PSK - Hogeschool Zuyd

PSK - Hogeschool Zuyd PSK - Hogeschool Zuyd


Literatuurlijst Abrams D, Davidson M, Harrick J, Harvourt P, Zylinksi M & Clancy J. Monitoring the change: Current trends in outcome measure usage in physiotherapy. Man Ther 2006(11):46-53 Bekkering GE, Engers AJ, Wensing M, Hendriks HJM, van Tulder MW,Oostendorp RA & Bouter LM. Development of an implementation strategy for physiotherapy guidelines on low back pain. Australian Journal of Physiotherapy. 2003; 49: 208-214. Berwick DM. Disseminating innovations in health care. JAMA 2003; 289:1969-1975. Beurskens AJ, Vet HC de, Köke AJA, Lindeman E, Heijden van der GJ, Regtop W & Knipschild PG. A patient –specific approach for measuring functional status in low back pain. J Manipulative Physiol Ther 1999; 22: 144-8. Bosch M, van der Weyden T, Wensing M & Grol M. Tailoring quality interventions to identified barriers: a multiple case analysis. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice. 2006: 1-8. Butland RJA, Pang J, Gross ER, Woodcock AA & Geddes DM. Two-, Six and 12-minute walking tests in respiratory diseases. British Medical Journal.1982, 284: 1607-1608. Epstein RM, Alper BS & Quill TE. Communicating evidence for participatory decision making. JAMA 2004; 291(19):2359-2366. Garland AF, Kruse M & Aarons GA. Clinicians and outcome measurement: What‟s the use? J Behav Health Service & Res 2003; 30(4):393-405. Grimshaw JM, Shirran L, Thomas R, Mowatt G, Fraser C, Bero L, Grilli R, Harvey E, Oxman A & O‟Brien MA. Changing provider behavior; an overview of systematic reviews of interventions. Medical care 2001; 39(8): Suppl 2:2-45. Grimshaw J, McAuley LM, Bero LA, Grilli R, Oxman AD, Ramsay C, Vale L & Zwarenstein M. Systematic reviews of the effectiveness of quality improvement strategies and programmes. Qual Saf Health Care. 2003 Aug;12(4):298-303. Grimshaw JM, Thomas RE, MacLennan G, Fraser C, Ramsay CR, Vale L, Whitty P, Eccles MP, Matowe L, Shiorran L, Wensing M, Dijkstra R & Donaldson C. Effectiviness and efficiency of guideline dissemination and implementation strategies. Health Technology Assessment. 2004; Vol 8: number 6. Implementatie PSK en 6-MWT in de eerstelijns fysiotherapiepraktijk 25

Grol R & Grimshaw J. From the best evidence to the best practise: effective implementation of change in patients‟ care. The Lancet. 2003; Vol 362: 1225-1230. Grol R & Wensing M. Implementatie. Effectieve verandering in de patiëntenzorg. Maarssen: Elsevier gezondheidszorg. 2006. Haigh R, Tennant A, Biering-Sorensen F, Grimby G, Marincek C & Phillips S. The use of outcome measures in physical medicine and rehabilitation within Europe. J Rehabil Med 2001; 33(6):273-278. Haines A, Kuruvilla S & Borchert M. Bridging the implementation gap between knowledge and action for health. Bulletin of the World Health Organization 2004; 82(10)724-732. Jong K de et al. Richtlijnen 10m timed walking test. Utrecht: Revalidatiecentrum De Hoogstraat. 2000. Köke AJA. Patiënt Specifiek Klacht. Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Fysiotherapie. 2007; 117 (4)154. Küsters C, Schmitz T, Schröders V & Beurskens S. De juiste vraag gesteld?! Het aanpassen van de vragenlijst Patiënt Specifieke Klachten aan verschillende ziektebeelden. Afstudeerscriptie Fysiotherapie. Heerlen: Hogeschool Zuyd, 2006. Maher C & Williams M. Factors influencing the use of outcome measures in physiotherapy management of lung transplant patients in Australia and New Zealand. Physiother Theory Pract 2005; 21(4):201-217 Maso I. & Smaling A. Kwalitatief onderzoek: praktijk en theorie. Amsterdam: Boom. 1998. Metcalfe C, Lewin R, Wisher S, Perry S, Bannigan K & Klaber-Moffett J. Barriers to implementing the evidence base in four NHS Therapies. Physiotherapy, 2001, vol 87, no 8: 433-441. Peppen RPS van, Maissan JF, Van Genderen FR, Van Dolder R & Van Meeteren NLU. Clinimetrics in physiotherapy-management of patients with stroke: a survey into self-reported use, barriers and facilitators for its implementation. Submitted. Peters ML, Patijn J, & Lamé I. Pain assessment in younger and older patients: psychometric properties and patient preference of five commonly used measures of pain intensity. Pain medicine 2007; 8 (7): 601-610. Implementatie PSK en 6-MWT in de eerstelijns fysiotherapiepraktijk 26

Grol R & Grimshaw J. From the best evidence to the best practise: effective implementation of change<br />

in patients‟ care. The Lancet. 2003; Vol 362: 1225-1230.<br />

Grol R & Wensing M. Implementatie. Effectieve verandering in de patiëntenzorg. Maarssen: Elsevier<br />

gezondheidszorg. 2006.<br />

Haigh R, Tennant A, Biering-Sorensen F, Grimby G, Marincek C & Phillips S. The use of outcome<br />

measures in physical medicine and rehabilitation within Europe. J Rehabil Med 2001; 33(6):273-278.<br />

Haines A, Kuruvilla S & Borchert M. Bridging the implementation gap between knowledge and action<br />

for health. Bulletin of the World Health Organization 2004; 82(10)724-732.<br />

Jong K de et al. Richtlijnen 10m timed walking test. Utrecht: Revalidatiecentrum De Hoogstraat. 2000.<br />

Köke AJA. Patiënt Specifiek Klacht. Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Fysiotherapie. 2007; 117 (4)154.<br />

Küsters C, Schmitz T, Schröders V & Beurskens S. De juiste vraag gesteld?! Het aanpassen van de<br />

vragenlijst Patiënt Specifieke Klachten aan verschillende ziektebeelden. Afstudeerscriptie<br />

Fysiotherapie. Heerlen: <strong>Hogeschool</strong> <strong>Zuyd</strong>, 2006.<br />

Maher C & Williams M. Factors influencing the use of outcome measures in physiotherapy<br />

management of lung transplant patients in Australia and New Zealand. Physiother Theory Pract 2005;<br />

21(4):201-217<br />

Maso I. & Smaling A. Kwalitatief onderzoek: praktijk en theorie. Amsterdam: Boom. 1998.<br />

Metcalfe C, Lewin R, Wisher S, Perry S, Bannigan K & Klaber-Moffett J. Barriers to implementing the<br />

evidence base in four NHS Therapies. Physiotherapy, 2001, vol 87, no 8: 433-441.<br />

Peppen RPS van, Maissan JF, Van Genderen FR, Van Dolder R & Van Meeteren NLU. Clinimetrics in<br />

physiotherapy-management of patients with stroke: a survey into self-reported use, barriers and<br />

facilitators for its implementation. Submitted.<br />

Peters ML, Patijn J, & Lamé I. Pain assessment in younger and older patients: psychometric<br />

properties and patient preference of five commonly used measures of pain intensity. Pain medicine<br />

2007; 8 (7): 601-610.<br />

Implementatie <strong>PSK</strong> en 6-MWT in de eerstelijns fysiotherapiepraktijk 26

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