Jaarverslag Hartcentrum 2011 - Olvg

Jaarverslag Hartcentrum 2011 - Olvg Jaarverslag Hartcentrum 2011 - Olvg


PuBLIcatIeS 2011 Promoties Lalezari, S. The arterial switch operation : going back to the roots. Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC), Leiden University, 2011. Riezebos, RK. Biochemical risk assessment and invasive strategies for acute coronary syndromes without ST-segment elevation. AMC-UVA 2011. Publicaties 1. Alexander JH, Lopes RD, James S, Kilaru R, He Y, Mohan P, Bhatt DL, Goodman S, Verheugt FW, Flather M, Huber K, Liaw D, Husted SE, Lopez-Sendon J, De Caterina R, Jansky P, Darius H, Vinereanu D, Cornel JH, Cools F, Atar D, Leiva-Pons JL, Keltai M, Ogawa H, Pais P, Parkhomenko A, Ruzyllo W, Diaz R, White H, Ruda M, Geraldes M, Lawrence J, Harrington RA, Wallentin L. Apixaban with Antiplatelet Therapy after Acute Coronary Syndrome. N Engl J Med 2011 Aug 25;365(8):699- 708 2. Amoroso G, van Geuns RJ, Spaulding C, Manzo-Silberman S, Hauptmann KE, Spaargaren R, Garcia-Garcia HM, Serruys PW, Verheye S. Assessment of the safety and performance of the STENTYS self-expanding coronary stent in acute myocardial infarction: results from the APPOSITION I study. EuroIntervention 2011 Aug;7(4):428-36. 3. Bueno H, Armstrong PW, Buxton MJ, Danchin N, Lubsen J, Roland E, Verheugt FW, Zalewski A, Jackson N, Komajda M, Steg PG. The future of clinical trials in secondary prevention after acute coronary syndromes. Eur Heart J 2011 Jul;32(13):1583-9. 4. Bulut T, Brutel de la Riviere A. Mediastinoscopy as a therapeutic tool. Ann Thorac Surg 2011 May;91(5):1616-8. 5. Dinh T, Baur LH, Pisters R, Kamp O, Verheugt FW, Smeets JL, Cheriex EC, Tieleman RG, Prins MH, Crijns HJ. Feasibility of TEE-guided stroke risk assessment in atrial fibrillationbackground, aims, design and baseline data of the TIARA pilot study. Neth Heart J 2011 May;19(5):214-22. 6. van Dullemen A. Short Stay is safe. Cordiaal 32[3], 76-80. 2011. 7. Gibson CM, Mega JL, Burton P, Goto S, Verheugt FW, Bode C, Plotnikov A, Sun X, Cook-Bruns N, Braunwald E. Rationale and design of the Anti-Xa therapy to lower cardiovascular events in addition to standard therapy in subjects with acute coronary syndrome-thrombolysis in myocardial infarction 51 (ATLAS-ACS 2 TIMI 51) trial: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study to evaluate the efficacy and safety of rivaroxaban in subjects with acute coronary syndrome. Am Heart J 2011 May;161(5):815-21. 10 8. Gomes ME, El Messaoudi S, Lenders JW, Bellersen L, Verheugt FW, Smits P, Tack CJ. High dose ascorbic acid does not reverse central sympathetic overactivity in chronic heart failure. J Clin Pharm Ther 2011 Oct;36(5):546-52. 9. Granger CB, Alexander JH, McMurray JJ, Lopes RD, Hylek EM, Hanna M, Al Khalidi HR, Ansell J, Atar D, Avezum A, Bahit MC, Diaz R, Easton JD, Ezekowitz JA, Flaker G, Garcia D, Geraldes M, Gersh BJ, Golitsyn S, Goto S, Hermosillo AG, Hohnloser SH, Horowitz J, Mohan P, Jansky P, Lewis BS, Lopez-Sendon JL, Pais P, Parkhomenko A, Verheugt FW, Zhu J, Wallentin L. Apixaban versus warfarin in patients with atrial fibrillation. N Engl J Med 2011 Sep 15;365(11):981-92. 10. Harmsze AM, de Boer A, Boot H, Deneer VH, Heringa M, Mol PG, Schalekamp T, Verduijn MM, Verheugt FW, le Comte M. Interactie tussen clopidogrel en protonpompremmers. Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd 2011;155(28):A2442. 11. Korte W, Cattaneo M, Chassot PG, Eichinger S, von Heymann C, Hofmann N, Rickli H, Spannagl M, Ziegler B, Verheugt FW, Huber K. Peri-operative management of antiplatelet therapy in patients with coronary artery disease: joint position paper by members of the working group on Perioperative Haemostasis of the Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis Research (GTH), the working group on Perioperative Coagulation of the Austrian Society for Anesthesiology, Resuscitation and Intensive Care (OGARI) and the Working Group Thrombosis of the European Society for Cardiology (ESC). Thromb Haemost 2011 May;105(5):743-9. 12. Kupreishvili K, Baidoshvili A, ter Weeme M, Huybregts MA, Krijnen PA, Van Hinsbergh VW, Stooker W, Eijsman L, Niessen HW. Degeneration and atherosclerosis inducing increased deposition of type IIA secretory phospholipase A2, C-reactive protein and complement in aortic valves cause neutrophilic granulocyte influx. J Heart Valve Dis 2011 Jan;20(1):29-36. 13. van Kuilenburg J, Lappegard KT, Sexton J, Plesiewicz I, Lap P, Bouwels L, Sprong T, Mollnes TE, Verheugt F, van Heerde WL, Pop GA. Persisting thrombin activity in elderly patients with atrial fibrillation on oral anticoagulation is decreased by antiinflammatory therapy with intensive cholesterol-lowering treatment. J Clin Lipidol 2011 Jul;5(4):273-80. 14. Patterson MS, Dirksen MT, IJsselmuiden AJ, Amoroso G, Slagboom T, Laarman GJ, Schultz C, van Domburg RT, Serruys PW, Kiemeneij F. Primary percutaneous coronary intervention by magnetic navigation compared with conventional wire technique. Eur Heart J 2011 Jun;32(12):1472-8. 15. Riezebos RK, Tijssen JG, Verheugt FW, Laarman GJ. Percutaneous coronary intervention for non ST-elevation acute coronary syndromes: which, when and how? Am J Cardiol 2011 Feb 15;107(4):509-15.

