Dieren geDownload - Platform Verantwoord Huisdierenbezit

Dieren geDownload - Platform Verantwoord Huisdierenbezit

Dieren geDownload - Platform Verantwoord Huisdierenbezit


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<strong>Dieren</strong> <strong>geDownload</strong><br />

• Almost 6,000 animals were offered for free;<br />

• Dogs account for 27 % of all advertisements counted and pups alone have an estimated value of 5.5<br />

million euros;<br />

• Birds are the second largest group with 24 % of all advertisements.<br />

The survey for buyers was filled in by 86 people. Positive remarks were that internet is a good medium,<br />

regular stores are usually more expensive, there is more to choose from and it is easy to use.<br />

Negative remarks were that some providers have bad intentions and many purchases are done on impulse.<br />

The survey for providers was filled in by 51 people. The general opinion among these providers of<br />

companion animals through the internet is positive. Negative remarks were that many animals are offered for<br />

the wrong reasons and many purchases are done on impulse.<br />

The next table displays the opinions of the organisations interviewed on the subject of companion animal<br />

trade through the internet.<br />

Table I: The opinions of the organisations interviewed on the subject of companion animal trade through the internet<br />

For/<br />

Stimulates Enough attention Enough law Enough supervision<br />

Against purchase on<br />

impulse<br />

from Government and<br />

legislation<br />

<strong>Dieren</strong>bescherming Against Yes No No No<br />

Sophia Vereeniging Against Yes No No No<br />

IFAW Against Yes No No No<br />

Helpdesk Asielen Against Yes No No No<br />

Stichting Serpo For Unknown Unknown Yes Unknown<br />

Dibevo For No No No No<br />

Marktplaats For No Unknown Unknown AID supervises<br />

Speurders For Unknown Unknown Yes Supervise themselves<br />

PvdA For / against Unknown No No No<br />

CDA For / against Yes Unknown Yes No<br />

The interviewed organisations stated several conditions concerning the trade in companion animals through<br />

the internet that should be met. Identification and registration of at least dogs and cats should be mandatory,<br />

providers of animals should have to be certified, more and better supervision is needed, education and an<br />

increase in awareness is needed, there should be a list that contains species that people are allowed to keep<br />

and more and better law and legislation is needed.<br />

In the report ‘Shared care, facts and figures’ (‘Gedeelde zorg, feiten en cijfers’) from the RDA (Dutch<br />

governmental council for animal affairs) from 2006 an estimate is done on the total amount of money spent<br />

on the purchase of companion animals each year. The value of the companion animals offered on the internet<br />

found in this research is much higher than the RDA estimate. The amount of companion animals offered on<br />

the internet is increasing and at the same time Speurders.nl reports that there is no obvious decrease in the<br />

amount of newspaper advertisements. It seems likely that because of internet trade, companion animals more<br />

regularly switch owners. This can be the result of purchases on impulse. Companion animals that are offered<br />

for free are a potential prey for traders who want to make some money fast and easy. This might be a threat<br />

to animal welfare. The size and complexity makes internet difficult to supervise, but on the other hand it can<br />

be said that the amount of information placed in advertisements makes supervision relatively easy.<br />

Buyers and owners of companion animals often have a lack of knowledge concerning proper care for the<br />

animals, but also concerning law and legislation.<br />

The characteristics of the trade in companion animals through the internet are complex and the extent of the<br />

trade is enormous. Especially more and better supervision and education seem necessary. It is advised that<br />

there should be one central point where buyers and owners of companion animals can find all the<br />

information they need. Also the inspection agencies need more knowledge and capacity for more and better<br />

supervision. A behavioural code could be agreed on among advertisement sites and more research on the<br />

subject is needed.

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