strong>de</strong>nt Hans Roelofs<strong>en</strong> un<strong>de</strong>r the<br />

super vision of Flip Witte (see page 72).”<br />

19<br />

Mooie resultat<strong>en</strong><br />

Over het verloop <strong>van</strong> het on<strong>de</strong>rzoekprogramma is Me<strong>de</strong>ma positief:<br />

“De on<strong>de</strong>rzoek<strong>en</strong> lever<strong>en</strong> al mooie resultat<strong>en</strong> op <strong>en</strong> we zi<strong>en</strong> dat het<br />

programma zorgt voor e<strong>en</strong> ver<strong>de</strong>re versterking <strong>van</strong> <strong>de</strong> band tuss<strong>en</strong><br />

<strong>KWR</strong> <strong>en</strong> <strong>de</strong> universiteit<strong>en</strong>. Dat is waar<strong>de</strong>vol omdat je bij k<strong>en</strong>nisontwikkeling<br />

<strong>de</strong> inbr<strong>en</strong>g <strong>van</strong> an<strong>de</strong>r<strong>en</strong> nodig hebt.”<br />

Good results<br />

Me<strong>de</strong>ma is positive about the course of the<br />

research programme: “The research is already<br />

producing good results and we can see that the<br />

programme is reinforcing the bonds betwe<strong>en</strong><br />

<strong>KWR</strong> and the universities. This is valuable,<br />

because, wh<strong>en</strong> <strong>de</strong>veloping knowledge, you<br />

need the input of others.”

Internationale sam<strong>en</strong>werking | International collaboration<br />

20<br />


groot succes in Europa<br />

In 2006 startte het Europese on<strong>de</strong>rzoeksprogramma<br />

TECHNEAU. Doelstelling was het ontwikkel<strong>en</strong> <strong>van</strong><br />

k<strong>en</strong>nis <strong>en</strong> technologie om <strong>de</strong> Europese drinkwatersector<br />

gereed te mak<strong>en</strong> voor <strong>de</strong> toekomst. Eind<br />

<strong>2010</strong> werd het programma afgeslot<strong>en</strong>. Theo <strong>van</strong> <strong>de</strong>n<br />

Hov<strong>en</strong>, manager on<strong>de</strong>rzoeksproject<strong>en</strong> internationaal,<br />

blikt tevre<strong>de</strong>n terug.<br />

“Het programma is om verschill<strong>en</strong><strong>de</strong> re<strong>de</strong>n<strong>en</strong> e<strong>en</strong> succes”, vertelt<br />

Van <strong>de</strong>n Hov<strong>en</strong> <strong>en</strong>thousiast. “TECHNEAU heeft niet alle<strong>en</strong> veel<br />

nieuwe k<strong>en</strong>nis <strong>en</strong> technologie opgeleverd, maar het meeste daar<strong>van</strong><br />

is ook nog e<strong>en</strong>s in <strong>de</strong> praktijk getest <strong>en</strong> bij waterbedrijv<strong>en</strong> geïmplem<strong>en</strong>teerd.<br />

Vooral dat laatste is erg waar<strong>de</strong>vol, want veel Europees<br />

gefinancierd on<strong>de</strong>rzoek heeft tot nu toe niet of nauwelijks tot<br />

praktijktoepassing<strong>en</strong> geleid.”<br />

TECHNEAU: a great<br />

European success<br />

In 2006, the European research programme<br />

TECHNEAU got un<strong>de</strong>r way. The aim was to<br />

<strong>de</strong>velop knowledge and technology in or<strong>de</strong>r to<br />

prepare the European drinking water sector for<br />

the future. At the <strong>en</strong>d of <strong>2010</strong>, the programme<br />

was conclu<strong>de</strong>d. Theo <strong>van</strong> <strong>de</strong>n Hov<strong>en</strong>,<br />

TECHNEAU’s initiator and coordinator, looks<br />

back with satisfaction on the programme.<br />

“The programme was a success on many counts,”<br />

says Van <strong>de</strong>n Hov<strong>en</strong> <strong>en</strong>thusiastically. “TECHNEAU<br />

not only <strong>de</strong>livered a lot of new knowledge and<br />

technology, but most of it has be<strong>en</strong> tested in practice<br />

and implem<strong>en</strong>ted in water companies. This<br />

last aspect, in particular, is truly valuable, because<br />

much European-financed research has so far<br />

resulted to no, or very little, practical applications.”<br />

Innovative technology<br />

The technology <strong>de</strong>veloped ranges from new and<br />

effici<strong>en</strong>t treatm<strong>en</strong>t processes, to smart methods<br />

for distribution network maint<strong>en</strong>ance, to innovative<br />

s<strong>en</strong>sors. These s<strong>en</strong>sors permit water companies<br />

to continuously monitor the quality of their raw<br />

water, but also to assess the performance of differ<strong>en</strong>t<br />

treat m<strong>en</strong>t steps, and monitor processes in<br />

the distribution network.<br />

Innovatieve technologie<br />

Bij <strong>de</strong> ontwikkel<strong>de</strong> technologie gaat het naast nieuwe <strong>en</strong> efficiënte<br />

zuiveringsprocess<strong>en</strong> <strong>en</strong> slimme metho<strong>de</strong>n voor leidingneton<strong>de</strong>rhoud,<br />

on<strong>de</strong>r an<strong>de</strong>re om innovatieve s<strong>en</strong>sor<strong>en</strong>. Met <strong>de</strong>ze s<strong>en</strong>sor<strong>en</strong><br />

kunn<strong>en</strong> waterbedrijv<strong>en</strong> <strong>de</strong> kwaliteit <strong>van</strong> hun ruwe water continu<br />

monitor<strong>en</strong>, maar ook het r<strong>en</strong><strong>de</strong>m<strong>en</strong>t beoor<strong>de</strong>l<strong>en</strong> <strong>van</strong> zuiveringsstapp<strong>en</strong><br />

<strong>en</strong> process<strong>en</strong> in het leidingnet volg<strong>en</strong>.<br />

Structural collaboration<br />

The programme has had other b<strong>en</strong>efits as well.<br />

“Wh<strong>en</strong> we began in 2006,” says Van <strong>de</strong>n Hov<strong>en</strong>,<br />

“there was hardly any discussion about joint<br />

European drinking water research or of structural<br />

collaboration betwe<strong>en</strong> knowledge institutions<br />

and <strong>en</strong>d-users. Thanks to TECHNEAU that has<br />

begun to change. A good example is ARC, the<br />

Aqua <strong>Research</strong> Collaboration (see page 24), which<br />

is a structural collaboration betwe<strong>en</strong> five leading<br />

European research institutions.”<br />

Global position<br />

“Yet another great result,” conclu<strong>de</strong>s Van <strong>de</strong>n<br />

Hov<strong>en</strong>, “is that the European Commission now<br />

has a positive attitu<strong>de</strong> and realises that investing<br />

in water research makes s<strong>en</strong>se. Thus EC officer<br />

Panagiotis Balabanis, a cli<strong>en</strong>t in Brussels, stated<br />

that Europe’s global competitive position as a<br />

knowledge party in the field of drinking water<br />

has be<strong>en</strong> significantly str<strong>en</strong>gth<strong>en</strong>ed thanks to<br />


Bridging Sci<strong>en</strong>ce to Practice<br />

Contact<br />

Theo <strong>van</strong> <strong>de</strong>n Hov<strong>en</strong><br />

theo.<strong>van</strong>.<strong>de</strong>n.hov<strong>en</strong>@kwrwater.nl<br />

www.techneau.eu<br />

Universities<br />

Riga Technical University (Latvia), NTNU<br />

(Norway), UNESCO-IHE (The Netherlands),<br />

University of Surrey (UK), RWTH Aach<strong>en</strong><br />

University (Germany), Chalmers University of<br />

Technology (Swe<strong>de</strong>n), Technische Universiteit<br />

Delft (The Netherlands), Freie Universität<br />

Berlin (Germany), Indian Institute of Technology<br />

Delhi (India)<br />

Structurele sam<strong>en</strong>werking<br />

Het programma is ook op e<strong>en</strong> an<strong>de</strong>r vlak succesvol. Van <strong>de</strong>n Hov<strong>en</strong>:<br />

“To<strong>en</strong> we in 2006 begonn<strong>en</strong>, was er <strong>van</strong> gezam<strong>en</strong>lijk Europees<br />

drinkwateron<strong>de</strong>rzoek <strong>en</strong> structurele sam<strong>en</strong>werking tuss<strong>en</strong><br />

k<strong>en</strong>nis instelling<strong>en</strong> <strong>en</strong> eindgebruikers nauwelijks sprake. Dankzij<br />

TECHNEAU begint dat te veran<strong>de</strong>r<strong>en</strong>. E<strong>en</strong> goed voorbeeld is Aqua<br />

<strong>Research</strong> Collaboration (ARC, zie pagina 24), e<strong>en</strong> structureel<br />

sam<strong>en</strong>werkingsverband tuss<strong>en</strong> vijf vooraanstaan<strong>de</strong> Europese<br />

on<strong>de</strong>rzoeksinstelling<strong>en</strong>.”<br />

Mondiale positie<br />

<strong>Research</strong> and Technology Institutes<br />

SINTEF (Norway), Kompet<strong>en</strong>z Z<strong>en</strong>trum Wasser<br />

Berlin gemeinnützige GmbH (Germany), EAWAG<br />

(Switzerland), DVGW-Technologiez<strong>en</strong>trum Wasser<br />

(TZW) (Germany), WRc (UK), LNEC (Portugal),<br />

Water <strong>Research</strong> Commission (South Africa),<br />

Anjou Recherche Veolia (France), Forschungsverbund<br />

Berlin e.V., IGB (Germany), Mekorot<br />

(Israel), Swartz Water Utilisation Engineers (South<br />

Africa), National Institute of Public Health (Czech<br />

Republic)<br />

Technology Provi<strong>de</strong>rs / SMEs<br />

EUCETSA (Belgium), BDS (The Netherlands),<br />

Alpha M.O.S (France), S::can (Austria), Vermicon<br />

(Germany), bbe Molda<strong>en</strong>ke GmbH (Germany),<br />

Aqualyng (Norway), Opalium (France)<br />

21<br />

Van <strong>de</strong>n Hov<strong>en</strong> vervolgt: “E<strong>en</strong> mooi resultaat is tot slot dat <strong>de</strong><br />

Europese Commissie (EC) positief is <strong>en</strong> inziet dat invester<strong>en</strong> in<br />

water on<strong>de</strong>rzoek zinvol is. Zo stel<strong>de</strong> EC-opdrachtgever Panagiotis<br />

Balabanis, dat <strong>de</strong> mondiale concurr<strong>en</strong>tiepositie <strong>van</strong> Europa als<br />

k<strong>en</strong>nispartij op het gebied <strong>van</strong> drinkwater door TECHNEAU<br />

aanzi<strong>en</strong>lijk is verbeterd.”<br />

TRUST<br />

Na eer<strong>de</strong>re grote Europees gefinancier<strong>de</strong> on<strong>de</strong>rzoeksproject<strong>en</strong> als<br />

TECHNEAU <strong>en</strong> PREPARED, heeft <strong>KWR</strong> sam<strong>en</strong> met e<strong>en</strong> aantal Europese<br />

partners e<strong>en</strong> nieuw groot project verworv<strong>en</strong> over het verduurzam<strong>en</strong> <strong>van</strong> <strong>de</strong><br />

ste<strong>de</strong>lijke waterket<strong>en</strong>: TRUST (Transitions to the Urban water Services of<br />

Tomorrow).<br />

Het project heeft tot doel het ontwikkel<strong>en</strong> <strong>van</strong> nieuwe metho<strong>de</strong>n <strong>en</strong><br />

techniek<strong>en</strong> waarmee waterbedrijv<strong>en</strong> e<strong>en</strong> duurzaam ste<strong>de</strong>lijk waterbeleid<br />

kunn<strong>en</strong> formuler<strong>en</strong> <strong>en</strong> implem<strong>en</strong>ter<strong>en</strong>. TRUST richt zich daarbij op <strong>de</strong> gehele<br />

watercyclus <strong>en</strong> houdt rek<strong>en</strong>ing met kost<strong>en</strong>effectiviteit, performance, veiligheid<br />

<strong>en</strong> duurzaamheid, ook on<strong>de</strong>r veran<strong>de</strong>r<strong>en</strong><strong>de</strong> omstandighe<strong>de</strong>n in Europa.<br />

Het project br<strong>en</strong>gt 31 internationale partners sam<strong>en</strong>. Trekker <strong>van</strong> het project<br />

is ARC-partner IWW Rheinisch-Westfaelisches Institut fur Wasser uit<br />

Duitsland. Ne<strong>de</strong>rlandse partners binn<strong>en</strong> TRUST zijn, naast <strong>KWR</strong>, Waternet<br />

<strong>en</strong> Schiphol. <strong>KWR</strong> is co-coördinator <strong>van</strong> TRUST.<br />

In <strong>2010</strong> zijn <strong>de</strong> contracton<strong>de</strong>rhan<strong>de</strong>ling<strong>en</strong> rondom TRUST succesvol<br />

af gerond. Het project start in mei 2011 <strong>en</strong> duurt vier jaar.<br />

After the earlier large European-financed research programmes, like TECHNEAU and<br />

PREPARED, <strong>KWR</strong> has now joined a number of European partners in another big project:<br />

TRUST (Transitions to the Urban water Services of Tomorrow), which focuses on the<br />

sustainability of urban water cycles.<br />

The objective of the project is to <strong>de</strong>velop new methods and techniques to be used<br />

by water companies to formulate and implem<strong>en</strong>t sustainable urban water policies.<br />

TRUST will address the <strong>en</strong>tire water cycle and take into consi<strong>de</strong>ration costeffectiv<strong>en</strong>ess,<br />

performance, safety, sustainability, as well as changing circumstances<br />

in Europe. The project involves 31 international partners. ARC partner IWW Rheinisch-<br />

Westfaelisches Institut fur Wasser from Germany will act as project lea<strong>de</strong>r, while<br />

the Dutch participants, in addition to <strong>KWR</strong>, are Waternet and Schiphol. <strong>KWR</strong> is<br />

co-coordinator of the project.<br />

In <strong>2010</strong>, the contract negotiations for TRUST were successfully completed,<br />

and the four-year project gets un<strong>de</strong>rway in May 2011.

Internationale sam<strong>en</strong>werking | International collaboration<br />

Niels Dammers<br />

projectmanager TRUST<br />

Gerard <strong>van</strong> <strong>de</strong>n Berg<br />

projectmanager PREPARED<br />

22<br />

Adriana Hulsman<br />

projectcoördinator PREPARED, EU-beleid <strong>en</strong><br />

-wetgeving | EU policy and lawmaking<br />

Theo <strong>van</strong> <strong>de</strong>n Hov<strong>en</strong><br />

manager on<strong>de</strong>rzoeksproject<strong>en</strong> internationaal<br />

international research projects (→ p. 20)<br />

WssTP — Water Supply and<br />

Sanitation Technology Platform<br />

<strong>KWR</strong> is bestuurslid <strong>van</strong> WssTP, e<strong>en</strong> internationaal platform waarin bedrijv<strong>en</strong>,<br />

universiteit<strong>en</strong>, on<strong>de</strong>rzoeksinstitut<strong>en</strong>, beleidsmakers <strong>en</strong> waterbedrijv<strong>en</strong><br />

sam<strong>en</strong> invulling gev<strong>en</strong> aan <strong>de</strong> Europese on<strong>de</strong>rzoeksag<strong>en</strong>da op het gebied <strong>van</strong><br />

water. In <strong>2010</strong> heeft WssTP zich beziggehou<strong>de</strong>n met:<br />

• Het opstell<strong>en</strong> <strong>van</strong> e<strong>en</strong> nieuwe Stategic <strong>Research</strong> Ag<strong>en</strong>da (SRA). De SRA is<br />

het vertrekpunt <strong>van</strong> beleid binn<strong>en</strong> WssTP, maar ook e<strong>en</strong> leidraad voor <strong>de</strong><br />

besluitvorming over <strong>de</strong> financiering <strong>van</strong> wateron<strong>de</strong>rzoek binn<strong>en</strong> <strong>de</strong><br />

Europese Commissie.<br />

• Het Joint Programming Initiative (JPI). Dit is e<strong>en</strong> initiatief <strong>van</strong> Spanje <strong>en</strong><br />

Ne<strong>de</strong>rland <strong>en</strong> beoogt om on<strong>de</strong>rzoeksprogramma’s <strong>van</strong> <strong>de</strong> EU-lidstat<strong>en</strong> op<br />

het gebied <strong>van</strong> water te bun<strong>de</strong>l<strong>en</strong>. WssTP is hierbij betrokk<strong>en</strong> door het<br />

inbr<strong>en</strong>g<strong>en</strong> <strong>van</strong> <strong>de</strong> nieuwe on<strong>de</strong>rzoeksag<strong>en</strong>da.<br />

• Het opzett<strong>en</strong> <strong>van</strong> drie nieuwe taskforces: Membraan Technologie, Water<br />

<strong>en</strong> Energie <strong>en</strong> Ontwikkeling Mill<strong>en</strong>nium Doel<strong>en</strong>.<br />

De oprichting <strong>van</strong> ACQUEAU, e<strong>en</strong> EUREKA-instrum<strong>en</strong>t om overhe<strong>de</strong>n in<br />

Europa te stimuler<strong>en</strong> tot sam<strong>en</strong>werking bij het financier<strong>en</strong> <strong>van</strong> watertechnologie<br />

project<strong>en</strong>. <strong>KWR</strong> vervult in ACQUEAU <strong>de</strong> brugfunctie naar <strong>de</strong> technologiebedrijv<strong>en</strong><br />

<strong>en</strong> on<strong>de</strong>rzoeks institut<strong>en</strong> in Ne<strong>de</strong>rland. Theo <strong>van</strong> <strong>de</strong>n Hov<strong>en</strong> is<br />

lid <strong>van</strong> het bestuur, Gertjan Me<strong>de</strong>ma is lid <strong>van</strong> <strong>de</strong> wet<strong>en</strong>schappelijke<br />

adviesraad.<br />

WssTP — Water Supply and Sanitation Technology Platform<br />

<strong>KWR</strong> is a member of the board of WssTP, an international platform upon<br />

which companies, universities, research institutes, policy-makers and water<br />

companies jointly give shape to the European research ag<strong>en</strong>da in the field of<br />

water. In <strong>2010</strong>, WssTP was active with:<br />

• The establishm<strong>en</strong>t of a new Strategic <strong>Research</strong> Ag<strong>en</strong>da (SRA). The SRA<br />

forms the foundation for the research policy within WssTP, but also provi<strong>de</strong>s<br />

a gui<strong>de</strong>line for <strong>de</strong>cision-making on financing water research within<br />

the European Commission.<br />

• The Joint Programming Initiative (JPI). This is a Spanish-Dutch initiative<br />

which aims at bringing together the water-related research programmes<br />

of EU Member States. WssTP is involved through the contribution of the<br />

new European research ag<strong>en</strong>da.<br />

• The setting up of three new task-forces: Membrane Technology, Water &<br />

Energy, and Mill<strong>en</strong>nium Developm<strong>en</strong>t Goals.<br />

• The establishm<strong>en</strong>t of ACQUEAU, a EUREKA instrum<strong>en</strong>t <strong>de</strong>signed to stimulate<br />

governm<strong>en</strong>ts in Europe to work together in the financing of water<br />

technology projects. In ACQUEAU, <strong>KWR</strong> plays the bridging role to technology<br />

companies and research institutions in the Netherlands. Theo <strong>van</strong><br />

<strong>de</strong>n Hov<strong>en</strong> is a repres<strong>en</strong>tative on the Board of Directors, while Gertjan<br />

Me<strong>de</strong>ma sits on the sci<strong>en</strong>tific advisory council.

Bridging Sci<strong>en</strong>ce to Practice<br />


Contact WssTP, GWRC<br />

Theo <strong>van</strong> <strong>de</strong>n Hov<strong>en</strong><br />

theo.<strong>van</strong>.<strong>de</strong>n.hov<strong>en</strong>@kwrwater.nl<br />

www.acqueau.eu<br />

Contact PREPARED<br />

Adriana Hulsmann<br />

adriana.hulsmann@kwrwater.nl<br />

Gerard <strong>van</strong> <strong>de</strong>n Berg<br />

gerard.<strong>van</strong>.<strong>de</strong>n.berg@kwrwater.nl<br />

<strong>KWR</strong> coördineert het in <strong>2010</strong> gestarte on<strong>de</strong>rzoeksproject PREPARED,<br />

dat wordt gefinancierd uit het zev<strong>en</strong><strong>de</strong> ka<strong>de</strong>rprogramma <strong>van</strong> <strong>de</strong> Europese<br />

Commissie. <strong>KWR</strong> werkt on<strong>de</strong>r an<strong>de</strong>re met <strong>de</strong> ARC partners LNEC, SINTEF,<br />

IWW <strong>en</strong> CETaqua aan innovatieve oplossing<strong>en</strong> voor <strong>de</strong> ste<strong>de</strong>lijke waterket<strong>en</strong>.<br />

PREPARED richt zich op <strong>de</strong> ontwikkeling <strong>en</strong> <strong>de</strong>monstratie <strong>van</strong> technologieën<br />

voor adaptatie <strong>van</strong> <strong>de</strong> watersector aan <strong>de</strong> effect<strong>en</strong> <strong>van</strong> klimaatveran<strong>de</strong>ring.<br />

De uitdaging<strong>en</strong> <strong>van</strong> <strong>de</strong> eindgebruikers staan c<strong>en</strong>traal in het on<strong>de</strong>rzoek<br />

binn<strong>en</strong> PREPARED. Van 9 tot 12 maart <strong>2010</strong> heeft <strong>KWR</strong> sam<strong>en</strong> met <strong>de</strong> gezam<strong>en</strong>lijke<br />

<strong>de</strong>monstratiepartners in Eindhov<strong>en</strong> (geme<strong>en</strong>te Eindhov<strong>en</strong>,<br />

Waterschap <strong>de</strong> Dommel <strong>en</strong> Brabant Water) <strong>de</strong> kick-off meeting georganiseerd.<br />

Inhou<strong>de</strong>lijke speerpunt<strong>en</strong> voor <strong>KWR</strong> binn<strong>en</strong> PREPARED zijn duurzame<br />

on<strong>de</strong>rgrondse berging <strong>van</strong> water, monitoring <strong>van</strong> waterkwaliteit in leidingnett<strong>en</strong><br />

<strong>en</strong> water cycle safety plans (zie hiervoor ook het interview met<br />

Patrick Smeets op pagina 32). Transitie in <strong>de</strong>nk<strong>en</strong> <strong>en</strong> han<strong>de</strong>l<strong>en</strong> bij <strong>de</strong> eindgebruikers<br />

speelt e<strong>en</strong> belangrijke rol in het project. De ontwikkel<strong>de</strong> k<strong>en</strong>nis<br />

<strong>en</strong> ervaring wor<strong>de</strong>n verspreid via nationale <strong>en</strong> internationale platforms.<br />

Meer informatie over PREPARED vindt u op www.prepared-fp7.eu<br />

<strong>KWR</strong> coordinates the PREPARED research programme, which began in <strong>2010</strong> and<br />

is fun<strong>de</strong>d by the European Commission’s Sev<strong>en</strong>th Framework Programme. <strong>KWR</strong><br />

co-operates, among others, with ARC partners LNEC, SINTEF and CETaqua on the<br />

<strong>de</strong>velopm<strong>en</strong>t of innovative solutions for the urban water cycle.<br />

The purpose of PREPARED is the <strong>de</strong>velopm<strong>en</strong>t and <strong>de</strong>monstration of technologies for<br />

the adaptation of the water sector to the effects of climate change. The chall<strong>en</strong>ges faced<br />

by the <strong>en</strong>d users are giv<strong>en</strong> c<strong>en</strong>tral importance in PREPARED. From 9 to 12 March <strong>2010</strong>,<br />

<strong>KWR</strong> organised the kick-off meeting together with its <strong>de</strong>monstration partners in<br />

Eindhov<strong>en</strong> — the City of Eindhov<strong>en</strong>, Waterboard <strong>de</strong> Dommel and Brabant Water. The key<br />

research topics for <strong>KWR</strong> in PREPARED are sustainable un<strong>de</strong>rground water storage, water<br />

quality monitoring in distribution networks, and water cycle safety plans (for more<br />

information on this, read the interview with Patrick Smeets on page 32). Transition in<br />

the way of thinking and acting of <strong>en</strong>d users plays an important role in the project; and<br />

the knowledge and experi<strong>en</strong>ce produced are disseminated through national and<br />

international platforms.<br />

23<br />

Global Water <strong>Research</strong><br />

Coalition (GWRC)<br />

De Global Water <strong>Research</strong> Coalition (GWRC) is e<strong>en</strong> internationaal netwerk<br />

<strong>van</strong> twaalf watercyclus k<strong>en</strong>nisinstitut<strong>en</strong>. <strong>KWR</strong> <strong>en</strong> STOWA zijn <strong>de</strong> Ne<strong>de</strong>rlandse<br />

verteg<strong>en</strong>woordigers in dit netwerk. De GWRC-le<strong>de</strong>n stemm<strong>en</strong> hun<br />

on<strong>de</strong>rzoeksag<strong>en</strong>da’s op elkaar af <strong>en</strong> do<strong>en</strong> gezam<strong>en</strong>lijk on<strong>de</strong>rzoek. In <strong>2010</strong><br />

was <strong>KWR</strong> binn<strong>en</strong> GWRC betrokk<strong>en</strong> bij:<br />

• Het ontwerp<strong>en</strong> <strong>van</strong> <strong>de</strong> afvalwaterzuivering <strong>van</strong> <strong>de</strong> toekomst. In dit<br />

ontwerp is rek<strong>en</strong>ing gehou<strong>de</strong>n met het terugwinn<strong>en</strong> <strong>van</strong> <strong>en</strong>ergie <strong>en</strong> nuttige<br />

grondstoff<strong>en</strong>, zoals fosfor <strong>en</strong> stikstof.<br />

• E<strong>en</strong> best practice handleiding over asset managem<strong>en</strong>t. Vanuit Ne<strong>de</strong>rland<br />

hebb<strong>en</strong> Dunea <strong>en</strong> PWN bijdrag<strong>en</strong> geleverd.<br />

E<strong>en</strong> vervolgproject op het eer<strong>de</strong>re succesvolle GWRC-project over in vitro<br />

bioassays voor het kwantificer<strong>en</strong> <strong>van</strong> oestroge<strong>en</strong>activiteit richt zich in 2011<br />

op in vitro bioassays voor an<strong>de</strong>re hormonale eindpunt<strong>en</strong>, zoals androg<strong>en</strong><strong>en</strong>,<br />

schildklierhormon<strong>en</strong>, glucocorticoï<strong>de</strong>n <strong>en</strong> progestag<strong>en</strong><strong>en</strong>.<br />

The Global Water <strong>Research</strong> Coalition (GWRC) is an international network of twelve water<br />

cycle knowledge institutes. <strong>KWR</strong> and STOWA are the Dutch repres<strong>en</strong>tatives in the<br />

network. GWRC members attune their research programmes as well as un<strong>de</strong>rtake joint<br />

research. In <strong>2010</strong>, <strong>KWR</strong> was involved within GWRC in:<br />

• The <strong>de</strong>sign of the wastewater treatm<strong>en</strong>t of the future. This <strong>de</strong>sign takes into account<br />

the recovery of <strong>en</strong>ergy and useful materials, such as phosphorous and nitrog<strong>en</strong>.<br />

• A best-practice manual for asset managem<strong>en</strong>t — Dunea and PWN ma<strong>de</strong> contributions<br />

from the Netherlands.<br />

In 2011, a follow-up project to the previously successful study on in vitro bioassays<br />

for the quantification of oestrog<strong>en</strong> activity will focus on in vitro bioassays for other<br />

hormonal <strong>en</strong>d-points, such as androg<strong>en</strong>s, thyroid hormones, glucocorticoids and<br />


Internationale sam<strong>en</strong>werking | International collaboration<br />

Contact<br />

Theo <strong>van</strong> <strong>de</strong>n Hov<strong>en</strong><br />

theo.<strong>van</strong>.<strong>de</strong>n.hov<strong>en</strong>@kwrwater.nl<br />

www.arc-online.eu<br />

24<br />

Aqua <strong>Research</strong><br />

Collaboration (ARC)<br />

E<strong>en</strong> Europees on<strong>de</strong>rzoeksinstituut voor <strong>de</strong> gehele waterket<strong>en</strong>.<br />

Dat was het doel to<strong>en</strong> <strong>KWR</strong> eind <strong>2009</strong> het initiatief nam voor e<strong>en</strong><br />

sam<strong>en</strong>werkingsverband met vier vooraanstaan<strong>de</strong> on<strong>de</strong>rzoeksinstitut<strong>en</strong>.<br />

ARC (Aqua <strong>Research</strong> Collaboration) ging begin <strong>2010</strong> <strong>van</strong><br />

start. De ambitie <strong>van</strong> ARC — <strong>de</strong> k<strong>en</strong>nisbasis voor alle partij<strong>en</strong> in <strong>de</strong><br />

Europese watercyclus versterk<strong>en</strong> — steunt op drie pijlers:<br />

1. Opzett<strong>en</strong> <strong>en</strong> uitvoer<strong>en</strong> <strong>van</strong> e<strong>en</strong> Europees georiënteerd waterket<strong>en</strong><br />

on<strong>de</strong>rzoeksprogramma om <strong>de</strong> lidstat<strong>en</strong> <strong>de</strong> beste k<strong>en</strong>nis die er is<br />

te kunn<strong>en</strong> bie<strong>de</strong>n.<br />

2. Test<strong>en</strong> <strong>en</strong> implem<strong>en</strong>ter<strong>en</strong> <strong>van</strong> on<strong>de</strong>rzoeksresultat<strong>en</strong> met <strong>en</strong> bij<br />

eindgebruikers.<br />

3. Bijdrag<strong>en</strong> aan <strong>de</strong> opbouw <strong>van</strong> e<strong>en</strong> effectieve waterket<strong>en</strong>k<strong>en</strong>nisinfrastructuur<br />

in EU-lidstat<strong>en</strong>.<br />

In <strong>2010</strong> heeft ARC op <strong>de</strong>elgebie<strong>de</strong>n het sam<strong>en</strong>werkingsverband<br />

concreet vormgegev<strong>en</strong>. Er zijn e<strong>en</strong> aantal on<strong>de</strong>rzoekson<strong>de</strong>rwerp<strong>en</strong><br />

opgestart: Asset Managem<strong>en</strong>t, Membraantechnologie, Energie &<br />

Water <strong>en</strong> Future Urban Water Cycle. De ARC-partners werk<strong>en</strong> daarnaast<br />

int<strong>en</strong>sief sam<strong>en</strong> in <strong>de</strong> Europese project<strong>en</strong> PREPARED <strong>en</strong> TRUST.<br />

Aqua <strong>Research</strong><br />

Collaboration (ARC)<br />

A European research institute for the <strong>en</strong>tire<br />

water cycle. That was <strong>KWR</strong>’s objective wh<strong>en</strong>,<br />

in late <strong>2009</strong>, it took the initiative to establish a<br />

collaboration with four other leading research<br />

institutes in Europe. The result was the Aqua<br />

<strong>Research</strong> Collaboration (ARC). The new collaboration<br />

began operating in early <strong>2010</strong>. Its ambition:<br />

to str<strong>en</strong>gth<strong>en</strong> the knowledge basis of all European<br />

watercycle stakehol<strong>de</strong>rs; an ambition that<br />

is foun<strong>de</strong>d on three pillars:<br />

1. Establish and implem<strong>en</strong>t a Europe-ori<strong>en</strong>ted<br />

water cycle research programme to offer EU<br />

Member States the best knowledge possible.<br />

2. Test and implem<strong>en</strong>t research results together<br />

with, and on the premises of, <strong>en</strong>d users.<br />

3. Contribute to building an effective water cycle<br />

knowledge infrastructure in EU Member<br />

States.<br />

In <strong>2010</strong>, ARC took on a <strong>de</strong>finite form with the<br />

start-up of a number of research projects in several<br />

fields, namely: asset managem<strong>en</strong>t, membrane<br />

technology, <strong>en</strong>ergy & water, and the future<br />

urban water cycle. In addition, ARC partners are<br />

collaborating int<strong>en</strong>sively in the European PRE-<br />

PARED and TRUST projects.<br />

ARC<br />

SINTEF |NTU (Noorweg<strong>en</strong>), IWW (Duitsland),<br />

CETaqua (Spanje), LNEC (Portugal).

Bridging Sci<strong>en</strong>ce to Practice<br />

Contact<br />

Chris Büscher<br />

chris.buscher@kwrwater.nl<br />

CEO-confer<strong>en</strong>tie<br />

watermanagem<strong>en</strong>t<br />

in Lon<strong>de</strong>n<br />

CEO confer<strong>en</strong>ce on water<br />

managem<strong>en</strong>t in London<br />

For the sev<strong>en</strong>th time, from 9 to 11 December <strong>2010</strong>,<br />

<strong>KWR</strong> organised the CEO confer<strong>en</strong>ce. The purpose<br />

of these confer<strong>en</strong>ces is to share experi<strong>en</strong>ces of<br />

extreme cases in the water cycles in Europe.<br />

<strong>KWR</strong> organiseer<strong>de</strong> <strong>van</strong> 9 tot 11 <strong>de</strong>cember <strong>2010</strong> voor <strong>de</strong> zev<strong>en</strong><strong>de</strong><br />

keer <strong>de</strong> CEO-confer<strong>en</strong>tie. Deze confer<strong>en</strong>ties hebb<strong>en</strong> tot doel te<br />

ler<strong>en</strong> <strong>van</strong> extrem<strong>en</strong> in <strong>de</strong> waterket<strong>en</strong> in Europa.<br />

Deze keer ging<strong>en</strong> <strong>de</strong> directeur<strong>en</strong> <strong>van</strong> veerti<strong>en</strong> organisaties in <strong>de</strong><br />

Ne<strong>de</strong>rlandse <strong>en</strong> Belgische watersector naar Lon<strong>de</strong>n. Tij<strong>de</strong>ns <strong>de</strong><br />

confer<strong>en</strong>tie ‘Sustainable water managem<strong>en</strong>t in the Greater London<br />

Area’, kreg<strong>en</strong> zij e<strong>en</strong> beeld <strong>van</strong> waterket<strong>en</strong>managem<strong>en</strong>t in e<strong>en</strong><br />

ge privatiseer<strong>de</strong> <strong>en</strong> sterk gereguleer<strong>de</strong> sector. Dit sterk <strong>van</strong> Ne<strong>de</strong>rland<br />

afwijk<strong>en</strong><strong>de</strong> mo<strong>de</strong>l is in 1989 ingevoerd <strong>en</strong> heeft onteg<strong>en</strong>zeggelijk<br />

e<strong>en</strong> prikkel gegev<strong>en</strong> tot professionalisering <strong>van</strong> <strong>de</strong> waterket<strong>en</strong> in<br />

Engeland. De kwaliteit <strong>van</strong> het water <strong>en</strong> <strong>de</strong> di<strong>en</strong>stverl<strong>en</strong>ing zijn sterk<br />

verbeterd, terwijl <strong>de</strong> tariev<strong>en</strong> 30% lager zijn dan zij zou<strong>de</strong>n zijn<br />

geweest zon<strong>de</strong>r privatisering. Ook heeft <strong>de</strong> privatisering geleid<br />

tot e<strong>en</strong> hoog niveau <strong>van</strong> assetmanagem<strong>en</strong>t.<br />

Tegelijkertijd vormt het huidige systeem met e<strong>en</strong> sterke regulering<br />

voor <strong>de</strong> Engelse watersector steeds meer e<strong>en</strong> knell<strong>en</strong>d keurslijf,<br />

waarin <strong>de</strong> nadruk te veel ligt op <strong>de</strong> korte termijn <strong>en</strong> op economische<br />

variabel<strong>en</strong>. Ook ontbreekt <strong>de</strong> prikkel tot innovatie. En dit terwijl <strong>de</strong><br />

huidige uitdaging<strong>en</strong> in Lon<strong>de</strong>n, zoals watertekort<strong>en</strong>, klimaatveran<strong>de</strong>ring<br />

<strong>en</strong> e<strong>en</strong> sterk verou<strong>de</strong>r<strong>de</strong> infrastructuur juist vrag<strong>en</strong> om<br />

innovatieve, integrale <strong>en</strong> meer duurzame langetermijnoplossing<strong>en</strong>.<br />

Op regeringsniveau zijn inmid<strong>de</strong>ls initiatiev<strong>en</strong> g<strong>en</strong>om<strong>en</strong> om innovaties<br />

te stimuler<strong>en</strong>. On<strong>de</strong>r<strong>de</strong>el hier<strong>van</strong> is <strong>de</strong> ontwikkeling <strong>van</strong> e<strong>en</strong><br />

sectorbreed on<strong>de</strong>rzoeksfonds <strong>en</strong> –programma.<br />

Al met al lever<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong>ze CEO-reis e<strong>en</strong> goed beeld <strong>van</strong> <strong>de</strong> voor- <strong>en</strong><br />

na <strong>de</strong>l<strong>en</strong> <strong>van</strong> e<strong>en</strong> geprivatiseer<strong>de</strong> omgeving voor het manag<strong>en</strong> <strong>van</strong><br />

<strong>de</strong> waterket<strong>en</strong>.<br />

On this occasion, the directors of fourte<strong>en</strong> Dutch<br />

and Belgian water sector organisations travelled<br />

to London. During the confer<strong>en</strong>ce — <strong>en</strong>titled<br />

‘Sustainable water managem<strong>en</strong>t in the Greater<br />

London Area’ — they were pres<strong>en</strong>ted with a<br />

picture of water-cycle managem<strong>en</strong>t in a privatised<br />

and tightly regulated industry. This mo<strong>de</strong>l, which<br />

contrasts sharply with the Dutch one, was introduced<br />

in 1989 and has un<strong>de</strong>niably provi<strong>de</strong>d a stimulus<br />

to the professionalization of water-cycle<br />

managem<strong>en</strong>t in England. The quality of the water<br />

and of the service provision have improved greatly,<br />

while the rates are 30% lower than they would<br />

have be<strong>en</strong> without the privatisation. In addition,<br />

the privatisation has led to a high standard of<br />

asset managem<strong>en</strong>t.<br />

At the same time, the curr<strong>en</strong>t system, with its<br />

strict regulations, is becoming an increasingly<br />

tight straightjacket for the English water sector —<br />

a straightjacket in which too much emphasis is<br />

placed on the short-term and on economic<br />

variables. In addition, there is little inc<strong>en</strong>tive for<br />

innovation, precisely at a time wh<strong>en</strong> London faces<br />

chall<strong>en</strong>ges — like water shortages, climate change<br />

and an aging infrastructure — that call for innovative,<br />

integrated and more sustainable long-term<br />

solutions. Measures have in the meantime be<strong>en</strong><br />

tak<strong>en</strong>, at governm<strong>en</strong>tal level, to stimulate innovation;<br />

among these is the <strong>de</strong>velopm<strong>en</strong>t of a sectorwi<strong>de</strong><br />

research fund and programme.<br />

In conclusion, this CEO trip provi<strong>de</strong>d a good overview<br />

of the ad<strong>van</strong>tages and disad<strong>van</strong>tages of a privatised<br />

water-cycle managem<strong>en</strong>t <strong>en</strong>vironm<strong>en</strong>t.<br />


Internationale sam<strong>en</strong>werking | International collaboration<br />

<strong>KWR</strong>’s expertise<br />

onmisbaar voor<br />

internationalisering<br />

“Wat we met z’n all<strong>en</strong> precies<br />

met duurzaam bedoel<strong>en</strong>, is niet<br />

dui<strong>de</strong>lijk omschrev<strong>en</strong>”<br />

— Kees <strong>van</strong> Leeuw<strong>en</strong><br />

26<br />

Kees <strong>van</strong> Leeuw<strong>en</strong> is sinds 1 oktober<br />

<strong>2010</strong> werkzaam bij <strong>KWR</strong>. Van Leeuw<strong>en</strong>,<br />

<strong>van</strong> huis uit bioloog <strong>en</strong> gepromoveerd<br />

ecotoxicoloog, was hoofd ecotoxi cologie<br />

bij het RIZA <strong>en</strong> werkte bij organisaties<br />

als VROM, RIVM, <strong>de</strong> Europese<br />

Commissie <strong>en</strong> TNO. Daarnaast was hij<br />

<strong>de</strong>rti<strong>en</strong> jaar <strong>de</strong>eltijdhoogleraar bij<br />

het IRAS (Universiteit Utrecht).<br />

Van Leeuw<strong>en</strong> houdt zich on<strong>de</strong>r an<strong>de</strong>re bezig met ste<strong>de</strong>lijk water<br />

<strong>en</strong> gevaarlijke stoff<strong>en</strong> in oppervlaktewater. “<strong>KWR</strong> streeft naar e<strong>en</strong><br />

duurzame waterket<strong>en</strong>, maar wat we daar met z’n all<strong>en</strong> precies mee<br />

bedoel<strong>en</strong>, is niet dui<strong>de</strong>lijk omschrev<strong>en</strong>”, zegt Kees <strong>van</strong> Leeuw<strong>en</strong>.<br />

Om te bepal<strong>en</strong> wanneer e<strong>en</strong> waterket<strong>en</strong> duurzaam is, bracht hij<br />

24 indicator<strong>en</strong> in kaart, zoals: watervoetafdruk, drinkwaterverbruik,<br />

distributie-efficiëntie (zijn er lekkages in leiding<strong>en</strong>) <strong>en</strong> wor<strong>de</strong>n er<br />

<strong>en</strong>ergie <strong>en</strong> nutriënt<strong>en</strong> teruggewonn<strong>en</strong> uit afvalwater. Met <strong>de</strong>ze<br />

indicator<strong>en</strong> is direct te zi<strong>en</strong> op welke on<strong>de</strong>r<strong>de</strong>l<strong>en</strong> e<strong>en</strong> stad goed<br />

scoort <strong>en</strong> waar nog niet. Rotterdam is op <strong>de</strong>ze manier geanalyseerd.<br />

Het behoort tot <strong>de</strong> corebusiness <strong>van</strong> <strong>KWR</strong> om zich met dit soort<br />

testcases te profiler<strong>en</strong> in <strong>de</strong> discussie over <strong>de</strong> duurzame ste<strong>de</strong>lijke<br />

waterket<strong>en</strong>. Daarnaast mak<strong>en</strong> we dui<strong>de</strong>lijk welke technologieën<br />

<strong>de</strong> ste<strong>de</strong>lijke waterket<strong>en</strong> duurzamer kunn<strong>en</strong> mak<strong>en</strong>.<br />

<strong>KWR</strong>’s expertise is vital<br />

for internationalisation<br />

Kees <strong>van</strong> Leeuw<strong>en</strong> joined <strong>KWR</strong> on 1 October<br />

<strong>2010</strong>. He is a biologist by training and holds a<br />

PhD in toxicology. Van Leeuw<strong>en</strong> began his career<br />

in 1980 as head of the ecotoxicology <strong>de</strong>partm<strong>en</strong>t<br />

at RIZA (National Institute for Inland Water<br />

Manage m<strong>en</strong>t and Waste Water Treatm<strong>en</strong>t).<br />

Subsequ<strong>en</strong>tly he worked at the Dutch Ministry of<br />

Housing, Spatial Planning and the Environm<strong>en</strong>t,<br />

RIVM, as Director at the European Commission<br />

(JRC) in Italy and at TNO. He was part-time<br />

professor at the IRAS (Utrecht University)<br />

for thirte<strong>en</strong> years. Van Leeuw<strong>en</strong>’s areas of study<br />

inclu<strong>de</strong> urban water and risk assessm<strong>en</strong>t of<br />

contaminants in surface and drinking water.<br />

“<strong>KWR</strong> strives for a ‘sustainable’ water cycle, but<br />

what we exactly mean by that is not clearly spelled<br />

out,” says Kees <strong>van</strong> Leeuw<strong>en</strong>. In or<strong>de</strong>r to assess the<br />

sustainability of the urban water cycle, he proposed<br />

24 indicators. These inclu<strong>de</strong>: the water footprint,<br />

drinking water use, distribution effici<strong>en</strong>cy<br />

(pres<strong>en</strong>ce of leakages in the distribution network),<br />

and <strong>en</strong>ergy and nutri<strong>en</strong>t recovery from wastewater.<br />

By using these indicators, the performance of<br />

cities can be immediately established and the<br />

areas of further action can be i<strong>de</strong>ntified. The city of<br />

Rotterdam was analysed in this manner. It is part<br />

of <strong>KWR</strong>’s core business to focus on the <strong>en</strong>tire<br />

urban water cycle and to <strong>de</strong>velop and apply technologies<br />

in or<strong>de</strong>r to contribute to the sustainable<br />

<strong>de</strong>velopm<strong>en</strong>t of the urban water cycle.

