lezen - FinPlan vzw

lezen - FinPlan vzw

lezen - FinPlan vzw


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firm shall ensure that tied agents meet the standards that would be required of an<br />

investment firm directly soliciting business or collecting orders as laid down<br />

under the preceding provision (2.3.1);<br />

- ensure that tied agents disclose immediately to any client or prospective client the<br />

capacity in which they are acting and the firm which they are representing. The<br />

content of any marketing communication and manner in which such information<br />

is presented shall meet the standards that would be required of an investment firm<br />

directly soliciting business or collecting orders as laid down under the preceding<br />

provision (2.3.1);<br />

- prevent tied agents from handling money owed by the client to the investment firm<br />

or vice versa;<br />

- monitor its tied agents’ activities and adopt control measures and procedures so<br />

as to ensure that they fulfill, on a continuous basis, the above-mentioned<br />

requirements and that they operate in compliance with the provisions of this<br />

Directive.<br />

Competent authorities shall establish and maintain, under their direct or indirect<br />

(e.g. through the offices of an independent professional body) responsibility, a<br />

register of tied agents. This register shall be updated on a regular basis. Admission<br />

to this register shall be a condition for employment as a tied agent in that Member<br />

State. Admission to the register shall take place on the basis of transparent and<br />

nondiscriminatory criteria (including fitness and propriety requirements). To the<br />

fullest extent possible, account shall be taken of any existing or current<br />

authorization to act as tied agent in another Member State.<br />

Member States shall ensure that when investment firms employ tied agents located<br />

in another Member States, these agents are filed with the register of the State where<br />

they are located and comply with the detailed rules implementing this provision<br />

when providing services to clients in their territory.”<br />

Voor de voorwaarden waaraan verbonden agenten zouden moeten voldoen, verwijst<br />

de Commissie naar de richtlijn betreffende verzekeringsbemiddeling 23 .<br />

De “gevolmachtigde agenten” op wie kredietinstellingen (voor de activiteit<br />

“beleggingsdiensten”) en beleggingsondernemingen in ons land een beroep doen,<br />

kunnen zeker tot de verbonden agenten worden gerekend waarvan sprake in de<br />

geactualiseerde oriëntaties van de Commissie.<br />

De oriëntaties waaraan uitgebreid aandacht wordt besteed in het laatste deel van<br />

deze studie, sluiten aan bij de meeste oriëntaties die door de Europese Commissie<br />

worden vooropgesteld.<br />

23 Zie toelichting hieronder (I.A.2.c)).<br />


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