2120562 NVA brochure A5 v4.pdf - Nederlandse Vereniging voor ...

2120562 NVA brochure A5 v4.pdf - Nederlandse Vereniging voor ... 2120562 NVA brochure A5 v4.pdf - Nederlandse Vereniging voor ...

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PROGRAMMA VRIJDAG 11 MEI 2012 13.40 – 14.40 Parallelsessie 37: vrije voordrachten ‘PACU/ IC’ zaal 0.5 voorzitters: mw. A.W.M.M. Koopman-van Gemert en mw. K. Feddes Comorbidity and complications in patients undergoing bariatric surgery: O 21 the value of ICU admission criteria N.M.I. Meijer, M. de Quelerij , C. van Velzen, R.L. Luitwieler, R.P.M. Gadiot, J. van der Voet, J.M. van der Klooster, P.W. de Feiter , G.H.H. Mannaerts, S.J.C. Verbrugge Erasmus MC, Rotterdam The effect of pre-operative training on the incidence of postoperative pneu- O 22 monia and hospital LOS in oncological patients undergoing a laparotomy L. Hulshoff, C. Idenburg, H. van de Poel, K. Ariese NKI-AVL, Amsterdam Instruments to measure family satisfaction with intensive care, O 23 a systematic review J.M. van den Broek, M.S. Arbous, E. de Jonge LUMC, Leiden A new patient mobilization scoring system in the ICU, what is the degree of O 24 similarity in scores between assessors in daily use? M. Vogel, C.W. Casteleijn, A.J.M. Meinders, P. Bruins St. Antonius Ziekenhuis, Nieuwegein 13.40 – 14.40 Parallelsessie 38: vrije voordrachten ‘apparatuur ’ zaal 0.4 voorzitters: P.L. Houweling en J. Hermanides Adequate minute volume ventilation through a 100 cm long, O 25 3 mm inner diameter (ID) airway exchange catheter by expiratory ventilation assistance (EVA) E.M. Dias, A.E.W. Hamaekers, P.A.J. Borg, D. Enk MUMC+, Maastricht A randomized trial of internal jugular vein cannulation performed by O 26 an anesthesiology trainee: the ultrasound technique versus the landmark technique M.J. Bos, T.S. Schmitt, E.J.M. Erik, M.G.A. Willemsen, L. Muntinga, E. Dias, A.A.J. van Zundert MUMC+, Maastricht Can the Computer Help You to Learn Ultrasound-Guided Regional O 27 Anesthesia? C.T. van Doorn, J.H. Eshuis, M.W. Hollmann, B. Preckel, M.F. Stevens, J.T. Wegener AMC, Amsterdam 20 The Respir8TM, a new device to measure respiratory frequency in the O 28 postoperative period E.C. Bartels, M. Niesters, L. Aarts, E. Sarton, A. Dahan LUMC, Leiden

PROGRAMMA VRIJDAG 11 MEI 2012 13.40 – 14.40 Parallelsessie 39: problem based learning discussion sessie zaal 0.8 moderator: C.T. Favoccia (voorinschrijving) Anesthesie buiten de comfort-zone 13.40 – 14.40 Parallelsessie 40: problem based learning discussion sessie zaal 0.9 moderatoren: mw. F.B. Venema en mw. M.H. Yntema (voorinschrijving) HELLP, hoe MOET dat nu? 14.45 – 15.45 Parallelsessie 41: refresher course lecture Auditorium 1 voorzitter: M. Klimek Neuroanesthesia Update Prof.dr.med. C. Werner, voorzitter afdeling Anesthesiologie, University Medical Center Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz,Duitsland Bescherming of toxisch? C.J. Kalkman 14.45 – 15.45 Parallelsessie 42: Sectie Kinderanesthesiologie zaal 2.1 voorzitter: mw. A. Gonzalez Candel Complicatieregistratie kinderen – zinvol of niet? B. Molenbuur 14.45 – 15.45 Parallelsessie 43: vrije voordrachten ‘basaal’ zaal 0.4 voorzitters: mw. E.Y. Sarton en mw. E.L.A. van Dorp Repetitive small skin breaking procedures in the neonatal rat prolongs O 26 adult post-operative pain: Plasticity of the spinal nociceptive network L. Knaepen, J. Patijn, D. Tibboel, E.A.J. Joosten Universiteit Maastricht, Maastricht Comparison of pulse contour versus pulmonary artery thermodilution cardiac O 27 output in patients undergoing elective open abdominal aortic aneurysm repair L.J. Montenij, S.A. de Jong, E.E.C. de Waal, W.F. Buhre UMC Utrecht, Utrecht Vasomotor reactivity is underestimated when carbogen is used instead of O 28 carbon dioxide enriched air E.A.J.G. Koolen, J.J. van Lieshout, R.V. Immink UMC Utrecht, Utrecht 21


