NTOG 2010 10

NTOG 2010 10

NTOG 2010 10


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<strong>10</strong><br />

Nederlands tijdschrift voor Obstetrie & Gynaecologie vol. 123, december <strong>20<strong>10</strong></strong><br />

2006,3:CD004454.<br />

2. Effect of corticosteroids for fetal maturation on<br />

perinatal outcomes. NIH Consens Statement<br />

1994,12:1-24.<br />

3. Development of audit measures and guidelines for<br />

good practice in the management of neonatal<br />

respiratory distress syndrome. Report of a Joint<br />

Working Group of the British Association of<br />

Perinatal Medicine and the Research Unit of the<br />

Royal College of Physicians. Arch Dis Child<br />

1992;67:1221-7.<br />

4. Been JV, Kramer BW, Zimmermann LJ. Antenatal<br />

corticosteroids to prevent preterm birth. Lancet<br />

2009;373:894.<br />

5. Goldenberg RL, Andrews WW, Faye-Petersen OM,<br />

Cliver SP, Goepfert AR, Hauth JC. The Alabama<br />

Samenvatting<br />

Toediening van antenatale steroïden bij dreigende<br />

vroeggeboorte behoort tot de dagelijkse praktijk.<br />

Er bestaat echter weinig duidelijkheid omtrent de<br />

veiligheid en effectiviteit van deze behandeling bij<br />

verdenking op een intra-uteriene infectie (chorioamnionitis).<br />

In een survey onder Nederlandse perinatologen<br />

blijken de meningen en praktijkvoering<br />

ten aanzien van deze kwestie sterk uiteen te lopen.<br />

De meerderheid van de deelnemers vindt een gerandomiseerde<br />

trial zinvol.<br />

Trefwoorden<br />

chorioamnionitis, vroeggeboorte, antenatale steroiden,<br />

survey<br />

Summary<br />

Administration of antenatal steroids is common<br />

practice in immient preterm delivery. However,<br />

there is debate concerning the safety and efficacy<br />

of antenatal steroids when intrauterine infection/<br />

inflammation (chorioamnionitis) is suspected. A nationwide<br />

survey was performed among Dutch perinatologists<br />

to explore their opinions on the use of<br />

antenatal steroids in preterm delivery with suspected<br />

chorioamnionitis. There was great diversity in<br />

perinatologists’ opinions on the safety and efficacy<br />

of antenatal steroids in preterm labour with clinical<br />

chorioamnionitis. The majority feel that there<br />

is lack of evidence on the subject and favour a randomised<br />

clinical trial addressing the issue.<br />

Keywords<br />

chorioamnionitis, preterm birth, antenatal steroids,<br />

survey<br />

preterm birth study: corticosteroids and neonatal<br />

outcomes in 23- to 32-week newborns with various<br />

markers of intrauterine infection. Am J Obstet<br />

Gynecol 2006;195:<strong>10</strong>20-4.<br />

6. Been JV, Rours IG, Kornelisse RF, et al. Histologic<br />

chorioamnionitis, fetal involvement, and antenatal<br />

steroids: effects on neonatal outcome in preterm<br />

infants. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2009;201:587.e1-8.<br />

7. Been JV, Degraeuwe PL, Kramer BW, Zimmermann<br />

LJ. Antenatal steroids and neonatal<br />

outcome after chorioamnionitis: a meta-analysis.<br />

BJOG <strong>20<strong>10</strong></strong> Nov 4 [Epub ahead of print].<br />

8. Sweet DG, Huggett MT, Warner JA, et al. Maternal<br />

betamethasone and chorioamnionitis induce<br />

different collagenases during lung maturation in<br />

fetal sheep. Neonatology 2008;94:79-86.<br />

Gemelde (financiële) belangenverstrengeling<br />

geen<br />

Auteurs<br />

Drs. S. Lievense MSc, student arts-klinisch onderzoeker,<br />

afdeling Kindergeneeskunde en School<br />

for Oncology and Developmental Biology (GROW),<br />

Maastricht Universitair Medisch Centrum<br />

Dr. B.W. Kramer, kinderarts-neonatoloog, afdeling<br />

Kindergeneeskunde en School for Oncology and<br />

Developmental Biology (GROW), Maastricht Universitair<br />

Medisch Centrum<br />

Prof. dr. L.J.I. Zimmermann, kinderarts-neonatoloog,<br />

afdeling Kindergeneeskunde en School for<br />

Oncology and Developmental Biology (GROW),<br />

Maastricht Universitair Medisch Centrum<br />

Prof. dr. J.G. Nijhuis, gynaecoloog-perinatoloog,<br />

afdeling Obstetrie en Gynaecologie en School for<br />

Oncology and Developmental Biology (GROW),<br />

Maastricht Universitair Medisch Centrum<br />

Dr. J.V. Been, kinderarts in opleiding, afdeling Kindergeneeskunde<br />

en School for Public Health and<br />

Primary Care (CAPHRI), Maastricht Universitair Medisch<br />

Centrum<br />

Correspondentieadres<br />

Jasper V. Been<br />

Maastricht Universitair Medisch Centrum<br />

Afdeling Kindergeneeskunde<br />

Postbus 5800<br />

6202 AZ Maastricht<br />

Telefoon: 043-3876543<br />

E-mail: jasper.been@mumc.nl

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