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Belemmerende en bevorderende factoren bij proefimplementatie ...

Belemmerende en bevorderende factoren bij proefimplementatie ...


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Refer<strong>en</strong>ties<br />

Cox K., Holleman G., Linge R. van. Implem<strong>en</strong>tatie van richtlijn<strong>en</strong> in de praktijk. Ervaring<strong>en</strong> uit het Iimpuls-project.<br />

Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Evid<strong>en</strong>ce Based Pratice. 2010 Jan 1; pages 4-7.<br />

Fleur<strong>en</strong> M., Wiefferink, K., Pauluss<strong>en</strong>, T. 2004. Determinants of innovation within health care<br />

organizations: literature review and Delphi study. Int J Qual Health Care. 2004 Apr;16(2):107-23.<br />

Francke A.L., Smit M.C., de Veer A.J., Mistia<strong>en</strong> P. Factors influ<strong>en</strong>cing the<br />

implem<strong>en</strong>tation of clinical guidelines for health care professionals: a systematic<br />

meta-review. BMC Med Inform Decis Mak. 2008 Sep 12;8:38. Review. PubMed PMID:<br />

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Grol R., Grimshaw J. 2003. From best evid<strong>en</strong>ce to best practice: effective implem<strong>en</strong>tation of change<br />

in pati<strong>en</strong>ts. The Lancet, Volume 362, Issue 9391, pages 1225-1230.<br />

Grol R. & W<strong>en</strong>sing, M. Implem<strong>en</strong>tatie. Effectieve verbetering van de patiënt<strong>en</strong>zorg. Elsevier<br />

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Holleman G. 2008. LEVV Werkmodel Implem<strong>en</strong>tatie. Landelijk Expertisec<strong>en</strong>trum Verpleging &<br />

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Holleman G., Cox K., Ling<strong>en</strong> R. van. 2009. Eindverslag evaluatieonderzoek Implem<strong>en</strong>tatie impuls.<br />

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Holleman G. & Tol M., van. 2008. Vrag<strong>en</strong>lijst Contextanalyse. Landelijk Expertisec<strong>en</strong>trum Verpleging<br />

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Holleman G. & Tol M., van. 2008. Model beïnvloed<strong>en</strong>de factor<strong>en</strong> <strong>bij</strong> implem<strong>en</strong>tatie richtlijn<strong>en</strong> in de<br />

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Landelijk Expertisec<strong>en</strong>trum Verpleging & Verzorging (LEVV). 2010. Richtlijn urine-incontin<strong>en</strong>tie <strong>bij</strong><br />

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Li L.C., Grimshaw J.M., Niels<strong>en</strong> C., Judd M., Coyte P.C & Graham I.D. 2009 Use of Communities of<br />

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National Institute for Health and Clinical Excell<strong>en</strong>ce (NICE). 2006. Urinary incontin<strong>en</strong>ce. The<br />

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Universiteit Maastricht, Departm<strong>en</strong>t of Health Care and Nursing Sci<strong>en</strong>ce. 2008.Landelijke<br />

Preval<strong>en</strong>tiemeting zorgproblem<strong>en</strong>. Rapportage resultat<strong>en</strong> 2008. Maastricht. Universitaire Pers<br />

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W<strong>en</strong>ger E. 1998. Communities of Practice: Learning, Meaning and Id<strong>en</strong>tity. New York: Cambridge<br />

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<strong>Belemmer<strong>en</strong>de</strong> <strong>en</strong> bevorder<strong>en</strong>de factor<strong>en</strong> <strong>bij</strong> proefimplem<strong>en</strong>tatie van e<strong>en</strong> richtlijn in de care 35

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