Jaarverslag 2008: Stand van dedrugsproblematiek inEuropa Morgan, O., Griffiths, C. en Hickman, M. (2006), „Association between availability of heroin and methadone and fatal poisoning in England and Wales 1993-2004”, International Journal of Epidemiology 35, pp. 1579-1585. Myrick, H., Malcolm, R., Taylor, B.enLaRowe, S. (2004), „Modafinil: preclinical, clinical, and post-marketing surveillance: a review of abuse liability issues”, Annals of Clinical Psychiatry 16, pp. 101-109. NICE (2007), Drug misuse: psychosocial interventions, Clinical Guideline 51, National Institute for Clinical Excellence, London. Nordstrom, B.R. en Levin, F.R. (2007), „Treatment of cannabis use disorders: areview of the literature”, American Journal of Addiction 16, pp. 331-342. Ødegard, E., Amundsen, E.J. en Kielland, K.B. (2007), „Fatal overdoses and deaths by other causes in acohort ofNorwegian drug abusers: acompeting risk approach”, Drug and Alcohol Dependence 89, pp. 176-182. Ojanperä, I., Gergov, M., Liiv, M., Riikoja, A. en Vuori, E. (in druck), „An epidemic of fatal 3-methylfentanyl poisoning in Estonia”, International Journal of Legal Medicine (DOI 10.1007/ s00414-008-0230-x). Oliver, P., Horspool, H., Rowse, G. et al. (2007), „A psychological autopsy study of non-deliberate fatal opiate-related overdose”, Research briefing 24, National Treatment Agency for Substance Misuse, London. Perkonigg, A., Goodwin, R.D., Fiedler, A.etal. (2008), „The natural course of cannabis use, abuse and dependence during the first decades of life”, Addiction 103, pp. 439-449. Petrie, J., Bunn, F. en Byrne, G. (2007), „Parenting programmes for preventing tobacco, alcohol or drugs misuse in children

Referenties Werch, C.E. en Owen, D.M. (2002), „Latrogenic effects of alcohol and drug prevention programs”, Journal of Studies on Alcohol 63, pp. 581-590. Wood, D., Warren-Gash, D., Ashraf, T. et al. (2008), „Medical and legal confusion surrounding gamma-hydroxybutyrate (GHB) and its precursors gamma-butyrolactone (GBL) and 1,4 butanediol (1,4BD)”, Quarterly Journal of Medicine 101, pp. 23-29. Zador, D., Mayet, S. en Strang, J. (2006), „Commentary: Decline in methadone-related deaths probably relates to increased supervision of methadone in UK”, International Journal of Epidemiology 35, pp. 1586-1587. Zonnevylle-Bender, M.J.S., Matthys, W.,van de Wiel, N.M.H. en Lochman, J.E. (2007), „Preventive effects of treatment of disruptive behavior disorder in middle childhood on substance use and delinquent behavior”, Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 46, pp. 33-39. 107

Jaarverslag 2008: Stand van dedrugsproblematiek inEuropa<br />

Morgan, O., Griffiths, C. en Hickman, M. (2006), „Association<br />

between availability of heroin and methadone and fatal<br />

poisoning in England and Wales 1993-2004”, International<br />

Journal of Epidemiology 35, pp. 1579-1585.<br />

Myrick, H., Malcolm, R., Taylor, B.enLaRowe, S. (2004),<br />

„Modafinil: preclinical, clinical, and post-marketing surveillance: a<br />

review of abuse liability issues”, Annals of Clinical Psychiatry 16,<br />

pp. 101-109.<br />

NICE (2007), Drug misuse: psychosocial interventions, Clinical<br />

Guideline 51, National Institute for Clinical Excellence, London.<br />

Nordstrom, B.R. en Levin, F.R. (2007), „Treatment of cannabis use<br />

disorders: areview of the literature”, American Journal of Addiction<br />

16, pp. 331-342.<br />

Ødegard, E., Amundsen, E.J. en Kielland, K.B. (2007), „Fatal<br />

overdoses and deaths by other causes in acohort ofNorwegian<br />

drug abusers: acompeting risk approach”, Drug and Alcohol<br />

Dependence 89, pp. 176-182.<br />

Ojanperä, I., Gergov, M., Liiv, M., Riikoja, A. en Vuori, E.<br />

(in druck), „An epidemic of fatal 3-methylfentanyl poisoning in<br />

Estonia”, International Journal of Legal Medicine (DOI 10.1007/<br />

s00414-008-0230-x).<br />

Oliver, P., Horspool, H., Rowse, G. et al. (2007),<br />

„A psychological autopsy study of non-deliberate fatal opiate-related<br />

overdose”, Research briefing 24, National Treatment Agency for<br />

Substance Misuse, London.<br />

Perkonigg, A., Goodwin, R.D., Fiedler, A.etal. (2008), „The<br />

natural course of cannabis use, abuse and dependence during the<br />

first decades of life”, Addiction 103, pp. 439-449.<br />

Petrie, J., Bunn, F. en Byrne, G. (2007), „Parenting programmes<br />

for preventing tobacco, alcohol or drugs misuse in children

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