1999 - 3 - Orchideeën Vereniging Vlaanderen

1999 - 3 - Orchideeën Vereniging Vlaanderen

1999 - 3 - Orchideeën Vereniging Vlaanderen


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Plwlacnopsis crueiata Schltr.<br />

Is P. lIlaeu iata Rchb.f. (Zie bib!. 2).<br />

Phaiaenopsis cumhlgia na Rchb.f., sphalm.<br />

Is P. eorningiana Rchb.f. Borneo.(Zie bib!. 2) .<br />

Pllalaenopsis ClImoruialln Hort.<br />

Is P scllilleriantl var. illlmaculata (R hb.£.) Veitch.(Zie bib!. 2).<br />

Plzalaenopsis deell1l lbens (Griff.) Holttum. Nomen.<br />

Is P. parishii Rchb.f. (Zie bib!. 2).<br />

Phalact/opsis decumben vax. lobbii (Rchb.f.) P.F. H unt.<br />

Is P. lobbii (Rchb.f.) B.R. H .R. Sweet (Zi bib!. 2) .<br />

Phalacnopfiiis delicata R hb.f.<br />

Is P. inter/lledia v r. portei Rchb.f. (Zie bib!. 2).<br />

Plza /acnopsis reichellbachianll<br />

Plliliaenops i. deliciosa " Rchb.f.<br />

Rchb.I. & Sander<br />

(Kingidilltrl delicioslll1l bib!. 1 en bib!. 2).<br />

Plzalaellopsi ' deiiciosa s p. Izookeriana " (Gruss & R6llke) C hristenson (wordt niet venneld in bib!. 1 n 2).<br />

Pllillaenopsis denevei J.J. Sm..<br />

Is Paraphalacl7QPsis dCllc,Iei (J.J. Sm.) A.D. Hawkes. (Zie bibl. 2).<br />

Plzalllenopsis dClli"ial'l(l Cogn.<br />

Is P. fuscata Rchb.f.<br />

Phlliael'lopsis del/ tief/lata Rchb.f.<br />

I P. pallens (Lind!.) Rchb.f. (Zie bib!. 2).<br />

Phaillellopsis devriesilllla Rchb.f.<br />

Is P. e0I'111HCI'vi (Breda) B!. & Rchb.f. (Zie bib!. 2).<br />

Plzaiael10psis diezii (Covera) Qui "umbing. Nom en .<br />

Is r. il/tcrmedia var. diezii Co era. (Zie bib!. 2).<br />

• Pflalaellopsis equestris * (Schau er) Rchb.f.<br />

Filippijnen, Taiwan.<br />

Phll/llenopsis erioglossa Hort. ex Bu rgeff = Nomen. (Zie bibl. 2).<br />

Phaiaen opsis erubescens Bmb. Nomen.<br />

Is P. aphrodite Rchb.f. (Zi bib!. 2).<br />

Plta/acnopsis esmeraida Rchb.f.<br />

Is DOI'itis pu/cizcril1l1l LindL (Zic bib!. 2) .<br />

PIIil/acnopsis csmemida Godefroy.<br />

Is Daritis pulchcrima Lind !. (Zi bib!. 2).<br />

• PlltJlae110psis fasciata ,. R hb.f.<br />

Filippijn n .<br />

• Phalacnopsisjimbriilta * J.]. Sm .<br />

Java, Sarawak, Sumatra.<br />

• Phalaellopsis jloresensis * Fow!.<br />

Eiland Flore, Indonesie (wordt niet vermeld in bib!. 2).<br />

Phalaenopsis foestennanii Rchb.f. Is P. pal/ells (Lind!.) Rchb.f. (Zie cib!. 2).<br />

Phalaenopsis forb esii Rid!.<br />

Is P. viridis J.]. Sm.. (Zie bibl. 2).<br />

Phalaenopsis formosana M.iw a.<br />

Is P. aphrodite R hb.f. (Zie bibl. 2).<br />

Phalacllopsis fugax Kraenzlin.<br />

Is SCircochiill5 pallidlls (Bl.) Rchb.f. (Zie bib!. 2) .<br />

• Phalaellopsis fus cata " Rchb.f.<br />

Borneo, Filip pijnen, Malaisi .<br />

Phalael/opsis f!lscata var. Izurstler i.<br />

Is P. klll1stleri Hook.f. (Zie bib!. 2).<br />

• Phaiaenopsis g ibbosa " H .R. Sweet<br />

Vietnam, Laos.<br />

Phalaenopsis<br />

•<br />

Pltalaellopsis fasciata<br />

Rchb.f.<br />

PllIllaenopsis reicJlenbaciliana<br />

Rcllb.f. & Sander<br />


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