Bridging Sci<strong>en</strong>ce to Practice<br />

Contact<br />

Kees <strong>van</strong> Leeuw<strong>en</strong><br />

kees.<strong>van</strong>.leeuw<strong>en</strong>@kwrwater.nl<br />

Internationale sam<strong>en</strong>werking<br />

Van Leeuw<strong>en</strong> ziet voor <strong>KWR</strong> in Europa e<strong>en</strong> rol <strong>van</strong> betek<strong>en</strong>is weggelegd:<br />

“De kom<strong>en</strong><strong>de</strong> jar<strong>en</strong> wil <strong>KWR</strong> meer Europese project<strong>en</strong> do<strong>en</strong>.<br />

Daarvoor is het nodig om onze in Ne<strong>de</strong>rland opgebouw<strong>de</strong> expertise<br />

op watergebied — zoals afvalwater <strong>en</strong> hergebruik, microbiologie,<br />

ecologie <strong>en</strong> membraantechnologie — in <strong>de</strong> internationale sam<strong>en</strong>werking<br />

met k<strong>en</strong>nisinstitut<strong>en</strong> <strong>en</strong> eindgebruikers in te zett<strong>en</strong>.”<br />

International collaboration<br />

Van Leeuw<strong>en</strong> believes that <strong>KWR</strong> has an<br />

important role to play in Europe. “Over the next<br />

few years, <strong>KWR</strong> wants to be <strong>en</strong>gaged in more<br />

European projects. To do this, we have to mobilise<br />

the water expertise we’ve built up in the<br />

Netherlands — for instance, in the fields of water<br />

treatm<strong>en</strong>t and reuse, microbiology, ecology and<br />

membrane technology — in international collaborations<br />

with other knowledge institutes and<br />

<strong>en</strong>d users.”<br />

<strong>KWR</strong> helpt bij drinkwaterbesmetting<br />

België<br />

Contact<br />

Jan Vreeburg<br />

jan.vreeburg@kwrwater.nl<br />

27<br />

Het Belgische drinkwaterbedrijf<br />

Pidpa constateer<strong>de</strong> op<br />

8 <strong>de</strong>cember <strong>2010</strong> e<strong>en</strong> ernstige<br />

bacteriologische besmetting<br />

<strong>van</strong> het drinkwater <strong>van</strong> <strong>de</strong><br />

geme<strong>en</strong>te Hemiksem<br />

(Antwerp<strong>en</strong>). Op 13 <strong>de</strong>cember<br />

wer<strong>de</strong>n Jan Vreeburg <strong>en</strong><br />

Gertjan Me<strong>de</strong>ma <strong>van</strong> <strong>KWR</strong><br />

gevraagd om on<strong>de</strong>rzoek te<br />

do<strong>en</strong> naar <strong>de</strong> waarschijnlijke<br />

oorzaak <strong>van</strong> <strong>de</strong>ze besmetting.<br />

To<strong>en</strong> was al <strong>de</strong> connectie<br />

gemaakt tuss<strong>en</strong> <strong>de</strong><br />

besmetting <strong>en</strong> het bluss<strong>en</strong><br />

<strong>van</strong> e<strong>en</strong> grote brand op 6 <strong>de</strong>cember. Tij<strong>de</strong>ns het on<strong>de</strong>rzoek <strong>van</strong> <strong>KWR</strong> werd al<br />

snel dui<strong>de</strong>lijk dat tij<strong>de</strong>ns het bluss<strong>en</strong> waarschijnlijk het water <strong>van</strong> e<strong>en</strong> nabijgeleg<strong>en</strong><br />

sloot in het leidingnet terecht was gekom<strong>en</strong>. De brandweer pompte<br />

bij het bluss<strong>en</strong> <strong>van</strong> <strong>de</strong> brand tegelijkertijd drinkwater uit het leidingnet <strong>en</strong><br />

water uit <strong>de</strong> nabije sloot naar één blusslang. Hierdoor ontstond e<strong>en</strong> kruisverbinding<br />

met het leidingnet. Uit het on<strong>de</strong>rzoek bleek dat in <strong>de</strong> instructie<br />

<strong>van</strong> <strong>de</strong> Belgische brandweer niet wordt gewaarschuwd voor het risico op<br />

zo’n kruisverbinding waardoor vervuild oppervlaktewater in het leidingnet<br />

terecht kan kom<strong>en</strong>. Ook in <strong>de</strong> voorschrift<strong>en</strong> voor <strong>de</strong> Ne<strong>de</strong>rlandse brandweer<br />

wordt niet gewaarschuwd voor <strong>de</strong>ze mogelijke kruisverbinding, zo blijkt<br />

uit navraag. <strong>KWR</strong> wil dit punt in 2011 graag besprek<strong>en</strong> met zowel <strong>de</strong> brandweer<br />

als <strong>de</strong> waterleidingbedrijv<strong>en</strong>.<br />

Belgian drinking water contamination inci<strong>de</strong>nt<br />

On 8 December <strong>2010</strong>, the Belgian drinking water company Pidpa <strong>de</strong>tected serious<br />

bacteriological contamination in the drinking water supplying the municipality of<br />

Hemiksem (Antwerp). On 13 December, Jan Vreeburg and Gertjan Me<strong>de</strong>ma from <strong>KWR</strong><br />

were asked to investigate the probable sources of the contamination. At that point, the<br />

link had already be<strong>en</strong> ma<strong>de</strong> betwe<strong>en</strong> the contamination and the extinguishing of a large<br />

fire in the area on 6 December. During the course of the <strong>KWR</strong> investigations, it became<br />

appar<strong>en</strong>t that surface water from a nearby ditch had <strong>en</strong>tered the distribution system<br />

during the extinguishing operation. Wh<strong>en</strong> extinguishing the fire, the fire briga<strong>de</strong> used<br />

one fire hose to pump water from the drinking water network and from the ditch, thus<br />

creating a cross-connection betwe<strong>en</strong> the two. Further investigations revealed that at<br />

no point during Belgian firefighter training is this risk of contamination through the<br />

use of cross-connections highlighted. The Dutch Fire Service similarly does not educate<br />

their firefighters in the contamination risk to drinking water from their operations.<br />

<strong>KWR</strong> would like to address this risk with the Fire briga<strong>de</strong> and the Drinking water<br />

companies in 2011.

Internationale sam<strong>en</strong>werking | International collaboration<br />

IWA Montréal <strong>2010</strong>:<br />

ontmoet<strong>en</strong> <strong>en</strong> verbin<strong>de</strong>n<br />

28<br />

<strong>KWR</strong> nam in <strong>2010</strong> traditiegetrouw<br />

<strong>de</strong>el aan het IWA World Water Congress<br />

and Exhibition, ditmaal in Montréal,<br />

Canada. Opvall<strong>en</strong>d verschil met voorgaan<strong>de</strong><br />

jar<strong>en</strong> was <strong>de</strong> eig<strong>en</strong> beursstand<br />

waarmee <strong>KWR</strong> zich op dit platform<br />

in <strong>de</strong> internationale watersector<br />

profileer<strong>de</strong>.<br />

De vier meter hoge stand met <strong>de</strong> kaart <strong>van</strong> <strong>de</strong> Europese binn<strong>en</strong>water<strong>en</strong><br />

gold als metafoor voor onze Europese ambities. De stand vorm<strong>de</strong><br />

al snel e<strong>en</strong> vertrouwd verzamelpunt voor aan<strong>de</strong>elhou<strong>de</strong>rs <strong>en</strong> relaties.<br />

Het motto ‘ontmoet<strong>en</strong> <strong>en</strong> verbin<strong>de</strong>n’ kwam zo goed tot zijn recht.<br />

E<strong>en</strong> groot aantal <strong>KWR</strong>-on<strong>de</strong>rzoekers droeg bij aan het wet<strong>en</strong>schappelijke<br />

programma <strong>van</strong> het congres door mid<strong>de</strong>l <strong>van</strong> lezing<strong>en</strong>, workshops<br />

of postersessies over e<strong>en</strong> breed spectrum aan on<strong>de</strong>rwerp<strong>en</strong>:<br />

<strong>van</strong> anaerobic granular sludge <strong>en</strong> ‘The Dutch Secret’ tot climate<br />

change and adaptive water managem<strong>en</strong>t, <strong>van</strong> organizing innovation<br />

<strong>en</strong> nanotechnology tot drinking water quality managem<strong>en</strong>t.<br />

IWA Montreal <strong>2010</strong>: meeting<br />

and connecting<br />

In <strong>2010</strong>, as per tradition, <strong>KWR</strong> took part in<br />

the IWA World Water Congress and Exhibition,<br />

held on this occasion in Montreal, Canada.<br />

In notable contrast with the previous editions,<br />

this time <strong>KWR</strong> pres<strong>en</strong>ted itself with its own<br />

stand at this gathering of the international<br />

water sector. The four-metre high stand with its<br />

map of the European inland waterways stood as<br />

a metaphor for our European ambitions.<br />

The stand quickly became a trusted meeting point<br />

for stakehol<strong>de</strong>rs and fri<strong>en</strong>ds, thus truly doing<br />

justice to the motto: ‘meeting and connecting’.<br />

A large number of <strong>KWR</strong> researchers contributed<br />

to the sci<strong>en</strong>tific programme of the congress. They<br />

gave lectures, workshops and poster pres<strong>en</strong>tations,<br />

covering a wi<strong>de</strong> spectrum of subjects: from<br />

anaerobic granular sludge and ‘The Dutch Secret’,<br />

to climate change and adaptive water managem<strong>en</strong>t,<br />

and from organising innovation and nanotechnology<br />

to drinking water quality managem<strong>en</strong>t.<br />

Keynote speech<br />

E<strong>en</strong> <strong>van</strong> <strong>de</strong> pl<strong>en</strong>aire keynotes was <strong>de</strong> voordracht door Wim <strong>van</strong><br />

Vierss<strong>en</strong> met als on<strong>de</strong>rwerp ‘The Future of <strong>Research</strong> and Innovation’.<br />

Kern <strong>van</strong> <strong>de</strong> voordracht was dat veel vooruitgang in <strong>de</strong> watersector<br />

<strong>van</strong> ons organiser<strong>en</strong>d vermog<strong>en</strong> zal moet<strong>en</strong> kom<strong>en</strong>. De watersector<br />

is in wet<strong>en</strong>schappelijke <strong>en</strong> economische term<strong>en</strong> klein <strong>en</strong> ook nog<br />

e<strong>en</strong>s erg versnipperd. Water is immers e<strong>en</strong> zeer lokaal <strong>en</strong> regionaal<br />

on<strong>de</strong>rwerp. Maar we zijn als sector niet alle<strong>en</strong> verantwoor<strong>de</strong>lijk voor<br />

het beheer <strong>van</strong> het zoete water, we blijk<strong>en</strong> in <strong>de</strong> praktijk ook sterk<br />

verbon<strong>de</strong>n te zijn met wereldwij<strong>de</strong> problematiek op het gebied <strong>van</strong><br />

<strong>de</strong> biodiversiteit, klimaatveran<strong>de</strong>ring, chemische vervuiling,<br />

veran<strong>de</strong>r<strong>en</strong>d landgebruik <strong>en</strong> eutrofiëring. Dat zorgt ervoor dat we<br />

e<strong>en</strong> relatief belangrijke operationele speler zijn bij het beher<strong>en</strong> <strong>van</strong><br />

<strong>de</strong> natuurlijke rijkdomm<strong>en</strong> op aar<strong>de</strong>. Als we die rol waar will<strong>en</strong><br />

mak<strong>en</strong> dan wordt sam<strong>en</strong>werk<strong>en</strong> in complexe netwerk<strong>en</strong> e<strong>en</strong><br />

absolute vereiste.<br />

Keynote speech<br />

One of the pl<strong>en</strong>ary keynote speakers was Wim<br />

<strong>van</strong> Vierss<strong>en</strong>, who spoke on the subject of ‘The<br />

Future of <strong>Research</strong> and Innovation.’ The ess<strong>en</strong>ce<br />

of his message was that much of the progress in<br />

the water sector will have to come from our<br />

organisational capabilities. The water sector is<br />

small in sci<strong>en</strong>tific and economic terms, and still<br />

consi<strong>de</strong>rably fragm<strong>en</strong>ted. Water, after all, is a very<br />

local and regional matter. But we are, as a sector,<br />

not only responsible for managing fresh water, in<br />

practice we are closely involved with global issues<br />

like biodiversity, climate change, chemical pollution,<br />

eutrophication and changing land-use. This<br />

makes us a relatively important operational player<br />

in the managem<strong>en</strong>t of the planet’s natural<br />

resources. If we want to fully realise this role, it<br />

is absolutely ess<strong>en</strong>tial for us to work together<br />

in complex networks.

Bridging Sci<strong>en</strong>ce to Practice<br />

29<br />

Traditioneel vond op <strong>de</strong> eerste avond <strong>van</strong> het IWAcongres<br />

het <strong>KWR</strong>-diner plaats, on<strong>de</strong>rtuss<strong>en</strong> uitgegroeid<br />

tot dé start voor <strong>de</strong> Ne<strong>de</strong>rlandse <strong>de</strong>elnemers aan het<br />

tweejaarlijkse congres. E<strong>en</strong> gevarieerd gezelschap <strong>van</strong><br />

directies <strong>van</strong> Ne<strong>de</strong>rlandse waterbedrijv<strong>en</strong>, staf <strong>van</strong><br />

<strong>de</strong> Vewin, internationale gast<strong>en</strong> <strong>en</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>KWR</strong>-<strong>de</strong>legatie<br />

dineer<strong>de</strong> in restaurant Newtown in <strong>de</strong> binn<strong>en</strong>stad<br />

<strong>van</strong> Montréal.<br />

The <strong>KWR</strong> dinner has traditionally be<strong>en</strong> held on the<br />

first ev<strong>en</strong>ing of the IWA congress — an occasion that<br />

has become the op<strong>en</strong>ing ev<strong>en</strong>t for the Dutch participants<br />

at the bi<strong>en</strong>nial congress. A mixed group of Dutch<br />

water company executives, Vewin staff, international<br />

guests and the <strong>KWR</strong> <strong>de</strong>legates dined at the Newtown<br />

restaurant in c<strong>en</strong>tral Montreal.

Bridging Sci<strong>en</strong>ce to Practice<br />


Gezond | Healthy water<br />

Edwin Kardinaal — teamlei<strong>de</strong>r | team lea<strong>de</strong>r<br />

Microbiology<br />

Hel<strong>en</strong>a Sales Ortells — on<strong>de</strong>rzoeker | sci<strong>en</strong>tific<br />

researcher Q fever (→ p. 34)<br />

Patrick Smeets — on<strong>de</strong>rzoeker | sci<strong>en</strong>tific researcher<br />

Water Cycle Safety Plans<br />

32<br />

Gertjan Me<strong>de</strong>ma — Chief Sci<strong>en</strong>ce Officer, lid <strong>KWR</strong><br />

Wet<strong>en</strong>schapsraad | member <strong>KWR</strong> Sci<strong>en</strong>tific Council (→ p. 18, 46)<br />

Team Microbiologie<br />

Microbiology<br />

Risicobeheersing in<br />

<strong>de</strong> waterket<strong>en</strong><br />

Bij drinkwaterbedrijv<strong>en</strong> zie je ze steeds vaker:<br />

Water Safety Plans. In <strong>de</strong>ze plann<strong>en</strong> legg<strong>en</strong> <strong>de</strong><br />

bedrijv<strong>en</strong> vast met welke maatregel<strong>en</strong> ze voorkom<strong>en</strong><br />

dat <strong>de</strong> drinkwater-kwaliteit in gevaar komt.<br />

Binn<strong>en</strong> het Europese on<strong>de</strong>rzoeksproject PREPARED<br />

werkt <strong>KWR</strong> aan vergelijkbare plann<strong>en</strong> voor risicobeheersing<br />

in <strong>de</strong> gehele waterket<strong>en</strong>.

Bridging Sci<strong>en</strong>ce to Practice<br />

Contact<br />

Patrick Smeets<br />

patrick.smeets@kwrwater.nl<br />


DHI <strong>en</strong> IWA.<br />

PREPARED is gericht op <strong>de</strong> ontwikkeling <strong>van</strong> k<strong>en</strong>nis <strong>en</strong> technologie<br />

om <strong>de</strong> waterket<strong>en</strong> in ste<strong>de</strong>lijke gebie<strong>de</strong>n in <strong>de</strong> toekomst klimaatbest<strong>en</strong>dig<br />

te hou<strong>de</strong>n. Binn<strong>en</strong> het project werk<strong>en</strong> on<strong>de</strong>rzoeksinstelling<strong>en</strong><br />

sam<strong>en</strong> met technologiebedrijv<strong>en</strong> <strong>en</strong> partij<strong>en</strong> die actief zijn<br />

in <strong>de</strong> ste<strong>de</strong>lijke waterket<strong>en</strong>. Patrick Smeets <strong>van</strong> <strong>KWR</strong> is trekker <strong>van</strong><br />

het <strong>de</strong>elproject ‘Risk Assessm<strong>en</strong>t <strong>en</strong> Risk Managem<strong>en</strong>t’.<br />

Water Cycle Safety Plans<br />

Smeets: “Naar analogie <strong>van</strong> <strong>de</strong> Water Safety Plans voor <strong>de</strong> drinkwaterproductie<br />

ontwikkel<strong>en</strong> we Water Cycle Safety Plans. Daarvoor<br />

br<strong>en</strong>g<strong>en</strong> we, sam<strong>en</strong> met an<strong>de</strong>re k<strong>en</strong>nisinstelling<strong>en</strong>, alle risico’s in<br />

kaart waarmee je binn<strong>en</strong> <strong>de</strong> waterket<strong>en</strong> in ste<strong>de</strong>lijke gebie<strong>de</strong>n te<br />

mak<strong>en</strong> kunt krijg<strong>en</strong>. We ontwikkel<strong>en</strong> e<strong>en</strong> metho<strong>de</strong> om <strong>de</strong> belangrijkste<br />

risico’s te i<strong>de</strong>ntificer<strong>en</strong> <strong>en</strong> te kwantificer<strong>en</strong>, rek<strong>en</strong>ing hou<strong>de</strong>nd<br />

met verschill<strong>en</strong><strong>de</strong> klimaatsc<strong>en</strong>ario’s. Vervolg<strong>en</strong>s ontwikkel<strong>en</strong> we e<strong>en</strong><br />

database waarin staat met welke maatregel<strong>en</strong> <strong>de</strong> risico’s zijn te<br />

beheers<strong>en</strong>.”<br />

Van elkaar ler<strong>en</strong><br />

“E<strong>en</strong> <strong>van</strong> <strong>de</strong> sterke punt<strong>en</strong> <strong>van</strong> PREPARED”, zegt Smeets, “is dat eindgebruikers<br />

bij het vaststell<strong>en</strong> <strong>van</strong> <strong>de</strong> on<strong>de</strong>rzoeksvrag<strong>en</strong> zijn betrokk<strong>en</strong>.<br />

E<strong>en</strong> an<strong>de</strong>r sterk punt is dat <strong>de</strong> ontwikkel<strong>de</strong> k<strong>en</strong>nis <strong>en</strong> instrum<strong>en</strong>t<strong>en</strong><br />

in <strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong>elnem<strong>en</strong><strong>de</strong> ste<strong>de</strong>n wor<strong>de</strong>n toegepast. Het raamwerk<br />

dat wij ontwikkel<strong>en</strong> voor <strong>de</strong> Water Cycle Safety Plans test<strong>en</strong> we<br />

binn<strong>en</strong>kort in Lissabon <strong>en</strong> Eindhov<strong>en</strong>. De opgedane ervaring<strong>en</strong><br />

gebruik<strong>en</strong> we vervolg<strong>en</strong>s weer in Oslo <strong>en</strong> Simferopol.”<br />

Risk managem<strong>en</strong>t in the water cycle<br />

Water Safety Plans: one comes across them more and more oft<strong>en</strong> at<br />

drinking water companies. In these plans the companies set down the<br />

measures they take to prev<strong>en</strong>t threats to drinking water quality. <strong>KWR</strong><br />

works within the European research project, PREPARED, on similar<br />

risk managem<strong>en</strong>t plans, but for the <strong>en</strong>tire water cycle.<br />

PREPARED focuses on the <strong>de</strong>velopm<strong>en</strong>t of knowledge and technology to<br />

<strong>en</strong>sure that the water cycle in urban areas remains climate proof into the<br />

future. <strong>Research</strong> institutions work within the project with technology<br />

companies and stakehol<strong>de</strong>rs active in the urban water cycle. <strong>KWR</strong>’s Patrick<br />

Smeets leads the ‘Risk Assessm<strong>en</strong>t and Risk Managem<strong>en</strong>t’ compon<strong>en</strong>t<br />

project.<br />

Water Cycle Safety Plans<br />

“By analogy with the Water Safety Plans for drinking water production,”<br />

explains Smeets, “we’re <strong>de</strong>veloping Water Cycle Safety Plans. To do so,<br />

working with other knowledge institutes, we lay out all the possible risks<br />

which the water cycle might be exposed to in urban areas. We first <strong>de</strong>velop<br />

a method of i<strong>de</strong>ntifying and quantifying the key risks with the differ<strong>en</strong>t<br />

possible climate sc<strong>en</strong>arios in mind. Th<strong>en</strong> we build a database which<br />

contains the measures nee<strong>de</strong>d to manage the risks.”<br />

Learning from each other<br />

“One of the strong features of PREPARED,” says Smeets, “is that <strong>en</strong>d users<br />

are involved in <strong>de</strong>fining the research questions. Another of its str<strong>en</strong>gths is<br />

that it applies the knowledge and instrum<strong>en</strong>ts <strong>de</strong>veloped in the participating<br />

cities. The framework that we’ve created for the Water Cycle Safety<br />

Plans will be soon tested in Lisbon and Eindhov<strong>en</strong>, and the experi<strong>en</strong>ce<br />

we gain there will th<strong>en</strong> be applied in Oslo and Simferopol.”<br />

33<br />

“Eindgebruikers zijn bij het<br />

vaststell<strong>en</strong> <strong>van</strong> <strong>de</strong> on<strong>de</strong>rzoeksvrag<strong>en</strong><br />

betrokk<strong>en</strong>”<br />

— Patrick Smeets

Gezond | Healthy water<br />

Kans op Q-koorts via<br />

drinkwater is miniem<br />


Bridging Sci<strong>en</strong>ce to Practice<br />

Contact<br />

Hel<strong>en</strong>a Sales Ortells<br />

hel<strong>en</strong>a.sales.ortells@kwrwater.nl<br />

TU Delft, RIVM<br />

Chance of getting Q fever<br />

via drinking water is<br />

minimal<br />

Ne<strong>de</strong>rland kampte <strong>de</strong> afgelop<strong>en</strong> jar<strong>en</strong> met ernstige<br />

uitbrak<strong>en</strong> <strong>van</strong> Q-koorts. Door het ina<strong>de</strong>m<strong>en</strong><br />

<strong>van</strong> lucht waarin <strong>de</strong> verwekker zat <strong>van</strong> Q-koorts —<br />

<strong>de</strong> bacterie Coxiella burnetii — wer<strong>de</strong>n hon<strong>de</strong>r<strong>de</strong>n<br />

m<strong>en</strong>s<strong>en</strong> ziek. <strong>KWR</strong> on<strong>de</strong>rzocht of m<strong>en</strong>s<strong>en</strong> <strong>de</strong> ziekte<br />

ook via drinkwater kunn<strong>en</strong> oplop<strong>en</strong>.<br />

In <strong>de</strong> gebie<strong>de</strong>n waar Q-koorts heerste, wordt voor <strong>de</strong> drinkwaterproductie<br />

vooral grondwater gebruikt. Om uit dit grondwater<br />

ongew<strong>en</strong>ste stoff<strong>en</strong> te verwij<strong>de</strong>r<strong>en</strong> wordt het belucht. “Meestal<br />

gebeurt dit met omgevingslucht”, vertelt <strong>KWR</strong>-on<strong>de</strong>rzoekster Hel<strong>en</strong>a<br />

Sales Ortells. “Hierbij is er veel contact tuss<strong>en</strong> <strong>de</strong> lucht <strong>en</strong> het water.<br />

Aangezi<strong>en</strong> niet alle drinkwaterbedrijv<strong>en</strong> <strong>de</strong> omgevingslucht vooraf<br />

filter<strong>en</strong>, bestaat bij besmette lucht <strong>de</strong> kans dat <strong>de</strong> bacterie uitein<strong>de</strong>lijk<br />

in het drinkwater terechtkomt. M<strong>en</strong>s<strong>en</strong> zou<strong>de</strong>n dan via het<br />

ina<strong>de</strong>m<strong>en</strong> <strong>van</strong> aerosol<strong>en</strong>, bijvoorbeeld tij<strong>de</strong>ns het douch<strong>en</strong>,<br />

geïnfecteerd kunn<strong>en</strong> rak<strong>en</strong>.”<br />

Stapp<strong>en</strong> in beeld<br />

<strong>KWR</strong> on<strong>de</strong>rzocht hoe groot <strong>de</strong> kans is op besmetting via <strong>de</strong>ze route.<br />

Hiervoor zijn eerst alle stapp<strong>en</strong>, <strong>van</strong>af het vrijkom<strong>en</strong> <strong>van</strong> <strong>de</strong> ziekteverwekk<strong>en</strong><strong>de</strong><br />

bacteriën bij e<strong>en</strong> geit<strong>en</strong>boer<strong>de</strong>rij tot <strong>en</strong> met het ina<strong>de</strong>m<strong>en</strong><br />

<strong>van</strong> besmette aerosol<strong>en</strong>, in beeld gebracht. Vervolg<strong>en</strong>s zijn voor<br />

ie<strong>de</strong>re stap gegev<strong>en</strong>s verzameld om <strong>de</strong> kans te berek<strong>en</strong><strong>en</strong>. Daarbij<br />

zijn steeds <strong>de</strong> meest conservatieve cijfers gebruikt, waardoor <strong>de</strong><br />

berek<strong>en</strong><strong>de</strong> kans op besmetting zeer waarschijnlijk groter uitvalt dan<br />

<strong>de</strong> werkelijke kans.<br />

Risico verlag<strong>en</strong><br />

Sales Ortells: “De kans op besmetting via drinkwater is uiterst klein<br />

in vergelijking met an<strong>de</strong>re blootstellingsroutes, zelfs als <strong>de</strong> afstand<br />

tuss<strong>en</strong> <strong>de</strong> besmette stal <strong>en</strong> het pompstation, waar <strong>de</strong> lucht wordt<br />

ing<strong>en</strong>om<strong>en</strong>, min<strong>de</strong>r dan e<strong>en</strong> kilometer is. En als waterbedrijv<strong>en</strong> efficiënte<br />

HEPA-luchtfilters toepass<strong>en</strong>, kunn<strong>en</strong> ze het risico nog e<strong>en</strong>s<br />

met 99,95% verlag<strong>en</strong>.”<br />

Over the last few years, the Netherlands<br />

struggled with serious outbreaks of Q fever.<br />

Hundreds of people became ill after having<br />

breathed air containing the Q fever pathog<strong>en</strong>:<br />

the Coxiella burnetii bacterium. <strong>KWR</strong> has<br />

investigated whether people could also get<br />

Q fever via drinking water.<br />

In the areas affected by Q fever, drinking<br />

water is primarily produced using groundwater.<br />

This water is aerated to remove un<strong>de</strong>sirable substances.<br />

“This is usually done using the ambi<strong>en</strong>t<br />

air,” says <strong>KWR</strong> researcher Hel<strong>en</strong>a Sales Ortells.<br />

“This means that there is a lot of contact betwe<strong>en</strong><br />

the air and the water. Since not all drinking<br />

water companies pre-filter this ambi<strong>en</strong>t air,<br />

there is a chance, if the air is contaminated, that<br />

the bacterium will <strong>en</strong>d up in the water. People<br />

could therefore become infected by inhaling<br />

water aerosols, for instance, while taking a<br />

shower.”<br />

Detailing the steps<br />

<strong>KWR</strong> studied the probability of a Q fever infection<br />

through this pathway. All the steps in the<br />

chain of exposure were <strong>de</strong>tailed: from the release<br />

of the pathog<strong>en</strong>ic bacterium in a goat farm, to<br />

the inhalation of the contaminated water aerosols.<br />

Data were collected on each of the steps<br />

to calculate the probabilities. In this process,<br />

conservative figures were used, so that the calculated<br />

probability of infection was very likely to<br />

be larger than the actual probability.<br />

Reducing risk<br />

“The chance of becoming infected via drinking<br />

water is very small, much smaller than through<br />

other pathways of exposure,” explains Sales<br />

Ortells, “ev<strong>en</strong> if the distance betwe<strong>en</strong> the<br />

contaminated stable and the pumping station,<br />

where the air is collected, is less than one kilometre.<br />

And if the water companies make use<br />

of effici<strong>en</strong>t HEPA air filters, they can reduce<br />

the risk down to 99.95%.”<br />


36<br />

Laboratorium voor<br />

Material<strong>en</strong>on<strong>de</strong>rzoek <strong>en</strong><br />

Chemische analyse<br />

Contact<br />

Ton <strong>van</strong> Leerdam<br />


Ton <strong>van</strong> Leerdam — teamlei<strong>de</strong>r | team lea<strong>de</strong>r<br />

Piet Speksnij<strong>de</strong>r — s<strong>en</strong>ior on<strong>de</strong>rzoeker | researcher<br />

On<strong>de</strong>rzoeksfaciliteit<strong>en</strong> Laboratorium voor Material<strong>en</strong>on<strong>de</strong>rzoek<br />

<strong>en</strong> Chemische analyse<br />

· Migratieon<strong>de</strong>rzoek <strong>van</strong> kunststoff<strong>en</strong> <strong>en</strong> material<strong>en</strong> (voor het Kiwa-keurmerk<br />

wor<strong>de</strong>n kunststof leidingsystem<strong>en</strong> getest; daarnaast on<strong>de</strong>rzoek naar eis<strong>en</strong><br />

<strong>en</strong> beproevingsmetho<strong>de</strong>n voor normalisatie);<br />

· analyse <strong>van</strong> organische parameters zoals bestrijdingsmid<strong>de</strong>l<strong>en</strong>, bioci<strong>de</strong>n,<br />

humane <strong>en</strong> veterinaire g<strong>en</strong>eesmid<strong>de</strong>l<strong>en</strong> <strong>en</strong> metaboliet<strong>en</strong>, opiumwetmid<strong>de</strong>l<strong>en</strong>,<br />

zoals cocaïne, glucocorticoï<strong>de</strong>n, zoals prednison, nitrosoamines<br />

<strong>en</strong> vluchtige stoff<strong>en</strong>;<br />

· breed scre<strong>en</strong><strong>en</strong>d on<strong>de</strong>rzoek <strong>van</strong> <strong>de</strong> chemische waterkwaliteit met<br />

on<strong>de</strong>r an<strong>de</strong>re UV-absorptie, gaschromatografie, vloeistofchromatografie,<br />

accurate massa spectrometrie (Orbitrap) <strong>en</strong> inductief gekoppeld plasma<br />

massa spectrometrie (ICP-MS);<br />

· anorganische analyses met behulp <strong>van</strong> ionchromatografie, spectrofotometrie,<br />

natchemische metho<strong>de</strong>n <strong>en</strong> ICP-MS;<br />

· specialistisch on<strong>de</strong>rzoek, zoals karakteriser<strong>en</strong> <strong>van</strong> kunststoff<strong>en</strong> <strong>en</strong> bepaling<br />

<strong>van</strong> <strong>de</strong> zuurstofdiffusie in kunststofleiding<strong>en</strong>;<br />

· organoleptische bepaling<strong>en</strong> (geur- <strong>en</strong> smaakon<strong>de</strong>rzoek met behulp <strong>van</strong><br />

proefperson<strong>en</strong>);<br />

· ringon<strong>de</strong>rzoek<strong>en</strong> (voor meer dan 100 parameters).<br />

37<br />

<strong>Research</strong> facilities: Materials <strong>Research</strong> and Chemical Analysis Laboratory<br />

· research into synthetic substances and materials (tests are conducted for Kiwa<br />

certification; in addition, research is carried out on the requirem<strong>en</strong>ts and testing<br />

methods for certification);<br />

· analysis of organic parameters e.g. pestici<strong>de</strong>s, bioci<strong>de</strong>s, human and veterinary<br />

pharmaceutical compounds and metabolites, drugs regulated substances such as<br />

cocaine, glucocorticoids such as prednisone, nitrosamines <strong>en</strong> volatile compounds;<br />

· broad scre<strong>en</strong>ing of the chemical water quality with differ<strong>en</strong>t techniques e.g.<br />

UV-absorption, gas chromatography, liquid chromatography, accurate mass<br />

spectrometry (Orbitrap) and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS);<br />

· inorganic analyses with the use of ion chromatography, spectrophotometry,<br />

wet-chemical methods and ICP-MS;<br />

· specialty research such as characterizing of synthetic substances and materials and<br />

<strong>de</strong>termination of oxyg<strong>en</strong> diffusion of synthetic pipes and tubing;<br />

· organoleptic <strong>de</strong>termination (odour and taste research using test subjects);<br />

· collaborative studies (for more than 100 parameters).

Gezond | Healthy water<br />

Rioolwater weerspiegelt<br />

drugsgebruik<br />

38<br />

Het Ne<strong>de</strong>rlandse oppervlaktewater bevat (rest<strong>en</strong><br />

<strong>van</strong>) drugs <strong>en</strong> metabo liet<strong>en</strong> er<strong>van</strong>. Dat blijkt uit e<strong>en</strong><br />

on<strong>de</strong>r zoek <strong>van</strong> <strong>KWR</strong> <strong>en</strong> RIVM. De drugs kom<strong>en</strong> via<br />

urine <strong>en</strong> ontlasting in het rioolwater terecht <strong>en</strong><br />

wor<strong>de</strong>n slechts ge<strong>de</strong>eltelijk verwij<strong>de</strong>rd in afvalwaterzuiverings<br />

installaties, die loz<strong>en</strong> op het oppervlaktewater.<br />

In drinkwater wor<strong>de</strong>n <strong>de</strong> meeste drugs niet<br />

aan getroff<strong>en</strong>, met uitzon<strong>de</strong>ring <strong>van</strong> barbiturat<strong>en</strong><br />

in lage conc<strong>en</strong>traties.<br />

kg/day<br />

100<br />

10<br />

Vracht<strong>en</strong> <strong>van</strong> e<strong>en</strong> aantal<br />

g<strong>en</strong>eesmid<strong>de</strong>l<strong>en</strong> in <strong>de</strong> Rijn bij<br />

Lobith; A:antibiotica, B: beta<br />

blokkers, C: cholesterolverlagers,<br />

D, anti-epileptica, E: pijnstillers/<br />

ontstekingsremmers, F:<br />

Röntg<strong>en</strong>contrastvloeistoff<strong>en</strong><br />

1<br />

Anhydro-Erythromycin A<br />

A B C D E F<br />

Clarithromycin<br />

Clindamycin<br />

Roxithromycin<br />

Sulfamethoxazol<br />

Trimethoprim<br />

At<strong>en</strong>olol<br />

Metoprolol<br />

Sotalol<br />

P<strong>en</strong>toxifylline<br />

Bezafibrate<br />

Crabamazepine<br />

Ibuprof<strong>en</strong><br />

Diclof<strong>en</strong>ac<br />

Ioxitalaminic acid<br />

Iopromid<br />

Iohexol<br />

Iomeprol<br />

Iopamidol<br />

Amidotrizoïnic acid<br />

Daily loads in the river Rhine<br />

at Lobith of a selection of<br />

pharmaceuticals; A:antibiotics,<br />

B: beta blockers, C: lipid<br />

regulators, D, anti epileptics, E:<br />

analgaesics/anti inflammatory<br />

drugs, F: X-ray contrast media

Bridging Sci<strong>en</strong>ce to Practice<br />

Contact<br />

Pim <strong>de</strong> Voogt<br />

pim.<strong>de</strong>.voogt@kwrwater.nl<br />

RIVM, Europees C<strong>en</strong>trum voor Monitoring <strong>van</strong><br />

Drugs <strong>en</strong> Drugsmisbruik (ECMDDA, Lissabon)<br />

“Op basis <strong>van</strong> drugsconc<strong>en</strong>traties<br />

in het influ<strong>en</strong>t<br />

<strong>van</strong> e<strong>en</strong> rioolwaterzuiveringsinstallatie<br />

kun je uitsprak<strong>en</strong><br />

do<strong>en</strong> over het drugsgebruik.”<br />

— Pim <strong>de</strong> Voogt<br />

E<strong>en</strong> aantal jar<strong>en</strong> gele<strong>de</strong>n maakt<strong>en</strong> wet<strong>en</strong>schappelijke artikel<strong>en</strong><br />

melding <strong>van</strong> drugs in het oppervlaktewater. Dat leid<strong>de</strong> tot <strong>de</strong> vraag<br />

of <strong>de</strong>ze stoff<strong>en</strong> ook in het drinkwater kunn<strong>en</strong> doordring<strong>en</strong>. <strong>KWR</strong> <strong>en</strong><br />

het RIVM beslot<strong>en</strong> hiernaar on<strong>de</strong>rzoek te do<strong>en</strong>.<br />

Ge<strong>en</strong> gezondheidsrisico<br />

Uit het on<strong>de</strong>rzoek blijkt dat vier groep<strong>en</strong> stoff<strong>en</strong>, die als drug<br />

gebruikt kunn<strong>en</strong> wor<strong>de</strong>n, in het oppervlaktewater voorkom<strong>en</strong>:<br />

slaap- <strong>en</strong> kalmeringsmid<strong>de</strong>l<strong>en</strong> (<strong>de</strong>nk aan valium), cocaïne, opiat<strong>en</strong><br />

zoals methadon <strong>en</strong> MDMA (extasy). <strong>KWR</strong>-on<strong>de</strong>rzoeker <strong>en</strong> UvAhoogleraar<br />

Pim <strong>de</strong> Voogt: “In drinkwater hebb<strong>en</strong> we <strong>de</strong>ze stoff<strong>en</strong> niet<br />

teruggevon<strong>de</strong>n, met uitzon<strong>de</strong>ring <strong>van</strong> uiterst lage conc<strong>en</strong>traties<br />

slaapmid<strong>de</strong>l<strong>en</strong>. Die vorm<strong>en</strong> ge<strong>en</strong> gezondheidsrisico.”<br />

Drugsgebruik<br />

Het on<strong>de</strong>rzoek heeft inzicht opgeleverd in <strong>de</strong> route <strong>van</strong> ‘gebruiker’<br />

naar oppervlaktewater <strong>en</strong> in <strong>de</strong> gebruikte hoeveelhe<strong>de</strong>n. De Voogt:<br />

“Als je weet welke omzetting<strong>en</strong> in het m<strong>en</strong>selijk lichaam <strong>en</strong> het riool<br />

plaatsvin<strong>de</strong>n, kun je op basis <strong>van</strong> drugsconc<strong>en</strong>traties in het influ<strong>en</strong>t<br />

<strong>van</strong> e<strong>en</strong> rioolwaterzuiveringsinstallatie uitsprak<strong>en</strong> do<strong>en</strong> over het<br />

drugsgebruik. Voor drugson<strong>de</strong>rzoekers <strong>en</strong> opsporingsinstanties is<br />

dat rele<strong>van</strong>te informatie, omdat <strong>de</strong> huidige gegev<strong>en</strong>s over om<strong>van</strong>g<br />

<strong>van</strong> het drugsgebruik gebaseerd zijn op vrag<strong>en</strong>lijst<strong>en</strong> <strong>en</strong> <strong>en</strong>quêtes<br />

waar<strong>van</strong> <strong>de</strong> uitkomst<strong>en</strong> met behoorlijke onzekerhe<strong>de</strong>n behept zijn.”<br />

Ecologische effect<strong>en</strong><br />

Drugsrest<strong>en</strong> in het oppervlaktewater kunn<strong>en</strong>, net als g<strong>en</strong>eesmid<strong>de</strong>l<strong>en</strong>,<br />

ongew<strong>en</strong>ste ecologische effect<strong>en</strong> hebb<strong>en</strong>. Uit ecologisch oogpunt<br />

pleit De Voogt er daarom voor te on<strong>de</strong>rzoek<strong>en</strong> hoe g<strong>en</strong>eesmid<strong>de</strong>l<strong>en</strong><br />

<strong>en</strong> drugs uit rioolwater zijn te verwij<strong>de</strong>r<strong>en</strong>.<br />

Sewage water reflects illegal drug use<br />

<strong>KWR</strong> and RIVM research shows that Dutch surface waters contain<br />

(residues of) illegal drugs and their metabolites. The drugs <strong>en</strong>d up in the<br />

sewage water from human excretion and are only partly removed in<br />

wastewater treatm<strong>en</strong>t plants, which th<strong>en</strong> discharge their efflu<strong>en</strong>t into<br />

surface waters. Most illegal drugs are not found in drinking water,<br />

with the exception of barbiturates at low conc<strong>en</strong>trations.<br />

In rec<strong>en</strong>t years, sci<strong>en</strong>tific studies have reported the pres<strong>en</strong>ce of illegal drugs<br />

in surface water. This led people to ask whether these substances could also<br />

turn up in drinking water. <strong>KWR</strong> and RIVM <strong>de</strong>ci<strong>de</strong>d to investigate the matter.<br />

No health risk<br />

The research showed that four groups of substances turn up in surface<br />

water: soporifics and sedatives (e.g., valium), cocaine, opiates, like methadone,<br />

and MDMA (ecstasy). <strong>KWR</strong> principal researcher and University of<br />

Amsterdam professor Pim <strong>de</strong> Voogt notes that they “did not observe these<br />

substances in drinking water, with the exception of extremely low conc<strong>en</strong>trations<br />

of some soporifics, which do not pres<strong>en</strong>t a health risk.”<br />

Illegal drug use<br />

The research provi<strong>de</strong>d insight into the route of the substances from the<br />

‘user’ to the surface water, and into the quantities of illegal drugs being<br />

used. “If you know,” says De Voogt, “what sort of transformations the drugs<br />

un<strong>de</strong>rgo in the human body and in the sewer, you can, on the basis of the<br />

drug conc<strong>en</strong>trations in the influ<strong>en</strong>t at the wastewater treatm<strong>en</strong>t plants, say<br />

certain things about drug use. This is important information for drug abuse<br />

researchers and crime investigators, because the curr<strong>en</strong>t data regarding the<br />

ext<strong>en</strong>t of illegal drug use are based on questionnaires and surveys that are<br />

riddled with uncertainties.”<br />

Ecological impact<br />

Residues of illegal drugs in surface waters can, just like pharmaceuticals,<br />

have an un<strong>de</strong>sirable ecological impact. It is because of these ecological consi<strong>de</strong>rations<br />

that De Voogt calls for research into how pharmaceuticals and<br />

illegal drugs can be removed from sewage water and drinking water sources.<br />


40<br />

Marjolijn Wouters<strong>en</strong> — on<strong>de</strong>rzoeker | sci<strong>en</strong>tific<br />

researcher (→ p. 42)<br />

Pim <strong>de</strong> Voogt — hoogleraar Milieuchemie | professor<br />

Environm<strong>en</strong>tal Chemistry (→ p. 38)<br />

Team Chemische<br />

Waterkwaliteit <strong>en</strong><br />

Gezondheid | Chemistry<br />

Contact<br />

Pim <strong>de</strong> Voogt<br />


41<br />

Minne Heringa — teamlei<strong>de</strong>r | team lea<strong>de</strong>r<br />

Cindy <strong>de</strong> Jongh — on<strong>de</strong>rzoeker | sci<strong>en</strong>tific researcher<br />

(→ p. 47)

Vooruitstrev<strong>en</strong>d | ad<strong>van</strong>ced water<br />

Toxische stoff<strong>en</strong> <strong>de</strong>tecter<strong>en</strong><br />

met bacteriën<br />

42<br />

<strong>KWR</strong> ontwikkelt e<strong>en</strong> nieuwe<br />

bios<strong>en</strong>sor voor het monitor<strong>en</strong> <strong>van</strong><br />

oppervlakte water waaruit drinkwater<br />

wordt gemaakt. De s<strong>en</strong>sor werkt<br />

met bacteriën die licht uitstral<strong>en</strong> als<br />

hun omstandig he<strong>de</strong>n verslechter<strong>en</strong>.<br />

Door <strong>de</strong> hoeveelheid licht continu<br />

te met<strong>en</strong>, zijn veran<strong>de</strong>ring<strong>en</strong> in <strong>de</strong><br />

water kwaliteit snel waar te nem<strong>en</strong>.<br />

E<strong>en</strong> close-up <strong>van</strong> <strong>de</strong> meetkamer waarin <strong>de</strong> bacteriën<br />

wor<strong>de</strong>n blootgesteld aan water. De bacteriën zijn<br />

geïmmobiliseerd in e<strong>en</strong> sol-gel op <strong>de</strong> punt <strong>van</strong> e<strong>en</strong><br />

optische fiber.<br />

A close-up of the measurem<strong>en</strong>t chamber in which<br />

the bacteria are exposed to water. The bacteria are<br />

immobilized in a sol-gel on the tip of an optical fibre.<br />

Poster prijs<br />

Marjolijn Wouters<strong>en</strong> heeft voor haar posterpres<strong>en</strong>tatie ‘A new flow-through<br />

s<strong>en</strong>sor based on luminesc<strong>en</strong>t bacteria’ over dit on<strong>de</strong>rzoek <strong>de</strong> twee<strong>de</strong> prijs<br />

gewonn<strong>en</strong> tij<strong>de</strong>ns <strong>de</strong> ‘International Confer<strong>en</strong>ce Water Contamination<br />

Emerg<strong>en</strong>cies: monitoring, un<strong>de</strong>rstanding, acting’ in Mülheim an <strong>de</strong>r Ruhr<br />

<strong>van</strong> 11 tot 13 oktober <strong>2010</strong>.<br />

Poster Prize<br />

Marjolijn Wouters<strong>en</strong>’s poster pres<strong>en</strong>tation on this research — <strong>en</strong>titled ‘A new<br />

flow-through s<strong>en</strong>sor based on luminesc<strong>en</strong>t bacteria’ — won the second prize at the<br />

‘International Confer<strong>en</strong>ce Water Contamination Emerg<strong>en</strong>cies: monitoring,<br />

un<strong>de</strong>rstanding, acting’ in Mülheim, which took place from 11 to 13 October <strong>2010</strong>.