16. Riezebos RK, Laarman GJ, Tijssen JG, Verheugt FW. The value of N-terminal proB-type natriuretic peptide for early identification of myocardial infarction in patients with highrisk non-ST-elevation acute coronary syndromes. Clin Chem Lab Med 2011 Aug;49(8):1359-65. 17. Riezebos RK. Telemonitoring did not reduce readmissions or mortality in patients recently hospitalized for heart failure. Ann Intern Med 2011 Mar 15;154(6):JC3-JC8. 18. van de Sandt FM, Riezebos RK, van der Hulst VP. Ramus Circumflexissimus-A Rare Coronary Anomaly Detected by Coronary Computed Tomography Angiography. Congenit Heart Dis 2011 Jul 1 [Epub ahead of print]. 19. Scheepmaker A, Riezebos RK. Four leaf clover. Neth Heart J 2011 Apr 20 [Epub ahead of print]. 20. Siegelaar SE, Barwari T, Hermanides J, Stooker W, van der Voort PH, DeVries JH. Accuracy and reliability of continuous glucose monitoring in the intensive care unit: a head-to-head comparison of two subcutaneous glucose sensors in cardiac surgery patients. Diabetes Care 2011 Mar;34(3):e31. 21. Somsen GA, et al. Familial Dilated Cardiomyopathy. In: Baars HF, et al., editors. Clinical Cardiogenetics.London: Springer; 2011. 22. Steg PG, Huber K, Andreotti F, Arnesen H, Atar D, Badimon L, Bassand JP, De Caterina R, Eikelboom JA, Gulba D, Hamon M, Helft G, Fox KA, Kristensen SD, Rao SV, Verheugt FW, Widimsky P, Zeymer U, Collet JP. Bleeding in acute coronary syndromes and percutaneous coronary interventions: position paper by the Working Group on Thrombosis of the European Society of Cardiology. Eur Heart J 2011 Aug;32(15):1854-64. 23. Verberne HJ, Verschure DO, Somsen GA, Eck-Smit BL, Jacobson AF. Vascular time-activity variation in patients undergoing (1)(2)(3)I-MIBG myocardial scintigraphy: implications for quantification of cardiac and mediastinal uptake. Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging 2011 Jun;38(6):1132-8. 24. Verheugt FW. Nieuwe antitrombotica bij atriumfibrilleren. Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd 2011;155:A2143. 25. Verheugt FW, Steinhubl SR, Hamon M, Darius H, Steg PG, Valgimigli M, Marso SP, Rao SV, Gershlick AH, Lincoff AM, Mehran R, Stone GW. Incidence, prognostic impact, and influence of antithrombotic therapy on access and nonaccess site bleeding in percutaneous coronary intervention. JACC Cardiovasc Interv 2011 Feb;4(2):191-7. 26. Verheugt FW, Bolte AC. The role of aspirin in women’s health. Int J Womens Health 2011;3:151-66. 27. Verheugt FW. Anticoagulant management in the cardiovascular setting. Fundam Clin Pharmacol 2011;26(1):11-5. 28. Verheugt FW. Triple antithrombotic therapy after coronary stenting: why expert opinion is necessary. Circ Cardiovasc Interv 2011 Oct 1;4(5):410-2. 