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Bijlage 10. Geïncludeerde artikel<strong>en</strong> literatuurstudie<br />

Refer<strong>en</strong>ties<br />

1. Andrews S, McInerney F, Robinson A, Andrews S, McInerney F, Robinson A. Realizing a<br />

palliative approach in dem<strong>en</strong>tia care: strategies to facilitate aged care staff <strong>en</strong>gagem<strong>en</strong>t in<br />

evid<strong>en</strong>ce-based practice. International Psychogeriatrics 21 Suppl 1, S64-S68. 2009.<br />

2. Bartels SJ, Dums AR, Oxman TE, Schneider LS, Arean PA, Alexopoulos GS, et al.<br />

Evid<strong>en</strong>ce-based practices in geriatric m<strong>en</strong>tal health care. [Review] [129 refs]. Psychiatric<br />

Services 53[11], 1419-1431. 2002.<br />

3. Bee PE, Barnes P, Luker KA, Bee PE, Barnes P, Luker KA. A systematic review of informal<br />

caregivers' needs in providing home-based <strong>en</strong>d-of-life care to people with cancer. [Review]<br />

[57 refs]. Journal of Clinical Nursing 18[10], 1379-1393. 2009.<br />

4. Bland DR, Dugan E, Coh<strong>en</strong> SJ, Preisser J, Davis CC, McGann PE, Suggs PK, Pearce KF.<br />

The effects of implem<strong>en</strong>tation of the Ag<strong>en</strong>cy for Health Care Policy and Research urinary<br />

incontin<strong>en</strong>ce guidelines in primary care practices. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2003 Jul;51(7):979-84.<br />

5. Brady M, Furlanetto D, Hunter RV, Lewis S, Milne V, Brady M, et al. Staff-led interv<strong>en</strong>tions<br />

for improving oral hygi<strong>en</strong>e in pati<strong>en</strong>ts following stroke. [Review] [41 refs]. Cochrane<br />

Database of Systematic Reviews [4], CD003864. 2006.<br />

6. Colon-Emeric CS, Lekan D, Utley-Smith Q, Ammarell N, Bailey D, Corazzini K, et al. Barriers<br />

to and facilitators of clinical practice guideline use in nursing homes. Journal of the American<br />

Geriatrics Society 55[9], 1404-1409. 2007.<br />

7. Crotty M, Whitehead C, Rowett D, Halbert J, Weller D, Finucane P, et al. An outreach<br />

interv<strong>en</strong>tion to implem<strong>en</strong>t evid<strong>en</strong>ce based practice in resid<strong>en</strong>tial care: a randomized<br />

controlled trial [ISRCTN67855475]. BMC Health Services Research 4[1], 6. 2004.<br />

8. Ell K, Unutzer J, Aranda M, Sanchez K, Lee PJ, Ell K, et al. Routine PHQ-9 depression<br />

scre<strong>en</strong>ing in home health care: depression, preval<strong>en</strong>ce, clinical and treatm<strong>en</strong>t characteristics<br />

and scre<strong>en</strong>ing implem<strong>en</strong>tation. Home Health Care Services Quarterly 24[4], 1-19. 2005.<br />

9. Fleur<strong>en</strong> M.A.H. Wieferrink C.H. <strong>en</strong> Pauluss<strong>en</strong> T.G.W.M. <strong>Belemmer<strong>en</strong>de</strong> <strong>en</strong> bevorder<strong>en</strong>de<br />

factor<strong>en</strong> <strong>bij</strong> de implem<strong>en</strong>tatie van zorgvernieuwing in organisaties. 2002. Leid<strong>en</strong> TNO-PG.<br />

10. Fleur<strong>en</strong> M., Wiefferink, K., Pauluss<strong>en</strong>, T. Determinants of innovation within health care<br />

organizations: literature review and Delphi study. Int J Qual Health Care. 2004<br />

Apr;16(2):107-23.<br />

11. Fortinsky RH, Baker D, Gottschalk M, King M, Trella P, Tinetti ME, et al. Ext<strong>en</strong>t of<br />

implem<strong>en</strong>tation of evid<strong>en</strong>ce-based fall prev<strong>en</strong>tion practices for older pati<strong>en</strong>ts in home health<br />

care. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 56[4], 737-743. 2008<br />

12. Gopal RG, Jeanes A, Russell H, Wilson D, Atere-Roberts E, O'Sullivan D, et al.<br />

Effectiv<strong>en</strong>ess of short-term, <strong>en</strong>hanced, infection control support in improving compliance with<br />

infection control guidelines and practice in nursing homes: a cluster randomized trial.<br />

Epidemiology & Infection 137[10], 1465-1471. 2009.<br />

13. Hockley J, Watson J, Ox<strong>en</strong>ham D, Murray SA, Hockley J, Watson J, et al. The integrated<br />

implem<strong>en</strong>tation of two <strong>en</strong>d-of-life care tools in nursing care homes in the UK: an in-depth<br />

evaluation. Palliative Medicine 24[8], 828-838. 2010<br />

14. Horn SD, Sharkey SS, Hudak S, Gassaway J, James R, Spector W, et al. Pressure ulcer<br />

prev<strong>en</strong>tion in long-term-care facilities: a pilot study implem<strong>en</strong>ting standardized nurse aide<br />

docum<strong>en</strong>tation and feedback reports. Advances in Skin & Wound Care 23[3], 120-131. 2010.<br />

15. Hunter S, Anderson J, Hanson D, Thompson P, Langemo D, Klug MG. Clinical trial of a<br />

prev<strong>en</strong>tion and treatm<strong>en</strong>t protocol for skin breakdown in two nursing homes. J Wound<br />

Ostomy Contin<strong>en</strong>ce Nurs. 2003 Sep;30(5):250-8. Erratum in: J Wound Ostomy Contin<strong>en</strong>ce<br />

Nurs. 2003 Nov;30(6):350.<br />

16. Peters M.A.J., Harms<strong>en</strong> M., Laurant M.G.H., W<strong>en</strong>sing M.. Ruimte voor verandering?<br />

Knelpunt<strong>en</strong> <strong>en</strong> mogelijkhed<strong>en</strong> voor verbetering<strong>en</strong> in de patiënt<strong>en</strong>zorg. 2003. Nijmeg<strong>en</strong>:<br />

C<strong>en</strong>tre for Quality of Care Research (WOK).<br />

<strong>Belemmer<strong>en</strong>de</strong> <strong>en</strong> bevorder<strong>en</strong>de factor<strong>en</strong> <strong>bij</strong> proefimplem<strong>en</strong>tatie van e<strong>en</strong> richtlijn in de care 73

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