Bridging Sci<strong>en</strong>ce to Practice<br />

Contact<br />

Marjolijn Wouters<strong>en</strong><br />

marjolijn.wouters<strong>en</strong>@kwrwater.nl<br />

2M Engineering, the B<strong>en</strong> Gurion University of<br />

the Negev, Evi<strong>de</strong>s, Microlan, Photonis, Vit<strong>en</strong>s,<br />

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Wetsus<br />

“Met dit soort s<strong>en</strong>sor<strong>en</strong> kunn<strong>en</strong><br />

bedrijv<strong>en</strong> straks veel sneller specifieke<br />

verontreiniging<strong>en</strong> waarnem<strong>en</strong> <strong>en</strong><br />

zonodig hun waterinname stopp<strong>en</strong>.”<br />

— Marjolijn Wouters<strong>en</strong><br />

Bestaan<strong>de</strong> real-time monitoringsystem<strong>en</strong> voor het opspor<strong>en</strong> <strong>van</strong><br />

toxische stoff<strong>en</strong> in drinkwaterbronn<strong>en</strong> hebb<strong>en</strong> beperking<strong>en</strong>. Ze<br />

‘vertell<strong>en</strong>’ niet welke typ<strong>en</strong> stoff<strong>en</strong> zijn aangetroff<strong>en</strong> <strong>en</strong> reager<strong>en</strong> niet<br />

op alle stoff<strong>en</strong> die voor m<strong>en</strong>s<strong>en</strong> rele<strong>van</strong>t zijn. Om daarin veran<strong>de</strong>ring<br />

te br<strong>en</strong>g<strong>en</strong>, ontwikkelt <strong>KWR</strong> e<strong>en</strong> s<strong>en</strong>sor die werkt met g<strong>en</strong>etisch<br />

gemodificeer<strong>de</strong> bacteriën. On<strong>de</strong>rzoekster Marjolijn Wouters<strong>en</strong>:<br />

“We gebruik<strong>en</strong> E.coli bacteriën die zo zijn gemanipuleerd dat ze licht<br />

uitstral<strong>en</strong> wanneer ze in aanraking kom<strong>en</strong> met e<strong>en</strong> specifieke groep<br />

toxische stoff<strong>en</strong>. Er zijn stamm<strong>en</strong> die specifiek reager<strong>en</strong> op DNAscha<strong>de</strong>,<br />

eiwitscha<strong>de</strong> of op <strong>de</strong> aanwezigheid <strong>van</strong> bepaal<strong>de</strong> zware<br />

metal<strong>en</strong>.”<br />

Prototype<br />

Inmid<strong>de</strong>ls heeft <strong>KWR</strong> e<strong>en</strong> prototype gebouwd <strong>en</strong> doet daarmee laboratoriumexperim<strong>en</strong>t<strong>en</strong>.<br />

Het instrum<strong>en</strong>t bestaat uit e<strong>en</strong> meetkamer<br />

waar <strong>de</strong> on<strong>de</strong>rzoekers water doorhe<strong>en</strong> lat<strong>en</strong> strom<strong>en</strong>. In <strong>de</strong>ze kamer<br />

zit e<strong>en</strong> glasfiber met op <strong>de</strong> punt e<strong>en</strong> gel waarin <strong>de</strong> gemodificeer<strong>de</strong><br />

bacteriën zijn geplaatst. Ver<strong>de</strong>r zijn er e<strong>en</strong> lichts<strong>en</strong>sor, voorzi<strong>en</strong>ing<strong>en</strong><br />

om voedingsstoff<strong>en</strong> toe te di<strong>en</strong><strong>en</strong>, <strong>de</strong> zuurgraad, temperatuur <strong>en</strong><br />

doorstroomsnelheid te regel<strong>en</strong> <strong>en</strong> controlemeting<strong>en</strong> te do<strong>en</strong>.<br />

Inname stopp<strong>en</strong><br />

Using bacteria to <strong>de</strong>tect toxic compounds<br />

<strong>KWR</strong> is <strong>de</strong>veloping a new bios<strong>en</strong>sor to monitor the surface water used to<br />

produce drinking water. The s<strong>en</strong>sor works with bacteria that emit light<br />

wh<strong>en</strong> their <strong>en</strong>vironm<strong>en</strong>t <strong>de</strong>teriorates. By continuously measuring the<br />

amount of light, any changes in the water quality can be quickly <strong>de</strong>tected.<br />

Existing real-time monitoring systems that trace toxic compounds in<br />

drinking water sources have their limitations. They don’t ‘reveal’ what type<br />

of compounds they <strong>de</strong>tect, and they don’t react to all the compounds that<br />

are rele<strong>van</strong>t to humans. To change this, <strong>KWR</strong> is <strong>de</strong>veloping a s<strong>en</strong>sor that<br />

uses g<strong>en</strong>etically modified bacteria. “We use E. coli bacteria,” says researcher<br />

Marjolijn Wouters<strong>en</strong>, “that have be<strong>en</strong> modified in such a way that they<br />

emit light wh<strong>en</strong> they come into contact with a specific group of toxic<br />

compounds. There are strains that react specifically to DNA damage, to<br />

protein damage or to the pres<strong>en</strong>ce of certain heavy metals.”<br />

Prototype<br />

<strong>KWR</strong> has already built a prototype, which is being used in laboratory<br />

experim<strong>en</strong>ts. The instrum<strong>en</strong>t consists of a measuring chamber through<br />

which the researchers let the water flow. The chamber contains a glass fibre,<br />

on the point of which a gel has be<strong>en</strong> placed containing the modified bacteria.<br />

There is also a light s<strong>en</strong>sor, a means of administering nutri<strong>en</strong>ts, and a<br />

mechanism to adjust the acidity, temperature and velocity, and to conduct<br />

control measurem<strong>en</strong>ts.<br />

43<br />

De gebruikte bacteriestamm<strong>en</strong> blijk<strong>en</strong> in het laboratorium binn<strong>en</strong><br />

<strong>en</strong>kele ur<strong>en</strong> te reager<strong>en</strong> op <strong>de</strong> toegevoeg<strong>de</strong> verontreiniging<strong>en</strong>. De<br />

kom<strong>en</strong><strong>de</strong> tijd doet <strong>KWR</strong> vervolgexperim<strong>en</strong>t<strong>en</strong> <strong>en</strong> praktijkproev<strong>en</strong>.<br />

Als die goed verlop<strong>en</strong>, verwacht Wouters<strong>en</strong> grote belangstelling <strong>van</strong><br />

<strong>de</strong> drinkwaterbedrijv<strong>en</strong>: “Met dit soort s<strong>en</strong>sor<strong>en</strong> kunn<strong>en</strong> bedrijv<strong>en</strong><br />

straks veel sneller specifieke verontreiniging<strong>en</strong> waarnem<strong>en</strong> <strong>en</strong> zonodig<br />

hun waterinname stopp<strong>en</strong>. Gezi<strong>en</strong> <strong>de</strong> reactietijd <strong>van</strong> <strong>de</strong> bacteriën<br />

moet<strong>en</strong> <strong>de</strong> s<strong>en</strong>sor<strong>en</strong> natuurlijk wel voldo<strong>en</strong><strong>de</strong> ver stroomopwaarts<br />

<strong>van</strong> hun innamepunt wor<strong>de</strong>n geplaatst.”<br />

Stop the intake<br />

The bacteria strains being used react within a few hours to the administered<br />

contaminants. In the near future, <strong>KWR</strong> will carry out follow-up<br />

experim<strong>en</strong>ts and large-scale tests. If these go well, Wouters<strong>en</strong> expects a<br />

great <strong>de</strong>al of interest from the drinking water companies. “This kind of<br />

s<strong>en</strong>sor will soon allow the companies to <strong>de</strong>tect specific contaminants much<br />

faster and, if necessary, stop their water intake. In view of the reaction time<br />

of the bacteria, the s<strong>en</strong>sors will naturally have to be placed suffici<strong>en</strong>tly<br />

upstream from the intake point.”

Harm Ve<strong>en</strong><strong>en</strong>daal — teamlei<strong>de</strong>r | team lea<strong>de</strong>r<br />

44<br />

Anita <strong>van</strong> <strong>de</strong>r Ve<strong>en</strong>-Lugt<strong>en</strong>berg — analist | analyst<br />

Daniëlle <strong>van</strong> <strong>de</strong>r Lin<strong>de</strong> — analist | analyst<br />

Laboratorium voor<br />

Microbiologie<br />

Contact<br />

Harm Ve<strong>en</strong><strong>en</strong>daal<br />


Anke Brouwer — coördinator | coordinator<br />

On<strong>de</strong>rzoeksfaciliteit<strong>en</strong> Laboratorium voor<br />

Microbiologie<br />

· biologische stabiliteit (bijvoorbeeld met <strong>de</strong><br />

biofilmmonitor of door bepaling <strong>van</strong> assimileerbaar<br />

organisch koolstof AOC of ATP);<br />

· pathog<strong>en</strong><strong>en</strong> (Cryptosporidium, Giardia,<br />

Campylobacter, E.coli O157, a<strong>de</strong>novirus,<br />

influ<strong>en</strong>za-virus <strong>en</strong> indicator-organisme<br />

· kweekmetho<strong>de</strong>n, microscopie, flow cytometrie<br />

<strong>en</strong> moleculair biologische metho<strong>de</strong>n (qPCR);<br />

· toxicologie (Ames- <strong>en</strong> UMU-test<strong>en</strong> voor mutag<strong>en</strong>iteit);<br />

n (E. coli, bacteriofag<strong>en</strong>, Clostridium<br />

spor<strong>en</strong>);<br />

· microbiologisch on<strong>de</strong>rzoek <strong>van</strong> material<strong>en</strong> die bij<br />

<strong>de</strong> behan<strong>de</strong>ling <strong>en</strong> distributie in aanraking<br />

kom<strong>en</strong> met het drinkwater;<br />

· alle wettelijk voorgeschrev<strong>en</strong> microbiologische<br />

analyses <strong>van</strong> drinkwater.<br />

<strong>Research</strong> facilities: Microbiology Laboratory<br />

· biological stability (for example, with the biofilm<br />

monitor or by <strong>de</strong>termination of the assimilable organic<br />

carbon AOC or ATP);<br />

· pathog<strong>en</strong>s (Cryptosporidium, Giardia, Campylobacter,<br />

E.coli 0157, a<strong>de</strong>novirus, influ<strong>en</strong>za virus) and indicator<br />

organisms (E. coli, bacteriophag<strong>en</strong>, Clostridium spores);<br />

· culture methods, microscopy, flow cytometry and<br />

molecular biology methods (qPCR);<br />

· toxicology (Ames and UMU tests for mutag<strong>en</strong>icity);<br />

· microbiological research into materials that come into<br />

contact with drinking water during its treatm<strong>en</strong>t and<br />

distribution;<br />

· all legally prescribed microbiological analyses of<br />

drinking water.<br />

45<br />

Ronald Italiaan<strong>de</strong>r — analist | analyst

Gezond | Healthy water<br />

Contact<br />

Gertjan Me<strong>de</strong>ma<br />

gertjan.me<strong>de</strong>ma@kwrwater.nl<br />

Watercyclus <strong>en</strong> waterziektes<br />

46<br />

Gertjan Me<strong>de</strong>ma, Chief Sci<strong>en</strong>ce<br />

Officer bij <strong>KWR</strong>, hield op 28 mei<br />

<strong>2010</strong> zijn oratie als hoogleraar<br />

Water <strong>en</strong> Gezondheid aan <strong>de</strong><br />

TU Delft.<br />

De titel <strong>van</strong> Me<strong>de</strong>ma’s intreere<strong>de</strong><br />

— ‘Watercyclus <strong>en</strong> Waterziektes’<br />

— geeft goed aan waar hij zich op<br />

wil toelegg<strong>en</strong> in zijn hoogleraarschap.<br />

“De vraag hoe ziekteverwekkers<br />

zich kunn<strong>en</strong> versprei<strong>de</strong>n<br />

via <strong>de</strong> watercyclus <strong>en</strong> welke barrières<br />

effectief zijn in het stopp<strong>en</strong> <strong>van</strong> <strong>de</strong>ze verspreiding, vormt <strong>de</strong><br />

kern <strong>van</strong> mijn vakgebied Water & Gezondheid”, aldus Me<strong>de</strong>ma.<br />

“Watercyclus <strong>en</strong> waterziektes zijn twee woor<strong>de</strong>n die erg dicht teg<strong>en</strong><br />

elkaar aanligg<strong>en</strong>. E<strong>en</strong> kleine ontsporing <strong>en</strong> je hebt niet watercyclus,<br />

maar waterziektes. Met kwantitatieve microbiologische risicoanalyse<br />

hebb<strong>en</strong> we e<strong>en</strong> instrum<strong>en</strong>tarium in han<strong>de</strong>n om <strong>de</strong> veiligheid <strong>van</strong><br />

watersystem<strong>en</strong> te beoor<strong>de</strong>l<strong>en</strong> <strong>en</strong> die veiligheid te verbeter<strong>en</strong>.” Het<br />

meebouw<strong>en</strong> aan e<strong>en</strong> gezon<strong>de</strong> watercyclus, ziet Me<strong>de</strong>ma bre<strong>de</strong>r dan<br />

alle<strong>en</strong> zijn eig<strong>en</strong> on<strong>de</strong>rzoek: “Het is onze professionele <strong>en</strong> maatschappelijke<br />

opdracht om <strong>de</strong> k<strong>en</strong>nis die beschikbaar is, zo goed<br />

mogelijk in <strong>de</strong> praktijk toe te pass<strong>en</strong>.”<br />

Water cycle and water diseases<br />

Gertjan Me<strong>de</strong>ma, Chief Sci<strong>en</strong>ce Officer at <strong>KWR</strong>, gave his inaugural<br />

lecture as Water and Health professor at Delft University of Technology<br />

on 28 May <strong>2010</strong>. The title of his lecture, ‘Water Cycle and Water Diseases,’<br />

offers a clear indication of what Me<strong>de</strong>ma wants to <strong>de</strong>dicate his<br />

professorship to. “The question of how pathog<strong>en</strong>s can spread through the<br />

water cycle, and what barriers are effective in blocking this process, is the<br />

core of my field of specialisation: Water & Health,” he says.<br />

“The words water cycle and water diseases are closely connected: one small<br />

slip-up and you’ve got water diseases rather than water cycle. Thanks to<br />

quantitative microbiological risk analysis we have the instrum<strong>en</strong>ts we need<br />

to assess water system safety and to improve the level of this safety.” But<br />

the construction of a healthy water cycle, for Me<strong>de</strong>ma, goes beyond his own<br />

research: “Our professional and social task is to achieve the best possible<br />

practical application of the knowledge we have at our disposal.”<br />

Promotie Mirjam Blokker<br />

Contact<br />

Mirjam Blokker<br />

mirjam.blokker@kwrwater.nl<br />

Mirjam Blokker promoveer<strong>de</strong> op 15 oktober <strong>2010</strong><br />

aan <strong>de</strong> TU Delft op het simulatiemo<strong>de</strong>l SIMDEUM<br />

met haar proefschrift ‘Stochastic water <strong>de</strong>mand<br />

mo<strong>de</strong>lling for a better un<strong>de</strong>rstanding of hydraulics<br />

in water distribution networks’. Met behulp <strong>van</strong><br />

het waterverbruikmo<strong>de</strong>l SIMDEUM kan e<strong>en</strong> drinkwaterleidingnet<br />

tot in <strong>de</strong> kleinste <strong>de</strong>tails wor<strong>de</strong>n<br />

gemo<strong>de</strong>lleerd, wat nuttige informatie oplevert<br />

over bijvoorbeeld <strong>de</strong> effect<strong>en</strong> <strong>van</strong> gedragsveran<strong>de</strong>ring <strong>en</strong> bespar<strong>en</strong><strong>de</strong> maatregel<strong>en</strong><br />

op het waterverbruik <strong>en</strong> daarmee op <strong>de</strong> hydraulische omstandighe<strong>de</strong>n<br />

<strong>en</strong> <strong>de</strong> waterkwaliteit in het leidingnet.<br />

Mirjam Blokker Doctorate<br />

On 15 October <strong>2010</strong>, Mirjam Blokker was awar<strong>de</strong>d her doctorate from Delft University<br />

of Technology for her SIMDEUM simulation mo<strong>de</strong>l and her thesis <strong>en</strong>titled ‘Stochastic<br />

water <strong>de</strong>mand mo<strong>de</strong>lling for a better un<strong>de</strong>rstanding of hydraulics in water distribution<br />

networks.’ With the SIMDEUM drinking water <strong>de</strong>mand mo<strong>de</strong>l a drinking water<br />

distribution network can be mo<strong>de</strong>lled in minute <strong>de</strong>tail. This leads to useful information,<br />

for example, on the impact of changes in behaviour and water-saving measures on water<br />

<strong>de</strong>mand, and thus on the hydraulic conditions and the water quality in the drinking<br />

water distribution network.

Bridging Sci<strong>en</strong>ce to Practice<br />

Contact<br />

Nellie Slaats<br />

nellie.slaats@kwrwater.nl<br />

Team Waterinfrastructuur<br />

Water Infrastructure<br />

Mirjam Blokker — on<strong>de</strong>rzoeker | sci<strong>en</strong>tific<br />

researcher (→ p. 48)<br />

Nellie Slaats — teamlei<strong>de</strong>r | team lea<strong>de</strong>r<br />

Jan Vreeburg — principal researcher<br />

(→ p. 27)<br />

47<br />

Ir<strong>en</strong>e Vloerbergh — on<strong>de</strong>rzoeker | sci<strong>en</strong>tific<br />

researcher (→ p. 83)

Gezond | Healthy water<br />

Dag 1<br />

Monster 1PAK<br />

Sectie e<strong>en</strong>zijdig voe<strong>de</strong>n<br />

Dag 3<br />

Monster 3PAK<br />

Dag 8<br />

Spui<strong>en</strong> 0,35 m/s<br />

Monster 8PAKOPM<br />

Spui<strong>en</strong> 1 m/s<br />

Monster 8PAKSPUI<br />

Dag 10<br />

Monster 10PAK<br />

Dag 15<br />

Drukloos mak<strong>en</strong><br />

Buis<strong>de</strong>el uitnem<strong>en</strong><br />

Afspui<strong>en</strong><br />

Monster 15PAK<br />

48<br />

Dag 17<br />

Monster 17PAK<br />

Tijdschema <strong>van</strong> <strong>de</strong> monsterneming.<br />

Time schedule of the sampling programme.<br />

Bitum<strong>en</strong> coatings<br />

verg<strong>en</strong> oplett<strong>en</strong>dheid<br />

Eind <strong>2009</strong> werd e<strong>en</strong> drinkwaterbedrijf geconfronteerd<br />

met geurklacht<strong>en</strong> <strong>van</strong> klant<strong>en</strong> na on<strong>de</strong>rhoud<br />

aan het distributie net. Polycyclische aroma tische<br />

koolwaterstoff<strong>en</strong> (PAK) uit e<strong>en</strong> bitum<strong>en</strong> leidingcoating<br />

blek<strong>en</strong> <strong>de</strong> oorzaak. Aangezi<strong>en</strong> PAK kankerverwekk<strong>en</strong>d<br />

kunn<strong>en</strong> zijn, startte <strong>KWR</strong> mete<strong>en</strong><br />

e<strong>en</strong> lan<strong>de</strong>lijk on<strong>de</strong>rzoek.<br />

Bitum<strong>en</strong> coatings call<br />

for caution<br />

In late <strong>2009</strong>, a drinking water company was<br />

faced with customer complaints related to odour<br />

after maint<strong>en</strong>ance on the water distribution<br />

network. Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons<br />

(PAHs) from the pipe coating seemed to be the<br />

cause. Since PAHs can be carcinog<strong>en</strong>ic, <strong>KWR</strong><br />

began a country-wi<strong>de</strong> study.<br />

Up until the early 1980s, steel and cast iron pipes,<br />

coated on the insi<strong>de</strong> with bitum<strong>en</strong> or coal tar, were<br />

used in the drinking water distribution networks.<br />

These coatings can release PAHs which could

Bridging Sci<strong>en</strong>ce to Practice<br />

Contact<br />

Mirjam Blokker<br />

mirjam.blokker@kwrwater.nl<br />

Cindy <strong>de</strong> Jongh<br />

cindy.<strong>de</strong>.jongh@kwrwater.nl<br />

PWN, Waternet, Dunea, Oas<strong>en</strong>, Evi<strong>de</strong>s, WML,<br />

Brabant Water, Vit<strong>en</strong>s, WMD, Waterbedrijf<br />

Groning<strong>en</strong>, drinkwaterlaboratoria, RIVM,<br />

VROM Inspectie<br />

“We adviser<strong>en</strong> voortaan PAKmeting<strong>en</strong><br />

te do<strong>en</strong> na ingrep<strong>en</strong><br />

in het distributi<strong>en</strong>et.”<br />

— Cindy <strong>de</strong> Jongh<br />

Tot begin jar<strong>en</strong> ’80 zijn voor het drinkwaterdistributi<strong>en</strong>et stal<strong>en</strong> <strong>en</strong><br />

gietijzer<strong>en</strong> leiding<strong>en</strong> gebruikt, aan <strong>de</strong> binn<strong>en</strong>kant bekleed met e<strong>en</strong><br />

coating <strong>van</strong> bitum<strong>en</strong> of koolteer. Uit <strong>de</strong>ze coatings kunn<strong>en</strong> PAK<br />

vrijkom<strong>en</strong> die zich hecht<strong>en</strong> aan slib<strong>de</strong>eltjes in <strong>de</strong> leiding<strong>en</strong>. On<strong>de</strong>r<br />

normale omstandighe<strong>de</strong>n levert dit ge<strong>en</strong> problem<strong>en</strong> op: drinkwaterbedrijv<strong>en</strong><br />

treff<strong>en</strong> ge<strong>en</strong> of uiterst lage conc<strong>en</strong>traties PAK in hun<br />

drinkwater aan.<br />

120 meetlocaties<br />

<strong>KWR</strong>-on<strong>de</strong>rzoeker Mirjam Blokker vermoed<strong>de</strong> dat verhoog<strong>de</strong> PAKconc<strong>en</strong>traties<br />

ontstaan bij het opwervel<strong>en</strong> <strong>van</strong> slib<strong>de</strong>eltjes <strong>en</strong> bij<br />

ingrep<strong>en</strong> zoals het ver<strong>van</strong>g<strong>en</strong> <strong>van</strong> e<strong>en</strong> stuk leiding. “Om dit vermoe<strong>de</strong>n<br />

te toets<strong>en</strong> hebb<strong>en</strong> we op 120 locaties meting<strong>en</strong> gedaan. We<br />

nam<strong>en</strong> watermonsters on<strong>de</strong>r normale omstandighe<strong>de</strong>n, na het<br />

spui<strong>en</strong> <strong>van</strong> het distributi<strong>en</strong>et <strong>en</strong> na het uitnem<strong>en</strong> <strong>van</strong> e<strong>en</strong><br />

leiding<strong>de</strong>el.”<br />

Niet scha<strong>de</strong>lijk<br />

Het on<strong>de</strong>rzoek bevestigt dat er normaal gesprok<strong>en</strong> ge<strong>en</strong> of<br />

uiterst lage PAK-conc<strong>en</strong>traties voorkom<strong>en</strong>. Na het spui<strong>en</strong> — waarbij<br />

<strong>de</strong> stroomsnelhe<strong>de</strong>n veel hoger zijn — <strong>en</strong> het uitnem<strong>en</strong> zijn wel<br />

verhoog<strong>de</strong> conc<strong>en</strong>traties gemet<strong>en</strong>. Bij <strong>de</strong>rtig tot veertig proc<strong>en</strong>t<br />

<strong>van</strong> <strong>de</strong> monsters war<strong>en</strong> <strong>de</strong> conc<strong>en</strong>traties e<strong>en</strong> paar dag<strong>en</strong> hoger dan<br />

het Waterleidingbesluit toestaat. Uit e<strong>en</strong> risicobeoor<strong>de</strong>ling door het<br />

RIVM blijkt dat <strong>de</strong>ze normoverschrijding<strong>en</strong> niet scha<strong>de</strong>lijk zijn voor<br />

<strong>de</strong> volksgezondheid.<br />

PAK-meting<strong>en</strong><br />

“Natuurlijk is dat geruststell<strong>en</strong>d”, stelt <strong>KWR</strong>-toxicoloog Cindy <strong>de</strong><br />

Jongh. “Het neemt niet weg dat verhoog<strong>de</strong> conc<strong>en</strong>traties ongew<strong>en</strong>st<br />

zijn <strong>en</strong> drinkwaterbedrijv<strong>en</strong> overschrijding<strong>en</strong> goed in <strong>de</strong> gat<strong>en</strong><br />

moet<strong>en</strong> hou<strong>de</strong>n. Daarom adviser<strong>en</strong> we h<strong>en</strong> voortaan PAK-meting<strong>en</strong><br />

te do<strong>en</strong> na ingrep<strong>en</strong> in het distributi<strong>en</strong>et.”<br />

attach to sedim<strong>en</strong>t particles in the mains. This is<br />

not an issue un<strong>de</strong>r normal conditions, and drinking<br />

water companies <strong>de</strong>tect no, or extremely low,<br />

conc<strong>en</strong>trations of PAHs in their drinking water.<br />

120 measurem<strong>en</strong>t locations<br />

<strong>KWR</strong> researcher, Mirjam Blokker, assumed that<br />

higher PAH conc<strong>en</strong>trations occur wh<strong>en</strong> particles<br />

are resusp<strong>en</strong><strong>de</strong>d or during maint<strong>en</strong>ance, for example<br />

the replacem<strong>en</strong>t of a part of a water main. “To<br />

test this assumption we conducted measurem<strong>en</strong>ts<br />

at 120 locations. We took water samples un<strong>de</strong>r<br />

normal operational conditions, after flushing the<br />

distribution network, and after the removal of a<br />

mains part.”<br />

Not harmful<br />

The research confirmed that un<strong>de</strong>r normal<br />

conditions no or extremely low PAH conc<strong>en</strong>trations<br />

occurred. Higher conc<strong>en</strong>trations were in<strong>de</strong>ed<br />

<strong>de</strong>tected after network flushing — which involves<br />

a much higher flow velocity — and wh<strong>en</strong> part of a<br />

main is removed. In thirty to forty perc<strong>en</strong>t of the<br />

samples the conc<strong>en</strong>trations were, for a couple of<br />

days, higher than permitted by the Drinking Water<br />

Directive. A risk assessm<strong>en</strong>t conducted by RIVM<br />

showed that this exceedance of the permitted<br />

levels was not harmful to public health.<br />

PAH measurem<strong>en</strong>ts<br />

“That is of course reassuring,” says <strong>KWR</strong> toxicologist<br />

Cindy <strong>de</strong> Jongh. “But this does not <strong>de</strong>ny the<br />

fact that high conc<strong>en</strong>trations are un<strong>de</strong>sirable,<br />

and that the drinking water companies have to<br />

be aware of exceedances. For this reason we now<br />

recomm<strong>en</strong>d that PAH measurem<strong>en</strong>ts be ma<strong>de</strong><br />

following work on the distribution network.”<br />


Efficiënt | Effici<strong>en</strong>t water<br />

Contact<br />

Kees Roest<br />

kees.roest@kwrwater.nl<br />

TU Delft, Hydration Technology<br />

Innovations, Triqua Waternet<br />

Hoogwaardig water<br />

terugwinn<strong>en</strong> uit afvalwater<br />

50<br />

<strong>KWR</strong> ontwikkelt e<strong>en</strong> nieuwe metho<strong>de</strong><br />

voor afvalwaterzuivering: sewer mining.<br />

Met forward osmosis wordt schoon<br />

water uit het afvalwater gewonn<strong>en</strong>,<br />

waarna het rester<strong>en</strong><strong>de</strong>, geconc<strong>en</strong>treer<strong>de</strong><br />

organische materiaal wordt vergist.<br />

Het vrijkom<strong>en</strong><strong>de</strong> biogas voorziet<br />

grot<strong>en</strong><strong>de</strong>els in <strong>de</strong> <strong>en</strong>ergie behoefte<br />

<strong>van</strong> <strong>de</strong>ze zuiveringsmetho<strong>de</strong>.

Bridging Sci<strong>en</strong>ce to Practice<br />

“Sewer mining biedt <strong>de</strong> mogelijkheid<br />

om hoogwaardig water te<br />

‘oogst<strong>en</strong>’ uit afvalwater, wat vooral<br />

in droge gebie<strong>de</strong>n aantrekkelijk is”<br />

— Kees Roest<br />

“De gangbare metho<strong>de</strong> voor <strong>de</strong> verwerking <strong>van</strong> afvalwater is aërobe<br />

zuivering”, vertelt on<strong>de</strong>rzoeker Kees Roest. “Hierbij wordt het water<br />

int<strong>en</strong>sief belucht, wat veel <strong>en</strong>ergie vergt. Wij werk<strong>en</strong> nu aan e<strong>en</strong><br />

metho<strong>de</strong> die niet alle<strong>en</strong> <strong>en</strong>ergie-efficiënter is, maar ook nog e<strong>en</strong>s<br />

schoon water oplevert.”<br />

Conc<strong>en</strong>trer<strong>en</strong><br />

“De ess<strong>en</strong>tie <strong>van</strong> sewer mining is het conc<strong>en</strong>trer<strong>en</strong> <strong>van</strong> <strong>de</strong> organische<br />

stoff<strong>en</strong>. Met e<strong>en</strong> nieuwe membraantechniek — forward osmosis —<br />

onttrekk<strong>en</strong> we e<strong>en</strong> fors <strong>de</strong>el <strong>van</strong> het water. E<strong>en</strong> speciaal membraan<br />

scheidt het afvalwater <strong>van</strong> e<strong>en</strong> osmotische oplossing. De zout<strong>en</strong> in<br />

<strong>de</strong>ze oplossing trekk<strong>en</strong> het water door het membraan. De geconc<strong>en</strong>treer<strong>de</strong><br />

stroom afvalstoff<strong>en</strong> die je overhoudt, is uitstek<strong>en</strong>d te vergist<strong>en</strong>.<br />

Het vrijkom<strong>en</strong><strong>de</strong> biogas gebruik<strong>en</strong> we weer om <strong>de</strong> zout<strong>en</strong> uit<br />

<strong>de</strong> verdun<strong>de</strong> osmotische oplossing terug te winn<strong>en</strong>.”<br />

Optimale aanpak<br />

<strong>KWR</strong> doet laboratoriumexperim<strong>en</strong>t<strong>en</strong> om tot e<strong>en</strong> optimale aanpak<br />

te kom<strong>en</strong>. De on<strong>de</strong>rzoekers kijk<strong>en</strong> naar <strong>de</strong> vervuiling <strong>van</strong> <strong>de</strong> membran<strong>en</strong>,<br />

gaan na hoe ze het organisch materiaal het beste kunn<strong>en</strong><br />

vergist<strong>en</strong> <strong>en</strong> zoek<strong>en</strong> <strong>de</strong> meest efficiënte manier om zout<strong>en</strong> terug te<br />

winn<strong>en</strong>. Hoewel <strong>de</strong> metho<strong>de</strong> nog niet is uitontwikkeld, verwacht<br />

Kees Roest er veel <strong>van</strong>. “Sewer mining biedt <strong>de</strong> mogelijkheid om<br />

hoogwaardig water te ‘oogst<strong>en</strong>’ uit afvalwater, wat vooral in droge<br />

gebie<strong>de</strong>n aantrekkelijk is, <strong>en</strong> in afgeleg<strong>en</strong> gebie<strong>de</strong>n waar ge<strong>en</strong><br />

c<strong>en</strong>trale waterzuivering is.”<br />

Recovering valuable water from wastewater<br />

<strong>KWR</strong> is <strong>de</strong>veloping a new waste water treatm<strong>en</strong>t method: sewer mining.<br />

By means of forward osmosis, clean water is recovered from wastewater,<br />

after which the remaining, conc<strong>en</strong>trated organic material is ferm<strong>en</strong>ted.<br />

The biogas that is th<strong>en</strong> released is used to meet most of the <strong>en</strong>ergy needs<br />

of this treatm<strong>en</strong>t method.<br />

“The usual method used to process waste water is aerobic treatm<strong>en</strong>t,” says<br />

researcher Kees Roest. “This involves int<strong>en</strong>sively aerating the water, which<br />

requires a lot of <strong>en</strong>ergy. We are now working on a method that is not only<br />

more <strong>en</strong>ergy-effici<strong>en</strong>t, but also produces clean water.”<br />

Conc<strong>en</strong>trating<br />

“The ess<strong>en</strong>ce of sewer mining,” explains Roest, “is the conc<strong>en</strong>tration of<br />

organic substances. Using a new membrane technique — forward<br />

osmosis — we extract a consi<strong>de</strong>rable amount of the water. A special membrane<br />

separates the waste water from an osmotic solution. The salts in this<br />

solution attract the water through the membrane. The conc<strong>en</strong>trated stream<br />

of waste substances that remain behind is excell<strong>en</strong>t for ferm<strong>en</strong>tation<br />

purposes; we th<strong>en</strong> use the released biogas to recover the salts from the<br />

diluted osmotic solution.”<br />

Optimal approach<br />

<strong>KWR</strong> is conducting laboratory experim<strong>en</strong>ts to <strong>de</strong>termine the optimal<br />

approach. The researchers study the membrane fouling, work out how they<br />

can best ferm<strong>en</strong>t the organic material, and look for the most effici<strong>en</strong>t<br />

means of recovering the salt. Ev<strong>en</strong> if the method is not yet fully <strong>de</strong>veloped,<br />

Kees Roest has great expectations for it. “Sewer mining pres<strong>en</strong>ts the possibility<br />

of ‘harvesting’ valuable water from waste water. This will be of particular<br />

interest in arid areas, and in remote zones where there is no c<strong>en</strong>tral<br />

water treatm<strong>en</strong>t.”<br />


Efficiënt | Effici<strong>en</strong>t water<br />

Contact<br />

Kees Roest<br />

kees.roest@kwrwater.nl<br />

Waternet, TU Delft, HTI, Triqua<br />

Waterinnovatieprijs<br />

voor Sewer Mining concept<br />

De AGV-waterinnovatieprijs <strong>2010</strong> <strong>van</strong> het Waterschap Amstel, Gooi <strong>en</strong> Vecht<br />

is gewonn<strong>en</strong> door <strong>KWR</strong> met e<strong>en</strong> projectvoorstel over Sewer Mining. Vooral<br />

in droge gebie<strong>de</strong>n kan <strong>de</strong> techniek <strong>van</strong> het ‘oogst<strong>en</strong>’ <strong>van</strong> hoogwaardig industriewater<br />

uit rioolwater voorzi<strong>en</strong> in <strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong>c<strong>en</strong>trale waterbehoefte. Het <strong>KWR</strong>-<br />

52<br />

team nam <strong>de</strong> prijs op 20 april in ont<strong>van</strong>gst tij<strong>de</strong>ns e<strong>en</strong> feestelijke avond in<br />

De Ro<strong>de</strong> Hoed in Amsterdam. <strong>KWR</strong>-on<strong>de</strong>rzoekers Emile Corneliss<strong>en</strong> <strong>en</strong><br />

Kees Roest bedacht<strong>en</strong> eind 2008 het i<strong>de</strong>e voor het duurzame Sewer Mining.<br />

Met steun <strong>van</strong> het <strong>KWR</strong> Fun<strong>de</strong>r<strong>en</strong>d On<strong>de</strong>rzoeksprogramma (zie pagina 18,<br />

‘verbre<strong>de</strong>n <strong>en</strong> verdiep<strong>en</strong> in on<strong>de</strong>rzoek’) kon<strong>de</strong>n ze het project uitwerk<strong>en</strong>.<br />

Begin <strong>2010</strong> werd, sam<strong>en</strong> met <strong>de</strong> partners, e<strong>en</strong> subsidieaanvraag ingedi<strong>en</strong>d<br />

bij Ag<strong>en</strong>tschapNL voor e<strong>en</strong> internationale InnoWATOR-subsidie. Deze subsidie<br />

is toegek<strong>en</strong>d, waardoor twee promov<strong>en</strong>di kunn<strong>en</strong> werk<strong>en</strong><br />

aan het Sewer Mining project.<br />

wastewater<br />

FO<br />

Water innovation award for Sewer Mining concept<br />

The <strong>2010</strong> AGV Water Innovation Award of the Water Board Amstel, Gooi and Vecht was<br />

won by <strong>KWR</strong> for its Sewer Mining project proposal. Arid areas in particular can make use<br />

of this technique of ‘harvesting’ valuable industrial water from sewage water to meet<br />

<strong>de</strong>c<strong>en</strong>tralised water needs. The <strong>KWR</strong> team accepted the award on 20 April during a<br />

festive ev<strong>en</strong>ing at the De Ro<strong>de</strong> Hoed in Amsterdam. In late 2008, <strong>KWR</strong> researchers Emile<br />

Corneliss<strong>en</strong> and Kees Roest came up with the i<strong>de</strong>a of sustainable Sewer Mining. Thanks<br />

to the support of <strong>KWR</strong>’s basic research programme (see page 18, ‘Deep<strong>en</strong> and broa<strong>de</strong>n<br />

research’) they were able to further elaborate the project. In the beginning of <strong>2010</strong>, <strong>KWR</strong><br />

and its partners submitted a subsidy application to Ag<strong>en</strong>tschapNL for an international<br />

InnoWATOR grant. Thanks to the application’s approval, two doctoral stu<strong>de</strong>nts are<br />

curr<strong>en</strong>tly working on the Sewer Mining project.<br />

ret<strong>en</strong>tate<br />

fine sieving<br />

high quality water<br />

reconc<strong>en</strong>tration<br />

system<br />

conc<strong>en</strong>trated sewage<br />

dry anaerobic<br />

digestion<br />

digestate<br />

anaerobic<br />

digestion<br />

r<strong>en</strong>ewable <strong>en</strong>ergy<br />

V.l.n.r. | from left to right: Emile Corneliss<strong>en</strong>, Jan Post, Jan Hofman, Kerusha Lutchmiah,<br />

Danny Harms<strong>en</strong>, Jos Boere

Bridging Sci<strong>en</strong>ce to Practice<br />

Promotie Marthe <strong>de</strong> Graaff<br />

Nieuwe, duurzame sanitatiesystem<strong>en</strong> mak<strong>en</strong> het<br />

mogelijk om <strong>en</strong>ergie <strong>en</strong> bruikbare stoff<strong>en</strong> uit huishou<strong>de</strong>lijk<br />

afvalwater terug te winn<strong>en</strong>, namelijk door<br />

het schei<strong>de</strong>n <strong>van</strong> afvalwater in zwart <strong>en</strong> grijs water.<br />

Bov<strong>en</strong>di<strong>en</strong> kan zo ongeveer 25% aan drinkwater<br />

wor<strong>de</strong>n bespaard. Op <strong>de</strong>ze stelling promoveer<strong>de</strong><br />

Marthe <strong>de</strong> Graaff op 16 april <strong>2010</strong> met haar proefschrift<br />

‘Resource recovery from black water’ aan <strong>de</strong><br />

Wag<strong>en</strong>ing<strong>en</strong> Universiteit. De Graaff werkt sinds 1 januari <strong>2010</strong> bij <strong>KWR</strong> <strong>en</strong><br />

<strong>de</strong>ed haar on<strong>de</strong>rzoek bij Wetsus.<br />

Marthe <strong>de</strong> Graaff Doctorate<br />

Contact<br />

Marthe <strong>de</strong> Graaff | marthe.<strong>de</strong>.graaff@kwrwater.nl<br />

New, sustainable sanitation systems allow for the recovery of <strong>en</strong>ergy and reusable<br />

resources from domestic wastewater, by dividing the wastewater into black and grey<br />

water. In addition, they lead to drinking water savings of about 25%. This proposition<br />

was the basis of Marthe <strong>de</strong> Graaff’s thesis, <strong>en</strong>titled ‘Resource recovery from black water,’<br />

for which she was granted a doctorate from Wag<strong>en</strong>ing<strong>en</strong> University. De Graaff<br />

conducted her research at Wetsus, and has worked at <strong>KWR</strong> since 1 January <strong>2010</strong>.<br />

Eredoctoraat Mark <strong>van</strong> Loosdrecht<br />

Contact<br />

Mark <strong>van</strong> Loosdrecht<br />

mark.<strong>van</strong>.loosdrecht@kwrwater.nl<br />

Mark <strong>van</strong> Loosdrecht, s<strong>en</strong>ior on<strong>de</strong>rzoeker bij <strong>KWR</strong><br />

<strong>en</strong> hoogleraar aan <strong>de</strong> Technische Universiteit Delft,<br />

ontving op 20 november <strong>2010</strong> e<strong>en</strong> eredoctoraat <strong>van</strong><br />

<strong>de</strong> Zwitserse Technische Universiteit ETH Zürich.<br />

Van Loosdrecht kreeg het doctoraat <strong>van</strong>wege zijn<br />

“uitstek<strong>en</strong><strong>de</strong> prestaties op het gebied <strong>van</strong> <strong>de</strong> milieubiotechnologie<br />

<strong>en</strong> voor <strong>de</strong> talrijke omzetting<strong>en</strong> <strong>van</strong><br />

wet<strong>en</strong>schappelijke k<strong>en</strong>nis in praktische zuiveringstechniek<strong>en</strong>,<br />

in het bijzon<strong>de</strong>r op het gebied <strong>van</strong> afvalwaterzuivering”, aldus<br />

<strong>de</strong> ETH. Van Loosdrecht promoveer<strong>de</strong> aan <strong>de</strong> Landbouw Universiteit<br />

Wag<strong>en</strong>ing<strong>en</strong> <strong>en</strong> werd in 1999 aan <strong>de</strong> Technische Universiteit Delft tot hoogleraar<br />

b<strong>en</strong>oemd. In die functie heeft hij aan <strong>de</strong> wieg gestaan <strong>van</strong> vele nieuwe<br />

ontwikkeling<strong>en</strong> op het gebied <strong>van</strong> afvalwaterzuivering, waarbij <strong>en</strong>ergiebesparing<br />

<strong>en</strong> compactheid altijd c<strong>en</strong>traal hebb<strong>en</strong> gestaan. De concept<strong>en</strong> <strong>en</strong><br />

vinding<strong>en</strong> <strong>van</strong> Mark <strong>van</strong> Loosdrecht hebb<strong>en</strong> geleid tot vele praktijksystem<strong>en</strong>,<br />

pat<strong>en</strong>t<strong>en</strong> <strong>en</strong> hon<strong>de</strong>r<strong>de</strong>n wet<strong>en</strong>schappelijke publicaties. Eer<strong>de</strong>r won Van<br />

Loosdrecht al <strong>de</strong> Dow Energieprijs 2007 <strong>en</strong> <strong>de</strong> 2008 IWA Grand Award <strong>van</strong><br />

<strong>de</strong> International Water Association.<br />

Mark <strong>van</strong> Loosdrecht Honorary Doctorate<br />

On 20 November <strong>2010</strong>, Mark <strong>van</strong> Loosdrecht, S<strong>en</strong>ior <strong>Research</strong>er at <strong>KWR</strong> and professor at<br />

Delft University of Technology, was awar<strong>de</strong>d an honorary doctorate from ETH Swiss<br />

Fe<strong>de</strong>ral Institute of Technology Zurich. Van Loosdrecht received the doctorate for his<br />

“outstanding contributions in the field of <strong>en</strong>vironm<strong>en</strong>tal biotechnology and for his<br />

numerous transformations of sci<strong>en</strong>tific knowledge into practical treatm<strong>en</strong>t techniques,<br />

particularly in the area of wastewater treatm<strong>en</strong>t technologies,” according to ETH Zurich.<br />

Van Loosdrecht received his doctorate from Wag<strong>en</strong>ing<strong>en</strong> Agricultural University and, in<br />

1999, was appointed professor at Delft University of Technology. In this capacity, he was<br />

involved at the inception of several new <strong>de</strong>velopm<strong>en</strong>ts in the area of wastewater<br />

treatm<strong>en</strong>t, in which <strong>en</strong>ergy-saving and compactness were of c<strong>en</strong>tral importance. Mark<br />

<strong>van</strong> Loosdrecht’s concepts and inv<strong>en</strong>tions have resulted in many practical systems,<br />

pat<strong>en</strong>ts and hundreds of sci<strong>en</strong>tific publications. Van Loosdrecht was earlier awar<strong>de</strong>d the<br />

2007 Dow Energy Prize and the 2008 IWA Grand Award from the International Water<br />

Association.<br />

53<br />

Promotie Bas Wols<br />

Contact<br />

Bas Wols | bas.wols@kwrwater.nl<br />

Betere reactor<strong>en</strong> voor <strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong>sinfectie <strong>van</strong> drinkwater,<br />

dankzij <strong>de</strong> combinatie <strong>van</strong> mo<strong>de</strong>ller<strong>en</strong> <strong>en</strong><br />

experim<strong>en</strong>ter<strong>en</strong>. Op dat on<strong>de</strong>rwerp promoveer<strong>de</strong><br />

Bas Wols op 21 juni <strong>2010</strong> aan <strong>de</strong> TU Delft (faculteit<br />

Civiele Techniek <strong>en</strong> Geowet<strong>en</strong>schapp<strong>en</strong>) met zijn<br />

proefschrift ‘CFD in drinking water treatm<strong>en</strong>t’.<br />

Wols voer<strong>de</strong> zijn on<strong>de</strong>rzoek <strong>de</strong>els bij <strong>de</strong> TU Delft<br />

<strong>en</strong> <strong>de</strong>els bij <strong>KWR</strong> uit <strong>en</strong> was <strong>de</strong> eerste die binn<strong>en</strong><br />

het project TTI-W <strong>KWR</strong> (zie ook pagina 78) promoveer<strong>de</strong>.<br />

Bas Wols Doctorate<br />

Better reactors for the disinfection of drinking water, thanks to a combination of<br />

mo<strong>de</strong>lling and experim<strong>en</strong>tation. That was the subject for which Bas Wols was awar<strong>de</strong>d<br />

his doctorate from Delft University of Technology (faculty of Civil Engineering and<br />

Geosci<strong>en</strong>ces) with a thesis <strong>en</strong>titled ‘CFD in drinking water treatm<strong>en</strong>t.’ Wols carried out<br />

his research partly at Delft and partly at <strong>KWR</strong>, and was the first to receive his doctorate<br />

within the TTI-W <strong>KWR</strong> project (see page 78).

