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Bibliografie p356 KOTZÉ, H. 1990. Die steunbasis van die ANC: mite of werklikheid. In: Esterhuyse, W. & Nel, P. (reds.). Die ANC (Kaapstad: Tabelberg), pp. 58-74. KOTZÉ, E. & KOTZÉ, D.J. 1997. Social construction as postmodern discourse: an epistemology for conversational therapeutic practice. Acta Theologica 17(1):27-50. KROG, A. 1998a. Country of my skull. Johannesburg: Random House. 1998b. TRC – a national ritual. Missionalia 26(1):5-16. 2003: The Truth-Commission: Public debate and the role of religious bodies (Afrikaner / DRC). Scriptura 83:245-249. 2005. ʼn Ander tongval. Kaapstad: Tafelberg. 2009. Begging to be black. Cape Town: Random House Struik. KRUGER, P. & HOFMEYR, J.W. 2009a. ʼn Era van verandering vir die NG Kerk en Suid-Afrika sedert 1990 (Deel I). NGTT 50(1 & 2):135-147. 2009b. Die NG Kerk en die era van verandering sedert 1990: Betekenis vir die NG Kerk se identiteit (Deel II). NGTT 50(3 & 4):384-395. 2011. Boustene vir die toekoms van die NG Kerk (Deel III). NGTT 52(1 & 2):118-127. KÜBLER-ROSS, E. 1970. On death and dying. London: Tavistock. KUHN, T.S. [1962] 1996. The Structure of Scientific Revolutions. 3rd ed. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. KUPERUS, T. 2011. The political role and democratic contribution of churches in post-apartheid South Africa. Journal of Church and State 53(2):1-29.

Bibliografie p357 KUYLER, D. 2011. Pastoral letter to URCSA congregations on the decision of the Dutch Reformed Church General Synod’s acceptance of the Belhar Confession. 20 October. Accessed on 18 June 2012 at: http://www.ngkerk.org.za/documents/2012-02-29_%20Brief_NGK_VGKSA.pdf LAING, A. 2012. "Jacob Zuma faces losing £1.2 million support for four wives". London Telegraph, 20 June. Accessed on 20 June 2012 at: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/africaandindianocean/southafrica/93 44916/Jacob-Zuma-faces-losing-1.2-million-support-for-four-wives.html LAMONT, C.G. 2011. Uitspraak van die gelykheidshof in saak nommer 20968/2010: Afriforum and another v Malema and another 2011 (6) SA 240 (EqC). LAMOTT, A. 1995. Bird by Bird: Some Instructions on writing and life. New York: Anchor Books. LAMPRECHT, M. 2012. SA leiers 'ondermyn oppergesag van reg.' News24 3 April. Bekom op 11 April 2012 by: http://afrikaans.news24.com/Suid-Afrika/Nuus/SAleiers-ondermyn-oppergesag-van-reg-20120403-2 LEFKO-EVERETT, K., NYOKA, A. & TISCORNIA, L. 2011. SA Reconciliation Barometer Survey: 2011 report. Cape Town: Institute for Justice and Reconciliation. LEONARD, C. 2012. The slow and steady death of the Dutch Reformed Church. Mail & Guardian, 5 May. Accessed on 11 April 2012 at: http://mg.co.za/article/2012- 04-05-the-slow-and-steady-death-of-dutch-reformed-church LEY, M. 2012. “Belhar kan tot ramp vir kerk lei.” Beeld 20 Maart. Bekom op 1 Mei 2012 by: http://www.beeld.com/Suid-Afrika/Nuus/Belhar-kan-tot-ramp-vir-kerk-lei- 20120320 LIEBENBERG, D. 2012. ANC wil wittes met dienste lok. News24 30 Maart. Bekom op 30 Maart 2012 by: http://afrikaans.news24.com/Suid-Afrika/Nuus/ANC-wilwittes-met-dienste-lok-20120330

Bibliografie p357<br />

KUYLER, D. 2011. Pastoral letter to URCSA congregations on the decision of the<br />

Dutch Reformed Church General Synod’s acceptance of the Belhar Confession.<br />

20 October. Accessed on 18 June 2012 at:<br />

http://www.ngkerk.org.za/documents/2012-02-29_%20Brief_NGK_VGKSA.pdf<br />

LAING, A. 2012. "Jacob Zuma faces losing £1.2 million support for four wives".<br />

London Telegraph, 20 June. Accessed on 20 June 2012 at:<br />

http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/africaandindianocean/southafrica/93<br />

44916/Jacob-Zuma-faces-losing-1.2-million-support-for-four-wives.html<br />

LAMONT, C.G. 2011. Uitspraak van die gelykheidshof in saak nommer 20968/2010:<br />

Afriforum and another v Malema and another 2011 (6) SA 240 (EqC).<br />

LAMOTT, A. 1995. Bird by Bird: Some Instructions on writing and life. New York:<br />

Anchor Books.<br />

LAMPRECHT, M. 2012. SA leiers 'ondermyn oppergesag van reg.' News24 3 April.<br />

Bekom op 11 April 2012 by: http://afrikaans.news24.com/Suid-Afrika/Nuus/SAleiers-ondermyn-oppergesag-van-reg-20120403-2<br />

LEFKO-EVERETT, K., NYOKA, A. & TISCORNIA, L. 2011. SA Reconciliation<br />

Barometer Survey: 2011 report. Cape Town: Institute for Justice and<br />

Reconciliation.<br />

LEO<strong>NA</strong>RD, C. 2012. The slow and steady death of the Dutch Reformed Church. Mail<br />

& Guardian, 5 May. Accessed on 11 April 2012 at: http://mg.co.za/article/2012-<br />

04-05-the-slow-and-steady-death-of-dutch-reformed-church<br />

LEY, M. 2012. “Belhar kan tot ramp vir kerk lei.” Beeld 20 Maart. Bekom op 1 Mei<br />

2012 by: http://www.beeld.com/Suid-Afrika/Nuus/Belhar-kan-tot-ramp-vir-kerk-lei-<br />

20120320<br />

LIEBENBERG, D. 2012. ANC wil wittes met dienste lok. News24 30 Maart. Bekom<br />

op 30 Maart 2012 by: http://afrikaans.news24.com/Suid-Afrika/Nuus/ANC-wilwittes-met-dienste-lok-20120330

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