Geobrief 8 - kngmg

Geobrief 8 - kngmg

Geobrief 8 - kngmg


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In liquid form, groundwater is the largest<br />

accessible source of freshwater. It serves<br />

as an essential source for drinking water<br />

and it supplies water for agricultural and<br />

industrial activities. During times of drought,<br />

groundwater has a crucial role to sustain<br />

water flow in rivers, lakes and wetlands<br />

(and thus supports ecosystem habitat and<br />

biodiversity), and its large natural storage<br />

provides a buffer against water shortage.<br />

Nevertheless, groundwater is known as a<br />

vulnerable resource. In many areas, ground-<br />

water is being consumed faster than it is<br />

naturally replenished. Due to climate<br />

change and increased human population,<br />

the pressure upon groundwater resources<br />

is expected to intensify. Hence, monitoring<br />

and predicting groundwater variability and<br />

change are imperative.<br />

Remote sensing<br />

However, assessing groundwater condition<br />

– especially over large areas – is difficult<br />

because it requires large amounts of groundbased<br />

measurement data. The most common<br />

way to measure groundwater states is by<br />

measuring groundwater head or level in a<br />

drilled observation well. Yet, in-situ head<br />

measurements are often sparsely distributed<br />

and the coverage of such head monitoring<br />

networks is mostly limited. Consequently,<br />

large-extent groundwater assessments (at<br />

the sub-continental scale and comprising<br />

multiple basins, aquifers and countries)<br />

are still challenging.<br />

During the last decades, spaceborne remote<br />

sensing applications for hydrological studies<br />

have received increased attention due to<br />

their ability to provide spatially and temporally<br />

exhaustive maps of hydrological properties.<br />

Examples include mapping of global<br />

land surface elevation (SRTM: Shuttle<br />

Radar Topography Mission), precipitation<br />

(TRMM: Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission)<br />

and soil moisture (AMSR-E: Advanced<br />

Microwave Scanning Radiometer-EOS,<br />

SMOS: Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity<br />

satellite), as well as global land surface<br />

temperature, vegetation and land cover<br />

(MODIS: Moderate-resolution Imaging<br />

Spectroradiometer). Yet, the use of satellitebased<br />

data in groundwater hydrology is still<br />

limited. Up to now, only the mission of<br />

GRACE (Gravity Recovery and Climate<br />

Experiment satellite) is recognized as a<br />

groundwater assessment tool, specifically<br />

to detect groundwater storage dynamics<br />

at a coarse resolution (400 km).<br />

Soil Water Index (SWI)<br />

In my Ph.D. research, we intend to explore<br />

the possibilities of using a satellite-based<br />

soil moisture product – having a better<br />

spatial resolution (50 km) than the GRACE<br />

product – for large-scale groundwater studies.<br />

In this research, we used the spatiotemporal<br />

maps of Soil Water Index (SWI) –<br />

derived by Vienna University of Technology<br />

(Austria), based on the scatterometer signals<br />

from European Remote Sensing (ERS)<br />

satellites. We used the monthly time series<br />

of SWI – which represents the moisture<br />

content of the upper profile soil (≤ 1 m<br />

thickness). Figure 1d is a snapshot of SWI<br />

indicating areas with low soil moisture (dry,<br />

indicated in red) and high soil moisture<br />

(wet, blue) soil conditions.<br />

As a test-bed of this research, we used<br />

the Rhine-Meuse basin (Fig. 1), covering<br />

about 200,000 km 2 and supported by<br />

more than four thousands of in-situ<br />

groundwater head time series (Fig. 1c).<br />

In this research, we explore the potential<br />

of using SWI for large-scale groundwater<br />

modeling, specifically in an empirical<br />

Transfer Function-Noise (TFN) model and<br />

a physically-based groundwater flow model<br />


Groundwater head prediction<br />

In the first part of the thesis, it is shown<br />

that a correlation exists between observed<br />

groundwater head and SWI dynamics. This<br />

is apparent mostly for shallow groundwater<br />

areas (see the example as shown in Fig. 2a).<br />

For deep groundwater areas, the correlation<br />

may become apparent if a time-lag is<br />

considered (indicating the response time<br />

between the moisture in upper soil layers<br />

and groundwater compartments). Given<br />

this correlation, a groundwater head prediction<br />

based on SWI should be feasible.<br />

Hence, we performed two exercises in<br />

which SWI time series were used as TFN<br />

model input.<br />

In the first exercise – focusing on forecasting<br />

in time – the TFN model parameters<br />

were estimated based on available groundwater<br />

head measurements in the period<br />

1995-2000. Subsequently, groundwater<br />

head forecasts were made and validated<br />

in the period 2004-2007. In the second<br />

exercise – focusing on spatio-temporal<br />

prediction – the TFN model parameters<br />

were interpolated by using the global digital<br />

elevation map. Using these estimated<br />

parameters, spatio-temporal groundwater<br />

head maps were then made.<br />

Both exercises show good results. Results<br />

of temporal predictions from the first<br />

exercise well reproduce observed head<br />

time series, especially at shallow groundwater<br />

locations (see example in Figs. 2b<br />

and 2c). In such areas, groundwater head<br />

fluctuations are dominated by meteorological<br />

forcing that is also reflected in SWI<br />

soil moisture dynamics (as shown in the<br />

correlation analysis in Fig. 2a).The spatiotemporal<br />

prediction method is able to<br />

predict the head variation in terms of timing<br />

and amplitude reasonably well (see<br />

Fig. 2d). However, the absolute value of<br />

the groundwater head is hardly estimated<br />

(as indicated by the bias between observation<br />

and prediction, Fig. 2d). This is mainly<br />

due the limited accuracy of the currentlyavailable<br />

global digital elevation map<br />

(≤ 16 m).<br />

Fig. 1. The Rhine-Meuse basin used as the study area: The average groundwater head (a) and depth (b) calculated from the PCR-GLOBWB-MOD model;<br />

the head measurement stations used in the study (c); and a snapshot of SWI in August 1995 (d). Figure 1a includes the point x indicating the measurement<br />

station for the graphs in Fig. 2 and the points a, b, c, d, e and f indicating the measurement stations for the graphs in Fig. 3.<br />

december 2012 Geo.brief 13

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