Vooruitstrev<strong>en</strong>d | Ad<strong>van</strong>ced water<br />

Contact<br />

Danny Traksel<br />

danny.traksel@kwrwater.nl<br />

On<strong>de</strong>rzoek voor<br />

<strong>de</strong> industrie<br />

“Binn<strong>en</strong> dit project<br />

on<strong>de</strong>rzoek<strong>en</strong> we in welke<br />

situaties hergebruik <strong>van</strong><br />

afvalwater kansrijk is.”<br />

— Danny Traksel<br />

54<br />

Evi<strong>de</strong>s Industriewater<br />

<strong>de</strong>signed, constructed and<br />

operates the Demi Water<br />

Plant (DWP) for the port<br />

chemical industries in<br />

Rotterdam using AiRO<br />

technology <strong>de</strong>veloped by<br />


Bridging Sci<strong>en</strong>ce to Practice<br />

<strong>KWR</strong> voert sinds 2006 het On<strong>de</strong>rzoeksprogramma<br />

Industrie & Water (OPIW) uit. De eerste jar<strong>en</strong><br />

<strong>de</strong>ed <strong>KWR</strong> vooral on<strong>de</strong>rzoek voor industriële eindgebruikers.<br />

Inmid<strong>de</strong>ls zijn ook an<strong>de</strong>re probleemeig<strong>en</strong>ar<strong>en</strong><br />

bij het on<strong>de</strong>rzoek betrokk<strong>en</strong> <strong>en</strong> richt<br />

het programma zich naast industriewater steeds<br />

meer op <strong>de</strong> gehele water ket<strong>en</strong>. Veel on<strong>de</strong>rzoek<br />

gaat over waterhergebruik.<br />

Aanleiding voor <strong>de</strong> start <strong>van</strong> OPIW was <strong>de</strong> behoefte <strong>van</strong> industriële<br />

bedrijv<strong>en</strong> aan gezam<strong>en</strong>lijk on<strong>de</strong>rzoek voor <strong>de</strong> industrie. In het begin<br />

war<strong>en</strong> <strong>de</strong> on<strong>de</strong>rzoek<strong>en</strong> gericht op <strong>de</strong> beantwoording <strong>van</strong> g<strong>en</strong>erieke<br />

vraagstukk<strong>en</strong> rond industriewater, zoals ‘hoe kunn<strong>en</strong> bedrijv<strong>en</strong><br />

zorg<strong>en</strong> voor biologische stabiliteit in leidingnett<strong>en</strong> <strong>en</strong> koeltor<strong>en</strong>s?’<br />

En ‘welke mogelijkhe<strong>de</strong>n biedt brak grondwater als bron voor<br />

proceswater?’<br />

Succesfactor<strong>en</strong><br />

Volg<strong>en</strong>s Danny Traksel — teamlei<strong>de</strong>r <strong>van</strong> wat on<strong>de</strong>rtuss<strong>en</strong> <strong>KWR</strong><br />

Industrie, Afvalwater & Hergebruik heet — participer<strong>en</strong> inmid<strong>de</strong>ls<br />

ook an<strong>de</strong>re partij<strong>en</strong> in <strong>de</strong> ket<strong>en</strong> — drinkwaterbedrijv<strong>en</strong>, waterschapp<strong>en</strong><br />

<strong>en</strong> overhe<strong>de</strong>n — in <strong>de</strong> on<strong>de</strong>rzoeksproject<strong>en</strong>. E<strong>en</strong> voorbeeld is het<br />

project ‘kritieke succesfactor<strong>en</strong> voor het hergebruik <strong>van</strong> PWZI/RWZI<br />

efflu<strong>en</strong>t als koel- of proceswater’.<br />

Traksel: “Binn<strong>en</strong> dit project on<strong>de</strong>rzoek<strong>en</strong> we in welke situaties<br />

her gebruik <strong>van</strong> afvalwater kansrijk is. Dat do<strong>en</strong> we sam<strong>en</strong> met<br />

bedrijv<strong>en</strong> uit <strong>de</strong> chemische industrie, staalproduc<strong>en</strong>t<strong>en</strong>, <strong>de</strong><br />

voedingsmid<strong>de</strong>l<strong>en</strong>sector <strong>en</strong> met waterschapp<strong>en</strong> <strong>en</strong> drinkwaterbedrijv<strong>en</strong>.<br />

We kijk<strong>en</strong> zowel naar technologische, als economische,<br />

juridische <strong>en</strong> sociaal-culturele aspect<strong>en</strong>.”<br />

Van elkaar ler<strong>en</strong><br />

Traksel b<strong>en</strong>adrukt dat <strong>KWR</strong> bij ie<strong>de</strong>r project ernaar streeft om<br />

meer<strong>de</strong>re partij<strong>en</strong> te lat<strong>en</strong> meedo<strong>en</strong>: “We hecht<strong>en</strong> sterk aan <strong>de</strong>elnemers<br />

uit verschill<strong>en</strong><strong>de</strong> sector<strong>en</strong>. We zijn er namelijk <strong>van</strong> overtuigd<br />

dat partij<strong>en</strong> veel <strong>van</strong> elkaar kunn<strong>en</strong> ler<strong>en</strong>.”<br />

<strong>Research</strong> for industry<br />

Since 2006, <strong>KWR</strong> has conducted the Industry<br />

& Water <strong>Research</strong> Programme (OPIW). Over the<br />

first few years, <strong>KWR</strong> carried out its research<br />

primarily for industrial <strong>en</strong>d users. In the<br />

meantime, other problem owners have become<br />

involved in the research, so that the<br />

programme, apart from industrial water, is<br />

increasingly focused on the <strong>en</strong>tire water cycle.<br />

A great <strong>de</strong>al of the research concerns water<br />

reuse.<br />

The impetus behind the establishm<strong>en</strong>t of OPIW<br />

was the need felt by industrial companies for collaborative<br />

research for industry. In the beginning<br />

the research was directed at answering g<strong>en</strong>eral<br />

questions concerning industrial water, for<br />

instance: ‘How can companies <strong>en</strong>sure biological<br />

stability in mains networks and cooling towers?’<br />

and ‘What possibilities does brackish groundwater<br />

offer as a source for process water?’<br />

Success factors<br />

Danny Traksel — lea<strong>de</strong>r of what is now called<br />

the <strong>KWR</strong> Industry, Wastewater & Reuse team —<br />

notes that curr<strong>en</strong>tly other water-cycle parties<br />

also participate in the research: drinking water<br />

companies, waterboards and governm<strong>en</strong>t<br />

<strong>en</strong>tities. An example of a project of this kind<br />

is ‘critical factors for the reuse of wastewater<br />

treatm<strong>en</strong>t plant efflu<strong>en</strong>ts as cooling and<br />

process water.’<br />

“In this project,” explains Traksel, “we investigate<br />

the conditions un<strong>de</strong>r which wastewater<br />

reuse offers good prospects. We work together<br />

with companies in the chemical, steel and food<br />

industries, as well as with waterboards and<br />

drinking water companies. Our work <strong>en</strong>compasses<br />

the technological as well as the economic,<br />

legal and social-cultural aspects.”<br />

Learning from each other<br />

Traksel emphasises that <strong>KWR</strong> strives in every<br />

project to involve several participating parties.<br />

“It is important for us to have participants<br />

from differ<strong>en</strong>t sectors, because we believe that<br />

the parties can learn a lot from each other.”<br />


Vooruitstrev<strong>en</strong>d | Ad<strong>van</strong>ced water<br />

Marthe <strong>de</strong> Graaff — on<strong>de</strong>rzoeker | sci<strong>en</strong>tific researcher<br />

(→ p. 53)<br />

Frank Oesterholt — on<strong>de</strong>rzoeker | sci<strong>en</strong>tific researcher<br />

56<br />

Team Industrie, Afvalwater<br />

& Hergebruik | Industry,<br />

Wastewater & Reuse<br />

Kees Roest — on<strong>de</strong>rzoeker | sci<strong>en</strong>tific researcher<br />

(→ p. 50)<br />

Danny Traksel — teamlei<strong>de</strong>r | team lea<strong>de</strong>r (→ p. 54)<br />

Contact<br />

Danny Traksel<br />

danny.traksel@kwrwater.nl<br />

Eind <strong>2010</strong> heeft <strong>KWR</strong> binn<strong>en</strong> <strong>de</strong> k<strong>en</strong>nisgroep<br />

Watertechnologie <strong>de</strong> teams Industrie & Water <strong>en</strong><br />

Afvalwater & Hergebruik geïntegreerd tot één<br />

team: Industrie, Afvalwater & Hergebruik (IAH).<br />

Dit nieuwe team ver<strong>en</strong>igt k<strong>en</strong>nis <strong>van</strong> <strong>de</strong> waterket<strong>en</strong><br />

in zijn geheel <strong>en</strong> is, naast industriële eindgebruikers,<br />

nu ook gericht op waterschapp<strong>en</strong> <strong>en</strong><br />

drinkwaterbedrijv<strong>en</strong>. Het team IAH wil e<strong>en</strong> vooraanstaan<strong>de</strong><br />

rol spel<strong>en</strong> in <strong>de</strong> ontwikkeling <strong>en</strong><br />

implem<strong>en</strong>tatie <strong>van</strong> technologische k<strong>en</strong>nis in <strong>de</strong><br />

waterket<strong>en</strong>. Daarbij zijn toegepast on<strong>de</strong>rzoek <strong>en</strong><br />

praktijkgericht advies <strong>de</strong> belangrijkste<br />

kernactiviteit<strong>en</strong>.<br />

Industry, Wastewater & Reuse team<br />

In late <strong>2010</strong>, <strong>KWR</strong> <strong>de</strong>ci<strong>de</strong>d to integrate two of the teams<br />

within the Water Technology Knowledge Group —<br />

namely, the Industry & Water and Wastewater & Reuse<br />

teams — into a single team: Industry, Wastewater<br />

& Reuse (IWR). This new team agglomerates knowledge<br />

about the water cycle as a whole and is, apart from<br />

industrial <strong>en</strong>d-users, also directed at waterboards and<br />

drinking water companies. Team IWR wants to play a<br />

promin<strong>en</strong>t role in the <strong>de</strong>velopm<strong>en</strong>t and implem<strong>en</strong>tation<br />

of knowledge in the water cycle — applied research and<br />

practice-ori<strong>en</strong>ted advice will thus be its core activities.

Bridging Sci<strong>en</strong>ce to Practice<br />

Akzo Nobel, Avebe, BASF The Chemical Company,<br />

Brabant Water, Cargill, Corus, Royal Cosun,<br />

DMV International, DOW, DSM, E<strong>de</strong>A, Emmtec,<br />

E-on, EPZ, Evi<strong>de</strong>s, Huntsman, Friesland Foods,<br />

Heinek<strong>en</strong>, Intertek, Kema, Keppel Seghers,<br />

Laborelec, McCain, Nalco, Nuon, Pidpa, Provincie<br />

Noord-Brabant, Sabic, Solvay, Shell, Sitech<br />

Services, Umicore, Vit<strong>en</strong>s, Vlaamse Maatschappij<br />

voor Water voorzi<strong>en</strong>ing, VNP, VROM, Water bedrijf<br />

Groning<strong>en</strong>, Waternet, Waterschap De Dommel,<br />

WML<br />

On<strong>de</strong>rzoeksprogramma<br />

Industrie & Water (OPIW)<br />

Het On<strong>de</strong>rzoeksprogramma Industrie & Water (OPIW) br<strong>en</strong>gt tot op he<strong>de</strong>n<br />

40 bedrijv<strong>en</strong>, organisaties <strong>en</strong> overhe<strong>de</strong>n bij elkaar, die sam<strong>en</strong> on<strong>de</strong>rzoeksproject<strong>en</strong><br />

formuler<strong>en</strong> <strong>en</strong> financier<strong>en</strong>. Dit zijn bedrijv<strong>en</strong> uit <strong>de</strong> gehele watersector<br />

<strong>van</strong> industriële opdrachtgevers <strong>en</strong> afvalwaterbedrijv<strong>en</strong> tot waterschapp<strong>en</strong>.<br />

Het <strong>KWR</strong>-team Industrie, Afvalwater & Hergebruik (IAH) voert<br />

het OPIW-programma uit.<br />

Enkele resultat<strong>en</strong> <strong>van</strong> het OPIW-programma in <strong>2010</strong>:<br />

• Het grootste OPIW-project over ‘Conc<strong>en</strong>traatbehan<strong>de</strong>ling’ is afgerond.<br />

Ook ‘TOC-verwij<strong>de</strong>ring bij proces-<strong>en</strong> <strong>de</strong>miwaterbereiding’ <strong>en</strong> ‘State-of-the-<br />

Art alternatieve conditioneringstechniek<strong>en</strong> voor koelwater’ zijn afgerond.<br />

Het laatste rapport conclu<strong>de</strong>ert dat <strong>de</strong> focus steeds meer verschuift <strong>van</strong><br />

conv<strong>en</strong>tionele chemische conditionering naar prev<strong>en</strong>tieve metho<strong>de</strong>s <strong>en</strong><br />

alternatieve techniek<strong>en</strong>.<br />

• De project<strong>en</strong> ‘Alles over het gebruik <strong>van</strong> zink in koelwatersystem<strong>en</strong>’<br />

<strong>en</strong> ‘Kritieke succesfactor<strong>en</strong> voor kringloopsluiting PWZI/RWZI-efflu<strong>en</strong>t*,<br />

inzet als koelwater <strong>en</strong> proceswater’ zijn in <strong>2010</strong> gestart. In het laatste<br />

project wordt — op basis <strong>van</strong> bestaan<strong>de</strong> k<strong>en</strong>nis binn<strong>en</strong> <strong>de</strong> projectgroep <strong>en</strong><br />

bestaan<strong>de</strong> ervaring in binn<strong>en</strong>- <strong>en</strong> buit<strong>en</strong>land — vastgesteld wat <strong>de</strong> kritieke<br />

succesfactor<strong>en</strong> (of bepal<strong>en</strong><strong>de</strong> voorwaar<strong>de</strong>n) zijn voor <strong>de</strong> inzet <strong>van</strong> PWZI/<br />

RWZI-efflu<strong>en</strong>t als bron voor proces- <strong>en</strong> koelwater. Dit project — met<br />

13 <strong>de</strong>elnemers uit <strong>de</strong> gehele watercyclus — is het eerste echte integrale<br />

waterket<strong>en</strong>project binn<strong>en</strong> OPIW.<br />

Industry & Water <strong>Research</strong><br />

Programme (OPIW)<br />

Untill now the Industry & Water <strong>Research</strong> Programme (OPIW) brings<br />

together 40 companies, organisations and governm<strong>en</strong>t <strong>en</strong>tities, which<br />

jointly formulate and finance research projects. These companies are active<br />

in all parts of the water sector, from industrial cli<strong>en</strong>ts and wastewater<br />

companies to waterboards. <strong>KWR</strong>’s Industry, Wastewater & Reuse (IWR)<br />

team is responsible for the implem<strong>en</strong>tation of the OPIW programme.<br />

Some results of the OPIW programme in <strong>2010</strong>:<br />

• The largest OPIW project concerning ‘Conc<strong>en</strong>trate treatm<strong>en</strong>t’ was<br />

completed, as were those on ‘TOC removal during process water and <strong>de</strong>miwater<br />

production’ and ‘State-of the-art alternative conditioning methods<br />

for cooling water.’ This last report conclu<strong>de</strong>d that the focus is increasingly<br />

shifting from conv<strong>en</strong>tional chemical conditioning to prev<strong>en</strong>tive methods<br />

and alternative techniques.<br />

• The following two projects were initiated in <strong>2010</strong>: ‘Everything concerning<br />

the use of zinc in cooling water systems,’ and ‘Critical success factors for<br />

closing cycles of PWTP/SWTP efflu<strong>en</strong>t*, for use as cooling and process<br />

water.’ The latter project is establishing — on the basis of existing knowledge<br />

within the project group and curr<strong>en</strong>t domestic and international<br />

experi<strong>en</strong>ce — the critical success factors (or prerequisites) for the use of<br />

PWTP/SWTP efflu<strong>en</strong>t as a source for process and cooling water. This<br />

project, which involves 13 participants from the <strong>en</strong>tire water cycle, is the<br />

first truly integrated water cycle project un<strong>de</strong>rtak<strong>en</strong> within OPIW.<br />

57<br />

* PWZI = proceswaterzuiveringsinstallatie (industrie)<br />

process water treatm<strong>en</strong>t plant (industrial)<br />

RWZI = rioolwaterzuiveringsinstallatie (communaal)<br />

sewage water treatm<strong>en</strong>t plant (domestic)

Vooruitstrev<strong>en</strong>d | Ad<strong>van</strong>ced water<br />

Contact<br />

Jan Post<br />

jan.post@kwrwater.nl<br />

Wag<strong>en</strong>ing<strong>en</strong> Universiteit & <strong>Research</strong>c<strong>en</strong>trum,<br />

Wetsus<br />

58<br />

Zeewater slim<br />

ontzout<strong>en</strong><br />

Eerst het zout eruit, dan het water.<br />

Dat is in het kort <strong>de</strong> zeewater ontzoutings<br />

metho<strong>de</strong>, waar Jan Post zijn<br />

zinn<strong>en</strong> op heeft gezet. Hij verwacht<br />

dat zijn metho<strong>de</strong> <strong>en</strong>ergie zuinig is,<br />

wat <strong>van</strong> groot belang is voor lan<strong>de</strong>n<br />

die voor hun drinkwater productie<br />

afhankelijk zijn <strong>van</strong> zout water.<br />

Voor zeewaterontzouting gebruik<strong>en</strong> industrieën <strong>en</strong> drinkwaterproduc<strong>en</strong>t<strong>en</strong><br />

teg<strong>en</strong>woordig vooral omgekeer<strong>de</strong> osmose. Ze pers<strong>en</strong><br />

het zeewater on<strong>de</strong>r hoge druk door membran<strong>en</strong> he<strong>en</strong>, waarbij <strong>de</strong><br />

membran<strong>en</strong> <strong>de</strong> zout<strong>en</strong> teg<strong>en</strong>hou<strong>de</strong>n <strong>en</strong> het water doorlat<strong>en</strong>. Deze<br />

techniek vergt veel <strong>en</strong>ergie, omdat ze het zeewater eerst moet<strong>en</strong><br />

voorzuiver<strong>en</strong> <strong>en</strong> ze uit elke twee tot drie liter voorgezuiverd zeewater<br />

slechts één liter zoet water producer<strong>en</strong>. Hiervoor is e<strong>en</strong> druk <strong>van</strong><br />

80 bar nodig, <strong>de</strong> maximale druk die <strong>de</strong> membran<strong>en</strong> aankunn<strong>en</strong>.<br />

Elektrodialyse<br />

“Ik <strong>de</strong>nk dat het efficiënter is om het zeewater eerst voor e<strong>en</strong> aanzi<strong>en</strong>lijk<br />

<strong>de</strong>el te ontzout<strong>en</strong>”, stelt Post. “Dat kan met elektrodialyse,<br />

waarbij je gebruik maakt <strong>van</strong> elektrisch gela<strong>de</strong>n membran<strong>en</strong>. In het<br />

laboratorium ga ik on<strong>de</strong>rzoek<strong>en</strong> hoeveel zout op <strong>de</strong>ze manier is te<br />

verwij<strong>de</strong>r<strong>en</strong>. Vervolg<strong>en</strong>s kun je het <strong>de</strong>els ontzoute water behan<strong>de</strong>l<strong>en</strong><br />

met lage druk omgekeer<strong>de</strong> osmose. Uiteraard moet je het dan ook<br />

voorzuiver<strong>en</strong>, maar omdat het al veel min<strong>de</strong>r zout bevat dan zeewater,<br />

kun je veel meer zoet water producer<strong>en</strong>.”<br />

Internationaliser<strong>en</strong><br />

Jan Post is er<strong>van</strong> overtuigd dat het <strong>en</strong>ergiegebruik <strong>en</strong> <strong>de</strong> voorzuiveringscapaciteit<br />

fors omlaag kunn<strong>en</strong> door eerst te ontzout<strong>en</strong>. Er is<br />

ook e<strong>en</strong> strategische re<strong>de</strong>n. Post: “Als <strong>KWR</strong> will<strong>en</strong> we ver<strong>de</strong>r internationaliser<strong>en</strong>.<br />

Dan kunn<strong>en</strong> we er niet omhe<strong>en</strong> om ook op het internationaal<br />

belangrijke terrein <strong>van</strong> ontzouting k<strong>en</strong>nis te ontwikkel<strong>en</strong>.”<br />

Intellig<strong>en</strong>t seawater<br />

<strong>de</strong>salination<br />

First remove the salt and th<strong>en</strong> the water. That<br />

is, in short, the seawater <strong>de</strong>salination method<br />

Jan Post has set his mind on. He expects his<br />

method to be <strong>en</strong>ergy-saving, which is of crucial<br />

importance for those countries that <strong>de</strong>p<strong>en</strong>d on<br />

salt water for their drinking water production.<br />

Today, industry and drinking water producers<br />

make use primarily of reverse osmosis to <strong>de</strong>salinate<br />

seawater. They force the seawater at high<br />

pressure through membranes, which retain the<br />

salt and let the water flow through. This technique<br />

consumes a lot of <strong>en</strong>ergy because the seawater<br />

has first to be pre-treated and the technique<br />

only produces one litre of fresh water out<br />

of two to three litres of pre-treated seawater.<br />

To do so, it applies a pressure of 80 bars, which is<br />

the maximum pressure tolerated by the membranes.<br />

Electrodialysis<br />

“I believe it is more effici<strong>en</strong>t to first significantly<br />

<strong>de</strong>salinate the seawater,” says Post. “To do this,<br />

you can employ electrodialysis, which involves<br />

using electrically-charged membranes. In the<br />

laboratory I will be researching the amount of<br />

salt that can be removed in this way. One can<br />

th<strong>en</strong> process the partially <strong>de</strong>salinated water<br />

using low-pressure reverse osmosis. Naturally,<br />

you’ll also have to pre-treat this water, but<br />

because it contains much less salt than seawater,<br />

you’ll be able to produce a lot more fresh water.”<br />

Internationalisation<br />

Jan Post is convinced that the <strong>en</strong>ergy consumption<br />

and the pre-treatm<strong>en</strong>t capacity can be<br />

significantly reduced thanks to this initial <strong>de</strong>salination.<br />

There is also a strategic argum<strong>en</strong>t<br />

involved. As Post puts it: “Since we at <strong>KWR</strong> want<br />

to str<strong>en</strong>gth<strong>en</strong> our international pres<strong>en</strong>ce, th<strong>en</strong><br />

also <strong>de</strong>veloping knowledge in the internationally<br />

important field of <strong>de</strong>salination is unavoidable.”

Bridging Sci<strong>en</strong>ce to Practice<br />

Bas Hofs — on<strong>de</strong>rzoeker | sci<strong>en</strong>tific researcher<br />

Jan Post — teamlei<strong>de</strong>r | team lea<strong>de</strong>r<br />

Sara Salvador Cob — aio | PhD stu<strong>de</strong>nt<br />

Sabrina Botton — on<strong>de</strong>rzoeker | sci<strong>en</strong>tific researcher<br />

59<br />

Team Drinkwaterbehan<strong>de</strong>ling<br />

| Drinking<br />

Water Treatm<strong>en</strong>t<br />

V<strong>en</strong>i-beurs Jan Post voor ontzoutingson<strong>de</strong>rzoek<br />

Jan Post, on<strong>de</strong>rzoeker <strong>en</strong> teamlei<strong>de</strong>r bij <strong>KWR</strong>, heeft in november <strong>2010</strong> e<strong>en</strong><br />

V<strong>en</strong>i-subsidie <strong>van</strong> 250.000 euro gekreg<strong>en</strong> voor zijn on<strong>de</strong>rzoeksvoorstel<br />

‘Zeewaterontzouting: eerst het zout eruit, dan het water’. De jury <strong>van</strong> <strong>de</strong><br />

V<strong>en</strong>i-beurz<strong>en</strong> noem<strong>de</strong> het voorstel <strong>van</strong> Post “<strong>van</strong> groot maatschappelijk <strong>en</strong><br />

economisch belang; e<strong>en</strong> prima combinatie <strong>van</strong> on<strong>de</strong>rzoek, toepassing <strong>en</strong><br />

praktijkervaring”. Post promoveer<strong>de</strong> eind <strong>2009</strong> aan Wag<strong>en</strong>ing<strong>en</strong> Universiteit<br />

& <strong>Research</strong>c<strong>en</strong>trum (WUR). Post gaat <strong>de</strong> V<strong>en</strong>i-beurs gebruik<strong>en</strong> om zijn<br />

nieuwe concept in het laboratorium aan te ton<strong>en</strong> <strong>en</strong> mo<strong>de</strong>lmatig ver<strong>de</strong>r te<br />

on<strong>de</strong>rbouw<strong>en</strong>. In e<strong>en</strong> volg<strong>en</strong><strong>de</strong> stap is het <strong>de</strong> bedoeling het concept te test<strong>en</strong><br />

op echt zeewater. Het on<strong>de</strong>rzoek gebeurt in sam<strong>en</strong>werking met WUR <strong>en</strong><br />

Wetsus. Post wil het on<strong>de</strong>rzoek internationaal gaan positioner<strong>en</strong>, met partners<br />

<strong>van</strong>uit zowel <strong>de</strong> wet<strong>en</strong>schap als het bedrijfslev<strong>en</strong>. Post heeft tij<strong>de</strong>ns zijn<br />

promotieon<strong>de</strong>rzoek naar electriciteitsproductie uit het m<strong>en</strong>g<strong>en</strong> <strong>van</strong> zoet<br />

<strong>en</strong> zout water (‘Blue Energy’) al eer<strong>de</strong>r prijz<strong>en</strong> gewonn<strong>en</strong> <strong>en</strong> publicaties <strong>en</strong><br />

pat<strong>en</strong>t<strong>en</strong> op zijn naam gezet.<br />

V<strong>en</strong>i grant for Jan Post’s <strong>de</strong>salination research<br />

Jan Post, <strong>Research</strong>er and Team Lea<strong>de</strong>r at <strong>KWR</strong>, was awar<strong>de</strong>d a € 250,000 V<strong>en</strong>i grant<br />

in November <strong>2010</strong> for his research proposal: ‘Seawater <strong>de</strong>salination: first remove the<br />

salt and th<strong>en</strong> the water.’ The V<strong>en</strong>i grant jury <strong>de</strong>scribed Post’s proposal as being “of great<br />

social and economic interest; an excell<strong>en</strong>t combination of research, application and<br />

practical experi<strong>en</strong>ce.” Post received his doctorate in late <strong>2009</strong> from Wag<strong>en</strong>ing<strong>en</strong><br />

University & <strong>Research</strong> C<strong>en</strong>tre (WUR). Post will be using the V<strong>en</strong>i grant to <strong>de</strong>monstrate<br />

his new concept in the laboratory and to further str<strong>en</strong>gth<strong>en</strong> its foundation through<br />

mo<strong>de</strong>lling. In the following step the i<strong>de</strong>a is to test the concept on real seawater. The<br />

research is being conducted jointly with WUR and Wetsus. Post int<strong>en</strong>ds to position the<br />

research internationally, with partners from both the sci<strong>en</strong>tific and business worlds.<br />

Post earlier won prizes, published and received pat<strong>en</strong>ts in connection with his doctoral<br />

research, which focused on the production of electricity from the mixing of fresh<br />

and salt water (Blue Energy).

Duurzaam | Sustainable water<br />

Contact<br />

Kees <strong>van</strong> Beek<br />

kees.<strong>van</strong>.beek@kwrwater.nl<br />

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam<br />

Slimme bedrijfsvoering<br />

voorkomt mechanische<br />

putverstopping<br />

60 Veel waterleidingbedrijv<strong>en</strong><br />

onttrekk<strong>en</strong> grondwater voor hun<br />

drinkwater productie. De putt<strong>en</strong> die<br />

ze hiervoor gebruik<strong>en</strong>, rak<strong>en</strong> vaak<br />

na <strong>en</strong>ige tijd verstopt. Kees <strong>van</strong> Beek<br />

<strong>de</strong>ed bij <strong>KWR</strong> promotie on<strong>de</strong>rzoek<br />

naar mechanische putverstopping<br />

<strong>en</strong> ont<strong>de</strong>kte dat <strong>de</strong>ze met e<strong>en</strong> aangepaste<br />

bedrijfsvoering goed is<br />

te voorkom<strong>en</strong>.<br />

drilling mud remnants<br />

and captured fine sand<br />

aquifer<br />

gravel pack<br />

gravel pack<br />

aquifer<br />

well scre<strong>en</strong><br />

i<strong>de</strong>ality<br />


Bridging Sci<strong>en</strong>ce to Practice<br />

E<strong>en</strong> waterput bestaat uit e<strong>en</strong> geperforeer<strong>de</strong> kunststof buis, die in<br />

e<strong>en</strong> ruim boorgat is geplaatst. De ruimte tuss<strong>en</strong> <strong>de</strong> buis <strong>en</strong> <strong>de</strong> boorgatwand<br />

is opgevuld met grind. Dergelijke putt<strong>en</strong> kunn<strong>en</strong> feitelijk<br />

op twee manier<strong>en</strong> verstopp<strong>en</strong>: chemisch, door e<strong>en</strong> neerslag <strong>van</strong><br />

ijzerhydroxi<strong>de</strong>n in <strong>de</strong> perforaties <strong>van</strong> <strong>de</strong> buis, <strong>en</strong> mechanisch, door<br />

het dichtslibb<strong>en</strong> <strong>van</strong> <strong>de</strong> boorgatwand met <strong>de</strong>eltjes in het<br />

grondwater.<br />

De truc<br />

Aan chemische verstopping<strong>en</strong> is prev<strong>en</strong>tief weinig te do<strong>en</strong>. Bij het<br />

oppomp<strong>en</strong> <strong>van</strong> verschill<strong>en</strong><strong>de</strong> waterkwaliteit<strong>en</strong> vindt in <strong>de</strong> buis<br />

m<strong>en</strong>ging plaats <strong>en</strong> ontstaan chemische neerslag<strong>en</strong>. De mechanische<br />

verstopping blijk je wél te kunn<strong>en</strong> voorkom<strong>en</strong>. De truc is om het<br />

grondwater niet continu te onttrekk<strong>en</strong>. Van Beek: “Als je <strong>de</strong> pomp<br />

‘vol gas’ inschakelt, trek je alle <strong>de</strong>eltjes die rond <strong>de</strong> boorgatwand zijn<br />

blijv<strong>en</strong> hang<strong>en</strong> in één keer weg. Voorwaar<strong>de</strong> is wel dat <strong>de</strong> pomp niet<br />

te lang achter elkaar heeft gedraaid, omdat zich dan teveel <strong>de</strong>eltjes<br />

hebb<strong>en</strong> opgehoopt. Drie uur aan <strong>en</strong> drie uur uit lijkt vooralsnog goed<br />

te werk<strong>en</strong>. Zo kan je met e<strong>en</strong> simpele aanpassing in <strong>de</strong> bedrijfsvoering<br />

veel scha<strong>de</strong> voorkom<strong>en</strong>.”<br />

Extra putt<strong>en</strong><br />

Om <strong>de</strong> putpomp<strong>en</strong> regelmatig aan <strong>en</strong> uit te kunn<strong>en</strong> zett<strong>en</strong>, moet<strong>en</strong><br />

sommige bedrijv<strong>en</strong> extra putt<strong>en</strong> slaan. Van Beek: “De kost<strong>en</strong> voor het<br />

slaan <strong>van</strong> extra putt<strong>en</strong> weg<strong>en</strong> echter ruimschoots op teg<strong>en</strong> <strong>de</strong> kost<strong>en</strong><br />

<strong>van</strong> het reg<strong>en</strong>erer<strong>en</strong> <strong>van</strong> verstopte putt<strong>en</strong>.”<br />

Intellig<strong>en</strong>t operational managem<strong>en</strong>t<br />

prev<strong>en</strong>ts mechanical well clogging<br />

Many water distribution companies produce their drinking water from<br />

extracted groundwater. After a while, the wells they use oft<strong>en</strong> <strong>en</strong>d up<br />

clogging. Kees <strong>van</strong> Beek earned out his doctoral research work at <strong>KWR</strong> on<br />

mechanical well clogging, and discovered that this problem can be<br />

avoi<strong>de</strong>d by modifying well operational managem<strong>en</strong>t.<br />

A water well consists of a perforated plastic pipe, which is placed in a wi<strong>de</strong><br />

borehole. The space betwe<strong>en</strong> the pipe and the borehole wall is filled with<br />

gravel. These wells can actually become clogged in two differ<strong>en</strong>t ways:<br />

chemically, as a result of iron hydroxi<strong>de</strong> precipitation in the pipe’s perforations,<br />

and mechanically due to the silting up of the borehole wall<br />

caused by particles in the groundwater.<br />

The trick<br />

There is little that can be done to prev<strong>en</strong>t chemical clogging. By pumping<br />

up waters of differ<strong>en</strong>t qualities, bl<strong>en</strong>ding takes place in the pipe and<br />

chemical precipitation occurs. But mechanical clogging does seem to be<br />

avoidable. The trick is not to continuously extract the groundwater. “If<br />

you set the pump at ‘full throttle’,” says Van Beek, “you extract all the particles<br />

that are on the outsi<strong>de</strong> of the borehole wall simultaneously. The<br />

condition is that you don’t operate the pump for too long a period of time,<br />

because this allows too many particles to accumulate. Three hours on and<br />

three hours off seems so far to work well. Thus, by making a simple<br />

change in the operational managem<strong>en</strong>t of the well, you can prev<strong>en</strong>t a lot<br />

of damage.”<br />

Extra wells<br />

If well pumps will be operated intermittantly, th<strong>en</strong> some companies will<br />

require extra wells to be drilled in or<strong>de</strong>r to meet <strong>de</strong>mand. “But the cost of<br />

drilling those extra wells,” says Van Beek, “is far lower than the costs<br />

involved in reg<strong>en</strong>erating clogged ones.”<br />

61<br />

Promotie Kees <strong>van</strong> Beek<br />

Kees <strong>van</strong> Beek promoveer<strong>de</strong> 2 <strong>de</strong>cember <strong>2010</strong> aan<br />

<strong>de</strong> Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam met zijn proefschrift<br />

‘Cause and prev<strong>en</strong>tion of clogging of wells<br />

abstracting groundwater from unconsolidated<br />

aquifers’. Van Beek beschrijft twee soort<strong>en</strong> putverstopping<br />

<strong>en</strong> geeft handvatt<strong>en</strong> voor <strong>de</strong> verbetering<br />

<strong>van</strong> <strong>de</strong> bedrijfsvoering <strong>en</strong> efficiëntie <strong>van</strong> grondwaterputt<strong>en</strong>.<br />

Dat het wereldwijd gaat om miljo<strong>en</strong><strong>en</strong><br />

putt<strong>en</strong>, maakt <strong>de</strong> on<strong>de</strong>rzoeksresultat<strong>en</strong> economisch uiterst rele<strong>van</strong>t.<br />

Kees <strong>van</strong> Beek Doctorate<br />

Kees <strong>van</strong> Beek received his doctorate from VU University Amsterdam on 2 December<br />

<strong>2010</strong> for his thesis <strong>en</strong>titled ‘Cause and prev<strong>en</strong>tion of clogging of wells abstracting<br />

groundwater from unconsolidated aquifers.’ Van Beek <strong>de</strong>scribes two types of well<br />

clogging and proposes ways of improving the operation and effici<strong>en</strong>cy of groundwater<br />

wells. In light of the fact that there are millions of wells throughout the world,<br />

these research results are of extreme economic rele<strong>van</strong>ce.

Duurzaam | Sustainable water<br />

Contact<br />

Gijsbert Cirkel<br />

gijsbert.cirkel@kwrwater.nl<br />

Brabant Water, Waternet, Vit<strong>en</strong>s, Visser & Smit<br />

Hanab, IF Technology, Wavin, TU Delft<br />

Innovatieve techniek<br />

voor horizontale putt<strong>en</strong><br />

fine sand and loam<br />

coarse sand<br />

62<br />

clay<br />

Jan Willem Kooiman — teamlei<strong>de</strong>r | team lea<strong>de</strong>r<br />

Gijsbert Cirkel — on<strong>de</strong>rzoeker | sci<strong>en</strong>tific researcher<br />

Kees <strong>van</strong> Beek — on<strong>de</strong>rzoeker | sci<strong>en</strong>tific researcher<br />

(→ p. 60)<br />

Team<br />

Geohydrologie | Geohydrology

Bridging Sci<strong>en</strong>ce to Practice<br />

Voor het onttrekk<strong>en</strong> <strong>van</strong> grondwater zijn verticale<br />

putt<strong>en</strong> <strong>de</strong> standaard. Horizontale putt<strong>en</strong> echter,<br />

kunn<strong>en</strong> in sommige situaties — bijvoorbeeld bij e<strong>en</strong><br />

dunne watervoer<strong>en</strong><strong>de</strong> laag — aantrekkelijker zijn.<br />

E<strong>en</strong> geschikte <strong>en</strong> betaalbare metho<strong>de</strong> om <strong>de</strong>rgelijke<br />

putt<strong>en</strong> aan te legg<strong>en</strong> ontbrak echter. Praktijkon<strong>de</strong>rzoek<br />

door <strong>KWR</strong> heeft daarin veran<strong>de</strong>ring<br />

gebracht.<br />

In 2006 bleek dat <strong>de</strong> aanleg <strong>van</strong> putt<strong>en</strong> met horizontaal gestuur<strong>de</strong><br />

boring<strong>en</strong> in principe technisch <strong>en</strong> financieel haalbaar is. Vanaf dat<br />

mom<strong>en</strong>t heeft <strong>KWR</strong> sam<strong>en</strong> met an<strong>de</strong>re partij<strong>en</strong> gewerkt aan het<br />

geschikt mak<strong>en</strong> <strong>van</strong> <strong>de</strong>ze techniek voor <strong>de</strong> drinkwatervoorzi<strong>en</strong>ing.<br />

Volg<strong>en</strong>s <strong>KWR</strong>-hydroloog Gijsbert Cirkel was <strong>de</strong> grootste uitdaging<br />

het vin<strong>de</strong>n <strong>van</strong> e<strong>en</strong> oplossing om <strong>de</strong> wand <strong>van</strong> het boorgat weer<br />

waterdoorlat<strong>en</strong>d te mak<strong>en</strong>. Bij e<strong>en</strong> horizontaal gestuur<strong>de</strong> boring<br />

past m<strong>en</strong> namelijk e<strong>en</strong> boorvloeistof toe om het boorgat tij<strong>de</strong>ns het<br />

bor<strong>en</strong> stabiel te hou<strong>de</strong>n. Deze boorvloeistof vormt e<strong>en</strong> ondoorlat<strong>en</strong><strong>de</strong><br />

laag op <strong>de</strong> boorgatwand.<br />

Mantelbuis<br />

Cirkel licht <strong>de</strong> gevon<strong>de</strong>n oplossing toe: “Nadat het boorgat <strong>de</strong> juiste<br />

diameter heeft, trekk<strong>en</strong> we e<strong>en</strong> mantelbuis — met daarin het onttrekkingsfilter<br />

— in het gat. Aan <strong>de</strong> mantelbuis bevestig<strong>en</strong> we e<strong>en</strong><br />

speciale kop, waarna we <strong>de</strong> buis gelei<strong>de</strong>lijk terugtrekk<strong>en</strong>. Met <strong>de</strong> kop<br />

schrap<strong>en</strong> we <strong>de</strong> ondoorlat<strong>en</strong><strong>de</strong> laag zo veel mogelijk weg. Ook injecter<strong>en</strong><br />

we e<strong>en</strong> mid<strong>de</strong>l om <strong>de</strong> laag af te brek<strong>en</strong>. Door <strong>de</strong>ze maatregel<strong>en</strong><br />

stort <strong>de</strong> grond rond het onttrekkingsfilter in, inclusief <strong>de</strong> rest<strong>en</strong> <strong>van</strong><br />

<strong>de</strong> ondoorlat<strong>en</strong><strong>de</strong> laag.”<br />

Enthousiast<br />

Om vervolg<strong>en</strong>s te zorg<strong>en</strong> dat het grondwater goed naar <strong>de</strong> onttrekkinsgput<br />

kan toestrom<strong>en</strong> <strong>en</strong> er ge<strong>en</strong> fijn zand in <strong>de</strong> put stroomt,<br />

wor<strong>de</strong>n in grove zandpakkett<strong>en</strong> <strong>de</strong> fijne <strong>de</strong>eltjes weggespoeld. In<br />

fijne, homog<strong>en</strong>e zan<strong>de</strong>n werkt dat niet. In zulke zan<strong>de</strong>n blijkt het<br />

mogelijk om tij<strong>de</strong>ns het wegtrekk<strong>en</strong> <strong>van</strong> <strong>de</strong> mantelbuis grof zand<br />

rond het onttrekkingsfilter te spuit<strong>en</strong>. Cirkel is <strong>en</strong>thousiast:<br />

“Praktijkproev<strong>en</strong> lat<strong>en</strong> zi<strong>en</strong> dat <strong>de</strong> aanlegmetho<strong>de</strong> werkt <strong>en</strong> Brabant<br />

Water is voornem<strong>en</strong>s <strong>de</strong> techniek toe te pass<strong>en</strong> op waterproductiebedrijf<br />

Machar<strong>en</strong>.”<br />

Innovative technique for<br />

horizontal wells<br />

Although the standard approach to extract<br />

groundwater is a vertical well, sometimes<br />

horizontal wells are more effective, for instance,<br />

wh<strong>en</strong> the aquifers are thin. Until rec<strong>en</strong>tly,<br />

there was no suitable and affordable means<br />

of installing such wells. Applied research by<br />

<strong>KWR</strong> has changed that.<br />

In 2006, a study by <strong>KWR</strong> and partners showed<br />

that the installation of wells using horizontal<br />

directional drilling was, in principle, technically<br />

and financially feasible. From that mom<strong>en</strong>t on,<br />

<strong>KWR</strong> began working with other parties on applying<br />

this drilling technique for the provision of<br />

drinking water. According to <strong>KWR</strong> hydrologist,<br />

Gijsbert Cirkel, the main chall<strong>en</strong>ge was to come<br />

up with a solution to making the borehole wall<br />

permeable to water again. The directional drilling<br />

of horizontal wells involves the use of a drilling<br />

fluid, which stabilises the borehole during<br />

drilling by creating an impermeable layer on<br />

the borehole wall.<br />

Casing pipe<br />

Cirkel explains how the solution works: “Once<br />

the borehole has the right diameter, we introduce<br />

a casing pipe — containing the extraction filter —<br />

into the hole. We attach a special head to the<br />

casing pipe. In the next step we slowly pull the<br />

casing pipe out. We use the head to scrape off as<br />

much of the impermeable layer as possible.<br />

We also inject a substance which helps to break<br />

down the layer. These actions cause the soil —<br />

including the remnants of the impermeable<br />

layer — around to extraction filter to cave in.”<br />

Enthusiastic<br />

To <strong>en</strong>sure that the groundwater can flow properly<br />

to the extraction well, and that no fine sand<br />

flows into the well, the fine particles are washed<br />

away in coarse heterog<strong>en</strong>eous sand layers — this<br />

does not work in fine, homog<strong>en</strong>ous sands. In fine<br />

homog<strong>en</strong>eous sands, it is possible to inject coarse<br />

sand around the extraction filter, while casing<br />

pipe is being removed. Cirkel is <strong>en</strong>thusiastic:<br />

“Practical tests show that the installation method<br />

works, and Brabant Water plans on implem<strong>en</strong>ting<br />

the technique in the near future.”<br />


Duurzaam | Sustainable water<br />

Nooit meer<br />

gietwatertekort<br />

64<br />

Klimaatveran<strong>de</strong>ring leidt in Ne<strong>de</strong>rland tot e<strong>en</strong><br />

an<strong>de</strong>r neerslagpatroon met meer droge perio<strong>de</strong>n die<br />

langer dur<strong>en</strong>. Tij<strong>de</strong>ns droge perio<strong>de</strong>n hebb<strong>en</strong> tuinbouw<br />

bedrijv<strong>en</strong> regelmatig te weinig goed gietwater.<br />

<strong>KWR</strong> on<strong>de</strong>rzoekt <strong>de</strong> mogelijkhe<strong>de</strong>n voor e<strong>en</strong><br />

collectief systeem <strong>van</strong> on<strong>de</strong>rgrondse waterberging.<br />

Tuinbouwbedrijv<strong>en</strong> gebruik<strong>en</strong> voor hun gietwater vooral reg<strong>en</strong>water<br />

dat ze op<strong>van</strong>g<strong>en</strong> <strong>en</strong> opslaan in waterbekk<strong>en</strong>s. Als <strong>de</strong>ze bekk<strong>en</strong>s<br />

leeg rak<strong>en</strong>, stapp<strong>en</strong> veel bedrijv<strong>en</strong> in het Westland over op brak of<br />

zout grondwater, omdat <strong>de</strong> kwaliteit <strong>van</strong> het oppervlaktewater<br />

onvoldo<strong>en</strong><strong>de</strong> is. “Het grondwater onttrekk<strong>en</strong> ze, waarna ze het<br />

ontzilt<strong>en</strong> met omgekeer<strong>de</strong> osmose”, legt <strong>KWR</strong>-on<strong>de</strong>rzoeker Marcel<br />

Paalman uit. “Vervolg<strong>en</strong>s pomp<strong>en</strong> ze het zoute conc<strong>en</strong>traat (brijn)<br />

terug in e<strong>en</strong> dieper grondwaterpakket. Deze brijninjecties zijn<br />

moeilijk te controler<strong>en</strong> <strong>en</strong> daardoor beleidsmatig ongew<strong>en</strong>st.”<br />

On<strong>de</strong>rgrondse wateropslag<br />

<strong>KWR</strong> on<strong>de</strong>rzoekt alternatiev<strong>en</strong>, waaron<strong>de</strong>r Aquifer Storage <strong>en</strong><br />

Recovery (ASR), het on<strong>de</strong>rgronds berg<strong>en</strong> <strong>van</strong> water om het later weer<br />

te kunn<strong>en</strong> gebruik<strong>en</strong>. “Omdat het Westland brak grondwater heeft,<br />

vermoe<strong>de</strong>n we dat ASR op kleine schaal niet mogelijk is”, vertelt<br />

<strong>KWR</strong>-promov<strong>en</strong>dus Ko<strong>en</strong> Zuurbier. “Dit water duwt <strong>de</strong> zoetwaterbel<br />

— die ontstaat na het injecter<strong>en</strong> — gelei<strong>de</strong>lijk weg. Daardoor veran-<br />

Solving irrigation water<br />

shortages<br />

Climate change is is causing significant changes<br />

in precipitation patterns in the Netherlands,<br />

leading to more frequ<strong>en</strong>t and longer periods of<br />

drought, in which horticultural companies regularly<br />

face shortages of fresh irrigation water.<br />

<strong>KWR</strong> is therefore studying a both promising and<br />

sustainable solution: collective fresh water storage<br />

systems using subsurface sand- and gravel<br />

layers (aquifers).<br />

Horticultural companies meet their irrigation<br />

water needs primarily by rooftop-collected rainwater<br />

which is stored in silos. Since the quality of<br />

the surface water is not a<strong>de</strong>quate, many companies<br />

in the Dutch Westland area switch to brack-

Bridging Sci<strong>en</strong>ce to Practice<br />

Contact<br />

Marcel Paalman<br />

marcel.paalman@kwrwater.nl<br />

Ko<strong>en</strong> Zuurbier<br />

ko<strong>en</strong>.zuurbier@kwrwater.nl<br />

TNO, Wag<strong>en</strong>ing<strong>en</strong> Universiteit &<br />

<strong>Research</strong>c<strong>en</strong>trum, Hoogheemraadschap<br />

<strong>van</strong> Delfland, provincie Zuid-Holland,<br />

LTO-Glaskracht, Evi<strong>de</strong>s<br />

Schematisering<br />

on<strong>de</strong>rgrondse waterberging,<br />

gebruikmak<strong>en</strong>d<br />

<strong>van</strong> hemelwater als<br />

bron <strong>van</strong> zoet water.<br />

Illustration of Aquifer<br />

Storage and Recovery<br />

in horticultural areas,<br />

rainwater is used as<br />

a source water for<br />

storage and subsequ<strong>en</strong>t<br />

recovery for irrigation.<br />

ish and saline groundwater wh<strong>en</strong> their silos run<br />

dry. “They extract the saline groundwater, which<br />

they th<strong>en</strong> <strong>de</strong>salinate using reverse osmosis,”<br />

explains <strong>KWR</strong> researcher Marcel Paalman. “the<br />

resulting conc<strong>en</strong>trate (brine) is than disposed<br />

into a <strong>de</strong>eper aquifer. Since these brine injections<br />

are difficult to control, they are un<strong>de</strong>sirable from<br />

a policy point of view.”<br />

65<br />

<strong>de</strong>rt <strong>de</strong> bel steeds meer in e<strong>en</strong> platte schijf <strong>en</strong> bestaat het risico dat<br />

<strong>de</strong> tuin<strong>de</strong>r in <strong>de</strong> zomer ge<strong>en</strong> zoet, maar brak water oppompt.”<br />

Autonome zoetwatervoorzi<strong>en</strong>ing<br />

Om dat te voorkom<strong>en</strong>, bestu<strong>de</strong>ert <strong>KWR</strong> <strong>de</strong> mogelijkheid <strong>van</strong> e<strong>en</strong> collectief<br />

systeem met één grote zoetwaterbel in combinatie met<br />

gerichte terugwinning in <strong>de</strong> top <strong>van</strong> het grondwdaterpakket. Zo’n<br />

bel is te creër<strong>en</strong> door winterse neerslagoverschott<strong>en</strong> te injecter<strong>en</strong> in<br />

<strong>de</strong> on<strong>de</strong>rgrond <strong>en</strong> aan te vull<strong>en</strong> met bijvoorbeeld het gezuiver<strong>de</strong><br />

efflu<strong>en</strong>t <strong>van</strong> <strong>de</strong> afvalwaterzuiveringsinstallatie Harnaschpol<strong>de</strong>r.<br />

Paalman: “Als dit lukt, krijgt het gebied e<strong>en</strong> autonome zoetwatervoorzi<strong>en</strong>ing<br />

<strong>en</strong> is er altijd g<strong>en</strong>oeg goed gietwater.”<br />

Un<strong>de</strong>rground water storage<br />

<strong>KWR</strong> is studying the un<strong>de</strong>rground storage of<br />

fresh water for its subsequ<strong>en</strong>t use, known as<br />

Aquifer Storage and Recovery (ASR). “Since the<br />

Westland groundwater system is brackish to<br />

saline, we assume that small-scale ASR is not a<br />

possibility,” says <strong>KWR</strong> doctoral stu<strong>de</strong>nt Ko<strong>en</strong><br />

Zuurbier. “As saline groundwater pushes up the<br />

fresh water l<strong>en</strong>s formed during injection, the<br />

l<strong>en</strong>s transforms into a flat disk, inducing the risk<br />

that the horticulturalist, will be pumping back<br />

brackish instead of fresh water in the summer.”<br />

Autonomous fresh water supply<br />

To prev<strong>en</strong>t this from happ<strong>en</strong>ing, <strong>KWR</strong> is studying<br />

the possibility of a collective system with a<br />

single, large fresh water l<strong>en</strong>s, in combination<br />

with recovery using well placed in the top of the<br />

aquifer. A l<strong>en</strong>s of this scale can be created by<br />

injecting excess winter precipitation in the aquifer,<br />

supplem<strong>en</strong>ted by for example, the treated<br />

efflu<strong>en</strong>t of the Harnasch pol<strong>de</strong>r wastewater<br />

treatm<strong>en</strong>t plant. “If this works,” says Paalman,<br />

“the area will be self-suffici<strong>en</strong>t in its fresh water<br />

supply, continuously keeping <strong>en</strong>ough irrigation<br />

water at hand.”

