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Bibliografie 1998. The Truth and Reconciliation Commission. In: Du Toit, C.W. (ed.), Confession and reconciliation (Pretoria: Research Unit for Theology and Religion, University of South Africa), pp. 4-6. p381 1999. No future without forgiveness. London: Rider. 2011. God is not a Christian: Speaking truth in times of crisis. London: Rider. UNITED HUMAN RIGHTS COUNCIL 2009. The genocide in Rwanda. Accessed on 24 April 2012 at: http://www.unitedhumanrights.org/2009/05/the-genocide-inrwanda UNIVERSITY OF SALFORD 2010. Keeping balance: coping through periods of change. Accessed on 30 April 2011 at: http://staff.salford.ac.uk/documents/hr/employee_support_guide_ver1_nov2010.p df VAN AARDE, A. 2004a. Postmoderne epistemologie en postkoloniale hermeneutiek. Hervormde Teologiese Studies 60(3):1105-1125. 2004b. Skrifbeskouing in die lig van postmoderniteit. Hervormde Teologiese Studies 60(1 & 2):503-532. VAN DE GRAAF, H. 2009. Afrikanerfront mediaverklaring – 6 April 2009. Bekom op 31 Mei 2012 by: http://www.boerevryheid.co.za/forums/showthread.php?17738- Afrikanerfront-mediaverklaring-6-April VAN DEN BERG, J.A. 2006. 'n Verandering in Tongval...? 'n Verwoord-(-beeld)ing van pastoraal-teologiese perspektiewe. Praktiese Teologie in SA 21(2):164-181. VAN DER MERWE, J. 2010. Die Hervormingsdaggetuienis – 30 jaar later: Die 'visarendjie' moet weer gehoor word! Kerkbode 5 November, p. 10. 2011. Belhar gaan oor meer as blote aanvaarding’. Volksblad 31 Oktober. Bekom op 16 Julie 2012 by: http://www.volksblad.com/Suid-Afrika/Nuus/Belhargaan-oor-meer-as-blote-aanvaarding-20111031

Bibliografie<br />

1998. The Truth and Reconciliation Commission. In: Du Toit, C.W. (ed.),<br />

Confession and reconciliation (Pretoria: Research Unit for Theology and<br />

Religion, University of South Africa), pp. 4-6.<br />

p381<br />

1999. No future without forgiveness. London: Rider.<br />

2011. God is not a Christian: Speaking truth in times of crisis. London: Rider.<br />

UNITED HUMAN RIGHTS COUNCIL 2009. The genocide in Rwanda. Accessed on<br />

24 April 2012 at: http://www.unitedhumanrights.org/2009/05/the-genocide-inrwanda<br />

UNIVERSITY OF SALFORD 2010. Keeping balance: coping through periods of<br />

change. Accessed on 30 April 2011 at:<br />

http://staff.salford.ac.uk/documents/hr/employee_support_guide_ver1_nov2010.p<br />

df<br />

VAN AARDE, A. 2004a. Postmoderne epistemologie en postkoloniale hermeneutiek.<br />

Hervormde Teologiese Studies 60(3):1105-1125.<br />

2004b. Skrifbeskouing in die lig van postmoderniteit. Hervormde Teologiese<br />

Studies 60(1 & 2):503-532.<br />

VAN DE GRAAF, H. 2009. Afrikanerfront mediaverklaring – 6 April 2009. Bekom op<br />

31 Mei 2012 by: http://www.boerevryheid.co.za/forums/showthread.php?17738-<br />

Afrikanerfront-mediaverklaring-6-April<br />

VAN DEN BERG, J.A. 2006. 'n Verandering in Tongval...? 'n Verwoord-(-beeld)ing<br />

van pastoraal-teologiese perspektiewe. Praktiese Teologie in SA 21(2):164-181.<br />

VAN DER MERWE, J. 2010. Die Hervormingsdaggetuienis – 30 jaar later: Die<br />

'visarendjie' moet weer gehoor word! Kerkbode 5 November, p. 10.<br />

2011. Belhar gaan oor meer as blote aanvaarding’. Volksblad 31 Oktober.<br />

Bekom op 16 Julie 2012 by: http://www.volksblad.com/Suid-Afrika/Nuus/Belhargaan-oor-meer-as-blote-aanvaarding-20111031

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