Evaluatierapport (PDF, 6.47 MB) - Buitenlandse Zaken - Belgium

Evaluatierapport (PDF, 6.47 MB) - Buitenlandse Zaken - Belgium

Evaluatierapport (PDF, 6.47 MB) - Buitenlandse Zaken - Belgium


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Afkortingen<br />

AWEX Agence Wallonne à l’Exportation et aux Investissements Etrangers<br />

BEU<br />

Biomedical Engineering Unit<br />

BIO<br />

Belgische Investeringsmaatschappij voor ontwikkelingslanden<br />

BTC<br />

Belgian Technical Cooperation<br />

CARI Contracto de Ajuste Recíproco de Intereses<br />

CIRR Commercial Interest Reference Rate<br />

CLIP Clinical Laboratory Improvement Project<br />

CRS<br />

Creditor Reporting System<br />

DAC<br />

Development Assistance Committee<br />

DBE<br />

Dienst Bijzondere Evaluatie van de Internationale Samenwerking<br />

DGOS / DGDC: Directorate General for Development Cooperation<br />

DFI<br />

Directly Financed Imports<br />

EC<br />

Europese Commissie<br />

EIA<br />

Environmental Impact Assessment<br />

EPA<br />

Economic Partnership Agreement<br />

EQ<br />

Evaluatie Vraag<br />

EU<br />

European Union<br />

FIT<br />

Flanders Investment and Trade<br />

FPS / FOD Federal Public Service / Federale Overheidsdienst<br />

GDP / GNP Gross Domestic Product / Gross National Product<br />

GWCL Ghana Water Company limited<br />

HIPC Highly Indebted Poor Country<br />

IB<br />

Intrestbonificatie<br />

ICP<br />

Indicative Country Programme<br />

ICT<br />

Information and Communication Technology<br />

ILO<br />

International Labour Organisation<br />

IMF<br />

International Monetary Fund<br />

KMO Kleine en Middelgrote Onderneming<br />

LDC /MOL Least Developed Country / Minst Ontwikkeld Land<br />

M&E<br />

Monitoring en Evaluatie<br />

MDA Ministries, Departments and Agencies<br />

MDG Millennium Development Goal<br />

MMT Metro Mass Transit limited<br />

MoF<br />

Ministry of Finance<br />

MoU<br />

Memorandum of Understanding<br />

ODA Official Development Aid<br />

OECD /OESO Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development<br />

ONDD National Delcredere Office<br />

ORET Ontwikkelingsrelevante Export Transactie<br />

ORIO Ontwikkelingsrelevante Infrastructuur Ontwikkeling<br />

PMU<br />

Project Management Unit<br />

RPE<br />

Réserve Pays Emergents<br />

StS<br />

Lening van Staat tot Staat<br />

TC<br />

Technical Cooperation<br />

ToR<br />

Terms of Reference<br />

WTO World Trade Organisation<br />

see<br />

Final report – page 11

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