66<br />

Ko<strong>en</strong> Zuurbier — on<strong>de</strong>rzoeker | sci<strong>en</strong>tific researcher<br />

(→ p. 64)<br />

Marcel Paalman — on<strong>de</strong>rzoeker | sci<strong>en</strong>tific researcher<br />

(→ p. 64)<br />

Team Integraal<br />

Waterbeheer | Integrated<br />

Water Managem<strong>en</strong>t<br />

Contact<br />

Gertjan Zwolsman<br />


Duurzaam | Sustainable water<br />

Contact<br />

Flip Witte | flip.witte@kwrwater.nl<br />

Jan Hofman | jan.hofman@kwrwater.nl<br />

www.klimaatportaal.nl<br />

Wag<strong>en</strong>ing<strong>en</strong> University & <strong>Research</strong> C<strong>en</strong>tre,<br />

TNO, Deltares<br />

68<br />

K<strong>en</strong>nis voor klimaat<br />

<strong>KWR</strong> neemt <strong>de</strong>el aan vijf <strong>van</strong> <strong>de</strong> acht consortia<br />

binn<strong>en</strong> K<strong>en</strong>nis voor Klimaat, het on<strong>de</strong>rzoeksprogramma<br />

dat Ne<strong>de</strong>rland klimaatbest<strong>en</strong>dig wil<br />

mak<strong>en</strong>. Enkele typer<strong>en</strong><strong>de</strong> voorbeel<strong>de</strong>n.<br />

In het programma ‘Climate Proof Cities’, dat in <strong>2010</strong> <strong>van</strong> start ging,<br />

wordt wet<strong>en</strong>schappelijk on<strong>de</strong>rzoek uitgevoerd naar klimaatadaptatiestrategieën<br />

voor ste<strong>de</strong>n. <strong>KWR</strong> voert sam<strong>en</strong> met Deltares twee<br />

project<strong>en</strong> uit in dit programma. Het eerste project zoekt oplossing<strong>en</strong><br />

voor extreme neerslag. Het twee<strong>de</strong> project, waar ook TNO aan<br />

<strong>de</strong>elneemt, kijkt naar het gebruik <strong>van</strong> water in relatie tot <strong>de</strong> warmte<br />

in <strong>de</strong> stad. Doel is e<strong>en</strong> netwek <strong>van</strong> waterleiding<strong>en</strong> aan te legg<strong>en</strong><br />

waarmee gebouw<strong>en</strong> zijn te verwarm<strong>en</strong> of te koel<strong>en</strong>. Door zog<strong>en</strong>aam<strong>de</strong><br />

point-of-use apparat<strong>en</strong> kan uit dit netwerk ook drinkwater<br />

wor<strong>de</strong>n gemaakt.<br />

Infrastructuur <strong>en</strong> netwerk<strong>en</strong><br />

In <strong>2010</strong> is het project INCAH (Infrastructure Networks Climate Adaptation<br />

and Hotspots) gestart. Door klimaatveran<strong>de</strong>ring zull<strong>en</strong> er wijziging<strong>en</strong><br />

optre<strong>de</strong>n in <strong>de</strong> zetting <strong>van</strong> grond. Belangrijkste doel <strong>van</strong> dit project<br />

is te bepal<strong>en</strong> wat hier<strong>van</strong> <strong>de</strong> gevolg<strong>en</strong> zijn voor <strong>de</strong> kwaliteit <strong>van</strong> het<br />

on<strong>de</strong>rgrondse leidingstelsel.<br />

Verbetering klimaatprojecties <strong>en</strong><br />

mo<strong>de</strong>linstrum<strong>en</strong>tarium<br />

In <strong>2010</strong> is het project CARE gestart, waarin <strong>de</strong> gevolg<strong>en</strong> <strong>van</strong> klimaatveran<strong>de</strong>ring<br />

voor het lan<strong>de</strong>lijk gebied wor<strong>de</strong>n on<strong>de</strong>rzocht. <strong>KWR</strong><br />

heeft hierin e<strong>en</strong> belangrijke rol op het gebied <strong>van</strong> het klimaatrobuust<br />

mo<strong>de</strong>ller<strong>en</strong> <strong>van</strong> water <strong>en</strong> vegetatie. Bov<strong>en</strong>di<strong>en</strong> heeft <strong>KWR</strong> in <strong>2010</strong><br />

e<strong>en</strong> on<strong>de</strong>rzoek uitgevoerd naar <strong>de</strong> prestaties <strong>van</strong> nationale mo<strong>de</strong>ll<strong>en</strong><br />

voor natuurlijke vegetaties. De conclusie is dat het <strong>KWR</strong> Probe mo<strong>de</strong>l<br />

met afstand het best verklar<strong>en</strong><strong>de</strong> mo<strong>de</strong>l voor beleidsanalyse op dit<br />

terrein is <strong>en</strong> daarmee <strong>de</strong> sector effectief on<strong>de</strong>rsteunt. Er wordt actief<br />

met het PBL gesprok<strong>en</strong> over het beschikbaar mak<strong>en</strong> <strong>van</strong> <strong>de</strong>ze<br />

expertise.<br />

Tot slot droeg <strong>KWR</strong> in <strong>2010</strong> bij aan <strong>de</strong> Klimaat Effect Wijzer. De effectwijzer<br />

bun<strong>de</strong>lt data <strong>en</strong> informatie over klimaat <strong>en</strong> klimaateffect<strong>en</strong> in<br />

Ne<strong>de</strong>rland.<br />

Knowledge for Climate<br />

<strong>KWR</strong> is participating in five of the eight<br />

consortia within the Knowledge for Climate<br />

programme, the research programme that<br />

aims to climate-proof the Netherlands.<br />

A few examples are giv<strong>en</strong> below.<br />

Cities<br />

In the ‘Climate Proof Cities’ programme,<br />

which began in <strong>2010</strong>, sci<strong>en</strong>tific research is being<br />

carried out into climate adaptation strategies<br />

for urban areas. Together with Deltares and TNO,<br />

<strong>KWR</strong> is conducting two projects. The first seeks<br />

solutions for extreme precipitation, the second<br />

one conc<strong>en</strong>trates on the use of water in relation<br />

to heat waves in the city. The goal of the latter<br />

project is to <strong>de</strong>sign a water network to heat<br />

or cool buildings. Using point-of-use <strong>de</strong>vices,<br />

drinking water can also be produced in this<br />

network.<br />

Infrastructure and networks<br />

In <strong>2010</strong>, the INCAH (Infrastructure Networks<br />

Climate Adaptation and Hotspots) project began.<br />

Climate change may increase the soil subsi<strong>de</strong>nce.<br />

The key objective of this project is to <strong>de</strong>termine<br />

how this may impact on the condition of the<br />

un<strong>de</strong>rground water network.<br />

Improving climate forecasts and mo<strong>de</strong>lling<br />

instrum<strong>en</strong>ts<br />

The CARE project, which aims at forecasting the<br />

impact of climate change on rural areas, started<br />

in <strong>2010</strong>. <strong>KWR</strong> plays an important role in this<br />

project through its contribution to the field of<br />

climate-robust mo<strong>de</strong>lling of water and vegetation.<br />

Moreover, in <strong>2010</strong> <strong>KWR</strong> conducted an<br />

assessm<strong>en</strong>t study of national vegetation mo<strong>de</strong>ls.<br />

The conclusion was that the <strong>KWR</strong> mo<strong>de</strong>l Probe is<br />

the best explanatory mo<strong>de</strong>l for policy analysis,<br />

and thus offers the sector effective support.<br />

Active discussions are un<strong>de</strong>r way with PBL<br />

Netherlands Environm<strong>en</strong>tal Assessm<strong>en</strong>t Ag<strong>en</strong>cy<br />

about making this expertise available.<br />

Lastly, in <strong>2010</strong> <strong>KWR</strong> contributed to the Climate<br />

Impact Indicator, which gathers data and<br />

in formation about climate and climate impact<br />

in the Netherlands.

Bridging Sci<strong>en</strong>ce to Practice<br />

Contact<br />

Ruud Bartholomeus<br />

ruud.bartholomeus@kwrwater.nl<br />

Contact<br />

Yuki Fujita<br />

yuki.fujita@kwrwater.nl<br />

69<br />

Promotie Ruud Bartholomeus<br />

Met het proefschrift ‘Moisture Matters:<br />

Climate-proof and process-based relationships<br />

betwe<strong>en</strong> water, oxyg<strong>en</strong> and vegetation’ promoveer<strong>de</strong><br />

Ruud Bartholomeus op 26 januari <strong>2010</strong> aan<br />

<strong>de</strong> Vrije Universiteit. In zijn proefschrift pres<strong>en</strong>teert<br />

Bartholomeus klimaat best<strong>en</strong>dige relaties die bruikbaar<br />

zijn om <strong>de</strong> gevolg<strong>en</strong> <strong>van</strong> klimaatveran<strong>de</strong>ring<br />

voor <strong>de</strong> vegetatie te voorspell<strong>en</strong>. Het on<strong>de</strong>rzoek<br />

is uitgevoerd in sam<strong>en</strong>werking met Wag<strong>en</strong>ing<strong>en</strong> Universiteit &<br />

<strong>Research</strong> c<strong>en</strong>trum.<br />

Ruud Bartholomeus Doctorate<br />

With a thesis <strong>en</strong>titled ‘Moisture Matters: Climate-proof and process-based relationships<br />

betwe<strong>en</strong> water, oxyg<strong>en</strong> and vegetation’ Ruud Bartholomeus received his doctorate on<br />

26 January <strong>2010</strong> from VU University Amsterdam. In his thesis, Bartholomeus pres<strong>en</strong>ts<br />

climate-proof relationships that can be used to predict the impact of climate change<br />

on vegetation. The research was conducted jointly with Wag<strong>en</strong>ing<strong>en</strong> University &<br />

<strong>Research</strong> C<strong>en</strong>tre.<br />

Promotie Yuki Fujita<br />

Yuki Fujita promoveer<strong>de</strong> op 18 juni <strong>2010</strong> aan <strong>de</strong><br />

Universiteit Utrecht op haar on<strong>de</strong>rzoek naar <strong>de</strong><br />

gevolg<strong>en</strong> <strong>van</strong> stikstofverrijking op ecosystem<strong>en</strong>,<br />

getiteld Balance matters. N:P stoichiometry and<br />

plant diversity in grassland ecosystems. Fujita is<br />

on<strong>de</strong>rzoeker bij <strong>KWR</strong> <strong>en</strong> ontwikkelt dit on<strong>de</strong>rzoek<br />

<strong>de</strong> kom<strong>en</strong><strong>de</strong> jar<strong>en</strong> ver<strong>de</strong>r, on<strong>de</strong>r an<strong>de</strong>re voor het<br />

klimaat robuuste vegetatiemo<strong>de</strong>l Probe-2.<br />

Hiermee gaat <strong>KWR</strong> <strong>de</strong> gevolg<strong>en</strong> <strong>van</strong> klimaatveran<strong>de</strong>ring <strong>en</strong> adaptieve<br />

maatregel<strong>en</strong> op <strong>de</strong> biodiversiteit <strong>van</strong> Ne<strong>de</strong>rland on<strong>de</strong>rzoek<strong>en</strong>.<br />

Yuki Fujita Doctorate<br />

Yuki Fujita received her doctorate on 18 June <strong>2010</strong> from Utrecht University thanks to<br />

her thesis, <strong>en</strong>titled ‘Balance matters. N:P stoichiometry and plant diversity in grassland<br />

ecosystems,’ on the impact of nitrog<strong>en</strong> <strong>en</strong>richm<strong>en</strong>t on ecosystems. Fujita, who is a<br />

researcher at <strong>KWR</strong>, will in the years to come continue with her research, including work<br />

for the PROBE-2 climate-robust vegetation mo<strong>de</strong>l. In this project, <strong>KWR</strong> is studying the<br />

impact of climate change and adaptive measures on biodiversity in the Netherlands.

Hydrologieprijs<br />

Ruud Bartholomeus<br />

70<br />

<strong>KWR</strong>-hydroloog Ruud Bartholomeus ontving op<br />

25 november <strong>2010</strong> <strong>de</strong> NHV Hydrologieprijs 2007–<br />

<strong>2009</strong>. De Ne<strong>de</strong>rlandse Hydrologische Ver<strong>en</strong>iging<br />

(NHV) reikt <strong>de</strong>ze prijs uit aan <strong>de</strong> on<strong>de</strong>rzoeker met<br />

het beste wet<strong>en</strong>schappelijke artikel <strong>van</strong> <strong>de</strong> afgelop<strong>en</strong><br />

drie jaar. Bartholomeus kreeg <strong>de</strong> prestigieuze<br />

prijs voor zijn artikel ‘Critical soil conditions<br />

for oxyg<strong>en</strong> stress to plant roots: Substituting the<br />

Fed<strong>de</strong>s-function by a process-based mo<strong>de</strong>l’. In<br />

het artikel beschrijft Bartholomeus zijn mo<strong>de</strong>l dat<br />

<strong>de</strong> zuurstofstress bij plant<strong>en</strong> berek<strong>en</strong>t in afhankelijkheid<br />

<strong>van</strong> het klimaat <strong>en</strong> bo<strong>de</strong>mfysische,<br />

microbiologische <strong>en</strong> plant<strong>en</strong>fysiologische process<strong>en</strong>.<br />

Dit mo<strong>de</strong>l maakt het mogelijk <strong>de</strong> effect<strong>en</strong><br />

<strong>van</strong> klimaatveran<strong>de</strong>ring (hogere temperatur<strong>en</strong> <strong>en</strong><br />

extremere neerslagbui<strong>en</strong>) op landbouwgewass<strong>en</strong><br />

<strong>en</strong> natuurlijke vegetaties te voorspell<strong>en</strong>.<br />

Flip Witte — lid <strong>KWR</strong> Wet<strong>en</strong>schapsraad | member<br />

<strong>KWR</strong> Sci<strong>en</strong>tific Council (→ p. 68)<br />

Hydrology award for Ruud Bartholomeus<br />

On 25 November <strong>2010</strong>, <strong>KWR</strong> hydrologist Ruud<br />

Bartholomeus received the 2007-<strong>2009</strong> Hydrology Award.<br />

The Netherlands Hydrological Society (NHV) pres<strong>en</strong>ts this<br />

award to the researcher who publishes the best sci<strong>en</strong>tific<br />

paper in the field of hydrology over the preceding three<br />

years. Bartholomeus received the prestigious award for<br />

his article <strong>en</strong>titled ‘Critical soil conditions for oxyg<strong>en</strong><br />

stress to plant roots: Substituting the Fed<strong>de</strong>s-function by<br />

a process-based mo<strong>de</strong>l.’ In his article Bartholomeus<br />

<strong>de</strong>scribes a mo<strong>de</strong>l, that calculates oxyg<strong>en</strong> stress in plants<br />

in relation to the climate and soil-physical,<br />

microbiological and plant physiological processes.<br />

Oxyg<strong>en</strong> stress in plants means that they do not receive<br />

<strong>en</strong>ough oxyg<strong>en</strong> to function properly. This mo<strong>de</strong>l makes it<br />

possible to predict the impact of climate change (higher<br />

temperatures and more extreme precipitation) on<br />

agricultural crops and natural vegetation.<br />

Ruud Bartholomeus — on<strong>de</strong>rzoeker | sci<strong>en</strong>tific<br />

researcher (→ p. 69)<br />

Team Ecologie | Ecology<br />

Contact<br />

Gé <strong>van</strong> <strong>de</strong>n Eertwegh<br />


Gé <strong>van</strong> <strong>de</strong>n Eertwegh — teamlei<strong>de</strong>r | team lea<strong>de</strong>r<br />

Yuki Fujita — on<strong>de</strong>rzoeker | sci<strong>en</strong>tific researcher (→ p. 69)<br />

71<br />

Hans Roelofs<strong>en</strong> — on<strong>de</strong>rzoeker | sci<strong>en</strong>tific researcher<br />

(→ p. 72)

Duurzaam | Sustainable water<br />

Vegetatietyp<strong>en</strong> snel<br />

in beeld met remote s<strong>en</strong>sing<br />

72<br />

Het karter<strong>en</strong> <strong>van</strong> vegetatietyp<strong>en</strong> is tot nu<br />

toe e<strong>en</strong> arbeids int<strong>en</strong>sieve <strong>en</strong> kostbare bezigheid.<br />

Hans Roelofs<strong>en</strong>, VU-promov<strong>en</strong>dus bij <strong>KWR</strong>, on<strong>de</strong>r zoekt<br />

of het gebruik <strong>van</strong> gea<strong>van</strong>ceer<strong>de</strong> luchtfoto’s<br />

sneller <strong>en</strong> goedkoper is dan <strong>de</strong> tot nu toe gangbare<br />

veld opnames. Drinkwaterbedrijv<strong>en</strong> hebb<strong>en</strong> als<br />

gebiedsbeheer<strong>de</strong>r baat bij e<strong>en</strong> snelle <strong>en</strong> betaalbare<br />

karteringsmetho<strong>de</strong>.<br />

Hyperspectraal remote<br />

s<strong>en</strong>sing beeld <strong>van</strong><br />

Ameland, gedateerd 19<br />

juni 2005. Links zichtbaar<br />

is duincomplex ‘het Oerd’,<br />

met t<strong>en</strong> oost<strong>en</strong> daar<strong>van</strong><br />

<strong>de</strong> kwel<strong>de</strong>rs <strong>van</strong> ‘<strong>de</strong> Hon’.<br />

Het noordzeestrand<br />

is ev<strong>en</strong>e<strong>en</strong>s dui<strong>de</strong>lijk<br />

zichtbaar. De NAM<br />

aardgasboring locatie is<br />

zichtbaar als het kleine<br />

vierkantje in het mid<strong>de</strong>n.<br />

Dit is e<strong>en</strong> false-colour<br />

beeld, wat betek<strong>en</strong>t<br />

dat vegetatie dichtheid<br />

is gevisualizeerd in<br />

verschill<strong>en</strong><strong>de</strong> tint<strong>en</strong> rood.<br />

Airborne Hyperspectral<br />

Scanner remote s<strong>en</strong>sing<br />

image of Ameland, the<br />

Netherlands. Dated 19<br />

June 2005. Just left of<br />

the image c<strong>en</strong>tre is dune<br />

area ‘het Oerd’, to the<br />

east are the tidal flats of<br />

‘<strong>de</strong> Hon’ nature area. The<br />

North Sea beach is clearly<br />

visible as well. The NAM<br />

gas-extraction facility<br />

is the small rectangle in<br />

the image c<strong>en</strong>tre. This<br />

is a false-colour image,<br />

meaning that vegetation<br />

<strong>de</strong>nsity is visualized in<br />

differ<strong>en</strong>t sha<strong>de</strong>s of red.

Bridging Sci<strong>en</strong>ce to Practice<br />

Contact<br />

Hans Roelofs<strong>en</strong><br />

hans.roelofs<strong>en</strong>@kwrwater.nl<br />

Wag<strong>en</strong>ing<strong>en</strong> Universiteit & <strong>Research</strong>c<strong>en</strong>trum,<br />

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam<br />

Voor zijn on<strong>de</strong>rzoek kijkt Roelofs<strong>en</strong> naar kruidachtige vegetatie op<br />

Ameland. Met vegetatieopnames of plots — handmatige inv<strong>en</strong>tarisaties<br />

<strong>van</strong> <strong>de</strong> voorkom<strong>en</strong><strong>de</strong> plant<strong>en</strong> op e<strong>en</strong> gebied <strong>van</strong> twee bij twee<br />

meter — bepaalt hij per plot <strong>de</strong> gemid<strong>de</strong>l<strong>de</strong> indicatiewaar<strong>de</strong>n. Deze<br />

waar<strong>de</strong>n gev<strong>en</strong> <strong>de</strong> voorkeur <strong>van</strong> plant<strong>en</strong>soort<strong>en</strong> weer voor factor<strong>en</strong><br />

als bo<strong>de</strong>mvocht, voedselrijkdom, bo<strong>de</strong>mzuurgraad <strong>en</strong> het zoutgehalte<br />

<strong>van</strong> <strong>de</strong> bo<strong>de</strong>m.<br />

Reflectiewaar<strong>de</strong>n<br />

Nadat Roelofs<strong>en</strong> <strong>de</strong> indicatiewaar<strong>de</strong>n heeft vastgesteld, zoekt hij<br />

<strong>de</strong> vegetatieplots op op e<strong>en</strong> speciale luchtfoto <strong>van</strong> het on<strong>de</strong>rzoeksgebied.<br />

Het betreft e<strong>en</strong> foto die is gemaakt met e<strong>en</strong> s<strong>en</strong>sor die zowel<br />

het zichtbare licht waarneemt als infrarood licht. Op dit remote<br />

s<strong>en</strong>sing beeld zijn <strong>de</strong> reflectiewaar<strong>de</strong>n zichtbaar <strong>van</strong> 63 verschill<strong>en</strong><strong>de</strong><br />

lichtspectra. Roelofs<strong>en</strong>: “Met e<strong>en</strong> statistisch mo<strong>de</strong>l bepaal ik het<br />

verband tuss<strong>en</strong> <strong>de</strong> reflectiewaar<strong>de</strong>n op het beeld <strong>en</strong> <strong>de</strong> indicatiewaar<strong>de</strong>n<br />

die in het veld zijn bepaald.”<br />

Vegetatietyp<strong>en</strong><br />

Uitein<strong>de</strong>lijk hoopt Roelofs<strong>en</strong> dat het mogelijk wordt om <strong>de</strong> indicatiewaar<strong>de</strong>n<br />

goed te voorspell<strong>en</strong> aan <strong>de</strong> hand <strong>van</strong> remote s<strong>en</strong>sing<br />

beel<strong>de</strong>n. Roelofs<strong>en</strong>: “Het mooie is dat bij ie<strong>de</strong>re set <strong>van</strong> indicatiewaar<strong>de</strong>n<br />

e<strong>en</strong> bepaald vegetatietype hoort. Als je <strong>de</strong> indicatiewaar<strong>de</strong>n<br />

uit <strong>de</strong> remote s<strong>en</strong>sing beel<strong>de</strong>n kunt aflei<strong>de</strong>n, kun je dus ook snel<br />

vaststell<strong>en</strong> welke vegetatietyp<strong>en</strong> er in e<strong>en</strong> gebied voorkom<strong>en</strong>.”<br />

Veel voor<strong>de</strong>l<strong>en</strong><br />

Volg<strong>en</strong>s Roelofs<strong>en</strong> is e<strong>en</strong> snelle inv<strong>en</strong>tarisatie <strong>van</strong> vegetatietyp<strong>en</strong><br />

on<strong>de</strong>r an<strong>de</strong>re aantrekkelijk voor gebiedsbeheer<strong>de</strong>rs die will<strong>en</strong> wet<strong>en</strong><br />

welke effect<strong>en</strong> grondwateronttrekking op <strong>de</strong> langere termijn heeft<br />

op <strong>de</strong> vegetatie. Roelofs<strong>en</strong>: “Voor het vaststell<strong>en</strong> <strong>van</strong> die effect<strong>en</strong><br />

moet je om <strong>de</strong> paar jaar <strong>de</strong> vegetatietyp<strong>en</strong> karter<strong>en</strong>. E<strong>en</strong> arbeidsext<strong>en</strong>sievere<br />

<strong>en</strong> goedkopere metho<strong>de</strong> biedt dan veel voor<strong>de</strong>l<strong>en</strong>.”<br />

Voor dit on<strong>de</strong>rzoek werkt <strong>KWR</strong> sam<strong>en</strong> met Wag<strong>en</strong>ing<strong>en</strong> Universiteit<br />

& <strong>Research</strong>c<strong>en</strong>trum <strong>en</strong> <strong>de</strong> Vrije Universiteit. Het on<strong>de</strong>rzoek sluit<br />

nauw aan op het on<strong>de</strong>rzoek <strong>van</strong> <strong>KWR</strong> naar betere mo<strong>de</strong>ll<strong>en</strong> voor het<br />

voorspell<strong>en</strong> <strong>van</strong> <strong>de</strong> ecologische effect<strong>en</strong> <strong>van</strong> klimaatveran<strong>de</strong>ring.<br />

Vegetation types quickly i<strong>de</strong>ntified using<br />

remote s<strong>en</strong>sing<br />

The mapping of vegetation types has up until now be<strong>en</strong> a labourint<strong>en</strong>sive<br />

and exp<strong>en</strong>sive activity. Hans Roelofs<strong>en</strong>, VU University<br />

Amsterdam doctoral stu<strong>de</strong>nt at <strong>KWR</strong>, is studying whether the use of<br />

ad<strong>van</strong>ced aerial photos does not offer a faster and cheaper approach<br />

than the field surveys commonly used to date. Drinking water<br />

companies, as managers of the areas, would b<strong>en</strong>efit from a quick<br />

and affordable mapping method.<br />

Roelofs<strong>en</strong> uses herbaceous vegetation in Ameland for his research.<br />

By means of vegetation surveys — manual inv<strong>en</strong>tories of plants occurring in<br />

a plot measuring two metres by two metres — he can establish the average<br />

indicator values per plot. These values reflect the prefer<strong>en</strong>ces of the plant<br />

species with regard to factors such as soil moisture, nutri<strong>en</strong>t richness,<br />

soil acidity and soil salinity.<br />

Reflectance values<br />

Once Roelofs<strong>en</strong> has established the indicator values, he locates the<br />

vegetation plots in a special aerial photograph of the research area. The<br />

picture is ma<strong>de</strong> using a s<strong>en</strong>sor that discerns both visible as well as infrared<br />

light. This remote s<strong>en</strong>sing image shows the reflectance values of 63 differ<strong>en</strong>t<br />

light spectrums. “Using a statistical mo<strong>de</strong>l,” explains Roelofs<strong>en</strong>, “I can<br />

<strong>de</strong>termine the connection betwe<strong>en</strong> the reflectance values in the image and<br />

the indicator values established in the field.”<br />

Vegetation types<br />

Roelofs<strong>en</strong> hopes that it will ev<strong>en</strong>tually be possible to predict the indicator<br />

values on the basis of the remote s<strong>en</strong>sing images. “What’s great is that each<br />

set of indicator values corresponds to a particular vegetation type. If you<br />

can <strong>de</strong>duce the indicator values from the remote s<strong>en</strong>sing images, you can<br />

also quickly <strong>de</strong>termine which vegetation types occur in an area.”<br />

Many ad<strong>van</strong>tages<br />

According to Roelofs<strong>en</strong>, a quick inv<strong>en</strong>tory of vegetation types would be of<br />

interest, among others, to area managers who want to know what the<br />

long-term impact of groundwater extraction is on the vegetation. “To<br />

<strong>de</strong>termine this impact,” says Roelofs<strong>en</strong>, “you need to map the vegetation<br />

types over a couple of years. A more labour-ext<strong>en</strong>sive and less exp<strong>en</strong>sive<br />

method thus offers many ad<strong>van</strong>tages.”<br />


Efficiënt | Effici<strong>en</strong>t water<br />

Met ‘sociaal ler<strong>en</strong>’<br />

<strong>de</strong> toekomst verk<strong>en</strong>n<strong>en</strong><br />

De watersector opereert in e<strong>en</strong> omgeving die voortdur<strong>en</strong>d<br />

veran<strong>de</strong>rt. Voor individuele partij<strong>en</strong> is het ondo<strong>en</strong>lijk om alle<br />

belangrijke ontwikkeling<strong>en</strong> tijdig waar te nem<strong>en</strong> <strong>en</strong> er vervolg<strong>en</strong>s<br />

a<strong>de</strong>quaat op te reager<strong>en</strong>. Dutch Water Sector Intellig<strong>en</strong>ce (DWSI)<br />

biedt uitkomst. Dit platform voert tr<strong>en</strong>danalyses uit <strong>en</strong> stimuleert<br />

partij<strong>en</strong> responsstrategieën te ontwikkel<strong>en</strong>.<br />

74<br />

“Sinds <strong>de</strong> oprichting <strong>van</strong> DWSI in januari <strong>2009</strong>, is het platform fors<br />

gegroeid”, zegt Andrew Segrave, tr<strong>en</strong>dvolger bij <strong>KWR</strong>. “DWSI inv<strong>en</strong>tariseert<br />

wat <strong>de</strong> belangrijkste technologische <strong>en</strong> maatschappelijke<br />

ontwikkeling<strong>en</strong> zijn waarmee <strong>de</strong> watersector in <strong>de</strong> toekomst<br />

rek<strong>en</strong>ing moet hou<strong>de</strong>n.” Hiervoor volg<strong>en</strong> <strong>KWR</strong>-on<strong>de</strong>rzoekers ontwikkeling<strong>en</strong><br />

<strong>en</strong> tr<strong>en</strong>ds op het gebied <strong>van</strong> technologie, <strong>de</strong>mografie,<br />

ecologie <strong>en</strong> politiek. Ook participer<strong>en</strong> ze in verschill<strong>en</strong><strong>de</strong> netwerk<strong>en</strong><br />

die toekomstverk<strong>en</strong>ning<strong>en</strong> mak<strong>en</strong>, zoals <strong>de</strong> World Future Society.<br />

D<strong>en</strong>ktanksessies<br />

“Via zogehet<strong>en</strong> ‘tr<strong>en</strong>d alerts’ op <strong>de</strong> website informer<strong>en</strong> we <strong>de</strong> DWSI<strong>de</strong>elnemers<br />

over <strong>de</strong> belangrijkste tr<strong>en</strong>ds, aldus Segrave. “De tr<strong>en</strong>ds<br />

lei<strong>de</strong>n tot thema’s voor <strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong>nktanksessies die drie keer per jaar<br />

wor<strong>de</strong>n gehou<strong>de</strong>n. De <strong>de</strong>elnemers zijn beslissers, ag<strong>en</strong>dasetters,<br />

on<strong>de</strong>rzoekers <strong>en</strong> strateg<strong>en</strong> uit <strong>de</strong> gehele Ne<strong>de</strong>rlandse watersector.<br />

Aan elke sessie nem<strong>en</strong> externe experts <strong>de</strong>el die <strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong>elnemers prikkel<strong>en</strong><br />

met uitdag<strong>en</strong><strong>de</strong> stelling<strong>en</strong> <strong>en</strong> inzicht<strong>en</strong>.” Gezam<strong>en</strong>lijk gaan<br />

<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong>elnemers na wat <strong>de</strong> gevolg<strong>en</strong> <strong>van</strong> bepaal<strong>de</strong> ontwikkeling<strong>en</strong><br />

kunn<strong>en</strong> zijn. Hoe b<strong>en</strong>ut je kans<strong>en</strong> <strong>en</strong> biedt je bedreiging<strong>en</strong> het<br />

hoofd?<br />

Sociaal ler<strong>en</strong><br />

Volg<strong>en</strong>s Segrave zijn <strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong>nktanksessies allesbehalve vrijblijv<strong>en</strong>d:<br />

“We werk<strong>en</strong> <strong>van</strong>uit het principe <strong>van</strong> sociaal ler<strong>en</strong>. Zo ontstaat e<strong>en</strong><br />

gezam<strong>en</strong>lijk ont<strong>de</strong>kkingstocht waarbij <strong>de</strong> inzicht<strong>en</strong> <strong>en</strong> k<strong>en</strong>nis <strong>van</strong><br />

elke <strong>de</strong>elnemer wor<strong>de</strong>n gebruikt om tot bouwst<strong>en</strong><strong>en</strong> voor toekomststrategieën<br />

te kom<strong>en</strong>. Dat werkt alle<strong>en</strong> als ie<strong>de</strong>re<strong>en</strong> actief meedoet.”<br />

Exploring the future<br />

through ‘social learning’<br />

The water sector operates in a constantly<br />

evolving context. It is simply impossible for<br />

each individual player to grasp all the<br />

important <strong>de</strong>velopm<strong>en</strong>ts in time and to<br />

respond appropriately. Dutch Water Sector<br />

Intellig<strong>en</strong>ce (DWSI) offers a solution: this<br />

platform conducts tr<strong>en</strong>d analyses and<br />

stimulates the rele<strong>van</strong>t parties to <strong>de</strong>velop<br />

intellig<strong>en</strong>t response strategies.<br />

“The DWSI platform has grown significantly<br />

since it was first set up in January <strong>2009</strong>,” says<br />

Andrew Segrave, a tr<strong>en</strong>d watcher at <strong>KWR</strong>. “DWSI<br />

maintains an inv<strong>en</strong>tory of the most important<br />

technological and social <strong>de</strong>velopm<strong>en</strong>ts that the<br />

water sector may need to account for in the<br />

future.” <strong>KWR</strong> researchers do this by monitoring<br />

tr<strong>en</strong>ds in the areas of technology, <strong>de</strong>mography,<br />

ecology, economy, society and politics. DWSI<br />

researchers are also active in differ<strong>en</strong>t networks<br />

<strong>de</strong>dicated to exploring the future, such as the<br />

World Future Society.<br />

Think-tank sessions<br />

“By publishing ‘tr<strong>en</strong>d alerts’ on our website we<br />

inform the DWSI participants about the most<br />

important tr<strong>en</strong>ds,” says Segrave. “These tr<strong>en</strong>ds

Bridging Sci<strong>en</strong>ce to Practice<br />

Contact<br />

Andrew Segrave<br />

andrew.segrave@kwrwater.nl<br />

www.dwsi.nl<br />

DWSI platform<br />

Brabant Water, Dunea, Evi<strong>de</strong>s, Grontmij,<br />

Hoogheemraadschap De Stichtse Rijnlan<strong>de</strong>n,<br />

<strong>KWR</strong> <strong>Watercycle</strong> <strong>Research</strong> Institute,<br />

PWN Waterleidingbedrijf Noord-Holland,<br />

Rijkswaterstaat (Waterdi<strong>en</strong>st), STOWA, VEWIN,<br />

Vit<strong>en</strong>s, Waterbedrijf Groning<strong>en</strong>, Waterleiding<br />

Maatschappij Limburg, Waternet, Waternetwerk,<br />

Waterschap Aa <strong>en</strong> Maas, Waterschap Brabantse<br />

Delta, Waterschap <strong>de</strong> Dommel, Waterschap<br />

Rijn <strong>en</strong> IJssel, Waterschap Velt <strong>en</strong> Vecht, Wetsus,<br />

Witteve<strong>en</strong>+Bos.<br />

are th<strong>en</strong> integrated into themes for the thinktank<br />

sessions, which we organise three times a<br />

year. Participants inclu<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong>cision-makers,<br />

ag<strong>en</strong>da setters, researchers and influ<strong>en</strong>tial strategists<br />

from the <strong>en</strong>tire Dutch water sector.<br />

Experts from outsi<strong>de</strong> the sector also take part in<br />

these sessions to inspire the participants with<br />

chall<strong>en</strong>ging propositions and insights.” The<br />

participants collectively consi<strong>de</strong>r the pot<strong>en</strong>tial<br />

impacts of specific <strong>de</strong>velopm<strong>en</strong>ts — how opportunities<br />

could be grasped and how threats<br />

might be countered.<br />

Social learning<br />

According to Segrave the think-tank sessions<br />

are anything but passive lectures. “We operate on<br />

the principle of social learning. This involves<br />

embarking on voyage of joint discovery in which<br />

the insights and knowledge of each participant<br />

are used to produce the building blocks for future<br />

strategies. This only works if everybody actively<br />

participates.”<br />

Andrew Segrave — aio | PhD stu<strong>de</strong>nt<br />

Jos Frijns — teamlei<strong>de</strong>r | team lea<strong>de</strong>r<br />

Mariëlle <strong>van</strong> <strong>de</strong>r Zouw<strong>en</strong> — on<strong>de</strong>rzoeker | sci<strong>en</strong>tific<br />

researcher (→ p. 8)<br />

Team K<strong>en</strong>nis- <strong>en</strong> Programma<br />

Managem<strong>en</strong>t | Knowledge- and<br />

Programme Managem<strong>en</strong>t<br />

75<br />

DWSI<br />

DWSI organiseer<strong>de</strong> in <strong>2010</strong> drie <strong>de</strong>nktanksessies: ‘Technologie & implem<strong>en</strong>tatie’,<br />

‘Lei<strong>de</strong>rschap in <strong>de</strong> watersector’ <strong>en</strong> ‘Politieke plann<strong>en</strong> <strong>en</strong> biodiversiteit’.<br />

De bije<strong>en</strong>komst<strong>en</strong> blek<strong>en</strong> uiterst effectief. Ze lever<strong>de</strong>n <strong>de</strong>elnemers strategische<br />

bouwst<strong>en</strong><strong>en</strong> op om gezam<strong>en</strong>lijk of individueel te kunn<strong>en</strong> anticiper<strong>en</strong><br />

op toekomstige veran<strong>de</strong>ring<strong>en</strong>. Bedrijv<strong>en</strong> werk<strong>en</strong> <strong>de</strong>ze bouwst<strong>en</strong><strong>en</strong> zelf<br />

ver<strong>de</strong>r uit tot besluit<strong>en</strong> <strong>en</strong> acties <strong>en</strong> formuler<strong>en</strong> zo zelf e<strong>en</strong> strategisch advies<br />

op maat. Het KPM-team <strong>van</strong> <strong>KWR</strong> biedt hier naar w<strong>en</strong>s on<strong>de</strong>rsteuning bij.<br />

In 2011 wil DWSI meer <strong>de</strong>elnemers met verschill<strong>en</strong><strong>de</strong> achtergron<strong>de</strong>n<br />

betrekk<strong>en</strong>, zowel in Ne<strong>de</strong>rland als internationaal.<br />

In <strong>2010</strong>, DWSI organised three think-tank sessions: ‘Technology & implem<strong>en</strong>tation’,<br />

‘Lea<strong>de</strong>rship in the water sector’, and ‘Political plans and biodiversity’. The sessions were<br />

extremely effective. They provi<strong>de</strong>d the participants with the strategic intellig<strong>en</strong>ce to<br />

allow them, collectively and individually, to anticipate future changes. Companies th<strong>en</strong><br />

further <strong>de</strong>velop these elem<strong>en</strong>ts into <strong>de</strong>cisions and actions, thereby themselves<br />

formulating tailor-ma<strong>de</strong> strategy proposals. Wh<strong>en</strong> required, <strong>KWR</strong>’s KPM team offers<br />

them assistance in this. In 2011, DWSI wants to attract more participants with differ<strong>en</strong>t<br />

backgrounds, both from the Netherlands and abroad.

Efficiënt | Effici<strong>en</strong>t water<br />

76<br />

Bedrijfstakon<strong>de</strong>rzoek<br />

voor <strong>de</strong> drinkwater -<br />

bedrijv<strong>en</strong><br />

De Ne<strong>de</strong>rlandse waterbedrijv<strong>en</strong> lever<strong>en</strong> drinkwater<br />

<strong>van</strong> e<strong>en</strong> hoge kwaliteit, waar consum<strong>en</strong>t<strong>en</strong> op<br />

durv<strong>en</strong> vertrouw<strong>en</strong>. E<strong>en</strong> prestatie om trots op te zijn.<br />

Al ti<strong>en</strong>tall<strong>en</strong> jar<strong>en</strong> do<strong>en</strong> <strong>de</strong> waterbedrijv<strong>en</strong><br />

gezam<strong>en</strong>lijk on<strong>de</strong>rzoek om <strong>de</strong>ze robuuste,<br />

hoogwaardige drink waterv oorzi<strong>en</strong>ing blijv<strong>en</strong>d te<br />

kunn<strong>en</strong> garan<strong>de</strong>r<strong>en</strong>, teg<strong>en</strong> acceptabele kost<strong>en</strong>.<br />

Daarvoor werk<strong>en</strong> ze binn<strong>en</strong> het Bedrijfstakon<strong>de</strong>rzoek BTO sam<strong>en</strong><br />

met hun k<strong>en</strong>nisinstituut <strong>KWR</strong> <strong>Watercycle</strong> <strong>Research</strong> Institute. Het<br />

BTO-on<strong>de</strong>rzoek omvat vijf programma’s: Microbiologie, Chemische<br />

waterkwaliteit, Risicobeheer bronn<strong>en</strong>, Waterbehan<strong>de</strong>ling <strong>en</strong><br />

Waterdistributie. Het programma Cli<strong>en</strong>t 21 — on<strong>de</strong>rzoek naar ontwikkeling<strong>en</strong><br />

in <strong>de</strong> relatie tuss<strong>en</strong> huishou<strong>de</strong>lijke klant<strong>en</strong> <strong>en</strong> waterbedrijv<strong>en</strong><br />

— is in <strong>2010</strong> afgerond. Me<strong>de</strong> dankzij <strong>de</strong> expertise <strong>van</strong> <strong>KWR</strong><br />

boekt het BTO resultat<strong>en</strong> die waterbedrijv<strong>en</strong> kunn<strong>en</strong> inzett<strong>en</strong> om<br />

hun bedrijfsvoering efficiënter <strong>en</strong> duurzamer te mak<strong>en</strong> <strong>en</strong> ondanks<br />

nieuwe bedreiging<strong>en</strong> te blijv<strong>en</strong> zorg<strong>en</strong> voor <strong>de</strong> hoge kwaliteit <strong>van</strong><br />

het Ne<strong>de</strong>rlandse drinkwater.<br />

Op 26 april <strong>2010</strong> zijn <strong>de</strong> directeur<strong>en</strong> <strong>van</strong> <strong>de</strong> waterbedrijv<strong>en</strong> daarom<br />

overe<strong>en</strong>gekom<strong>en</strong> in 2013 – 2017 ver<strong>de</strong>r te gaan met het BTO. Ver<strong>de</strong>r in<br />

meer<strong>de</strong>re opzicht<strong>en</strong>:<br />

– ver<strong>de</strong>re sam<strong>en</strong>werking in on<strong>de</strong>rzoek dat <strong>van</strong> belang is voor het<br />

collectief <strong>van</strong> waterbedrijv<strong>en</strong> (collectief on<strong>de</strong>rzoek);<br />

– ver<strong>de</strong>rgaan<strong>de</strong> ruimte voor <strong>KWR</strong> om nieuwe wet<strong>en</strong>schappelijke <strong>en</strong><br />

technologische ontwikkeling<strong>en</strong> te verk<strong>en</strong>n<strong>en</strong> (verk<strong>en</strong>n<strong>en</strong>d<br />

on<strong>de</strong>rzoek);<br />

– ver<strong>de</strong>rgaan<strong>de</strong> regie <strong>van</strong> individuele waterbedrijv<strong>en</strong> op e<strong>en</strong> <strong>de</strong>el <strong>van</strong><br />

het on<strong>de</strong>rzoek waar<strong>van</strong> e<strong>en</strong> of <strong>en</strong>kele bedrijv<strong>en</strong> <strong>de</strong> ontwikkeling<br />

will<strong>en</strong> versnell<strong>en</strong> of verdiep<strong>en</strong>, of waarin zij zich will<strong>en</strong> ontwikkel<strong>en</strong><br />

<strong>en</strong> on<strong>de</strong>rschei<strong>de</strong>n (speerpunton<strong>de</strong>rzoek);<br />

– ver<strong>de</strong>rgaan<strong>de</strong> verbint<strong>en</strong>is met an<strong>de</strong>re spelers (waterbedrijv<strong>en</strong>,<br />

ste<strong>de</strong>n, overhe<strong>de</strong>n, k<strong>en</strong>nisinstelling<strong>en</strong>) in Europa om <strong>de</strong> hoogwaardige<br />

BTO-k<strong>en</strong>nis bre<strong>de</strong>r <strong>van</strong> nut te lat<strong>en</strong> wor<strong>de</strong>n <strong>en</strong> om hoogwaardige<br />

k<strong>en</strong>nis el<strong>de</strong>rs uit Europa <strong>van</strong> nut te lat<strong>en</strong> wor<strong>de</strong>n voor <strong>de</strong><br />

Ne<strong>de</strong>rlandse waterbedrijv<strong>en</strong>.<br />

Joint research for drinking<br />

water companies<br />

The Dutch water companies supply drinking water<br />

of top quality — water their customers can rely on.<br />

This is an accomplishm<strong>en</strong>t they can be proud of.<br />

For <strong>de</strong>ca<strong>de</strong>s now, these companies have pooled<br />

their research effort so as to maintain this excell<strong>en</strong>t,<br />

robust drinking water provision at an acceptable<br />

cost. They do this through their joint research<br />

programme BTO together with their research<br />

institute, <strong>KWR</strong> <strong>Watercycle</strong> <strong>Research</strong> Institute.<br />

BTO research <strong>en</strong>compasses five programmes:<br />

Microbiology, Chemical Water Quality, Source Risk<br />

Managem<strong>en</strong>t, Water Treatm<strong>en</strong>t and Water Distribution.<br />

The Cli<strong>en</strong>t 21 programme — involving<br />

research into the relation betwe<strong>en</strong> domestic customers<br />

and water companies — was wound down<br />

in <strong>2010</strong>. Partly thanks to <strong>KWR</strong>’s expertise, BTO<br />

produces results that water companies can implem<strong>en</strong>t<br />

in practice to r<strong>en</strong><strong>de</strong>r their operations more<br />

effici<strong>en</strong>t and sustainable, and, in spite of new<br />

threats, to continue <strong>en</strong>suring the high quality of<br />

drinking water in the Netherlands.<br />

That is why, on 26 April <strong>2010</strong>, the directors of the<br />

water companies <strong>de</strong>ci<strong>de</strong>d to carry on with the BTO<br />

programme through 2013-2017, and more specifically<br />

to:<br />

– <strong>en</strong>gage in more collaboration in research that is<br />

of interest to the collective of water companies<br />

(collective research);<br />

– continue providing leeway for <strong>KWR</strong>, to allow it<br />

to explore new sci<strong>en</strong>tific and technological<br />

<strong>de</strong>velopm<strong>en</strong>ts (exploratory research);<br />

– continue with the direction giv<strong>en</strong> by individual<br />

water companies on research compon<strong>en</strong>ts that<br />

one or more of them would like to accelerate or<br />

<strong>de</strong>ep<strong>en</strong>, or in which they <strong>de</strong>sire to <strong>de</strong>velop and<br />

distinguish themselves (spearhead research);<br />

– maintain the connections with other stakehol<strong>de</strong>rs<br />

(water companies, cities, governm<strong>en</strong>ts,<br />

knowledge institutions) in Europe, in or<strong>de</strong>r to<br />

spread the b<strong>en</strong>efits of top-quality BTO research<br />

and to gather the b<strong>en</strong>efits of top-quality research<br />

from elsewhere in Europe for Dutch water companies.

