Determinanten huishoudelijk energiegebruik - Instituut Samenleving ...

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Universiteit Antwerpen, STEM Determinanten huishoudelijk energiegebruik Bijlage 1: Referenties literatuurstudie Ajzen I. (1985), From intentions to action: A theory of planned behavior, in: Actioncontrol: From cognition to behavior, Kuhl J. and Beckmann J. (eds), Berlin, pp. 11- 39. Ajzen I. (1991), The theory of Planned Behavior, in: Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 50, pp. 179-211. Aydinalp M., Fung A.S. and Ugursal V.I. (1999), Household Space Heating Equipment Choice Functions, CREEDAC, Ottawa, Ontario, April 1999. Barker T.S. and Peterson W. (eds) (1987), The Cambridge Multisectoral Dynamic Model of the British Economy, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. Becker L.J., Seligman C., Fazio R.H. and Darley M.J. (1981), Relating attitudes to residential energy use, in: Environment and Behavior, 13, pp. 590-609. Boonekamp P.G.M. (1997), Monitoring the energy use of households using a simulation model, in: Energy Policy, Vol. 25, Nos 7-9, pp. 781-787. Brown M., Levine M., Romm J., Rosenfeld A. and Koorney J. (1998), Engineeringeconomic studies of energy technologies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions: opportunities and challenges, in: Annual Review of Energy and Environment, 23, pp. 287-385. Costanzo, M., D. Archer, E. Aronson, and T. Pettigrew (1986), Energy Conservation Behavior: The Difficult Path from Information to Action, in: American Psychologist, 41(5). Darley J.M. and Beniger J.R. (1981), Diffusion of Energy-Conserving Innovations, in: Journal of Social Issues, 37 (2), pp. 150-171. De Young R. and Kaplan S. (1986), Conservation Behavior and the Structure of Satisfaction, in: Journal of Environmental Systems, 15 (3), pp. 233-242. Dillman, D. A., Rosa E.A. and Dillman J.J. (1983), Lifestyle and Home Energy Conservation in the United States: The Poor Accept Lifestyle Cutbacks While the Wealthy Invest in Conservation, in: Journal of Economic Psychology,. 3, pp. 3–4. Ester P. (1985), Consumer Behavior and Energy Conservation, Dordrecht, Martinus Nijhoff. Fishbein M. and Ajzen I. (1975), Belief, Attitude, Intention and Behavior: An Introduction to Theory and Research, Reading, MA: Addsion-Wesley. Fung A.S. Guler F., Aydinalp M. and Ugursal V.I. (2000), Development of Canadian Residential Energy Use and Emission Model (CREEDAC-2000-8-3), Canadian Residential Energy End-use Data and Analysis Centre, Dalhousie University, Nova Scotia, Canada, September 2000. Greening, L.A., D.L. Greene and C. Difiglio (2000), Energy efficiency and consumption – the rebound effect - a survey, in: Energy Policy, 28, pp. 389-401. Heijs W. (1999), Huishoudelijke energiegebruik: gewoontegedrag en interventiemogelijkheden, Rapport voor Novem, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven. Hoevenagel, R., van Rijn, U., Steg, L., de Wit, H. (1996), Milieurelevant Consumentengedrag, ontwikkeling conceptueel model, Sociaal en Cultureel Planbureau, Den Haag 111

Determinanten huishoudelijk energiegebruik Universiteit Antwerpen, STEM Hwang R.J., Brown R.E., Hanford J.W. and Koomey J.G. (1994), Residential Appliance Data, Assumptions and Methodology (LBL-34-046), Lawrence Berkely Laboratory, University of California, Berkeley, CA, May 1994. Jeeninga H. en Boots M.G. (2001), Ontwikkeling van het huishoudelijk energieverbruik in een geliberaliseerde energiemarkt Effecten op aankoop- en gebruiksgedrag, ECN-C—01-002, Energieonderzoek Centrum Nederland (ECN), Petten, Januari 2001. Johnstone N. (1994), An empirical analysis of air pollution emissions policy for the UK residential sector, in: Environmental Resource Economics, 8, pp. 367-374. Koomey, J.G., et al., 1995, Residential sector end-use forecasting with EPRI-REEPS 2.1: summary input assumptions and results (LBL-34-044). On-line available on: Lafferty R., Hunger D., Ballard J., Mahrenholz G., Mead D., Bandera D. (2001), Demand Responsiveness in Electricity Markets, Office of Markets, Tariffs and Rates, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), January 15, 2001. Lutzenhiser L. (2002), Marketing Household Energy Conservation: The Message and the Reality, in: New Tools for Environmental Protection: Education, Information and Voluntary Measures, The National Academy of Sciences, pp. 49-65. Lutzenhiser, L (2002), An exploratory analysis of residential energy conservation survey and billing data: Southern California Edison, Summer 2001, California energy commission. On-line beschikbaar op: 20_400-02-006F.PDF Marcus W.B., Ruszovan G. and Nahigian J.A. (2002), Economic and Demographic Factors Affecting California Residential Energy Use, JBS Energy, West Sacramento, California, September 2002. McMahon ,J.E., 1987, The LBL Residential energy model: an improved policy analysis tool, in: Energy Systems and Policy, Vol. 10, Nr. 1 Micklewright J. (1989), Towards a household model of UK domestic energy demand, in: Energy Policy, June 1989. Ministerie van de Vlaamse Gemeenschap, ANRE (2003), Enquête energiegebruik huishoudens in Vlaanderen in 2003. Ministerie van de Vlaamse Gemeenschap, Afdeling Natuurlijke Rijkdommen en Energies.a., Ideeën voor energiezuinig wonen on-line beschikbaar op: en.pdf Ministerie van de Vlaamse Gemeenschap, Afdeling Natuurlijke Rijkdommen en Energie, Ideeën voor energiezuinig bouwen en verbouwen. On-line beschikbaar op: wen.pdf Ministerie van de Vlaamse Gemeenschap, Afdeling Natuurlijke Rijkdommen en Energie, Enquêtes naar het energiegebruik en energiegedrag bij Vlaamse gezinnen (1998 , 2001, 2003). On-line beschikbaar op: 03synthese.doc; e2001synthese.pdf MIRA-T 2004, Milieu- en Natuurrapport Vlaanderen, Vlaamse Milieumaatschappij (VMM), Erembodegem. On-line beschikbaar op: www. 112

