Nanodeeltjes in zonnebrandcrème en cosmetica - Vereniging ...

Nanodeeltjes in zonnebrandcrème en cosmetica - Vereniging ... Nanodeeltjes in zonnebrandcrème en cosmetica - Vereniging ...
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Wang, J., Zhou, G., Ch<strong>en</strong>, C., Yu, H., Wang, T., Ma, J., Jia, G. Gao, Y., Li, B., Sun, J., Li, Y., Jiao,<br />

F., Zhao, Y., Cha, Z. (2007). Acute toxicity and biodistribution of differ<strong>en</strong>t sized titanium dioxide<br />

particles <strong>in</strong> mice after oral adm<strong>in</strong>istration. Toxicology Letters 168: 176-185<br />

Wang, B., F<strong>en</strong>g, W., Wang, M., Wang, T., Gu, Y., Zhu, M., Ouyang, H., Shi, J., Zhang, F., Zhao, Y.,<br />

Chai, Z., Wang, H., Wang, J. (2008). Acute toxicological impact of nano- and submicro-scaled z<strong>in</strong>c<br />

oxide powder on healthy adult mice. J. Nanopart. Res. 10: 263-276<br />

Zhang, L. M., Jiang, Y., D<strong>in</strong>g, Y., Povey, M., York,. D. (2007). Investigation <strong>in</strong>to the antibacterial<br />

behaviour of susp<strong>en</strong>sions of ZnO nanoparticles (ZnO nanofluids). Journal of Nanoparticle Research<br />

Vol. 9 Iss. 3: 479-489<br />


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