29. Verheugt FW. Managing acute coronary syndromes and preventing stroke in atrial fibrillation. In: Kakkar AK, editor. Reflection on Thrombosis.London: Remedica; 2011. 30. Vink MA, Dirksen MT, Suttorp MJ, Tijssen JG, van Etten J, Patterson MS, Slagboom T, Kiemeneij F, Laarman GJ. 5-year follow-up after primary percutaneous coronary intervention with a paclitaxel-eluting stent versus a bare-metal stent in acute ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction: a follow-up study of the PASSION (Paclitaxel-Eluting Versus Conventional Stent in Myocardial Infarction with ST-Segment Elevation) trial. JACC Cardiovasc Interv 2011 Jan;4(1):24-9. 31. Vink MA, Patterson MS, van Etten J, IJsselmuiden AJ, Dirksen MT, Amoroso G, Slagboom T, Laarman G, Kiemeneij F. A randomized comparison of manual versus mechanical thrombus removal in primary percutaneous coronary intervention in the treatment of ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (TREAT-MI). Catheter Cardiovasc Interv 2011 Jul 1;78(1):14-9. 32. Vink MA, Kramer MC, Li X, Damman P, Rittersma SZ, Koch KT, van der Wal AC, Tijssen JG, de Winter RJ. Clinical and angiographic predictors and prognostic value of failed thrombus aspiration in primary percutaneous coronary intervention. JACC Cardiovasc Interv 2011 Jun;4(6):634-42. 33. Vink MA, Dirksen MT, Tijssen JG, Suttorp MJ, Patterson MS, van Geloven N, IJsselmuiden AJ, Slagboom T, Kiemeneij F, Laarman GJ. Lack of long-term clinical benefit of thrombus aspiration during primary percutaneous coronary intervention with paclitaxel-eluting stents or bare-metal stents. Post-hoc analysis of the PASSION-trial. Catheter Cardiovasc Interv 2012 May 1; 79(6) 780-7. 34. Vink MA, Van Nooijen FC, Laarman GJ, Suttorp MJ, Tijssen JG, Slagboom T, Patterson MS, Van Der Schaaf RJ, Kiemeneij F, Amoroso G, Dirksen MT. Patency of paclitaxeleluting versus bare metal stents long term after implantation in acute ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction. Am J Cardiol 2011 Nov 1;108(9):1214-9. 35. Vink MA, Amoroso G, Dirksen MT, Van Der Schaaf RJ, Patterson MS, Tijssen JG, Kiemeneij F, Slagboom T. Routine use of the transradial approach in primary percutaneous coronary intervention: procedural aspects and outcomes in 2209 patients treated in a single high-volume centre. Heart 2011 Dec;97(23):1938-42. 36. Walvoort HC, Kaandorp C, Verheugt FW, Veeken H, van Gijn J. Het schrijven van een wetenschappelijk artikel. Houten: Bohn Stafleu van Loghum; 2011. 37. Zwart B, van Werkum JW, Heestermans AA, Kelder JC, Zomer AC, ‘t Hof AW, Verheugt FW, Ten Berg JM. Triggering mechanisms of stent thrombosis. EuroIntervention 2011 Jan;6(6):722-8. 11