Bridging Sci<strong>en</strong>ce to Practice<br />

Contact<br />

Gertjan Me<strong>de</strong>ma<br />

gertjan.me<strong>de</strong>ma@kwrwater.nl<br />

Anne Mathil<strong>de</strong> Hummel<strong>en</strong><br />

anne.hummel<strong>en</strong>@kwrwater.nl<br />

BTO opdrachtgevers | cli<strong>en</strong>ts<br />

Brabant Water, Dunea, Evi<strong>de</strong>s, PWN<br />

Waterleidingbedrijf Noord-Holland, Vit<strong>en</strong>s,<br />

Waterbedrijf Groning<strong>en</strong>, Waternet, WML, WMD<br />

Waterleidingmaatschappij Dr<strong>en</strong>the, Vewin<br />

Geassocieerd | associated<br />

Pidpa Provinciale <strong>en</strong> Intercommunale<br />

Drink watermaatschappij <strong>de</strong>r Provincie<br />

Antwerp<strong>en</strong>, VMW Vlaamse Maatschappij voor<br />

Watervoorzi<strong>en</strong>ing<br />

77<br />

DPW — On<strong>de</strong>rzoek voor <strong>de</strong> duinwaterbedrijv<strong>en</strong><br />

De duinwaterbedrijv<strong>en</strong> Dunea, PWN <strong>en</strong> Waternet werk<strong>en</strong> sam<strong>en</strong> in het<br />

DPW-on<strong>de</strong>rzoek. Het DPW-on<strong>de</strong>rzoek realiseer<strong>de</strong> in <strong>2010</strong> e<strong>en</strong> minimo<strong>de</strong>l<br />

voor <strong>de</strong> successie <strong>van</strong> vegetatie bij veran<strong>de</strong>r<strong>en</strong><strong>de</strong> standplaatsfactor<strong>en</strong>,<br />

ingebouwd in het ecologische mo<strong>de</strong>l PROBE (geeft <strong>de</strong> kansrijkdom <strong>van</strong><br />

vegetatietypes weer). Ook werd <strong>de</strong> haalbaarheid on<strong>de</strong>rzocht <strong>van</strong> het in<br />

gebruik nem<strong>en</strong> <strong>van</strong> bestaan<strong>de</strong> lysimeters (hiermee is <strong>de</strong> invloed <strong>van</strong><br />

plant<strong>en</strong>groei op <strong>de</strong> waterhuishouding <strong>van</strong> <strong>de</strong> bo<strong>de</strong>m te on<strong>de</strong>rzoek<strong>en</strong>).<br />

An<strong>de</strong>re on<strong>de</strong>rzoek<strong>en</strong> die in DPW-verband wer<strong>de</strong>n gedaan, war<strong>en</strong>:<br />

• De gevolg<strong>en</strong> <strong>van</strong> temperatuurstijging <strong>van</strong> drinkwater voor<br />

zuiveringsprocess<strong>en</strong>.<br />

• E<strong>en</strong> selectie uit <strong>de</strong> (nieuwe) ongew<strong>en</strong>ste stoff<strong>en</strong> in oppervlaktewater<strong>en</strong><br />

voor proefinstallatieon<strong>de</strong>rzoek in 2011.<br />

• Het gebruik <strong>van</strong> alternatief <strong>en</strong>tmateriaal voor ontharding (sam<strong>en</strong> met <strong>de</strong><br />

Reststoff<strong>en</strong>unie).<br />

• De factor<strong>en</strong> die <strong>van</strong> invloed zijn op <strong>de</strong> diepteligging <strong>van</strong> leiding<strong>en</strong>, <strong>en</strong> hoe<br />

dit in te voer<strong>en</strong> in GIS.<br />

• De toepassingsmogelijkhe<strong>de</strong>n <strong>van</strong> s<strong>en</strong>sor<strong>en</strong> bij lekkage <strong>en</strong> grondverplaatsing<strong>en</strong><br />

rondom leiding<strong>en</strong>.<br />

• Aanwezigheid <strong>en</strong> verschill<strong>en</strong> <strong>van</strong> Legionellabacteriën (zowel qua aantal<br />

als soort) in drinkwater, bij duinpassage of directe zuivering.<br />

De thematische workshops ‘Langetermijnvisie waterket<strong>en</strong>’ <strong>en</strong> ‘Klimaatveran<strong>de</strong>ring’<br />

binn<strong>en</strong> DPW lever<strong>de</strong>n input voor <strong>de</strong> on<strong>de</strong>rzoeksproject<strong>en</strong><br />

<strong>van</strong> 2011.<br />

DPW — <strong>Research</strong> for the dune water companies<br />

The dune water companies Dunea, PWM and Waternet collaborate in the research<br />

carried out by DPW, which <strong>de</strong>rives its name from the first letters of the companies<br />

involved. In <strong>2010</strong>, DPW’s activities inclu<strong>de</strong>d the <strong>de</strong>velopm<strong>en</strong>t of a mini-mo<strong>de</strong>l for the<br />

succession of vegetation with changing site factors, built into the PROBE ecological<br />

mo<strong>de</strong>l — which pres<strong>en</strong>ts the probabilities of vegetation types. It also examined the<br />

feasibility of making use of existing lysimeters — which are used to study the influ<strong>en</strong>ce<br />

of plant growth on the soil’s water balance. Other research topics <strong>de</strong>alt with by DPW<br />

inclu<strong>de</strong>d:<br />

• The impact of increases in drinking water temperature on treatm<strong>en</strong>t processes.<br />

• A selection of (new) emerging substances in surface waters for the conduct of testinstallation<br />

research in 2011.<br />

• The use of alternative seeding material for water soft<strong>en</strong>ing (together with<br />

Reststoff<strong>en</strong>unie).<br />

• The factors that have an impact on the <strong>de</strong>pth position of water mains, and how they<br />

can be incorporated into GIS.<br />

• The possibilities of using s<strong>en</strong>sors for leakages and ground displacem<strong>en</strong>t around water<br />

mains.<br />

• The pres<strong>en</strong>ce of, and differ<strong>en</strong>ces among, Legionella bacteria (number and strains) in<br />

drinking water, for both dune passage and direct treatm<strong>en</strong>t.<br />

In addition, the thematic workshops on the “Longer-term Vision of the Water-use Cycle”<br />

and “Climate Change” produced input for 2011 research projects.

Vooruitstrev<strong>en</strong>d | Ad<strong>van</strong>ced water<br />

Contact<br />

Jos Boere<br />

jos.boere@kwrwater.nl<br />

Wetsus, Vewin<br />

Sam<strong>en</strong>werking<br />

met TTI-W Wetsus<br />

78<br />

<strong>KWR</strong> participeert sinds 2007 in het on<strong>de</strong>rzoeksprogramma<br />

<strong>van</strong> het Technologisch Topinstituut<br />

Watertechnologie (TTI-W) Wetsus. Dit on<strong>de</strong>rzoeksprogramma<br />

maakt <strong>de</strong>el uit <strong>van</strong> het Innovatieprogramma<br />

Watertechnologie <strong>van</strong> het Ministerie<br />

<strong>van</strong> Economische Zak<strong>en</strong>, Landbouw <strong>en</strong> Innovatie.<br />

Vewin is ook e<strong>en</strong> <strong>van</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong>elnemers.<br />

In <strong>2010</strong> is <strong>de</strong> sam<strong>en</strong>werking tuss<strong>en</strong> <strong>KWR</strong> <strong>en</strong> Wetsus geïnt<strong>en</strong>siveerd<br />

<strong>en</strong> heeft <strong>KWR</strong> ook e<strong>en</strong> vestiging in Leeuwar<strong>de</strong>n geop<strong>en</strong>d (zie hiernaast).<br />

Het TTI-W programma richt zich op doorbraaktechnologie, in<br />

nauwe sam<strong>en</strong>werking met het bedrijfslev<strong>en</strong>. <strong>KWR</strong> acteert vooral<br />

<strong>van</strong>uit <strong>de</strong> k<strong>en</strong>nisvrag<strong>en</strong> <strong>van</strong> eindgebruikers, <strong>en</strong> vormt hiermee e<strong>en</strong><br />

belangrijke schakel naar <strong>de</strong> praktische toepassing <strong>van</strong> nieuwe<br />

technologie.<br />

Collaboration with Wetsus,<br />

C<strong>en</strong>tre of Excell<strong>en</strong>ce<br />

for Sustainable Water<br />

Technology<br />

Since 2007, <strong>KWR</strong> has be<strong>en</strong> participating in the<br />

Wetsus research programme, which is part of<br />

the Water Technology Innovation Programme<br />

of the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs,<br />

Agriculture and Innovation. Vewin is also a<br />

participant. In <strong>2010</strong>, the collaboration betwe<strong>en</strong><br />

<strong>KWR</strong> and Wetsus was int<strong>en</strong>sified, and <strong>KWR</strong><br />

started a location in Leeuwar<strong>de</strong>n (see right).<br />

The Wetsus programme focuses on breakthrough<br />

technology, working in close collaboration with<br />

the private sector. <strong>KWR</strong>’s activities are driv<strong>en</strong><br />

primarily by the knowledge questions raised by<br />

<strong>en</strong>d-users, h<strong>en</strong>ce <strong>KWR</strong> forming an important link<br />

with the practical application of new technologies.<br />

<strong>KWR</strong> werkt binn<strong>en</strong> TTI-W aan ti<strong>en</strong> project<strong>en</strong>. Voorbeel<strong>de</strong>n <strong>van</strong><br />

resultat<strong>en</strong> uit <strong>2010</strong>, inclusief spin-off effect<strong>en</strong>, zijn:<br />

• De optimalisatie <strong>van</strong> e<strong>en</strong> UV-reactor, UV-lamp<strong>en</strong> <strong>en</strong> e<strong>en</strong><br />

onthardings reactor met behulp <strong>van</strong> stromingsberek<strong>en</strong>ing<strong>en</strong> aan<br />

<strong>de</strong> hand <strong>van</strong> CFD-techniek<strong>en</strong>.<br />

• De opstart <strong>van</strong> <strong>de</strong> eerste full-scale installatie gebaseerd op het<br />

AiRO-proces bij Evi<strong>de</strong>s. AiRO reinigt verticaal opgestel<strong>de</strong><br />

membraanmodules door mid<strong>de</strong>l <strong>van</strong> e<strong>en</strong> lucht/waterm<strong>en</strong>gsel.<br />

Het on<strong>de</strong>rzoek richt zich op <strong>de</strong> mechanism<strong>en</strong> <strong>van</strong> <strong>de</strong> lucht/waterspoeling<br />

<strong>en</strong> <strong>de</strong> langetermijneffect<strong>en</strong> hier<strong>van</strong>.<br />

An<strong>de</strong>re project<strong>en</strong> binn<strong>en</strong> TTI-W richt<strong>en</strong> zich on<strong>de</strong>r an<strong>de</strong>re op: faalmechanism<strong>en</strong><br />

<strong>van</strong> verbinding<strong>en</strong> <strong>van</strong> PVC-leiding<strong>en</strong>, het ontwikkel<strong>en</strong><br />

<strong>van</strong> ontzouting via Reversed Osmosis met ultrahoge opbr<strong>en</strong>gst,<br />

<strong>de</strong> ontwikkeling <strong>van</strong> e<strong>en</strong> toxiciteitss<strong>en</strong>sor (zie pagina 42), maatregel<strong>en</strong><br />

teg<strong>en</strong> putverstopping <strong>en</strong> <strong>de</strong> on<strong>de</strong>rgrondse opslag <strong>van</strong><br />

<strong>en</strong>ergie.<br />

<strong>KWR</strong> works on t<strong>en</strong> projects within Wetsus. Here<br />

are some examples of the results of the work in<br />

<strong>2010</strong>, including spin-off effects:<br />

• The optimisation of a UV reactor, UV lamps and a<br />

water soft<strong>en</strong>ing reactor, using flow computations<br />

based on CFD techniques.<br />

• The start-up of the first full-scale installation<br />

based on the AiRO process at Evi<strong>de</strong>s. AiRO cleans<br />

vertically-positioned membrane modules using<br />

an air/water mixture. The research is directed at<br />

the mechanisms of the air/water cleaning and<br />

its long-term effects.<br />

Other subjects being researched at Wetsus inclu<strong>de</strong>:<br />

failure mechanisms of joints in PVC mains; the<br />

<strong>de</strong>velopm<strong>en</strong>t of <strong>de</strong>salination via reverse osmosis<br />

with ultra-high yields; the <strong>de</strong>velopm<strong>en</strong>t of a toxicity<br />

s<strong>en</strong>sor (see page 42); measures to prev<strong>en</strong>t well<br />

clogging; and the un<strong>de</strong>rground storage of <strong>en</strong>ergy.

Bridging Sci<strong>en</strong>ce to Practice<br />

Contact<br />

Jos Boere<br />

jos.boere@kwrwater.nl<br />

<strong>KWR</strong>-vestiging in<br />

Leeuwar<strong>de</strong>n<br />

<strong>KWR</strong> heeft sinds april <strong>2010</strong> e<strong>en</strong><br />

vestiging in Leeuwar<strong>de</strong>n. Het Sci<strong>en</strong>ce<br />

C<strong>en</strong>ter Johannes <strong>de</strong> Doper biedt<br />

on<strong>de</strong>rdak aan het Friese kantoor<br />

<strong>van</strong> <strong>KWR</strong>.<br />

Vanuit <strong>de</strong>ze vestiging richt <strong>KWR</strong> zich op on<strong>de</strong>rzoeksproject<strong>en</strong> <strong>en</strong><br />

werkt daarbij nauw sam<strong>en</strong> met lokale partij<strong>en</strong> in <strong>de</strong> waterket<strong>en</strong>,<br />

waaron<strong>de</strong>r Wetterskip Fryslân, Vit<strong>en</strong>s <strong>en</strong> geme<strong>en</strong>t<strong>en</strong>. Hierin past het<br />

lectoraat <strong>van</strong> <strong>KWR</strong>-collega Maart<strong>en</strong> Ne<strong>de</strong>rlof, principal sci<strong>en</strong>tist,<br />

bij hogeschool Van Hall Lar<strong>en</strong>stein <strong>en</strong> zijn <strong>de</strong>eltijd-<strong>de</strong>tachering als<br />

themacoördinator bij Wetsus.<br />

<strong>KWR</strong> location in Leeuwar<strong>de</strong>n<br />

<strong>KWR</strong> has had a location in Leeuwar<strong>de</strong>n since April <strong>2010</strong>. This <strong>KWR</strong><br />

Friesian office is located in the Johannes <strong>de</strong> Doper Sci<strong>en</strong>ce C<strong>en</strong>tre. From<br />

this base, <strong>KWR</strong> carries out research projects in which it collaborates<br />

closely with local water cycle partners, including Wetterskip Fryslân,<br />

Vit<strong>en</strong>s and municipalities. What also falls un<strong>de</strong>r <strong>KWR</strong>’s Leeuwar<strong>de</strong>n<br />

activities are the lectureship of our <strong>KWR</strong> colleague, Maart<strong>en</strong> Ne<strong>de</strong>rlof,<br />

Principal Sci<strong>en</strong>tist, at the Van Hall Lar<strong>en</strong>stein college, and his parttime<br />

secondm<strong>en</strong>t as Wetsus theme coordinator.<br />

79<br />

Nieuwe technologie toepass<strong>en</strong><br />

Application of new technologies<br />

Bij <strong>de</strong> keuze om in Leeuwar<strong>de</strong>n e<strong>en</strong> kantoor te op<strong>en</strong><strong>en</strong>, heeft<br />

na drukkelijk meegespeeld dat Provincie Fryslân watertechnologie<br />

tot speerpunt heeft b<strong>en</strong>oemd. Jos Boere, manager Watertechnologie<br />

<strong>van</strong> <strong>KWR</strong>: “<strong>KWR</strong> is gew<strong>en</strong>d om veel on<strong>de</strong>rzoek in sam<strong>en</strong>werking met<br />

eindgebruikers (drinkwaterbedrijv<strong>en</strong>, industrie, waterschapp<strong>en</strong>)<br />

te do<strong>en</strong>. Vanuit die rol vorm<strong>en</strong> we e<strong>en</strong> belangrijke schakel bij het<br />

toepass<strong>en</strong> <strong>en</strong> implem<strong>en</strong>ter<strong>en</strong> <strong>van</strong> nieuwe technologie.”<br />

Complem<strong>en</strong>tair in project<strong>en</strong><br />

Om innovaties toepasbaar te mak<strong>en</strong>, zijn het uitwissel<strong>en</strong> <strong>van</strong> ervaring<strong>en</strong><br />

<strong>en</strong> sam<strong>en</strong>werking e<strong>en</strong> must. Zo werkt <strong>KWR</strong> mee aan het<br />

opstell<strong>en</strong> <strong>van</strong> e<strong>en</strong> provinciaal innovatieplan gericht op doelmatigheid<br />

<strong>en</strong> duurzaamheid in <strong>de</strong> Friese waterket<strong>en</strong>. Daarnaast trekk<strong>en</strong><br />

<strong>KWR</strong> <strong>en</strong> Wetsus nu bij meer dan ti<strong>en</strong> project<strong>en</strong> sam<strong>en</strong> op; ver<strong>de</strong>r zijn<br />

in <strong>de</strong> loop <strong>van</strong> <strong>2010</strong> gezam<strong>en</strong>lijk nieuwe project<strong>en</strong> gestart rond<br />

thema’s als ontzout<strong>en</strong> <strong>van</strong> brak- <strong>en</strong> zeewater <strong>en</strong> agri-toepassing<strong>en</strong>.<br />

Maart<strong>en</strong> Ne<strong>de</strong>rlof: “Het lectoraat biedt <strong>de</strong> mogelijkheid om toepassingsgerichte<br />

on<strong>de</strong>rzoeksproject<strong>en</strong> in <strong>de</strong> waterket<strong>en</strong> op te zett<strong>en</strong><br />

sam<strong>en</strong> met het HBO. Hier ligg<strong>en</strong> met name kans<strong>en</strong> in <strong>de</strong> woning:<br />

‘na <strong>de</strong> watermeter’ <strong>en</strong> ‘voor het afvoerputje’. ”<br />

The <strong>de</strong>cision to op<strong>en</strong> an office in Leeuwar<strong>de</strong>n was strongly influ<strong>en</strong>ced by<br />

the <strong>de</strong>cision of the Province of Friesland to select water technology as one<br />

of its policy spearpoints. Jos Boere, Manager, Water Technology, at <strong>KWR</strong>,<br />

explains that “<strong>KWR</strong> is used to conducting research jointly with <strong>en</strong>d users<br />

(drinking water companies, industry, waterboards). Wh<strong>en</strong> we play this role,<br />

we form an important link in the application and implem<strong>en</strong>tation of new<br />

technologies.”<br />

Complem<strong>en</strong>tary projects<br />

To make innovations practically applicable, the exchange of experi<strong>en</strong>ce<br />

and working together are ess<strong>en</strong>tial. This is how <strong>KWR</strong> is participating in<br />

setting up a provincial innovation plan targeting the effici<strong>en</strong>cy and<br />

sustainability of the Friesian water cycle. Furthermore, <strong>KWR</strong> and Wetsus<br />

are together busy with more than t<strong>en</strong> projects — in <strong>2010</strong>, new joint<br />

projects were started on themes such as <strong>de</strong>salination of brackish water and<br />

seawater, and agricultural applications. “The lectureship offers the<br />

opportunity,” adds Maart<strong>en</strong> Ne<strong>de</strong>rlof, “of setting up application-ori<strong>en</strong>ted<br />

research projects in the water cycle together with the Higher Vocational<br />

Education system. In this context, the opportunities are particularly<br />

interesting in the home: ‘after the water meter’ and ‘before the drain’.”

Duurzaam | Sustainable water<br />

Waterschapp<strong>en</strong><br />

<strong>en</strong> overhe<strong>de</strong>n<br />

Contact<br />

Matthijs Bonte<br />

matthijs.bonte@kwrwater.nl<br />

Jan Hofman<br />

jan.hofman@kwrwater.nl<br />

TUD, RIONED, STOWA, Waternet, WML<br />

<strong>KWR</strong> doet on<strong>de</strong>rzoek voor verschill<strong>en</strong><strong>de</strong> overhe<strong>de</strong>n,<br />

zoals provincies <strong>en</strong> ministeries. Daarnaast voert<br />

<strong>KWR</strong> on<strong>de</strong>rzoek uit voor <strong>de</strong> waterschapp<strong>en</strong> <strong>en</strong> hun<br />

on<strong>de</strong>rzoeksorganisatie STOWA.<br />

Waterboards and<br />

governm<strong>en</strong>ts<br />

<strong>KWR</strong> conducts research for various governm<strong>en</strong>t<br />

bodies — such as the municipalities, provinces<br />

and ministries — in addition to the waterboards<br />

and their research organisation, STOWA.<br />

80 In <strong>2010</strong> heeft <strong>KWR</strong> e<strong>en</strong> aantal project<strong>en</strong> gerealiseerd met thema’s<br />

als <strong>en</strong>ergie <strong>en</strong> hergebruik, te wet<strong>en</strong>:<br />

• Overzicht <strong>en</strong>ergiegebruik in <strong>de</strong> ste<strong>de</strong>lijke waterket<strong>en</strong> (in<br />

sam<strong>en</strong>werking met Waternet, <strong>en</strong> WML). E<strong>en</strong> belangrijke conclusie<br />

uit dit on<strong>de</strong>rzoek is dat <strong>de</strong> <strong>en</strong>ergie om het water te verwarm<strong>en</strong><br />

(bad, douche, wasmachine) e<strong>en</strong> veelvoud is <strong>van</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>en</strong>ergie nodig<br />

voor zuivering <strong>van</strong> drink- <strong>en</strong> afvalwater<br />

• Sewer Mining <strong>en</strong> Dynamische Filtratie voor het conc<strong>en</strong>trer<strong>en</strong> <strong>van</strong><br />

organische stof in afvalwater, nodig voor het winn<strong>en</strong> <strong>van</strong> biogas<br />

uit afvalwater.<br />

• Sc<strong>en</strong>ariostudies <strong>van</strong> hergebruik (industrieel) water <strong>en</strong><br />

terugwinning warmte.<br />

In het rapport ‘Or<strong>de</strong>ning <strong>van</strong> <strong>de</strong> on<strong>de</strong>rgrond’ dat <strong>KWR</strong> afgelop<strong>en</strong><br />

jaar in opdracht <strong>van</strong> het (to<strong>en</strong>malige) ministerie <strong>van</strong> VROM (teg<strong>en</strong>woordig<br />

Ministerie <strong>van</strong> Infrastructuur <strong>en</strong> Milieu) maakte, staan<br />

handvatt<strong>en</strong> voor het gebruik <strong>van</strong> <strong>de</strong> bo<strong>de</strong>m. Warmte-kou<strong>de</strong>opslagsystem<strong>en</strong><br />

(WKO) spel<strong>en</strong> hierin e<strong>en</strong> grote rol, aangezi<strong>en</strong> het<br />

aantal WKO in <strong>de</strong> on<strong>de</strong>rgrond explosief groeit.<br />

Daarnaast is met meer<strong>de</strong>re organisaties sam<strong>en</strong>gewerkt op het<br />

terrein <strong>van</strong> <strong>de</strong> waterket<strong>en</strong>. Zo on<strong>de</strong>rsteunt <strong>KWR</strong> RIONED in zijn<br />

initiatief voor e<strong>en</strong> leerstoel Riolering aan <strong>de</strong> TU Delft. Activiteit<strong>en</strong><br />

in het ka<strong>de</strong>r <strong>van</strong> <strong>de</strong> leerstoel start<strong>en</strong> in 2011.<br />

In <strong>2010</strong>, <strong>KWR</strong> completed a number of projects with<br />

themes such as <strong>en</strong>ergy and water, and water<br />

re-use, namely:<br />

• A thorough <strong>en</strong>ergy evaluation of the urban<br />

water cycles (in collaboration with Waternet and<br />

WML). One of the project’s key conclusions was<br />

that the <strong>en</strong>ergy used for water heating (for<br />

baths, showers, washing machines) far exceeds<br />

the operational <strong>en</strong>ergy required to treat drinking<br />

water and wastewater.<br />

• Sewer Mining and Dynamic Filtration to conc<strong>en</strong>trate<br />

organic material in waste water, which<br />

is necessary to produce <strong>en</strong>ergy from waste water<br />

by biogas formation or incineration.<br />

• Sc<strong>en</strong>ario studies for water reuse for industrial<br />

applications and heat recovery.<br />

The ‘Regional planning for the un<strong>de</strong>rground’<br />

report prepared by <strong>KWR</strong> last year for the Ministry<br />

of Housing, Spatial Planning and the Environm<strong>en</strong>t<br />

(curr<strong>en</strong>tly Ministry of Infrastructure and Environm<strong>en</strong>t)<br />

contains guiding principles for sustainable<br />

use of the un<strong>de</strong>rground. Aquifer thermal <strong>en</strong>ergy<br />

storage (ATES) systems play a significant role in<br />

this regard, as their number is growing explosively.<br />

In addition, collaborative work was carried out<br />

with several organisations in the water cycle.<br />

<strong>KWR</strong> supports RIONED in its initiative to establish<br />

a Sewerage chair at Delft University of Technology<br />

— the activities connected to this chair begin<br />

in 2011.

Bridging Sci<strong>en</strong>ce to Practice<br />

Contact<br />

Wim <strong>van</strong> Vierss<strong>en</strong><br />

wim.<strong>van</strong>.vierss<strong>en</strong>@kwrwater.nl<br />

www.ucad.nl<br />

81<br />

UCAD — Utrecht C<strong>en</strong>trum voor Aar<strong>de</strong><br />

<strong>en</strong> Duurzaamheid<br />

<strong>KWR</strong> vormt sam<strong>en</strong> met <strong>de</strong> Universiteit Utrecht, TNO, KNMI <strong>en</strong> Deltares<br />

sinds <strong>de</strong>cember <strong>2009</strong> het sam<strong>en</strong>werkingsverband UCAD. UCAD wil e<strong>en</strong> brug<br />

slaan tuss<strong>en</strong> het mondiale duurzaamheidsvraagstuk <strong>en</strong> praktische maatschappelijke<br />

problem<strong>en</strong>. In <strong>2010</strong> heeft het UCAD diverse symposia georganiseerd<br />

over het thema duurzaamheid, zoals het symposium ‘Ne<strong>de</strong>rland krijgt<br />

nieuwe <strong>en</strong>ergie’ <strong>en</strong> het symposium ‘Waar is <strong>de</strong> duurzame ag<strong>en</strong>da geblev<strong>en</strong>?’.<br />

Eind <strong>2010</strong> is oud-minister Jacqueline Cramer tot directeur <strong>van</strong> het UCAD<br />

b<strong>en</strong>oemd.<br />

UCAD — Utrecht C<strong>en</strong>tre for Earth and Sustainability<br />

<strong>KWR</strong>, Utrecht University, TNO, KNMI and Deltares have, since December <strong>2009</strong>, ma<strong>de</strong><br />

up the UCAD collaboration. Its aim is to build bridges betwe<strong>en</strong> global sustainability<br />

issues and practical, societal problems. In <strong>2010</strong>, the UCAD organised various symposia on<br />

the theme of sustainability – for example, those <strong>en</strong>titled ‘The Netherlands gets new<br />

<strong>en</strong>ergy,’ and ‘What’s happ<strong>en</strong>ed to the sustainability ag<strong>en</strong>da?’ In late <strong>2010</strong>, former Dutch<br />

minister, Jacqueline Cramer, was named director of the UCAD.

Duurzaam | Sustainable water<br />

Contact<br />

Jan Hofman<br />

jan.hofman@kwrwater.nl<br />

Waternet, WML<br />

Asellus<br />

82 Asellus werkt vooral aan thema’s als klimaat, <strong>en</strong>ergie <strong>en</strong> hergebruik<br />

<strong>van</strong> water. Het on<strong>de</strong>rzoeksprogramma br<strong>en</strong>gt <strong>de</strong> verschill<strong>en</strong><strong>de</strong><br />

on<strong>de</strong>r<strong>de</strong>l<strong>en</strong> <strong>van</strong> <strong>de</strong> watercyclus inhou<strong>de</strong>lijk bij elkaar <strong>en</strong> stimuleert<br />

lokale sam<strong>en</strong>werking tuss<strong>en</strong> partners in <strong>de</strong> waterket<strong>en</strong>. Binn<strong>en</strong><br />

Asellus werk<strong>en</strong> Waternet <strong>en</strong> Waterleidingmaatschappij Limburg<br />

sam<strong>en</strong>. In 2011 wordt <strong>de</strong> sam<strong>en</strong>werking voortgezet on<strong>de</strong>r <strong>de</strong> naam<br />

‘On<strong>de</strong>rzoeksplatform Watercyclus’ (OPWC).<br />

Binn<strong>en</strong> Asellus zijn in <strong>2010</strong> <strong>de</strong> volg<strong>en</strong><strong>de</strong> on<strong>de</strong>rzoek<strong>en</strong> uitgevoerd:<br />

• On<strong>de</strong>rzoek naar <strong>de</strong> emissie <strong>van</strong> broeikasgass<strong>en</strong> in <strong>de</strong> watercyclus.<br />

De resultat<strong>en</strong> wor<strong>de</strong>n in 2011 gerapporteerd.<br />

• Het in beeld br<strong>en</strong>g<strong>en</strong> <strong>van</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>en</strong>ergiebalans <strong>van</strong> <strong>de</strong> watercyclus.<br />

Hieruit bleek opnieuw dat <strong>de</strong> warmte die in huishou<strong>de</strong>ns wordt<br />

toegevoegd e<strong>en</strong> belangrijke compon<strong>en</strong>t is <strong>van</strong> <strong>de</strong> totale<br />

<strong>en</strong>ergiehuishouding.<br />

• On<strong>de</strong>rzoek naar <strong>de</strong> drijv<strong>en</strong><strong>de</strong> kracht<strong>en</strong> voor hergebruik rwziefflu<strong>en</strong>t<br />

voor <strong>de</strong> industrie.<br />

• E<strong>en</strong> literatuurstudie naar Dynamische Filtratie voor STOWA.<br />

Met <strong>de</strong>ze resultat<strong>en</strong> is e<strong>en</strong> groot ontwikkelproject opgezet met<br />

subsidie <strong>van</strong> Ag<strong>en</strong>tschapNL.<br />

• Emissie <strong>van</strong> koper in <strong>de</strong> watercyclus. Geblek<strong>en</strong> is dat <strong>de</strong> belangrijkste<br />

emissies - bov<strong>en</strong>leiding<strong>en</strong> <strong>van</strong> trams <strong>en</strong> vuurwerk<br />

— niet rechtstreeks te beïnvloe<strong>de</strong>n zijn door maatregel<strong>en</strong> bij<br />

<strong>de</strong> zuivering <strong>van</strong> drink- <strong>en</strong> afvalwater.<br />

The Asellus research programme focuses primarily on themes such as<br />

climate, <strong>en</strong>ergy and water reuse. It integrates the various compon<strong>en</strong>ts of<br />

the water cycle, and stimulates local collaborations betwe<strong>en</strong> water cycle<br />

partners. Waternet and Water Supply Company Limburg work together<br />

within Asellus. In 2011, the collaboration is to be continued un<strong>de</strong>r the name<br />

of ‘<strong>Watercycle</strong> <strong>Research</strong> Platform’ (WRP).<br />

The following activities were conducted within Asellus in <strong>2010</strong>:<br />

• <strong>Research</strong> into the gre<strong>en</strong>house gas emissions of the water cycle.<br />

The results will be pres<strong>en</strong>ted in 2011.<br />

• An analysis of the water cycle’s <strong>en</strong>ergy balance. This again <strong>de</strong>monstrated<br />

that the heat ad<strong>de</strong>d in households is an important part of the total <strong>en</strong>ergy<br />

consumption in the water cycle<br />

• <strong>Research</strong> into the drivers for the WWTP efflu<strong>en</strong>t reuse by industry.<br />

• A literature survey of Dynamic Filtration for STOWA. On the basis of<br />

the results, a large <strong>de</strong>velopm<strong>en</strong>t project was set up with a subsidy from<br />

NL Ag<strong>en</strong>cy.<br />

• <strong>Research</strong> into copper emissions in the water cycle. It would seem that<br />

the most significant emission sources — overhead tram-lines and fireworks<br />

— cannot be directly influ<strong>en</strong>ced by adapting operation during<br />

water or wastewater treatm<strong>en</strong>t.

Bridging Sci<strong>en</strong>ce to Practice<br />

Contact<br />

Ir<strong>en</strong>e Vloerbergh<br />

ir<strong>en</strong>e.vloerbergh@kwrwater.nl<br />

Brabant Water, Waterschap <strong>de</strong> Dommel,<br />

TNO, Philips<br />

HeliXeR<br />

83<br />

<strong>KWR</strong>, Brabant Water, Waterschap <strong>de</strong> Dommel, TNO <strong>en</strong> Philips vorm<strong>de</strong>n<br />

in <strong>2010</strong> het sam<strong>en</strong>werkingsverband HeliXeR. HeliXeR ontwikkelt<br />

business cases voor innovaties op het gebied <strong>van</strong> Water & Gezondheid<br />

<strong>en</strong> biedt daarmee oplossing<strong>en</strong> voor behoeft<strong>en</strong> <strong>van</strong>uit <strong>de</strong> markt,<br />

op het gebied <strong>van</strong> water <strong>en</strong> gezondheid.<br />

Voorbeel<strong>de</strong>n <strong>van</strong> HeliXeR-cases in <strong>2010</strong> zijn:<br />

• Coli-case: <strong>KWR</strong> droeg bij aan e<strong>en</strong> e<strong>en</strong>voudige test voor<br />

ontwikkelings lan<strong>de</strong>n, waarmee E.coli-bacteriën in drinkwater zijn<br />

te vin<strong>de</strong>n. Begin <strong>2010</strong> is <strong>de</strong>ze case afgerond. Hoewel uit <strong>de</strong> marktverk<strong>en</strong>ning<br />

bleek dat <strong>de</strong>ze test bestaan<strong>de</strong> tests niet ver<strong>van</strong>gt, heeft<br />

<strong>de</strong> case geleid tot het ver<strong>de</strong>r ontwikkel<strong>en</strong> <strong>van</strong> <strong>de</strong> technologie voor<br />

laboratoria.<br />

• Dehydratie bij ou<strong>de</strong>r<strong>en</strong>: hoe voorkom je uitdroging bij ou<strong>de</strong>r<strong>en</strong>?<br />

<strong>KWR</strong> droeg bij aan het in kaart br<strong>en</strong>g<strong>en</strong> <strong>van</strong> het probleem <strong>en</strong> mogelijke<br />

oplossings richting<strong>en</strong>. In workshops met on<strong>de</strong>r an<strong>de</strong>re <strong>de</strong> GGD<br />

<strong>en</strong> Brabant Water zijn <strong>de</strong> belangrijkste oplossingsrichting<strong>en</strong> uitgewerkt<br />

<strong>en</strong> is er gestart met <strong>de</strong> realisatie.<br />

• Biophys: e<strong>en</strong> innovatieve combinatie <strong>van</strong> vergistingsmetho<strong>de</strong>n<br />

waarmee meer slib omgezet kan wor<strong>de</strong>n in <strong>en</strong>ergie. Zo blijft<br />

min<strong>de</strong>r restafval over <strong>en</strong> wordt er meer <strong>en</strong>ergie opgewekt.<br />

Eind <strong>2010</strong> is beslot<strong>en</strong> <strong>de</strong> missie <strong>van</strong> HeliXeR ver<strong>de</strong>r aan te scherp<strong>en</strong><br />

<strong>en</strong> <strong>de</strong> focus te verlegg<strong>en</strong> naar het lokale <strong>en</strong> regionale MKB. <strong>KWR</strong> is<br />

bij dat proces nauw betrokk<strong>en</strong>. E<strong>en</strong> doorstart <strong>van</strong> HeliXeR wordt in<br />

dat verband overwog<strong>en</strong>.<br />

In <strong>2010</strong>, <strong>KWR</strong>, Brabant Water, Waterboard <strong>de</strong> Dommel, TNO and Philips<br />

formed the HeliXeR collaboration. HeliXeR <strong>de</strong>velops business cases for innovations<br />

in the field of Water and Health, providing solutions to needs<br />

expressed in the market.<br />

Examples of HeliXeR cases in <strong>2010</strong> are:<br />

• Coli case: <strong>KWR</strong> contributed to a technology assessm<strong>en</strong>t study for a simple<br />

test for rapid <strong>de</strong>tection of E.coli bacteria in drinking water in <strong>de</strong>veloping<br />

countries. This case was conclu<strong>de</strong>d in early <strong>2010</strong>. Although the study indicated<br />

that the test would not replace existing ones, the case did lead to<br />

further <strong>de</strong>velopm<strong>en</strong>t of the technology for laboratories.<br />

• Dehydration in the el<strong>de</strong>rly: how to prev<strong>en</strong>t it? <strong>KWR</strong> contributed to the<br />

<strong>de</strong>lineation of the problem and <strong>de</strong>finition of solution paths. The most<br />

important solution paths were elaborated in workshops with GGD<br />

(Municipal Health Authority) and Brabant Water among others, and a<br />

beginning was ma<strong>de</strong> with the realisation.<br />

• Biophys: an innovative combination of digestion methods to optimise<br />

disintegration processes and increase <strong>en</strong>ergy effici<strong>en</strong>cy. The result: less<br />

waste and more <strong>en</strong>ergy.<br />

At the <strong>en</strong>d of <strong>2010</strong> HeliXeR’s mission was revised and it was <strong>de</strong>ci<strong>de</strong>d to shift<br />

its focus to local and regional SMEs. <strong>KWR</strong>’s close involvem<strong>en</strong>t has contributed<br />

to possibilities for a new start for HeliXer, which is curr<strong>en</strong>tly un<strong>de</strong>r<br />


Jaarverslag | Annual report <strong>2010</strong><br />

Flexibiliteit voor werknemer<br />

steeds belangrijker<br />

Bij <strong>KWR</strong> werk<strong>en</strong> 170 me<strong>de</strong>werkers hard aan on<strong>de</strong>rzoek naar schoon<br />

<strong>en</strong> veilig drinkwater. Deze me<strong>de</strong>werkers zijn het kapitaal <strong>van</strong> <strong>KWR</strong>.<br />

De stafdi<strong>en</strong>st Human Resources (HR) faciliteert me<strong>de</strong>werkers om<br />

zo goed mogelijk on<strong>de</strong>rzoek te kunn<strong>en</strong> do<strong>en</strong>.<br />

84<br />

“Wij adviser<strong>en</strong>, mak<strong>en</strong> beleid, stimuler<strong>en</strong> <strong>de</strong> ontwikkeling <strong>van</strong><br />

me<strong>de</strong>werkers <strong>en</strong> on<strong>de</strong>rsteun<strong>en</strong> leidinggev<strong>en</strong><strong>de</strong>n”, vertelt Harmke<br />

<strong>van</strong> O<strong>en</strong>e, hoofd HR. In januari <strong>2010</strong> is het Inzetbaarheidsbudget (IB)<br />

ingevoerd <strong>en</strong> is <strong>de</strong> start <strong>van</strong> het Flexibel Arbeidsvoorwaar<strong>de</strong>n Budget<br />

(FAB, invoering per 1 januari 2011) voorbereid. Daarnaast is er e<strong>en</strong><br />

thuiswerkregeling vastgelegd. “Met meer flexibiliteit vergrot<strong>en</strong><br />

me<strong>de</strong>werkers hun eig<strong>en</strong> inzetbaarheid. Dat is het doel <strong>van</strong> <strong>de</strong> nieuwe<br />

regeling<strong>en</strong> binn<strong>en</strong> <strong>de</strong> CAO”, zegt Van O<strong>en</strong>e.<br />

Inzetbaarheidsbudget <strong>en</strong> FAB<br />

Met het Inzetbaarheidsbudget krijg<strong>en</strong> me<strong>de</strong>werkers meer ruimte,<br />

bijvoorbeeld voor kin<strong>de</strong>r<strong>en</strong>, e<strong>en</strong> cursus, e<strong>en</strong> sabbatical,<br />

mantelzorg of om het wat rustiger aan te do<strong>en</strong> op latere leeftijd.<br />

Het IB ver<strong>van</strong>gt <strong>de</strong> eer<strong>de</strong>re regeling<strong>en</strong> op dit gebied. In het FAB<br />

kom<strong>en</strong> arbeidsvoorwaar<strong>de</strong>n bij elkaar die me<strong>de</strong>werkers nu gespreid<br />

ont<strong>van</strong>g<strong>en</strong>, zoals vakantiegeld, ein<strong>de</strong>jaarsuitkering <strong>en</strong> lev<strong>en</strong>sloopbijdrage.<br />

Dit FAB-budget vormt ongeveer 16% <strong>van</strong> het salaris.<br />

Me<strong>de</strong>werkers hebb<strong>en</strong> nu vrije keuze om zelf te bepal<strong>en</strong> wanneer ze<br />

dit will<strong>en</strong> ont<strong>van</strong>g<strong>en</strong>. Van O<strong>en</strong>e: “We bie<strong>de</strong>n meer mogelijkhe<strong>de</strong>n.<br />

Dat maakt ons tot e<strong>en</strong> aantrekkelijke werkgever.”<br />

K<strong>en</strong>nis in beweging<br />

Van O<strong>en</strong>e: “Als k<strong>en</strong>nisinstituut is het is belangrijk om in beweging<br />

te blijv<strong>en</strong>, om vaardighe<strong>de</strong>n <strong>en</strong> k<strong>en</strong>nis op te blijv<strong>en</strong> do<strong>en</strong>, je persoonlijk<br />

te blijv<strong>en</strong> ontwikkel<strong>en</strong>. In <strong>2010</strong> wer<strong>de</strong>n daarom naast groepstraining<strong>en</strong><br />

als Engels <strong>en</strong> persoonlijke effectiviteit ook veel individueel<br />

gerichte cursuss<strong>en</strong> aangebo<strong>de</strong>n. Voor <strong>de</strong> toekomst will<strong>en</strong> we<br />

dit nog meer gestructureerd aanpakk<strong>en</strong>, bijvoorbeeld door per<br />

functieprofiel e<strong>en</strong> pakket cursuss<strong>en</strong> aan te bie<strong>de</strong>n.”<br />

Flexibility for staff<br />

increasingly important<br />

<strong>KWR</strong>’s staff of 170 work hard on research<br />

into clean and safe drinking water. These<br />

profession als constitute <strong>KWR</strong>’s capital.<br />

The Human Resources <strong>de</strong>partm<strong>en</strong>t is <strong>de</strong>dicated<br />

to providing the best conditions to facilitate<br />

this research. “We advise, <strong>de</strong>velop policies,<br />

stim ulate staff <strong>de</strong>velopm<strong>en</strong>t and support<br />

managem<strong>en</strong>t,” says Harmke <strong>van</strong> O<strong>en</strong>e,<br />

Head of HR.<br />

In January <strong>2010</strong>, the Availability Budget was<br />

instituted and preparations were ma<strong>de</strong> for the<br />

start of the Flexible Terms and Conditions of<br />

Employm<strong>en</strong>t Budget (FAB), which is to be<br />

introduced on 1 January 2011. A working-athome<br />

scheme was also established. “The greater<br />

flexibility allows our staff members to increase<br />

their own employability. That is the objective<br />

of the new arrangem<strong>en</strong>t within the Collective<br />

Agreem<strong>en</strong>t,” says Van O<strong>en</strong>e.<br />

Availability Budget and FAB<br />

Un<strong>de</strong>r the Availability Budget (AB), staff members<br />

are giv<strong>en</strong> more space — for example, for<br />

childr<strong>en</strong>, courses, sabbaticals, volunteer work, or<br />

to take it a little easier wh<strong>en</strong> they get ol<strong>de</strong>r. The<br />

AB replaces the former arrangem<strong>en</strong>t in this area.<br />

Un<strong>de</strong>r the FAB, work b<strong>en</strong>efits that are curr<strong>en</strong>tly<br />

received separately — such as holiday pay, Christmas<br />

bonus and life-span contribution — are<br />

combined. This FAB budget repres<strong>en</strong>ts about 16%<br />

of the salary. Staff members are now free to

Bridging Sci<strong>en</strong>ce to Practice<br />

Contact<br />

Harmke <strong>van</strong> O<strong>en</strong>e<br />

harmke.<strong>van</strong>.o<strong>en</strong>e@kwrwater.nl<br />

choose wh<strong>en</strong> they receive it. “By offering<br />

more options,” says Van O<strong>en</strong>e, “we’re making<br />

<strong>KWR</strong> a more attractive place to work.”<br />

Nadine Fom<strong>en</strong>ko — adviseur | consultant HR<br />

Knowledge on the move<br />

“As part of a knowledge institute, it is<br />

important for our people to evolve constantly,”<br />

says Van O<strong>en</strong>e, “to continuously acquire new<br />

skills and knowledge, and <strong>de</strong>velop personally. For<br />

this reason, in <strong>2010</strong>, apart from group training<br />

sessions, such as in English and in personal<br />

effectiv<strong>en</strong>ess, we offered many individuallytargeted<br />

courses. In the future, we would like to<br />

do this in an ev<strong>en</strong> more structured manner —<br />

for instance, by offering a package of courses<br />

for each position profile.”<br />

Sonja Mous — adviseur | consultant HR<br />

85<br />

“We bie<strong>de</strong>n meer mogelijkhe<strong>de</strong>n.<br />

Dat maakt ons tot<br />

e<strong>en</strong> aantrekkelijke werkgever.”—<br />

Harmke <strong>van</strong> O<strong>en</strong>e<br />

Harmke <strong>van</strong> O<strong>en</strong>e — teamlei<strong>de</strong>r | team lea<strong>de</strong>r<br />

Team Human Resources<br />

Ri<strong>de</strong> for the Roses<br />

Op zondag 5 september <strong>2010</strong> werd <strong>de</strong> 13e Ri<strong>de</strong> for<br />

the Roses gere<strong>de</strong>n. Deze gesponsor<strong>de</strong> wielertour<br />

zamelt geld in voor KWF Kankerbestrijding. <strong>KWR</strong><br />

stond met e<strong>en</strong> team <strong>van</strong> twintig <strong>de</strong>elnemers aan<br />

<strong>de</strong> start in V<strong>en</strong>lo. In totaal bracht ons team 4745<br />

euro bije<strong>en</strong> voor het goe<strong>de</strong> doel <strong>en</strong> stond hiermee<br />

op <strong>de</strong>r<strong>de</strong> plaats <strong>van</strong> <strong>de</strong> ruim hon<strong>de</strong>rd bedrijv<strong>en</strong><br />

die mee<strong>de</strong><strong>de</strong>n. De opbr<strong>en</strong>gst komt volledig t<strong>en</strong><br />

goe<strong>de</strong> aan KWF kankerbestrijding.<br />

Ri<strong>de</strong> for the Roses<br />

On Sunday, 5 September <strong>2010</strong>, the 13th Ri<strong>de</strong> for Roses<br />

was held. This sponsored cycle tour collects funds for the<br />

Dutch Cancer Society’s anti-cancer campaign. <strong>KWR</strong> was<br />

on the starting line in V<strong>en</strong>lo with a team of tw<strong>en</strong>ty<br />

participants, who succee<strong>de</strong>d in collecting a total of €4,745<br />

for the battle against cancer – a third-place performance<br />

among the more than one hundred companies taking<br />

part. The funds collected were directed <strong>en</strong>tirely to the<br />

Dutch Cancer Society’s campaign.

