Zonnestraling in Nederland - Knmi

Zonnestraling in Nederland - Knmi Zonnestraling in Nederland - Knmi


S U M M AR Y In this book both physical and statistical aspects of solar radiation in the Netherlands are discussed. Emphasis is put on available data of global, diffuse, direct-beam and long-wave radiation of the climate. After a brief introductory chapter, the second chapter deals with the properties of solar radiation in the atmosphere at an elementary level. The electromagnetic spectrum is introducedin section 2.1. Section 2.2 starts with the physical aspects of absorption, emission and scattering of radiation. After that, attention is paid to absorption and scattering in the atmosphere and to the energy budget of the Earth-atmosphere system. Formulas are given for absorption, scattering and extinction and the optical mass is introduced. Section 2.3 is devoted to the turbidity. Linke's turbidity factor and the turbidity formulas according to Angström and Schüepp are reviewed. The concept of transmittance to calculate direct-beam radiation is given in section 2.4. Data for absorption by ozone, water vapour and other gases, as well as Rayleigh scattering and absorption by aerosols are included in this section. A short subsection is devoted to the reflected radiation or the albedo of various surfaces. In section 2.5 an empirical equation is introduced, estimating the incoming long-wave radiation according to Swinbank. This has been used to calculate the long-wave radiation climate in the Netherlands. In chapter 3 attention is paid to radiation instruments and to the network for radiation and sunshine measurements in the Netherlands. The pyrheliometer for measuring direct-beam radiation is discussed, with the Angström and Linke-Feussner pyrheliometers as examples of instruments which require calibration, and the cavity pyrheliometer as an example of a selfcalibrating instrument. Measurements of the direct-beam radiation at De Bilt have been made with the Linke-Feussner instrument. Kipp and Eppley pyranometers used for measuring global radiation in the Netherlands are discussed. A short subsection is devoted to the diffusometer for measuring the diffuse radiation. Next, the Campbell-Stokes sunshine recorder to measure the duration of sunshine and the new automatic sunshine recorders of Soni and Haenni are briefly described. Sunshine observations with the Campbell-Stokes recorder commenced in 1899 at De Bilt. At present there are 35 stations in the network (Table 3.2 and Figure 3.9). Global radiation observations commenced in 1957 at De Bilt. Ten years later the network consisted of 5 stations. Now there are 19 stations where global radiation is measured (Table 3.1 and Figure 3.8). Direct radiation has been measured at De Bilt since 1971 and diffuse radiation since 1986. Also, from 1979 to 1981 the global radiation was measured at Cabauw for 12 differently inclined surfaces. 151

In chapter 4 the results are given of the global radiation measured at seven stations and the direct radiation measured at De Bilt. These results are supplemented with calculated values of direct radiation at four other stations. The diffuse radiation is calculated as the difference between global and direct radiation. The Tables 4.1,4.11, 4.12 and 4.15 show the daily means of global, direct, diffuse and incoming long-wave radiation respectively in MJ m 2 per 10 days, month, season and year. The diurnal cycles per month of the global, direct, diffuse and incoming long-wave radiation are given in the Tables 4.4, 4.13,4.14 and 4.16 respectively. Comparison of the long-term records of global radiation and duration of sunshine (Figure 4.1) shows that the forties were, so far, the sunniest decennium of this century. The fifties and sixties were less sunny, then the amount of solar radiation increased in the seventies and decreased again during the last decennium. Frequency distributions of daily and hourly solar radiation are given for global radiation only (Tables 4.5-4.9). The average longest runs of days with a global radiation sum above various threshold values have been calculated for De Bilt and are presented in Table 4.10. The results of calculations of incoming long-wave radiation are discussed in section 4.3. They are compared with the results of two short series of measurements. It appears that the calculations did not reproduce the measured diurnal cycle very well. In section 4.4 the results of observations on the duration of sunshine are presented. The data are given in Tables 4.17 and 4.18. Special measurements to investigate the small-scale space variability of global radiation are described in section 4.5. It appeared that due to air pollution in the industrialised Rijnmond area the amount of global radiation in the city of Rotterdam and leewards of the industrial area is less than upwind of the industrial area; the differences are 11 per cent in the summer and 19 per cent in winter. At a small-scale line of stations perpendicular to the North Sea coast measurements have been made to investigate coastal effects on solar radiation. They show that the global radiation decreases about 3 per cent over a 10 km distance inland. Section 4.6 gives some examples of global, direct and diffuse radiation during different weather types: 23 May 1989, a clear day with low turbidity; 20 May 1989, a clear day with high turbidity; 10 March 1989, a day which is initially sunny, becoming alternating cloudy and ending totally cloudy; 6 March 1989, a sunny day with Cirrus clouds and condensation trails; 21 March 1989, a day with highly variable cloudiness. Chapter 5 presents models for estimating solar radiation on horizontal and inclined surfaces. The contents are based partly on the results of a study by Task Group IX "Solar radiation and pyranometry studies" of the International Energy Agency Solar Heating and Cooling Programme to evaluate the performance of numerical models estimating horizontal and inclined surface solar radiation. In section 5.1 formulas are given to calculate the solar radiation at the top of the atmosphere (the extraterrestrial radiation), taking into account the variable Sun-Earth distance. For the latter the equations of Spencer, Duffie and Beekman, and Dogniaux are introduced. The models for calculating the solar radiation on the horizontal surface are classified in the following categories: cloud layer models, total cloud-based models, sunshine-regression models and Liu and Jordan-type models. Since the last two categories are mostly used, various examples are given. The Liu and Jordan-type model, fitted to Netherlands' circumstances by De Jong (1980), has been used to calculate the direct-beam radiation of which the results are given in chapter 4. Models for estimating solar irradiance on inclined surfaces are treated in section 5.2. The radiation on any oriented surface is expressed in the irradiance on the horizontal surface and divided in its direct and diffuse component. The models are grouped in categories applicable 152