PuBLIcatIeS <strong>2011</strong><br />

Promoties<br />

Lalezari, S. The arterial switch operation : going back to the<br />

roots. Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery, Faculty of Medicine,<br />

Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC), Leiden University, <strong>2011</strong>.<br />

Riezebos, RK. Biochemical risk assessment and invasive<br />

strategies for acute coronary syndromes without ST-segment<br />

elevation. AMC-UVA <strong>2011</strong>.<br />

Publicaties<br />

1. Alexander JH, Lopes RD, James S, Kilaru R, He Y, Mohan P,<br />

Bhatt DL, Goodman S, Verheugt FW, Flather M, Huber K,<br />

Liaw D, Husted SE, Lopez-Sendon J, De Caterina R, Jansky P,<br />

Darius H, Vinereanu D, Cornel JH, Cools F, Atar D, Leiva-Pons<br />

JL, Keltai M, Ogawa H, Pais P, Parkhomenko A, Ruzyllo W, Diaz<br />

R, White H, Ruda M, Geraldes M, Lawrence J, Harrington RA,<br />

Wallentin L. Apixaban with Antiplatelet Therapy after Acute<br />

Coronary Syndrome. N Engl J Med <strong>2011</strong> Aug 25;365(8):699-<br />

708<br />

2. Amoroso G, van Geuns RJ, Spaulding C, Manzo-Silberman<br />

S, Hauptmann KE, Spaargaren R, Garcia-Garcia HM, Serruys<br />

PW, Verheye S. Assessment of the safety and performance<br />

of the STENTYS self-expanding coronary stent in acute<br />

myocardial infarction: results from the APPOSITION I study.<br />

EuroIntervention <strong>2011</strong> Aug;7(4):428-36.<br />

3. Bueno H, Armstrong PW, Buxton MJ, Danchin N, Lubsen J,<br />

Roland E, Verheugt FW, Zalewski A, Jackson N, Komajda<br />

M, Steg PG. The future of clinical trials in secondary<br />

prevention after acute coronary syndromes. Eur Heart J <strong>2011</strong><br />