Jaarverslag | Annual report <strong>2010</strong><br />

RvC-gegev<strong>en</strong>s <strong>2010</strong> | Supervisory<br />

Board information, <strong>2010</strong><br />

De Raad <strong>van</strong> Commissariss<strong>en</strong> <strong>van</strong> KWH Water<br />

B.V. wordt gevormd door | The Supervisory Board<br />

of KWH Water B.V. consists of:<br />

Ir. R.G. Camp<strong>en</strong> MSc (1946)<br />

secretaris | Secretary<br />

88<br />

Ir. D. Luteijn MSc (1943)<br />

voorzitter | Chairman<br />

Directeur/toezichthou<strong>de</strong>r | Director/supervisor<br />

Eerste b<strong>en</strong>oeming | First appointm<strong>en</strong>t: 16-11-2006;<br />

twee<strong>de</strong> b<strong>en</strong>oeming | second appointm<strong>en</strong>t:<br />

01-07-<strong>2010</strong>; b<strong>en</strong>oemd tot | appointed until:<br />

01-07-2014.<br />

Overzicht nev<strong>en</strong>functies | Other positions:<br />

Directeur | Director Luteijn Interim Toezicht <strong>en</strong><br />

Procesbegeleiding L.I.T.P. b.v.<br />

Voorzitter Raad <strong>van</strong> Commissariss<strong>en</strong> | Chairman,<br />

Supervisory Board, Zeeuwse Verzekering<strong>en</strong> N.V.<br />

Voorzitter Bestuur | Executive Chairman,<br />

Ne<strong>de</strong>rlandse Algem<strong>en</strong>e Keuringsdi<strong>en</strong>st NAK<br />

Voorzitter Raad <strong>van</strong> Toezicht | Chairman,<br />

Supervisory Board, Beleggingsfonds Fagoed N.V.<br />

Voorzitter Raad <strong>van</strong> Commissariss<strong>en</strong> | Chairman,<br />

Supervisory Board, N.V. Westerschel<strong>de</strong>Tunnel<br />

Voorzitter Raad <strong>van</strong> Commissariss<strong>en</strong> | Chairman,<br />

Supervisory Board, KanaalKruisingSluiskil<br />

(KKS) B.V.<br />

Voorzitter Raad <strong>van</strong> Commissariss<strong>en</strong> | Chairman,<br />

Supervisory Board, Koninklijke Prins &<br />

Dingemanse B.V.<br />

Voorzitter Raad <strong>van</strong> Commissariss<strong>en</strong> | Chairman,<br />

Supervisory Board, MolconInterwheels B.V.<br />

Voorzitter Raad <strong>van</strong> Commissariss<strong>en</strong> | Chairman,<br />

Supervisory Board, Saver N.V.<br />

Lid Raad <strong>van</strong> Toezicht | Member, Supervisory<br />

Board, Hogeschool Zeeland<br />

Voormalig voorzitter Raad <strong>van</strong> Bestuur | Former<br />

Chairman of the Executive Board, DHV<br />

Eerste b<strong>en</strong>oeming | First appointm<strong>en</strong>t: 16-11-2006,<br />

twee<strong>de</strong> b<strong>en</strong>oeming | second appointm<strong>en</strong>t:<br />

01-07-<strong>2010</strong>; b<strong>en</strong>oemd tot | appointed until<br />

01-07-2014.<br />

Overzicht nev<strong>en</strong>functies | Other positions:<br />

Voorzitter Commissie Ontwikkelingslan<strong>de</strong>n (COL) |<br />

Chairman, Developing Countries Committee<br />

(COL), VNO-NCW<br />

Lid Raad <strong>van</strong> Toezicht | Member, Supervisory<br />

Board, Delft Cluster<br />

Voorzitter Raad <strong>van</strong> Commissariss<strong>en</strong> | Chairman,<br />

Supervisory Board, INBO (adviseurs, ste<strong>de</strong>nbouwkundig<strong>en</strong>,<br />

architect<strong>en</strong>)<br />

Lid | Member, FIDIC Integrity Managem<strong>en</strong>t<br />

Committee – (International Fe<strong>de</strong>ration of<br />

Consulting Engineers)<br />

Lid Raad <strong>van</strong> Commissariss<strong>en</strong> | Member,<br />

Supervisory Board, B&A Groep (beleid <strong>en</strong> advies)<br />

Voorzitter jury | Jury Chairman, Erfgoed Prijs<br />

Leus<strong>de</strong>n – Woningstichting Leus<strong>de</strong>n, Historische<br />

Kring Leus<strong>de</strong>n, Stichting Architectuur<br />

Voorzitter | Chairman, Advies Commissie |<br />

Advisory Committee ORIO<br />

(Ontwikkelingsrele<strong>van</strong>te Infrastructuur<br />

Ontwikkeling | Facility for Infrastructure<br />

Developm<strong>en</strong>t) – Ministerie <strong>van</strong> Buit<strong>en</strong>landse<br />

Zak<strong>en</strong>/EVD | Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs/<br />

EVD<br />

Lid | Member, Commissie Brandkran<strong>en</strong> <strong>en</strong><br />

Na<strong>de</strong>elcomp<strong>en</strong>satie – Vit<strong>en</strong>s<br />

Lid Raad <strong>van</strong> Commissariss<strong>en</strong> | Member,<br />

Supervisory Board, Woonbron Woningcorporatie<br />

Lid | Member, Supervisory Board, Raad <strong>van</strong><br />

Commissariss<strong>en</strong> De Re<strong>de</strong>rij BV

Bridging Sci<strong>en</strong>ce to Practice<br />

Drs. P. Jonker (1950)<br />

Prof. dr. ing. S. Schaap PhD (1946)<br />

Ir. P. Vermaat, MSc MBA (1965)<br />

Directeur | Director, Dunea<br />

Eerste b<strong>en</strong>oeming | First appointm<strong>en</strong>t:<br />

29-06-2006; b<strong>en</strong>oemd tot | appointed until:<br />

01-07-2011<br />

Overzicht nev<strong>en</strong>functies | Other positions:<br />

Voorzitter | Chairman, Werkgeversver<strong>en</strong>iging<br />

Waterbedrijv<strong>en</strong> (WWb) | Water Company<br />

Employers’ Association (WWb)<br />

Lid | Member, Executive Committee EUREAU<br />

Bestuurslid | Member, Executive Board,<br />

Alfred Mozer Stichting<br />

Voormalig dijkgraaf | Former Dike Reeve,<br />

Waterschap Groot Salland | Waterboard Groot<br />

Salland <strong>en</strong> voormalig voorzitter | and former<br />

Chairman, Unie <strong>van</strong> Waterschapp<strong>en</strong><br />

Eerste b<strong>en</strong>oeming | First appointm<strong>en</strong>t:<br />

01-07-2008; b<strong>en</strong>oemd tot | appointed until:<br />

01-07-2012.<br />

Overzicht nev<strong>en</strong>functies | Other positions:<br />

Hoogleraar | Professor, Waterpolicy & Governance,<br />

Technische Universiteit Delft / Wag<strong>en</strong>ing<strong>en</strong> UR<br />

Lid Eerste Kamer Stat<strong>en</strong> G<strong>en</strong>eraal | S<strong>en</strong>ator in the<br />

Dutch Parliam<strong>en</strong>t<br />

Doc<strong>en</strong>t filosofie | Lecturer in philosophy,<br />

VU Amsterdam<br />

‘Doz<strong>en</strong>t’ | ‘Lecturer’, Philosophie Karel Universiteit<br />

Praag<br />

Eig<strong>en</strong>aar-directeur bedrijv<strong>en</strong> in Ne<strong>de</strong>rland,<br />

Tsjechië <strong>en</strong> Oekraïne: op gebied <strong>van</strong> landbouw,<br />

agrarische consultancy <strong>en</strong> onroer<strong>en</strong>d goed |<br />

Owner-director of agricultural, agrarian consultancy<br />

and real-estate companies in the<br />

Netherlands, the Czech Republic and Ukraine<br />

Voorzitter | Chairman, Netherlands Water<br />

Partnership (NWP)<br />

Algeme<strong>en</strong> directeur | G<strong>en</strong>eral<br />

Director, Evi<strong>de</strong>s N.V.<br />

Eerste b<strong>en</strong>oeming | First appointm<strong>en</strong>t:<br />

01-01-<strong>2010</strong>; b<strong>en</strong>oemd tot | appointed until:<br />

01-07-2011.<br />

Overzicht nev<strong>en</strong>functies | Other positions:<br />

Lid Raad <strong>van</strong> Commissariss<strong>en</strong> | Member,<br />

Supervisory Board, Delflu<strong>en</strong>t B.V<br />

Bestuurslid | Member, Executive Board,<br />

Stichting Wateropleiding<strong>en</strong><br />


Jaarverslag | Annual report <strong>2010</strong><br />

Geconsoli<strong>de</strong>er<strong>de</strong> balans voor winstbestemming<br />

per 31-12-<strong>2010</strong> | Consolidated balance sheet before<br />

appropriations for profit 31-12-<strong>2010</strong><br />

Bedrag<strong>en</strong> x € 1000 | Amount x € 1,000 <strong>2010</strong> <strong>2009</strong><br />

Activa | Assets<br />

Vaste Activa | Fixed Assets<br />

Materiële vaste activa | Tangible fixed assets 6.206 6.498<br />

90<br />

Vlott<strong>en</strong><strong>de</strong> activa | Curr<strong>en</strong>t assets<br />

On<strong>de</strong>rhan<strong>de</strong>n opdracht<strong>en</strong> | Work in progress 2.253 2.006<br />

Debiteur<strong>en</strong> | Receivables 3.006 2.778<br />

Overige vor<strong>de</strong>ring<strong>en</strong> <strong>en</strong> overlop<strong>en</strong><strong>de</strong> activa |<br />

Other prepaym<strong>en</strong>ts and accrued income 350 341<br />

5.609 5.125<br />

Liqui<strong>de</strong> mid<strong>de</strong>l<strong>en</strong> | Cash and cash equival<strong>en</strong>ts 6.422 7.317<br />

Totaal activa | Total assets 18.237 18.940<br />

Passiva | Liabilities<br />

Eig<strong>en</strong> vermog<strong>en</strong> | Sharehol<strong>de</strong>rs equity<br />

Nominaal kapitaal | Nominal capital 155 155<br />

Agioreserve | Share premium reserve 7.763 7.763<br />

Overige reserves | Other reserves 2.631 1.770<br />

Bestem<strong>de</strong> reserve innovatie | Innovation reserve 624 379<br />

Resultaat lop<strong>en</strong>d jaar | Net income curr<strong>en</strong>t year 640 1.106<br />

11.813 11.173<br />

Voorzi<strong>en</strong>ing<strong>en</strong> | Provisions<br />

Reorganisatie | Reorganisation 16 101<br />

Pre-FPU | Pre-Flexibel p<strong>en</strong>sion and retirem<strong>en</strong>t scheme 27 74<br />

Di<strong>en</strong>sttijdgratificatie | Long-service bonus 194 159<br />

237 334<br />

Kortlop<strong>en</strong><strong>de</strong> schul<strong>de</strong>n | Curr<strong>en</strong>t liabilities<br />

Crediteur<strong>en</strong> | Payables 698 1.340<br />

Belasting<strong>en</strong> <strong>en</strong> sociale last<strong>en</strong> | Taxes and national insurance contributions 425 547<br />

Overige schul<strong>de</strong>n <strong>en</strong> overlop<strong>en</strong><strong>de</strong> passiva | Other <strong>de</strong>bt and accrued liabilities 5.064 5.546<br />

6.187 7.433<br />

Totaal passiva | Total liabilities 18.237 18.940

Bridging Sci<strong>en</strong>ce to Practice<br />

Geconsoli<strong>de</strong>er<strong>de</strong> winst- <strong>en</strong> verliesrek<strong>en</strong>ing <strong>2010</strong><br />

Consolidated profit and loss account <strong>2010</strong><br />

Bedrag<strong>en</strong> x € 1000 | Amount x € 1,000 <strong>2010</strong> <strong>2009</strong><br />

Netto omzet | Net turnover 17.357 16.186<br />

Mutatie on<strong>de</strong>rhan<strong>de</strong>n werk | Movem<strong>en</strong>t in work in progress 247 265<br />

Overige bedrijfsopbr<strong>en</strong>gst<strong>en</strong> | Other operating rev<strong>en</strong>ues 600 773<br />

Bedrijfsopbr<strong>en</strong>gst<strong>en</strong> | Total rev<strong>en</strong>ues 18.204 17.224<br />

Lon<strong>en</strong> <strong>en</strong> salariss<strong>en</strong> | Salaries 7.476 7.164<br />

Sociale last<strong>en</strong> <strong>en</strong> p<strong>en</strong>sio<strong>en</strong>premies | National insurance and<br />

p<strong>en</strong>sion contributions 1.989 1.807<br />

Overige personeelskost<strong>en</strong> | Other personnel exp<strong>en</strong>ses 1.016 1.031<br />

Afschrijvingskost<strong>en</strong> | Depreciation 833 723<br />

Subcontracting | Subcontracting 2.624 2.354<br />

Overige bedrijfskost<strong>en</strong> | Other operating exp<strong>en</strong>ses 3.704 3.132<br />

91<br />

Bedrijfskost<strong>en</strong> | Total operating exp<strong>en</strong>ses 17.642 16.211<br />

Bedrijfsresultaat | Earnings before interest and taxes 562 1.013<br />

R<strong>en</strong>tebat<strong>en</strong> | Interest income 78 93<br />

Financiële bat<strong>en</strong> <strong>en</strong> last<strong>en</strong> | Net interest income 78 93<br />

Netto resultaat | Net income 640 1.106

Jaarverslag | Annual report <strong>2010</strong><br />

Geconsoli<strong>de</strong>erd kasstroomoverzicht <strong>2010</strong><br />

Cash flow statem<strong>en</strong>t <strong>2010</strong><br />

Bedrag<strong>en</strong> x € 1000 | Amount x € 1,000<br />

Kasstroom uit operationele activiteit<strong>en</strong> <strong>2010</strong> <strong>2009</strong><br />

Cash flow from operating activities<br />

Bedrijfsresultaat | Earnings before interest and taxes 562 1.013<br />

92<br />

Aanpassing<strong>en</strong> voor | Adjustm<strong>en</strong>ts for:<br />

· afschrijving<strong>en</strong> | <strong>de</strong>preciation 833 723<br />

· dotaties voorzi<strong>en</strong>ing<strong>en</strong> | addition to provision 35 254<br />

· onttrekking<strong>en</strong> aan voorzi<strong>en</strong>ing<strong>en</strong> | withdrawal from provision -25 -69<br />

· vrijval voorzi<strong>en</strong>ing<strong>en</strong> | provision release -107 - 29<br />

Veran<strong>de</strong>ring<strong>en</strong> in werkkapitaal | Movem<strong>en</strong>t in working capital:<br />

· toe-/afname han<strong>de</strong>lsvor<strong>de</strong>ring<strong>en</strong> | in-/<strong>de</strong>crease tra<strong>de</strong> account receivables -228 -902<br />

· toe-/afname overlop<strong>en</strong><strong>de</strong> activa | in-/<strong>de</strong>crease accrued income -9 -2<br />

· toe-/afname voorraad on<strong>de</strong>rhan<strong>de</strong>n werk | in-/<strong>de</strong>crease work in progress -247 265<br />

· toe-/afname han<strong>de</strong>lscrediteur<strong>en</strong> | in-/<strong>de</strong>crease tra<strong>de</strong> account payables -642 491<br />

· toe-/afname belasting<strong>en</strong> <strong>en</strong> sociale premies | in-/<strong>de</strong>crease taxes and national<br />

insurance contributions -122 329<br />

· toe-/afname overlop<strong>en</strong><strong>de</strong> passiva | in-/<strong>de</strong>crease accrued liabilities -482 196<br />

Kasstroom uit bedrijfsoperaties | Cash flow from business operations -432 1.739<br />

Ont<strong>van</strong>g<strong>en</strong> interest | Interest received 78 93<br />

Kasstroom uit operationele activiteit<strong>en</strong> | Cash flow from operating activities -354 1.832<br />

Kasstroom uit investeringsactiviteit<strong>en</strong><br />

Cash flow from investm<strong>en</strong>t activities<br />

Investering<strong>en</strong> in materiële vaste activa | Investm<strong>en</strong>t in tangible fixed assets -541 -1.103<br />

Desinvestering<strong>en</strong> in materiële vaste activa | Disinvestm<strong>en</strong>t in tangible fixed assets 0 0<br />

Kasstroom uit investeringsactiviteit<strong>en</strong> | Cash flow from investm<strong>en</strong>t activities -541 -1.103<br />

Netto kasstroom | Net cash flow -895 729

Bridging Sci<strong>en</strong>ce to Practice<br />

Aan<strong>de</strong>elhou<strong>de</strong>rs <strong>KWR</strong> <strong>en</strong> voorzi<strong>en</strong>ingsgebie<strong>de</strong>n<br />

<strong>KWR</strong> sharehol<strong>de</strong>rs and areas of supply<br />

74<br />

<strong>KWR</strong> <strong>2009</strong><br />

74<br />

74<br />

<strong>KWR</strong> <strong>2009</strong><br />

<strong>KWR</strong> <strong>2009</strong><br />

Aan<strong>de</strong>elhou<strong>de</strong>rs Sharehol<strong>de</strong>rs <strong>KWR</strong> <strong>KWR</strong><br />

Aan<strong>de</strong>elhou<strong>de</strong>rs<br />

Sharehol<strong>de</strong>rs<br />

74<br />

<strong>KWR</strong> <strong>2009</strong><br />

Aan<strong>de</strong>elhou<strong>de</strong>rs Sharehol<strong>de</strong>rs <strong>KWR</strong> <strong>KWR</strong><br />

Aan<strong>de</strong>elhou<strong>de</strong>rs Sharehol<strong>de</strong>rs <strong>KWR</strong> <strong>KWR</strong><br />

Aan<strong>de</strong>elhou<strong>de</strong>rs Sharehol<strong>de</strong>rs <strong>KWR</strong> <strong>KWR</strong><br />

368.10jvs-gridV15.indd 74<br />

bron: VEWIN kerngegev<strong>en</strong>s drinkwater<br />

<strong>2010</strong> | source: VEWIN drinking water<br />

key figures <strong>2010</strong><br />

368.10jvs-gridV15.indd 74<br />

368.10jvs-gridV15.indd 74<br />

74<br />

<strong>KWR</strong> <strong>2009</strong><br />

Aan<strong>de</strong>elhou<strong>de</strong>rs Sharehol<strong>de</strong>rs <strong>KWR</strong> <strong>KWR</strong><br />

1/6/10 9:53 AM<br />

1/6/10 9:53 AM<br />

368.10jvs-gridV15.indd 74<br />

Drinkwaterproductie in miljo<strong>en</strong> m³ (per bedrijf <strong>2009</strong>)<br />

Drinking water production in million m³<br />

(by company <strong>2009</strong>)<br />

93<br />

368.10jvs-gridV15.indd 74<br />

343<br />

368.10jvs-gridV15.indd 74<br />

1/6/10 9:53 AM<br />

368.10jvs-gridV15.indd 74<br />

181 177<br />

88<br />

86 75 71<br />

45 368.10jvs-gridV15.indd 74<br />

31<br />

44<br />

1/6/10 9:53 AM<br />

1/6/10 9:53 AM<br />

Waterleidingbedrijf<br />

Groning<strong>en</strong><br />

WMD water<br />

Vit<strong>en</strong>s<br />

PWN<br />

Waternet<br />

Dunea<br />

Oas<strong>en</strong><br />

Evi<strong>de</strong>s<br />

368.10jvs-gridV15.indd 74<br />

Brabant Water<br />

WML<br />

1/6/10 9:53 AM<br />

Ontwikkeling <strong>en</strong>ergiegebruik voor productie <strong>en</strong><br />

distributie | Changes in <strong>en</strong>ergy usage for production<br />

and distribution<br />

Ontwikkeling drinkwaternet<br />

Changes in the drinking water network<br />

Totaal in kWh/m³ Total in kWh/m³<br />

Duurzame <strong>en</strong>ergie Sustainable <strong>en</strong>ergy<br />

x 1.000 km<br />

60<br />

40<br />

PVC<br />

0,45<br />

0,47<br />

0,48<br />

0,49<br />

0,50<br />

80%<br />

30<br />

20<br />

Asbestcem<strong>en</strong>t<br />

4,4%<br />

14,8%<br />

25%<br />

32,7%<br />

10<br />

0<br />

Overig<br />

Gietijzer<br />

1998 2001 2004 2007 <strong>2010</strong><br />

1992<br />

1998 2004 <strong>2010</strong>

Jaarverslag | Annual report <strong>2010</strong><br />

BTO Rapport<strong>en</strong> | Reports <strong>2010</strong><br />

94<br />

<strong>KWR</strong> doet binn<strong>en</strong> het Bedrijfstakon<strong>de</strong>rzoek (BTO)<br />

on<strong>de</strong>rzoek voor <strong>de</strong> gezam<strong>en</strong>lijke drinkwaterbedrijv<strong>en</strong>.<br />

De rapport<strong>en</strong> die uit <strong>de</strong> verschill<strong>en</strong><strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong>elon<strong>de</strong>rzoek<br />

<strong>en</strong> voortkom<strong>en</strong>, vindt u in on<strong>de</strong>rstaand<br />

overzicht. De meeste publicaties zijn te bestell<strong>en</strong><br />

bij <strong>de</strong> <strong>KWR</strong>-bibliotheek.<br />

<strong>KWR</strong> conducts research within the joint research<br />

programme for the <strong>en</strong>tire water sector. You will<br />

find the reports produced by the differ<strong>en</strong>t compon<strong>en</strong>t<br />

research projects in the overview below.<br />

Most of these publications can be or<strong>de</strong>red from<br />

the <strong>KWR</strong> library.<br />

Watersystem<strong>en</strong> | Water systems<br />

Watertechnologie | Water technology<br />

Waterkwaliteit | Water quality<br />

KPM<br />

Bartholomeus, R.P. (<strong>2010</strong>). Verk<strong>en</strong>ning bepaling<br />

droogtescha<strong>de</strong>, BTO <strong>2010</strong>.039(s)<br />

Beuk<strong>en</strong>, R. (<strong>2010</strong>). Softwarepakkett<strong>en</strong> voor <strong>de</strong><br />

on<strong>de</strong>rsteuning <strong>van</strong> saneringsbeslissing<strong>en</strong> <strong>van</strong><br />

leiding<strong>en</strong>, BTO <strong>2010</strong>.033<br />

Beuk<strong>en</strong>, R. (<strong>2010</strong>). Toepasbaarheid <strong>van</strong> CARE-W<br />

voor waterbedrijv<strong>en</strong>; Evaluatie pilot bij Dunea,<br />

BTO <strong>2010</strong>.007<br />

Beuk<strong>en</strong>, R. (<strong>2010</strong>). Leiding<strong>en</strong> ver<strong>van</strong>g<strong>en</strong> of niet,<br />

hoe neem je e<strong>en</strong> goe<strong>de</strong> beslissing? Verslag<br />

workshop 8 <strong>de</strong>cember <strong>2009</strong>, BTO <strong>2010</strong>.014(s)<br />

Beuk<strong>en</strong>, R. (<strong>2010</strong>). BTO Symposium<br />

Waterdistributie III “Asset Managem<strong>en</strong>t in<br />

Bedrijf”, BTO <strong>2010</strong>.055(s)<br />

Blokker, E.J.M., <strong>van</strong> <strong>de</strong> V<strong>en</strong>, B.M., Tankerville, M.,<br />

Mesman, G.A.M. (<strong>2010</strong>). Invloed coating grijs<br />

gietijzer<strong>en</strong> leiding<strong>en</strong> op drinkwaterkwaliteit,<br />

BTO <strong>2010</strong>.044<br />

Gro<strong>en</strong><strong>en</strong>dijk, M., Frijns, J., <strong>van</strong> Leerdam, R.,<br />

Ne<strong>de</strong>rlof, M. (<strong>2010</strong>). Cradle to Cradle Drinkwaterbehan<strong>de</strong>ling:<br />

Hype of Uitdaging? BTO<br />

workshop Drinkwaterbehan<strong>de</strong>ling, 25 mei <strong>2010</strong>,<br />

BTO <strong>2010</strong>.032(s)<br />

Heijn<strong>en</strong>, L., Wullings, B.A. (<strong>2010</strong>).<br />

Kwaliteitsborging bij Real-time PCR metho<strong>de</strong>n,<br />

BTO <strong>2010</strong>.022(s)<br />

Hijn<strong>en</strong>, W., Lahon<strong>de</strong>s, S., Asgadaouan, A.,<br />

<strong>van</strong> <strong>de</strong>r Kooij, D. (<strong>2010</strong>). Ontwikkeling <strong>van</strong> e<strong>en</strong><br />

laboratoriumtest ter bepaling <strong>van</strong> <strong>de</strong> effectiviteit<br />

<strong>van</strong> reinigingsmid<strong>de</strong>l<strong>en</strong> <strong>en</strong> procedures om<br />

biofilms te verwij<strong>de</strong>r<strong>en</strong>, BTO <strong>2010</strong>.047<br />

Hofman-Caris, C.H.M., Harms<strong>en</strong>, D.J.H.,<br />

<strong>van</strong> Leerdam, R. (<strong>2010</strong>). Feasibility study of<br />

combined ozone and UV systems (DOPFR-UV),<br />

BTO <strong>2010</strong>.003<br />

Hummel<strong>en</strong>, A.M., Sulmann, G. (<strong>2010</strong>).<br />

BTO programma <strong>2010</strong>-2012 BTO <strong>2010</strong>.001<br />

Bonte, M., Meerkerk, M. (<strong>2010</strong>).<br />

Bo<strong>de</strong>mverontreiniging<strong>en</strong> <strong>en</strong> risico’s voor<br />

drinkwatervoorzi<strong>en</strong>ing BTO <strong>2010</strong>.053(s)<br />

Cirkel, D.G., Rambags, F. (<strong>2010</strong>). Veldproev<strong>en</strong><br />

ontwikkel<strong>en</strong> <strong>van</strong> PVC- <strong>en</strong> RVS filters met <strong>de</strong><br />

Jetmaster, BTO <strong>2010</strong>.010(s)<br />

<strong>de</strong> Kater, H., Beuk<strong>en</strong>, R., Vogelaar, A. (<strong>2010</strong>).<br />

Inspectietechniek<strong>en</strong> voor rationeel saneringsbeleid<br />

<strong>van</strong> leidingnett<strong>en</strong>, BTO <strong>2010</strong>.013<br />

Eltzov, E., Marks, R., Heringa, M.B. (<strong>2010</strong>). First<br />

tests with a prototype flow-through real-time<br />

bacterial toxicity s<strong>en</strong>sor for water<br />

contaminants, BTO <strong>2010</strong>.030<br />

Leunk, I., Raat, K.J., von Asmuth, J. (<strong>2010</strong>).<br />

Snel <strong>en</strong> nauwkeurig <strong>de</strong>tecter<strong>en</strong> <strong>van</strong> putverstopping<br />

met tijdreeksanalyse (M<strong>en</strong>yanthes), BTO<br />

<strong>2010</strong>.036(s)<br />

Me<strong>de</strong>ma, G.J., Teunis, P., Blokker, M., Deere, D.,<br />

Davison, A., Charles, P., Loret, J.-F. (<strong>2010</strong>).<br />

Risk assessm<strong>en</strong>t of Cryptosporidium in drinking<br />

water, BTO <strong>2010</strong>.005<br />

Me<strong>de</strong>ma, G.J., <strong>van</strong> <strong>de</strong>r Wiel<strong>en</strong>, P., <strong>van</strong> <strong>de</strong>r Kooij,<br />

D. (<strong>2010</strong>). BTO programma Microbiologie <strong>2010</strong>-<br />

2012, BTO <strong>2010</strong>.004(s)<br />

Meerkerk, M.A., Kroesberg<strong>en</strong>, J. (<strong>2010</strong>).<br />

Hygiëneco<strong>de</strong> Drinkwater; Opslag, transport<br />

<strong>en</strong> distributie, BTO 2001.175

Bridging Sci<strong>en</strong>ce to Practice<br />

Contact<br />

Pim Bogaerds | pim.bogaerds@kwrwater.nl<br />

Joni Keess<strong>en</strong> | joni.keess<strong>en</strong>@kwrwater.nl<br />

Mesman, G.A.M., Meerkerk, M.A. (<strong>2010</strong>). Quick<br />

scan coating GGIJ <strong>en</strong> staal, BTO <strong>2010</strong>.002(s)<br />

Mesters, C., Sulmann, G. (<strong>2010</strong>). BTO we mak<strong>en</strong><br />

het sam<strong>en</strong>, BTO <strong>2010</strong>.009<br />

Oesterholt, F., Corneliss<strong>en</strong>, E.R. (<strong>2010</strong>).<br />

Karakterisering, effect<strong>en</strong> <strong>en</strong> verwij<strong>de</strong>ring<br />

<strong>van</strong> NOM; Sam<strong>en</strong>vatting NOM-gerelateerd<br />

on<strong>de</strong>rzoek, BTO <strong>2010</strong>.008<br />

Paalman, M.A.A. (<strong>2010</strong>). Europese Ka<strong>de</strong>rrichtlijn<br />

Bo<strong>de</strong>m (KRB); Kans<strong>en</strong> voor <strong>de</strong> kwaliteit <strong>van</strong><br />

drinkwater, BTO <strong>2010</strong>.052(s)<br />

Pieterse-Quirijns, I. (<strong>2010</strong>). Sci<strong>en</strong>ce and practice<br />

in water distribution systems, BTO <strong>2010</strong>.050(s)<br />

Raat, K.J., Kooiman, J.W. (<strong>2010</strong>). Brak grondwater:<br />

voorbereiding pilots Noardburgum <strong>en</strong><br />

Zev<strong>en</strong>berg<strong>en</strong>. Achtergrond, k<strong>en</strong>nis <strong>en</strong><br />

ervaring<strong>en</strong> uit <strong>de</strong> voorberei<strong>de</strong>n<strong>de</strong> fase 2002-<br />

<strong>2009</strong>, BTO <strong>2010</strong>.034(s)<br />

Rambags, F., Cirkel, D.G., <strong>van</strong> <strong>de</strong>r Hoev<strong>en</strong>, I.,<br />

Rothuiz<strong>en</strong>, R. (<strong>2010</strong>). HDDW testwinning<br />

Nieuwegein; Proefboring naar <strong>de</strong> geschiktheid<br />

<strong>van</strong> horizontaal gestuurd bor<strong>en</strong> voor <strong>de</strong> aanleg<br />

<strong>van</strong> drinkwaterputt<strong>en</strong>, BTO <strong>2010</strong>.028(s)<br />

Rambags, F., Cirkel, D.G., <strong>van</strong> <strong>de</strong>r Hoev<strong>en</strong>, I.,<br />

Rothuiz<strong>en</strong>, R., Pitt<strong>en</strong>s, B. (<strong>2010</strong>). HDDW: <strong>van</strong><br />

concept tot realisatie; Overzicht <strong>van</strong> on<strong>de</strong>rzoek<strong>en</strong><br />

verricht in het ka<strong>de</strong>r <strong>van</strong> het HDDW<br />

project, BTO <strong>2010</strong>.029<br />

Runhaar, J., Bartholomeus, R.P., Cirkel, D.G.<br />

(<strong>2010</strong>). Invloed grondwaterstan<strong>de</strong>n op standplaatscondities<br />

<strong>en</strong> vegetatie, BTO <strong>2010</strong>.043(s)<br />

Stuyfzand, P.J. (<strong>2010</strong>). Mo<strong>de</strong>llering kwaliteit<br />

ondiep (duin)grondwater <strong>en</strong> ontkalking,<br />

inclusief effect<strong>en</strong> <strong>van</strong> atmosferische <strong>de</strong>positie,<br />

klimaatveran<strong>de</strong>ring <strong>en</strong> kustuitbreiding:<br />

DUVELCHEM, BTO <strong>2010</strong>.031(s)<br />

Sulmann, G. (<strong>2010</strong>). Jaarverslag BTO <strong>2009</strong>;<br />

Hoogtepunt<strong>en</strong> uit het bedrijfstakon<strong>de</strong>rzoek,<br />

BTO <strong>2010</strong>.037<br />

Valster, R.M., Wullings, B.A., Bakker, G.L., <strong>van</strong><br />

<strong>de</strong>r Kooij, D. (<strong>2010</strong>). Vrijlev<strong>en</strong><strong>de</strong> protozoa in het<br />

reine water <strong>en</strong> in het distributiesysteem <strong>van</strong><br />

twee grondwaterpompstations, BTO <strong>2010</strong>.019<br />

<strong>van</strong> Beek, C.G.E.M. (<strong>2010</strong>). Cause and prev<strong>en</strong>tion<br />

of clogging of wells abstracting groundwater<br />

from unconsolidated aquifers, BTO <strong>2010</strong>.041<br />

<strong>van</strong> Daal, K., Raterman, B. (<strong>2010</strong>). GIS bij<br />

waterleidingbedrijv<strong>en</strong>; fase 1 Inv<strong>en</strong>tarisatie<br />

<strong>en</strong> visie, BTO <strong>2010</strong>.025<br />

<strong>van</strong> <strong>de</strong> Voss<strong>en</strong>berg, J. (<strong>2010</strong>). Snelle optische<br />

<strong>de</strong>tectie <strong>van</strong> Escherichia coli in drinkwater,<br />

BTO <strong>2010</strong>.006<br />

<strong>van</strong> <strong>de</strong>r Aa, N.G.F.M., Dijkman, E., Bijlsma, L.,<br />

Emke, E., <strong>van</strong> <strong>de</strong> V<strong>en</strong>, B.M., <strong>van</strong> Nuijs, A.L.N.,<br />

<strong>de</strong> Voogt, P. (<strong>2010</strong>). Drugs of abuse and<br />

tranquilizers in Dutch surface water, drinking<br />

water and wastewater; Results of scre<strong>en</strong>ing<br />

monitoring <strong>2009</strong>, BTO 2011.023, RIVM Report<br />

703719064/<strong>2010</strong><br />

<strong>van</strong> <strong>de</strong>r Gaag, B. (<strong>2010</strong>). Developm<strong>en</strong>t of a<br />

prototype Chemical-Optical S<strong>en</strong>sor for the<br />

Detection of Organic Micro-Pollutants in<br />

Drinking Water, BTO <strong>2009</strong>.019<br />

<strong>van</strong> Leerdam, J.A., Hog<strong>en</strong>boom, A., <strong>van</strong> <strong>de</strong>r Kooi,<br />

M., <strong>de</strong> Voogt, P. (<strong>2010</strong>). Determination of polar<br />

1H-b<strong>en</strong>zotriazol<strong>en</strong> and b<strong>en</strong>zothiazol<strong>en</strong> in water<br />

by solid-phase extraction and liquid chromatography<br />

LTQ FT Orbitrap mass spectrometry,<br />

BTO <strong>2009</strong>.020<br />

<strong>van</strong> Wezel, A.P., Morinière, V., Emke, E.,<br />

Hog<strong>en</strong>boom, A.C. (<strong>2010</strong>). Quantifying fuller<strong>en</strong>e<br />

C60 including transformation products in water<br />

with LC LTQ Orbitrap MS and application to<br />

<strong>en</strong>vironm<strong>en</strong>tal samples, BTO <strong>2010</strong>.027<br />

Vloerbergh, I., <strong>van</strong> Thi<strong>en</strong><strong>en</strong>, P. (<strong>2010</strong>).<br />

Controlemethodiek afsluiters, BTO <strong>2010</strong>.020<br />

Vogelaar, A., Blokker, E.J.M. (<strong>2010</strong>). Particle<br />

Sedim<strong>en</strong>t Mo<strong>de</strong>lling; Test and analysis of<br />

programme WQDMTB v4.3, BTO <strong>2010</strong>.011<br />

Witte, J.P.M., Bartholomeus, R.P., Douma, J.C.,<br />

Runhaar, J., <strong>van</strong> Bo<strong>de</strong>gom, P.M. (<strong>2010</strong>). De<br />

vegetatiemodule <strong>van</strong> Probe-2, BTO <strong>2010</strong>.024(s)<br />

Witte, J.P.M., Strasser, J.T. (<strong>2010</strong>). Geautomatiseer<strong>de</strong><br />

waar<strong>de</strong>ring <strong>van</strong> vegetatie opnam<strong>en</strong> <strong>en</strong><br />

vegetatietyp<strong>en</strong>, BTO <strong>2010</strong>.035(s)<br />

Wols, B. (<strong>2010</strong>). User manual particle tracking,<br />

BTO <strong>2010</strong>.057(s)<br />

95<br />

Runhaar, J., <strong>van</strong> <strong>de</strong>n Berg, G., <strong>van</strong> <strong>de</strong>n Eertwegh,<br />

G.A.P.H. (<strong>2010</strong>). Biodiversiteit <strong>en</strong> waterwinning,<br />

BTO <strong>2010</strong>.040(s)<br />

Schoep, P., Schriks, M., Belfroid, A., <strong>van</strong> Wezel, A.<br />

(<strong>2010</strong>). The effect of REACH on the log Kow<br />

distribution of drinking water contaminants,<br />

BTO <strong>2010</strong>.023<br />

<strong>van</strong> <strong>de</strong>r Kooij, D., <strong>van</strong> G<strong>en</strong><strong>de</strong>r<strong>en</strong>, J., Heringa,<br />

M.B., Hog<strong>en</strong>boom, A., <strong>de</strong> Hoogh, C., Mons, M.,<br />

Puijker, L., Slaats, N., Vreeburg, J., <strong>van</strong> Wezel, A.<br />

(<strong>2010</strong>). Drinkwaterkwaliteit Q21; E<strong>en</strong> horizon<br />

voor on<strong>de</strong>rzoek <strong>en</strong> actie, BTO <strong>2010</strong>.042<br />

<strong>van</strong> <strong>de</strong>r Wiel<strong>en</strong>, P., <strong>van</strong> <strong>de</strong>r Kooij, D., <strong>van</strong> Wezel,<br />

A., Zwolsman, G.J., Ne<strong>de</strong>rlof, M., Slaats, N.,<br />

Hummel<strong>en</strong>, A.M. (<strong>2010</strong>). BTO Performance<br />

evaluatie <strong>2010</strong> - Zelfvisitatierapport<strong>en</strong> <strong>van</strong> <strong>de</strong><br />

BTO-programma’s over <strong>de</strong> perio<strong>de</strong> 2008-<strong>2009</strong>,<br />

BTO <strong>2010</strong>.026(s)

Jaarverslag | Annual report <strong>2010</strong><br />

Het docum<strong>en</strong>t<strong>en</strong>c<strong>en</strong>trum:<br />

e<strong>en</strong> schaap met vijf pot<strong>en</strong><br />

96<br />

Team Docum<strong>en</strong>t<strong>en</strong>c<strong>en</strong>trum<br />

| Docum<strong>en</strong>t<br />

C<strong>en</strong>tre<br />

Pim Bogaerds — bibliothecaris | librarian<br />

Gerard Meester — teamlei<strong>de</strong>r | team lea<strong>de</strong>r<br />

Joni Keess<strong>en</strong> — bibliothecaris | librarian

Bridging Sci<strong>en</strong>ce to Practice<br />

Contact<br />

Gerard Meester<br />

gerard.meester@kwrwater.nl<br />

“We ontwikkel<strong>en</strong> nu e<strong>en</strong> infrastructuur<br />

die waarborgt dat alle digitale informatie<br />

beschikbaar is op bedrijfsniveau.”<br />

— Gerard Meester<br />

De bibliotheek, het archief, visualisatie<br />

<strong>en</strong> <strong>de</strong> repro vorm<strong>en</strong> sam<strong>en</strong> dat <strong>de</strong>el<br />

<strong>van</strong> <strong>de</strong> Facilitaire Di<strong>en</strong>st (FD) dat<br />

directe on<strong>de</strong>rsteuning geeft aan <strong>de</strong><br />

wet<strong>en</strong>schappers (naast bijvoorbeeld <strong>de</strong><br />

receptie, koeriersdi<strong>en</strong>st<strong>en</strong> <strong>en</strong> ICT).<br />

‘E<strong>en</strong> schaap met vijf pot<strong>en</strong>’, noemt Gerard Meester het team <strong>en</strong> daar<br />

is hij zelf het lev<strong>en</strong><strong>de</strong> bewijs <strong>van</strong>. Meester is naast teamlei<strong>de</strong>r docum<strong>en</strong>tc<strong>en</strong>trum<br />

<strong>en</strong> kwaliteitsfunctionaris ook milieucoördinator <strong>en</strong><br />

beheer<strong>de</strong>r <strong>van</strong> <strong>de</strong> milieuvergunning<strong>en</strong>.<br />

FD on<strong>de</strong>rsteunt <strong>de</strong> wet<strong>en</strong>schappers op het gebied <strong>van</strong> literatuurrecherche,<br />

(digitale) projectarchivering, grafische- <strong>en</strong> reprodi<strong>en</strong>st<strong>en</strong>.<br />

Het werk is zeer divers: “Het archief begeleidt <strong>de</strong> digitale archivering<br />

<strong>van</strong> project<strong>en</strong>, visualisatie ontwerpt wet<strong>en</strong>schappelijke posters,<br />

powerpoints <strong>en</strong> rapport<strong>en</strong> <strong>en</strong> bij <strong>de</strong> bibliotheek is dit jaar ‘Endnote’<br />

geïmplem<strong>en</strong>teerd, het softwareprogramma waarmee je peer reviewed<br />

artikel<strong>en</strong> registreert of gemakkelijk e<strong>en</strong> literatuurlijst kunt<br />

opvrag<strong>en</strong>”, vertelt Meester.<br />

Door <strong>de</strong> steeds ver<strong>de</strong>rgaan<strong>de</strong> kantoorautomatisering <strong>en</strong> digitalisering<br />

wor<strong>de</strong>n <strong>de</strong> on<strong>de</strong>rzoekers steeds autonomer. Ze kunn<strong>en</strong> ongeacht<br />

<strong>de</strong> werkplek (op kantoor, on<strong>de</strong>rweg of thuis) literatuuron<strong>de</strong>rzoek<br />

do<strong>en</strong> <strong>en</strong> direct artikel<strong>en</strong> opvrag<strong>en</strong>, die vervolg<strong>en</strong>s digitaal<br />

wor<strong>de</strong>n verstuurd. Hierdoor veran<strong>de</strong>r<strong>en</strong> <strong>de</strong> tak<strong>en</strong> <strong>van</strong> het team gelei<strong>de</strong>lijk<br />

naar beheerstak<strong>en</strong> <strong>en</strong> <strong>de</strong> on<strong>de</strong>rsteuning <strong>van</strong> <strong>de</strong> digitale informatievoorzi<strong>en</strong>ing.<br />

Meester: “Digitalisering is e<strong>en</strong> speerpunt <strong>van</strong> FD.<br />

We ontwikkel<strong>en</strong> nu e<strong>en</strong> infrastructuur die waarborgt dat alle digitale<br />

informatie beschikbaar is op bedrijfsniveau <strong>en</strong> dat <strong>KWR</strong> voldoet aan<br />

<strong>de</strong> eis<strong>en</strong> voor informatieborging in <strong>de</strong> sam<strong>en</strong>leving.”<br />

The docum<strong>en</strong>t c<strong>en</strong>tre:<br />

<strong>de</strong>manding the impossible<br />

The library, archive, visual displays and<br />

reproduction services together make up that<br />

part of Facility Services (FS) that provi<strong>de</strong>s<br />

direct support to <strong>KWR</strong> sci<strong>en</strong>tists — along with<br />

reception, courier services and ICT, for<br />

example. ‘A five-legged sheep,’ is what Gerard<br />

Meester calls the team, referring the proverbial<br />

Dutch sheep which embodies impossible<br />

<strong>de</strong>mands. Meester himself is a living proof of<br />

this: in addition to his role as team lea<strong>de</strong>r<br />

of the docum<strong>en</strong>t c<strong>en</strong>tre and quality officer,<br />

he is also <strong>en</strong>vironm<strong>en</strong>tal coordinator and<br />

administrator of the <strong>en</strong>vironm<strong>en</strong>tal lic<strong>en</strong>ces.<br />

FS supports the sci<strong>en</strong>tists in the area of literature<br />

searches, (digital) project archiving, and graphic<br />

and reproduction services. The work is extremely<br />

varied: “The archive takes care of the digital<br />

archiving of projects, visual displays <strong>de</strong>signs the<br />

sci<strong>en</strong>tific posters, PowerPoint pres<strong>en</strong>tations and<br />

reports, and this year ‘Endnote’ has be<strong>en</strong> introduced<br />

in the library — this software program<br />

allows you to register peer-reviewed articles, or<br />

easily request a literature list,” says Meester.<br />

Thanks to the constant ext<strong>en</strong>sion of office automation<br />

and digitisation, the researchers are<br />

becoming increasingly autonomous. No matter<br />

where they are — at the office, on the road, or at<br />

home — they can conduct a literature search or<br />

directly request articles, which they are th<strong>en</strong> s<strong>en</strong>t<br />

in digital format. The team’s tasks can therefore<br />

shift slowly to managem<strong>en</strong>t activities and providing<br />

support to the digital information provision.<br />

“Digitisation,” according to Meester, “is one<br />

of FS’s spearheads. We are now <strong>de</strong>veloping an<br />

infrastructure that <strong>en</strong>sures that all digital information<br />

is available at the company level, and<br />

that <strong>KWR</strong> satisfies society’s requirem<strong>en</strong>ts wh<strong>en</strong><br />

in comes to information safeguards.”<br />


Jaarverslag | Annual report <strong>2010</strong><br />

98<br />

De Bosatlas <strong>van</strong><br />

Ne<strong>de</strong>rland Waterland<br />

Ne<strong>de</strong>rland is e<strong>en</strong> waterland. Ge<strong>en</strong> won<strong>de</strong>r dat ons land<br />

uitblinkt in het ontwikkel<strong>en</strong> <strong>en</strong> toepass<strong>en</strong> <strong>van</strong> k<strong>en</strong>nis<br />

over water, of het nu gaat om veiligheid of gezondheid,<br />

om dijk<strong>en</strong>bouw of zuiveringstechnologie. Al <strong>de</strong>ze<br />

waterk<strong>en</strong>nis is nu ver<strong>en</strong>igd in <strong>de</strong> Bosatlas <strong>van</strong> Ne<strong>de</strong>rland<br />

Waterland, die in <strong>de</strong>cember <strong>2010</strong> versche<strong>en</strong> bij<br />

Noordhoff Uitgevers.<br />

Meer dan veertig overhe<strong>de</strong>n, k<strong>en</strong>nisinstel ling<strong>en</strong> <strong>en</strong><br />

bedrijv<strong>en</strong> werkt<strong>en</strong> mee aan dit overzichtswerk, waaron<strong>de</strong>r<br />

<strong>KWR</strong>. Er is werk <strong>van</strong> on<strong>de</strong>r an<strong>de</strong>re Mirjam Blokker,<br />

Marthe <strong>de</strong> Graaff, Inke Leunk, Igor M<strong>en</strong>dizabal, Bernard Raterman,<br />

Pieter Stuyfzand, Jan Vreeburg <strong>en</strong> Flip Witte verwerkt in <strong>de</strong> atlas.<br />

Daarnaast zijn kaart<strong>en</strong> <strong>en</strong> grafiek<strong>en</strong> <strong>van</strong> <strong>KWR</strong> in dit bijzon<strong>de</strong>re boek<br />

opg<strong>en</strong>om<strong>en</strong>.<br />

De Bosatlas <strong>van</strong> Ne<strong>de</strong>rland Waterland is bestemd voor e<strong>en</strong> breed<br />

publiek. Zo kreg<strong>en</strong> alle mid<strong>de</strong>lbare schol<strong>en</strong> <strong>van</strong> Ne<strong>de</strong>rland begin 2011<br />

e<strong>en</strong> gratis set atlass<strong>en</strong>. De Bosatlas is verkrijgbaar via internet <strong>en</strong><br />

<strong>de</strong> boekhan<strong>de</strong>l.<br />

‘The Bosatlas Ne<strong>de</strong>rland<br />

Waterland’ atlas<br />

The Netherlands is a waterland, that is, a<br />

‘water country’. It is thus no surprise that we<br />

excel in the <strong>de</strong>velopm<strong>en</strong>t and application of<br />

water knowledge, whether it concerns safety or<br />

health, dike construction or treatm<strong>en</strong>t technology.<br />

All this water knowledge has now be<strong>en</strong><br />

brought together betwe<strong>en</strong> the two covers of the<br />

‘De Bosatlas <strong>van</strong> Ne<strong>de</strong>rland Waterland’ atlas,<br />

which was published in December <strong>2010</strong> by<br />

Noordhoff Uitgevers.<br />

More than forty governm<strong>en</strong>t <strong>en</strong>tities, companies<br />

and knowledge institutions — including <strong>KWR</strong> —<br />

contributed to this overview publication. <strong>KWR</strong><br />

staff members whose work is contained in the<br />

atlas inclu<strong>de</strong>: Mirjam Blokker, Marthe <strong>de</strong> Graaff,<br />

Inke Leunk, Igor M<strong>en</strong>dizabal, Bernard Raterman,<br />

Pieter Stuyfzand, Jan Vreeburg and Flip Witte.<br />

This remarkable work also inclu<strong>de</strong>s maps and<br />

graphics produced by <strong>KWR</strong>.<br />

The atlas is aimed at the g<strong>en</strong>eral public, and<br />

in the beginning of 2011 all high-schools in the<br />

Netherlands were giv<strong>en</strong> a free atlas set. ‘De<br />

Bosatlas <strong>van</strong> Ne<strong>de</strong>rland Waterland’ is available<br />

via the Internet and book shops.