S U M M AR Y<br />

In this book both physical and statistical aspects of solar radiation <strong>in</strong> the Netherlands are<br />

discussed. Emphasis is put on available data of global, diffuse, direct-beam and long-wave<br />

radiation of the climate.<br />

After a brief <strong>in</strong>troductory chapter, the second chapter deals with the properties of solar<br />

radiation <strong>in</strong> the atmosphere at an elementary level. The electromagnetic spectrum is <strong>in</strong>troduced<strong>in</strong><br />

section 2.1.<br />

Section 2.2 starts with the physical aspects of absorption, emission and scatter<strong>in</strong>g of radiation.<br />

After that, attention is paid to absorption and scatter<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> the atmosphere and to the<br />

energy budget of the Earth-atmosphere system. Formulas are given for absorption, scatter<strong>in</strong>g<br />

and ext<strong>in</strong>ction and the optical mass is <strong>in</strong>troduced.<br />

Section 2.3 is devoted to the turbidity. L<strong>in</strong>ke's turbidity factor and the turbidity formulas<br />

accord<strong>in</strong>g to Angström and Schüepp are reviewed.<br />

The concept of transmittance to calculate direct-beam radiation is given <strong>in</strong> section 2.4. Data<br />

for absorption by ozone, water vapour and other gases, as well as Rayleigh scatter<strong>in</strong>g and<br />

absorption by aerosols are <strong>in</strong>cluded <strong>in</strong> this section. A short subsection is devoted to the<br />

reflected radiation or the albedo of various surfaces.<br />

In section 2.5 an empirical equation is <strong>in</strong>troduced, estimat<strong>in</strong>g the <strong>in</strong>com<strong>in</strong>g long-wave<br />

radiation accord<strong>in</strong>g to Sw<strong>in</strong>bank. This has been used to calculate the long-wave radiation<br />

climate <strong>in</strong> the Netherlands.<br />

In chapter 3 attention is paid to radiation <strong>in</strong>struments and to the network for radiation and<br />

sunsh<strong>in</strong>e measurements <strong>in</strong> the Netherlands. The pyrheliometer for measur<strong>in</strong>g direct-beam<br />

radiation is discussed, with the Angström and L<strong>in</strong>ke-Feussner pyrheliometers as examples of<br />

<strong>in</strong>struments which require calibration, and the cavity pyrheliometer as an example of a selfcalibrat<strong>in</strong>g<br />

<strong>in</strong>strument. Measurements of the direct-beam radiation at De Bilt have been made<br />

with the L<strong>in</strong>ke-Feussner <strong>in</strong>strument.<br />

Kipp and Eppley pyranometers used for measur<strong>in</strong>g global radiation <strong>in</strong> the Netherlands are<br />

discussed. A short subsection is devoted to the diffusometer for measur<strong>in</strong>g the diffuse radiation.<br />

Next, the Campbell-Stokes sunsh<strong>in</strong>e recorder to measure the duration of sunsh<strong>in</strong>e and the<br />

new automatic sunsh<strong>in</strong>e recorders of Soni and Haenni are briefly described. Sunsh<strong>in</strong>e observations<br />

with the Campbell-Stokes recorder commenced <strong>in</strong> 1899 at De Bilt. At present there<br />

are 35 stations <strong>in</strong> the network (Table 3.2 and Figure 3.9).<br />

Global radiation observations commenced <strong>in</strong> 1957 at De Bilt. Ten years later the network<br />

consisted of 5 stations. Now there are 19 stations where global radiation is measured (Table<br />

3.1 and Figure 3.8). Direct radiation has been measured at De Bilt s<strong>in</strong>ce 1971 and diffuse<br />

radiation s<strong>in</strong>ce 1986. Also, from 1979 to 1981 the global radiation was measured at Cabauw<br />

for 12 differently <strong>in</strong>cl<strong>in</strong>ed surfaces.<br />


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