Jul;32(13):1583-9.<br />

4. Bulut T, Brutel de la Riviere A. Mediastinoscopy as a<br />

therapeutic tool. Ann Thorac Surg <strong>2011</strong> May;91(5):1616-8.<br />

5. Dinh T, Baur LH, Pisters R, Kamp O, Verheugt FW, Smeets<br />

JL, Cheriex EC, Tieleman RG, Prins MH, Crijns HJ. Feasibility<br />

of TEE-guided stroke risk assessment in atrial fibrillationbackground,<br />

aims, design and baseline data of the TIARA<br />

pilot study. Neth Heart J <strong>2011</strong> May;19(5):214-22.<br />

6. van Dullemen A. Short Stay is safe. Cordiaal 32[3], 76-80.<br />

<strong>2011</strong>.<br />

7. Gibson CM, Mega JL, Burton P, Goto S, Verheugt FW, Bode<br />

C, Plotnikov A, Sun X, Cook-Bruns N, Braunwald E. Rationale<br />

and design of the Anti-Xa therapy to lower cardiovascular<br />

events in addition to standard therapy in subjects with acute<br />

coronary syndrome-thrombolysis in myocardial infarction<br />

51 (ATLAS-ACS 2 TIMI 51) trial: a randomized, double-blind,<br />

placebo-controlled study to evaluate the efficacy and safety<br />

of rivaroxaban in subjects with acute coronary syndrome.<br />

Am Heart J <strong>2011</strong> May;161(5):815-21.<br />

10<br />

8. Gomes ME, El Messaoudi S, Lenders JW, Bellersen L, Verheugt<br />

FW, Smits P, Tack CJ. High dose ascorbic acid does not reverse<br />

central sympathetic overactivity in chronic heart failure. J<br />

Clin Pharm Ther <strong>2011</strong> Oct;36(5):546-52.<br />

9. Granger CB, Alexander JH, McMurray JJ, Lopes RD, Hylek EM,<br />

Hanna M, Al Khalidi HR, Ansell J, Atar D, Avezum A, Bahit MC,<br />

Diaz R, Easton JD, Ezekowitz JA, Flaker G, Garcia D, Geraldes<br />

M, Gersh BJ, Golitsyn S, Goto S, Hermosillo AG, Hohnloser<br />

SH, Horowitz J, Mohan P, Jansky P, Lewis BS, Lopez-Sendon<br />

JL, Pais P, Parkhomenko A, Verheugt FW, Zhu J, Wallentin L.<br />

Apixaban versus warfarin in patients with atrial fibrillation.<br />

N Engl J Med <strong>2011</strong> Sep 15;365(11):981-92.<br />

10. Harmsze AM, de Boer A, Boot H, Deneer VH, Heringa M, Mol<br />

PG, Schalekamp T, Verduijn MM, Verheugt FW, le Comte M.<br />

Interactie tussen clopidogrel en protonpompremmers. Ned<br />

Tijdschr Geneeskd <strong>2011</strong>;155(28):A2442.<br />

11. Korte W, Cattaneo M, Chassot PG, Eichinger S, von Heymann<br />

C, Hofmann N, Rickli H, Spannagl M, Ziegler B, Verheugt FW,<br />

Huber K. Peri-operative management of antiplatelet therapy<br />

in patients with coronary artery disease: joint position<br />

paper by members of the working group on Perioperative<br />

Haemostasis of the Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis<br />

Research (GTH), the working group on Perioperative<br />

Coagulation of the Austrian Society for Anesthesiology,<br />

Resuscitation and Intensive Care (OGARI) and the Working<br />

Group Thrombosis of the European Society for Cardiology<br />

(ESC). Thromb Haemost <strong>2011</strong> May;105(5):743-9.<br />

12. Kupreishvili K, Baidoshvili A, ter Weeme M, Huybregts MA,<br />

Krijnen PA, Van Hinsbergh VW, Stooker W, Eijsman L, Niessen<br />

HW. Degeneration and atherosclerosis inducing increased<br />

deposition of type IIA secretory phospholipase A2, C-reactive<br />

protein and complement in aortic valves cause neutrophilic<br />

granulocyte influx. J Heart Valve Dis <strong>2011</strong> Jan;20(1):29-36.<br />

13. van Kuilenburg J, Lappegard KT, Sexton J, Plesiewicz I, Lap P,<br />

Bouwels L, Sprong T, Mollnes TE, Verheugt F, van Heerde WL,<br />

Pop GA. Persisting thrombin activity in elderly patients with<br />

atrial fibrillation on oral anticoagulation is decreased by antiinflammatory<br />

therapy with intensive cholesterol-lowering<br />

treatment. J Clin Lipidol <strong>2011</strong> Jul;5(4):273-80.<br />

14. Patterson MS, Dirksen MT, IJsselmuiden AJ, Amoroso<br />

G, Slagboom T, Laarman GJ, Schultz C, van Domburg<br />

RT, Serruys PW, Kiemeneij F. Primary percutaneous<br />

coronary intervention by magnetic navigation compared<br />

with conventional wire technique. Eur Heart J <strong>2011</strong><br />

Jun;32(12):1472-8.<br />

15. Riezebos RK, Tijssen JG, Verheugt FW, Laarman GJ.<br />

Percutaneous coronary intervention for non ST-elevation<br />

acute coronary syndromes: which, when and how? Am J<br />

Cardiol <strong>2011</strong> Feb 15;107(4):509-15.

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