Universiteit Antwerpen, STEM <strong>Determinanten</strong> <strong>huishoudelijk</strong> <strong>energiegebruik</strong><br />

Bijlage 1: Referenties literatuurstudie<br />

Ajzen I. (1985), From intentions to action: A theory of planned behavior, in: Actioncontrol:<br />

From cognition to behavior, Kuhl J. and Beckmann J. (eds), Berlin, pp. 11-<br />

39.<br />

Ajzen I. (1991), The theory of Planned Behavior, in: Organizational Behavior and<br />

Human Decision Processes, 50, pp. 179-211.<br />

Aydinalp M., Fung A.S. and Ugursal V.I. (1999), Household Space Heating<br />

Equipment Choice Functions, CREEDAC, Ottawa, Ontario, April 1999.<br />

Barker T.S. and Peterson W. (eds) (1987), The Cambridge Multisectoral Dynamic<br />

Model of the British Economy, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.<br />

Becker L.J., Seligman C., Fazio R.H. and Darley M.J. (1981), Relating attitudes to<br />

residential energy use, in: Environment and Behavior, 13, pp. 590-609.<br />

Boonekamp P.G.M. (1997), Monitoring the energy use of households using a<br />

simulation model, in: Energy Policy, Vol. 25, Nos 7-9, pp. 781-787.<br />

Brown M., Levine M., Romm J., Rosenfeld A. and Koorney J. (1998), Engineeringeconomic<br />

studies of energy technologies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions:<br />

opportunities and challenges, in: Annual Review of Energy and Environment, 23, pp.<br />

287-385.<br />

Costanzo, M., D. Archer, E. Aronson, and T. Pettigrew (1986), Energy Conservation<br />

Behavior: The Difficult Path from Information to Action, in: American Psychologist,<br />

41(5).<br />

Darley J.M. and Beniger J.R. (1981), Diffusion of Energy-Conserving Innovations, in:<br />

Journal of Social Issues, 37 (2), pp. 150-171.<br />

De Young R. and Kaplan S. (1986), Conservation Behavior and the Structure of<br />

Satisfaction, in: Journal of Environmental Systems, 15 (3), pp. 233-242.<br />

Dillman, D. A., Rosa E.A. and Dillman J.J. (1983), Lifestyle and Home Energy<br />

Conservation in the United States: The Poor Accept Lifestyle Cutbacks While the<br />

Wealthy Invest in Conservation, in: Journal of Economic Psychology,. 3, pp. 3–4.<br />

Ester P. (1985), Consumer Behavior and Energy Conservation, Dordrecht, Martinus<br />

Nijhoff.<br />

Fishbein M. and Ajzen I. (1975), Belief, Attitude, Intention and Behavior: An<br />

Introduction to Theory and Research, Reading, MA: Addsion-Wesley.<br />

Fung A.S. Guler F., Aydinalp M. and Ugursal V.I. (2000), Development of Canadian<br />

Residential Energy Use and Emission Model (CREEDAC-2000-8-3), Canadian<br />

Residential Energy End-use Data and Analysis Centre, Dalhousie University, Nova<br />

Scotia, Canada, September 2000.<br />

Greening, L.A., D.L. Greene and C. Difiglio (2000), Energy efficiency and<br />

consumption – the rebound effect - a survey, in: Energy Policy, 28, pp. 389-401.<br />

Heijs W. (1999), Huishoudelijke <strong>energiegebruik</strong>: gewoontegedrag en<br />

interventiemogelijkheden, Rapport voor Novem, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven.<br />

Hoevenagel, R., van Rijn, U., Steg, L., de Wit, H. (1996), Milieurelevant<br />

Consumentengedrag, ontwikkeling conceptueel model, Sociaal en Cultureel<br />

Planbureau, Den Haag<br />


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