Bridging Sci<strong>en</strong>ce to Practice<br />

Contact<br />

Pim Bogaerds | pim.bogaerds@kwrwater.nl<br />

Joni Keess<strong>en</strong> | joni.keess<strong>en</strong>@kwrwater.nl<br />

Boek<strong>en</strong> | Books<br />

Pim <strong>de</strong> Voogt, Editor<br />

Reviews of Environm<strong>en</strong>tal Contamination and Toxicology<br />

Perfluorinated alkylated substances<br />

208<br />

Volume 208<br />

De Voogt, P. (<strong>2010</strong>). Perfluorinated alkylated<br />

substances. Springer, New York.<br />

Hijn<strong>en</strong>, W.A.M., Me<strong>de</strong>ma, G.J. (<strong>2010</strong>).<br />

Elimination of micro-organisms by water<br />

treatm<strong>en</strong>t processes. IWA Publishing, London.<br />

Vreeburg, J. (<strong>2010</strong>). Discolouration in drinking<br />

water systems; the role of particles clarified.<br />

IWA Publishing, London.<br />

Atmospheric Perfluorinated Acid Precursors: Chemistry, Occurr<strong>en</strong>ce<br />

and Impacts<br />

Cora J. Young and Scott A. Mabury<br />

Isomer Profiling of Perfluorinated Substances as a Tool for Source<br />

Tracking: A Review of Early Findings and Future Applications<br />

Jonathan P. B<strong>en</strong>skin, Amila O. De Silva, and Jonathan W. Martin<br />

Bio<strong>de</strong>gradation of Fluorinated Alkyl Substances<br />

Tobias Frömel and Thomas P. Knepper<br />

Perfluorinated Substances in Human Food and Other Sources of<br />

Human Exposure<br />

W<strong>en</strong>dy D’Hollan<strong>de</strong>r, Pim <strong>de</strong> Voogt, Wim De Co<strong>en</strong>a, and Liev<strong>en</strong> Bervoetsa<br />

In<strong>de</strong>x<br />


isbn 978-1-4419-6879-1<br />

9 781441 968791<br />

› springer.com<br />

<strong>de</strong> Voogt Editor<br />

Reviews of Environm<strong>en</strong>tal Contamination and Toxicology<br />

Reviews of<br />

Environm<strong>en</strong>tal<br />

Contamination<br />

and Toxicology<br />

Perfluorinated<br />

alkylated substances<br />

Pim <strong>de</strong> Voogt<br />

Editor<br />

99<br />

Artikel<strong>en</strong> in boek<strong>en</strong><br />

Book sections<br />

Watersystem<strong>en</strong> | Water systems<br />

Watertechnologie | Water technology<br />

Waterkwaliteit | Water quality<br />

KPM | KPM<br />

Frijns, J., Mul<strong>de</strong>r, M., Roorda, J. (<strong>2010</strong>).<br />

Climate Footprint and Mitigation Measures<br />

in the Dutch Water Sector<br />

In: Smith, J., Howe, C. and H<strong>en</strong><strong>de</strong>rson, J. (eds).<br />

Climate Change and Water International<br />

Perspectives on Mitigation and Adaptation.<br />

AWWA/IWA, D<strong>en</strong>ver/London, p.73-80.<br />

Lamoree, M.H., Derks<strong>en</strong>, J.G.M., <strong>van</strong> <strong>de</strong>r Lin<strong>de</strong>n,<br />

S.C., Uijterlin<strong>de</strong>, C.A., <strong>de</strong> Voogt, P. (<strong>2010</strong>).<br />

Effici<strong>en</strong>cy of Removal of Compounds with<br />

Estrog<strong>en</strong>ic Activity During Wastewater<br />

Treatm<strong>en</strong>t: Effects of Various Removal<br />

Techniques<br />

In: X<strong>en</strong>obiotics in the Urban Water Cycle;<br />

Mass Flows, Environm<strong>en</strong>tal Process, Mitigation<br />

and Treatm<strong>en</strong>t. Springer Sci<strong>en</strong>ce + Business<br />

Media Dordrecht, p.261-282.<br />

Leroy, P., Driess<strong>en</strong>, P.P.J., <strong>van</strong> Vierss<strong>en</strong>, W.<br />

(<strong>2010</strong>). From Climate Change to Social Change;<br />

Not Just a Better Sci<strong>en</strong>ce-Policy Interface<br />

In: Climate Change to Social Change.<br />

International Books, Utrecht, p.161-172.<br />

Leroy, P., Driess<strong>en</strong>, P.P.J., <strong>van</strong> Vierss<strong>en</strong>, W.<br />

(<strong>2010</strong>). Climate, Sci<strong>en</strong>ce, Society, and Politics;<br />

Multiple Perspectives on Interactions and<br />

Change<br />

In: From Climate Change to Social Change.<br />

International Books, Utrecht, p.15-29.<br />

Van <strong>de</strong>n Berg, G.A., Frijns, J., Zwolsman, G.J.<br />

(<strong>2010</strong>). Implem<strong>en</strong>tation of Climate Adaptation<br />

and Mitigation Strategies for Drinking Water<br />

Production in the Netherlands<br />

In: Smith, J., Howe, C. and H<strong>en</strong><strong>de</strong>rson, J. (eds).<br />

Climate Change and Water International<br />

Perspectives on Mitigation and Adaptation.<br />

AWWA/ IWA, D<strong>en</strong>ver/London, p.227-240.<br />

Van Vierss<strong>en</strong>, W. (<strong>2010</strong>). Climate Proofing<br />

Society; Is the Sci<strong>en</strong>ce System Ready for<br />

Change?<br />

In: Climate Change to Social Change.<br />

International Books, Utrecht, p.145-159.

Jaarverslag | Annual report <strong>2010</strong><br />

Artikel<strong>en</strong> | Publications<br />

in peer-reviewed journals <strong>2010</strong><br />

100<br />

Watersystem<strong>en</strong> | Water systems<br />

Watertechnologie | Water technology<br />

Waterkwaliteit | Water quality<br />

KPM (uitgeschrev<strong>en</strong>?) | KPM<br />

Bakker, M. (<strong>2010</strong>). Radial Dupuit interface flow<br />

to assess the aquifer storage and recovery<br />

pot<strong>en</strong>tial of saltwater aquifers. Hydrogeology<br />

Journal 18(1):107-115.<br />

Beuk<strong>en</strong>, R.H.S., <strong>van</strong> <strong>de</strong>n Boom<strong>en</strong>, M.,<br />

Blaauwgeers, H.G.P., <strong>van</strong> Daal, K. (<strong>2010</strong>).<br />

Feasibility study on quantitative risk analysis<br />

of drinking water networks. Water Asset<br />

Manangem<strong>en</strong>t International 6(1):14-18.<br />

Bichai, F., Barbeau, B., Dullemont, Y., Hijn<strong>en</strong>, W.<br />

(<strong>2010</strong>). Role of predation by zooplankton in<br />

transport and fate of protozoan (oo)cysts in<br />

granular activated carbon filtration. Water<br />

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Blokker, E.J.M., Vreeburg, J.H.G., <strong>van</strong> Dijk, J.C.<br />

(<strong>2010</strong>). Simulating resi<strong>de</strong>ntial water <strong>de</strong>mand<br />

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Blokker, M., Vreeburg, J., Beverloo, H., Klein<br />

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(<strong>2010</strong>). Estimating seepage int<strong>en</strong>sities from<br />

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meadow sc<strong>en</strong>arios. Journal of Hydrology<br />

385(1-4):132-142.<br />

Corneliss<strong>en</strong>, E.R., Chasseriaud, D., Siegers, W.G.,<br />

Beer<strong>en</strong>donk, E.F., <strong>van</strong> <strong>de</strong>r Kooij, D. (<strong>2010</strong>).<br />

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pre-treatm<strong>en</strong>t on nanofiltration (NF) membrane<br />

fouling. Water <strong>Research</strong> 44(10):3283-3293.<br />

Corneliss<strong>en</strong>, E.R., Harms<strong>en</strong>, D., Beer<strong>en</strong>donk,<br />

E.F., Wessels, P., <strong>van</strong> <strong>de</strong>r Kooij, D. (<strong>2010</strong>).<br />

Influ<strong>en</strong>ce of permeation on air/water cleaning<br />

of spiral wound membrane NF/RO elem<strong>en</strong>ts.<br />

Journal of Water Supply: <strong>Research</strong> and<br />

Technology—AQUA 59(6/7):378-383.<br />

Corneliss<strong>en</strong>, E.R., Viallefont, X.D., Beer<strong>en</strong>donk,<br />

E.F., Wessels, L.P. (<strong>2010</strong>). Air/water cleaning for<br />

the control of particulate fouling. Journal of<br />

Water Supply: <strong>Research</strong> and Technology—AQUA<br />

59(2-3):120-127.<br />

<strong>de</strong> Louw, P.G.B., Ou<strong>de</strong> Essink, G.H.P., Stuyfzand,<br />

P.J., <strong>van</strong> <strong>de</strong>r Zee, S.E.A.T.M. (<strong>2010</strong>). Upward<br />

groundwater flow in boils as the dominant<br />

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The Netherlands. Journal of Hydrology<br />

394(3-4):494-506.<br />

<strong>de</strong> Rid<strong>de</strong>r, D.J., Villacorte, L., Verlief<strong>de</strong>, A.R.D.,<br />

Verberk, J.Q.J.C., Heijman, S.G.J., Amy, G.L.,<br />

<strong>van</strong> Dijk, J.C. (<strong>2010</strong>). Mo<strong>de</strong>ling equilibrium<br />

adsorption of organic micropollutants onto<br />

activated carbon. Water <strong>Research</strong><br />

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D’Hollan<strong>de</strong>r, W., <strong>de</strong> Voogt, P., <strong>de</strong> Co<strong>en</strong>, W.,<br />

Bervoets, L. (<strong>2010</strong>). Perfluorinated substances<br />

in human food and other sources of human<br />

exposure. Reviews of Environm<strong>en</strong>tal<br />

Contamination and Toxicology 208:179-215.<br />

D’Hollan<strong>de</strong>r, W., Roos<strong>en</strong>s, L., Covaci, A.,<br />

Cornelis, C., Reyn<strong>de</strong>rs, H., Camp<strong>en</strong>hout, K.V.,<br />

<strong>de</strong> Voogt, P.D., Bervoets, L. (<strong>2010</strong>). Brominated<br />

flame retardants and perfluorinated compounds<br />

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Flan<strong>de</strong>rs, Belgium. Chemosphere 81(4):478-487.<br />

Eschauzier, C., Haftka, J., Stuyfzand, P.J.,<br />

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in infiltrated river Rhine water and infiltrated<br />

rainwater in coastal dunes. Environ Sci Technol<br />

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Fujita, Y., <strong>de</strong> Ruiter, P.C., Wass<strong>en</strong>, M.J., Heil, G.W.<br />

(<strong>2010</strong>). Time-<strong>de</strong>p<strong>en</strong><strong>de</strong>nt, species-specific effects<br />

of N:P stoichiometry on grassland plant growth.<br />

Plant and Soil 334(1):99-112.<br />

Fujita, Y., Robroek, B.J.M., <strong>de</strong> Ruiter, P.C.,<br />

Heil, G.W., Wass<strong>en</strong>, M.J. (<strong>2010</strong>). Increased N<br />

affects P uptake of eight grassland species:<br />

The role of root surface phosphatase activity.<br />

Oikos 119(10):1665-1673.

Bridging Sci<strong>en</strong>ce to Practice<br />

Contact<br />

Pim Bogaerds | pim.bogaerds@kwrwater.nl<br />

Joni Keess<strong>en</strong> | joni.keess<strong>en</strong>@kwrwater.nl<br />

Hijn<strong>en</strong>, W.A.M., Suyl<strong>en</strong>, G.M.H., Bahlman, J.A.,<br />

Brouwer-Hanz<strong>en</strong>s, A., Me<strong>de</strong>ma, G.J. (<strong>2010</strong>).<br />

GAC adsorption filters as barriers for viruses,<br />

bacteria and protozoan (oo)cysts in water<br />

treatm<strong>en</strong>t. Water <strong>Research</strong> 44(4):1224-1234.<br />

IJpelaar, G.F., Harms<strong>en</strong>, D.J.H., Beer<strong>en</strong>donk, E.F.,<br />

<strong>van</strong> Leerdam, R.C., Metz, D.H., Knol, A.H.,<br />

Fulmer, A., Krijn<strong>en</strong>, S. (<strong>2010</strong>). Comparison of<br />

low pressure and medium pressure UV lamps for<br />

UV/H2O2 treatm<strong>en</strong>t of natural waters<br />

containing micro pollutants. Ozone: Sci<strong>en</strong>ce<br />

and Engineering 32(5):329-337.<br />

Leurs, L.J., Schout<strong>en</strong>, L.J., Goldbohm, R.A.,<br />

<strong>van</strong> <strong>de</strong>n Brandt, P.A. (<strong>2010</strong>). Total fluid and<br />

specific beverage intake and mortality due to<br />

IHD and stroke in the Netherlands Cohort Study.<br />

The British Journal of Nutrition 104(8):1212-1221.<br />

Leurs, L.J., Schout<strong>en</strong>, L.J., Mons, M.N.,<br />

Goldbohm, R.A., <strong>van</strong> <strong>de</strong>n Brandt, P.A. (<strong>2010</strong>).<br />

Relationship betwe<strong>en</strong> tap water hardness,<br />

magnesium, and calcium conc<strong>en</strong>tration and<br />

mortality due to ischemic heart disease or<br />

stroke in the Netherlands. Environm<strong>en</strong>tal<br />

Health Perspectives 118(3):414-420.<br />

Möller, A., Ahr<strong>en</strong>s, L., Surm, R., Westerveld, J.,<br />

<strong>van</strong> <strong>de</strong>r Wiel<strong>en</strong>, F., Ebinghaus, R., <strong>de</strong> Voogt, P.<br />

(<strong>2010</strong>). Distribution and sources of<br />

polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in the River<br />

Rhine watershed. Environm<strong>en</strong>tal Pollution<br />

158(10):3243-3250.<br />

Niels<strong>en</strong>, P.H., <strong>van</strong> Loosdrecht, M.C.M. (<strong>2010</strong>).<br />

Editorial. Water <strong>Research</strong> 44(17):4825.<br />

Ordoñez, J.C., <strong>van</strong> Bo<strong>de</strong>gom, P.M., Witte, J.P.M.,<br />

Bartholomeus, R.P., <strong>van</strong> Dobb<strong>en</strong>, H.F., Aerts, R.<br />

(<strong>2010</strong>). Leaf habit and woodiness regulate<br />

differ<strong>en</strong>t leaf economy traits at a giv<strong>en</strong> nutri<strong>en</strong>t<br />

supply. Ecology 91(11):3218-3228.<br />

Ordoñez, J.C., <strong>van</strong> Bo<strong>de</strong>gom, P.M., Witte, J.P.M.,<br />

Bartholomeus, R.P., <strong>van</strong> Hal, J.R., Aerts, R.<br />

(<strong>2010</strong>). Plant strategies in relation to resource<br />

supply in mesic to wet <strong>en</strong>vironm<strong>en</strong>ts: Does<br />

theory mirror nature? American Naturalist<br />

175(2):225-239.<br />

Qin, J.J., Ch<strong>en</strong>, S., Oo, M.H., Kekre, K.A.,<br />

Corneliss<strong>en</strong>, E.R., Ruik<strong>en</strong>, C.J. (<strong>2010</strong>).<br />

Experim<strong>en</strong>tal studies and mo<strong>de</strong>ling on<br />

conc<strong>en</strong>tration polarization in forward osmosis.<br />

Water Sci<strong>en</strong>ce and Technology 61(11):2897-2904.<br />

Sack, E.L.W., <strong>van</strong> <strong>de</strong>r Wiel<strong>en</strong>, P.W.J.J.,<br />

<strong>van</strong> <strong>de</strong>r Kooij, D. (<strong>2010</strong>). Utilization of oligoand<br />

polysacchari<strong>de</strong>s at microgram-per-litre<br />

levels in freshwater by Flavobacterium<br />

johnsoniae. Journal of Applied Microbiology<br />

108(4):1430-1440.<br />

Schoon<strong>en</strong>berg Kegel, F., Rietman, B.M.,<br />

Verlief<strong>de</strong>, A.R.D. (<strong>2010</strong>). Reverse osmosis<br />

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from river bank filtrate. Water Sci<strong>en</strong>ce and<br />

Technology 61(10):2603-2610.<br />

Schriks, M., Heringa, M.B., <strong>van</strong> <strong>de</strong>r Kooi,<br />

M.M.E., <strong>de</strong> Voogt, P., <strong>van</strong> Wezel, A.P. (<strong>2010</strong>).<br />

Toxicological rele<strong>van</strong>ce of emerging<br />

contaminants for drinking water quality.<br />

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Schriks, M., <strong>van</strong> Leerdam, J.A., <strong>van</strong> <strong>de</strong>r Lin<strong>de</strong>n,<br />

S.C., <strong>van</strong> <strong>de</strong>r Burg, B., <strong>van</strong> Wezel, A.P., <strong>de</strong> Voogt,<br />

P. (<strong>2010</strong>). High-resolution mass spectrometric<br />

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Leusch, F.D.L., <strong>de</strong> Jager, C., Levi, Y., Lim, R.,<br />

Puijker, L., Sacher, F., Tremblay, L.A., Wilson, V.S.,<br />

Chapman, H.F. (<strong>2010</strong>). Comparison of five in<br />

vitro bioassays to measure estrog<strong>en</strong>ic activity in<br />

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and Technology 44(10):3853-3860.<br />

Li, S., Heijman, S.G.J., Van Dijk, J.C. (<strong>2010</strong>).<br />

A pilot-scale study of backwashing ultrafiltration<br />

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water. Journal of Water Supply: <strong>Research</strong> and<br />

Technology—AQUA 59(2-3):128-133.<br />

Li, S., Heijman, S.G.J., Verberk, J.Q.J.C.,<br />

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Middleton, R., Frijns, J. (<strong>2010</strong>). Water<br />

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International 5(2):14-15.<br />

Qin, J.J., Kekre, K.A., Oo, M.H., Tao, G., Lay, C.L.,<br />

Lew, C.H., Corneliss<strong>en</strong>, E.R., Ruik<strong>en</strong>, C.J. (<strong>2010</strong>).<br />

Preliminary study of osmotic membrane<br />

bioreactor: effects of draw solution on water<br />

flux and air scouring on fouling. Water Sci<strong>en</strong>ce<br />

& Technology—WST 62(6):1353-1360.<br />

Raat, K.J., Tietema, A., Verstrat<strong>en</strong>, J.M. (<strong>2010</strong>).<br />

Nitrog<strong>en</strong> turnover in fresh Douglas fir litter<br />

directly after additions of moisture and<br />

inorganic nitrog<strong>en</strong>. Plant and Soil 330(1):115-126.<br />

Rattray, J.E., <strong>van</strong> Voss<strong>en</strong>berg, J.D., Jaeschke, A.,<br />

Hopmans, E.C., Wakeham, S.G., Lavik, G.,<br />

Kuypers, M.M.M., Strous, M., Jett<strong>en</strong>, M.S.M.,<br />

Schout<strong>en</strong>, S., Sinninghe Damsté, J.S. (<strong>2010</strong>).<br />

Impact of temperature on lad<strong>de</strong>rane lipid<br />

distribution in anammox bacteria. Applied and<br />

Environm<strong>en</strong>tal Microbiology 76(5):1596-1603.<br />

Simons, C.C.J.M., Leurs, L.J., Weij<strong>en</strong>berg, M.P.,<br />

Schout<strong>en</strong>, L.J., Goldbohm, R.A., Van D<strong>en</strong> Brandt,<br />

P.A. (<strong>2010</strong>). Fluid intake and colorectal cancer<br />

risk in the Netherlands cohort study. Nutrition<br />

and Cancer 62(3):307-321.<br />

Smeets, P.W.M.H., Rietveld, L.C., Van Dijk, J.C.,<br />

Me<strong>de</strong>ma, G.J. (<strong>2010</strong>). Practical applications of<br />

quantitative microbial risk assessm<strong>en</strong>t (QMRA)<br />

for water safety plans. Water Sci<strong>en</strong>ce and<br />

Technology 61(6):1561-1568.<br />

Speksnij<strong>de</strong>r, P., <strong>van</strong> Ravestijn, J., <strong>de</strong> Voogt, P.<br />

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Stuyfzand, P.J., Raat, K.J. (<strong>2010</strong>). B<strong>en</strong>efits<br />

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Valster, R., Wullings, B., <strong>van</strong> <strong>de</strong>r Kooij, D. (<strong>2010</strong>).<br />

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using a biofilm batch test Applied and<br />

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<strong>van</strong> Beek, C.G.E.M., Breedveld, R., Tas, M.,<br />

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Rietveld, L.C., <strong>van</strong> Dijk, J.C. (<strong>2010</strong>). Evaluation<br />

of differ<strong>en</strong>t disinfection calculation methods<br />

using CFD. Environm<strong>en</strong>tal Mo<strong>de</strong>lling and<br />

Software 25(4):573-582.

Contact<br />

Gertjan Me<strong>de</strong>ma<br />

gertjan.me<strong>de</strong>ma@kwrwater.nl<br />

Willem Koerselmanprijs stimuleert<br />

wet<strong>en</strong>schappelijke output<br />

In 1996 publiceer<strong>de</strong> on<strong>de</strong>rzoeker <strong>en</strong> projectlei<strong>de</strong>r<br />

Willem Koerselman, sam<strong>en</strong> met to<strong>en</strong>malig collega<br />

Arthur Meuleman, het artikel The vegetation N:P<br />

ratio: a new tool to <strong>de</strong>tect the nature of nutri<strong>en</strong>t<br />

limitation in het Journal of Applied Ecology. To<strong>en</strong><br />

Koerselman in <strong>2009</strong> bij <strong>KWR</strong> vertrok, was dit peer<br />

reviewed artikel veruit het meest geciteer<strong>de</strong> <strong>KWR</strong>artikel<br />

in <strong>de</strong> wet<strong>en</strong>schappelijke literatuur.<br />

Als eerbetoon aan Koerselman <strong>en</strong> als stimulans<br />

voor <strong>KWR</strong>-on<strong>de</strong>rzoekers na hem om goe<strong>de</strong> wet<strong>en</strong>schappelijke<br />

artikel<strong>en</strong> te publicer<strong>en</strong>, is <strong>de</strong> ‘Willem<br />

Koerselman Prijs’ ingesteld. De prijs — e<strong>en</strong> beeld<br />

naar gelijk<strong>en</strong>is <strong>van</strong> Koerselman — wordt jaarlijks toegek<strong>en</strong>d aan die<br />

auteur(s), werkzaam bij <strong>KWR</strong>, wi<strong>en</strong>s artikel in e<strong>en</strong> peer-reviewed<br />

wet<strong>en</strong>schappelijk tijdschrift in het voorbije jaar het meest is<br />

geciteerd.<br />

Willem Koerselman Award stimulates<br />

sci<strong>en</strong>tific output<br />

In 1996, Willem Koerselman, researcher and project lea<strong>de</strong>r, together with<br />

his th<strong>en</strong>-colleague Arthur Meuleman, published an article in the Journal<br />

of Applied Ecology <strong>en</strong>titled ‘The vegetation N:P ratio: a new tool to <strong>de</strong>tect<br />

the nature of nutri<strong>en</strong>t limitation.’ Wh<strong>en</strong> Koerselman left <strong>KWR</strong> in <strong>2009</strong>,<br />

this peer-reviewed article was by far the most quoted <strong>KWR</strong> article in the<br />

sci<strong>en</strong>tific literature.<br />

As a tribute to Koerselman, and as a stimulant for <strong>KWR</strong> researchers<br />

to follow his example in the publication of quality sci<strong>en</strong>tific articles, the<br />

‘Willem Koerselman Award’ was instituted. The award — a sculpture<br />

repres<strong>en</strong>ting Koerselman — is attributed annually to the <strong>KWR</strong> author(s)<br />

whose peer-reviewed article is most quoted over the preceding year.<br />

Peer-reviewed articles and citations 1996-<strong>2010</strong><br />

Totaal peer reviewed artikel<strong>en</strong> per jaar<br />

Total peer reviewed articles per year<br />

17 10 24 19 22 20 17 20 20 22 22 37 29 58 54 62<br />

‘96 ‘97 ‘98 ‘99 ’00 ‘01 ‘02 ‘03 ‘04 ‘05 ‘06 ‘07 ‘08 ‘09 ‘10 ‘11<br />

Totaal citations per jaar<br />

Total citations per year<br />

69 71<br />

1 121 146 197 199 259 302 327 420 424 524 591 763<br />

‘96 ‘97 ‘98 ‘99 2000 ‘01 ‘02 ‘03 ‘04 ‘05 ‘06 ‘07 ‘08 ‘09 ‘10

Jaarverslag | Annual report <strong>2010</strong><br />

Artikel<strong>en</strong> in vakbla<strong>de</strong>n | Publications<br />

in professional journals <strong>2010</strong><br />

Watersystem<strong>en</strong> | Water systems<br />

Watertechnologie | Water technology<br />

Waterkwaliteit | Water quality<br />

KPM | KPM<br />

Algeme<strong>en</strong> | G<strong>en</strong>eral<br />

Agg<strong>en</strong>bach, C., <strong>van</strong> Diggel<strong>en</strong>, R., Vegter, U.<br />

(<strong>2010</strong>). Van Perceel Naar Beekdal, <strong>van</strong> Hooiland<br />

Naar Ve<strong>en</strong>moeras. Landschap, 27(4), p. 225.<br />

Bartholomeus, R.P., Voortman, B., Witte, J.P.M.<br />

(<strong>2010</strong>). De toekomstige grondwateraanvulling.<br />

H2O, 43(17), p. 35-37.<br />

Bartholomeus, R.P., Witte, J.P.M., Bo<strong>de</strong>gom, P.,<br />

<strong>van</strong> Dam, J. (<strong>2010</strong>). Nieuwe maat voor bo<strong>de</strong>mvochtregime<br />

ook geschikt on<strong>de</strong>r toekomstig<br />

klimaat. H2O, 43(3), p. 37-39.<br />

Bonte, M., Zwolsman, G.J. (<strong>2010</strong>).<br />

Drinkwaterfunctie <strong>en</strong> verzilting <strong>van</strong> het IJsselmeergebied.<br />

Stroming<strong>en</strong>, 16(2/3), p. 49-60.<br />

Cirkel, D.G., Rambags, F., <strong>van</strong> <strong>de</strong>r Hoev<strong>en</strong>, I.,<br />

Pitt<strong>en</strong>s, B., <strong>van</strong> <strong>de</strong>r W<strong>en</strong>s, P. (<strong>2010</strong>). Doorbraak<br />

met geslaag<strong>de</strong> horizontaal gestuurd geboor<strong>de</strong><br />

put. H2O, 43(17), p. 9-11.<br />

Corneliss<strong>en</strong>, E.R., Roest, K. (<strong>2010</strong>).<br />

Waterinnovatieprijs voor Sewer Miningconcept;<br />

H2O 43 (<strong>2010</strong>) 10, p.7. H2O, 43(10), p. 7.<br />

Bauerlein, P. (<strong>2010</strong>). Vloeibare zout<strong>en</strong> vorm<strong>en</strong><br />

e<strong>en</strong> veelbelov<strong>en</strong><strong>de</strong> categorie oplosmid<strong>de</strong>l<strong>en</strong>.<br />

Chemie Aktueel, 21(63), p. 34-36.<br />

<strong>de</strong> Jonge, J., Beer<strong>en</strong>donk, E.F., IJpelaar, G.F.<br />

(<strong>2010</strong>). UV/H2O2-behan<strong>de</strong>ling <strong>van</strong> efflu<strong>en</strong>t rwzi.<br />

H2O, 43(2), p. 36-38.<br />

Beuk<strong>en</strong>, R., Schaap, P.G., Trietsch, E. (<strong>2010</strong>).<br />

Beheer waterinfrastructuur H2O, 43(4), p. 25.<br />

Bierk<strong>en</strong>s, M., Dik, P., <strong>van</strong> <strong>de</strong>n Eertwegh,<br />

G.A.P.H.e.a. (<strong>2010</strong>). Verbon<strong>de</strong>n door water,<br />

<strong>van</strong> 1984 via het he<strong>de</strong>n naar 2034. H2O, 43(11),<br />

p. 20-23.<br />

Blokker, E.J.M., Pieterse-Quirijns, I. (<strong>2010</strong>).<br />

Mo<strong>de</strong>l voor <strong>de</strong> berek<strong>en</strong>ing <strong>van</strong> <strong>de</strong> watertemperatuur<br />

in het leidingnet. H2O, 43(23),<br />

p. 46-49.<br />

Blokker, M., <strong>van</strong> <strong>de</strong>r Wiel<strong>en</strong>, P., Donocik, A.,<br />

Zaadstra, E. (<strong>2010</strong>). Verblijftijd belangrijkste<br />

parameter in nagroei Aeromonas in <strong>de</strong><br />

vulleiding Son-Vierlingsbeek. H2O, 43(8),<br />

p. 46-49.<br />

<strong>de</strong> Jongh, C., Leurs, L.J., Simons, C., <strong>van</strong> <strong>de</strong>n<br />

Brandt, P.A. (<strong>2010</strong>). Kans op dikkedarmkanker of<br />

sterfte door hart- <strong>en</strong> vaatziekt<strong>en</strong> vermin<strong>de</strong>rt<br />

niet door meer water te drink<strong>en</strong>. H2O, 43(25/26),<br />

p. 44-46.<br />

<strong>de</strong> Jongh, C., Mons, M., Van Wezel, A.P. (<strong>2010</strong>).<br />

Resultaat on<strong>de</strong>rzoek relatie calcium <strong>en</strong><br />

magnesium in drinkwater <strong>en</strong> hart- <strong>en</strong><br />

vaatziekt<strong>en</strong>. H2O, 43(8), p. 43-45.<br />

Frijns, J., Kompagnie, W., Suelmann, J., W<strong>en</strong>tink,<br />

R. (<strong>2010</strong>). Gezam<strong>en</strong>lijke kwaliteitsbeheersing<br />

bij aanleg waterleiding. H2O, 43(8), p. 26-28.<br />

Gast, M. (<strong>2010</strong>). Van grondwatersystem<strong>en</strong> is nog<br />

veel onbek<strong>en</strong>d; Interview met Pieter Stuyfzand;.<br />

H2O 43(17), p. 12-13.<br />

Bonte, M., Stuyfzand, P.J., <strong>van</strong> Beel<strong>en</strong>, P.,<br />

Visser, P. (<strong>2010</strong>). On<strong>de</strong>rzoek naar duurzame<br />

toepassing <strong>van</strong> warmte-kou<strong>de</strong>opslag. H2O,<br />

43(3), p. 34-36.<br />

Hofman, J., Hofman-Caris, R., Ne<strong>de</strong>rlof, M.,<br />

Frijns, J., <strong>van</strong> Loosdrecht, M. (<strong>2010</strong>). The Energy-<br />

Water Nexus in the Netherlands. Asian Water,<br />

26(9), p. 26-28.

Bridging Sci<strong>en</strong>ce to Practice<br />

Contact<br />

Pim Bogaerds | pim.bogaerds@kwrwater.nl<br />

Joni Keess<strong>en</strong> | joni.keess<strong>en</strong>@kwrwater.nl<br />

Hofman, J.A.M.H., Hofman-Caris, R., Ne<strong>de</strong>rlof,<br />

M., Frijns, J., <strong>van</strong> Loosdrecht, M. (<strong>2010</strong>). Water<br />

<strong>en</strong> <strong>en</strong>ergie als onafschei<strong>de</strong>lijke tweeling in <strong>de</strong><br />

watercyclus. Neerslag, 42(5), p. 2-8.<br />

Hofman-Caris, R., Hofman, J. (<strong>2010</strong>).<br />

Lek membraan met meer<strong>de</strong>re metho<strong>de</strong>n te<br />

ont<strong>de</strong>kk<strong>en</strong>. Land+Water, 50(9), p. 38-39.<br />

Houtman, C., Van <strong>de</strong>r Aa, M., Ter Laak, T.L.<br />

(<strong>2010</strong>). Relatie tuss<strong>en</strong> gebruik g<strong>en</strong>eesmid<strong>de</strong>l<strong>en</strong><br />

in Rijnstroomgebied <strong>en</strong> conc<strong>en</strong>traties in <strong>de</strong><br />

Rijn. H2O, 43(6), p. 33-35.<br />

Kardinaal, E., Ruiter, H. (<strong>2010</strong>). Nieuwe<br />

ontwikkeling<strong>en</strong> op het gebied <strong>van</strong> toxische<br />

cyanobacteriën. H2O, 43(24), p. 8.<br />

Koerselman, W. (<strong>2010</strong>). Sc<strong>en</strong>arioplanning<br />

on<strong>de</strong>rsteunt strategievorming watersector.<br />

TVVL Magazine, (7/8), p. 2-8.<br />

Maas, K., Veling, E. (<strong>2010</strong>). Snelle b<strong>en</strong>a<strong>de</strong>ring<br />

<strong>van</strong> <strong>de</strong> formule <strong>van</strong> Hantush. Stroming<strong>en</strong>, 16(1),<br />

p. 59-69.<br />

Me<strong>de</strong>ma, G.J. (<strong>2010</strong>). Waterziektes <strong>en</strong> watercyclus<br />

ligg<strong>en</strong> dicht bij elkaar. H2O, 43(11), p. 6.<br />

Muller, E. (<strong>2010</strong>). Watermanagem<strong>en</strong>t in ketelhuis<br />

bespaart <strong>en</strong>ergie. Utilities, 11(2), p. 36-39.<br />

Oesterholt, F. (<strong>2010</strong>). De pijl<strong>en</strong> richt<strong>en</strong> op<br />

koelwatersystem<strong>en</strong> <strong>en</strong> Legionella pneumophila.<br />

HydroVisie, 3(5), p. 6-7.<br />

Oesterholt, F., <strong>van</strong> Rij, C. (<strong>2010</strong>). Nanofiltratie<br />

ongeschikt voor zuiver<strong>en</strong> blancheerwater.<br />

VMT, (18/19), p. 24-25.<br />

Pieterse-Quirijns, I. (<strong>2010</strong>). Waterverbruik<br />

voorspell<strong>en</strong> met simulatiemo<strong>de</strong>l ‘Sim<strong>de</strong>um’.<br />

Installateurszak<strong>en</strong>, 7(6/7), p. 20-21.<br />

Pieterse-Quirijns, I., Blokker, M. (<strong>2010</strong>).<br />

Waterverbruikpatron<strong>en</strong> voor woning<strong>en</strong> <strong>en</strong><br />

utiliteitsbouw. TVVL Magazine 39(2), p. 28-33.<br />

Pieterse-Quirijns, I., Blokker, M. (<strong>2010</strong>).<br />

Rek<strong>en</strong>regels voor waterverbruik in utiliteitsbouw.<br />

TVVL Magazine, 39(10), p. 14-19.<br />

Roest, K., Bradjanovic, D., Ch<strong>en</strong>, G.-H., <strong>van</strong><br />

Loosdrecht, M.C.M. (<strong>2010</strong>). Zee- <strong>en</strong> brakwater<br />

voor gebruik als twee<strong>de</strong> kwaliteit water.<br />

H2O, 43(11), p. 43-45.<br />

Roest, K., Hofman, J., <strong>van</strong> Loosdrecht, M. (<strong>2010</strong>).<br />

De Ne<strong>de</strong>rlandse watercyclus kan <strong>en</strong>ergie<br />

oplever<strong>en</strong>. H2O, 43(25/26), p. 47-51.<br />

Rothuiz<strong>en</strong>, R.D., Cirkel, D.G. (<strong>2010</strong>).<br />

Horizontal Directional Drilled Wells – HDDW:<br />

Nieuwe techniek voor horizontale filters.<br />

Civiele Techniek, (7), p. 30-32.<br />

Ruijgers, H. (<strong>2010</strong>). Europese watersector antici<br />

peert op klimaatveran<strong>de</strong>ring. H2O, 43(8), p. 15.<br />

Runhaar, J., Erts<strong>en</strong>, D., Leunk, I., Vonk, A.W.<br />

(<strong>2010</strong>). Evaluatie beleidsmeetnet verdroging<br />

Noord-Brabant. H2O, 43(8), p. 50-53.<br />

Runhaar, J., Witte, J.P.M. (<strong>2010</strong>).<br />

Indicatiewaar<strong>de</strong>n afdo<strong>en</strong><strong>de</strong> voor bepaling<br />

milieutekort<strong>en</strong>? De Lev<strong>en</strong><strong>de</strong> Natuur, 111(6),<br />

p. 248-249.<br />

Tas, M., Van Beek, C.G.E.M., Breedveld, R.,<br />

Koll<strong>en</strong>, R. (<strong>2010</strong>). Naar e<strong>en</strong> verstoppingvrij<br />

putt<strong>en</strong>veld Tull <strong>en</strong> ‘t Waal (V); stand <strong>van</strong> zak<strong>en</strong>.<br />

H2O, 43(16), p. 33-36.<br />

<strong>van</strong> Beek, C.G.E.M., Breedveld, R., Tas, M.,<br />

Koll<strong>en</strong>, R. (<strong>2010</strong>). Naar e<strong>en</strong> verstoppingsvrij<br />

putt<strong>en</strong>veld Tull <strong>en</strong> ‘t Waal (VI) relatie l<strong>en</strong>gte<br />

onttrekkings- <strong>en</strong> rustperio<strong>de</strong>. H2O, 43(17),<br />

p. 45-48.<br />

<strong>van</strong> <strong>de</strong> Wiel, H. (<strong>2010</strong>). Watersector op alles<br />

voorbereid; Interviews met P. <strong>de</strong> Voogt, J.<br />

Vreeburg, G.J.Zwolsman, J.Frijns, H.Ve<strong>en</strong><strong>en</strong>daal,<br />

H.Ruijgers. Milieu Magazine, 21(4), p. 17-19.<br />

<strong>van</strong> <strong>de</strong>r Kooij, D. (<strong>2010</strong>). Ti<strong>en</strong> jaar na<br />

‘Bov<strong>en</strong>karspel’: veel meer k<strong>en</strong>nis, maar nog<br />

steeds te veel ziektegevall<strong>en</strong> Nieuwsbrief<br />

Stichting Veteran<strong>en</strong>ziekte 12(39), p. 1-2.<br />

<strong>van</strong> <strong>de</strong>r Wiel<strong>en</strong>, P., <strong>van</strong> <strong>de</strong>r Kooij, D. (<strong>2010</strong>).<br />

ATP-meting<strong>en</strong> gev<strong>en</strong> informatie over kans op<br />

nagroeiproblem<strong>en</strong> bij drinkwaterdistributie<br />

H2O, 43(21), p. 38-40.<br />

<strong>van</strong> Leerdam, R., Ne<strong>de</strong>rlof, M., Frijns, J.,<br />

Gro<strong>en</strong><strong>en</strong>dijk, M. (<strong>2010</strong>). Cradle to cradle in <strong>de</strong><br />

drinkwatersector. H2O, 43(14/15), p. 9.<br />

<strong>van</strong> Thi<strong>en</strong><strong>en</strong>, P., Vloerbergh, I., Wielinga, M.<br />

(<strong>2010</strong>). Beter beeld <strong>van</strong> <strong>en</strong> aanbeveling<strong>en</strong><br />

voor afsluiterbeheer. H2O, 43(21), p. 41-43.<br />

<strong>van</strong> Vierss<strong>en</strong>, W. (<strong>2010</strong>). Op<strong>en</strong>heid over<br />

on<strong>de</strong>rzoek. Waterspiegel, (april), p. 8-10.<br />

Vloerbergh, I., Frijns, J., Hegger, D.,<br />

<strong>van</strong> <strong>de</strong> V<strong>en</strong>, A. (<strong>2010</strong>). Wat wil <strong>de</strong> klant <strong>van</strong><br />

het waterbedrijf? H2O, 43(8), p. 30-31.<br />

Vreeburg, J. (<strong>2010</strong>). Discolouration of drinking<br />

water an old problem clarified. Water21,<br />

(<strong>de</strong>cember), p. 21-23.<br />

Vreeburg, J., Poznakovs, I., Hag<strong>en</strong>, R. (<strong>2010</strong>).<br />

Woningsprinklers: e<strong>en</strong> belangrijke bijdrage aan<br />

<strong>de</strong> volksgezondheid. H2O, 43(24), p. 34-36.<br />

Wols, B., Hofman, J., Uijttewaal, W.,<br />

<strong>van</strong> Dijk, J.C. (<strong>2010</strong>). Verbeter<strong>en</strong> <strong>van</strong><br />

drinkwaterinstallaties met computermo<strong>de</strong>llering.<br />

H2O, 43(12), p. 29-32.<br />

Wullings, B., Oesterholt, F. (<strong>2010</strong>).<br />

Nieuwe <strong>de</strong>tectiemetho<strong>de</strong> voor Legionella<br />

in gebouwgebon<strong>de</strong>n koeltor<strong>en</strong>installaties.<br />

ISSO Thematech, (april), p. 14-15,17.<br />

Zuurbier, K.G. (<strong>2010</strong>). Improvem<strong>en</strong>t of selfsuffici<strong>en</strong>t<br />

irrigation water supply. Knowledge<br />

for Climate: Newsletter Climate-proof Fresh<br />

Water Supply, (September), p. 1-2.<br />

Zwolsman, G. (<strong>2010</strong>). Drinkwatersector moet op<br />

safe spel<strong>en</strong> Nieuwsbrief zoet-zout, (2), p. 5-6.<br />


Jaarverslag | Annual report <strong>2010</strong><br />

Contact<br />

Postadres | Mailing address<br />

<strong>KWR</strong> <strong>Watercycle</strong> <strong>Research</strong> Institute<br />

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T +31 30 60 69 511<br />

F +31 30 60 61 165<br />

E info@kwrwater.nl<br />

I www.kwrwater.nl<br />

@<strong>KWR</strong>_Water<br />

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27279653<br />

Colofon | Colophon<br />

Tekst <strong>en</strong> redactie | Text and editing<br />

Communicatie<br />

<strong>KWR</strong> <strong>Watercycle</strong> <strong>Research</strong> Institute<br />

Peter Juijn<br />

Ingrid <strong>van</strong> Gaal<strong>en</strong><br />

Vertaling | Translation<br />

Jim Adams<br />

Ontwerp <strong>en</strong> illustraties<br />

Design and illustrations<br />

flow <strong>de</strong>sign + communicatie<br />

Fotografie | Photography<br />

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Ivar Pel<br />

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All rights reserved. Texts, lay-out, illustrations,<br />

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prior writt<strong>en</strong> permission from <strong>KWR</strong> <strong>Watercycle</strong><br />

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