13.40 – 14.40 Parallelsessie 37: vrije <strong>voor</strong>drachten ‘PACU/ IC’<br />

zaal 0.5<br />

<strong>voor</strong>zitters: mw. A.W.M.M. Koopman-van Gemert en mw. K. Feddes<br />

Comorbidity and complications in patients undergoing bariatric surgery: O 21<br />

the value of ICU admission criteria<br />

N.M.I. Meijer, M. de Quelerij , C. van Velzen, R.L. Luitwieler, R.P.M. Gadiot,<br />

J. van der Voet, J.M. van der Klooster, P.W. de Feiter , G.H.H. Mannaerts,<br />

S.J.C. Verbrugge<br />

Erasmus MC, Rotterdam<br />

The effect of pre-operative training on the incidence of postoperative pneu- O 22<br />

monia and hospital LOS in oncological patients undergoing a laparotomy<br />

L. Hulshoff, C. Idenburg, H. van de Poel, K. Ariese<br />

NKI-AVL, Amsterdam<br />

Instruments to measure family satisfaction with intensive care, O 23<br />

a systematic review<br />

J.M. van den Broek, M.S. Arbous, E. de Jonge<br />

LUMC, Leiden<br />

A new patient mobilization scoring system in the ICU, what is the degree of O 24<br />

similarity in scores between assessors in daily use?<br />

M. Vogel, C.W. Casteleijn, A.J.M. Meinders, P. Bruins<br />

St. Antonius Ziekenhuis, Nieuwegein<br />

13.40 – 14.40 Parallelsessie 38: vrije <strong>voor</strong>drachten ‘apparatuur ’<br />

zaal 0.4<br />

<strong>voor</strong>zitters: P.L. Houweling en J. Hermanides<br />

Adequate minute volume ventilation through a 100 cm long, O 25<br />

3 mm inner diameter (ID) airway exchange catheter by expiratory<br />

ventilation assistance (EVA)<br />

E.M. Dias, A.E.W. Hamaekers, P.A.J. Borg, D. Enk<br />

MUMC+, Maastricht<br />

A randomized trial of internal jugular vein cannulation performed by O 26<br />

an anesthesiology trainee: the ultrasound technique versus the<br />

landmark technique<br />

M.J. Bos, T.S. Schmitt, E.J.M. Erik, M.G.A. Willemsen, L. Muntinga,<br />

E. Dias, A.A.J. van Zundert<br />

MUMC+, Maastricht<br />

Can the Computer Help You to Learn Ultrasound-Guided Regional O 27<br />

Anesthesia?<br />

C.T. van Doorn, J.H. Eshuis, M.W. Hollmann, B. Preckel, M.F. Stevens,<br />

J.T. Wegener<br />

AMC, Amsterdam<br />

20<br />

The Respir8TM, a new device to measure respiratory frequency in the O 28<br />

postoperative period<br />

E.C. Bartels, M. Niesters, L. Aarts, E. Sarton, A. Dahan<br />

LUMC, Leiden

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