Evaluatierapport (PDF, 6.47 MB) - Buitenlandse Zaken - Belgium

Evaluatierapport (PDF, 6.47 MB) - Buitenlandse Zaken - Belgium

Evaluatierapport (PDF, 6.47 MB) - Buitenlandse Zaken - Belgium


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Table 21.1: Description of the instrument<br />

France: RPE<br />

Germany: KfW<br />

/ ERP Export<br />

Fund<br />

Description of instrument<br />

The objective of RPE is twofold: 1) to provide development<br />

assistance and 2) to promote French technology and support<br />

French companies. The programme provides exclusively tied<br />

aid.<br />

The RPE is an instrument for intergovernmental loans carrying a<br />

sovereign guarantee. It is the product of the reform of financial<br />

protocols that took place in 1998 aimed at simplifying the<br />

procedures for granting and managing soft loans and enhancing<br />

their effectiveness.<br />

Objective: to enhance exports of capital goods and services<br />

from Germany (tied aid) to developing countries according to the<br />

List of ODA Recipients of the OECD DAC valid at the time.<br />

In the case of export financing transactions for existing enterprises<br />

(corporate risks), and in the case of sovereign risk transactions<br />

that fulfil the following criteria:<br />

<br />

<br />

a repayment period of not more than 7 years, or<br />

a loan amount of not more than € 15 million or a<br />

financing share from KfW IPEX-Bank of less than 20% in<br />

the overall financing, or<br />

use of goods/services financed predominantly for<br />

replacement investments.<br />

The interest rate is fixed in conformity with the minimum interest<br />

regulation of the OECD Arrangement on Officially Supported Export<br />

Credits.<br />

Germany:<br />

Financial<br />

Cooperation<br />

Composite loan<br />

Germany<br />

Depending on the available funds, the loan amount is determined<br />

as follows: loan amount:<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

up to € 25 M: 85 % of the order value;<br />

up to € 50 M, the max loan amount is € 21.25 M<br />

above € 50 M: 85 % of half the order value, with an<br />

upper limit of € 85 M<br />

Objective: reduction of interest rates on loans for development<br />

projects.<br />

These development projects may (or may not) encompass a<br />

component of export of products and services from German origin<br />

(untied aid).<br />

KfW adds from its own resources funds to development loans<br />

(composite loans, mixed finance loans and reduced-interest loans)<br />

provided by the German Federal Government. KfW also offers<br />

promotional loans, which are financed exclusively with KfW funds<br />

obtained in the capital market.<br />

Untied Composite Loans must contain a grant element of at least<br />

25% to qualify as ODA. Owing to the OECD Consensus rules, tied<br />

Composite Loans are available only for projects that are<br />

commercially non-viable. The grant element required in this case is<br />

at least 35%.<br />

see<br />

Final report – Appendix 8 – page 142

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